Types of fires: flame, light and smoke. Types of fires: description, purpose and breeding methods

A fire built in the forest is almost one of the most important conditions survival. You keep warm with a fire, dry your clothes, food is cooked on a fire. How cozy and warm it becomes when you build a fire in cold, inclement weather. It is not for nothing that people have worshiped fire since ancient times. There are several types of fires, each of which has its own advantages.

Bonfire Hut - one of the most famous and widespread types of fire. Suitable for both cooking and heating. Very easy to kindle and equip, ignites quickly. It is necessary to lay firewood obliquely in the form of a hut on the kindling. The combustion temperature of a fire like Shalash is quite high, and such a fire quickly burns out, so it is necessary to often add firewood.

Bonfire Starry - burns for a long time, pygoden for cooking. It is advisable to use firewood from solid wood species. As it burns, the firewood is shifted to the center of the fire. Such a fire can be used for heating at night.

Bonfire Well (Hatka) - has an even flame, very good for cooking. Burns out fairly quickly. The bonfire is folded in the form of a log house.

Bonfire Nodia - great for heating at night, has a long burning. There are several ways to lay a Nodia fire. The first way - three dry logs 30 cm thick and 2-3 m long are taken. Two logs on one side are hewn and stacked parallel to each other. C outside parties they are supported by driven pegs. A fire is made between them, with the help of coals, or thin twigs. And then the third log is laid on top. The second way - you need to drive in 4 pegs, and between them lay thick logs one on top of the other. You can alternate dry logs with wet ones, so they will dry out and gradually flare up

Polynesian bonfire (Pit) - gives a lot of coal, invisible, does not require a lot of firewood. In order to build such a fire, it is necessary to dig a hole, which is preferably lined with stones. If such a fire is made under the crown of a tree, then it will also not be visible from above. For better oxygen access to the pit, it is necessary to dig a small trench, so the fire will burn better and smoke less

Bonfire Lattice - two logs are laid in the base, on top of which smaller logs are laid in the form of a lattice. The fire will gradually go down. This type of fire can be used for cooking and as an overnight fire.

Reflector fire - can be used for night heating due to reflected heat. It is especially effective to use such a fire to heat a shed hut.

Safe night bonfire - designed for night heating and preventing burning logs from falling out of the bonfire. Firewood is stacked tightly, so it will burn longer, and two heavy logs are pressed on top so that the firewood does not roll out of the fire.

Bonfire Trench - used in windy weather for cooking. It is necessary to dig a trench deep enough to make a fire in it, in width, slightly less than the width of the koteok

Every person who had a chance to go hunting, fishing or a regular hiking trip had to deal with making a fire. Of course, it is better to know the basics and rules of its breeding, because there are different kinds fires, depending on its purpose, as well as the method of laying logs and branches. Once in the forest in winter, you need to keep in mind that it is necessary to make a fire different from the one that was kindled in summer, because there were other conditions. About what types of fires are and their purpose will be discussed further.

Consider the known types of fires and the differences between them:

The most common type of fire in hiking trips, when the logs are stacked at an angle to the center, while the logs burn out quickly enough in the middle in the upper part, collecting the main coals in the center. This look is good for fast food food in field conditions, warming up the kettle. It is not suitable for warming at night, since the main heat is concentrated in the middle in one place.

It differs from the "hut" in that it allows you to cook food in several containers at the same time. Its design consists of two long logs located at a short distance parallel to each other, across which two more logs are placed on top. Thus, the structure is laid out until the required height is reached. Cooking several dishes at the same time is possible due to the fact that the necessary oxygen supply and uniform distribution of fire along the length of the firewood are provided. It should be borne in mind that this type is best kindled in calm weather, because otherwise the fire will spread unevenly.

If you need to build a fire that will burn all night, giving a large number of heat, suitable option there will be a taiga fire. For its construction, you will need two rows of thick long logs, in each of which you need to place 2 or 3 logs. These rows should intersect at a slight angle just above the coals. Moreover, the first row must be laid with a dense arrangement of logs to each other on the coals, and the second above it from above at an angle. The burning of logs is achieved along their entire length, but the main part of the heat falls on their intersection.

The purpose of a “candle” fire is to heat water for tea or cooking while hunting, fishing or hiking during a short halt. Such a fire is not capable of heating large area around itself, because the heat is concentrated in its very center. For its construction, a log is used, the top of which is cut into 6-8 parts, depending on its thickness. Inside the split, tinder with logs is placed and kindled. The candle is able to burn for about eight hours, releasing uniform, comfortable heat around it over a small area. This species is suitable for breeding in warm, dry weather, as the group does not need much heating, and the fire is safe for environment.

Nodia is able to heat a group of people during a hike throughout the night without adding firewood, even in winter when low temperatures. It consists of three thick and long logs at least two or three meters long. To ignite the node, coals are used, obtained during the ignition of an ordinary fire, which is bred nearby. They are poured over the entire length of one laid out log, which is closed from above with brushwood or spruce branches. When they flare up, two more logs are placed on both sides of the first log. To make them start fire faster, you need to make notches with an ax and roll this side inside the fire. When they light up, another log is placed on top with notches towards the fire. Logs with a diameter of more than 40 cm are able to burn throughout the night.

The "fireplace" is also used to heat the night camp. It provides long burning logs, because its design is such that as the lower logs burn, the upper ones roll down and begin to burn. The design of the "fireplace" consists of four short logs, which are laid in the form of a well, and on one of its sides a wall two logs high is laid out. To hold them, two pegs are driven in with an outward slope. As the logs in the "well" burn, those that are in the "wall" roll down. Directly, the fire itself is lit inside the "well".

The Polynesian bonfire is most often used during the rain, when the weather is damp and chilly. For the construction of the structure, it is necessary to make a cone-shaped pit, tapering downward, up to one meter deep. The walls of the pit are laid out with logs, and a fire is made at the bottom. The Polynesian type of fire gives a lot of coals that keep warm for a long time, and are convenient not only during rain, but also strong wind.

When there is very little firewood, you can make a so-called star fire. It is very economical in terms of fuel consumption, but it cannot be left unattended, for example, at night, since it is necessary to move the logs as they burn from the outskirts to the center. The star is laid out in such a way that logs are laid out along the radius of the fire in length, on coals, starting from the very center. If you need to keep the fire burning slowly, periodically moving new firewood to the old, then this type is the most suitable.

The "gun" burns for a long time, maintaining a sufficiently large amount of heat. For its cultivation, coals are first prepared, then a thick log is placed near them. Several logs are laid out on it at one end, so the coals are directly under them. They flare up and long time give good warmth. As they burn out, they can be replaced with new ones.

"Pyramid" can be used for night heating of the camp. For this, two thick logs are used, parallel to each other. Across them, you need to put a few more similar logs, this will be the basis of the entire fire. Then you need to find smaller logs and put them in the same sequence on top of the first ones, then even smaller logs are placed on top, until the top is in twigs and small brushwood. When a fire breaks out, you can safely leave it all night.

Types of fires OBZH

Other types of bonfires are used to send distress signals than those described above:


The purpose of such a fire is to send a distress signal with strong smoke, which will be visible from the aircraft. For this, the construction of a fire-hut is used, which is covered large quantity fresh spruce, pine and other evergreen branches. In the absence of this, thick leafy branches or long grass can be used.


This is a signal fire, giving a distress signal with its bright flame, which can be seen from afar. It is kindled in high, open areas of the terrain, it is made of three thick branches, installed vertically in the form of a triangle or tripod. The rest of the branches rest on them, blocking the side parts of the fire. In addition to the fact that it will give a high flame, you can add branches, leaves and grass to it to create a large amount of smoke.

Types of fires and what they are used for

A recent water trip made me remember everything. The fire prepared food for us, scared the bears and simply warmed us. different types campfires we used in different situations. Usually it was a taiga, a well, a node.

Functional types of fires

I know about a dozen fires, but not all of them I use on a hike. I only use 3-4 regularly. If you rummage through the Web, you can find various exotic ways to make a fire. But this is more fun than a necessity.

Each type of fire has its own purpose: cooking, heating, lighting. Although most of them are multifunctional and solve several problems at once.

Therefore, when choosing the type of fire that you are going to light, first of all, be guided by the quality of the firewood available and the tools with which you can get it. If you have camped in a crooked forest or tundra zone, or there are centuries-old larches around you, but there is neither a saw nor an ax, then you are unlikely to get a Nodya taiga fire.

TOP 8 ways to make fires

So, let's start with the most popular and convenient for cooking. In my opinion, this is a fire, a well or a log house.


There are two ways to build a fire well. Either firewood is stacked in the form of a well, and kindling is lit in the center, or kindling (brushwood) is surrounded by firewood.

For quick boiling of water, a suspended boiler is also slightly lined.


I would rather call him chum. It is more often used for a fuse, then a well is laid out on its basis.

If you burn a lot of firewood with a hut, then you get a very bright (pioneer) fire, convenient for illuminating the clearing. The disadvantage is the rapid combustion of firewood.


The most, in my opinion, suitable for lying down (overnight without a tent) fire. Nodya can be very different - from two, three logs and even with a hanging log, but all these complex structures seems to me "from the evil one."

I use only a three-log design, although I recently read that the design of a two-log node is considered a classic. I specifically tested it on a hike and made a separate article about it and a short review film, which was included in the series of types of bonfires, the video is posted on the YouTube channel of our website.

For a three-logged taiga bonfire, you need three logs from 1.5 to 2 m and two small sticks. Sticks are placed on the ground. Two logs are laid on them, with notches previously made with an ax.

Kindling is placed on top of the logs in three or four piles. I usually let the bottom logs burn before putting the top log on top of them. First, it will still burn faster. Secondly, while only the lower logs are burning, it is very convenient to put a boiler on them (yes, at least five) and first cook food, and only then put the upper log, which will immediately take up and give a lot of light and heat.

You can cook on the node even when the top log has already been laid. Just move it half a meter to the side and place the boiler on the edge.

Useful articles:

It is preferable to make a node from conifers, but any dry wood. Nodya made of logs with a diameter of 25-30 cm burns for 6 hours and provides a warm overnight stay.

In a recent campaign, the node not only warmed us, but also scared away the bears.


A taiga bonfire is laid out on an already burning bonfire of another type, or less often it is lit on its own.

All taiga logs lie parallel and thus heat each other tightly pressed. The fire is very economical, gives a lot of heat and little smoke. First of all, it is convenient for heating, but it is also good to cook on it, especially if there are several boilers.

Taiga fires are also called several more types of fires and their purpose (main) is to give heat.


Logs are placed with one edge on a log laid perpendicular to the ground. Due to this, air is blown from below and combustion is more intense.


For a Tunguska fire, you need 5-6 poles, about 3 meters long, as well as a log with a diameter of 25-30 cm and a length of about 1 meter.

The log is placed on the ground, the poles are laid with one end on it (the design is somewhat similar to the Katyusha mortar). Kindling is laid out between the log and the poles, from which the poles begin to burn.

As the poles burn, a red-hot heap of coals forms underneath them. Their heat is reflected from the log, turning into directed heat. As the fire burns, the poles must be moved up.

This type of fire is suitable for spending the night without a tent, although it gives heat only on one side, where the bed is made.

Finnish candle

A Finnish candle is a block of wood 40-60 cm high with two cross-shaped cuts approximately to the middle.

In the center of the block of wood, a small fire is made, which, burning into its depth, ignites the inner layers of wood there. Combustion is fed with air through cuts on four sides.

Purpose is mainly cooking. It's kind of wooden stove. It burns for a long time, you can even use it two or even three times, extinguishing it with water, and then filling it again - falling asleep in a burnt-out hollow of red coals from the main fire. The Finnish candle does not give any heat, but is convenient for cooking, does not leave a fire, it can be rearranged burning to another place (unlike a fire).

Here is such a Filipino candle, by analogy with the Finnish one, we made from a piece of bamboo during our kayaking trip to the Philippines. Despite the exotic material and design is similar and the purpose is the same.

lazy candle

Lazy candle, that's what I call another option Finnish candle. Lazy, because you don't have to make cuts. Three identical logs are taken, serifs are made with an ax on one side of each. Blocks are placed vertically, pressed tightly against each other. It turns out a kind of vertical node.

Just like the finca, it is lit from above. It is also convenient to cook. Among the shortcomings - unlike the classic Finnish candle, it cannot be reused, cannot be transferred as a burner, it leaves a small fire. Pros - it gives warmth and light.

In my opinion, this set of campfires is enough to travel even in the harshest conditions. I also want to note that I give the types of fires and their names as I used to call them, although it is possible that they are different in other sources.

Based on this knowledge, I am not particularly puzzled by what kind of fire to light in this or that situation, but rather act on a whim, having examined the place for the future bivouac.

Dmitry Ryumkin, specially for Zabroska.rf

Probably, there is no such person who would not like to get out with an overnight stay in nature in the warm season. Someone is attracted more by fishing, someone by a regular picnic, and someone just likes to travel with a tent in the mountains. It is difficult to do without fire on a campaign, and therefore it does not hurt to find out what types of fires are and which one will be most preferable in certain conditions. We believe it will be very interesting for both beginners and tourists with some experience.

Types of fires and their purpose

As a rule, a fire in nature is bred either for lighting, or for cooking, and in rare cases, in order to give a sign. From this point of view, the following types of fires can be distinguished: fiery, flame and smoke. The latter can also be used against midges and mosquitoes, but this requires a lot of experience. It is much easier to take a bottle of repellent or a portable fumigator with you. Therefore, we will not consider smoke types of fires. After all, you can always throw it in spruce paws or damp branches to get a lot of smoke. But the first and second options for using fire are much more common, and therefore they should be studied in more detail.

fire bonfires

In order to dry things, keep warm and create your own masterpiece of culinary art, coals and heat are required. Here are a few options that will be most suitable for such cases:

1. "Well"

A bonfire of this type is a quadrangular structure made of short thick logs. Brushwood, small firewood, grass and other kindling are placed inside it. Slowly burning down, such a fire leaves a lot of coals, which give a high temperature.

2. "Night", or "taiga"

It will require several long logs. They are laid strictly parallel or at a slight angle. There are several types of folding logs. All types of fires of this group differ in that they use the principle of interaction between burning surfaces, between which narrow gaps are left. Thanks to them, a powerful vertical thrust arises, which does not allow the heat to fade. This group of fires does not require frequent lining, and this is their main advantage.

3. "Polynesian"

It differs from others in that it is bred in a pit. Its walls are lined with large logs or logs, and at the bottom they kindle a fire from small branches. For safety reasons, it is best to build just such a fire in the forest. It is also indispensable in rainy or windy weather.

fiery bonfires

You can also cook food on them, but at the same time they are more suitable for lighting. Here are the most popular types of fires in this group:

1. "Star"

It will need about 5-7 thick long logs. The ends are folded together in such a way that appearance The design is somewhat reminiscent of a star. As the logs burn, they are moved closer to the center.

2. "Hut"

Firewood is applied to each other so that a cone is obtained. The kindling is placed at the bottom. Its disadvantage is that the upper part burns out quickly enough. But the flame at the same time turns out to be hot, concentrated and powerful. With it, you can not only cook food, but also properly illuminate the place of lodging for the night.

Once in the forest, it doesn't matter if it's hunting or camping trip, a person is faced with the need to build a fire. Depending on the season and needs, there are several types of fires. There are very popular, for example, "hut", and there are those that are very rarely divorced - "Polynesian".

Ignition rules

Before starting a fire, you need to choose a place, make sure that the flame does not spread to the vegetation. If it is winter or just the ground is wet, then under the fire it is necessary to prepare a base of stones or logs.

This is followed by the kindling stage, for which you can use the following materials:

  • tree bark;
  • rotten, even if they are wet, the inside will always be dry;
  • dry chips;
  • suitable fluff, both plants and birds;
  • raincoat mushrooms, but only dried.

The material for kindling is laid in a tent or laid between the logs.

Types and purpose

Depending on the need, the type of fire is chosen, it may be necessary to cook food or dry clothes. Do not forget that the fire can warm or dry only those objects that are facing it, so a reflector may be required. In addition, the reflector will cause the smoke to rise up. It is easier to maintain a fire in a campfire than to re-breed it. At night it is better not to leave a fire, and sprinkle coals with ash, then it will be easier to light a fire in the morning.

Types of fires and their purpose:

  • Fiery, that is, having a high temperature and requiring constant attention, these are “hut”, “Finnish candle” and “well”.
  • Flame, not requiring constant monitoring. Such a fire burns for a long time and allows you to dry clothes and warm up quickly. This is taiga view and "nodya".
  • Signal or smoke. Used to signal or to scare away annoying insects.


This is the most popular type of fire. A photo of such a fire place can be seen in every family archive, as it helps to warm up and it is convenient to cook food on it. It is very easy to dilute and it quickly flares up. However, the temperature of such a fire is very high, it quickly burns out, so a lot of firewood is required to maintain it.

It is constructed very simply, firewood is laid out like a hut. The “entrance” to the fire must be arranged on the windy side.


A fairly popular type due to its versatility and ease of construction. Thick logs must be laid out in a star shape around the kindling material. As they burn out, the logs are moved closer to the center. Ideal for cooking and heating. It is better to choose a log from hardwood, birch, oak or maple.

The disadvantages of this type of fire include the fact that he is afraid of rain. It also requires fairly thick logs, which require a tool, saw or ax to obtain, but this is a very economical fire.


Ideal solution for night heating. To build a "fireplace" you will need 4 short logs. They are arranged in a circle, a fire is made inside. On the one hand, you will need to make an inclined wall and drive in two pegs that tilt outward. Logs and logs are laid out on these stakes. As the lower logs burn through, the upper ones roll down, thus maintaining the hearth for a long time. The disadvantages include the fact that a fairly large amount of wood is required, and for the construction of the structure - certain skills.

pyramid or lattice

This type is suitable for almost all cases, you can warm up and spend the night near it, there is a lot of light from it.

The structure consists of logs laid in transverse layers in the form of a pyramid. Ignition is carried out from above. The main advantage is long burning, but on condition that there are thick logs. Therefore, you will have to take blanks or tools into the forest.

With reflector

The main difference between this type of fire is that a hill or stone is used as a reflector. Bred necessarily from the leeward side. The reflector can be made from logs, preferably wet. Thus, it is possible to dry the logs and direct the heat of the fire in the right direction.

Suitable for night heating and can even be kindled in a shed hut. You can kindle near the tent, but at a safe distance.


This type also includes the Tunguska fire, the “gun” and the “hearth of the hunter”, they all have the same design. Burning time can be up to 8 hours.

On a thick log, which is called a subyurlok, they put 2-3 smaller ones, slightly pushing them forward. Then they create something like a fan, with a wide part at the bottom. The hearth is placed below, as it burns out, the logs are shifted closer to the hearth. Such a fire can be made even on the ground covered with snow.


What types of fires are still commonly used? "Nodya", which can consist of 1 log or 2, 3 or even four. It is built on the ground, if it is dry, but if the weather is wet or snowy, then transverse logs must be placed. At a distance of 10 centimeters, thick logs (about 30 cm in diameter) and long logs (2-3 meters) are placed, a fire is made between them. For ignition, small brushwood or dry leaves with branches are used. To prevent the logs from rolling, it is recommended to drive stakes between them.

As soon as the logs begin to burn, another one is placed on them, a second one, and so on. Such a fire can burn up to 36 hours, and several people can warm up around it. If necessary, you can build a screen.

Special types of campfires

Bonfires are called special, which are only a modification of the main structures, or are combined.

Finnish Candle. Such a fire involves the creation of a "chamber" where the combustion process will take place inside the log itself.

One option: the log is split into several pieces, the core is scraped off and a gutter is cut out small size at the bottom of the workpiece. Before kindling a fire inside the log, the structure is pulled together with wire.

The second option is to make cross cuts in the workpiece, approximately ¾ of the entire length. This fire is perfect for cooking.

"Lazy Candle" This is actually a modification of the "Finnish candle". 3 identical logs are selected, notches are made. The blanks are placed vertically and tightly to each other. The fire is kindled from above.

"Kamelek". Ideal Solution for places where it is difficult to find suitable logs. The fire must be overlaid with stones on three sides. Suitable for heating water and cooking in a small volume.

"Trench". Such a fire will allow you to cook food for a large company. It can be kindled in the field, in windy weather. To do this, you will need to dig a ditch, about 1 meter long, with a depth of 30 centimeters, and a width of about 500 centimeters. At the bottom of the trench, it is necessary to lay out stones, constructing something like a brazier. Firewood is stacked on top.


Types of fires and their names used to send a distress signal:

  • Smoke. The main task of such a firebox is the maximum amount of smoke that can be seen even from an airplane. It is necessary to lay out logs in the form of a hut, light a fire and cover with branches of evergreens or, in their absence, with long grass or leaves.
  • Pioneer. Known for their bright flames, they are built in the form of a tripod or a triangle of long logs. All wood is installed vertically. This design always gives a high flame, but you will need to put grass and branches to make a lot of smoke.

A bit of exotic

Types of fires and their names with photos, of course, can be found a lot on the Internet, but the description and image of the Polynesian is rare. Such a fire place is very rarely bred on the territory of our country, since there is very little sense from such a structure.

For the construction, you will need to dig a hole, with a depth of about 30 centimeters, and cover the walls with stones. Logs are installed vertically below. Such a fire is practically invisible and is not afraid of rain. Such a fire burns for a long time and does not require a lot of wood. So that there is not a lot of smoke, another hole is usually dug nearby and both are connected with a trench.

Lighting a fire without matches

It is not always possible to keep matches dry, and very often the lighter fails. In this case, you can use a magnifying glass or glasses, the same camera lens, to make a fire. For ignition in such a situation, dry crushed foliage, bark with resin, moss and even bird fluff should be used.

To store matches on a long journey, you can use zip-lock bags, in such bags you can put the entire package of matches. You can use airtight containers, or an ordinary jar.

Paraffin or wax can be used to protect matches. In this case, not only the head, but also the wood should be covered. To cover the match, the wax is melted in a metal bowl. It is best to use a steam bath and do not overheat the paraffin, the water should be on the verge of boiling.

If the matches are still wet, then you can even dry them on your own body, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe liver or on the neck. You can wrap them in toilet paper which quickly absorb moisture.
