Nodular magic (nauses). An effective and reliable love spell to return a girlfriend

Initially, the rope itself was presented as the fate of a person, and the knots tied on it - like certain events of real life - a real magic ritual was performed. A material obstacle in the form of a knot on a rope, according to the principles of imitative magic, generates a corresponding obstacle, said in a spell.

The use of knot magic in Everyday life helps to "attach" to oneself good luck, luck, health and, of course, love. Moreover, in order for the desire to come true and dreams come true, you do not need expensive or exotic accessories, you do not need a magic altar, and special conditions for bringing the ritual. You can knit knots anywhere and everywhere. In addition, the art of their knitting is available to everyone. True, in order for a magical ritual to bring the desired result, along with knitting knots, one must also know the corresponding spells.

There is a rule that prescribes participation in magical rites with loose hair and bare feet, it is probably based on the fear that the presence of a knot or something constricting on the head or on the legs of the participant will negatively affect the effectiveness of the rite.


You do not need an altar, a circle of power and complicated paraphernalia - you can work anywhere and at any time, having only what you can tie.

1. Select the material you will be working with.

It can be any improvised items: leather straps, animal veins, plant stems, hemp ropes and all other ropes, ribbons, rags and cords that can be tied. Please note that all items listed are of natural origin.

2. Select the length of the desired material.

The length can be whatever is convenient for you, but the spell will work better when multiplied by three: 9 cm, 12 cm, 15 cm, 21 cm, 30 cm, 60 cm, 90 cm. More often they work with a length of 30 cm.

3. Choose a color.

Any color can be used, but white, red and black are more often used. Of course, you can experiment with any colors of the rainbow or their shades, the choice is up to you.

Color matching table.

Red - life, vitality, health.

Yellow - thoughts, mental activity.

Pink is love.

Blue/Blue - healing, peace, spirituality.

Black - the end, binding, negation of the ego.

Green - growth, creativity, wealth.

Orange - optimism, joy.

Violet (Purple) - strength, affirmation, confidence.

White - spirituality, protection.


knot magic is another fairly simple method that you can use alone or in combination with other methods.

The effectiveness of nodular magic is that it does not require special knowledge and skills in itself.

It is based on the ability of any person to fall into a trance and can be a good start to magical activity. When performing any work related to the same type of movements involving small motor skills, twisting the thread, a person falls into a classic trance. Spells cast in trance are much stronger and faster. At the same time, the knot is also an anchor, a symbol, a sign, a manifestation of your magical, subtle action on the physical plane. Oze is the shape of your intention, it is the very intention that you can touch and give it even more power.

Reflections and doubts fade into the background during the trance, the intention takes shape, and the sharp, decisive movements of the fingers tie the magician's own will into a thread. Therefore, it is not forbidden to knit knots slowly, but then the degree of your focus on the process and confidence in own forces should be significantly higher. The spell is pronounced, presenting the desired in a very colorful way.

With practice, they move from physical knot tying to energy knot tying, which is very useful when working with communication channels.

You can enhance the magic by using a rope that was previously soaked in an infusion of wormwood and then dried. You can also increase the effectiveness of actions by performing the ritual in front of a mirror. Then actions with knots will be more "noticeable" and "visible" for the parallel astral plane.


Use a little imagination and the possibilities of knot magic become limitless. Experiment with tying knots and their number. Remember that the activities of tying, weaving and weaving all symbolize the joining together of disparate elements, uniting them into one whole.

you can use different number nodes for different purposes, according to the laws of numerology:

1 - unification and integrity, healing, magic of the Sun.

2 - duality, choice, emotions, magic of the Moon.

3 - creativity, productivity, action, the magic of Mars.

4 - basis, wealth, communication, magic of Mercury.

5 - growth, joy, expansion, magic of Jupiter.

6 - love, beauty, harmony, magic of Venus.

7- restrictions, ending, binding, magic of Saturn.

8 - dissolution, end, beginnings, balance, Pluto's magic.

9 - three times three, the number of the Goddess.


1. If you decide to do healing, and according to the table, one knot is better. Then can 1 node + 1 spell help? Not! How to do everything right?

You tie 1 large knot in one place of the cord (at least 100, if enough), knitting a knot for 1 spell or 1 knot for 1 line of the spell, but always in one place of the cord. Say a spell and knit until you feel enough.

2. If you chose to impose 9 knots, then the sequence methods are different for different magicians - choose for yourself what you like.

From left to right, the knot in the sequence of tying:






You can alternate knots with beads. A knot contains a desire, a bead gives strength to this desire, therefore both knots and beads interact and are of equal importance. All this becomes an energy accumulator. This is often used in the manufacture of talismans.

When work on it ends and both ends of the talisman are connected, it is as if it is connected to an energy source. The chain closes, fills with energy and begins to create its own energy field, which will work according to your task (for example, attract people to us and strengthen your aura) when you wear your talisman. The more you wear the talisman, the stronger it becomes.

To enclose your desire in a knot, you will need to do the following: tie the knot, saying your spell, in which simple words express your desire. It will be better if you rhyme your spell.

A few rules to remember when casting spells:

1. The spell should be simple and accurately reflect your target.

2. Maintain a positive (or negative, but not neutral) attitude.

3. Use the present tense in your spell. For example: "I become..."

4. If you experience a poetic mood or strong emotions, this will only strengthen the spell.

5. Try to see the desired action as having already happened.


All power is in tied knots - a certain number of charmed knots are tied.

are touching right person(for the spell to pass), then the rope is hidden

They put it in clothes, an apartment, etc.

They throw it to a person so that he picks it up or steps on it (then the spell takes effect)

They hide not far from a person’s house so that the spell slowly but surely acts

. "Witch's Ladder" The ribbon is tied with a feeling of concentrated hatred directed at the enemy, and is hidden not far from him. The knots slowly suck the life out of this man, and he dies. The only salvation is to find the ribbon in time and untie the knots. In some sources there are 9 knots, in others - 40, more often from hair.

Buried so that the action will come when the rope rots (to get rid of non-negative emotions)

Burn to strengthen (fire energy) and make the spell act immediately (will work with very strong spells with a strong passion invested - to get rid of negative energies when harming another person)

The rope is tied into a ring for long-term circulation of the conspiracy (often in protective, love spells - they are worn like bracelets (baubles are also amulets))

To remove such spells, you need to find a rope and untie the knots in the reverse order of tying, with a reverse plot. You release the spell by drawing a five-pointed star in the air above the cord and visualize the sorcery leaving it. Then the cord is burned.

The spell works when untying knots:

The charmed knots are untied, sometimes even blowing on the knots, which releases the magical power for action (often during treatment)

They carry it with them, periodically adding strength and putting more and more spiritual aspiration into their actions, and when the most auspicious moment to fulfill your dream, untie or cut the knot - release the energy accumulated by the thread, intended for the realization of the events you have planned. And they will come true.


Concentrate on what you want to achieve and release it into the node. With each node you need to speak and see what you want.

1. A simple form of knot magic is to tie nine knots in a cord, starting at the ends and working towards the middle.

“With the first knot, the spell begins,

With the second knot, my wish comes true

With the third knot the magic is released

With the fourth knot, my word is law,

With the fifth knot, the spell flourishes

With the sixth knot, it fastens the magic,

With the seventh knot, my word flies to the sky,

We create magic with the eighth knot,

With the ninth knot, strength is taken.

2. “This node is the first - it starts the business.

This node is the second - connects with fate.

This third node - it catches power in the network.

The fourth knot - fastens,

Fifth node - directs,

The sixth knot - revitalizes,

The seventh node - returns.

This eighth node - was nobody's, became mine.

This node is the ninth - no one will be to blame.

3. For "Knotting lies" (if you constantly communicate with a person who constantly lies), a woolen thread is taken white color, the length of a palm, three knots are tied on it. The usual knot is tied first in the middle of the thread: “I will tie the falsehood tightly with the first knot” - we tighten it. Then we knit a knot at the end of the thread: “I will tie the wrong tongue with the second knot” - we tighten it. The third one is at the other end: “I will tie false thoughts with the third knot” - we tighten it. The thread is then put into the clothes / things / table of the liar.

4. The ancient ritual "To become empty." When the neighbors decide to offend, you need to take three pieces of rope a cubit long. In the evening, when the sun has set, stand near the pond. And if there is none, near the tub of water, and tie these ropes in a knot, which is called the Nauz of Death, while saying:

“So that you, my offenders,

Envious and all sorts of opponents,

It has become empty!

May it be so!

And so it will be!”

After that, the rope must be thrown into a pond or tub with the words:

"How these ropes get wet

And sink to the bottom

So it will be empty for my offenders!

And neither the wind nor the valley will help them!

And it will be so!

My word is strong!

Note. This curse was used when it was necessary for a neighbor to start having problems with finances and property, but for him to stay alive.

5. An ancient ritual for deprivation of male power.

From a hemp rope, it is necessary to weave a braid two thumbs long, attached to each other in length, and as thick as them. Then you fold it in half and tie the two halves together with the "We Witch Knot", saying:

"I deprive you of male power,

As long as this braid is tied, twisted,

So will you (name of the rivers)!

My word is power!

This is how I want it to be!

And toil for you (the name of the rivers),

As long as this braid is tied,

And neither potions nor slander will help you!

So it will be!

So I said!

Note: This method of inducing impotence was especially loved by all witches. Usually the pigtail was buried, or sewn up in a rag and hung up to the lintel.



1. Link to family education.

“I bind (name) to (name),

I oblige them to love each other.

I knot their love,

I also improve their sex.

I attach a knot to a knot,

I fasten their love with a knot.

Note. Throws both in the apartment, if they live together. It is thrown to one - to the one who needs to bewitch. 6 knots are knitted, several can be in 1 place, i.e. it turns out in 6 places large 6 knots.

2. Causing impotence on all women is total.

“I drive the desire into a knot,

Impotence (name) send.

The knot is tied - the member will fall,

The knot is tied - the member does not rise.

She tied the male power with a knot,

I tied the desire with the magic of the knot.

Note. Throws up - there must be contact, and the longer, the stronger the effect.

3. To not walk with other women.

“1 knot - my husband is with me,

2 node - my husband only.

3 knot - does not get up on his mistress,

4 knot - will fall on any women.

5 knot - my husband is with me heroes,

6 knot - my husband is always with me.

Note. May be worn under bedding and/or clothing.

4. Take off the disease. Many knots are knitted for one place of the cord, forming 1 large knot. Knit, close to the site of the disease.

“I impose a disease on a knot,

I tie the disease to the knot,

I tie a disease in a knot,

I drive the disease into a knot,

I fix the disease in a knot,

I attach the disease to the knot.

Disease in the knot

Health is in me. Bury in the ground, saying: "The rope will rot, Health will come!"

5. For healing.

Say everything the same except:

"Sickness in the knot,

Health is in me. - Replaced by:

“The disease has gone into the knot,

Health (whatever name you need) brought.

There are a lot of love spells with the help of various knots in magical practice, and all of them can refer to absolutely different magical directions. Knot magic came from ancient times, when paganism prevailed in the world.

Among the Slavs, nodules were called nauzes, later the designation began to be used for other ritual methods. Gypsies still use nodular magic to this day. Love spells on knots are done even in black magic practice and knots are used in.

How does a love spell on knots work?

In nodular magic, there used to be different knots - both male and female, as well as the nodes were divided according to the methods of influence - whether it was a love spell on knots, a lapel, an initiation for an illness, or any other ritual. The power of nodular love spells was famous to such an extent that in the Middle Ages even the ability to knit was equated with witchcraft. And, to be honest, they were right. Because knitting itself appeared first of all in a magical environment.

The effectiveness of the love spell of nodular magic is quite simple to explain. Firstly, this is the tying method itself, when the power of the love spell itself is tied to success and is reinforced by a knot that serves as additional protection in the process. Secondly, the method of nodular magic itself implies a certain repetitive action, which quickly introduces the master into a semi-trance state and reinforces the intention and energy of the impact with a ritual part.

It is believed that the rope or thread itself is the line of a person’s fate, and if you create an accurate energy connection between the thread and the object of the love spell, each knot will act on life. this person directly.

Node spell methods are mostly easy to use, since nodal magic is basically independent of the lunar cycle, day of the week, time of day, and other elements. The only thing to remember when doing a love spell on nauzes is that the material of the weaving itself must be natural. It doesn't matter if it's wool thread, leather strap or plant stems - the main thing is not a synthetic fiber. Firstly, natural material transfers energy better, and secondly, it is less deformed during binding (which does not cause side effects on the lifeline).

The method of conducting a love spell on knots

In this article, I will not touch on the weaving of love knots, since the skill of weaving itself refers to a separate topic and involves not a single year of study. Here I will talk about the method of love spell using knots from the category of village magic.

One of the simpler methods is as follows:

You need to take a white rope, an involuntary number of knots are tied on it at approximately the same distance. See below if it doesn't work. even number nodules, you can read the plot. If odd, the rope is burned, and the love spell on knots is postponed for at least three days.

Prison on a man is a magical set of actions that affects the will and subconscious of the subject, making him yearn for a certain person. The ritual will work more effectively if the feeling that a woman has for her lover is real and true.

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What is a sling for a man's love

Prushka on a man is powerful conspiracy for love, a ritual with reading spells for longing at home. After the ritual, a person physically cannot do without a woman who dried him, literally "dries" without her.

The action of magic generates affection, and then love. However, unlike a love spell, the prisushka has a limited duration of action.

When is dry use justified?

Drying is justified if:

  • husband found a mistress;
  • the groom refuses the wedding;
  • the guy who likes does not experience reciprocal feelings;
  • a loved one is married and does not want to divorce a rival;
  • old feelings faded in the family.

What time to hold rituals for drying

To do rituals on your own to bind a loved one you need:

  • on the growing moon (it symbolizes the growth of love and affection);
  • in nighttime;
  • in " men's days- Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.

Prisushki do not read in church holidays and during Lent.

What are the consequences of drying on a guy

For a man, the consequences are:

  • without a loved one, longing overcomes;
  • sleep and appetite are disturbed;
  • there is a strong sexual attraction, etc.

For the one who dried, with the inept conduct of the ceremony:

  • there are mental disorders that are not treatable;
  • depressive states and suicidal thoughts appear;
  • diseases of the heart and genitourinary sphere develop.

The Center Energy channel tells how to dry a guy.

Rituals and conspiracies for drying at a distance

Conspiracies and conspiracies at a distance are made on objects and natural phenomena.

They are read in:

  • rope;
  • dawn and sun;
  • plants;
  • water;
  • photograph, etc.

Conspiracy on a string

To carry out this dry, you will need:

  • rope of medium thickness;
  • Holy water;
  • church candle.

The order of the ceremony:

  1. Light a candle.
  2. In its light, tie three strong knots.
  3. Wet them so they don't come loose.
  4. Read spell:

Like a rope, do not wind, the final knot will be. No matter how you (guy's name) run from me, my libel will destroy you. Love the soul of God's servant (guy's name) to God's servant (girl's name).

A string plot can bewitch a man until the knots are untied.

Conspiracy to the east at dawn

An effective spell to the east and dawn read like this:

  1. Get up early in the morning.
  2. On an empty stomach drink three sips of holy water.
  3. Read "Our Father".
  4. Looking at rising Sun, cast the spell 12 times.
  5. Wash your face four times with holy water.

Spell text:

I conjure that (the name of the man) becomes one with (the name of the woman) in the same way that Fire, Air and Water are united with the Earth, so that the thoughts (name of the man) are only about (the name of the woman), as the rays of the sun rule the Light of the world and its virtues . And let the high spirit (name of the woman) circle over the spirit (name of the man), like water over the earth. Make sure that (name of the man) cannot eat, drink, enjoy life without (name of the woman).

The rite at dawn is held for 12 days in a row.

Honey slander on a married man

In order for the soul of a man to forever be attached to the female, dry on honey is done as follows:

  1. They take two hairs - a beloved man and his own.
  2. Honey is placed in a jar with a tight lid (preferably from wild bees).
  3. Hairs are also added there and the slander is read:

The words are:

As the sweetness of honey is intertwined with hair, so the servant of God (his name) with the servant of God (his name) will be intertwined forever and ever for a sweet life. Amen.

Drying at a distance using photography

A powerful love conspiracy is made on the image of a person.

For the ritual you will need:

  • mirror;
  • church candle;
  • Holy water;
  • photograph of a man.

The strongest drying is done like this:

  1. Sit in front of a mirror at midnight.
  2. Take three sips of holy water and read "Our Father".
  3. Light a candle.
  4. Put the photo so that it is reflected in the mirror at the level of the face of the fortuneteller.
  5. Read the plot:

As in the mirror we are with you next to you, so in life everything will be fine with us. You will not leave me, you will always follow me, into water and fire, no one touches my dear, he is only mine. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen!

Drying at a distance of a flower

Rules for the ceremony:

  1. Take a red flower (preferably a few).
  2. Trim the heads and put on the windowsill.
  3. Read the spell.
  4. When the flowers dry, put them in a secluded place.

Spell text:

Flowers burn, dry and suffer in the sun, die without water. So are you without me, as without moisture and food, without sleep and rest. We will be happy only next to you. You walk and roam the earth, you do not find peace. As this flower and this one dry up, so let my dear one dry up to me. And it will be so forever and ever!

Drying on food and drink

Drying for food is carried out as follows:

  1. Food and drinks are prepared in advance.
  2. They put them on the table.
  3. The left hand is held over the dishes.
  4. They are baptized with their right hand and immediately read the plot:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I say, servant of God (name), far away words, far away sins, far away prayers. As water from the earth goes through the stones, it breaks through, so my words through this food spill and make their way, fall on them in a ring, a cross, violent power from now on, forever, forever and ever. Amen! On the sea - on the Okiya, on the island of Buyan there is a table-throne, an old man is sitting at the table angry and naked, his white bones are visible, his pain is visible. The old man wants to eat and drink. There is no sweeter bread and salt for him, in his stomach there is nothing but pain. He cries, bends over, grabs food with his hands, asks for food and drink, begs, for that he even offers his soul. So the servant of God (name) loved me, suffered, did not know sleep and rest. Just as people cannot live without food, just as they cannot live without water, so you, servant of God (name), could not live and be without me. I am your food, I am your water. Come, slave, to me, to God's servant (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prushka-spell for the morning dawn

A conspiracy at dawn works quickly:

  1. We must get up before dawn.
  2. At the first rays of the sun, cast the spell three times:

Zarya Marya, disintegrated, roll across the sky of God, take hold of the heart of a servant of God (name), a servant of God (name), baked, missed, would look for meetings everywhere, like a martyr suffered. Yearn for his heart and for me, the servant of God (name), tear, according to my word, submit to me forever and ever. Holy water cannot wash my words down, healers cannot wash my words from it. And the other healer's word fell off. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen!

Prushka-spell in the sun

To dry in the sun, you need a portrait photograph of a man.

Rite sequence:

  1. Stand facing the setting sun.
  2. Raise the photo so that it is at the level of the face and sunset rays.
  3. Read the plot:

The sun, the sun, shone bright, the sun, shone warm, the sun, giving life, warming the world with warmth. Give me the love of your servant (name of the man), connect me with him forever and ever, with iron chains, strong fetters, dry him to me with your rays, deliver him from other thoughts, let only your servant (name of the man) breathe me. For this, the sun, I will honor you forever.

Magic rite with blood

Hex on menstrual blood is considered the most powerful in love magic. Only an experienced sorcerer can get rid of him.

For a slander you will need:

  • blood from menstruation on the 3rd-4th day of the cycle;
  • food or drink for a man (better - wine like Cahors).

The ceremony is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Discreetly add a few drops of blood to food or drink.
  2. Suggest it to a guy.
  3. Mentally read the plot:

My blood has gone, it has reached my dear one. He will taste my food and drink, he does not know life without me, he does not sleep, he does not eat, he dreams of me.

You can do without casting a spell, because menstrual blood in itself is very strong for a love spell.

Prushka for her husband on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday

The algorithm for drying on "men's" days:

  1. Take a thick candle.
  2. Write your husband's name on it.
  3. Light it up and cast the spell three times:

Destiny fire, hear me! Let my love fly to him! Fire! Do no harm! You are my friend. Fix my union with your beloved! If there is a wall between us, tear it down! I offer myself as a sacrifice to you. I ask you for his eternal love!

How to make an apple pie is described in the video. Filmed by the channel of the sorceress Tatyana Moskovskaya.

Cleansing from the magical binding

The conspiracy of the Archangel Michael, who will cut the conspiracy chains with his sword, helps to clear the magical binding.

Archangel Michael, I appeal to you! Cut with your sword the unbearable connection. Send me energy and strength. Amen!

How to Unbind with Forgiveness Meditation

Meditation breaks the magical binding and makes a person energetically balanced.

Order of meditation:

  1. Sit down and relax.
  2. Imagine a calm, quiet place (forest, sea, etc.).
  3. Put right hand below the navel.
  4. Sincerely forgive the person who made the binding.
  5. Ask for forgiveness from the Higher Forces yourself.
  6. Thank the person who set the binding for all the good things.
  7. Say goodbye to him.

Forgiveness meditation is repeated until it works.

In this article:

Knot magic - ancient view witchcraft, which was common among many peoples during pagan times. The Slavs often used nauzes (knots) in their rituals.

Over time, the word nauza became a household word and began to be used to refer to other magical and ritual attributes.

The Slavs used knots in rituals of various kinds. Nauzas helped our ancestors to get rid of damage and the evil eye, they protected from negative energy and dark forces, treated for drunkenness and physical ailments, removed love spells and dry spells, and much more.

The performance of this type of magic is quite simple to explain symbolically, performing a ritual with tying a knot, the performer thereby tied a certain action or event to success and materialization.

To knit complex knots, our ancestors turned to sorcerers and magi, but every woman knew a number of simple knot rituals that she could use on her own at home.

With the spread of Christianity, the sciences began to be fought by any available means, moreover, they did it so recklessly and stupidly that in some countries even simple knitting was equated with witchcraft, and the knitter was declared a witch and accused of being associated with the devil.

The magic of knots in the traditions of different peoples

The magical power of knots was recognized by peoples all over the world. AT Western Europe it was widely believed that with the help of nodular magic, any marriage can be easily and quickly destroyed. It was believed that if during the wedding ceremony one of those present ties a knot, and then breaks it and throws it away, then the marriage will be destroyed very soon.

A similar belief existed in some Arab countries, for example, in modern Syria they still believe in the power of knots so much that the groom's friends should help the future newlywed to prepare for the wedding in clothes that do not have a single knot or a single button. They believe that if this condition is not met, the enemy can easily destroy a young family.

Similar fears exist throughout Africa, where people believe that if a sorcerer applies a simple handkerchief to the body young husband, and then tie a special knot on this scarf, then the groom will lose his male power in a matter of days.

Know for money, luck, career

The Saxons always untied all the knots on the clothes of the woman in labor, as they believed that this simple ritual greatly facilitates childbirth. The same beliefs also existed among the Laplanders and many peoples of eastern India, and the Hindus believe that in order for childbirth to be easy and painless, there should be no knots on a woman’s clothes throughout the entire period of pregnancy. In addition, there was a belief in India for centuries that if a pregnant woman tied her hair with a ribbon or tied it with knots, she would literally pull her unborn child together.

For some, this belief also applies to men, for example, the Dayaks are sure that during the entire period of pregnancy, neither father nor mother should tie knots.

African sorcerers with the help of nodular magic could not only deprive the groom of strength, but also send various curses on any person, even serious illness and death. But do not think that nodes can only harm, this is not at all the case. With the help of nodular magic, you can both harm other people and help them, heal from various ailments, settle heart and financial problems, and much more.

The positive energy of knot magic is based on untying the knots - getting rid of the superfluous, unnecessary and harmful. As an example of a healing rite with knots, consider a hernia rite. Our ancestors believed that in order to cure a hernia, you need to pull a thread from a ball of small length, tie seven knots on it and apply the resulting thread to the patient's hernia.

Knot symbolism

Experienced specialists in knot magic believe that the rope or thread itself is the fate of a person, and all knots tied to it are certain events. real life. That is why if you can create an energetic connection between your life and the ribbon used in the ritual, all the knots tied to it will have exactly the meaning that you yourself gave them.

Knot magic has had a significant impact on all witchcraft in general. If you are an experienced practitioner, you should be well aware that all magical rituals should be done with loose hair. There is an opinion that this rule arose precisely because of the belief of people that a tied knot can have Negative influence on the outcome of any rite conducted by the sorcerer.

Features of rituals with knots

In order to properly conduct the ceremony with tying knots, the performer will not need an altar, or circles of strength and protection, or other complex paraphernalia. The beauty of this type of magical art is that the performer can the right ritual at any time of the day, in any place, and all he has to do is tie knots with the right thoughts, feelings and concentration.

At the same time, the performer must remember that the success of each ritual depends on how he chooses the material with which he will work.

In ancient times, knots were knitted mainly on straps made of leather or animal veins, as well as from plant stems, hemp rope or laces. The type of material is not so important, the main thing is to use only items of natural origin.

No synthetic threads, because, firstly, it is much more difficult to establish an energy connection through them, and secondly, in the process of knitting a knot, an unnatural fiber is deformed, and this leads to a change in the energy flow and negatively affects the result.

Another important point for each knotting ritual - the length of the selected material. When choosing a length, you will need to be guided by two main principles:

  • The length of the rope or thread should be such that it is convenient for you to work with it.
  • The rituals that are most effective are those that use materials whose length can be divided by the number 3, for example: 9 cm, 12 cm, 15 cm, etc.

In addition to the material itself and the length of the rope, the performer must be able to choose the right color for the thread used. Most often, white, black or red thread is used to conduct such rituals. But it's not really smart decision, because each color in the spectrum has its own energy and symbolism. If you learn what each color corresponds to, you will be able to use knot magic to the maximum effect.

Color energy:

  • Red is a symbol of life, strength, love and health.
  • Pink color - love and relationship between a man and a woman.
  • Orange color - joy, optimism, the beginning of something new.
  • Yellow color - mental activity of a person, thoughts and mental activity.
  • Blue color - peace, spirituality, healing from diseases, Higher powers.
  • Green color - growth and self-development of a person, wealth and creativity.
  • Violet - confidence, strength, leadership, assertion.
  • White color - spirituality, health and human protection.
  • Black color - completion of something, denial, binding, etc.

Knot magic - a ritual for good luck

This ancient ritual is great for attracting good luck. You will need a thread or leather ribbon 9-12 cm long. Tie the first knot on the rope and pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

“So that luck be with me, so that it helps me in my affairs, and pleases me in all my thoughts.”

Tie a second knot and say the words:

“There will be a conspiracy to always have my strength, my luck will not run out, servants of God (name), never. My word is true, my will is strong.

Tie the third knot and say the words:

“Nothing will confuse my luck, nothing will take me away. I lock my words, I hide the key to the castle in the ocean. May what has been said come true. Amen".

After tying three knots, hide the thread in own house so that no one will ever find it. This must be done if you want good luck to spread to all your household members and protect your family from failures and adversity. If your own life and your own luck are more important to you, the thread can be used as a kind of talisman for good luck. At the same time, such a charm can only be worn under clothes or inside clothes so that no one sees it.

Most Full description in all details - a love spell on a rope who did it with a sufficiently strong and safe magical effect.

And this is how they do it dry on a string. They take a white rope, but not transparent, that is, not made of gauze, tie as many knots on it in a row as it comes out involuntarily. If the number of nodes comes out even, then you can cast a love spell. If the number of knots is odd, leave it until the next day. The spoken rope is thrown where the darling lives. Will love and miss.

No matter how long the rope is, the last knot will be.

No matter how you, slave (name), walk from me, my slander will destroy you.

Love, soul of a slave (name), soul of a slave (name).

Effective and reliable spell

In order to achieve reciprocity from the chosen one or return the loved one back, often only effective and reliable spell. In this article you will find a description of several such love spells, each of which has been tested by time and circumstances. If you strictly follow all the recommendations and instructions during their execution, you will definitely achieve the desired result.

Effective and reliable love spell on a photo

To conduct the ceremony, take a red or white candle, a photograph of a loved one, a needle with a red or white threaded into it. wool thread(the color of the thread must match the color of the candle), scissors.

For each sewn stitch, say: “Like a thread for a needle, so is (name of a loved one) for (your name) Amen!”

Effective and reliable wedding love spell

This spell is performed in a cemetery. Take some varied food with you (vegetables, fruits, meat, wine, sweets) and go at night to the old cemetery, to an abandoned or unmarked grave.

An effective and reliable love spell to return a girlfriend

To return a beloved woman or girl, a man should take a little dry herbs of fern, clover, nettle and plantain. He will also need boiling water, a linen handkerchief and a stainless steel tablespoon.

How to fulfill your love desire with an effective love spell

Wait for the evening, turn on a night light or light a candle. Stand so that you can see your shadow (however, your shadow should not intersect with other shadows).

Black love spell for natural blondes

To perform this ceremony, a woman will need a piece of coal and a glass of salt water.

Effective love spell on a rope with knots

Pick up a white rope, and, thinking of your loved one, tie an arbitrary number of knots on it.

Prushka on the love of a man in the distance

Drying (or drying) on ​​a man is another kind of love magic that is used to win over the desired person. Conspiracies of this kind were born in ancient times and helped a considerable number of the fairer sex.

Apply in practice love relationships this kind magical influence on men also modern women and girls. If you decide to join them, it does not hurt to find out the important features of this ritual for love, so as not to harm your chosen one and yourself.

Dry on a man - what is it?

The concept of magic "prisuha (prisushka)" is interpreted as a certain system of actions, the purpose of which is to "dry" a particular person, evoke response feelings in him and make him yearn for the customer of the ritual.

The principle of dry operation implies an impact on the will of a person against his will, therefore this rite belongs to the arsenal of black magic (white magic excludes all violence, including on a mental level).

In terms of impact power, drying is far from the most strong ritual. harm and negative consequences not so much from her as, say, from love spell, but remember that this is black magic, so the possibility of a rollback should never be ruled out. In order to protect yourself and your chosen one from negativity as much as possible, drying, like any ritual, must be done strictly in accordance with the instructions and take this ritual seriously.

When does the dryer not work?

Since drying is not the most powerful rite, there are several types of men for whom it is useless to do drying - it simply will not work, and the result will be zero. Do not waste your time and energy on the dryness of your chosen one if:

  • A man has a strong and bright personality: he is strong-willed, determined and purposeful, not accustomed to reckon with other people.
  • A man already has deep and strong feelings for another woman.
  • A man knows about your intentions and actions and consciously opposes them with all his strength.

If your situation is from the category described above, alas, it is forced to upset you: under such conditions, you can only turn to professionals who specialize in love magic for help. Only they will be able to fulfill your desire without side effects. In other cases, to make a dryer on a man, you are without special work you can do it yourself.

How to make a prisushka on a man yourself?

Method number 1 - on a rope

You will need: natural fiber rope(linen, cotton, wool), required white color.

Your task is to tie knots on this rope, along its entire length, one by one. During this, think about your chosen one and in no case do not count the knots. You can only do this when you reach the end:

  • It turned out an even number of knots - fate is on your side. The dryness will be strong.
  • The number of nodes is odd - it’s not worth doing dry, there will be no sense from it.

With an odd number of nodes, the rite can be repeated on another day. However, if you failed 3 times in a row, you no longer need to turn to the ritual.

Say the finished rope (with an even number of knots), trying to bring it as close as possible to your lips (so that your breath “settles” on it):

“As the rope does not twist, there will be a final knot. How would you(name of the chosen one in a diminutive form) did not run away from me, my libel will destroy you. Soul of God's servant (full name chosen one) love the soul God's servant (own name) «.

Next, you must throw the charmed rope to the house of the chosen one (if you are not married). Leaving the dwelling, he must step over it - only in this case the dryer will begin to act. If a wife, whom her husband is cheating on, makes dry on a rope, she must hide and store the attribute well so that no one sees this rope. As long as the wife has the rope, the husband will not look at strangers.

Method number 2 - from a photograph at a distance

You will need: photo of the chosen one, your photo, 2 red candles, red silk threads, red rose bud(fully expanded) needle(it needs to be soaked in rose oil), thick book.

Drying is done on the growing moon, after sunset:

  1. In the room where you will perform the ritual, close all the curtains, turn off the lights and light the candles.
  2. Put the photos facing each other, place a flower between them (a symbol of passion, love).
  3. Sew the resulting composition along the contour with a thread and a needle (do not touch the image).
  4. When you are done, place the result of your labors between the pages of a thick book volume so that all the components are pressed into each other.
  5. Hide the book in a secluded place, away from prying eyes (you can’t show it to anyone).

The dry action will begin when the flower begins to dry between photographs.

Love spell on a rope: how to “tie” a loved one to yourself

Love spells are one of the most used ways to attract love. From our article, you can learn how to attract a loved one with a simple rope.

Love spell "pigtail"

Take three threads of the colors you like. It is desirable that they be pastel colors. Weave a pigtail out of them, clearly imagining the appearance of your loved one and thinking about him. At one end, tie a strong knot, and then six more throughout the pigtail at the same distance from each other. At this moment, try to visualize your loved one and imagine your joint happy future.

Now that the magical talisman is ready, you can carry it with you until the person you have chosen shows signs of love. This usually happens after a fairly short period of time. To enhance its effect, you can use your love talisman according to the Sign of the Zodiac and hang it on this rope.

Love spell on tape

This love spell is desirable to do during the growth of the moon. Buy a red satin ribbon. At the same time, for the magic to work, either pay the seller without change, or pretend that you have forgotten it. Next, when you get home, tie a bow out of it. On one tip, embroider your initials with gold threads, and decorate the other with the initials of your beloved. During this, you must never stop thinking about the person you love.

Tie this bow left hand. It must touch the skin, it does not have to be visible. It is even desirable to cover it with clothes. The magic of this talisman will begin to act exactly from the second when you touch your beloved with your left hand. Mentally, you can say at this moment: "Just as there is no smoke without fire, so there is no you without me."

Love spell with nodules

For this rite, a long thread is required. It must be white. From the beginning to the end of this thread, tie knots while thinking about your loved one. Don't try to calculate how many you get, be honest. So, having reached the end of the rope, find out: is there an even or odd number of knots on your thread? If you are lucky and you succeeded even number nodules, then the ceremony can be carried out. If odd, try doing it another time. If the second time higher power if they don’t favor you, then it’s better to refuse the idea to bewitch this man. Taking advantage love horoscope, you can choose a more favorable day for this.

There are still a few steps left to complete the ritual and put it into action. A rope with an even number of knots now needs to be spoken. Say the following words three times: “As strong is the knot on my rope, so our souls will be tightly bound: yours, (name the name of your loved one) and mine. Wind, wind, rope, wind, wind, knot. As soon as you step over it, (name the name of your loved one), you immediately want to be with me. Keep your word firmly and firmly, fulfill it immediately. May it be so".

For this plot to work, place a rope under the threshold of your loved one's house. He must definitely get over it.

Black love loop

This love spell belongs to the dark, so keep in mind that using it, you can damage your energy and the energy of your loved one. However, it is not uncommon for such dark rites to have the strongest and fastest impact.

You will need a red thread and a photo that shows only your loved one. Next, make a knot by tying the photo. This should be done in the area where the neck is located in the picture. You sort of "hang" it. As you do this, say the words: “And you will not have enough air, and it will be hard to breathe, and the light will not be nice until you are with me. And as I pass by, life will be sweet to you, and the air is fresh, and the love in your heart will wake up for me. From now on, now and forever, may all my words come true!. Next, remove the tied up photo so that no one can see it. If you see that the love spell is weak, try tightening the thread in the photo a little tighter.

In order to be sure of the strength of your connection, you can check your compatibility in marriage using a horoscope. Good luck, and don't forget to press the buttons and

Attract the love of a guy using a strong dryer

Without love, our life would be different. Anyone who has ever been truly in love knows what a wonderful feeling it is. It seems that wings grow behind the back and a person can do anything. There is only one condition - love must be mutual. And if suddenly your loved one leaves you, the pain of loss is so great that we become depressed, flooded with tears and are not even able to fulfill simple tasks. The statistics say, and they don't lie, that the highest mortality and most suicides are due to love. Because of love, both men and women do crazy things and seek salvation from magicians and sorcerers, perform various rituals and read the strongest and most effective prisushki.

Pryushka in affairs of love

Is it worth using a dryer in matters of love

A man who has been abandoned is trying to do everything to get his beloved back. It can be:

People who have the most minimal relation to magic also resort to them. Amulets to return love are widely used and very effective.

After a while, the beloved will return to you and he will not need anyone except you.

Someone is trying to restore the old relationship in the usual way, hoping for the rational mind of his chosen one.

Others resort to the help of magicians, read love spells, pronounce conspiracies and use prisushki. But before you perform the ceremony yourself or order it, you need to carefully think about whether you really want to spend your whole life next to this person? If not, then calling for help and using strong magic is not recommended, it makes no sense. But if you're sure of your feelings, there's nothing wrong with otherworldly forces help you a little.

How and when

Love spells are performed only on Friday evenings. The best day is the boundary between the full and new moon. A good day is also St. Agnes's Day (January 21st) or Valentine's Day (February 14th). So if you have broken heart or love without reciprocity, use evenings for wonderful spells and strong conspiracies.

A crush on a guy will work more effectively if the feeling you have for him is real and true.

Important in charm at a distance is the visualization of one's charms. and the fact that they will not bring trouble to anyone.

In addition, when performing strong love spells, common sense should always be present. Magic is a serious occupation and should only be used for positive purposes.

Bind and fall in love

You are a woman and strong love such that you yourself will be able to return your loved one and his love. It often happens that men get lost in this world and fall into cunning traps that young women set up to attract his attention and take it for themselves.

In order for the relationship to be strong, joyful and happy, you need to do love spells yourself

In order for the relationship to be strong, joyful and happy, you need to do love spells, conspiracies, prisushki on your own, then for your man you will be an ideal and he will love only you. Only then, even the dryness made at a distance will be strong, and for your man, you will be the only, inimitable, beloved. It will only be yours. Such conspiracies are very easy to do, and the effect of them lasts a very long time.

Therefore, in the hands of a woman, her happiness and only depends on her, so that there is mutual understanding and love in the family, and life is like a fairy tale.

Aphrodite's necklace

Unusually shaped beads, balls and beads, strung on a thread, put on the neck and worn as a decoration. Such a necklace serves as an amulet that will attract and forever dry your loved one to you.

Fragrant laurel

This spell will bring back the boyfriend or husband who for some reason left you or cheated on you with another woman. On Valentine's Day, burn a handful of bay leaves while saying out loud the name of the one who left you.

Apple Pie Magic

Prushka is performed on Valentine's Day, or when you notice your husband's unusual behavior:

  • there are too many things to do at work;
  • the boss constantly leaves for overtime work;
  • often without it they cannot hold production meetings (after work and on a day off);
  • does not want to have dinner at home;
  • frequent business trips on weekends;
  • constantly calls somewhere.

You should think about it, these are the first "bells" that are trying to report an impending disaster. The further, the more obvious that another woman has appeared in the life of your man. And in order to prevent leaving you and your family, urgent and effective measures must be taken, and apple pie will help in this.

  1. Take a big red apple.
  2. Prick him several times with a needle, loudly pronouncing the name of a loved one.
  3. Put an apple under your pillow.
  4. In the morning, knead the dough for the pie and add the apple there.
  5. Treat your husband (young man) with the resulting pie.

Difficult choice

At the first sign of a man's unusual behavior, you must use your strength and charm to keep him, because it can be much more difficult to return than to leave. While he has not left yet, he still comes home and sits with you and watches TV, does homework with the children, helps to pick up the baby from the kindergarten. He is in front of a difficult choice, he is gnawed by doubts. On the bowl of his scales are: a young and unburdened with household chores and children, his mistress and wife, with whom they lived several happy years and also children.

It is much easier for a single man to leave, but a married man faces a difficult choice.

It is much easier for a single man to leave, but a married man faces a difficult choice. But, it is no secret to anyone that at the age of 40-50 men have a difficult period in their lives, they want to live for themselves, get rid of responsibilities in relation to the family, feel young again. And if the wife does not sympathize with him, does not support, but only laughs at his experiences, it is easier to leave the family. Experienced and smart women noticing that their man is tired of the monotony of days, they try to change their lives, change the style of clothing, pay a lot of attention appearance buy tickets to theater and concert. They know if they are simple methods don't help then strong drying and the help of magic, which affects an object at a distance, will definitely help her in this. The one who reads the conspiracy, sentence and prisushka must have good reasons - love for her husband or partner and the desire to live with him alone all his life.

Active and strong

Prisushki do not harm your health. They will only bind a loved one to you, even one who is at some distance from you. A strong dryness will help you forget attraction to another woman and remember your feelings and love for you.

Venus Sack

  1. Sew a miniature red silk bag.
  2. Place a light pink candle in it.
  3. Dried apple peel.
  4. Rose petals.
  5. Two white dove feathers.
  6. Drip a little lemon or musk oil.
  7. Carry the bag with you (around your neck, in your pocket, in your purse). He will bring home a loved one. After that, only you will exist for him.

Miracle - rope

An old conspiracy that will help bind your loved one tightly to yourself.

  1. Take a rope 1 cm thick in diameter.
  2. Tie three strong knots on the rope, wet them with water so that they do not come loose.
  3. Say twelve times:

“No matter how the rope winds, The final knot will be. No matter how you (the name of a man in a diminutive form: Ilyushenka, Vanechka, etc.), do not run away from me, My libel will destroy you. Love, soul of a servant of God (full name of a man, (Ilya, Ivan, etc.), Soul of a servant of God (your full name, Olga, Anna, Xenia, etc.) ”

  • Do not tell anyone about the ceremony. Hide the rope well so that no one can find it. Your life and happiness depend on it.
  • Rope can be stored for a lifetime. To get rid of the conspiracy, you can only untie the three knots.
  • named garlic

    On the head of an onion or garlic, write the name of your lover with a red marker or pen. Plant the bulb in clay pot in which indoor flowers are grown and say the name of your lover.

    For the ritual, take garlic and a red marker

    Every day, morning and evening, water the plant, while saying: "As the onion grows, love (the name of the beloved) for me grows."

    citrus dryer

    1. Carefully cut the rind off a fresh lemon.
    2. Cut out a small heart with a sharp knife.
    3. Dry it for 7 days in the sun.
    4. Always carry with you: in your purse, pouch around your neck, in your wallet.
    5. The citrus amulet is a powerful dryer that acts even over long distances, attracting the love of your man.

    red dawn

    This is the most powerful prisushka. If you believe that your love has undergone serious changes, and the betrayal of your husband (boyfriend) has gone far, then you need to take effective measures.

    1. Go to church and get a church candle.
    2. Take a candle in your hand, go out at dawn into an open field (you can go to a balcony, street, etc.). It is important that this is an unrestricted space.
    3. Watch the sunrise. As soon as the first rays of the sun appear, say:

    “I will get up in the morning, blessed, go out into the courtyard, crossing myself, From the door to the window, from the gate to the blue sea. There are twelve brothers standing, looking at me. I will go closer to them, I will bow to them below. Twelve brothers, go to the blue sea, In the blue sea - an island, on it stands an oak tree, Under the oak tree - a heavy slab, sweeping melancholy. Raise the stove, take away the longing, Bring it from the sea-ocean, Lay it on the zealous heart of a slave (man's name). Let the sadness-grief, sadness-orphan, So that he yearns, grieve, grieve For me, the slave (name) night and day. So that he could not spend a day without me, not a minute to while away. With you, mother-dawn of the morning Mary, evening Marimyan, midnight Ulyana. Let any girl seem scary to him, like a bat, like a vicious snake, like a striped devil, like a shaggy sorcerer. And I am for him, a slave (my name), a firebird, a sweet girl ”

  • After performing the ritual, a loved one should return to you, but if he didn’t return, then a strong love spell was made on him.
  • Prisushka and a recipe for love

    Take a photo of your loved one and an aromatherapy lamp. Put the photo in front of you on the table and, looking at it, mix:

    • 6 drops of sandalwood;
    • 3 drops of sage;
    • 2 drops essential oil jasmine;
    • 3 drops of mandarin essential oil;
    • 1 drop of ginger essential oil.

    Repeat three times the phrase "Eternal love." Pour 10 drops of the resulting magic potion. Light the lamp when this person comes to you. The finished product is a powerful aphrodisiac. Light the lamp only in the presence of one person.

    If you are fighting for your happiness, trying to save your family and love, a father to your children or just a loved one, not wishing harm to anyone and using magical methods, there is nothing wrong with that - every person wants to be happy and everyone deserves it.

    Find out if you can dry the man you love?

    What does the expression "dry the guy" mean? The meaning of this phrase means only one thing: the fact that a guy loves a girl without a mind, yearns for her, "dries up." This expression seems figurative only for ordinary people. For those who have at least something to do with magic, the word "dry" has a very specific meaning. Is it really possible to dry a guy or only a real magician can?

    Does it always help?

    In a magical sense, the drying is a system of actions aimed at influencing the will of the subject and causing him to yearn for a very specific person. In the magical hierarchy of methods of influencing a person, drying is considered not so strong remedy how other tricks to arouse the love of a man.

    And indeed, dryness will not help in the following cases:

    1. The man to whom the action is directed is an extremely strong-willed, purposeful, cold person, and is not used to reckoning with other people.
    2. The person they want to dry already has a strong deep feeling for another woman.
    3. If the object of influence is well aware of your actions and by all means consciously tries to resist the feelings caused.

    In such situations, only a very strong magic. Only experienced sorcerers practicing love magic able to intervene in the mind of such a person and achieve the desired result without side effects. This is not available to ordinary people at home. In all other cases, dryness can become very effective tool to win the love of a man.

    Magic rooted in the past

    Sorcerers and witches knew many ways to dry a guy. Some actions were quite accessible to ordinary person, and girls taught by witch grandmothers often used them. Often, such actions ended in a happy marriage.

    AT modern world some methods have become a thing of the past due to changes in living conditions, others have been improved by the descendants of magicians. Here are some simple types of prisushka on the love of a man that any girl or woman can do.

    No matter how the rope winds...

    Drying on a rope is very simple and can be done at home. Do the following in order:

    • Take a strong white rope, twisted from natural threads (cotton, linen, wool).
    • Tie strong knots on it one by one, thinking about your beloved man. In no case do not count the number of knots in the process of tying.
    • Only after tying all the knots to the end of the rope, count their number. If the number turned out to be even, then this means that the magical forces on this day will be favorable to you, the drying will turn out to be strong. If the number of nodes is odd, then there is no point in taking further steps, since the drying will not work. (You can repeat everything on another day, but if you fail the second and then the third time, do not try to do the rite again).
    • Say the following incantation:

    “No matter how the rope winds, The final knot will be.

    How would you, (the name of a man in a diminutive form: Ilyushenka, Vanechka, etc.), do not run away from me,

    My slander will destroy you.

    Love, soul of a servant of God (full name of a man, for example, Ilya, Ivan, etc.),

    The soul of God's servant (your full name, for example, Olga, Anna, etc.) "

    The plot must be pronounced, looking at the rope and placing it as close to the lips as possible. Your breath and words should sort of "settle" on this rope with knots.

  • Throw the charmed rope to the house of your beloved man so that when leaving, he will definitely step over it. As soon as this happens, the dryness will begin to act. Your chosen one will begin to think about you, feel longing, anxiety when you are not around.
  • Prushka-spell for the morning dawn

    “I will get up in the morning, blessed, go out into the yard, crossing myself,

    From the door to the window, from the gate to the blue sea.

    There are twelve brothers standing, looking at me.

    I will go closer to them, I will bow to them below.

    Twelve brothers, go to the blue sea,

    In the blue sea - an island, on it stands an oak tree,

    Under the oak is a heavy slab, sweeping melancholy.

    Raise the stove, take away the longing,

    Bring it from the sea-ocean,

    Lay on the zealous heart of a slave (man's name).

    Let the sadness-burst, sadness-orphan,

    So that he yearned, twisted, grieved

    For me, the slave (name) nights and days.

    So that he could not spend a day without me, not a minute to while away.

    With you, mother-dawn of the morning Mary, evening Marimyan, midnight Ulyana.

    Let any girl seem scary to him, like a bat, like a vicious snake,

    like a striped devil, like a shaggy sorcerer.

    And I am for him, a slave (my name), a firebird, a sweet girl.

    First, the text can be written with a pen on paper (do not print) and read, peeping at the words. You can and even need to read for several days, then the words will be remembered by themselves. The power of a conspiracy to love, gradually growing from day to day, will become maximum precisely when you can read the entire magical text without hesitation without a piece of paper. That morning, it will be possible to stop the series of morning spells aimed at drying the young man.

    This dryness will take effect from the very first day you read the words of dryness for the first time. Its effect will increase gradually, and after a few days the drying will become strong enough so that even your man's acquaintances will notice its results. A man in your absence will become thoughtful, self-absorbed, not the same as usual. You yourself will find that he began to show signs of attention to you, try to catch your eye, etc.

    Do not give up the usual ways to please a man

    When thinking about magic, do not forget about the usual, very real methods to draw attention to yourself. Don't forget to take care of yourself, dress nicely, do good haircut and make-up, always seem cheerful and friendly. But don't try to be pushy, don't bother a man: everything has its time.

    In combination with magic, your efforts will not be in vain. And one day you will realize that he is not indifferent to you. And if everything goes well, then his feelings can develop into true love, lasting a lifetime.
