What to plant under the fir trees in the garden. Blue spruce on the site: a bad omen, superstitions and interesting facts

Tree planting: compatibility

Only others grow well next to the spruce coniferous crops and heather (blueberries, rhododendrons, honeysuckle, etc.) get along well.

But apple trees are very flexible, many cultures feel good next to them, which is often not good for apple trees. But on the other hand, they feel good if oak, linden, poplar, maple are planted in the distance ...

Roses do not like anyone, preferring to grow in splendid isolation. However, they do not harm their neighbors either. For some varieties of roses, a small openwork shadow is beneficial - flowers and buds do not fade so much in the sun and acquire a more saturated color.

Walnuts and hazelnuts do not like anyone at all, they crowd out any culture, even shade tolerant plants: viburnum, chokeberry- and they wither under them ...

Mock orange, lilac, roses, viburnum, barberry, horse chestnut, fir oppress apple and pear trees.

Cherry likes to grow next to cherries, cherries, grapes, apple trees.

Plum does not like the neighborhood of pears, prefers black currants.

Raspberries cannot stand red currants, cherries cannot stand black currants.


It is good if preferences are taken into account before laying the garden. And if not, then what - cut down trees? It can be cut down and uprooted. But such an approach means losing several years that were spent on the growth and formation of trees. Instead of an ax, you can force incompatible cultures to “make friends”.

Take, for example, raspberries and strawberries. They are bad neighbors not because of energy, but because they have common diseases and pests. In principle, this is not scary, only the growth phases do not coincide.

For protection, it is necessary to process adjacent landings at the same time. Otherwise, pests and diseases will master the simple trick that is demonstrated in apartment buildings cockroaches: if we kill strawberries, everyone will run into raspberries ... And vice versa.

Therefore, you can spray more often, trying to carry out treatments at the same time, and then the pests will not survive until the next new year. (At the same time, it is necessary to spray them at the beginning of bud break. Then, when the strawberries bloom, cover them with a film and process the raspberries again. The third time the plantings are sprayed after harvesting the raspberries and strawberries).

Birch - bad neighbor not because it's a vampire tree. It just has a powerful surface root system that beats other crops in the race for water and fertilizer. Drill holes 40 cm deep along the periphery of neighboring trees with a drill, add additional fertilizers to them and water them - then the trees will stop withering.

It is quite possible to plant shade-tolerant crops under a walnut if you carefully collect the foliage every autumn and burn it. Then harmful "emissions" will decrease and joint "living" will become possible.

Spruce is bad because it acidifies the soil. In the Middle lane, this is bad, on the alkaline soils of the South, on the contrary, it will be beneficial. Well, powerful growth can be limited by secateurs.

But almost all the trees next to the birch do not grow well, wither and often get sick. Draw your own conclusions and good luck

Coniferous trees and shrubs are unpretentious in their care and delight the eye with lush greenery even on cold winter days. There are many prejudices about planting firs and pines near the house. Some of them are not without foundation.

What conifers to plant in the country to decorate the site and bring prosperity and prosperity to the house, we will find out today.

Types of trees and shrubs, their properties and impact on humans

Popular beliefs say that the sharp needles of pines and fir trees are protected from the evil eye. But at the same time, it is not advised to plant these trees near the house, as they attract the early death of the owners.

Is it so?

Christmas tree - the main beauty of the New Year holidays

Where does the belief that spruce brings misfortune and death to the house come from? Even in pagan times, this tree was associated with the goddess realms of the dead- Marena. It was believed that spruce is the tree of the world of the dead.

Therefore, people suspicious and suggestible coniferous trees on the suburban area not worth planting. It was believed among the people that when the spruce grows higher than the roof of the house, the person who planted it will go to another world. The sharp needles of the tree do not contribute to harmonious good relations in the family.

There are quite logical explanations of folk signs:

  • The root system of spruce is very close to the soil surface. Therefore, when the tree grows up, its roots will be able to break the paths and.

Advice. Don't plant a tree near your house. When the tree grows, it is quite capable of destroying the foundation.

  • Another disadvantage of this tree species is the increased absorption of moisture from the soil. IN dry regions spruce plantings simply will not take root, ordinary black soil is not suitable for them, and if the tree has grown, then other plants simply will not survive within a radius of five meters. The tree will take all the water.

Advice. Having decided to plant a spruce with your own hands, having dug up a tree in the forest, you need to take into account that you need to dig out the root with as much as possible big amount turf.

When asked which trees should not be planted on suburban area, you can hear a lot of answers, the most common of which are the following.

  • It is the Christmas trees that attract mosquitoes, it is also not worth planting them near the arbors;
  • For hypertensive patients, spruce and pine are not recommended, since pressure often rises from spruce aroma;
  • If the house is made of wood, then the instructions for fire safety prohibits planting spruces and pines at a distance of up to 10 meters from the walls. In summer, there is a high probability of fire, and, as you know, it is coniferous trees that ignite instantly.

Output. If the desire to plant a spruce is very great, then place the tree at the end of the garden, away from residential and outbuildings.

Juniper - an ideal solution for small summer cottages

The resinous aroma of this shrub is able to treat many diseases and has a beneficial effect on a shattered nervous system, normalizes sleep and is able to remove headache. The plant disinfects the air and contributes to the creation of a unique microclimate in the garden. There is also an opinion that this plant drives away evil spirit and promotes peace and harmony in family relationships.

When planting conifers in a summer cottage, do not forget about the juniper. This natural healer known for centuries to all the peoples of the world. In Egypt, houses were fumigated with smoke from its branches during epidemics, and the Indians of America treated diseases of the joints and many skin diseases with this plant.

This evergreen shrub can have a wide variety of shapes and colors of needles. The height of junipers ranges from fifty centimeters to 20 meters. This plant is ideal for creating a wide variety of landscape design compositions in different styles.

Cultivation Features:

  • Choose seedlings no younger than four years old - this guarantees one hundred percent survival;
  • Planting is carried out in late April - early May.

Important. A young bush after planting needs frequent spraying and regular watering for a month after planting in the ground.

  • This bush is unpretentious to soils, it can also grow on sandy, clay and rocky areas. But, of course, with infertile soils, increased plant care is needed within a month after transplantation.

Important. The distance between seedlings should be at least half a meter for group plantings.

  • How beautiful to plant a juniper and build a spectacular landscape composition? choose three different varieties, for example - the common juniper of the Hornibrook variety, a low plant with wide palmate branches and silver-green needles, and the Daurian juniper, which easily tolerates frost and drought. The variety "Expanza" is notable for its short stature and bright light green greens.
  • For a hedge, the Caucasian juniper "Tamaristsofoli" with silver-gray needles or the "Erekta" variety, up to two meters high, is suitable. These shrubs are easy to form into spectacular green hedges of different architecture.

Output. Juniper is an ideal choice for owners who do not have much time for garden maintenance. And the price of seedlings is quite democratic.

Pine trees in the summer cottage

  • Coniferous corner in the country Japanese style decorate pine varieties "Pug" or "Pumilio". These trees look great landscape compositions and sandy rockeries in a small area;
  • An ordinary pine dug up in the forest needs a lot of room to grow.. We must immediately agree that nothing is planned to be planted along the perimeter at a distance of five meters. The only plus is that there will always be shade and coolness in the house, plus a magnificent smell of pine needles.

Output. at home, especially country houses of block containers need an abundance sunlight. Therefore, it is better to plant pines from the southern edge of the site, away from any buildings. Or give preference to dwarfs decorative varieties that does not require a lot of free space.

Low-growing fir - a spectacular hedge without the hassle

Mountain fir of the "Compact" variety with a wide conical shape is an ideal choice for creating a fragrant evergreen hedge in a summer cottage. A tree in thirty years grows up to only three meters and easily lends itself to any figured pruning.

Important. It should be borne in mind that fir is demanding for watering and is recommended for planting in wet, swampy areas.

Basic requirements for cultivation

Everything coniferous plants demanding on soil moisture and absorb water from the soil along the perimeter at a distance of up to three to five meters. If garden plantings and flower beds are not planned, then you can safely opt for unpretentious pines or spectacular juniper.

  • When to plant trees? IN middle lane- end of May - beginning of April, with a minimal threat of severe frosts;
  • When digging a seedling in the forest, try to take as much turf as possible at the roots;
  • Within a month after planting, follow regular watering and spraying;
  • Pine roots withstand open air no more than two hours - then they die. Therefore, when transplanting, try to limit the contact of the root system with air.

Advice. Renting a diesel generator for a summer residence will help create industrial cultivation expensive tree species for sale even on a small garden plot in a small greenhouse.


For busy people, landscaping with unpretentious evergreens will simplify garden care and provide a landscape that is always bright and spectacular. The video presented in this article will introduce you to the options using different breeds evergreen trees.

Recently, a neighbor in the country, having caught me on the street, began to explain with fervor what danger I put myself in by planting Christmas trees on the site.

I have heard the story that one has only to outgrow the house, as the owner immediately dies, I have heard more than once. Fighting superstition is a thankless task, but you should at least think about where this ridiculous prejudice came from.

Even in pre-Christian times, the life of our ancestors was closely connected with the forest. Among the Slavic and especially the Finno-Ugric tribes that once inhabited the territory of our country, spruce was considered an intermediary between the world of the living and the dead. In the view of the ancient peoples, this tree was closely related to the ancestors, so its branches were used in funeral rites. It was in spruce forests that the dead were usually buried: dark forests were associated with the other world. At the same time, coniferous trees (including spruce) were a symbol of immortality. Their vitality and unique ability to remain green even in winter served as the best motivator for our distant ancestors, as they say now. People believed that the energy of spruce is favorable and promotes well-being. In some places there was even a custom to throw spruce branches at the hem of young housewives, wishing them family happiness and healthy kids. And much later, already in the Christian tradition, spruce became a symbol of rebirth and eternal life, an indispensable attribute of the celebration of the Nativity of Christ. Thus, it is definitely not worth associating this tree only with cemetery stories.

As for the belief about the imminent death of the owner of the house, near which the spruce grows, then the situation is even simpler. This is a tree of the first magnitude, whose height reaches 30–40 m. However, in the first years of life, spruce grows very slowly: its growth rate increases only after 10 years. If a person planted a small Christmas tree under his window, it will take many years for it to outgrow the house. It is likely that during this time the owner will have time to grow old. Unfortunately, no one lives forever.

There is only one very prosaic reason why these trees really should not be planted near the house. Spruce is a windbreak species. It has an extensive crown surface, but shallow root system and during strong wind(such, for example, as a hurricane that recently swept through Moscow and the region) can collapse directly on the nearest buildings. But this applies only to species spruce, e. prickly and their tall varieties. Varietal decorative Christmas trees, which are sold in garden centers, as a rule, even as adults, do not exceed 3 m in height and do not pose any danger.

Evergreen spruce looks impressive at any time of the year. Decorative, fairly simple care, a variety of shades, crown shapes and varieties, attractiveness in both single and group plantings - all this attracts designers. And, of course, what new year holidays without fluffy beauty- a glauca planted near the house will perfectly cope with the role Christmas tree , you can often find photos where street tree becomes the center of New Year's celebrations.

There is a prejudice that ate is not a place near the house, some even call it a "graveyard" tree. In addition, it is generally accepted that spruce is a female tree, and if it is planted near the house, then it “survives” men. In fact, the spruce symbol is immortality and eternal life. Among the Slavs, spruces were protected from evil spirits, and that is why they were planted in a cemetery - it was believed that low, spreading branches “seal” evil spirits in the ground. So, spruces planted in a row near the house can be considered a reliable protection from evil forces.

Norway spruce and its varieties

Norway spruce is a “native” inhabitant of our forests, it is a slender tree with a dense pyramidal crown that can grow up to 50 m. It prefers fertile, loamy sandy loamy, slightly moist (but without stagnant water) soils. It does not tolerate smoke and gas pollution, so common spruce is rarely planted in the city, suburban areas are more suitable for it.

Serbian spruce - or Bulgarian spruce, more attractive than Norway spruce - it has more decorative, bluish-green needles and purple-brown cones. But the main thing is that it perfectly adapts to the polluted city air. Spruce Serbian shade-tolerant, can grow on calcareous and acidic soils. This is one of the fastest growing species, it is distinguished by a narrow cone-shaped (less often - columnar) crown.

Of the other popular types of spruce, we note:

Akron - grows in a bush or in the form of an irregular cone. Growth is average, up to 8 cm in height and 10 cm in width, but at the same time, an adult acrone rarely grows above 3-4 m, a ten-year-old specimen usually does not exceed 1.5 m. Young needles are bright green, but over time very gets very dark. Branches - hanging, arched, raised. Akron acquires a special decorative effect with the appearance of cones that grow at the ends of shoots in in large numbers and having a very spectacular, rich burgundy or bright red (depending on the level of illumination) tint in the spring

inverse - spruce with a weeping crown, if you do not initially fix the trunk on a support, does not grow above 0.5 meters, the branches will spread along the ground, annually adding 25-40 cm in length. 6-7 meters high

nidiformis - refers to dwarf species. Adult nidiformis does not grow above 1 m, while the crown (with densely spaced branches, spherical or nest-shaped) can be up to 2 m in diameter. Shoots - bright green color, annual growth - 3-5 cm. It is actively used for mass plantings in groups or creating borders, and in rock gardens

Karelian - one more dwarf species spruce, does not grow above 1 m, the crown is cushion-shaped, up to 1.5 meters in diameter. Photophilous, but tolerates partial shade well. Karel perfectly adapts to the conditions of the city

Blue spruce: queen of conifers

Blue spruce(another name is prickly spruce) and derivative varieties are most often found in landscape gardening. A tree with a cone-shaped crown, can reach a height of up to 40 m. In nature, it grows along the banks of rivers and streams, planting is carried out in well-moistened places, but the water should not stagnate. Limey and dry soils are not suitable. Preferably - well-lit places, it develops well in the shade, but the color of the needles and its density may be partially lost. It adapts well to urban conditions, easily tolerates gas pollution.

But at the same time, young prickly spruce will require attention - care consists, first of all, in regular watering (and even spraying) in the summer. For the winter, it is better to tie the branches to the trunk - the snow accumulating on dense needles can simply break them. In winter, prickly spruce can get burned (especially problematic in the southern direction) due to bright sunlight, so it is better to wrap a young seedling with cotton cloth (non-woven fabric).

Thanks to active breeding, prickly spruce has many varieties, the most popular are:

glauca (Glauca) - or gray-gray, with a cone-shaped, very dense crown, with bluish-blue needles, it is distinguished by more flexible, less prickly and denser growing needles. The older the tree, the richer the color of the needles becomes. Glauka grows faster than prickly spruce, in a year it can “stretch” up to 1.5 meters. Shade-tolerant, well withstands shaping and shearing, therefore it is often used to obtain hedges

globoza (Glauca globosa) - a miniature form of Glauka, belongs to dwarfs, grows slowly (annual growth is not more than 10 cm), not growing above 2 m. The crown is spherical or irregular, may have several trunks at once. Globoza attracts with its needles - very bright, blue in color, easily tolerates pruning

prickly spruce hupsi - has the most brightly colored needles, a festive silver-blue, very saturated shade. Sometimes it may even seem that hupsi is just artificial, her needles are so bright. The variety is fast-growing (can reach a height of 11-15 m), not demanding on the soil, light-loving.

Spruces in landscape design (photo): a variety of options

Choice specific type spruce for planting is largely determined by the size of the site. For big open spaces common spruce, Serbian spruce or prickly spruce are suitable - tall beauties planted in a group (3-4 plants), they will become the dominant of the site, acting as a counterweight to the volume of the house. For small plots medium-sized and dwarf specimens are more suitable.
