What does the name Irina mean: characteristics, compatibility, character and fate. Full name, abbreviated and affectionate

Confident Independent Determined

Irina Allegrova, pop singer

  • Meaning of the name
  • Impact on the child

What does the name Irina mean?

Irina is a very sonorous, strong and strong-willed name. But the meaning of the name Irina is very peaceful, which in fact cannot be said about its owner. As history shows, outwardly harmless Irisha may well become a "devil in a skirt."

This girl is extremely attractive, although it is not always possible to call her classically beautiful. But inner strength, its specific charm - this is present in every Ira.

Independent, decisive, purposeful, successful, relaxed and even tough - this is what the name Irina means, if you look only at the external manifestations of character.

Inside, under this impenetrable armor, covered with everything else and a sense of humor, a vulnerable and sensitive soul.

But not everyone can get to the bottom of this true nature of Irisha.

The lack of sentiment, undisguised cheerfulness, as well as the inability and unwillingness to take seriously even really serious life situations make Irina a person who seems too carefree and irresponsible, however, this is not at all the case.

It’s just that Irina’s characteristic is such that she will not sob over problems, she will meet them with a smile on her face and fully armed.

Would you name your child by this name?

The origin of the name Irina is quite simple. It was borrowed by us from Greek, its roots are connected with the word "eirene", which means "peace" or "peace" in translation. In Orthodoxy, there are not so many martyrs who died a natural death and canonized saints. Irina, who died while praying, belongs to just such martyrs.

It came to us from Byzantium in the X-XI centuries and very quickly took root.

For a long time, this name was given only to girls of the upper classes, and therefore it was often worn by princesses or daughters of kings.

Until the 17th century, it was found exclusively among the nobles and merchants. Only in the 18th century did it appear among the common population. This Greek name albeit not immediately, but it becomes popular, and one of the most beloved, and at the same time acquires another simple form- Arina, such is our, Russian, native nickname, familiar to all of us from childhood.

It is simply amazing that such a “peaceful” origin endowed Irishka with such a strong-willed character, able to withstand both circumstances and others. At the same time, she added cheerfulness and the ability to see something good even in the worst. And to everything else, and constant optimism, and faith in one's own strength.

Name Forms

Simple: Ira Full: Irina Ancient: ArinaAffectionate: Irishka

Even little Ira is freedom-loving and independent, it is very difficult for her parents to educate her. She has her own point of view on everything, her interests and hobbies. She prefers a boyish society, honest and open, with fun and active games.

Growing up, Irina retains her commitment to men's companies. best friends she usually doesn’t, although she is very sociable, and there are plenty of good friends, because she tries to maintain good relations with everyone.

Considering that the characterization of the name Irina suggests “peaceful”, calm features of the owner of this name, they will be expressed in the ability to laugh at oneself, non-conflict, the ability to quickly and painlessly adapt to a changed situation.

Irina gives the impression of a light person who does not know what suffering, problems, tears are. And all her life she carefully works to maintain this image, and therefore the ability to control herself is of paramount importance to her.

However, you should not try to offend her - even without losing her temper, she can, with the help of irony and sarcasm, put a person in his place or even "mix with dirt." If Ira has to defend herself, she can be very harsh and categorical.

Taking into account what the name Irina means, one cannot but say that she does not know how to obey at all. For Ira, this is not typical at all. encountering a person or life situation, requiring a certain change in character or line of behavior, she will not back down for anything, she will stand her ground to the last. No matter what happens, Irina will remain adamant and will not change her principles.

Persistence, purposefulness and stubbornness are combined in it with a flexible mind and developed intellect.

Any study is easily given to her, whether it be a school or an institute, and therefore there are no problems with choosing a profession. Irina can find herself everywhere, sometimes mastering several specialties.

As a rule, she does not have to fight for a place in the sun, everything happens as if by itself.

Certain character traits are added to Ira also depending on her middle name. So, Irina Evgenievna or Andreevna will be, in addition to everything else, very prudent and superficially amorous. Alekseevna is hyper-responsible, she tends to take everything upon herself and does not ask anyone for help. And Dmitrievna is kind, trusting and sympathetic, although at the same time an incorrigible dreamer.

Character traits











The secret of the name Irina lies in her attractiveness to the opposite sex. Irina attracts men to her like a magnet, thanks to her lightness, cheerfulness and charm. She flirts right and left, sometimes going beyond what is permitted, but in general she feels like a fish in water in a purely male company. Always on top and in the spotlight - that's the right description for her.

Independent and decisive Irina will choose her husband for a long time, because in fact she does not want to be a leader in the family and take full responsibility.

Therefore, she will look for a purposeful, reliable and strong man who is able to discern behind her mask of the "steel" lady a tender woman in need of care, affection and patronage. Even having found an ideal husband for herself, Irina will not want to devote herself entirely to household chores, because a career and self-expression have for her great importance. But you can’t call her a bad housewife - she will have time for everything: work, and take care of the house, and raise children.

The meaning of the name Irina for a girl

When choosing the name Irina for your daughter, be sure to consider not only the “peaceful” meaning of this name, but also the masterful and wayward character that she will get as a gift.

The child will grow up very independent, sociable and active. Most likely, only dad can influence Ira. From her mother, she will take an example at a later age.

This girl is very active, always knows what she wants. She prefers to communicate with the boys, and therefore she is often a perky and mischievous robber with knocked knees. Sometimes in the mood she is very serious, thoughtful and calm, but most often not for long, because positive attitude and lightness in attitude to life prevail over everything else.

The child can be attracted team games- the main thing is to make Irishka a commander. She likes funny and fast games- catch-up, volleyball, football. You are unlikely to find her playing with dolls, all these "soap operas" are not for her.

The meaning of the name Irina (Arina): this name for a girl means "calm", "peace".

Origin of the name Irina (Arina): Greek.

Diminutive form of the name: Ira, Irinka, Irishka, Irusya, Irusha, Irenka, Arinka, Arishka, Aryusha.

What does the name Irina (Arina) mean? The energy of the word is simple, joyful and bright. The meaning of the name Irina is hope, intelligence and decency. She wins people over, is successful in her career, surrounded by friends and happily married. Practical Irochka is not prone to daydreaming and sentimentality, therefore vulnerable people difficult with her.

Angel Day and patron saints of the name: the name Irina celebrates name days twice a year:

  • April 29 (16) - St. Martyr Irina and her sisters Agapia and Chlonia, pious Christians, in the 4th century. martyred for the faith of Christ.
  • May 18 (5) - The Holy Great Martyr was of a noble family; baptized St. the apostle Timothy; by preaching and miracles she converted parents and thousands of people to Christ; suffered great torments for this, but remained among them unharmed; died in a cave in the 2nd century.

Signs: April 29 - Irina - open the coast, snatch the snow: around this time, according to the popular remark, it begins to melt off the coast: "Hollow water washes away the coast." May 18 - Arina-hotbed: they burn grass in the fields - "On Irina, the thin grass is out of the field!" - and they plant cabbage seedlings in the garden, saying: “Don’t be ankle-sized, but be pot-bellied; don’t be empty, but be tight; don’t be red, but be tasty; don’t be old, but be young; don’t be small, but be great.” !"


  • Zodiac - Taurus
  • Planet - Venus
  • Irina's color is pale blue
  • Auspicious tree - chestnut
  • Treasured plant - lily of the valley
  • Patron - owl
  • Talisman stone - opal

Characteristics of the name Irina

Positive features: The name Irina gives decency, restraint of feelings and emotions, balance, endurance, reliability. She grows up as an obedient, cheerful child. It does not cause trouble for parents or teachers. She is a good student and is often an excellent student. In her youth, she is independent, can live separately from her parents, although she is very attached to them. She is a materialist, objectively assesses the situation, does not give in to illusions. Ira does not have unrealizable desires or dreams. She really evaluates her abilities and knows what she wants and what she can achieve. She is sociable, strives to enter high society.

Negative Traits: The name Irina brings excessive prudence. She is also characterized by skepticism, pride, vanity, resentment, coldness, hidden pride. Irochka is alien to subtle manifestations of the soul, her poise and skepticism can repel people, interfere with sincere and trusting communication. The meaning of the name Irina - the desire is always trying to enter society influential people and for this to give up even the affection of the heart.

The nature of the name Irina: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Irina? She grows up as a timid, submissive girl, most of all she is afraid of dogs and boys. He studies well, attends circles, likes to splash in the lake, in the pool. She is attracted by contemplative sciences: geography, astronomy, botany, but it is possible that she will become a children's doctor, lawyer, politician.

Already in childhood, Ira felt some kind of adulthood, independence. He loves his father very much and enjoys playing with him. When there is a company of adults in the house, he does not climb, he prefers to do own affairs. It is better not to pay attention to Ira, not to require reading poetry or demonstration dances. Arina knows all this, but when she becomes the center of attention, she fades and “swallows her tongue”.

At school, the girl studies well and it does not require much effort from her. She is talented, draws well, sews, knits. He likes to read detective novels, watch Hollywood films. She is not sentimental, she will not sob over the suffering of the heroes of foreign serials, they are simply ridiculous to her. Ira has many friends, but she does not limit her communication with them, she is attracted to the society of boys, with them she also finds mutual language. He likes to attend sports sections, more like a pool, swimming.

Irina knows how to control herself, balance is felt in her words and actions, but in certain situations she is often aggressive. There is a lot of common sense in her words and actions, she has own opinion, subtle taste.

She always knows what she wants. If a girl named Ira does not marry early, she can master several professions, in parallel with the main one - to learn the language, work on a computer, photographing. She does everything slowly, for her thoroughness is of particular importance. A girl with this name is an intelligent leader, she will never raise her voice to a subordinate, internal balance and prudence will allow her to get along well with both her subordinates and her superiors. Ira gravitates towards pure women's professions: works in a design office, a music teacher, a salesman, a cashier, a nurse, a designer, a fashion designer, a hairdresser, etc. Irochka does not always work with concentration and brings the matter to the end, but she always brings a personal attitude to the matter, she works better when she is praised. She a good diplomat and psychologist, knows how to feel the mood of the interlocutor, skillfully uses it.

Irina and her personal life

Compatibility with male names: The marriage of the name with Alexei, Andrey, Anton, Bazhen, Bashilo, Belyay, Bogolyub, Boris, Danila, Ivan, Igor, Lubomir is successful. The name Irina is also combined with Miroslav, Sergey. Complex relations of the name are likely with Anatoly, Denis, Kirill, Nikita, Oleg, Leonid, Rostislav, Stepan.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Irina promise happiness in love? She has an amorous nature, but she never loses her head. As a husband, he chooses, if not a wealthy, then a promising man. She is a devoted, faithful wife. A woman named Irina attaches great importance to the latest pedagogical methods.

A girl named Ira is an amorous nature, but she does not lose her head in hobbies, she always knows what kind of husband she needs and strives to find her ideal. Irochka is rather cold, but she does not know about it herself, she simply considers herself a reasonable and sober-minded person. At the same time, it is difficult for her to be alone, and she is ready to make some sacrifices, just not to be left alone. In men, the name Irina is very successful. A girl with this name loves a man's company, beautiful courtship, conversations on the verge of what is permitted.

In marriage, there is almost always a faithful wife, a good mother who will do everything for her child, but at the same time she will never completely subjugate herself. hearth. A woman named Irina does not seek to become the head of the family, she will completely rely on her husband.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Career and profession are of great importance for Ira. A high standard of living is an incentive to study at school, to enter a prestigious university. She can become a highly qualified specialist in the field of exact and technical sciences. The meaning of the name Irina is tact, pragmatism, a sharp mind. Ira's ability to communicate in high society is conducive to the profession of a diplomat and a lawyer. Ira, who failed to get a prestigious profession, tries to improve in any other chosen field of activity.

Business and career: She needs a high standard of living, tries to maintain it with honest work and with the help of connections in society. She is alien to speculation, fraud, risk and adventure.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Irina: In infancy, a child with this name is very calm, but does not eat very well, which is why the girl does not gain weight well. When teeth appear, her temperature rises. In general, the girl is developing well. She has a disposition to tonsillitis, dermatitis.

Weak organs of the "September" Ira: throat, stomach, bronchi. "Summer" - prone to stress, eyesight falls early, is located to dermatitis, dysfunction of the thyroid gland. In summer, she suffers from angina more often than in winter. However, tonsils should not be removed, they serve as a protective barrier.

"Noyabrskaya" - located to violations in cardiovascular system, already at an early age, she has a heart murmur. In school years, the name Irochka can get whooping cough.

She Irina is prone to metabolic disorders, many become very stout with age, do not adhere to a diet, do not limit themselves in nutrition. FROM early childhood you should not overfeed her, Ira does not suffer from a lack of appetite anyway. Fullness is characteristic mainly of the "December", "June" and "July" Ira.

"Summer" - during the ripening period, it is subject to stress, very vulnerable, sensitive to resentment. When considering a name for your child, pay attention to the fact that "winter" Ira has frequent cases ectopic pregnancy, with age, mastopathy develops, vision drops sharply, and may suffer from liver disease. In the postpartum period, mastitis occurs. Weakened intestines. The "spring" Ira has problems with gynecology, her ovaries are often inflamed. Mostly girls are born to them, rarely boys.

The fate of Irina in history

What does the name Irina mean for women's fate?

  1. Irina Fedorovna - sister of Boris Godunov, wife of Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich. Her marriage took place at the behest of Ivan the Terrible in 1580 and served as a new step in the rise of Godunov, whose influence on Fyodor Ivanovich was largely based on the tsar's love for Ira. She did not interfere with her brother's plans, but she was not his active assistant either. Died in 1603
  2. Arina Rodionovna - beloved nanny of A.S. Pushkin, about which he writes with love in his poems.
  3. Irina Nikolaevna Bugrimova (1910-2001) - famous animal trainer, the first woman in our country who began to train predators. I. Bugrimova came to the circus in 1929. Together with A.N. Buslaev she had a theatrical performance "Sled Flight". Since 1976, Bugrimova did not work at the arena, but led an active public life. She was the chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Russian State Circus Company, a member of the Presidium of the Central House of Arts, the Society for the Protection of Animals. In 2000 she was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree.
  4. Irena (Irena) Sandler, Irena Sendler, Irena Sendlerova (1910 - 2008) Polish resistance activist. During World War II, Irena Sendler, an employee of the Warsaw Health Department and a member of the Polish underground organization, the Council for Aid to Jews (Żegota), often visited the Warsaw Ghetto, where she monitored sick children. Under this cover, she and her comrades took 2,500 children out of the ghetto, who were then transferred to Polish orphanages, private families and monasteries.
  5. Irina Slutskaya is a Russian figure skater, two-time world champion (2002, 2005), the first ever seven-time European champion in figure skating (1996, 1997, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2006), Honored Master of Sports.
  6. Irina Khakamada is a politician.
  7. Irina Muravyova - theater and film actress.
  8. Irina Rodnina is an outstanding Soviet figure skater, three-time Olympic champion, ten-time world champion, Russian public figure.
  9. Irina Chashchina is an athlete in rhythmic gymnastics.
  10. Irina Bogacheva - singer of the Mariinsky Theater.
  11. Irina Arkhipova - Bolshoi Theater singer, teacher.
  12. Irina Alferova - theater and film actress.
  13. Irina Kupchenko - theater and film actress, People's Artist of the RSFSR.
  14. Irina Rozanova - theater and film actress.

Irina in different languages ​​of the world

Translation of the name into different languages has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. On the English language the name translates as Irene (Irene), on German: Irene (Irene), on French: Irina (Irin).

The female name Irina has Greek origin. Its etymology goes back to the mythological goddess Eirene, who personified a peaceful life. Therefore, the meaning of the name Irina is interpreted as “peaceful” (“peace, peace”). Along with the female version, there is also his male form(on Orthodox saints- Irenius, in Catholic - Irenaeus).

Back in the Middle Ages in Russia, the name Irina was given to their daughters in families of different classes. Among merchants and peasants, the common form was, and among the nobles - Irina. In everyday life, such synonyms as Irina, Yarina were also used. Influenced by languages Western Europe various colloquial forms arose: Irene, Irene, Irena, Irene.

There are also ancient church variants of the name Irina: Arina, Irinia, Orina, Yarina. Today they have begun to be used as independent names, as well as their short forms -, Rena,.

Main characteristic named after Irina: independence, determination, a sober assessment of reality, communication skills.

Outwardly, the owner of this name can give the impression of an independent, cold, direct and sharp woman in her judgments with impeccable behavior. However, under this mask lies the essence of what the name Irina means, in particular, a loving heart, a broad soul, selflessness. She is characterized by an understanding of the power of a word that can hurt or heal.

  • The owners of the name Irina are extroverts who easily adapt to different conditions, strive to devote themselves entirely to good deeds.
  • They are patient to the point of sacrifice, value peace highly, and assert themselves through love.
  • Women with the name Irina are distinguished by the “excellent student syndrome” and are a positive example of a perfectionist striving for excellence in appearance, work, and family.
  • In the name of Irina, all these qualities are harmoniously combined and do not need pedagogical influence, which favorably affects her fate.

Childhood, youth

Starting from a tender age, girls named Irina show independence, responsibility, and a sense of justice.

They express tenderness and love for their parents. But by definition, they are daddy's daughters.

They are happy to help their father in his "male" occupations (car repair, fishing, etc.), and not messing around with his mother. Studying at school does not cause trouble for relatives, and at home she is distinguished by exceptional obedience and goodwill.

Young owners named after Irina are distinguished by good abilities for creativity, especially drawing, needlework. They are fond of reading detective stories, adventure literature and fantasy. They love cinema, easily find a common language with their peers. From these years, problems of botany, geography, and astronomy begin to attract.

Irina has many friends, but she prefers the company of boys. With them, she has many common interests: visiting sports sections, courtyard games, etc. Already during this period, her analytical mindset, combined with female logic, looseness in communicating with men, and integrity in judgments begin to appear.

Business qualities

Those named Irina seem to be born to implement serious life plans. They belong to that rare type of women for whom all doors open. However, to use her potential, Irina must believe in herself. An important motivation for her career growth is the desire for a high level of well-being. At the same time, unrighteous ways to achieve the goal (adventure, fraud, speculation, etc.) are alien to her. To them, she prefers honest work, the use of connections in society.

  • The defining business qualities of the owner of this name are a responsible attitude to the work performed, tact, quick contacts, maintaining self-control and the ability to "keep face" in the most extreme situations.
  • good incentive to achieve high results can be praise, both from the authorities and ordinary employees.

Irina Eduardovna Slutskaya (Russian figure skater, Honored Master of Sports of Russia)

Bearing such a pacifying name, Irina, when choosing a profession, tends to women's specialties or to those where there is direct contact with people. It can successfully work:

  • diplomat
  • lawyer,
  • doctor/nurse,
  • psychologist
  • teacher,
  • actress,
  • fashion designer
  • hairdresser,
  • seller.

If she does not marry early, she can graduate from a prestigious university, simultaneously master several foreign languages, computer technology, photography.

In this case, she will be able to realize her knowledge and skills in science and technology like a smart leader. A vulnerability is that Irina does not always focus on one process and sometimes does not complete the work she has started.

Sex, love, family

For all her impeccable morality, Irina is very amorous, but being carried away, she always maintains independence and never loses her head.

  • Men, in turn, perceive the favor of women with the name Irina as the greatest gift of fate. Maybe that's why there is no unrequited love in her life.
  • They retain their attractiveness even in their declining years, until old age.

Irina loves flirting with exquisite courtship, conversations on the finest line of what is permitted. In sex, she is a maximalist: he is either everything or nothing for her. It happens that even the most ardent lover cannot rid her of her feelings of dissatisfaction.

Irina approaches the choice of her husband with her characteristic thoroughness. Important criteria her chosen one is external attractiveness, solvency or prospects.

  • Married Irina never seeks to play a dominant role, but completely relies on her husband.
  • She is able to dissolve in the family if her husband emphasizes her significance in their life together.
  • Irina, as a rule, takes care of her spouse, remains faithful to him, helps to become successful.

She is a wonderful mother, raising their children using the latest pedagogical methods. Her house is a place of comfort and cleanliness. And this is where her perfectionist nature comes into play.

Decent and mostly restrained Irina usually does not deliver extra hassle parents, pleases teachers. She becomes independent early, quickly understands what is real and what is not. At the same time, the girl always understands what her capabilities and abilities are, therefore she does not set unrealistic goals.

And everything would be almost perfect, if not for a few "But!". Too reasonable, vain, touchy and excessively cold, Irina sometimes does not justify her name: she can be skeptical, distrustful and often gives up her feelings for the sake of high society, where it is not so difficult for her to enter.

The origin of the name Irina is Greek. It means "peace, peace" in translation. That was the name of the goddess peaceful life in the mythology of ancient Greece.

In Christianity, Irina appeared with Macedonian - the first of the women who fell into the rank of great martyrs. She was especially revered in Byzantium. For her faith, she suffered considerable humiliation and was burned in 304.

Then the martyr Irene of Corinth, who lived in the 3rd century, was called that. The next saint was Irina of Aquileia. After that, the name became associated with high social status, because the future empresses were called that.

In the XVIII century, Irina, or Arina - this is how the name began to be used more often at that time, became even more widespread both among the merchant class and among the peasants. But among the aristocratic society, this name was not the most popular. TO late XIX centuries, girls were called so less and less.

But the name gained new popularity already in the twentieth century, and approximately in its middle. Statistics prove this: 23% of newborns were called Irins only in Leningrad. In Moscow, it became the 4th most common in the 1950s.


Despite the fact that the name Irina means “peace” in translation, the peaceful and restrained, reasonable and independent, to a certain extent conceited and prudent owner of the name can be persistent to the detriment of her peacefulness.

The meaning of the name Irina gives her the ability to resolve conflicts in a truly peaceful way. She does not scandal, does not beat the dishes, does not go ahead, but she always knows what she wants. Sometimes she is ready to give up feelings for the sake of a career, high society, her personal calculations.


Parents are usually interested in what the name Ira means. The girl, who will be called Irina, will be very reasonable from early childhood. Many adults like it when their child grows beyond their years: and it’s really so good when the baby can keep herself busy with games that are interesting to her, and the parents can go about their own business. The baby can play or draw, do needlework from a very early age. As a result, she studies well, pleases teachers, and does not cause trouble for her parents.

Over time, Irina acquires many friends, although her independence contradicts this - many girls at her age still do not know how to make friends and establish any kind of relationship. However, when she wants to, she always has girlfriends. But at the same time, Ira never gets carried away with the affairs and problems of her close friends.

Since childhood, it is easier for her to find a common language with boys, and then with men. This is not surprising: her logical and reasonable approach to life is closer to the representatives of the stronger sex.

Irina is hardworking, can confidently climb career ladder. At the same time, she works great as a seller, and a music teacher, and a designer, and a psychologist.

Her decisions are always thoughtful. The voice is calm. Mind is sober. Therefore, she chooses a husband for a long time, but remains faithful to him, keeps and protects relationships, takes care of him and the children, and does a good housekeeping. But she will never sacrifice her career for the sake of her family: in her way of life there will always be a place for her favorite business and work, which means a lot to her.


The character of the name Irina is amazing: independent from an early age, balanced and confident in the correctness of her actions, sometimes sentimental, but ready to sacrifice her feelings in order to achieve a goal - such is the character of Irina. She is sociable, reserved, knows exactly what she wants. But sometimes aggressive, overly conceited, persistent.

Her opinion is the only correct one, although it is impossible to refuse Irina in common sense. Her taste is refined, and her goals are acceptable. Ira knows her abilities, clearly understands where she is going and why.

Irina in love never loses her head - her mind always leads, even when her heart refuses to obey. She does not give in to feelings, and many consider her a cold nature. The girl herself prefers to call herself sober. However, she does not deny herself and the pleasure of being the center of attention in a male company: she likes courtship, especially “on highest level”, flirting, frankly admiring look and hints. She loves to play with the feelings of men, but in fact remains faithful to her husband, if, of course, she has already chosen her only one.

The characteristic of the name Irina is understandable - pragmatic, tactful, reasonable. She earns her mind and never crosses the line of the law.

name day

Irina celebrates her birthday by Orthodox calendar several times a year:

  • January 12 and 16;
  • February 26;
  • April 29;
  • May 18 and 26;
  • August 10, 17 and 22;
  • September 30th;
  • October 1;
  • 2 and 8 November.

Name color

The name Irina is associated with a pale blue color - a rather cold, transparent and understandable shade of a peaceful sky. Peacefulness and tranquility are the main features of both this color and the name. Of course, this is the road of spirituality, freedom and friendliness, but here there is also some optionality, a tendency to change and carelessness.

Fresh and pleasing to the eye, pale blue is not always so gentle and comfortable: sometimes it speaks of excessive prudence.

name flower

The flower named after Irina is lily of the valley. This delicate flower reflects the peacefulness of the owner of the name, but not her strong character. Yes, she will be faithful to her chosen one, but she is unlikely to be able to devote herself to her feelings when she has a clear career goal in front of her.

Lily of the valley symbolizes happiness in family life, and Irina is ready for this, if it does not contradict her work and the achievement of her goals.

Church name, saints

The church name Irina sounds the same, although it is sometimes referred to as Arina. There are other ancient church forms - Orina, Irinia. The saints mention Irina of Macedon, Corinth, Aquileia.

Name translation in different languages

The name Irina is translated as "peace" from ancient Greek and has no other translation from any language. This name sounds differently in other languages:

  • Irene is in English.
  • Irene is in German.
  • Irin - in French.

Full name, abbreviated and affectionate

Full name Irina is abbreviated as "Ira". Affectionately, Ira is called differently: Irochka, Irishka, Irisha, Risha. Therefore, the question of how to affectionately call Irina, the parents decide on their own.

What names are patronymics suitable for?

The most successful name Irina is combined with patronymics Alekseevna, Vladimirovna, Viktorovna, Ivanovna, Igorevna, Konstantinovna, Makarovna, Mikhailovna, Sergeevna, Yurievna.

Name Compatibility

Marriage with Boris, Andrey, Leonid, Sergey promises to be harmonious. The compatibility of the name Irina will be organic with Stepan, Ivan, less with Dmitry, Yaroslav and Roman. Still wondering what male name suitable for the name Irina? Pay attention to simple and old Russian names:

  • Danil;
  • Matvey;
  • Novel;
  • Timothy;
  • Denis;
  • Elisha;
  • Semyon;
  • Peter and others

How to decline

Irina, Ira - nominative.
Irina, Ira - genitive.
Irina, Ira - dative.
Irina, Ira - accusative.
Irina, Ira - creative.
Irina, Ira - prepositional

Notable people with this name

The name Irina left a significant mark on history, and today there are many celebrities who wore it:

  • Irina Fedorovna is the sister of Boris Godunov, married to Fyodor Ivanovich Ivan the Terrible in 1580.
  • Arina Rodionovna, who hardly needs an introduction, is the nanny of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.
  • Irina Bugrimova is the first female trainer in Russia. In 2000 she received the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, third degree.
  • Irena Sandler was a Polish underground activist during World War II. Secretly with like-minded people, she took 2,500 children out of the ghetto and distributed them to orphanages, monasteries and families.
  • Irina Slutskaya is an athlete, world champion in figure skating.
  • Irina Rodnina is another figure skater who won Olympic gold and the world championship 10 times back in Soviet times.
  • Irina Muravieva is an actress.
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The decoding of the name Irina promises the girl success in life, because she studies well, has a peaceful character, knows how to set clear and realistic goals. But at the same time, she can be both vain and amorous, but the mind always wins feelings, and Ira builds her life based on a sober calculation.

When choosing a name for your newborn girl, you should not get hung up on the negative aspects of your character: it all depends on your upbringing, date of birth, season, zodiac sign and, of course, your attitude to the chosen name.

Useful video about the meaning of the name Irina


Perseverance, determination and independence distinguish girls with the name Ira. It is easy for them to find a common language with other people, and they surround themselves with many friends. More details about how Irina behaves, the character and fate awaiting the girl are described below.

The meaning of the name Irina for a girl briefly

The exact meaning of the name Irina for a girl is briefly presented below:

  1. And - honesty, directness, harmony in thinking and in appearance. Since this letter is repeated twice in the name, it enhances the listed qualities.
  2. R - the ability to listen to the interlocutor and the prevailing sense of self-esteem.
  3. N - craving for the spiritual. Care about physical health and striving for excellence.
  4. A - leadership qualities and activity in achieving their own goals.

Today, this name is one of the hundred most common names on the planet in different variations. In translation, such a name means “peace” and “peace”. Historians have found out that it came from Eirene - ancient greek goddess. The sonorous name spread throughout Russia with the birth of Christianity. They were called both very young children and adult women during baptism. Most of the nobles gave it to their daughters when they were born. At times Soviet Union this name was one of the most common.

What does the name Irina mean for a girl according to the church calendar?

Many parents would be interested to know what the name Irina means by church calendar. Irina needs to celebrate her name day on January 16, February 27, May 18, August 17 and November 2. The owners of this name have several patron saints:

  • Irina Korinfskaya;
  • Irina Egyptian;
  • Irina Akvileyskaya.

In the Christian tradition, this name is most often associated with the Byzantine Great Martyr - Irene of Macedon. The girl was born into a noble family of pagans. Once, waking up in the morning, little Irina saw a bird with an olive branch in its beak. Then two other birds flew in with a snake and an olive wreath. Irina the Great interpreted these symbols as overcoming passions and decided to become a Christian.

Therefore, she turned to the apostle Timothy, who soon baptized her. With the help of her sermons, Irina brought a huge number of people to Christianity, including her parents. But the girl was burned alive by the pagans. Now Saint Irene of Macedon is the main patroness of all Irenes.

The secret of the name Irina: what are his features?

If you decide to name your daughter Irina, the meaning of the name, character and fate of such a girl are very interesting. The owners of this name are very insightful and can see "through and through a person." Ira always thinks soberly and rationally. It has no romanticism. At the same time, she looks very feminine. Girls with this name have very well developed intuition. Some may think over a decision for several years, but Ira makes it right away. And, as a rule, it is balanced and wise.

The secret of the name Irina reveals to us that its owner does not always know how to act in the love sphere. She can put pressure on her partner, which will scare him away. Such girls lack softness in character. They go ahead in a relationship, and often their feelings are not mutual. Iram needs to learn to calm down and wait until the young man himself shows his interest.

Often the reason for the end of a friendship or relationship is control by the hostess of such a name. Despite the fact that they try to do it not so obviously, some people around do not like such actions of Ira.

The origin of the name Irina and its meaning for children

What is the origin of the name Irina and its meaning for children? This name has ancient Greek roots. As for the meaning, Ira from birth are easy to harden and have good health, so they very rarely complain about ailments. It is worth saying that the owners of this name are rather weak nervous system. Her explosive unbalanced character is to blame for this.

In order for Ira to be more calm, it is necessary to support her in difficult times and make sure that she does not overload herself with worries. Despite this, the girl can adapt to various living conditions. Little Ira loves to help animals. Love to four-legged friends will go with her and adulthood. Therefore, Irina, the meaning of the name, whose character and fate are very multifaceted, can become a veterinarian in the future.

As a child, Ira loves to read, especially detective stories. But if she faces a choice, take a walk with a noisy company or sit at home, she prefers the first. A girl named by that name is interested in literally everything. From early childhood, Ira begins to be interested in the world around her. In addition, an inquisitive child tries to learn new things. And it doesn't matter what it is, beadwork or cycling.

The character of a girl named Irina

The character of a girl named Irina combines many contradictory features. Such girls are born with a strong-willed character. Ira tries to look at all things with optimism. But sometimes she can fall into a long blues. Irina is a little cruel and completely unsentimental. However, she loves children, animals and her family. The owner of such a name will always come to the rescue, regardless of who needs it - a loved one or a stranger.

In appearance, Irina gives the impression of a prudent and cold person, but this is absolutely not the case. The fact is that she easily manages to hide mental anguish under the mask independent woman. Ira has a diplomatic gift, which allows her to resolve any conflicts. Despite the fact that the owners of this name have a subtle sense of humor and are the soul of the company, it often irritates people.

As for the type of character, Ira are extroverts. They very sharply respond to any criticism of their relatives or themselves. Such a girl can easily express to the offender everything that she does not like. Ira fits well into any team and she has many acquaintances. But the girl has only a few friends. She is quickly offended and also quickly departs. She is not vindictive. The owner of this name is very fond of traveling and doing her own thing. appearance. Irina often change the scope of their activities. This applies to both hobbies and jobs.

How is the fate of a girl named Irina

Irina is a very feminine girl with a strong-willed and determined character. Such interesting combination traits of character allows a girl to achieve great success in life. The owner of a similar name leaves early parental home. The fate of a girl named Irina is very changeable. The girl is prone to the manifestation of independence and independence. She will be very stubborn if anyone dares to stand in the way. A feature of character is excessive self-digging.
