Is it possible to listen to the last conversation on the phone. How to listen to your wife's phone - we reveal secrets

Has your wife started to get stuck at work and have more fun on the weekends? Find out what she is hiding from you by listening to her phone conversations.

Surely most jealous husbands have asked this question more than once - how to listen to your wife's cell phone and to what extent is this even possible? Invasion of privacy is illegal, but jealousy is sometimes stronger. Do you know ?

Is it possible to listen to the phone?

Nowadays, cellular operators take the safety of their subscribers quite seriously and have a large technical base for this. This information is confidential to everyone, except for special services that have the right to listen to the phone by court order, or if this information may be a threat to national security.

Spyware is popular on the Internet, which allow you to fully control the communication of a person on the phone, but in most cases such ads are fraudulent, and if you really want to know how to wiretap the phone, Don't fall for dubious offers.

How to put the phone on wiretap?

Every interested jealous person should be aware that in fact there is special equipment that allows you to arrange telephone surveillance and it can be purchased. But there are significant disadvantages - a very high price, too delicate installation and a feature of work. Not everyone can afford such pleasure. Moreover, such activity will be considered illegal. Therefore, the vast majority of men want to find a spy program that will send them all the information from their wife's phone. The main feature of such programs is that you need to manually download the application to your phone and install it there, so you need to secretly take her phone from your wife, and only then install the appropriate software.

Will the wife notice the audition?

Spyware is installed secretly, and it is almost impossible to determine its presence in the phone. So no antivirus software or wife's intuition will be able to know that a spy app is installed on the phone. Basically, they work in this format - for listening, the husband simply calls her and hears all her telephone conversations, or all the surrounding sounds. Therefore, if you are extremely interested in this, you can try to find real software that will help you in your endeavors. After all, whoever seeks will always find.

Before you think about, say, how to listen to your wife's mobile phone, you should take into account the fact that any interference in a person's privacy is completely illegal. And it doesn’t matter who he is to you: wife, husband, sister, mother, and so on. Therefore, if suddenly you seriously decide to take care of this problem, keep in mind that all the actions you take are against the law.

How to listen to a mobile phone legally?

The answer is simple - no way. Only law enforcement agencies can carry out actions to wiretap the phone, and only with a court order for this. In this case, they are assisted directly by the mobile operator, which is obliged, according to the decision, to provide maximum assistance to law enforcement agencies.

An ordinary person will never be able to use this service of cellular operators. Unless you find someone in law enforcement who is willing to help you with this problem.

Are there other options for listening to a cell phone?

In our modern time, when, as they say, progress is advancing by leaps and bounds, there are many ways to listen to a mobile phone. One of them is the use of special equipment. Based on this option, a person who needs to obtain certain information uses special, usually very expensive equipment, thanks to which the outgoing signal from the victim's mobile phone is intercepted on the way to the base of the mobile operator.

Despite the fact that this method is more than expensive, it allows you to listen without making contact with the victim.

Strange MMS

It's no secret that most detective agencies employ former employees of the secret services. Sometimes they reveal their secrets of how to listen to a mobile phone. This option is possible thanks to the genius of programmers or hackers. In order to use this method of listening, all you need to know is the victim's phone number. A special virus program is attached to the picture, which is sent as a regular MMS message to a specific number. As soon as the subscriber opens the message for reading, the Trojan program is quickly activated in the phone and starts its work.

Now you can talk not only about how to listen to someone else's mobile phone. This virus allows you to listen to conversations that are conducted outside the device. Even if the subscriber turns off the smartphone, listening will continue.

Smart phones

If we talk about what kind of listening devices for mobile phones exist, then first of all I would like to note the device itself.

It is known for certain that there are certain models of smartphones that have built-in programs that allow not only to listen to the subscriber's telephone conversations, but also to read all SMS correspondence, as well as to listen to the environment. Of course, you will not find such devices on free sale.

It is known that some Internet resources are actively selling listening devices and the smartphones described above in particular. If you have an idea to buy such a phone to give to your wife or spouse, then pay special attention to such offers. Otherwise, you run the risk of shelling out 30 thousand for a regular Chinese smartphone without any spyware.

Do you trust sites on the Internet?

Believe it or not, it's up to you. In fact, sources that offer help in deciding how to listen to someone else's mobile phone should be treated with extreme caution. If you look closely, the cost of any equipment for wiretapping is quite high. Here we are talking not only about spy phones, but also about bugs and other devices.

You may be asked to pay only a fraction of the cost. But such an amount is also very impressive, especially when you consider the fact that there are at least a dozen like you.

Therefore, before you rush headlong into an adventure, acquiring super-listening devices, think carefully about whether you are ready to throw a certain amount of money down the drain. Yes, just take it and throw it away! Not? Then, perhaps, it is not worth trying, buying who knows what and who knows from whom?


In fact, you can manually install a virus on your phone that will spy and send you reports about the information received. In order to understand how to eavesdrop on a cell phone using spyware, you will need the program itself and access to the victim's phone.

Install via the Internet, activate and ... listen to everything and everyone. True, for this you need to have the software itself available. But, again, be careful, because there are plenty of people who earn money by “divorcing” users on the network.

As a rule, such "craftsmen" in all colors paint the charms of this program. They offer an absolutely perfect option on how to listen to the victim's mobile phone. The scammers justify their kindness by the fact that, for example, being once deceived by their beloved wife or husband, they show solidarity and want to help everyone who finds themselves in such a similar situation.

Further, as a rule, a detailed description of the program is given, instructions for use are given, detailed screenshots of the screen are given, and then it is proposed to download the installation file itself either through a paid file hosting service or by sending SMS to a short number. Sometimes, after downloading the program, you will suddenly find the simplest software for installing bluetooth, for example.

In some cases, the program will download to your computer without an installation file, which you will be offered to buy at a separate price.

Be carefull

In fact, when deciding how to listen to a mobile phone, you may be under the hood yourself. Ask yourself the question: do you know exactly what files you install on your PC? But what if they contain some Trojan viruses that will later steal your personal information?

It's good if you have excellent anti-virus protection on your computer. But it is known that some users simply neglect it.

Performing deliberately illegal actions, think about the fact that the question of whether they can listen to a mobile phone that is in your personal use, you may well get an affirmative answer. I wonder how you would feel in such a situation? Will you be offended and outraged because you are an honest person? Think about it, perhaps the person you are going to spy on does not do anything immoral either. Maybe you just misunderstood something?

Phone tapping is the best in spyware

Phone eavesdropping - the best in spyware - is a smartphone tracking program. This spyware is compatible with Android 2.2 (Android 2.2) and above as well as iPhone and iPad (iPhone/iPad). For iPhone, you need to install Wiretapping - the best in spyware - if you have a Jailbreak (Jailbreak).

Phone wiretapping - the best in spyware - works discreetly and focuses on low battery consumption. This phone eavesdropper is great for eavesdropping on employees' phones or tracking your child's phone. Also Mobile Spy can be used for data backup/data backup and to track the phone in case of theft. At the same time, this tracking program cannot be used for spying directly. You are obliged to inform the owner of the phone that he is being watched.

All logs are sent to our server via the Internet. We do not forward messages. The user can view logs from a distance using our website.

Mobile Spy installation guide or how to bug your phone:

You must install the Tracking Software Phone Listener - the best in spyware - on the phone you plan to spy on.
After the installation is completed, you need to open the application.
Register your account when you first open the app. Enter your email address, repeat it and enter your password.
Enter a name for the phone you are monitoring - the target device.
Log in to our site using the email address and password you entered earlier.
Within an hour, you will start receiving magazines. The phone must have INTERNET ACCESS.

Functions of wiretapping the phone of Mobile Spy

Compatible with android

Our android spy software is compatible with Android 2.3 and above.

Compatible with iOS (iOS)

Our tracking software is compatible with iPhone (iPhone) and iPad (iPad) from iOS (iOS) 6.X to iOS (iOS) 9.X.

GPS tracker

FREE to determine the location of the phone - you will always know the location of the phone. Also, location is available for phone calls and sms messages. .

Read sms and see mms

Reading sms and mms - all incoming and outgoing - is very simple. Tracking program Mobile Spy saves messages and photos of sms and mms messages. Also, this GPS tracker will determine the location of the phone you are following at the moment when the SMS / MMS message was received or sent. If the mobile phone number with which or to which the message was sent or received is registered in the contacts of the smartphone you are following, then the name of the contact will be in place of the number. With the help of our program, it is not only easy to read SMS, but also to see all the photos sent via MMS and you can download them from our website. .

Recording telephone conversations

Listen to the phone - all incoming and outgoing phone calls - download the audio recording of the conversation on your account, as well as the time of the call, the contact with the call made and the call history. .

Listening to the environment

Records the Environment via SMS command. .

Number blocking

You can block specific numbers for calls or block SMS.

Browser history

Tracks Internet activity, including a list of visited sites. .

Website blocking

You can block websites via web address (url) or keywords.

Internet Alert

You will be able to see an alert if the mobile phone connects to a Wi-Fi network.

Viber Message Interception (Viber)

All Viber correspondence is now available even if No root (ROOT) access. .

Interception of Skype messages (Skype)

Tracking Skype (Skype) message even if No root (ROOT) access. .

Interception of WhatsApp messages (WhatsApp)

All WhatsApp (WhatsApp) correspondence is available right now even if No root (ROOT) access. .

Interception of Facebook (Facebook) messages

All Facebook (Facebook) correspondence is available right now even if No root (ROOT) access. .

Photo magazines

Tracks all photo magazines of mobile phone. .

Videos magazines

You will be able to see a number of photos from the video taken on a mobile phone. .

Application control

Application Lock

You will be able to block any applications from your mobile phone.

Calendar access

Keeps track of all new events in the calendar.

System control

Phone tapping - the best in spyware - monitors when the mobile phone is rebooted or turned off / turned on the ring or vibrate. You can also see if the SIM card has been replaced.


SIM card change notifications, mobile phone lock function.

Contact log

Tracks if a new contact has been added.

Integrates with contacts

If the phone number is stored in the smartphone contacts, then you can see the contact name of each phone call or SMS message.

SMS commands

Control your mobile phone through SMS commands.

Intercepting Snapchat messages

All Snapchat conversations are now available even if No root (ROOT) access. .

Interception of Kik messages (Kik)

All correspondence Kik (Kik) is available right now even if No root (ROOT) access. .

Interception of messages Tango (Tango)

All correspondence of Tango (Tango) is available right now even if No root (ROOT) access.

Interception of messages Twitter (Twitter)

All correspondence Twitter (Twitter) is available right now even if No root (ROOT) access.

Many jealous husbands want to know not only how to wiretap your wife's cell phone, but also what program for wiretapping will be effective and really invisible on her phone after installation? Below are comprehensive answers to these and other similar questions.

So, eavesdropping on wife's cell phone is a spyware that must meet the following three main requirements for this type of application:

First of all, wiretapping wife's iphone should be multifunctional, i.e. not only listen to outgoing and incoming calls, but also intercept messages, photos, media files, give the exact coordinates of its location and much more;

Secondly, program of wiretapping and surveillance of the wife it should be hidden, in other words, if a wiretapping is put on the phone, the wife should not know about it in any case - this is practically the main criterion for a high-quality spyware;

And thirdly, spyware to listen to your wife's phone should make sure that you can view all intercepted text messages, photos and more at any time convenient for you, since love correspondence in instant messengers or social networks can take place both during working hours and late at night.

The VkurSe program is a multifunctional application for wiretapping your phone and meets all of the above requirements for spyware. The functionality of the VkurSe program includes:

  • wiretapping of his wife's telephone conversations and their recording;
  • listening to ambient sound (the ability to turn on the microphone remotely);
  • receiving notifications (with the exact date) of outgoing and incoming calls, also from which phone number and to which they were made;
  • interception of messages in instant messengers and social networks (Viber, WhatsApp, Odnoklassniki and VKontakte);
  • the ability to intercept and read even those messages that will be deleted by the wife (if the program is already up and running on her phone at that time);
  • save all data to your e-mail or personal account on the site and view them at any time convenient for you;
  • save photos and media files received on the spouse’s phone to your mail;
  • using the "list wifi networks" command;
  • the ability to take screenshots of the screen at certain intervals;
  • round-the-clock geolocation system (GPS), which will allow you to know the exact location of your spouse, even if she does not answer your call;
  • detailed routing of the wife's movement in any time period and much more.

It is impossible to give the entire list of actions that can be performed using the VkurSe program here, since there are really a huge number of them. More details about the functionality of this program can be found in the "Features" tab.

Is there a real hidden wiretapping of the wife's cell phone?

The VkurSe program is one of the most hidden applications that cannot be seen or by any sign understood that it was installed by a simple user (professionals and hackers are not taken into account):

  • during installation DON'T have to a lot of time to hold the wife's phone in her hands - the wife's wiretapping program is installed in a matter of minutes;
  • no way will NOT affect for the operation of the phone and its charging - the program has practically no weight;
  • Will not detected during an antivirus scan - the application is not malware;
  • Will not be displayed in the list of applications - the VkurSe program is installed directly into the system folder;
  • the name of the program will NOT cause the wife has absolutely no suspicions - when registering, you can change the name of the wife's phone wiretapping program once at your discretion for free;
  • Impossible identify the program by icon - a standard robot of a standard green color.

However, this also has its "minus": if Your wife has wiretapped you, then you are now aware that you will not be able to “calculate” our program and will be “on the hook” with your wife until she deletes it herself.

How to install wiretapping on your wife's phone?

Installing the VkurSe program will not be difficult. In order to download the program of wiretapping wife's phone you need to go to the tab "Registration and installation of the application", there is a step-by-step instruction on how to install our program. You can also wiretapping wife's phone download and through the tab. To do this, go to it and click on "Consultant", where you will receive a download link automatically.
Wiretapping your wife's phone via the Internet for free will work seven days after registration. Such a free weekly use of the VkurSe program will allow you to try out all its possibilities and understand whether you really need to put your wife on wiretap or is it better to trust your soulmate. And no time limit program to listen to your wife's phone for free will give out its location around the clock.
In order to continue to have access to all functions after a week period, you will need to subscribe, for this, check out the tab

Applications and special programs on smartphones are increasingly used in our daily lives. We get used to using them to make purchases, conduct financial transactions, communicate with friends around the world. If you need to further monitor your child's social circle, listen to the conversations of company employees or family members, you will need a spy program for android or ios, which is easy to download and install on your smartphone. It will prove useful for monitoring children, the elderly, household staff or employees.

What is spyware

To use the phone monitoring service, you need to register on the website of the program developer. When registering, you need to remember your login, password to enter the service, confirm your phone number or email address. Spyware differs from each other in control functions, in the types of presentation to you of information "taken" from the controlled device. It can be a screen shot, call table, sms, call recordings. The program for spying on an Android phone must be downloaded, installed, and activated on a smartphone in secret from the user.

Types of spyware

Remote control programs for smartphones are divided into the following types:

Spy Features

By controlling the smartphone, the Android spy program implements the functions of tracking and logging all the actions of the object. After collecting information, depending on the type of functions you have chosen, on your smartphone or computer via the Internet, the utility will provide the ability to receive data:

  • a log of incoming, missed, outgoing calls of subscribers with their names, the duration of the conversation;
  • audio recordings of telephone conversations;
  • list and texts of all sms, mms messages with the time they were received or sent;
  • photo and video information taken by the spy camera of the controlled device;
  • the current location of the subscriber with online tracking of movements using geolocation using the base stations of the GSM operator or GPS navigation;
  • browsing history of smartphone browser pages;
  • accounting for downloaded, installed, used applications;
  • sound control of the environment with remote control of the microphone.

Spyware for Android

Among the range of spyware offered, there are free utilities that, when analyzed and verified, turn out to be ineffective. To obtain high-quality information, it is necessary to spend funds for the collection and storage of photo, video, audio information. After registering on the developer's website, the client receives a personal account indicating the connected control functions and the information collected.

A paid program for wiretapping a mobile phone for Android is developed taking into account the need to satisfy the most fastidious customers in several ways:

  • ease of installation;
  • invisibility of being on a controlled smartphone;
  • convenience for the customer to receive and save the collected information.


One of the simplest spyware for a computer or smartphone is Neospy. NeoSpy Mobile for the Android platform is a legal application that can be downloaded from Google Play. When downloading a new version of NeoSpy Mobile v1.9 PRO with installation, downloading the apk archive, settings are possible in which the program will not be displayed in the list of Google Play applications, it will be able to monitor the smartphone keyboard, intercept photos from the camera. The cost of using the program depends on the selected functions and will range from 20 to 50 rubles per day.

talk log

More serious is the Talklog Android phone spy. Before installing it on your smartphone, you will need to disable anti-virus software. You will need to allow installation of apps from other sources in your phone's security settings. The Talklog service is a full-fledged spy that can get almost all information about the activity of the monitored object. The utility has a free trial mode with its capabilities and several basic free functions. The cost will be from 10 to 50 rubles per day, depending on the functionality you need.


Spyware for Android Flexispy includes a huge number of ways to access your smartphone - intercepting SMS, MMS messages, wiretapping, recording telephone conversations, reading dialogues from 14 internal chats (Facebook, WhatsApp, Viber, Skype, WeChat, Telegram, etc.) , real-time call pickup, listening to the phone's surroundings through the microphone, more than 140 functions. The cost of using the utility is appropriate - the minimum Premium package will cost you 6,000 rubles for 3 months, the maximum Extreme - up to 12,000 rubles for 3 months of use.

Mobile Tool

MobileTool spy application for Android operating system will provide you with information about calls, SMS, MMS, phone location, phone book. It is able to remove its shortcut from the application list. Functions will be available to you - viewing photos, protection against theft by blocking the device, turning on the siren. All information will be available in your personal account on the application website. There is a two-day trial mode for checking the functionality, discounts depend on the period of use. The average payment for using the utility will be about 30 rubles per day.

Mobile Monitoring

Mobile spy for Android Mobile Monitoring (mobile monitoring) after registering on the site, choosing a tariff plan and paying, it will make it possible to save telephone conversations, the voice recorder function, save all SMS messages, geolocation of the phone's location, and build travel routes. The program works on smartphones of any mobile operators in Russia. The cost when choosing only geolocation will be 800 rubles for 3 months, full functionality - 1550 rubles for 3 months, with a 40% discount when paying for a year.

How to install spyware on your phone

Installation of a mobile spy begins with registration via the Internet on the manufacturer's website, choosing a tariff plan, and paying for services. Then a link is provided that must be entered in the smartphone browser to download the program. Some spyware for Android is available through Google Play, downloaded like regular apps. When installing and activating the program, you will need permission to access all the smartphone functions necessary for its operation. You may need permission to use programs that are obtained from unknown sources.

How to detect spyware on Android

Most spyware for Android has the function of masking its presence in the smartphone. They can exclude themselves from the list of applications, not show their activity during periods of using the phone. Many anti-virus programs can detect such software. To protect against spyware and malware, you should make a habit of running a full phone scan once a week or setting it to run automatically on a schedule. The main features of the work on the phone of such programs can be:

  • slowdown of the mobile phone;
  • rapid battery discharge;
  • unjustified eating of Internet traffic.

