Statuses about honesty, sincerity, decency. A decent person is one who lives according to conscience

I want to talk to you about honesty. I don't want to use my own words. Why? Because she sometimes interferes with my life and I don’t want to admit it. It turns out that I'm dishonest with myself. Okay, here's what I found on the Internet

Every person dreams of a kind and honest friend, spouse, boss, colleague. Is not it? Kindness and honesty are qualities that most people try to find in other people, forgetting that, first of all, you need to be like yourself.

What is honesty? Let's talk about honesty. It is worth trying to define this rather difficult concept. Honesty is a character trait when a person always tells the truth and tries not to lie under any circumstances. He avoids lies, omissions. Honesty is the ability to always admit one is wrong, it is the ability to never make excuses, to be sincere in any situation. An honest person has a conscience that never sleeps, which strictly controls all his actions and actions.

On the types of honesty There are two kinds of honesty - honesty to others and honesty to yourself. At first glance, it seems that being completely frank with yourself is very easy. However, it is not. Very often people fall into the network of illusions created by themselves and can stay in them for a long time. For example, there are times when a person considers another person his most sincere friend, trusts him in everything, helps him, and years later it turns out that friendship as such did not exist. It's just that the first wanted to believe in this holy feeling, while the other simply skillfully took advantage of its principles. Therefore, it is very important never to deceive yourself. Now let's talk about honesty in front of others. What is included in this concept? First of all, it is being true to your word. An honest person will always keep his promise, help in difficult times. You can trust him like yourself. He always speaks to the point and would rather remain silent than flatter and sing praises.

Is it easy to be honest? Unfortunately, to be honest in modern world very difficult, because deceit, meanness and betrayal can be found at every step. In most cases, they love those people who can cheat, evade an answer, or scatter in compliments. That is why man had an unbearably difficult mission to bring kindness and light into this world. Honesty is not only a quality of character, but also the duty of those people who consider themselves highly moral. There are several reasons why people choose honesty. Those who believe in God will say that the seventh commandment says, "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." And they will be completely right, living according to the Lord's prescriptions. Others, unbelievers, can also be no less honest, because they cannot live otherwise. Thus, we can conclude that honesty comes in different ways. Human honesty also lies in the eradication of lies. He will do his best to prevent another from lying, and in any situation he will strive to ensure that justice prevails.

Laws of the Universe Honesty is life, according to the laws of the universe. It is worth noting that they are all honest. For example, the boomerang law. He did a good deed - in the future it will definitely return, he committed an evil deed and already seems to have forgotten about him, but no, he will return, and at the most inopportune moment. Honestly, isn't it?

A word about straightness However, it is worth distinguishing between honesty and excessive straightforwardness, or even rudeness. An honest person is always correct, even though he speaks the truth. The straightforward one says everything he thinks about, without even assuming that his words are not always in place and can hurt the neighbor. When speaking the truth, first of all, be correct.

Be honest and sincere, and then your conscience will always remain calm. Also, do not forget that you need to be sincere in front of yourself. Good luck in this difficult, but very necessary business!

I won't ask you if you're even? just talk about honesty

Question-non-question) Googled quotes and aphorisms about honesty) choose any button for yourself)

and as always we poke - we don’t poke) we think - we don’t think) we speak - we don’t speak) we are kind and easy to communicate)

Every person dreams of a kind and honest friend, spouse, boss, colleague. Is not it? Kindness and honesty are the qualities that most people try to find in other people, forgetting that, first of all, you need to be like yourself.

What is honesty?

Let's talk about honesty. It is worth trying to define this rather difficult concept. Honesty is when a person always tells the truth and tries not to lie under any circumstances. He avoids lies, omissions. Honesty is the ability to always admit one is wrong, it is the ability to never make excuses, to be sincere in any situation. An honest person has a conscience that never sleeps, which strictly controls all his actions and actions.

On the types of honesty

There are two kinds of honesty - honesty to other people and honesty to yourself. At first glance, it seems that being completely frank in private with yourself is very easy. However, it is not. Very often people fall into the network of illusions created by themselves and can stay in them for a long time. For example, there are times when a person considers another person his most sincere friend, trusts him in everything, helps him, and years later it turns out that friendship as such did not exist. It's just that the first wanted to believe in this holy feeling, while the other simply skillfully took advantage of its principles. Therefore, it is very important never to deceive yourself.

Now let's talk about honesty in front of others. What is included in this concept? First of all, your word. An honest person will always keep his promise, help in difficult times. You can trust him like yourself. He always speaks to the point and would rather remain silent than flatter and sing praises.

Is it easy to be honest?

Unfortunately, it is very difficult to be honest in the modern world, since deceit, meanness and betrayal can be found at every step. In most cases, they love those people who can cheat, evade an answer, or scatter in compliments. That is why man had an unbearably difficult mission to bring kindness and light into this world. Honesty is not only a quality of character, but also the duty of those people who consider themselves highly moral. There are several reasons why people choose honesty. Those who believe in God will say that the seventh commandment says, "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." And they will be completely right, living according to the Lord's prescriptions. Others, unbelievers, can also be no less honest, because they cannot live otherwise. Thus, we can conclude that honesty comes in different ways.

Human honesty also lies in the eradication of lies. He will do his best to prevent another from lying, and in any situation he will strive to ensure that justice prevails.

Laws of the Universe

Honesty is life, according to the laws of the universe. It is worth noting that they are all honest. For example, the boomerang law. He did a good deed - in the future it will definitely return, he committed an evil deed and already seems to have forgotten about him, but no, he will return, and at the most inopportune moment. Honestly, right?

A word about straightness

However, it is worth distinguishing between honesty and excessive straightforwardness, or even rudeness. An honest person is always correct, even though he speaks the truth. The straightforward one says everything he thinks about, without even assuming that his words are not always in place and can hurt the neighbor. When speaking the truth, first of all, be correct.

Be honest and sincere, and then your conscience will always remain calm. Also, do not forget that you need to be sincere in front of yourself. Good luck in this difficult, but very necessary business!

Honesty and equanimity in a girl is what annoys other girls and attracts guys)

I want to go back to last summer. There was your sincerity.

A decent tone is one of sincerity and honesty.
Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

Faith. By strictly observing the basic Christian commandments, a person cultivates decency in himself.

There is little merit if a man is honest only because no one has tried to bribe him.

He is such an honest person that he even smiles when he puts a smiley...

All women value honesty very much, but among themselves this quality is extremely rare ...

Sincerity is the mother of truth and the sign of an honest man.
D. Diderot

Decency is a bouquet of virtues such as honesty, kindness, nobility, generosity, and self-respect.

You will not get sharp criticism from a person until you make him angry; the harsh truth is always spoken with bitterness.

An honest man can be persecuted, but not dishonored.

Truth, like a jewel, should not be embellished, but it should be positioned so that it can be seen in favorable light.

Honesty is when you think to say one thing, but you tell the truth.
Perlyuk Alexander

The more I try to be honest, the deeper the right words sink into darkness ...

Decency - moral quality person. Honest man always keeps his promises and does not intentionally harm others.


An honest soul is restrained by conscience, but a scoundrel grows stronger from his insolence.
Pliny the Younger

To be honest with the dishonest is to be dishonest with yourself.

Living happily means living honestly.

Sincerity does not consist in saying everything you think, but in thinking exactly what you say.

Truly honest is the one who always asks himself if he is honest enough.
Plautus Titus Maccius

Decency - a firm adherence to the code of especially important moral values, incorruptibility.

An honest poor man can sometimes forget his poverty. An honest rich man never forgets his wealth. Gilbert Keith Chesterton

Honesty is often reckless. Louis Aragon Statuses about honesty, sincerity, decency

Looking for honesty in big politics is like looking for a needle in a haystack. (Kushner Konstantin)

The first key to integrity and honesty is to be honest with yourself.

The second key to integrity and honesty is being sincere to all people.

The power of honesty is so great that we appreciate it even in the enemy.

Sincerity in small doses is dangerous; in large ones it is deadly. (WILDE Oscar)

Honesty is even dearer to decent people than learning to educated people. (RUSSO Jean Jacques)

“If you lie once, you will have to lie fifteen more times to cover up the first lie.” In order not to strain your mind, not to waste extra energy and save time, it is much more profitable to always tell the truth, to be honest with people.

Hiding anything from friends is dangerous; but it is even more dangerous not to hide anything from them. (La Fontaine Jean de)

Honesty is the best and at the same time the most justified course of action. (Lebbock John)

Honesty paints any title. (Shiller F.)

No one is as adept at approaching honesty as scammers. (Sukhorukov Leonid S.)

Decency and honesty are too expensive gifts. And do not expect them from cheap people.

This is a difficult job, to be extremely honest with yourself ... Vanity interferes. The vanity of our life, because you do not have time to understand anything, and everything flickers ...

Honest attitude towards something, honest behavior. There is no doubt about his honesty. “When he talks about high honesty, ... his eyes are covered in blood, his face is on fire.” Griboyedov.

We call honest a person who openly expresses his opinion; dishonest - one that either does not speak out, or gets off with a forced (or simply) lie.

One of the most important manifestations of decency is respect for those who are absent. By manifesting it, you earn the trust of those present. If you speak badly about people behind their backs, those present cease to trust you.

A decent woman manages to do all her personal affairs during working hours.

Sometimes you want to become a bird and fly high, high ... at least so that no one shits on your head.

A noble man is everywhere a renegade for his compatriots and compatriots.
Al Maari

To tell a person in the face the whole truth is sometimes more than a duty, it is a pleasure.

“We sincerely believe in the decency, honesty and law-abidingness of Mikhail Alekseevich Lysenko”

I swear to lie only the truth, the only truth and nothing but the truth))

Statuses about honesty, sincerity, decency

Probably each of us has heard the word "decency" many times. But hardly anyone seriously thought about its meaning. Let's talk about who a decent person is, what qualities he should have.

Who is this?

Psychologists say that a decent person is one who lives according to the laws of conscience, as well as according to the principles established in society. He is honest, true to his word, which is why he always keeps his promises, reliable, sincere and tolerant of people. He is appreciated by friends and colleagues, as he will never betray them. It should be noted that a decent person will always act nobly and in relation to other people, even completely unknown to him. He just can't help it.

If such an individual has to lie or commit an ugly act, he is tormented by remorse. This person is always guided by this principle: "Do to others as you want to be treated to you." He also sincerely hopes that other people live by this rule, and when he sees that his expectations do not match reality, he becomes very upset and disappointed in others. However, he continues to act humanely.

A decent person is one who does good

We continue to consider this concept in other aspects. What does a decent person mean according to the norms of religion, in particular, according to Orthodoxy? This one who believes in God lives by God's commandments and never violate them. However, here appears interest Ask about whether a non-believer can be decent. Certainly yes. A person can be an atheist, but always and in everything act as his own conscience tells him, which for him is the highest judge.

A little about the fair sex

There is such a thing as a decent girl. What is usually meant by it? Long time she was considered a person who honors society, she has a young man to whom she is faithful, also such a girl begins sexual life after wedding. She is kind to everyone, merciful and soft-hearted. Needless to say, times are changing. The twenty-first century has made significant adjustments to various concepts and, of course, expanded the definition of decency. If we talk about a modern girl, then, first of all, she must be self-sufficient. Only she must choose with whom to build relationships, what they will be. In all situations, a girl who considers herself decent must maintain excellent manners, intelligence and honesty.


How is an innate quality formed or do we acquire it throughout life? A decent person is one who is taught from childhood to act in accordance with moral standards. He is told what is good and what is bad. His upbringing is carefully taken care of. A little later, his ideals are formed by books, as well as worthy friends. However, the above factors will not play a role if there are no sprouts of kindness in the little man from the very beginning. Unfortunately, everyone knows cases when beautiful parents who put their whole soul into raising kids grew up hard-hearted and cruel children. Therefore, unambiguous conclusions cannot be drawn, as in any vital issue.

Wolf in sheep's clothing

It also happens that a seemingly good person always says Right words, trying to be with everyone good relations, sweet, smiling, one gets the impression of him as a decent one, but as soon as you start a common business with him or ask for something, he begins to reveal his true face. That is why you should not judge people by their words, it is necessary to judge them by their actions. A decent person is one who will act with dignity in any situation.

Distinctive features

How to recognize Actually quite difficult, but you can try:

  1. If he promised to do something, he will try his best to fulfill it, and if he knows he cannot, he will not promise.
  2. Such a person never flatters, he is straightforward and sincere in communication.
  3. He always behaves with dignity, but evaluates himself and others adequately.
  4. You can never accuse him of lying, as he tries not to lie.
  5. At work, he performs his duties conscientiously, never betrays his colleagues to his superiors and tries to help them in any difficult situation.
  6. He honors older people and always takes care of children, even strangers.

Perfect portrait, right? But what if such a person stumbled and committed some impartial act? Anything can happen in life, no one is immune from falls, because sometimes everything depends not only on ourselves. That is why it is necessary to learn to understand the motives of people's actions and forgive their little mistakes.

About times, about customs...

You can often hear the opinion that times have changed now, and decency is not at all in fashion. and everyone should live exclusively for themselves. Unfortunately, many do just that. They only care about "green papers" expensive cars, luxurious things, parties ... But how can the material replace decency, kindness, spirituality, sympathy, empathy, love, friendship? There are still people who are incredibly close to these concepts, and there are many of them, believe me. It is very important to understand that we are all just guests in this world, and therefore it is important to take care of the moral and spiritual side, and not the material one.

Let only decent and worthy people meet on your way!

Decency - a firm adherence to the code of especially important moral values, incorruptibility. honest, decent people know the difference between what is right and what is wrong, between truth and fiction. Most economically successful people highly value honesty and give it credit as a success factor.

Personal integrity is the foundation of trust. Lack of decency can nullify all your attempts to significantly replenish your account in the bank of emotions. You can strive for mutual understanding, be attentive to details, keep promises, clarify criteria and meet them - and still not achieve high trust if you are two-faced.

The concept of decency includes honesty, but is not limited to it. Speaking of honesty, most often they mean truthfulness: your words correspond to deeds. If you are decent, you can say that you make your actions match your words. For example, making and keeping promises. This is impossible without consistency and fidelity - to yourself and life.

One of the most important manifestations of decency is respect for those who are absent. By manifesting it, you earn the trust of those present. If you speak badly about people behind their backs, those present cease to trust you.

Suppose we are talking one on one - we are washing the bones of the boss, which we would never allow ourselves if he were in the same room. What happens if we fight? You will be sure that I will discuss your shortcomings with others. After all, we did it in relation to the boss! You know my nature. I say nice things to your face and slander you behind your back.

This is the essence of duplicity. Can we say that it increases confidence?

Now imagine that you began to criticize the absent boss, and I say that I agree with you on some points, and I suggest that we go to his office together and try to explain what we think he is doing wrong. How do you think I will behave in a situation where someone starts slandering him?

Another example. Suppose, in an effort to woo you, I reveal to you a secret entrusted to me by a third party. “Actually, I shouldn’t say this, but since you are my friend…” Will betrayal increase my credibility? Or will my interlocutor wonder if I'm giving someone his own secrets?

Duplicity creates the illusion of contributing to a relationship of trust, but in reality it is a loss because you are showing your dishonesty. By betraying someone, by sharing secret information entrusted to you, you will receive “golden eggs” of temporary satisfaction, but you will destroy the “goose”, weaken trusting relationships that could bring you much joy in the future.

Integrity in an interconnected world means the following: you are guided by the same principles in relation to everyone. And then you will be trusted. Perhaps people will not immediately appreciate your honesty. Perhaps at first it will lead to conflict. Open confrontation requires great courage; most prefer the path of least resistance: try to belittle others, abuse trust, gossip. But in the end, if you are decent, kind and open, people will respect and trust you. And they say about trust that it is more precious than love. I am convinced that someday the words "trust" and "love" will be perceived as synonymous.

“If you lie once, you will have to lie fifteen more times to cover up the first lie.” In order not to strain your mind, not to waste extra energy and save time, it is much more profitable to always tell the truth, to be honest with people.
