A conspiracy on a pin from the evil eye. Conspiracy with thread

A pin is a useful item that is used not only for fastening. These small accessories are also actively used in the field of magic. A conspiracy on a pin allows you to cope with damage, lure good luck, help in making money. Also, a talisman of this kind is actively used to attract love.

The advantages of pin conspiracies are that they do not depend on lunar days and other factors.

A charmed pin turns into a powerful talisman that can protect the owner from negativity, as well as bring good things to life. But for magic to work, certain rules must be followed. Simple pin conspiracies do not depend on lunar days and other factors. The main thing is to read the text correctly and fulfill the conditions related to a particular rite.. The fact is that sometimes additional items are used when creating an amulet. Also, the person reading the plot must sincerely believe in its effectiveness.

Protective conspiracy on a pin to neutralize negativity

From time immemorial, a charmed pin has been considered a reliable amulet to get rid of negative influences. There are several effective rituals aimed at combating the evil eye and corruption. You can use any of the following.

It is important to take a new pin, since the old one has already absorbed a lot of extraneous information, and not always positive.

Many conspiracies for a pin from the evil eye and damage do not require the use of additional attributes. It is enough just to take the future amulet in your hand and say a text on it. There are two options:

  • "Protect, remove all evil, turn away from damage and the evil eye, turn away all enemies."
  • "Protect from damage and the evil eye, and from all misfortunes at once."

After the plot is read, all that remains is to attach the pin from the evil eye on the inside of the clothes.

To conspire on a pin on a candle from the evil eye, you will need a candle pin and matches.

If desired, you can speak pins from damage and the evil eye with a wax candle. First you need to prepare:

  • new pin;
  • a candle;
  • matches.

The candle should be lit from a match, after which the melted wax should be dripped onto the eye of the pin. In doing so, the following words must be spoken:

“The pin is sharp, pierce famously with a needle, take him away from me (name) away. With fire - I conjure, with iron - I fasten. Amen!"

Conspiracy on the water from damage

Often conspiracies on a pin for protection are made using plain water. This will help to get rid of the negative impact and lure luck. It is important to understand that water should not be drawn from the tap at home! The liquid must be taken from a spring or well.

It is necessary to pour water into a glass vessel, put a pin in it and leave it in this form for 24 hours. After a day, it remains to pull out the future protective amulet and read the plot. The text for it looks like this:

“Just as Jesus Christ drove away demons, healed the weak, protected the offended, so you, pin, protect me from the offspring of demons, the evil eye and any infection. Amen!"

The use of water allows you to strengthen the protective forces of the talisman. If possible, you can use holy water, which will perfectly protect against damage and other negative influences.

The length of the red thread should be approximately 10 cm

One of the most effective is considered to be a slander on a pin using a red thread. It is believed that in such an amulet the protective properties of two objects are combined at once. It is necessary to take a red natural thread, preferably woolen. Its length should be about 10 centimeters.

The thread must be threaded into the eye, and then 12 knots must be tied on it. Next, you should say a slander on a pin from damage, which is given below.

“Twelve shields, twelve forces, and all of them hold me tightly, carry out service, save me from evil. Take away, knots, troubles, bad weather, bad, misfortunes. Become my talisman from age to age"

Conspiracy with fire

Understanding the variety of rituals and conspiracies for pins, you should not pass by what is performed with the participation of fire. The beneficial properties of flame have long been known. It perfectly cleans items from excess energy, which allows you to make the charmed amulet as effective as possible.

To carry out a conspiracy on a simple pin, you need a candle that has never been lit. Its wick must be set on fire, be sure to use matches. Lighters in magical rituals are contraindicated. Next, you should glow the sharp end of the talisman and put it on a saucer. Next, you need to drop wax on your ear, while saying the words:

“Needle, pierce, drive away evil from the servant of God / servant of God. I temper the metal, I conjure you. Amen"

The text must be repeated three times, after which the talisman should be pinned to the clothes.

Many parents are faced with the fact that the child becomes restless, capricious, whiny. The case may lie in damage or the evil eye, so it’s worth talking a pin for the peace of mind of children. It would be optimal if the ceremony is performed by a woman as close as possible to the baby - mother, grandmother or godmother.

For a child, you can use any of the above options, they all work. They are easy to perform at home by presenting a cute amulet to your son or daughter. In general, a pin speaks for a child in the same way as for an adult, but the baby must be warned not to brag about it in front of friends.

Spell for luck and money

Conspiracies for pins for good luck and money are considered quite effective. They allow you to attract financial flows to life and achieve success in business.

You can perform a ritual for good luck without using any additional funds. You just need to speak the amulet with special words. At the same time, you need to believe in the success of the rite, visualizing your luck in your thoughts. You can imagine some specific events that you dream about. For example, if a person wants to win the lottery, then this is what he should think about during the ritual.

You need to say the following words:

"I drive away evil forces, I call for good luck and prosperity."

You can come up with your own words, such a conspiracy for good luck allows it.

A conspiracy using salt, rice and sugar will help with money

Carrying out a conspiracy on a pin for money will require several additional attributes. You need to take:

  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • White rice;
  • saucer made of ceramics.

Salt, granulated sugar and rice take 3 tablespoons. Next, the ingredients should be poured into a saucer, while observing a strict sequence. Sugar is added first, then salt, and rice completes the composition. A pin is stuck on top, after which they speak. Any words are used, it is enough to sincerely ask for more finances from yourself. At what it is desirable to specify the goals, this will allow you to attract money faster. The charmed pin, along with rice, salt, sugar, should stand in this form all night. In the morning, you can put it on yourself.

Conspiracy with blood

There is a strong pin conspiracy that involves the use of one's own blood. The tip of a new pin should be disinfected with alcohol or another similar liquid. Next, you need to pronounce the words “I call on luck, I conjure blood” and prick your finger. The injection must be strong enough to draw blood. Next, the amulet is attached to the wrong side of the clothes, as usual. Periodically they touch her and say:

"Luck is with me."

Conspiracy before sleep

The essence of the next rite is to pronounce the right words before going to bed. In this case, you need to try to fall asleep as quickly as possible. In this way, you can speak an amulet for the fulfillment of a wish. Free wording is allowed.

A love spell must be done with 7 small pins

Many women are interested in how to attract the attention of a loved one. A conspiracy to love is done with the help of seven small pins. It is recommended to act as follows:

  1. Open one pin and put under the rug in the hallway.
  2. Invite a guy over.
  3. When he steps over the mat, take out the pin, fasten it and say the right words.

The words for this conspiracy are as follows:

“Let all your thoughts be about me. Only I will be in your words. Let our destinies intertwine, and our union only becomes stronger over the years.

If you want to return the strong love of your husband, then you need another ritual. It requires the use of one pin, which must be pinned to clothing and walked around for three days. After this time, the talisman is unfastened, they say “Don’t lose the pin, but don’t forget your wife (name)” and cling to her husband's clothes.

Conspiracy on a pin from a rival

There is a conspiracy on a pin on a rival, which is useful when it comes to saving from a mistress. It is advisable to do it after the full moon, when the moon begins to wane. For the ritual you will need a bottle, salt and water. Next, pins are poured into the bottle so that they fill half the space. After that, salt water is poured into the vessel. The bottle is buried in a deserted place, after saying the words:

“You inject others, pins, and drive away evil from me. Husband to his native threshold, I will let him into the house, but I will not let him go to his mistress.

Such a conspiracy against her husband will allow you to quickly remove the rival. The ritual excludes infidelity of the spouse and betrayal. To enhance the effect, you can discreetly fasten one pin to your husband's clothes. After that, a conspiracy from a rival will definitely save you.

Drug addiction can be treated with pins

Among the rest, there is a conspiracy from drug addiction to a pin. In general, it can be read on any item that an addicted person should always carry with him. But it is the pin that is convenient in that it can be fastened to clothes and no longer remembered. Words for getting rid of drug addiction look like this:

“Rather, you, the Servant (s) of God (s) (name), bite your own nose, than you pour an evil potion into yourself. Rather, the deceased will leave the coffin on his own than into you, the Slave (s) of God (s) (name) dope from the evil potion will enter. Amen".

How to wear a charmed pin?

There are several rules regarding wearing an amulet. It is pinned only to the wrong side so that no one can see. Optimal fabrics for wearing are natural. It is believed that synthetics reduce the effectiveness of slander. Periodically, you can clean the talisman with fire and speak again. This is especially true of conspiracies from enemies at work, because in this case the pin will constantly absorb negativity. If it has turned black, then it is buried in a secluded place.

At night, it is allowed to attach the amulet to the pillow. Of course, you need to do this so that you don’t prick yourself in a dream. A pin pinned to a pillow will protect a person, just like on clothes.

Pin conspiracies are very effective and simple

Since rituals with pins are white magic, there are no special consequences from their implementation. Sometimes a person who asks for money may initially lose a not too impressive amount in order to get much more later. So the universe takes a toll.

In a word, pin conspiracies are quite effective and very simple. They can be held by everyone in their own home. Such rituals are used if you want to attract good luck, return love, protect yourself from negativity. There is an opportunity to get rid of an opponent by conspiracy with a pin. You can use them to fulfill almost any desire, for example, to get pregnant faster.

A simple pin is not only a secure fastener or an elegant decoration. It has long been used for magical rituals to accumulate positive energy and protect yourself and your family members. If you read a conspiracy on a pin from the evil eye and damage, you can provide yourself with reliable protection from the effects of dark power. Also, with the help of a conspiracy on a pin, luck is attracted. Only all magical manipulations should be performed correctly, to believe in the power of the word.

A conspiracy on a pin will help provide strong protection

The pin is used as a talisman against corruption and the evil eye, as well as an amulet to attract goodness and luck. What exactly the impact of this attribute will be directly depends on what strong conspiracy with a pin is used in each case. If a person is unlucky, various troubles have appeared in his personal life and in the work area, all plans are destroyed, nothing can be achieved, you need to make a conspiracy on a pin for protection.

If a person wants to increase the existing successes and consolidate them, magical rites make the pin an amulet. The use of a pin in magic is due to such factors:

  1. It has an oblong shape, made of metal, due to which it is an excellent conductor of energy (not only positive, but also negative).
  2. Due to the small size of this accessory, it can be worn completely unnoticed by prying eyes.
  3. You can perform magical rites at any time of the lunar phase and on any day of the week.
  4. Performing rituals is simple, no special magical knowledge and skills are required, anyone can perform them at home.

Rules for reading conspiracies on a pin

In order for the talisman to work, you must follow the rules

The security pin can be made by anyone who wants to. But in order for the charmed talisman to begin to act, certain rules and recommendations should be followed:

  1. To be able to concentrate on the ultimate goal, to protect yourself from energy strikes. It is not difficult to do this, it is enough to imagine how negative energy and evil from enemies break on a pin.
  2. The magic attribute used must be new. It should not contain any extraneous energy, so it will be able to absorb the negative, which will be directed at its owner.
  3. Important is the psychological state and mood during the conspiracies. During the magical rites, a person should be in a good mood. Rites of conspiracies are not performed in case of poor health or during illness.

A pin is a conductor that is able to accumulate various energies in itself. This is the personification of a vicious circle, thanks to which it is possible to neutralize damage or the evil eye, and to enclose positive energy inside a vicious circle so that it cannot come out. Using such a talisman, it is necessary to monitor the integrity of the vicious circle. A conspiracy on a pin from damage or the evil eye will become a reliable assistant only if the clasp is closed. If the clasp itself unfastened, the thing fell or was lost, this means the completion of its main purpose, that is, the amulet took on all the negativity that was directed at its owner and “self-destructed”.

The clasp that opens on its own speaks of the self-cleaning of the amulet

Never pick up a pin found on the street. This is such a talisman that can easily save its owner, but at the same time harm another person. That is, through such an item you can get all the negative energy of the previous owner. According to traditional healers, it is not easy to speak metal amulets, because they have a dense structure. But a pin is a universal object that is equally quickly able to absorb both positive and negative energy.

You should also carefully approach the choice of such an object. To carry out a conspiracy to amulet, it is best to choose a needle-shaped French one with a loop that is attached to the inside or outside of the wearable clothing. Must be worn without taking off. Only at night it is allowed to put it on the bedside table or under the pillow. If other clothes are chosen in the morning, be sure to fasten the charmed item onto it. You can also choose a regular pin, which is a closed circle. Such an object will accumulate protective energy in itself after the conspiracy, while other people will not be able to harm. It absolutely does not matter what metal the talisman is made of.

When speaking amulets, it is very important to believe in their power. Protective words affect a person’s mood in the same way as a person’s psycho-emotional mood during a conspiracy. You need to have pure thoughts and understand that the actions taken are aimed at protecting yourself or your family members. The performance of a magical action should be carried out in a calm environment, without strangers.

How to cleanse a charmed talisman

Cleaning the pin should be carried out periodically to enhance its protective action. For cleaning, the item must be lowered into a container with spring water. Let it stand for three days. Also, throw a silver coin or any other silver jewelry into the container.

Those talismans, whose task is to protect against negativity, the evil eye and damage, should be cleaned as often as possible. After cleansing, read the plot again.

Proven conspiracies on a pin from the evil eye and damage

There are many proven options for protective rituals with the use of an evil eye pin. On the growing moon on the first Thursday, buy three small pins without haggling and without taking change. Upon arrival home, in front of the threshold, say the prayer of Our Father and overshadow yourself with the cross.

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. My needle, protect me three times from all evil. Protect from evil, reflect all bad messages. Become a barrier for me from human envy and from the attacks of enemies. May my words come true. My guardian angel, stand up for me. Amen".

After the ceremony, it is necessary to visit the temple or church as soon as possible and put a candle in front of the icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant, you should also give it to those in need near the temple, distribute a commemoration of deceased relatives. You can’t talk about the ceremony, otherwise all protection will disappear. A charmed pin should always be near its owner, at all times of the day and for all occasions. Three months later, repeat the ceremony.

After the ritual, you must visit the church

For a candle

You can plot on a simple pin for yourself or for your husband, or for any other family member. Many protective rituals involve the use of a candle. Light a wax candle with matches (this is a prerequisite). Drop wax on the opposite side of the pin from the tip, while saying the following words:

“You are a sharp needle, pierce all the evil around me with your sting. Take me away. As with the help of fire my words are conjured, so may my protection be strong.

Wear the charmed object with the point down, on the inside of the clothing.

With fire and smoke

Fire and smoke have long been used to protect

With the help of fire, our ancestors set up protection for themselves a very long time ago. And in our time, traditions have been preserved to use fire for protective rituals. Buy a wax candle, set fire to it, glow the tip of the pin on the fire, then put the amulet on a saucer, drip a few drops of wax on the place of the fastener, utter a conspiracy:

“Needle-pin, drive away all evil and enemy attacks from me. I temper you with a candle flame, I speak with strong words. Let no one be able to destroy them and unravel my amulet. Amen". After pronouncing the text, pin the talisman to the clothes.

You can also perform a protective rite in an open area, preferably in a forest. You need to collect coniferous branches, make a fire from them. Hold the amulet over the smoke while saying:

“You are a coniferous smoke, my friend. Protect me from evil, help me. Walk beside me. Amen".

With red thread

The plot must be repeated for each node

During the rituals, people should clearly imagine how the amulet is filled with power, light, how it becomes a mirror and reflects all negativity. You can use a red thread with a pin, this is an excellent protection for children. Pass it through the eye, tie 12 knots, saying for each knot:

"Protect from damage, from human envy, from all ailments, from poverty, from betrayal, from a government house, from temptation." Drop melted candle wax onto each knot. Such protection is suitable for a child.

With baptismal water

Epiphany water has strong protective properties

It is believed that Epiphany water has special protective properties. With its help, you can speak amulets. Such a talisman will have a double power that enemies cannot destroy. Pour a little baptismal water into the container, lower the pin into it. Let the night stand, and in the morning read the prayer of Our Father, take out the talisman, and then say to him:

“As this needle sinks in holy water, let all evil and bad thoughts sink in my direction. Let the evil eye not affect. Amen".

Such a talisman can be worn for three months, after which each time the ritual is performed anew.

How to wear a charm and when to renew its strength

There are also certain rules for wearing a talisman:

  • it is recommended to attach a pin spelled in a magical way to clothes closer to the body, but so as not to accidentally get hurt;
  • it is better to attach it in the middle of the chest, near the heart chakra;
  • often it is attached to the seam of clothing;
  • you can pierce the amulet only if the ritual itself allows you to unfasten it, that is, if it is not protection from damage. Otherwise, the plot on the product will have to be performed again;
  • any spoken thing should not become a subject of discussion for strangers;
  • that amulet that is not intended to be worn is better to hide in a box;
  • do not throw the talisman anywhere;
  • periodically cleanse the amulet with fire and conduct a conspiracy again;
  • an object that cannot be opened must be constantly near its owner.

Possible consequences

With the help of magical rituals, you can protect yourself and your family. You also need to remember that any witchcraft rituals can have certain consequences. When conducting a protective rite, any negative consequences are usually absent. If such an object is used to attract financial success, after a while a person may face a deterioration in health. This is a payment to higher powers for the assistance rendered.

For a long time, a pin has been a powerful amulet or part of a strong ritual. Through her, an experienced woman will be able to return her husband, quarrel someone, put up protection ...

The correct conspiracy on the pin will help the owner in everyday life - the talisman will always be there, protect and support her.

Today we will tell you how to fasten luck on a pin, how to protect yourself from the evil eye and negative energy.

The plot that we will offer you can be used not only on a pin, you can also make a talisman from a piece of jewelry that you wear all the time.

Be careful that your plot works, do it on the new moon at 12 o'clock at night. Take your future talisman in your hand and clearly pronounce the words:

The birth of the month, the awakening of forces, the month will not part with the sky, good luck will not refuse the talisman. Will follow me, do good with me!

The charmed thing should remain all night on the windowsill and by morning the month will fill it with strength. The next day, your talisman is ready to serve you and help you attract good luck. Such a talisman is a good gift for your loved ones.

As a rule, a magical ritual must be performed every new moon, otherwise the talisman will lose its luck.

Often, talismans lose their protective and attractive power if periodic magical manipulations are not carried out, otherwise the talisman will last for several months at most.

The next plot for good luck should be read only on a pin. The charmed thing should always be with you, it is best to pin your amulet to your clothes, but discreetly, so that no one can see it on you. The plot must also be read in secret so that not a single soul hears you.

  1. To get started, buy a new pin and clean it with alcohol or another disinfectant.
  2. Then, after making sure that no one can hear you, take the pin and say:

I call for luck, I conjure blood.

  1. Immediately prick your finger so that a little blood comes out, then wait to speak the words:

On my way, good people, I bypass the paths of the thorny, people only wish good, they help my deeds.

  1. At the moment when you feel that you need luck, touch the hidden pin and whisper:

Good luck with me!

Evil eye conspiracy

Charmed pin

Our great-grandmothers also protected themselves from the evil eye by saying a simple pin, and to this day this conspiracy is considered the most powerful. But, unfortunately, not everyone now knows, as a rule, to use this conspiracy. We will tell.

In the process of conspiring the pin, the timing is not mandatory, the mandatory factor is concentration, concentrate your thoughts on what kind of protection you want to receive. Remember that your emotional state also affects the work of the conspiracy, so try to cast the spell only in a good mood, without negative thoughts in your head.

Also wear a charmed pin on your clothes and during the day it will always protect you. When you change clothes, fasten the pin to the new one. It is forbidden to wash the pin with things. Do not fasten the pin to your clothes at night, just put it under the pillow, it will still be with you.

A charmed pin may break or begin to rust. The pin during its action absorbs all the negative energy into itself, when this happens - cleaning of the amulet is required. Cleaning the amulet may be hinted at by a desire to stop wearing the pin.

Charm cleaning

To clean your amulet, put a pin in a mug of natural water for three days (tap water is absolutely not suitable), also send a silver coin to the container. The coin can be replaced with another item made of this metal.

All objects that protect you from the evil eye, negative energy, must be processed: at least washed in running water on the full moon.

After cleaning the amulet, it must be spoken again.

If you have decorated your pin with beads or threads, remove them before placing them in water and burn them.

Conspiracy on a pin

Let's move on to the main thing. Sometimes, for a conspiracy, you will need not only one item that will personify the conspiracy, but also auxiliary ones - for a strong spell.

From the evil eye on the candle

Take any candle, no matter what it is made of or what color it is. For any magical rite, candles can only be lit with matches.

Place a few drops of wax on the ring of a pin and say:

Mace needle, pierce evil, send it away from me. The flame conjures a word, the mace remembers.

The pin must be worn on the wrong side of the clotheshiding from prying eyes. The tip of the pin should always point down. It's okay if the wax crumbles, the spell is in the pin itself.

From the evil eye on the water

For the ceremony, you will need a container of water from a well or spring, in no case from the tap.

The pin should lie in the water for a day. At the end of the day, without taking it out of the water, cast the spell three times:

Protect me, pin, from the machinations of the devil, from evil corruption and human muck.

From the evil eye on the smoke

A good plot if you live in the private sector or generally near a forest, a park that is not often visited by people. The city park is not suitable.

  1. Go there and collect some coniferous branches. It is best if it is pine.
  2. They need to be set on fire in a refractory dish or, if possible, make a fire. As for dishes, it's good if you have a new plate or container that is used only for magical rites.
  3. Hold your amulet above the smoke and whisper:

Fire smoke, hide from evil, help good, and walk with me in step.

The principle of wearing is the same.

From the evil eye with a thread

For conspiracies with threads, a red thread is taken. The thread must be made of natural material, preferably wool. It will need about 10 cm. Thread the thread into the pin ring, now you need to tie knots. Through each knot, say the words:

Turn away trouble and bad weather, take away anger, and misfortune.

Pins should also be worn on the wrong side of the garment along with a red thread and knots that will protect you from the evil eye.

From the evil eye with a bow

A bow in magic is a very strong attribute, it is considered the main fighter against the evil eye, damage and negative energy, therefore a charmed amulet with a bow is a strong, durable amulet.

This spell must be cast not on a pin, but on a piece of onion:

Luchok wrestler, protect my crown, take away evil allotments, damn things. Protect, protect, avert all troubles.

The more vigorously you got the bow, the better for the conspiracy. After the spell, rub the pin with a piece of onion and attach it to the inside of your clothes.

The usual conspiracy

A good conspiracy for good luck and protection is done without auxiliary items, such as this one.

Put the pin in your palm and say:

Remove evil, turn away the evil eye, turn away unkind people, protect me.

First, fasten the talisman to your clothes, and only then put it on. Such a conspiracy works well for those who sharpen a tooth on you or influence you, it is also good when going to a meeting for which you are not ready.

Strong hex on a pin

A strong day for magical rites is Tuesday on the growing moon, so if you want the most powerful amulet:

  1. On Tuesday, take a white candle and a future amulet. It is best to buy a pin in advance, the ideal day for this is Friday.
  2. Light your candle with matches and heat the tip of the pin over its flame, reading the spell: From the machinations of evil hide, Wash with a clean flame. Let it be so.

  3. Then put a little wax on the pin ring. Do everything very carefully, there is a risk of getting burned.
  4. Repeat the steps three times.

When your spell is ready, pin the amulet in the same way as the previous options so that outsiders cannot see it. This spell will definitely help you, it will protect you from negative energy, evil eye and will attract good luck.

Summing up, let's say that pins have always been considered a strong magical attribute and simply stabbed into clothes, it can save a kind person from the evil eye and unkind looks.

The pin will be most effective if you cast a spell over it. She will know exactly what you want from her and will help you with what you need.

Are you sure that you have no damage or evil eye? Be sure to watch the video:

A variety of things are used as talismans and amulets. It can be a red thread, a charmed coin, or a simple safety pin. The latter has been used in magic since ancient times. It is small in size, easy to use, can always be with your client. For these reasons, it is popular.

You can simply attach a pin to your clothes and it will already have a small protective effect. Or you can resort to the help of the Higher Forces and read the conspiracies on a pin , which will increase the energy properties of the amulet at times. By the way, read more rituals to attract good luck and luck.

The meaning of the pin in magic

The pin can be used as a talisman for any person in a wide variety of purposes and situations. But, often used in 2 directions:

  • as a talisman that will protect a person from the evil eye and bad influence;
  • as a talisman that will attract bright and winning life moments.

In the first option, a person needs when things are completely bad for him. In situations with job loss, family troubles, constant despondency and other difficulties, it is worth putting protection on the energy field. After all, such frequent problems may indicate extraneous influence with the help of magical rituals. The needy himself and his relatives and friends can speak a pin as a talisman. For example, for a small child, a mother can do this.

The second option is when a person is doing great in life, but may need to create non-standard situations that will bring even more positive in life. In this case, the person himself should say a whisper on the pin and never tell anyone about it.

The strength of the amulet or talisman in the form of a pin is due to the following points:

  • the metal, namely the pin is made of it, has a high conductivity, which provides a strong energy flow of protection;
  • small size allows you to hide the talisman in a secluded place on clothes or in the house, and it will not interfere;
  • versatility. Creating an amulet or a talisman is 2 popular areas of work with a pin. There are many other possibilities (a talisman for health, for financial well-being, from an evil boss, a love spell, etc.)

Conspiracy with a pin for good luck and money

When everything is good in business and you want to keep the wave of wealth, or when it’s not as great as you would like, you can use the charmed pin as a financial amulet. To do this, you only need a pin and knowledge of special words:

“I conjure with blood - I call for good luck!” - 1 part.

“I walk along the roads, I find good people. I beckon with coins, I take a day. I receive gifts - I make wealth! As said, so done!” - 2 part.

The ritual itself looks like this. Take a brand new pin. Since a thing is spoken on an amulet, the energy must be clean and not contaminated by anything. Speak the first part of the plot. Pierce your index finger with it so that a drop of blood appears, soak the tip of the pin into the blood and say the second part. Then close the amulet. On day 7, it can be pinned to clothes. This must be done with the tip down. Your financial success is guaranteed!

Speak a pin to protect the child from the evil eye

This is the case when the mother herself makes the amulet. And so it is necessary to do so that the child does not know. The kid can tell friends or other people about the amulet. In this case, the talisman will lose its power. Protective whisper:

“Powers of the Universe, Powers of Heaven, I ask you to protect my child, protect me from all troubles, from the evil eye, from unclean thoughts, from bad actions, from evil intentions! Take care how you take care of yourself! Appreciate how you love yourself! Guard and look, take care of my Angel! Amen"

Mom on any lunar day takes a new pin and pronounces the words of a whisper. It is important that she be alone in the room and no one knows about the ritual. Maternal love and energy will be enough to charge an ordinary item with protective power. The amulet should be pinned to the inside of the garment with the needle down.

With a pin on the water from damage

The best protective amulet against damage in all cultures of the world is a pin. There are several variants of the amulet spell. The most effective is a conspiracy on the water. To do this, take a vessel with spring water and a new pin. Place the future amulet in water and leave for a day. Exactly one day later, you speak a pin. Spell Words:

“Take care of me with a blunt end, protect me with a sharp word. Be my friend and helper, from someone else's word a recluse. Let it be so!"

After whispering the words, drain the water and put the pin in the sun to dry. Drying is in the open state. After you fasten the amulet on the inside of the clothes with the needle down. After such protection, not a single evil eye is terrible for you. The protective amulet will take away the negative influence that was directed at you.

On a pin to remove the negative

With a safety pin, you can remove the negative energy that was directed at you. To do this, you should pronounce the magic words and believe in the power of the amulet. In addition to the main future amulet, you should take a piece of red woolen thread, on which you need to tie 12 knots (according to the number of apostles of the defenders). Whisper words:

“12 powers of heaven, 12 powers of protection, I ask you to purify me and my soul! I ask you to forgive me for all my sins, for everything that was done wrong, maybe I offended someone with a word, deed, thought, forgive me. Yes, cleanse and remove evil spells! Thank you for this! Amen!"

Take a thread with knots and, pronouncing the text of a whisper, wind it around a pin in a random order. Wind it as you like, but so that the pin can then open and close. After saying the magic words, stab the amulet on the inside of the clothes with the needle down. Every time you change clothes - outweigh the amulet. Over time, you will begin to observe rust and other changes in the appearance of the protective amulet. This will mean that it performs its functions and pulls all the negativity onto itself in the form of corrosion and other changes.

On a pin on a candle from the evil eye

Metal is a powerful energy, backed by a worthy companion, you can get a powerful amulet from the evil eye. This second energy can be fire. You should take a candle. Set it on fire, dripping on the head of a pin, say the magic words:

“I temper with fire, I defend myself from the evil eye! I urge you to take care of me! May I be under you, as under the dome of heaven, as under the wing of an angel. Let it be so!"

Putting a couple of drops of wax on a pin, wait until it hardens. Then immediately pin the amulet on the clothes that you wear most often. It is forbidden to remove the amulet in the first 7 days. After a week, you can hang the pin on other clothes. The energy of fire that you brought in will burn almost in a direct word all the negative energy, words, thoughts and actions that will be directed at you. You can enhance the effect of the amulet by visualizing the large glass dome that surrounds you. This must be done while reading the plot. This will increase your confidence in the amulet and will reliably protect you from all sorts of human misfortunes. It is important to know that you are under the protection of the Heavenly Forces!

I am of the opinion that the disease is easier to prevent than to cure. This is also true for damage or the evil eye: it is much easier to prevent the influence of black magic on your life than to look for effective ways to get rid of it later.

Therefore, I want to tell you more about such an item as a safety pin: how to turn it into a charm against witchcraft or a talisman to bring prosperity to life.

What is the power of a safety pin

All possible rituals and slander on a pin are no more than 200 years old.

To add value to something, people like to attribute a long history of use to it. So it is with a pin: mothers and grandmothers like to claim that this item has been used since ancient times as a talisman against witchcraft. But in fact, the history of the modern pin dates back to 1846, when the enterprising Briton Charles Rowley registered a patent for the invention of the pin in his name. Although its real inventor was the American engineer Walter Hunt.

The ease of use of the safety pin has made it very popular for everyday use. At the same time, people practicing magic saw in it not just a beautiful and convenient accessory. The pins are made of metal, which allows it to conduct and accumulate human energy. At the same time, energy can be both positive and negative.

But the metal itself is not enough to use the pin in magical rituals. Its shape played a big role in this: a ring, a lock, a sign of infinity, the beginning and end.

To turn an ordinary pin into a protective amulet or a talisman for good luck, you need to direct the appropriate energy flow into it with the help of conspiracies and close it with a clasp.

A ready-made magic item should always be worn on your clothes and its condition and performance should be monitored.

If the pin began to unfasten itself, changed its color or became too soft, it has fulfilled its function and needs to be replaced.

Choosing a pin and how to speak it correctly

From my own experience, I can say that it is very difficult to introduce any energy programs into the metal because of its dense structure. Only a very strong magician can cope with this task.

But a pin is an exception to the rule and any person who firmly believes in the power of this amulet can speak it.

To create a protective amulet or a talisman for good luck, you should use only a new pin.

Contrary to popular belief, conspiracy pins can be used in a variety of ways:

  • regular safety pins, which you can buy at any store with sewing accessories;
  • pins made of precious metals or with decorations in the form of stones and pendants.

For example, as a protective amulet, you can choose a French pin with a decorative knob (it is also called a hat pin). It is fixed on the clothes with the needle down. Thus, it absorbs all the negativity that is directed at you and lowers it into the ground.

Of course, of course, you can’t hang this on clothes for a child. Therefore, for security reasons, it is better to use a regular safety pin here.

Advice.Choose an ordinary safety pin for amulets. It is not expensive, equipped with a secure clasp. It is not a pity to replace such an amulet with a new one when its mission is completed.

How to speak and wear a pin

To make a magic item out of an ordinary pin, you need to follow certain rules:

  • to believe in the ritual being performed and that the pin will really fulfill the task entrusted to it;
  • rid your thoughts of all negativity. During the ritual, you should be calm and in a good mood;
  • choose a quiet place for the ritual;
  • perform a ritual for a conspiracy of a pin at a time when no one is at home. It's even better if you get rid of all the distractions.

When the ritual is finished, you can pin the pin on your clothes or on the child's clothes. But in order for the pin to serve you faithfully, you should follow the rules for wearing it:

  • the pin should be attached to clothing that is as close as possible to the body;
  • amulets can be attached to the seam of clothing or to the region of the heart;
  • if the pin is a talisman for good luck, then it can be pierced from clothes to clothes;
  • if the pin is a talisman against damage or the evil eye, then it must be attached to the clothes that you always wear. Or you can make several amulets and attach them to different wardrobe items;
  • the amulet must be worn even on a nightgown or pajamas. But if you are afraid that during sleep it will open up and injure you, then put clothes with a charmed pin under your pillow.

Now you know all the features of using pins as an amulet or a talisman. And now it's time to tell you the rituals that will help turn an ordinary pin into a magical item.

Conspiracies on a pin

With the help of the rituals and conspiracies I have proposed, you can turn your pin into a strong amulet against damage and the evil eye or a talisman for good luck and financial well-being.

Spells to attract good luck and money

For each of us, accompaniment of good luck in business and an increase in material wealth is of great importance. Therefore, if this is a problem in your life, then the following rituals will help to correct the situation.


To perform the ritual, wait for the phase of the growing moon and do the following at night:

  • find a saucer that speaks of wealth and prosperity in the house;
  • put sugar, salt, rice on it (on top of each other);
  • stick a pin into this slide so that it goes through all three layers;
  • pronounce the spell:

    I drive away evil forces, I call for good luck and prosperity.

Now stop the saucer with the pin for the night. In the morning, attach a pin to your clothes, clean the saucer and return it to its place.

Before bedtime

You can perform a simple ritual that will help attract money to you. It should be done just before going to bed.

Take a new pin in your hands and say the following text:

From now on, come to my house wealth, bring good luck with you.
Let all my enterprises argue, get along, and bring me income.
I will build a solid comfortable house, and I will live in wealth in it.
My family will not need anything, they will live in abundance.
A lot of money will soon arrive, they are already on their way to me.
Let the profit go to me, let the table break from the dishes,
There will be cattle in the yard, joy and goodness in my house.
Money will love me, wealth will be brought to my house.
And silver and gold coins will fall into my hands, they will give me joy.
I open the door to prosperity, drive sadness and poverty away.

After that, pin a pin to your pajamas or nightgown and go to bed. Try to fall asleep as soon as possible.

Attracting good luck with blood

This ritual will help bring good luck into your life.

Buy a new pin and go home. While holding the purchase in your hands, say the following:

I appeal to luck, conjuring with blood.

Now prick your finger with the sharp end of the pin to draw blood. Say the following words:

Only kind people meet on my way, I only pass along well-trodden paths.
Anyone met with kindness comes to me, with help in all my affairs.
As I say, so be it.

The talisman is ready. Always carry it with you on your clothes or in your breast pocket. If you have an important event that requires extra luck, then take this pin in your hand and say in a whisper:

Luck is with me.

Attracting good luck with a shamanic conspiracy

The best time to perform this ritual is Sunday afternoon. You will need the following:

  • candle;
  • safety pin;
  • learned text of the conspiracy.

Light a candle. Place a pin next to it. This must be done in such a way that the melted wax drips onto the round eye of the pin. At this time, you need to whisper a conspiracy three times:

Let the spell penetrate this object
Through the eye of a pin, I call the spirits,
Don't leave this item.
I call on the spirits to protect me with their strength,
I call on the spirits to carry through this object,
My success on all days of the week, at all times of the day.
Let it be so. Amen

Getting rid of money problems

This ritual will help attract money into your life and get rid of problems with material well-being.

Take a pin in your hands and whisper the following on it:

O Lord Almighty!
May every day I have a lot
Opportunities to realize your
Let my family and children know no need for anything.

The only thing I want to draw your attention to is that the ritual does not begin to act immediately, but within a week you will see the first improvements.

Conspiracies that will make a protective amulet out of a pin

As you know, a safety pin can protect a person from the evil eye. Before performing rituals and reading conspiracies on a pin, it must be cleaned.

To do this, fill a glass of water from a river or stream and put a pin in it with any object made of silver. Place the glass for three days and nights on the windowsill, where it will be charged with solar and lunar energy.

All rituals with a pin that turn it into a protective amulet should be done in complete silence, in secret from everyone, during the waning moon.

Tempering a pin with fire

To carry out this ritual, you need to buy a candle and a pin. Light a candle and hold the sharp end of a pin over its flame. When it is hot, put the pin in a plate and put a few drops of wax on the round eye of the pin. At this time, you need to quietly pronounce the conspiracy three times:

Needle, pierce, drive away evil from the servant of God / servant of God.
I temper the metal, I conjure you. Amen .

A strong conspiracy from the evil eye on a pin

To make a really strong shield against extraneous negative influence out of a pin, you need to follow these steps:

  • the ritual can be performed on any day of the week, but it is best to do it on Tuesday, when the moon is in its growth phase;
  • buy a candle and a pin. This is best done on a Friday;
  • heat the tip of a pin over a burning candle. As you do so, say the following:

    God, Angels have come, Guardian, protect me. From the machinations of evil hide, Wash with a clean flame. Let it be so. Amen

  • now put one drop of wax on the opposite side of the pin.

It is necessary to do these manipulations three times. After that, you can pin it to your clothes. Make sure that outsiders don't see it.


Now you know how to turn an ordinary item into a powerful protective amulet or a talisman for good luck. But remember, in order for them to work, you need to believe in the called power. And in order to work the way you need, you should keep track of the thoughts and mood with which you pronounced the slander on the pin.

If you still think that pins to protect against the evil eye and damage or to attract good luck are not enough, then you can write to me and I will perform the appropriate rituals for you.

I look forward to your requests at the coordinates indicated on the site.
