Dream Interpretation to pick up baby poop. What does Miller's dream book promise?

A dream about poop portends a big profit. Even those operations that initially did not involve generating income will be profitable. The event that happened will bring pleasure.

Whose poop did you dream about?

Baby poop Dog poop

Dreamed of cat poop

I dreamed of cat poop - a dream warns you about the need to exercise caution and control the situation. You can give in to temptation and commit an act that you will have to bitterly regret.

Why dream of mouse poop

Why dream of mouse poop? The dream speaks of the intrigues of ill-wishers behind your back. They are not capable of something serious, they can only inflict small injections. However, enemies do not disdain dishonorable actions, beware.

Dreaming of human poop

Human poop in a dream is a symbol of money in reality. You can get them in a variety of ways. There is a chance that you will get a solid inheritance.

Clean up poop in a dream

A dream in which you remove poop is a harbinger of a decision difficult questions. In life, a brighter and calmer time will begin. Things will finally go uphill, feel comfort and stability.

How many poop did you dream about?

see a lot of poop

Dreaming of a lot of poop is a good sign. You can invest wisely and subsequently receive tangible profits, especially if you invest in a business and calculate profits in advance.

Why dream of Poop

Eastern dream book

Poop - dreams promising profit. Bowel movements dream of large incomes, which even obviously losing operations will bring. In addition, it is possible to receive a solid inheritance.

Dream Interpretation of the Pechora Healer

Poop - human feces dream of money.

Online dream book

The meaning of sleep: Poop according to the dream book?

Seeing poop - promises big profits in even non-profitable transactions. Soon you will get unheard of pleasure from something.

Sleep is not a joy: an alternative interpretation of what poop dreams about

Probably each of us knows the most common explanation for what poop dreams about. Of course, to cash profit! Remember how people usually talk about money? That's right, they don't smell! But in our article, we will shatter the prevailing idea and completely kill unnecessary stereotypes! How? Now find out!

General interpretation

The feces of humans and animals that we saw in a dream are almost always for profit and profit. If you blindly follow this, then in any business you will not be required to make any efforts, and everything is based on banal luck. But not everything is so simple, friends! There are a number of alternative interpretations of what poop dreams about! That's what we'll talk about today!

Why dream of poop. Alternative interpretation

Miller's dream book

Gustav Miller, in his later interpretations of "shitty" dreams, urges us to take the poop we see seriously. "Do not write off the feces for monetary gain! Wake up, gentlemen!" - says the scientist. The fact is that in reality this may mean your tarnished reputation, you may be deceived or defame your honor. If in your dream you get dirty in shit, you will find out some terrible secret that you will drive away from yourself. However, all the secret someday becomes clear ...

Dream Interpretation Longe

What do you think, why do you dream of poop on which you accidentally slipped? This, friends, is a warning! You urgently need to change your life views and principles. Otherwise, big losses are inevitable! If you are shoveling shit out of a toilet bowl or a pit yourself, beware! A number of psychologists (and Miller too) called this dream the Augean stable syndrome: you can be robbed of a tidy sum, you will remain in poverty and misery.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

This dream book also contains alternative interpretation what poop dreams about. Cat excrement - to small money scams from your enemies, dog shit - to a meeting with former classmates, which will end in a grand scandal! If this is bird droppings, then distant relatives will come to visit you in the near future, on which you will have to spend a lot of money. If in a dream you just see a lot of shit scattered in the corners, smeared on the walls, then do not carry large sums of money with you in the coming days, and also, under no pretext, do not play gambling. You can remain completely bankrupt.

Family dream book

Poop in our dreams serves as a reminder of some personal problems, for example, in the intimate sphere. Own poop is a symbol of slander, loss and trouble. Dreams in which you try to wipe yourself, but get dirty in your own shit, indicate that soon the dark side of your life will surface and become public, bringing you significant moral damages and completely tarnishing your reputation. If you dream about how you wipe another person (not a child!), You will soon get entangled in a dubious situation, from which it will not be so easy to get out. If you feel the pungent smell of feces - think about it, because in reality a grandiose scandal is brewing against you.

bird poop

Dream Interpretation Bird poop dreamed of why Bird poop is dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Bird poop in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Bird Feather

See Feather (bird).

Dream Interpretation - Bird's Nest

If you dreamed that you found a bird's nest, then you are waiting for a change in your "familiar place" - housing or work. If there were eggs or chicks in the nest, your plans will come true.

Imagine a nest large, soft and comfortable, full of eggs or chirping chicks.

Dream Interpretation - Bird's Nest

A bird's nest is dreaming - expect a wedding soon.

If there are eggs in the nest, your personal life will be successful.

Chicks in the nest - you have a trip with loved ones.

There is nothing in the nest - there will be no travel.

Dream Interpretation - Bird eggs

Bird eggs can symbolize the beginning.

Dream Interpretation - Bird's Nest

With testicles or chicks - great joy; ruining a nest is an alarm in the house; empty - quickly build your house

Dream Interpretation - Bird Market

Chaos, confusion in family affairs.

Dream Interpretation - Bird's Nests

They can ruin (rob, rob) an apartment.

Dream Interpretation - Bird's Nests

Immediate marriage.

Dream Interpretation - Feather (bird)

To dream of feathers falling around you means that the coming troubles will be small and easily bearable.

Seeing eagle feathers means that all your aspirations will come true.

If you dream of chicken feathers, this portends a little annoyance. Buying or selling goose or chicken feathers means prosperity and happiness.

Black feathers promise trouble and unhappy love.

If a woman dreams of lush ostrich or other beautiful feathers, this portends her success in society, which she will achieve by very dubious means, which does not cause a desire to imitate her in anyone.

If feathers are dreamed of by people prone to the literary craft, success awaits them.

If the feathers you dreamed about decorative purpose- it means that you are entering a turbulent period of life and can count on some kind of reward.

If a girl dreams that she puts a feather on her hat, this means that she will try to conquer many, and her success will depend on her attractiveness.

Dream Interpretation - See a bird's nest

Poop to eat

Dream Interpretation Poop to eat had a dream, why dream of eating poop in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to eat Poop in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Eat

Dream Interpretation - Eat

There is in a dream itself.

Feed others.

Watch who eats.

Dream Interpretation - Eat

Dream Interpretation - Eat, eat

Dream Interpretation - Eat Mustard

Dream Interpretation - Eat (eat)

Dream Interpretation - Food (eat, eat)

Dream Interpretation - Eat (eat)

Dream Interpretation - Eat, eat

Dream Interpretation - Eat (eat)

Baby poop

Dream Interpretation Baby poop had a dream, why do poop for children dream in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see baby poop in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Playgrounds

Playgrounds are the object of our fondest childhood memories. Great importance in a dream about a playground, it has a person accompanying you, as well as your age. Dreams are quite common in which the sleeping person is shown as the only child among adults or the only adult among CHILDREN. Such dreams usually indicate an inconsistency in the actions that you are taking in real world, your usual line of conduct. Perhaps you should consider improving yourself or start taking yourself seriously. It depends on the images that are most clearly seen in your dream.

A place not inferior in importance belongs in a dream to the fact of the presence of certain friends or members of the FAMILY. This is especially important if these people actually died, but in a dream they participate as living characters (see DEAD). Dreams of such a plan often indicate an INCOMPLETE RELATIONSHIP, which is either an exact copy of the real state of affairs, or requires reflection and revision.

The following dream is recorded from the words of a 44-year-old woman:

"Yana's playground... carnival music is heard in the background. I'm on a carousel that is spinning faster and faster. Suddenly I feel sick right in front of my friends. I feel humiliated because I did not find in myself I am very sad because I ruined my favorite dress."

This dream is interesting because both pleasant and sad memories are intertwined in it. According to the woman, in her life she had never had attacks of VOMITING on the playground. However, upon closer examination of the dream, she realizes that her FATHER is turning the carousel. She feels her amusement build up to the critical moment. She then managed to remember that the dress she vomited on in her dream was given to her the very summer her parents divorced (see DIVORCE).

Dream Interpretation - Playground

D. Loff interpreted dreams about the playground as follows: “The playground is the object of our most pleasant childhood memories. Of great importance in a dream about a playground is the person accompanying you, as well as your age. Dreams are quite common in which the sleeping person is shown as the only child among adults or the only adult among children. Such dreams usually indicate a discrepancy between the actions that you take in the real world, your usual line of behavior. Perhaps you should consider improving yourself or start taking yourself seriously. It depends on the images that are most clearly seen in your dream. Not inferior in importance to the dream belongs to the fact of the presence of certain friends or family members. This is especially important if these people actually died, but in a dream they participate as living characters. Dreams of such a plan often indicate the incompleteness of relationships that are either an exact copy of the real state of affairs, or require reflection and revision.

Dream Interpretation - Children's

Seeing a children's room in a dream means that soon you will have a nostalgic conversation in which you will sadly recall your early years.

A baby stroller that you dreamed about in which a child is walking means you have good friend, which you should not forget, because you owe your well-being to him, like no one else. Seeing in a dream a crib with a child sleeping in it portends the prosperity and affection of other people's children for you.

Rocking your child in a crib portends a serious illness in your family in reality.

For a young girl, such a dream means that she should beware of gossip.

Dream Interpretation - Playground

Your childish stubbornness prevents you from reaching your goal.

Imagine that you leave the playground and go for a walk in a large beautiful garden. Focus your attention on the garden.

Dream Interpretation - Children's

Being in a dream in a children's room is comforted by memories of the days of youth.

Show the nursery - part with illusions.

Dream Interpretation - Children's

If you dream of a baby stroller, then this is a reminder to you that you have a very loyal friend who can do you a lot of good and even surprise you.

Dream Interpretation - Children's room

Feelings associated with growth, care, joy, parenthood.

Dream Interpretation - Baby Stroller

A relationship can lead to a desired marriage.

Dream Interpretation - Children's Railway (circular road)

Model of the structure of consciousness.

Dream Interpretation - Baby Cradle

There are other people's poop

Dream Interpretation There are other people's poop dreamed of why in a dream there are other people's poop? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see other people's poop in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Yes

eats the dead man is a disease.

There are Oranges - a disease.

There are eggplants - the wife will give birth to a son.

Eating lamb in an open hall in a covered part of the yard is happiness.

Eating pancakes or rice - portends the failure to fulfill desires.

There are all the fruits - portends misfortune.

Eating rotten vegetables - portends a disease.

There is ready meat - fortunately.

There are pears - loss of wealth, material condition.

There is a pear - portends the loss of wealth, material condition.

There is a goose - a wife's illness.

There is a goose - portends the wife's illness.

There are chestnuts - portends parting.

Eat chicken or duck - fortunately.

There is a bow - there will be a quarrel or a fight.

There are Tangerines - a disease.

There is oil, vinegar, soy sauce, liquid seasonings - fortunately.

There is Honey with a person - portends happiness and benefits.

Eating vegetables, seeing vegetables that turn yellow - portend misfortune.

There is one persimmon - a disease.

There are donuts, manti - there will be a squabble, portends anger.

Eating pork is a disease, an ailment.

Eating dog meat - portends a lawsuit, a formal trial.

There is raw meat - unfortunately.

There is pumpkin seeds- the birth of a noble offspring.

There are dates - to the birth of a noble offspring.

Eating fruits - portends misfortune.

There are persimmons and peaches - portends a separation, followed by a connection.

There are persimmons or oranges, tangerines - portends a disease.

There is garlic - portends disaster, catastrophe.

There are mulberry berries - portends the birth of a noble son.

A dead person eats - portends a disease.

To see donuts or manti not yet eaten - portends anger.

Eating the meat of your own dead body is parting.

To kill a bull and eat its meat is a commercial profit.

To kill a bull and eat its meat portends commercial profit.

A person offers you to eat yogurt - portends joy.

Dream Interpretation - Alien

(See interpretation: stranger)

To be a stranger in some kind of society or company means that grief awaits you where you did not expect them.

Dream Interpretation - Yes

Eating in a dream - to delay and illness.

Eating mushrooms - for sexual pleasure.

Eat bread or a loaf of white bread - to health and wealth or security.

There is a stew - you will get sick mild illness, as a result of which your heavy karma will burn.

There are fruits - for a slight malaise, strawberries - for love joys.

There is a potato - to burden, before a painful condition, your body is slagged, you need to urgently cleanse.

Eat porridge - to good health.

There is sweet in a dream - good luck in love.

There is meat or a plentiful table - a disease is ripening in you.

Dream Interpretation - Yes

Starvation, sadness, quarrel, failure, difficulties, illness; eat pancakes - receive a letter; beans - chores; rolls - theft; mushrooms - beware of indigestion; peas - tears; goose - chores; roast - trouble, hard life, loss; chicken - life will get better; radish - selfish news; plums - not good; pork - a disease; bread - profit, income; eggs - health; apples are good; sweet - joy, chores; hurriedly eat hot food - troublesome income, harm yourself; eat in hunting - health; without hunting - hunger; watching others eat is exaltation.

Dream Interpretation - Eat (eat)

"eat someone" to hunt, lime. "He devoured her with his eyes" sexual attraction, attraction.

"swallow resentment", "bite yourself" (self-blame). "There is from someone's hands" dependence. "I ate a dog on this" experience, knowledge. "Gnawing the granite of science" is hard knowledge. "Fed up on shit" get an unpleasant experience.

Not what I wanted. "Digest" assimilate information.

"I can't digest anyone" can't stand it. "Eat someone" to deprive. "Disentangling porridge" unpleasant consequences and disassembly. "Eat or harass your loved ones." Compare: gnaw "snarl", bite "bite". "Bite off a fatter piece" take the best.

"bite" to expose, to find out.

"split" knock out a confession.

"break away" to detach, retire.

"to break off an obscene joke." "To feed on something", "to have a wolfish appetite", "a strong hunger for something" (passion). "Damn burnt" curse annoyance, chagrin. "The first pancake is lumpy" oversight, failure in the undertaking. "Sweeten the situation" a little better.

"pepper" or "salt" to give spice. "Chew", "chew", "mental chewing gum" is meaningless to repeat the same thing. "Is" as satiety, pleasure, satisfaction.

Absorb, absorb, assimilate, imbibe (eg experience, new knowledge). See add. feed.

Dream Interpretation - There is human meat

There is human meat in a dream - to inflame with a violent passion for a certain person / to receive an undeserved or unearned title or dangerous power.

A man eats human meat (but not people close to him) - an increase in property / wealth, money.

Relatives - just the opposite.

A woman eats her own or someone else's meat - to lead a dissolute life.

They eat you - they take away property, wealth.

To see fleshy, fat people is to be impatient.

Dream Interpretation - Yes

If in a dream you and your friends eat - for a quick trip that will bring you good luck.

If a woman sees herself in a dream at a set table with other women - for an imminent wedding.

Seeing yourself while eating is for well-being.

If in a dream you are forbidden to eat - to an imminent illness.

In a dream, eating the meat of an animal without a head - to wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Eat, eat

As part of the interpretation of a dream, the process of eating can be very eloquent, or it can be dictated by the laws of survival, by ordinary necessity.

Did you "get" your food in the usual way or under some unusual circumstances?

Is this a familiar dish or something hitherto unknown to you?

If you watch how others eat, then this indicates your unsatisfied material or emotional needs. This applies to cases when you think that others are too indefatigable in their appetites. In this case, it is worth determining who is eating and why you were not invited.

How those present eat: grotesque gluttony speaks of excess in your life or the nature of your relationship with other people sitting at the table.

If the process of eating takes place with all due propriety and is similar to a sacred ritual, then in some aspect of your life you are guided by Providence or feel insight.

Dream Interpretation - Yes

Minor annoyances;
watch others eat - exaltation;
seeing food is good;
eat bread - wealth.
Also see Bread, Dine, Cook.

Dream Interpretation - Yes

Eat (unknown food) - With the dead - to death. With guests or acquaintances - to illness. Seeing others eat is good luck.

eat poop

Dream Interpretation Eat poop dreamed of why in a dream Eat poop? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of Eating poop by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Eat

Eating white bread is a sign of goodness, virtue, respect.

Eating brown bread is a symbol of a true friend who will help you in trouble.

Rusks dreamed - you will receive a gift.

Seeing a loaf in a dream is a harbinger that peace and mutual understanding will be established in your house.

Eating a crust of bread in a dream is a joy.

Cutting bread in a dream is a worries caused by an egoist from your environment.

Carry bread - to trouble.

Eating cold bread is good luck.

Eating a crust of bread is a surprise.

Dream Interpretation - Eat

There is in a dream itself.

Tip of the day: the knowledge and experience gained these days will benefit you in the near future.

Be diligent in getting them.

Feed others.

Tip of the day: your desire to help someone will not always be met with understanding.

Wait to be asked for help.

Watch who eats.

Tip of the day: do not be an outside observer of life.

Connect more actively with a team of like-minded people

Dream Interpretation - Eat

If a person sees himself in a dream eating the fruits of a tiger nut - this is good, it means - to manage the people of his city.

If a person sees himself in a dream devouring donkey meat, it’s good, it means that he will become great.

If a person sees himself in a dream absorbing crocodile meat - well, this means getting what the nobleman has.

If a person sees himself in a dream eating grapes, - well, they will give him something from his property.

If a person sees himself in a dream eating the fruits of a sycamore, it’s bad, it means pain.

If a person sees himself in a dream eating the meat of cattle - well, this means that something will happen to him.

If a person sees himself in a dream eating a catfish from a ditch - bad - he will be captured by a crocodile.

If a person sees himself in a dream eating hot meat - bad, it means that there is no excuse.

If a person sees himself eating faience in a dream, it’s bad, it means that the quarrel is strong.

Dream Interpretation - Eat, eat

As part of the interpretation of a dream, the process of eating can be very eloquent, or it can be dictated by the laws of survival, by ordinary necessity.

Did you "get" your food in the usual way or under some unusual circumstances?

Is this a familiar dish or something hitherto unknown to you?

If you watch how others eat, then this indicates your unsatisfied material or emotional needs. This applies to cases when you think that others are too indefatigable in their appetites. In this case, it is worth determining who is eating and why you were not invited.

How those present eat: grotesque gluttony speaks of excess in your life or the nature of your relationship with other people sitting at the table.

If the process of eating takes place with all due propriety and is similar to a sacred ritual, then in some aspect of your life you are guided by Providence or feel insight.

Dream Interpretation - Eat Mustard

your wish will be granted

Dream Interpretation - Eat (eat)

Delicious things - you will not have flaws; tasteless dishes - displeasure, illness; to see those who eat is an invitation; on the fresh air- instability; to be invited to something is good luck; burnt dishes - bad news

Dream Interpretation - Food (eat, eat)

To dream about how you eat in the company of your friends is a joint venture.

Dream Interpretation - Eat (eat)

"eat someone" to hunt, lime. "He devoured her with his eyes" sexual attraction, attraction.

"swallow resentment", "bite yourself" (self-blame). "There is from someone's hands" dependence. "I ate a dog on this" experience, knowledge. "Gnawing the granite of science" is hard knowledge. "Fed up on shit" get an unpleasant experience.

Not what I wanted. "Digest" assimilate information.

"I can't digest anyone" can't stand it. "Eat someone" to deprive. "Disentangling porridge" unpleasant consequences and disassembly. "Eat or harass your loved ones." Compare: gnaw "snarl", bite "bite". "Bite off a fatter piece" take the best.

"bite" to expose, to find out.

"split" knock out a confession.

"break away" to detach, retire.

"to break off an obscene joke." "To feed on something", "to have a wolfish appetite", "a strong hunger for something" (passion). "Damn burnt" curse annoyance, chagrin. "The first pancake is lumpy" oversight, failure in the undertaking. "Sweeten the situation" a little better.

"pepper" or "salt" to give spice. "Chew", "chew", "mental chewing gum" is meaningless to repeat the same thing. "Is" as satiety, pleasure, satisfaction.

Absorb, absorb, assimilate, imbibe (eg experience, new knowledge). See add. feed.

Dream Interpretation - Eat, eat

Minor difficulties; satisfaction, the fulfillment of a petty desire. See add. Food.

Dream Interpretation - Eat (eat)

Eating anything in a dream means minor troubles, interference, getting not quite what we would like. However, sweet, soft or creamy taste sensations for well-being and positive changes and waking states. The taste of food, in general, is fundamental and straightforward in interpretation (for example: sweet is good, sour or bitter is bad ...). See add. "idiomatic dictionary", "basic dream book" (taste).

touch poop

Dream Interpretation Touch poop dreamed of why in a dream Touch poop? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to touch poop in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Touch

You touch gold hairpins, hairpins - a long trip is ahead.

Dream Interpretation - Touch (touch, touch)

"touch your mind".

"it touched me a lot" emotionally impressed.

"touching" meeting, music... tender, cordial.

Dream Interpretation - Touch a scythe in a dream (inventory)

Bad sleep; portends death

Dream Interpretation - Feel, touch

Orientation in the situation; close events (additional ex.: “Don’t wake up, don’t touch the sleeping dog!”).

Dream Interpretation - Touch your teeth with your tongue

There will be success in business.

Dream Interpretation - Poop

Be interested in money. In my opinion, the interest will be related to the road (trip).

Dream Interpretation - Bathroom in poop

They say that dreams about feces lead to an increase in wealth and profit.

Dream Interpretation - Sorry, but touch the feces

A DREAM about the Dreamer herself, and such a "long pile" is a "product" of the dreamer's activity (her character, her independent results and achievements that contribute to her image and popularity with the opposite sex - a pile 40 cm long). That is, in order to "sparkle" and attract to oneself, one must really be filled (a sort of "spark" coming from within). Fulfillment is not always achieved in an even and smooth way, before becoming filled and reaching the point, a person endures a lot of things (the dreamer understands that the pile has one thing on the outside, but inside it is filled with many things, which is personal experience). The dreamer in a dream Surprised - in reality to a sudden realization of the above situation. Sincerely, LIVIA.

Why dream of eating blackberries

Oddly enough, but seeing bowel movements in a dream is a good sign. It’s even better if you dreamed that you had a chance to clean up shit with my own hands or a rag. A dream means the arrival of easy money, replenishment in the household, the onset of fun family holidays. You can figure out why you dream of wiping feces, getting dirty in them, thanks to modern dream books.

What does Miller's dream book promise?

Practicing psychologists reduce the interpretation of sleep with excrement to the successful completion of even the most hopeless cases. All transactions according to the dream book of Gustav Miller will certainly turn into a profit, controversial cases will be considered in favor of the dreamer. Large amounts of income will allow you to forget about work and take a break for a short period of time.

Why dream of cleaning up shit, a well-known psychoanalyst explains as follows:

  • hands - to a large stable income;
  • a rag - to an unexpected modest receipt of funds;
  • flush in the toilet - for the planned rest;
  • to hear the smell - to get acquainted with a philanthropist, a rich admirer.

Just keep opening your wallets

To understand why you dream of cleaning up after people, remember how you did it. Wipe with a rag - rejoice in reality for loved ones. To tear off with your hands - to receive a tidy sum from a patron, sponsor.

It is especially good if you dreamed that it was not possible to remove excrement in a dream. Dream Interpretations predict acquaintance with the right people which will help to increase capital in a short time.

Ahead of the long-awaited meetings, dates

To clean up after animals in a dream, to see how others do it - to the visit of old friends, the return of large sums of money. A dream in which I happened to wipe cat feces, means the dreamer's enviable position against the background of his loved ones.

At present, you are able to help out friends with money, help colleagues valuable advice, to please your beloved with an expensive gift. It is especially good if you dreamed of dog, cat, or feces of other pets.

Get ready for travel

To see horse manure, to rake it with a shovel in a dream - to interesting trips, travel to places where the dreamer has not yet been.

Luxurious hotels, a well-deserved vacation, adventures - exactly what dreams of cleaning up after our little brothers shit. Cat poop, dog poop esoteric dream book- a sign of friendly meetings, interesting parties, gatherings with friends.

Do you want to know if your dream will come true? And how soon will that happen? Pay attention to the day of the week and always be ready to meet a joyful omen in reality.

Lucid Dreaming: A Simple Path to Your Subconscious Mind

Answers to any questions, the realization of even the most unrealistic dreams, self-knowledge and the development of one's personality are only a small part of the possibilities that the world of lucid dreaming can give. The ability to manage your dreams is available to everyone, you just need to want and find a way that connects consciousness with the subconscious.

Men are more likely than women to have erotic dreams

Dreams are the eternal companion of man. Dreams have been studied by scientists at all times. Many facts have appeared and been refuted, but there are eternal facts that are indisputable theorems. One of them says: "Men, much more often than women, have dreams of erotic content." The question automatically arises: why?

What is poop dreaming about

Poop in a modern dream book

Poop is considered a symbol of monetary gain. If you saw excrement in a dream, it means that in reality you will certainly receive significant benefits in any, even in a very dubious enterprise, which requires not so much effort as trivial luck. It is quite possible that you will suddenly become the heir to a huge fortune, which is good news. The larger the size of the dreamed poop was, the greater the profit awaits you. I saw manure - such a dream portends a series of unexpected joys, large and small. For a farmer, a dream about manure promises a rich harvest. Liquid feces indicate a possible deception, so get ready for the fact that you may be deceived or defame. Get dirty in feces - you will accidentally become the owner of some secret from the personal life of loved ones, and they will not even guess about it. We looked at poop in a dream - apparently, now you are in desperate need of money. If you were visited by a strange vision in which you stubbornly searched for poop, but could not find them in any way, your intimate life will soon become the subject of active discussion by colleagues and acquaintances. Vacuum cleaners predict communication with unpleasant and intrusive interlocutors, from whom it will be very difficult to get rid of. They independently scooped up poop from the toilet - this is a bad sign, symbolizing poverty and poverty. It was a dream that you stepped on a pile of excrement, which means that in reality you will get into an unpleasant story because of your pessimistic mood. The dream warns: urgently change your outlook, otherwise you will face big losses.

Poop in Miller's dream book

We saw poop in a dream - in the near future, change your place of residence due to personal problems. Were emptied in a public place - losses and hardships await you ahead. Stepped on poop - it's auspicious sign portends the receipt of a large amount of money.

Poop in Freud's dream book

Human poop that appeared in a dream indicates that you are suffering because of some kind of problem in your personal life. It's hard to understand, but you prefer to suffer all alone, instead of calling to account the culprit of a predicament. Hastily washed excrement from clothes or body, which means you will find yourself in an awkward position. Smeared in other people's feces - you will find out secret information from the personal life of a colleague or acquaintance.

The best cure for insomnia is sleep.

Not all dreams with unpleasant plots that leave behind a feeling of disgust are interpreted exclusively in a negative context. This can be seen if you read in various sources what poop is dreaming of.

Dream Interpretation: see poop in a dream

Dream Interpretation of Gustav Miller interprets feces as a sign of indispensable profit. Accidentally smeared in poop is a successful course of affairs. For people involved in the cultivation of crops, a dream prophesies an excellent harvest.

According to Vanga's dream book poop symbolizes abundance to such an extent that satiety will come. However, the Bulgarian soothsayer warned that an excessive passion for material things could interfere spiritual development. Therefore, a dream with feces is a call to think about the purity of thoughts and actions.

Dream Interpretation of Sigmund Freud interprets poop as a display of complexes and internal psychological problems. The sleeper is ashamed to discuss them, and gets more confused.

By modern dream book a lot of poop is a harbinger of material reward. If there are doubts about the promised salary or bonus - you can be sure. Everything will be fulfilled in in full. A bunch of poop - to excellent prospects and opportunities to get a solid income. Liquid feces predict unexpected profits.

From an esoteric source feces reflect experiences, chores. Unpleasant situations may arise.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov dreamed of manure is interpreted positively, as a symbol of a rich harvest. But human feces, in his opinion, have a completely different meaning. Liquid poop warns of defamatory rumors. Attempts to wash your own feces from clothes or body is a particularly negative plot. Someone who learns about the secret of the sleeper will try to get some benefit through blackmail.

Ontopsychological interpretation Meneghetti considers poop a loss of faith in unshakable values ​​​​for the sleeping person. The plot of eating feces informs about the strengthening of negative emotions.

Loff's dream book interprets poop as a comfortable existence. It is also a symbol of a passionate desire for wealth.

Whose poop did you dream about in a dream

Baby poop for young parents does not mean anything but a reflection of household chores. The remaining categories of dreamers will receive decent pay for their work.

When do you dream of poop baby, it is always the personification of honest money. No one can blame them for their origin.

In general, dreamed human poop also means profit. However, a number of dream books emphasize that such a vision warns of a tendency to dig into other people's intimate secrets.

Own poop in a dream is interpreted as an improvement in financial condition. At the same time, it is important to understand whether it is always necessary to go over the heads for the sake of money.

Understanding what poop is dreaming of animal, it is desirable to determine what kind of species left them. Although in most cases the meaning is favorable, there are warnings.

For example, when poop dreams kittens an unpleasant surprise may follow.

feline poop - more good sign. A new business will start through the stump deck, and it will take time to reach the expected level of profit.

Small dirty tricks symbolically reflect murine poop. Rat shit indicates that in reality swindlers will try to deceive the sleeping person, and although it will not work to take possession of the valuables, unpleasant sensations will remain.

Dreaming of additional income canine poop. Moreover, a profitable offer will be received through friends.

Sign of hard work - cow poop in a dream. However, a grueling occupation will bring solid profits.

Great symbol - goat poop. The financial situation is strong, and the family is in harmony.

For a good harvest, farmers and gardeners dream of avian poop. For others, this is a sign of prosperity.

Actions with poop in a dream

step on in a poop - a warning plot. awake dishonorable act from the past can become known to others.

Clean up poop - unplanned expenses. Clean cesspool- scammers try to deceive.

Collect poop in order to take it to the tests - the personification of excitement for the state of health. This feeling really has a basis, and it is undesirable to postpone a visit to the doctor.

touch with hands poop - a dream indicating some unscrupulousness. Even not too legal methods of obtaining money do not cause rejection in the sleeper.

get dirty poop inadvertently - profit. Intentionally - to negative gossip.

The plot serves as a warning sign eat poop in a dream. You should beware of stale food and dishes of dubious origin due to the high probability of poisoning.

There is a difficult job if you dream launder poop. But she will be generously paid.

Where did you dream about poop

When do you dream of poop in the toilet, in reality to be done big purchase. It will be an item that provides comfort, but the cost will be high.

Dreaming poop in the toilet portend a period when you have to work hard. But if they dreamed on the floor of a latrine - an accidental find of money is possible.

Propensity to spend money means poop in water. The dream indicates the need to be more careful with finances.

Good sign - poop in grass. Excellent harvest and prosperity.

poop in the House may mean a change of scenery. Depending on the place where they were, there are nuances of interpretations.

A passionate, but fleeting romance is ahead, that's what poop dreams about in bed. The lover will be a generous sponsor, but his attraction will be fleeting.

poop on the floor symbolize a strong economy, the ability to rationally manage finances. If shit is everywhere in the apartment, prosperity awaits in reality.

Interpretation of sleep by the appearance of poop

When do you dream of poop with worms, businessmen should check the financial integrity of transactions. Possible tricks.

Great sign - big poop. Moreover, the larger its size, the larger the income.

Huge poop symbolizes simply astronomical profits or receiving an impressive bonus for the work done.

Unusual white the poop is also a great symbol. There comes a bright streak in life, when everything will work out.

Who dreamed about you in poop

Little child in poop - a sign of the growth of prosperity. Teenager in feces - mood swings. It is time for the dreamer to realize that his irritability appeared as a result of overwork and it is time to rest.

Dreaming familiar adult human in poop - unpleasant chores because of someone who was considered a friend. A stranger in feces - to a waking situation that will make you feel a sense of squeamish interest.

see yourself in poop in a dream - a good sign. Through labor and diligence, success and material prosperity will come to the sleeper.

Own arms in poop for profit. But to smear yourself intentionally - to a shadow on the reputation due to the gossip of envious people.

Dream of expensive presents legs in poop. The literal meaning is that every step the dreamer makes is profitable.

It may not be too pleasant to figure out what poop is dreaming of, but the predominance of positive interpretations undoubtedly softens the unpleasant feelings of disgust. At the same time, such a vision warns against excessive worship of material values.

Feces that appear in dreams are not harbingers of life's difficulties. More often excrement dreams of success and financial well-being. But in different dream books, dreams in which images of feces appear are interpreted differently. Why a person dreams of poop, some details of the dream will prompt.

General features of dreams with feces

When such a dream appears, a person needs to remember in what situation the images of excrement appeared to him. He should pay attention to certain points:

  • whose exactly feces were in a dream (child, their own, animal feces);
  • what he did in a dream with excrement (dirty, just saw, searched);
  • type of feces (fresh, dried);
  • the place where the excrement was located.

The interpretation of the dream depends on these details.

The main meanings of dreams with excrement

The feces that appeared in a dream can be interpreted in different ways depending on the specific details and the behavior of the person himself when they are seen:

  1. Admiring children's excrement in a dream means a person's complacency. Baby feces in a dream are a good sign for a person. This means that he is happy at the moment, and this state will continue. long time. Touching baby excrement in a dream is a sign of complete happiness and success.
  2. Watching children's excrement in a potty, toilet bowl is a sign that you should pay attention to possible cash receipts.
  3. Seeing feces in your own bed does not mean anything bad. This is a good sign, as a significant increase in finances is expected for a person.
  4. Contemplation in a dream of dried human feces is a sign of internal dissatisfaction with oneself.

Specific interpretations of dreams with poop

The interpretation of such dreams is directly related to whose feces a person dreamed of, and in what place they were.

The following types of dreams with excrement are interpreted as follows:

  • human feces in a dream;
  • feces in bed
  • faeces in the toilet;
  • own excrement;
  • baby poop;
  • feces in all places;
  • other people's excrement;
  • animal feces.

Human feces in a dream

Seeing poop in a dream, even when disgusted, is often a positive sign. But the interpretation of such a dream depends on the type of bowel movements. Dreaming of fresh feces means a person's satisfaction with his own life. A dream can be interpreted as a happy life of a person in which he does not want to change anything at the moment.

Dreaming of dried human stool means a lack of inner harmony in a person's life. A similar image in dreams indicates the need for changes in life.

Feces in bed

Dreaming of feces on a bed in a dream can portend two possible outcomes in real life:

  1. A person will have a generous sponsor who will noticeably improve his financial situation.
  2. A stormy romance awaits a person, which will not last long.

Poop in the toilet

The human feces observed in a dream in the toilet promises a good profit for a person. But at the same time, the money will not get him the easy way. Such a dream portends possible financial success, but indicates the need for hard work for this. Most often, feces in the toilet are dreamed of by workers before they are paid bonuses at work.

A dream is interpreted somewhat differently in which a person saw excrement on the floor in front of a pot or toilet. A dream portends a person easy money that he will win in the lottery. Excrement near the toilet in a dream often portends a person an unexpected cash find.

Own excrement in a dream

Own excrement in dreams is the embodiment of people's inner fears. In real life, a person may experience some kind of discomfort and be afraid of something or someone. Such a dream indicates the need to overcome fear.

Own feces are often dreamed of before important event or an event that the person fears.

Baby poop in dreams

Children's feces most often serve as a harbinger good events. For different people a similar image in dreams is deciphered in its own way:

  • in women - an early pregnancy or an internal desire to become pregnant;
  • men have an inner desire to take care of someone.

For women with children, such a dream emphasizes their satisfaction with life and the happiness of motherhood.

Faeces everywhere

Seeing excrement in a dream is interpreted everywhere in two ways:

  • unexpected wealth awaits a person without special costs for this;
  • a person in real life thinks too conservatively, which somewhat hinders him.

Excrement in dreams, located in all places, indicates that a person is obsessed with something. He needs to be more liberated.

Alien excrement in dreams

If the dreamer sees someone else's feces in a dream, then in reality he risks becoming an eyewitness to some kind of criminal event. Someone else's feces is also a harbinger of a possible imminent punishment for the dreamer for his bad deed.

Animal poop

Dreams in which the dreamer sees animal feces are often interpreted from the standpoint of possible financial success for him. It is considered a positive symbol to see bird droppings in a dream. It promises good profit.

Dung that appeared in dreams is a good sign for farmers and all those involved in the development of the land. It's a sign good harvest and favorable weather.

Animal feces are not always a harbinger of good things. Sometimes such dreams are a reflection real shortcomings person. The dream in which the dreamer saw manure reminds him of a previously committed impartial act.

The interpretation of dreams in which animal feces appear depends on the type of their source:

  • cat feces - an imminent betrayal from close friends or an unexpected gift;
  • dog feces - an important confidential conversation with a friend;
  • goat feces - wealth;
  • cow cakes - a bonus at work, luck in financial matters.

Interpretation of dreams with poop depending on the actions of a person with them

The dreamer can not only see poop in a dream, but also carry out various actions with them. Their interpretation depends on their nature.

In dreams, a person can:

  • flush feces;
  • hold it in your hands;
  • soil their clothes and themselves;
  • step into it;
  • have excrement;
  • smell the faeces.

Wash off feces in dreams

This is a positive sign. In real life, the dreamer is waiting for monetary replenishment. Its size directly depends on the amount of faeces washed off.

Hold feces in hand

Dreamers holding excrement in their hands in a dream can in reality count on successful cooperation with an influential person. It will help improve the financial situation of the dreamer.

Dirty yourself and clothes with feces in dreams

A person who gets dirty with feces in a dream should in reality be on his guard. This is a sign that they are plotting against him or that he has already become the object of gossip.

If the dreamer simply holds excrement in his hands, then in real life he will find great wealth and success. Wiping another person's clothes from feces in a dream indicates a person's desire to provide support and help.

step into bowel movements

This action in dreams is an unkind sign. This means that all the secret affairs of a person will become public, and he will lose support. influential people. Stepping into feces in dreams is a sign of imminent exposure and punishment for bad deeds and fraud.

There is excrement in a dream

This dream is the most unpleasant and bad. Often such dreams are a harbinger of financial failure and loss of reputation. Often dreams are dreamed of by those who have taken up a complex and obviously unpromising business. Such a vision portends imminent failure and loss of trust from colleagues.

The smell of feces

The smell of feces can be interpreted in different ways in people's dreams:

  • not strong and at the same time pleasant - a profitable offer;
  • the smell of excrement in their absence is a dubious money offer, which is better to refuse;
  • fetid fecal smell - a person has problems in communicating with friends, partners.

Interpretation of dreams according to various dream books

In different famous dream books dreams in which excrement is present are interpreted in their own way. Miller interprets the excrement that he dreamed of in a dream as follows:

  • just watch the feces - a quick move to a new place;
  • step into the feces - receiving money;
  • seeing feces in a public place is a problem.

The modern dream book emphasizes the positive sign of such dreams in the form pleasant surprises. Such dreams are most favorable for farmers, as they promise them an excellent harvest.

The female dream book emphasizes the positive message from such dreams. The dream book considers poop a sign of large income, wealth and profit.

Fedorovskaya's Dream Interpretation is also considered a favorable sign of the appearance of poop in a person's dreams. According to him, any feces that appeared in a dream promise a person monetary rewards.

Freud's interpretation interprets dreams with feces as follows:

  • a person has a personal problem that haunts him;
  • erasing feces from clothes portends the dreamer getting into an awkward position;
  • soiling with other people's feces portends a person to receive information about another person's personal secret.

Dreams with excrement, for all their troubles, are most often shifting dreams and are interpreted as harbingers of positive events in real life. Most dream books interpret dreams with excrement as signals for future cash receipts.
