Language and speech. Signs of language and speech

The current state of the Russian literary language. Problems of speech culture of modern society.

The state of the Russian language is, as is commonly believed, the state of the people who speak it, those transformations that occur in the speech behavior of native speakers. Over the past decades, the face of the Russian literary language has changed. Changes have taken place in such varieties as language fiction, politics, journalism, mass media.

Linguists and researchers say that all changes are natural and normal, that language develops along with society. On the one hand, this is good: the speech constraint, the cliches that were inherent in the oral language, have disappeared. literary language period of the USSR. But, on the other hand, jargon, vernacular and foreign words sound from the screens. There are more and more borrowings from foreign languages, which adversely affects the purity of the original Russian language. Yes, time goes forward, and the language changes along with the development of society, but one thing is the decoration of speech. foreign words, and the other is the loss of traditions and the loss of native culture.

Three aspects of the culture of speech
The culture of speech is also defined as such a choice and such an organization language tools, which in a certain situation of communication, subject to modern language norms and ethics of communication, make it possible to provide greatest effect in achieving the set communicative tasks. The definition emphasizes three aspects of speech culture: normative, ethical, communicative.
The normative aspect is based, according to the authors, on the definition of the norm as the central concept of speech culture, given by S.I. Ozhegov:
A norm is a set of the most suitable (“correct”, “preferred”) language means for serving society, which are formed as a result of the selection of linguistic elements (lexical, pronunciation, morphological, syntactic) from among coexisting, existing, formed again or extracted from a passive stock.

Language and speech. relationship between these concepts. Functions.

The concepts of "language" and "speech" in everyday communication are often confused, but in the scientific consideration of these concepts, not only their unification is required, but also a distinction.
From a philosophical point of view, language is a category of essence and general. Speech also plays the role of a phenomenon and a particular. The field of linguistics is very broad. It consists of two parts: one part is closer to the tongue and is passive stock; the other part is closer to speech and is an active force, the true source of those phenomena that then penetrate into another part of linguistic activity. Language is an essential, universal phenomenon, speech is a specific, psychophysiological or mechanical superstructure phenomenon that provides informative, expressive and communicative functions of language in specific situation communication. The functions of the language are not equivalent. Those functions of the language are recognized as fundamental, the fulfillment of which predetermined its emergence and constitutive properties. The most important social function of language is communicative. It determines its main characteristic - the presence of a material (sound) form and a system of encoding and decoding rules. These properties provide and maintain the unity of expression and perception of meaning. This function forms a pragmatic component of the language structure, adapting speech to the participants and the situation of communication. With the help of language, people convey their thoughts and feelings to each other, thereby influencing each other and forming public consciousness.
The second main social function of the language is called the cognitive (cognitive) function, which consists of a logical (thought-forming) function. Thought then becomes formalized and sensually perceived when it is embodied in the forms of language and expressed in speech. Another component: an accumulative (historical) function, in which language serves as a means of accumulating social experience, a means of forming and developing material and spiritual culture, thereby changing public consciousness.
This is followed by the emotive function of the language - an expression of the attitude of the author of the speech to its content. It is realized in means of evaluation, exclamations, intonation, etc.
Statements about language are denoted by the metalinguistic (metalinguistic) function of the language, implemented in linguistic texts, in the process of mastering the native or foreign language.
Example: “I explained that there is a big difference between “demonstrative”, when they show what is, and “ostentatious”, when they show what is not” (Khodasevich).
The setting for the message to satisfy the aesthetic sense of the addressee with its form in unity with the content is performed by the aesthetic (poetic) function, which, being the main one for a literary text, is also present in everyday speech, manifesting itself in its rhythm, imagery, etc. Unlike communicative function, which is the main one in ordinary (practical) language, the aesthetic function dominates in artistic speech.
social function language, his public importance, lies in the fact that the language is involved in the development of various aspects of spiritual life and labor activity people.
The achievements of the people, the nation in the development of science, fiction and other areas of spiritual culture are carried out with the direct participation of the native language and are expressed in it. That is why every nation strives, while developing its national culture, to maintain and improve its national language.


Doctor of Philology, Professor

V.A. Grechko

Published by decision of the editorial and publishing council

Murom Institute (branch)

Vladimir State University

Rymar, S.V.

R 95 Russian language and culture of speech: lecture notes for students for all areas of training / S.V. Rymar. - Murom: Publishing House - Polygraphic Center of MI VlSU, 2011. - 98 p.

ISBN 978-5-8439-0304-6

Toolkit includes lecture notes on the main topics of the training course "Russian language and culture of speech". Lecture notes are compiled in accordance with the requirements of the State educational standard for the study of the Russian language and culture of speech for all specialties. Target study guide– to acquaint students with the basics of the culture of speech.

UDC 811.135.1 (075.8)

BBK 81.2 Rus-5

ISBN 978-5-8439-0304-6© Rymar S.V., 2011

© Murom Institute (branch)

federal state budget

educational institution

higher vocational education

"Vladimirsky State University

named after Nikolai Grigorievich and Alexander

Grigoryevich Stoletovs, 2011

Lecture 1
general characteristics language and speech 4

Lecture 2
Communication culture 10

Lecture 3
Speech activity 19

Lecture 4
culture of speech 31

Lecture 5
characterization of the main qualities of speech 49

Lecture 6
normative aspect of speech culture 69

Lecture 7
culture non-verbal communication 75

Lecture 8

Lecture 9

Lecture 1

General characteristics of language and speech

1. Relationship between language and speech

2. Language as a system of signs

3. Main functions of natural national language

4. Speech as an activity

5. Main aspects of the description and analysis of speech

The relationship of language and speech

Language and speech different concepts, but they are not so much opposed as closely related as two sides of the same coin, since speech - it's always language in action. And although there is no complete coincidence between them, speech rarely does without verbal language, and language functions only in speech.

Therefore, speech and language are closely related. For example, such concepts as "linguistic competence", "linguistic personality" imply that a person meaningfully uses a particular language. In this regard, these concepts are primarily linguistic, since the basis of this knowledge and human skills is language. But if we are dealing with the implementation of linguistic knowledge, and even a specific personality, then we are already talking about “language competence”, “linguistic personality” as speech concepts. This is another confirmation that language and speech do not exist (with rare exceptions) without each other.

For those who aspire to achieve high level culture of speech, which is impossible without the conscious and purposeful possession of all the components of speech, including language, in this regard, it is necessary to know what connects and what distinguishes language and speech. Culture always involves a meaningful attitude to what needs to be cultivated and what to get rid of. At the same time, “man and culture are inseparable. Each person belongs to a certain culture, a historically established culture, and at the same time he feels that this culture belongs to him. This feeling arises because the fundamental level of culture is formed by language. A native speaker is a person who is unable to arbitrarily change it. And at the same time, the language belongs to a person who is fluent in it, and the beginnings of spiritual creativity are rooted in the free construction of Texts. A text is a reproducible sequence of signs or images that has a meaning that is, in principle, understandable” (A.A. Brudny).

Knowledge of language and speech helps first to understand what is meant by the culture of speech, and on the basis of this understanding, to learn and master the ways to achieve a high level in it.

The complexity of defining the concepts of language and speech lies in the fact that language is referred to as philosophical category, and speech - to linguistic. This approach reflects only the vector direction of scientific discussions, the purpose of which is to find a general theoretical principle for the study of language processes and their implementation in human speech activity.

Based on the characteristics of language and speech justified by the outstanding researchers of the language F. de Saussure, A. Potebney, N. Arutyunov, V. Zvegintsev, several important aspects, allowing you to get closer to the answer to the question about their differences.

Language is a universal sign system that combines lexical and grammatical components with a dynamic structure. This is a general linguocultural phenomenon, which manifests itself in the individual speech activity of each person.

Acquiring Skills speeches, we subconsciously use the already existing, ready-made matrix for constructing phrases, the formation of word forms, their compatibility, we assimilate lexical meaning words, their figurative content and variability. Speech makes it possible to concretize the generalized experience of expressing thought, which is contained in the national language.

Language arises and develops in the social environment; it is inseparable from such concepts as the people and the nation. But the social nature of language takes the form of speech only under the condition of communication between individuals. The individual beginning always reflects a certain level of collective consciousness, which perceives language as a means of expressing thoughts, feelings, emotions and states.

The language is subject to strict linguistic laws, is stable and exists as a complex undisturbed constructive unity. Speech is changeable and mobile; these properties are manifested in dialects, dialects, adverbs, in the features of the speech activity of each individual native speaker. Living processes of speech supplement the language with improved forms of reflection of reality. They become linguistic only if justified by collective experience and confirmed by time.

The language is neutral: the characteristics of emotional expressiveness, sonority, tempo, and intonation are inapplicable to it. Speech is expressive and emotionally colored. Language is a kind of formula applicable in any speech act. But live speech constantly violates its strictness and static character, although on the whole it retains its content.

Language is a norm that does not depend on how it is acquired separately talking man. Speech is a kind of interpretation of this norm, closely related to sociocultural factors and personal characteristics of participants in verbal communication.

Language exists as a specific system for the accumulation and transmission of information, and speech allows its use. The main functions of speech are communicative and cognitive. But the information that we receive in the form of texts or a speech stream is concretized in our minds thanks to language as a differentiating and systematizing mechanism.

Speech is individual, specific, limited by time frames. The language is characterized by generalization and has no chronology. Speech can be heard and exists in written form. Language cannot be fixed in sound or writing.

Findings site

  1. Language, unlike individual speech, is universal.
  2. Speech expresses the personal beginning, and language is essentially social.
  3. Speech is fluid and variable. The language is conservative and static.
  4. Speech performs communicative and cognitive functions. Language acts as a systematizing and regulating speech activity mechanism.

The relationship between the concepts of "language" and "speech".

Language is a system of socially conditioned sounds, signs, expressing the totality of knowledge and ideas about the world.

Speech is the process of speaking. She has:

1) Events as they unfold in time and space

2) Specifics

3) Purposefulness and conditionality of the situation

Language is a language system + speech.

Sentence and statement in the aspect of opposition of language and speech.

An utterance is a complex speech sign, where the denoting is a sentence, and the denoting is a certain situation in the world of discourse. The main features of statements: change of speech subjects, completeness (the ability to answer), addressing (addressing someone), expressiveness (expression of the individual emotions of the speaker).

The statement is a speech sign (and all signs have 2 sides): the signifier is the structure of sentences, and the signified is the fragment of reality associated with them, as well as the situation of communication itself and the background knowledge of the speakers - Presuppositions - the knowledge of the speaker and the addressee about the subject of speech.

A sentence is such a syntactic construction that is built according to a certain pattern and is intended to serve as a message. The main function of the sentence is communicative.

Several word forms that represent a grammatical pattern of the language existing in the minds of native speakers in the form of models, regardless of the meanings of the words that fill this model. According to the purpose of statements, sentences are of narrative, interrogative and incentive types.

A performative utterance is an utterance that has the property of self-referentiality. That is, it exists independently of the world of discourse, but the referent of the utterance is not the event, but the very fact of the utterance. A performative utterance is equivalent to an act, it transforms a communicative act into a social action: I swear - means to take an oath, to perform some action.

Characteristics of sentences according to the purpose of the statement.

1) Narrative (goal - a message about something)

2) Interrogative

a) Interrogative incentive - a question in form, incentive - in purpose

So will you give me Gogol?

b) Interrogative-rhetorical - do not require an answer, as they contain it in themselves.

What can be taught here?

3) Incentives - an incentive to perform an action (order, request, prayer). The imperative mood is used. Imperative mood prone to exclamation.

More on the topic 6. The relationship between the concepts of "language" and "speech". Sentence and statement in the aspect of opposition of language and speech. Self-referential and performative utterances. Characteristics of sentences for the purpose of the statement.:

  1. 20. Language and speech. Suggestion and statement. The main features of the utterance.
  2. 32. Simple sentence. Synonymy of direct and indirect statements. Ways of expressing modality. Types of interrogative statements. exclamatory sentences.
  3. No. 32. Simple sentence. Types of sentences by modality and by the purpose of the statement. Their stylistic x-ka.
  4. § 89. Noematic statements and statements 35 about reality. Noema in the psychological sphere. Psychological-phenomenological reduction
  5. Levels of organization and structure of the sentence-statement.
  8. Erik Adrian INFLUENCE OF THE SYSTEM OF LANGUAGE AND CONSITUATION ON STATEMENTS WITHOUT VERB PREDICATES (on the controversy about modern Russian colloquial speech)

Language is a socially intended system of signs that naturally arose in human society, which serves as the most important means of communication.

The sign system of the language consists in establishing a correspondence between the set of sounds (expression plan) and the set of meanings (content plan).

Language exists in two forms: spoken and written. The sound form is primary in relation to the written form.

Speech- this is a specific speaking, occurring in oral or written form, the implementation of which is carried out through the use of language means.

The concept of "speech" is broader than the concept of "speech activity" in the sense that the first is understood to mean both the process of speaking (speech activity) and its result (speech works).

communication process means of communication
situationally and contextually conditioned (i.e. motivated) independent of the situation, communication environment (i.e. unmotivated)
deliberate and directed towards a specific goal unfocused
material, specific perfect, abstract
unfolds in time and is realized in space abstracted from these parameters of reality
can be correlated with the phenomena of reality and evaluated in terms of truth or falsity truth value not applicable
allows elements of random and unordered regular
Variable relatively invariant (in a single period of existence)
linear has a level organization
Endless finite
Relevant potential
Active passive
dynamic, mobile static, stable
subjective objective
Individual social
reflects the experience of the individual captures team experience
Arbitrary obligatory (mandatory)


1. Means of communication (depending on the addressee of communication, varieties of this function are distinguished: communicative (means of communication with people) and magical (means of communication with God or the forces of nature)).

2. A means of creating verbal artistic images.

3. A means of expressing emotions, internal states of a person and will.

4. Means of knowledge.

5. Means of generating new units of language subsystems.

6. A means of accumulating and storing social experience and knowledge.


1. The implementation of the process of communication (varieties of the function: communicative (implementation of the process of communication with people) and magical (implementation of the process of communication with God or the forces of nature)).

2. Implementation of the process of creating artistic images, works (aesthetic function).

3. Implementation of the process of expressing emotions, internal states of a person and will.

4. Implementation of the processes of cognition.

5. Implementation of the processes of generating new units of language subsystems.

6. Implementation of the process of accumulation and storage of public experience and knowledge.

Types of signs, features of a linguistic sign. Language as a system, relations between its elements.

So properties of a linguistic sign:

1. materiality (because any sign can have a sound form, i.e. how this sign is expressed; it can have a graphic form)

2. the unity of the plan of expression and the plan of content (PV and PS). These terms were given by Dats. Linguist L. Elmslev, in S. these are signifiers and signifiers. The unity of the PV and PS points to the theory of bilaterality, i.e. that the sign has 2 sides. But in addition to this theory, there is a theory of monoterality (the sign is one-sided), then only the PV is a sign, which in this theory is called the exponent or body of the sign, or the sign itself. The sign refers to the content that is in the mind of a person. In this theory, the ratio of the exponent and the person himself is called a sign complex.

3. the sign acts only in its own system (semiotic system). For example: Russian alphabet a-b-c... and opposition to English. a-b-c...

4. the sign is opposed to other signs within the given system

5. The relationship between the sign and the object it denotes is conditional. The connection is established directly for onomatopoeia of words (“Ku-ku” - connection with an object - a cuckoo) - there are few such words in the language.

6. Signs are mutually translatable. Eg. Higher educational institution- we say university, automobile school - car)

7. the sign has not only meaning, but also value (significance) (introduced by F. de S.) The ratio of the sign with other signs of this system, showing what place this sign occupies in the system (for example, in Russian - where? where ?, in English - where-- means this is the significance of the word). “It is necessary to study not only the meaning of signs, but also the relationship between them,” wrote F. de S.

8. linearity of the sign. Any signs form a linear sequence

9. sign valence. (combinatorics of this sign with other signs - tolisten to,tosuffer from)

In addition, F. de S. described 3 types of signs:

1. Iconic (a sign is a similarity or likeness between a sign and its object)

2. Indexal (index - Latin “informer”. This is a sign that refers to the designated object due to the fact that the object really affects it. Such a sign is built on an association by adjacency (bullet - window - crack)

3. Symbolic or conventional signs, according to Ch. Pierce, this is the only genuine sign, because it does not depend on similarity or connection. Its connection with the object is conditional, because exists through the sign complex and exists through agreement. Most words are symbols.

Language system- a set of elements of the language, connected with each other by one or another relationship, forming a certain unity and integrity. Each component of the language system exists in opposition to other elements, which gives it significance. The concept of a language system includes the concepts of language levels, language units, paradigmatics and syntagmatics, linguistic sign, synchrony and diachrony.

System- a set of units of the language, interconnected by stable relationships and characterized by interconnection and interdependence. Systems of separate tiers of the language structure, interacting with each other, form common system given language.

Language relations- these are the relationships that are found between tiers and categories, units and their parts. The main types of relations are paradigmatic and syntagmatic, associative and hyponymic (hierarchical).

Paradigmatic relations are those relations that unite language units into groups, categories, categories. Paradigmatic relations are based, for example, on the consonant system, the declension system, the synonymic series.

Syntagmatic relations unite language units in their simultaneous sequence. Words are built on syntagmatic relations as a set of morphemes and syllables, phrases and analytical names, sentences (as sets of sentence members) and complex sentences.

Associative relations arise on the basis of the coincidence of representations in time, i.e. images of the phenomena of reality. There are three types of associations: by adjacency, by similarity and by contrast. These types of associations play an important role in the use of epithets and metaphors, in the formation figurative meanings words.

Hierarchical relations are relations between heterogeneous elements, their subordination to each other as general and particular, generic and specific, higher and lower. Hierarchical relations are observed between units of different tiers of the language, between words and forms when they are combined into parts of speech, between syntactic units when they are combined into syntactic types. Associative, hierarchical and paradigmatic relationships are opposed to syntagmatic ones in that the latter are linear.

There are also sound units (phonemes), which have the functions of perception and discrimination. Thanks to the first, we can perceive speech; thanks to the second, language units of a more complex nature are distinguished from each other: house-that, there-so.
