Crazy Evdokia for the reader's diary. "Mad Evdokia" Aleksina

The story is told from the perspective of the father. main character, sixteen-year-old Olga, a student of the 9th grade. The birth of a girl was not easy for her parents, because her mother, Nadezhda, suffers from a serious heart disease, and the doctors did not allow her to have children. Olya has been the “center of the Universe” for her parents since childhood, besides, she has extraordinary abilities for drawing and modeling, she attends art school and intends to become famous in the future in the field of painting and sculpture.

Parents are insanely proud of their daughter, but Olya's relationship with others is extremely difficult. The girl is constantly in conflict with the class teacher, history teacher Evdokia Savelyevna, whom she ironically calls at home "Mad Evdokia".

Evdokia is extremely annoyed by a student who is not like the rest of the guys in the class and does not at all strive to be the same as everyone else. The class teacher constantly forces students to attend various events, in particular, meetings with former graduates of the school, which are of no interest to most students, and Ole seems to be a complete waste of time. The girl frankly tells her father that she could spend these few hours with much greater benefit for herself, doing drawing, modeling or English. But Evdokia Savelyevna does not want to come to terms with Olya's originality, she is trying in every possible way to break her character and make her no different from others, which is generally typical for teachers Soviet period who strive to educate students in the same spirit of obedience and following the established rules.

When the class in which Olga studies, under the guidance of Evdokia Savelyevna, goes on a hike to those places where, during the war years, Mitya Kalyagin managed to bring medicine for the wounded to his uncle, the doctor, despite the fact that the area was occupied by the Nazis. Mitya is the most beloved student of Evdokia, she always speaks of him with great pride. The ninth-graders are faced with the task of finding exactly the path that Kalyagin once walked, and the winner in the campaign, in which several classes participate, will be the one who first guesses to choose the right path.

Olya's parents are quietly sitting at breakfast on Sunday morning, when Evdokia appears on the threshold along with two students, Borey and Lyusya, and announces that the girl has disappeared without a trace during the night. Panic rises, the father desperately thinks that Olya was finally pissed off during the campaign, and she simply ran away from her comrades. The student's mother, after several hours of intense waiting, falls into a completely inadequate state, the woman disconnects from everything around her and is no longer aware of what is happening around.

Then Olya appears at home and announces that she managed to find the path of Mitya Kalyagin and was far ahead of her companions. But this news no longer pleases anyone, the girl's father is forced to send her mother Nadezhda to a psychiatric clinic, since she does not have any reactions. Evdokia Savelievna last conversation with Olga's father tells him that his daughter has grown up to be an absolute egoist, thinking only about own desires and success, and it was because of this that the tragedy occurred, and the teacher had long tried to open his eyes to the true essence of Olya, but he did not want to understand anything.

The father really admits to himself that he looked at the growing girl only with pride and love, without asking himself questions about her shortcomings. The finale of the story is really sad, from now on Olga will have to live alone with her father, suffering from a constant sense of guilt in what happened to her mother, who is unlikely to be able to return to normal life. However, the writer, who focuses on the egocentrism and narcissism of the main character, is not entirely right, making the girl a completely shameless creature. Olya is really gifted by nature, uncommon and does not allow the class teacher to break herself for the sake of some kind of “system”.

Evdokia Savelyevna absolutely does not seek to understand the "difficult" student, to find with her mutual language, to come to an understanding, she only makes Olga do the same as all the other students. The results of reading this story are ambiguous, it is impossible to unequivocally establish the culprit of what happened, although the heroes of this work learn a lot about themselves and their loved ones on the very morning that the author describes.

There was grief in the family. His wife Nadenka lost her mind, and maybe her life. And the reason for this was their beloved daughter Olenka, or rather her selfishness.

When the mistake was made, why did the daughter grow up like that, because all the love of her parents was given to her?

Once upon a time they got married. Nadenka has a sick heart and she should not have become a mother. But the girl was born contrary to the prohibitions. It was then that they laid their lives at the feet of their daughter - crazy parental love not only gives happiness, but can also destroy conscience.

Olenka grew up as a capable girl. She drew, sculpted and was just a beauty. She considered herself special and was annoyed that her teacher Evdokia Savelyevna belittled her dignity, that she was trying to fit the whole class to her standards.

Telling at home about the antics of Mad Evdokia, as Olenka called the teacher, the girl sought support from her parents. And she found her - maybe not as active as she wanted, but a quiet consent for sure.

The parents did not even notice that the girl was losing friends, accusing them of betrayal, although if they were more attentive, it would become clear that their daughter was not sinless. But alas, this did not happen.

Once, Evdokia Savelyevna organized a trip to the places where her former beloved student performed a feat during the war. Children had to follow the path of a brave boy. Olya also went on this trip.

When early morning the teacher came and reported the missing girl, Nadenka held on to the last. But when he heard the words that the girl had allegedly been found and she needed to be identified, the mother's mind could not stand it.

Everyone present was shocked when a girl ran into the apartment. She was in good mood, brought her mother a bouquet of flowers and began to tell that the first one reached the place that the whole class was striving for.

Olenka told this to her mother, shared her joy, tried to reach out to her own heart, but she didn’t want to hear anything else, or rather she couldn’t. Grief robbed her of the happiness of understanding the words.

Father and daughter remained at the broken family hearth.

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Goodness and love, mutual understanding and sympathy are dedicated to the works created by Anatoly Aleksin. "Mad Evdokia", a summary of which is set out in this article, is one of the most penetrating works of this author.

parental love

The creator of a huge number of stories and novels for children and teenagers is Aleksin. "Mad Evdokia", a summary of which is presented below, is a story about how boundless love turned a teenage girl into a selfish person. Her name was Olya, and she had insanely loving parents. She treated her so attentively and affectionately that sometimes they forgot about each other. Her actions did not entail childish consequences at all. The story begins with the memoirs of her father.

Olya's father is the storyteller. This man's life revolved around his beloved daughter. The same can be said about Olya's mother, the woman whose first meeting the narrator recalls at the beginning of the work. In his story, the ideal image of the parents was provided by Aleksin. “Mad Evdokia”, the summary of which suggests that this work is very tragic, creates the impression that in order to raise a kind and decent person It's not enough to love him immensely.

Lights of the past

The protagonist reminisces. The reader does not yet know what happened to his family. But already from the first lines it is clear that something irreparable has happened.

He met his wife Nadia at the design bureau where they once worked. She was sweet and direct. And it was impossible not to fall in love with her. However, there was one problem that Nadezhda, without hiding, said after the first date. She, as she herself put it, had a dowry: heart failure and the inability to have children. This is what Anatoly Aleksin writes about. "Mad Evdokia" - a summary of this story - can tell about love and self-sacrifice. About the feelings that, perhaps, only a mother is capable of.

Some time passed and they got married. They had a daughter, who was named Olga. Nadya happily forgot about the doctors' ban, as, indeed, did her husband. Parental happiness was too great to be distracted by such trifles. Nadia's husband recalled all this when returning home. Where he came from, will tell only in last chapter Alexin. "Mad Evdokia" is a story with a sad and unexpected ending.

Olya at home?

Years have passed. Olya has grown up. The action of the story takes place at a time when she is already fifteen. She is a very capable student and has an extraordinary artistic talent. She also knows how to tease people. For example, she gave her class teacher a nickname - crazy Evdokia. The summary of the story should be continued with a description of the event that was the climax here.

One day the teacher, whose activity annoyed Olya extremely, organized a trip with the whole class. The girl failed to miss this event, despite all efforts. Her parents were waiting for her return the next day. And suddenly the doorbell rang. On the threshold stood two of her classmates and Evdokia Savelvna. And the question was asked: “Olya at home?”. For more than a day she was neither at home nor at school gatherings.

Evdokia Savelievna

In this story, Aleksin created very vivid images. Crazy Evdokia is the class teacher. This lady always loved everyone to be together. Together to the theater, together on a tour. She also loved spontaneity. But Olya was different. Her work has been featured in exhibitions. Teachers in art school predicted a great future for her. And Evdokia Savelyevna did not like it terribly. Such an idea about the teacher had parents. It was created, however, mostly from the words of their daughter.


The daughter adored by her parents had a girlfriend. Her name was Lucy. But Olya liked to call her more in the French manner. Lucy was an unusually devoted friend. She dragged behind the talented Olya her numerous folders with drawings, admired her gift and adored her herself. Lucy herself had a difficult fate. Her mother was seriously ill, and her father, although he had loved another woman for a long time, remained in the family solely because of a sense of duty. Nobody knew about this: neither the mother, nor the acquaintances, nor the neighbors, nor the mad Evdokia. The summary of the story should be continued with the memories of the father, who knew the bitter secret of the Lucy family from the words of his daughter. Only one girl trusted her.


But suddenly everything changed. A meeting with the famous painter took place at the art school. Lucy dreamed of getting there. But she stood at the window all evening, because Olya could not lead her into the hall. This event became a discord in the girl's friendship. And then, during class hour, Olya, wanting to stand up for her friend, albeit for the former, revealed Lucy's family secret to everyone ... She believed that this would protect her from the attacks of the class teacher caused by poor academic performance.

Unrequited love

The work that he wrote - "Mad Evdokia" - a story about how loving people capable of not seeing, not noticing shortcomings. Mad Evdokia once quoted a Russian poet on this occasion: “Face to face - you can’t see your face,” hinting that parents do not know their daughter well. The father disagreed. After all, Yesenin had in mind only temporal distances. But then, on that ill-fated day, he realized the veracity of the words of the teacher.

At that moment, three people were standing at the door: the insane Evdokia, Lyusya and Borya. The latter also belonged to those who were madly in love with Olya. But she did not notice this because she could not see anything at all except herself and her talent.

Mitya Kalyagin

The class teacher liked to set the children as an example of her best students. The most extraordinary of them was Mitya Kalyagin. He did not make a career, was not a great artist or musician. He was just a man who accomplished a feat during the war. Mitya brought the doctor the tools that were needed to save the Russian soldiers.

The purpose of the event, from which Olya did not return, was to find the very route along which Mitya made his way to the doctor's house during the war and saved the lives of the Red Army soldiers. This should have been the shortest route.

Aleksin portrayed multifaceted and complex images. "Mad Evdokia", the analysis of which involves a comparison of such human qualities as humanity and talent, is a story about how deceptive an opinion about a person can be and how much parental love obscures the eyes.


Olya didn't disappear. She only wanted to overcome the path faster than anyone. The girl is used to being the best in everything. But she had not developed the ability to think about others, even about her parents. Evdokia Savelyevna called all the hospitals and turned to the police. At that moment, when Olya was returning from a successfully completed trip, the phone rang. Nadia picked up the phone and heard the words: "Come, you need to identify."

Olya's mother had a heart defect, but it survived. The soul couldn't take it. After a terrible call, I had to call a psychiatrist.

The narrator remembers all this when all the participants in these events return from a psychiatric hospital, from which, perhaps, Nadia will never return. And yet, in a conversation with the crazy Evdokia, who turned out to be not so crazy, he learns a lot that allows him to look at his daughter with different eyes. About how Olya betrayed her friend, about how she did not see anything and no one around her. And that her teacher was never against talent. She only wanted humanity to be attached to him.

Evdokia Savelvna reproached herself for everything that happened, and promised that she would support Olya, since the feeling of guilt could be unbearable for her. The father did not blame anyone. He tried to remember when and at what point in raising his daughter, he and Nadia made a mistake.

"Mad Evdokia" - a story for children and parents. In it, both an adult and a child can find something close to themselves, and perhaps with the help of this work it will be possible to avoid a mistake that can be made even because of great love.

"Mad Evdokia"- the story of the Soviet writer and playwright Anatoly Georgievich Aleksin. Published in the magazine "Youth" in June 1976.

History of creation


A ninth-grader Olya, the only daughter of her parents, is studying at a school in a certain city. Once her mother loved to sing, and her father wrote fantastic stories, but with the birth of her daughter, these hobbies faded into the background. Olya's mother Nadya suffered from heart disease, and the doctors did not recommend her to have children, but Nadya dreamed of a daughter so much that she ignored the doctors' ban, as a result of which she had to spend six months in the hospital. When Olya was born, Nadya wrote a note to her husband, where she said about her daughter, “Thank you!” Already at an early age, Olya showed remarkable abilities for fine arts, in parallel with the main school, she also studies in art. Parents are very proud of their talented daughter.

Olya's class teacher is a history teacher Evdokia Savelyevna, who has a strange taste in clothes and a stormy character, for which Olya nicknamed her "crazy Evdokia". This teacher has a tendency to emphasize the slightest success of weak and mediocre students and at the same time forgets to celebrate talented ones. She closely follows the fate of her former students, often invites them to meetings with Olya's class, and Olya and her parents notice that almost all of these former students received the most ordinary professions (chef, driver, dispatcher), none of them achieved nothing outstanding. Such pedagogical practice of Evdokia Savelyevna runs counter to Olya's character. Firstly, Olya's busy schedule does not leave her time for school events, especially since these events are not interesting for her. Secondly, Olya believes that Evdokia Savelyevna is simply not able to appreciate her talents. So, one day Olin's class, under the direction of Evdokia Savelyevna, puts on a performance for English language, but Olya, although she speaks this language better than anyone in the class, gets only a third-rate role. Olya often makes fun of Evdokia Savelyevna, sometimes in rhyme. Parents agree with their daughter in everything, although Nadia sometimes tries to teach her daughter to be tactful - according to Nadia, if Evdokia Savelyevna is so dear to her former students, then you should not come up with rhymed teasers on this topic.

At one time, Olya is friends with her classmate Lucy. Once Olya, having promised to take Lucy to a meeting with a famous artist, could not do it - there was no place for Lucy in the hall, as a result, Lucy had to wait for her friend on the street. Lucy was offended by Olya. Friendship comes to an end. Soon after this, Evdokia Savelyevna makes Lusya the head of the class, and Lusya reprimands ex girlfriend for dodging duty and other community service. Olya and her parents consider Lucy's behavior a betrayal.

One day, Evdokia Savelyevna plans a trip of two ninth graders to the places of military activity of Mitya Kalyagin, her former student, who committed a brave act during the war. In 1942, thirteen-year-old Mitya delivered medicines to his uncle, a doctor who treated hidden soldiers, and showed resourcefulness at the same time - he found the shortest path to his uncle's house. Two ninth graders must find this path, with the winning class receiving a prize. Olya does not want to go on this trip, but still goes under the influence of both Borya, the main activist of the class, and her mother, who is afraid that her daughter, who is not far from finishing school, can ruin her testimonial.

The next morning, Evdokia Savelyevna appears at Olya's parents' apartment with Lyusya and Borey. Evdokia Savelyevna informs Olya's parents that Olya disappeared at night in an unknown direction. After making sure that Olya is not and was not at home, Evdokia Savelyevna calls various places by phone, connecting Mitya Kalyagin to the search, and the parents can not find a place for themselves with excitement. Olya's father believes that, most likely, his daughter was so offended during the campaign that she could not endure it and fled - he cannot find any other reasons for the sudden disappearance of her daughter.

When Evdokia Savelyevna needs to leave for a minute, the phone rings, Nadya comes up to him. She is told that they are calling from the morgue and it is necessary to come there and identify the girl's corpse. After this conversation, Nadia loses control of herself and repeats the same phrase "I don't recognize her." Suddenly the door opens, Olya appears, alive and unharmed - it turned out that, having escaped from the tent, she found the path traveled by Mitya Kalyagin and received a prize (a photograph of young Evdokia Savelyevna, who hid those soldiers in her place.) But Olya's arrival comes too late - Nadia lost reason, and she is taken to a psychiatric hospital. On the way from the hospital, a conversation takes place between Evdokia Savelyevna and Olya's father. As a result, Olya's father for the first time thinks about the fact that until now he has considered Evdokia Savelyevna only through the prism of Olya's gaze and that it was his habit of justifying Olya's selfish behavior that led to the tragedy that happened.


The work received a huge number of reader reviews. Some readers believed that Evdokia Savelyevna was absolutely right, others - that, although Olya was wrong, Evdokia Savelyevna was even more wrong, because, being a class teacher and leader of the campaign, she allowed herself several unacceptable mistakes that cast doubt on her professional suitability ( so, Evdokia Savelyevna did not bother to count the participants in the campaign before lights out, and also illiterately searched for the missing Olya - in fact, the teacher repeated the mistake of Genka Petrov, the hero of A.N. condemned the actions of Genka, who in a similar situation acted in exactly the same way as Evdokia Savelyevna, and after all, what is unforgivable for a high school student is all the more unforgivable for an experienced teacher.)

The fate of the work

The story was first published in the magazine "Youth" No. 6 in 1976. The circulation was 2,660,000 copies. The story has been reprinted over forty times; the total circulation was more than 10 million copies. In 1978, as part of five stories by Aleksin, she was awarded the USSR State Prize.

None of Aleksin's stories caused such a wide and controversial response in the press. More than eighty reviews appeared that defended the moral position of Evdokia Savelyevna, or denied this position; condemning the young egoist, or justifying Olenka ... .

According to the story, a radio play "Mad Evdokia" was also staged.
The story "Mad Evdokia" was translated into:

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An excerpt characterizing Mad Evdokia

Only her big eyes again, they peered very attentively into my frightened face, and a deep, “adult” understanding flickered in them.
“You have to trust me,” the “star” girl whispered softly.
And I really wanted to tell her that, of course - I believe! .. And that this is just my bad character, which all my life makes me “beat my head against the wall”, and comprehend the world around me with the same bumps stuffed with my own hand .. But Veya apparently understood everything perfectly, and, smiling with her amazing smile, said affably:
- Do you want me to show you my world, since you are already here? ..
I just happily nodded my head, already fully perked up again and ready for any “exploits”, just because I was no longer alone, and that was enough to instantly forget all the bad things and the world again seemed fascinating and beautiful.
"But you said you've never been here, did you?" I asked boldly.
“But I’m not here right now,” the girl answered calmly. “My essence is with you, but my body never lived there. I never knew my real home... – her huge eyes were filled with deep, not at all childish sadness.
- Can I ask you - how old are you? .. Of course, if you don’t want to, don’t answer, - I asked a little embarrassed.
“By earthly calculation, it will probably be about two million years,” the “baby” answered thoughtfully.
For some reason, my legs suddenly became completely cottony from this answer ... This simply could not be! .. No creature is able to live so long! Or, depending on what kind of creature? ..
"Then why do you look so small?" We only have children like that... But you know that, of course.
- This is how I remember myself. And I feel it's right. So that's how it should be. We live for a very long time. I'm probably the little one...
All this news made me dizzy... But Veya, as usual, was surprisingly calm, and this gave me the strength to ask further.
- And who do you call an adult? .. If there are such, of course.
- Well, of course! The girl laughed sincerely. - Want to see?
I just nodded, because my throat was completely seized with fright, and my “fluttering” conversational gift was lost somewhere ... I perfectly understood that right now I would see a real “star” creature! .. And, despite the fact that, as far as I could remember, I had been waiting for this all my conscious life, now all of a sudden all my courage for some reason quickly “went to the heels” ...
Veya waved her hand - the terrain has changed. Instead of golden mountains and a stream, we found ourselves in a marvelous, moving, transparent "city" (in any case, it looked like a city). And right towards us, along a wide, wet-glittering silver "road", an amazing man was slowly walking ... He was a tall, proud old man, who could not be called anything else but majestic! sometimes very correct and wise - and pure, like crystal, thoughts (which for some reason I heard very clearly); and long silvery hair covering him with a shimmering cloak; and the same, surprisingly kind, huge violet "Vaina" eyes ... And on his high forehead shone, wonderfully sparkling with gold, a diamond "star".
“Rest to you, Father,” Veya said softly, touching her forehead with her fingers.
“And you, the departed one,” the old man answered sadly.
From him emanated endless kindness and affection. And all of a sudden I really wanted to to a small child, bury in his knees and, hide from everything for at least a few seconds, breathing in the deep peace emanating from him, and not think about the fact that I'm scared ... that I don't know where my house is ... and that I I don’t know at all - where I am, and what is happening to me in this moment really happening...
– Who are you, creature?.. – I mentally heard his gentle voice.
“I am human,” I replied. “Sorry to disturb your peace. My name is Svetlana.
The elder looked at me warmly and attentively with his wise eyes, and for some reason approval shone in them.
“You wanted to see the Wise One – you see him,” Veya said quietly. - Do you want to ask something?
- Please tell me, does evil exist in your wonderful world? – although ashamed of my question, I still decided to ask.
- What do you call "evil", Human-Svetlana? the sage asked.
- Lies, murder, betrayal ... Don't you have such words? ..
- It was a long time ago ... no one remembers anymore. Only me. But we know what it was. This is embedded in our "ancient memory" to never forget. Have you come from where evil lives?
I nodded sadly. I was very sorry for my native Earth, and for the fact that life on it was so wildly imperfect that it made me ask such questions ... But, at the same time, I really wanted Evil to leave our House forever, because that I loved this house with all my heart, and very often dreamed that someday such a wonderful day would come when:
a person will smile with joy, knowing that people can only bring him good ...
when a lonely girl is not afraid to walk through the darkest street in the evening, not being afraid that someone will offend her...
when you can open your heart with joy, without fear that your best friend will betray you...
when it will be possible to leave something very expensive right on the street, not being afraid that if you turn away - and it will be immediately stolen ...
And I sincerely, with all my heart, believed that somewhere such a wonderful world really exists, where there is no evil and fear, but there is a simple joy of life and beauty ... That is why, following my naive dream, I used the slightest opportunity to to learn at least something about how it is possible to destroy this same, so tenacious and so indestructible, our earthly Evil... And one more thing - so that it would never be ashamed to tell someone somewhere that I am a Human. ..
Of course, these were naive childhood dreams ... But then I was still just a child.
– My name is Atis, Svetlana Man. I live here from the very beginning, I have seen Evil... A lot of evil...
– And how did you get rid of him, wise Hatis?! Did someone help you? .. - I asked hopefully. - Can you help us? .. Give at least advice?
– We found the reason... And killed it. But your evil is beyond our control. It is different... Just like others and you. And not always someone else's good may be good for you. You must find your own reason. And destroy it, - he gently put his hand on my head and a wonderful peace flowed into me ... - Farewell, Human Svetlana ... You will find the answer to your question. Rest to you...
I stood deep in thought, and did not pay attention to the fact that the reality surrounding me had changed a long time ago, and instead of a strange, transparent city, we now “floated” on dense purple “water” on some unusual, flat and transparent device, which there were no handles, no oars - nothing at all, as if we were standing on a large, thin, moving transparent glass. Although no movement or pitching was felt at all. It glided over the surface surprisingly smoothly and calmly, making you forget that it was moving at all ...
– What is it?.. Where are we sailing? I asked in surprise.
“To pick up your little friend,” Veya replied calmly.
- But how?!. She can't...
- Will be able. She has the same crystal as yours, was the answer. - We will meet her at the "bridge", - and without explaining anything else, she soon stopped our strange "boat".

The story of A. Aleksin touches on one of the most important moral issues. This is a question of mediocrity and talent, of selfishness and humanity.

Olenka ... The only child adored by parents. Indeed, a gifted and, perhaps, a talented child. But talent does not justify egoism. The selfishness of an only child in a family is not uncommon. A person who is surrounded by attention and affection from birth gets used to them and, becoming an adult, demands them at any cost.

It is difficult for a person who has been “the only one” since childhood to merge with the general mass, not to stand out. After all, even there he requires attention, especially if he deserves it.

Against this, against the "visibility" of Olechka, the "mad Evdokia" is fighting. Let not quite right methods, even if not so, but she fights against egoism. Another thing is that she wants to achieve her goal by discoloring everyone and thereby equalizing everyone. Her methods are simple and straightforward, just like herself.

“Mad Evdokia” is sure that any “given from God” obscures a person from those around him, that it is precisely in abilities, in talent that is the cause of selfishness.

Of course she's wrong. People have two talents: the talent of ability and the talent of humanity (it's no secret from anyone that there are people who are completely mediocre). But one of them does not exclude the other. Trying to instill in Olenka the talent of humanity, "mad Evdokia", perhaps, only strengthens her egoism. After all, it is impossible to compare talent to mediocrity, and, trying to do this, classroom teacher only emphasizes for Olenka that she is not like everyone else.

Mediocre. A very offensive word. Mediocrity, middle - somewhere in between. This is the wrong definition of human development. material from the site

There is no mediocrity. There is a common level from which the worst and the best branch off. General level- these are people with the ability to love, to goodness, to physics, to poetry. The best are people with a talent for love, for physics, etc. And the worst are the untalented, those who are called mediocrity, but there are only a few such people. This is a kind of "geeks" with a minus sign.

Evdokia is not a mediocre person. She has a desire to make people better than they are (another thing is that in her mind this is “better”). This is what makes her stand out from the rest. That is what her talent is.

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