Bill and Hillary Clinton: open relationship and tears of the former first lady. Biography of Hillary Clinton

Exclusive interview with a loser

In fact, she was in the mood to talk more about politics. But when a Politiken correspondent met her in Amsterdam, we were interested in something else: how you manage to force yourself to get out of bed in the morning when the dream of your life is shattered in the face of the whole world. How do you convince yourself that what little you can achieve now is also worth a lot? Hillary Clinton's book What Happened? ("What Happened?") has just been translated into Danish. We sat down with her author to discuss why she lost to Donald Trump, why so many Americans hate her, and what a dilemma she says confronts every woman with ambition. Yes, and she also loves the Danish television series "Government" ("Borgen")

Finally this day has come. After years of preparation, humiliation and failure. For a whole decade, she stood at the head of the unofficial line of women contenders for the most powerful office in the world. The triumph was delayed eight years after Obama's victory, but the moment is near when the way seems to be open. Here is the day when Americans will elect a woman president for the first time, the proverbial glass ceiling will be broken, and Hillary Clinton will secure her place in history.

Hillary Diana Rodham Clinton

Born October 26, 1947 in Chicago. His father is a textile merchant and a staunch conservative. Despite this, the parents believed that their daughter should succeed.

In her youth, Hillary supported the Republicans, but defected to the Democrats in 1968 under the influence of presidential candidate Eugene McCarthy, who was against the Vietnam War.

Hillary Clinton has a political science degree from Wellesley College in Massachusetts and a law degree from Yale University, where she met Bill Clinton in 1971. Four years later they got married, after which their daughter Chelsea was born.

While Clinton had a successful career as a lawyer, Bill Clinton served twice as Governor of Arkansas (1979-1981 and 1983-1992).

Clinton served as first lady from 1993 to 2001.

From 2001 to 2009 - Senator from the State of New York.

In 2008, she lost to Barack Obama for the Democratic presidential nomination.

From 2009 to 2013 - US Secretary of State

It seemed that even this moneybag and reality TV star with extensive media support could not interfere with her triumph. Yes, and Hillary herself did not doubt her victory at all, having arrived with her husband on the evening of November 8, 2016 at the penthouse of the Peninsula Hotel in New York, in order to observe with friends and associates how the results from different states gradually add up to an unconditional victory.

“It never crossed my mind that we could lose,” Hillary says.

Here she is sitting in front of me in the middle of a large conference room in an Amsterdam hotel at a small square table with a white tablecloth. She came to our continent to give lectures, and I have only 20 minutes at my disposal. Obviously, we will talk more about politics than about emotions. A candle flame flickers between us. Nearby is a vase with tulips, and around us here and there are the shadows of guards and bodyguards - they are silently watching us.

“According to all our data, and to all available information, the victory was in our pocket,” she explains.


Someday Hillary Clinton will win

Time 05.10.2017

Trump aides helped Russia interfere in the election

USA Today 09/13/2017

Who ruined Hillary Clinton's campaign?

American Thinker 05/04/2017

The Hill 30.11.2016
However, disturbing reports began to arrive from North Carolina, and Bill Clinton nervously paced the room, chewing on an unlit cigar. Hillary, on the other hand, reassured herself that it was not at all necessary to win all the states, so she decided to take a nap - and let the elections go on as usual.

While she slept, things took an unexpected turn. The world seemed to pass her by. When she woke up, they were still waiting for results from Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. It seems that nothing has been decided. But Michigan turned red (the color of the Republicans - approx.transl.). And when Pennsylvania went to Trump at 1:35, it was all over.

According to Hillary Clinton, it became difficult for her to breathe, as if all the oxygen was pumped out of the room.

“I was in real shock. It was very painful".

People gathered around the buffet table - family, friends and old colleagues.

“And they were all as discouraged as I was.”

How to say "I'm sorry, I lost" and "Where the hell have you been?" at the same time. Hillary Clinton responded with a 478-page book she co-authored with two speechwriters. This book is filled with personal, blood-soaked experiences - from grief and rage to feelings of guilt and outright bewilderment.

The other day the book "What happened?" published in Danish. And the account of Hillary Clinton's defeat from her own lips came out much more slick, angry, and straightforward than her earlier autobiographies, respecting the boundaries of decency. But, in addition, this is a sincere attempt to figure out what really happened, because, as she herself writes: “It still seems incredible to me.”

Politiken: They say Americans don't like losers. Why did you decide to write a book anyway?

Hillary Clinton:
On the one hand, to make amends with myself. But I also wanted to draw attention to many issues that continue to be relevant. After all, other forces were involved in our defeat, which I could not influence. We have only recently begun to think about them. Now our intelligence says that Russia is constantly interfering in our elections, and we have new elections in November. We did not take into account the big prospect, but a perfect storm was approaching, staged according to the laws of a reality show. We need to keep talking about it, and that's what I'm going to do. If no one else, then I will do it.

strange moment

Hillary Clinton began her campaign evening by discussing her future victory speech with speechwriters. They decided how to bring the nation together and how to reach out to those who voted for the loser. That is for Donald Trump.

At the end of the evening, she took the time to open thick folders with a transition plan and the first issues she would deal with as president. Here is an ambitious program of new infrastructure that will create new jobs. Is everything ready. When the victory is officially announced, she will take to the luxurious stage of the glass Javits Center in Manhattan, where the floor is made in the form of a map of the United States. That's where she'll be standing, in the middle of Texas, in a white suit, the first woman to become president of the United States. White color as a sign of the importance of the historical moment. She and Bill even bought a house next door in the suburbs of New York, so that guests and servants would be more comfortable.

But when she woke up after a short sleep, the world changed irrevocably.

© AP Photo, Seth Wenig Hillary Clinton at the launch of her book What Happened? in a bookstore in New York

“Questions rained down one after another,” says Hillary, “What happened? How could we miss this? What the hell is going on?"

The White House said that Obama fears that the result will be controversial, and that a long trial will break out.

"You know, I had to talk to Trump." A smile crosses his face. "I still have a lot of questions, but the TV channels have already declared him the winner."

We sit on opposite sides of the white tablecloth and are silent. According to Hillary, it was the strangest moment in her entire life. Donald Trump bonfired her "corrupt Hillary" for months. During a televised debate, he promised to put her behind bars. And at rallies he conducted a crowd chanting: “Jail her!”. And then all of a sudden these antics became decent. And at the same time, writes Clinton, “there was a terribly mundane feeling, like calling your neighbor and saying you couldn’t come to his barbecue.”

The servants for the failed celebration were sent home. And while Bill sat and watched Trump's jubilation on television, Hillary went off to prepare tomorrow's address. She asked her team to prepare a speech of conciliation. Little by little people dispersed. In the end, she and Bill were left alone. They lay down on the bed and he took her hand.

“I just lay there and stared up at the ceiling until it was time for the speech,” Hillary writes.

Blame others

The fact that this world is sometimes ridiculous and more like someone else's fiction than the well-trained choreography that we consider reality, I had to remember in my modest hotel room in Amsterdam, where I saw a CNN report about how the President of the United States declared a world trade war.

An elderly, slightly overweight gentleman with orange hair and sharp gestures on a flat screen looked more like a nightmare than a character from real politics. This is more of an eccentric Batman movie villain than a typical member of the political elite.

And as I walk a few hundred meters to the luxurious Krasnapolsky Hotel, where I will spend 20 minutes alone with Hillary Clinton, I feel like something has changed somewhere. The woman who got more votes than any white man gave her time to me, a small newspaper journalist from a tiny country. It simply does not fit into the boundaries of what we used to call reality.

When "What happened?" hit stores in the fall, some reviewers found the book to be smart and witty, and that Hillary was sharp-tongued and didn't spare anyone, not even herself. Others seemed to be reading a completely different book. “An ill-conceived text that speaks most eloquently about the reasons for the defeat,” said The Guardian (The Guardian), calling the book “a pathological study of a failed campaign.” According to The Guardian, the masses didn't follow Hillary because her cold calculation failed when she mistakenly assumed that American politics still revolved around political agendas. But Trump perfectly understood that now this is nothing more than a continuation of show business.

According to the New Yorker, Hillary lost because she "couldn't find the right language, topics of conversation, or even facial expressions to convince enough American proletarians that she was their real hero," not a caricature rich man." And while reading, you notice how she tries to put herself in a favorable light in the face of history - after all, in this way she creates her legacy.

© AP Photo, Chase Stevens Performers dressed as Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump entertain crowds during an election in Las Vegas

As she herself repeatedly emphasizes, the responsibility for the defeat lies with her alone. But at the same time, he does not hesitate to shift part of the blame onto others.

Bernie Sanders for fueling the Trump campaign with her accusations that she is a creature of Wall Street. On the Russians - for throwing fake news. Trump for turning the presidential race into a clan war. Former FBI Director James Comie, for promising to reopen her work email case eleven days before the election, which, in her opinion, cost her the win.

And, of course, the media. In her words, they "led to the victory of the most inexperienced, most ignorant and most incompetent president in the history of our country, making a gaffe I made using my personal mail as Secretary of State into a key campaign topic."

What does Hillary Clinton know that we would also like to know? In other words, what to ask her? What is happening in the White House, we see for ourselves. And how the Democrats quickly recover after her defeat is already a task for the new growth.

It is already too late to complain about the fact that it did not work out to become the head of the world's greatest superpower, no matter how much one would like to. On the other hand, this defeat stunned the whole world. And we started to notice its consequences only recently. Then maybe this is what it feels like when you lose so that the whole world collapses? And how do you manage to get out of bed in the morning and convince yourself that what little you can achieve now is also worth a lot?

"Who are you really?"

In a bright conference room, a middle-aged journalist from a Dutch newspaper insistently continues the small talk about submarines while I reread my questions for the umpteenth time. Suddenly, movement begins in the corridor, the Dutchman is asked to leave, they nod to me, and a second later she appears on the carpet, a radiant blonde in a golden yellow kimono. She smiles broadly, and everything but defeat is written on her face.

"Hello, Niels. Nice to meet you. I kept hoping I could make it to Copenhagen,” she says as we shake hands. “I love your country.”

That's where we started. She's here and ready to chat. And although even here, in a corner of the old world, she continues to work on her image, she still seems more sensitive, lively and real than I imagined - she seems to be improvising. In just a few sentences, her voice can jump from a joyful chirp when it comes to the personal, to a dark undertone when it comes to politics and global issues.

Like many, I imagined Hillary Clinton as a person whose image is choreographed, and whose real face one can only guess when she, like a sunny blonde or rather an elderly teletubby dressed in primary colors, appears in the stands around the world, winking merrily and waving his hand to seemingly random people in the crowd.

Apparently, none of this is new to her. She herself admits in her book What Happened? that it is strange for her to hear the questions “who are you really?” and “why do you want to be president?”. It is understood that something bad must be behind this - ambition, vanity, cynicism. It seems strange and widespread to her that she and Bill have, in her own words, "some special arrangements." After which she admits that they, too, are ashamed, “but this is what we call marriage,” she writes.

With the fact that millions of people can not stand her, she reconciled. “I think part of that is because I was the first female presidential candidate. I don't think my followers will have to endure the same. Although we'll see, - she answers my question about the reasons for such a massive dislike. “I was the first woman of the Baby Boomer generation and a working mother to become First Lady. I think people thought: uh, no, something does not pull her to just the wife of the president, rather, to part of his headquarters. Hence their anger."

And yet it is Hillary Clinton that most Americans consider a woman worthy of emulation, according to a Gallup poll. “That's what's weird. When I do something, people respect me and praise my work. But when I look for a new job, everything changes. So it was when I first was a senator, and then became secretary of state. And when I ask people for support, it always causes conflicting feelings, as it always happens with women who have achieved power.”

- Why is this happening?

“It seems to me that people think that there is something wrong with women who want to become president. Like, what normal woman would want that? And others will say: Yes, I don’t know any such. Here my wife does not want, the daughter does not want. And neither do my subordinates. So something is wrong here.

© press service of the Roev Ruchey park

Perhaps all this hype, all the intrigues that were woven around her during the election campaign, drove a wedge between her and the voters.

“Various fables were chatted about me, we considered them ordinary nonsense, but, as it turned out, later, it was because of them that many put a tick in front of a different surname. They told me that I was seriously ill and on my deathbed,” Clinton laughs. - Like I'm the leader of a gang of pedophiles that keeps children in the basement of a pizzeria. And other wildness, which was immediately picked up by the Russians, Trump and the right-wing media. Some thought: maybe she really is dying, but she is fooling us.”

Yoga, white wine and anger

The day after the election in New York was cold and rainy. As she drove through the crowd of her supporters, many wept, others held up their fists in solidarity. Hillary Clinton herself felt as if she had committed a betrayal. “In a sense, it was,” she writes. And he adds - I carried my fatigue like armor. After a speech in which she admitted defeat, she and Bill drove to their old house in suburban New York. Only in the car did she allow herself to smile. “The only thing I wanted was to go home, change into home clothes and never pick up the phone again,” recalls Hillary. Then it was time for yoga pants and a fleece shirt. For the next few weeks. To them were added relaxing breathing exercises, yoga and plentiful portions of white wine. But at times, Clinton admits, he felt like screaming into his pillow.

She watched TV shows that her husband recorded for her. Prayed to God. I was mentally transported on vacation to the “Neapolitan novels” of Elena Ferrante (Elena Ferrante), swallowed packs of detective stories and texts by Henry Nouwen (Henri Nouwen) about spirituality and the fight against depression. And she cried when actress Kate McKinnon, dressed like Hillary, sat down at the piano and sang the song “Hallelujah” by Leonard Cohen (Leonard Сohen) on one of the TV shows - “Though I did only what I could // And I walked the path of mistakes, trials / But I did not lie, I did not become a jester in a plague feast.

She almost maniacally dusted all the closets and went on long walks with Bill, but still, every time she heard the news, the same question rolled over, unstoppable, like tears - how could this happen?

For several days, it was simply impossible to think about anything else, she admits.

And there was also anger. She found it difficult to contain herself when Trump began hiring the same Wall Street bankers he had recently accused her of colluding with. And even more difficult when people who didn't vote came to apologize. “How could you?” Clinton muses in the book. “You neglected your civic duty at the most inopportune moment for this!”

“It was just terrible! she exclaims in response to my question about the first weeks after the election. “I warned our country about the danger posed by Trump. I saw clearly that he was a serious threat to our democracy and its institutions.” She catches my eye: “I was hoping I was wrong, Niels, you understand?”.

For Americans, it works flawlessly. Hearing their name, any of them seem to take off half a centimeter above the chair, filled with importance and self-confidence.

“I hoped,” she chooses words, “that no matter how he behaved before and no matter what he said during the election campaign ... he would feel the duty and responsibility of his post and would behave ... appropriately. But the weeks went by and nothing happened.”

I ask if she has anything to blame herself for.

“For various particulars,” she replies quickly. “For not explaining our agenda clearly enough to people.” I suppose this must mean: failed to reverse her image as a protege of the system in the eyes of a disillusioned working class. “And,” she adds, “for not handling Trump during the televised debate.”

Is that when he went straight for you?

- Yes. He just followed me around the stage. I immediately figured out what he was trying to achieve, and decided to simply ignore him. Now I'm not sure that I did the right thing, because he turned the televised debate into a reality show.

“I thought people want the president to be a modern person who can be relied upon, who would act like an adult: not lose his temper and not behave like a child. I constantly scroll through these moments in my head and, I think, now I would try to do things differently. ”

“I had a world-class team, they helped Obama become president twice and were real political strategists. We planned a modern campaign, a kind of "Obama 2.0". And we succeeded. But Trump and his allies changed the script, and the campaign turned into a TV show. In my camp, unfortunately, they were not ready for this.

© RIA Novosti, Alexei Nikolsky

“During my meeting with Putin, he reminded me of the type of men who sit down in the subway with their legs wide apart, getting in the way of others. They seem to say: “I will take as much space as I see fit” and “I have no respect for you and will behave as if I am sitting at home in a dressing gown.” We call this "manspreading".<…>Putin does not respect women and despises anyone who contradicts him, so I am a double problem for him.”

Hillary Clinton on Vladimir Putin

“We saw that the Russians were up to something. But they did not understand their intention. We understand a lot just now. And then we couldn’t understand where all this dirt on me comes from, ”she says, referring to subsequent reports of a whole cyberarmy of bloggers and fake social media profiles that put Clinton in a bad light.

I ask which of her actions she would be most willing to "react."

“Well, I would never use personal mail as the head of the State Department,” she laughs and immediately adds, “despite the fact that it is completely legal, my predecessor and my successor did it.”

Alpha male advantage

In the book there was a place for other claims to himself. For the fact that, unlike Bernie Sanders, she did not make grandiose promises, simply because their fulfillment could take many years, although voters would certainly be seduced by this. During her campaign, Clinton seriously considered offering Americans a guaranteed minimum income, a small, fixed income for everyone ( like the one introduced in Finland in 2017 for the sake of experiment - approx.transl.), however, abandoned this idea, after weighing the pros and cons.

Now she thinks she should take the risk.

Clinton writes that her worst fears about her own “flaws” as a presidential candidate have come true.

“Some of them are congenital,” she explains in response to my question. “I'm a woman and I can't change that. And in our country there are many people who will never dare to support a woman in such a post. This was what all our research was saying, but it seemed to me that I could still break through thanks to my experience.

Barack Obama's mother was very young, and his father returned to Kenya, so the boy was raised by his grandparents. He grew up to become a civil rights activist and a law professor. An excellent biography to start a political career. Bill Clinton's father died before he was born. The family lived for years on a farm with no running water and an outdoor latrine. In addition, Bill had to appease his stepfather every now and then, who spread his hands on his mother. And yet he became the first in their family to graduate from the university. Hillary Clinton, by her own admission, cannot boast of such a dramatic biography. She grew up in an ordinary white middle-class family in suburban Chicago and had a happy childhood. In retrospect, she only regrets that she did not emphasize enough that she belongs to a generation of pioneer women who changed the world.

When she competed with Obama, the first black presidential candidate, she did not accentuate her gender. But this time it was different, she explains.

“Perhaps I should have conveyed this idea in a different way, more effectively. I don't know. But I am sure that the next woman in my place will face the same dilemma.”

Opinion polls showed that many Republicans and Republicans were opposed to a woman president. Even in the Democratic camp, skepticism reigned. In addition, there was "the inevitable barrier of derogatory sexist comments."

— What did it mean?

- Well, for example, they say that women have too shrill voices. Although I have known quite a few men who literally scream their lungs out. In any case, this criticism does not apply to them. It is addressed not only to me personally, but to any woman who dares to stick her head out and say: "So, I'm going to become a governor or president." There are many sexist misconceptions that many, I'm sure, don't even notice.

© AP Photo, Jessica Hill Former US President Bill Clinton

When her husband lost the gubernatorial election in Arcasas in 1980, it was partly because she ran under her maiden name, Rodham. When Bill decided to run for the presidency 12 years later, she added his last name to hers, but then she got it for pursuing a career as a lawyer. And when she replied that she could “go home and bake cakes and have tea parties,” she was seen as a self-righteous careerist who looks down on American housewives.

When Hillary Clinton read a "deep analysis" of her televised debates with Trump after the election, she was surprised. “After the elections, I studied everything that was written about them,” she smiles. “And so I read: maybe she really looked more convincing and caught him more than once, but you still couldn’t take your eyes off Trump.”

She looks into my eyes.

“He behaves like an alpha male. He wants to be seen as such. And what's more, deep down in our DNA, we also believe that the president should be like that. I've broken many barriers, but this last one was too much for me. But I think I managed to clear the space for debate, and next time people will be more attentive.”

For a moment we sit in silence. Suddenly she says:

“But I love the television series“ The Government ” ("Borgen", Danish series about a female prime minister - approx. transl.) I just love him."

Here she embarks on a detailed analysis of the plot, acting and, last but not least, the trials that befell the main character.

“Balancing family and work is just one of the tasks that fall on the shoulders of women,” says Hillary, adding that if work is fraught with power, then dilemmas cannot be avoided.

“On the one hand, no one wants to become a stranger to himself. On the other hand, you must be able to remain yourself in a situation where others consider you a leader. And it's not easy."

Too many opponents

Hillary Clinton thought for a long time about whether to participate in Trump's inauguration - she was afraid that she would be booed and greeted with shouts of "Jail her!". She agreed when she learned that Jimmy Carter and George W. Bush would be there. Little by little, she began to think about how much it hurt past losers when they got into the same situation.

She calls Trump's inaugural speech "a roar from the abyss of white nationalism."

“It’s dark and dangerous and disgusting,” she says. “I kept thinking: wow, we really have hard times ahead - and my fears were justified.”

"Niels!" - one of the shadows, sitting a few tables away from me, tactfully makes it clear that time is coming to an end.

“Two more minutes,” I ask, and turn the conversation to the last questions.

- I have always been interested in what people do after they have been president ...

- And you were the first in line for so long, and suddenly it all ended, and you never became president. How do you adjust to a new life?

— I spent a lot of time walking in the woods with friends to look into my future. I really was sure that I would become president and do so much for our country. However, I didn't succeed. But I'm not used to giving up. So I started looking for new ways to contribute.

She looks up.

“This is not one comprehensive work, but many different interesting challenges. I support new political organizations and young candidates challenging Trump's manners and Republican order to restore the balance of democratic power."

What is your goal in life now?

— Fortunately, I have a lot of things that I have been doing for many years. This includes health insurance and all sorts of conflicts in our society. And I also help the struggling side to rise.

“I do what I can to protect and protect our democracy,” she says, apparently unaware that her “defend and protect” unwittingly quoted the presidential oath, which she never had to take. (“… to the best of my ability, I will uphold, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States…” — translator’s note).

- And yet, how do you answer the question "what happened"?

“It happened that there were too many opponents in front of me. A Trump campaign unlike anything we've dealt with before. Sexism. Russians who constantly influenced the outcome of the elections. Information has been used as a weapon, and we are only now beginning to understand the danger it poses to democracies around the world. I couldn't get over it, and I'm really, really sorry," she replies.

And he adds with a half smile:

"Because I think I would make a good president."

The materials of InoSMI contain only assessments of foreign media and do not reflect the position of the editors of InoSMI.

Hillary Clinton is considered one of the most influential women politicians in the world, who was able to reach incredible heights in her career, but could not avoid grandiose international scandals. Today we will figure out how the fate of the prudent iron lady developed, and what secrets of her appearance she hides.

Childhood Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton (actually her surname Rodham) appeared to the world on October 26, 1947 in Chicago, one of the largest American cities in the family with strict, conservative principles.

  • Hugh Rodham's father was a successful small textile business, and Dorothy's mother was a housewife. Hillary was born first, and besides her, 2 more brothers Hugh and Tony grew up in the family.

  • From an early age, the girl was distinguished by strong willpower and an unbending character inherited from her father. At school, teachers called her the best student, in addition, in her free time, the schoolgirl earned diplomas in basketball, volleyball and swimming.

  • In 1965, after graduating from high school, the future first lady of the United States entered Wellesley College, and then Yale University Law School. There, the student launched a stormy social activity, and became the head of the Wellesley Young Republicans movement.

  • She received her doctorate in law in 1973, after which she joined the Children's Defense Fund. Only now the passion for law and acquaintance with her future husband Bill became a turning point in Hillary's life, and took her away from her first job.

Hillary Clinton in politics

Hillary's biography is replete with merits in politics:

  • Hillary Clinton became interested in politics in her youth, and after her marriage in 1975, she began to actively promote her husband to the highest echelon of power. Due to the competent campaign of his wife, Bill became the chief prosecutor in 1976, and in 1978 he headed the state of Arkansas.
  • In 1978, a woman became a board member of the Legal Services Corporation. At the same time, she worked for 12 years in the field of health care and protection of children's rights.
  • After Bill Clinton's victory in the 1993 election, Hillary headed the Health Reform Committee, but after less than a year, she was forced to leave the post due to an avalanche of criticism against her.
  • The interests of the first lady spilled over to the protection of children and women in the United States. In addition, she went into business and became the head of the Wal-Mart retailer, gaining complete financial independence from her husband. Her earnings were about $250,000, while the salary of her husband, the governor, was only $35,000.

  • In 2000, Hillary became a New York state senator, making her the frontrunner in the 2008 presidential race. And just before the election, a couple of Clintons were accused of corruption and nepotism, so the woman refused the chair and supported rival Barack Obama.
  • In 2009, Clinton was elected US Secretary of State, which was the first time in history that a former first lady got into the State Department of the country. Many considered it a "hawk" because of its aggressive policy towards Afghanistan and Iraq, while others - "America's mistake" because of the course towards rapprochement with Russia.
  • The grand experience as the first lady allowed America's mistake to declare its intention to run for president in 2016. According to the voting results, a competitor won, but Hillary did not leave public activities.

Hillary Clinton scandals

By the nature of her work, the Secretary of State and ex-First Lady has repeatedly found herself in the center of grandiose scandals.

  • The most striking episode is the husband's sexual relationship with the secretary Monica Lewinsky. In 1998, only lazy people did not discuss this news. Only cold prudence and unwillingness to slide down from the political Olympus made our heroine support her husband and call his betrayal nothing but a conspiracy against the President of America.

  • Giving publicity to the data from the e-mail, which she used at the post of the State Department. Now this fact is called a crime, and most of the letters were classified.
  • The ex-senator said she was talking to the ghost of Eleanor Roosevelt.
  • In 2016, a video with the telling title "Hillary Clinton's leaked sex video with a black guy" blew up the Internet. The latest news has shown that these are hacker actions aimed at reducing the number of Hillary's electorate.
  • In 2017, Bill's wife spoke sharply about Putin, accusing the Russian president of lack of heart.

The personal life of the former first lady

Hillary's personal life looks perfect.

  • In 1975, she married a fellow student, Bill Clinton, whom she met in the library.

  • In 1980, a daughter, Chelsea Victoria, was born in the family, and Bill selflessly attended the birth. The girl has already graduated from Stanford University, and works in her father's charitable foundation.

  • At the end of 2014, Bill and his wife became happy grandparents, as their granddaughter Charlotte was born, and in 2016 they confirmed the title for the second time, since their second grandson, Aidan, was born.

Interesting! In 2016, Americans decided that Clinton was having a hard time in terms of health. At a ceremony to commemorate the victims of September 11, a woman almost fainted, which provoked an avalanche of gossip that the politician's age and fatigue were to blame. When asked what happened to Hillary Clinton, the woman herself said that the cause of poor health was short-term pneumonia.

  • The second name of the woman is Diana.
  • She is the only 1st lady of America to testify in court about an illegal real estate transaction and tax evasion. The young lady was acquitted.
  • The Clintons attended Donald Trump's wedding.
  • "Affectionately" representatives of the special services called her "evergreen", but her husband's call sign was simply "eagle".
  • Hillary hasn't driven a car in 20 years.
  • In 1997, a woman received a Grammy Award for the audiobook Is a Entire Village Needed?
  • The politician is an ardent opponent of same-sex marriage.
  • In 2004, in a tavern in Tallinn (Estonia), Hillary drank another senator, John McCain.

Hillary Clinton's appearance

Appearance and likely plastic surgery Hillary Clinton is discussed no less than her political successes. Your attention to the opinion of Susan Evans, a plastic surgeon from Beverly Hills, about the appearance of a famous politician:

  • Blepharoplasty. Hillary Clinton, after the start of the struggle for the presidency, made a lift of her eyelids, as they began to sag and become covered with folds, which greatly aged the woman.

  • Botox injections in the forehead area. Photos of Hillary Clinton clearly testify to this fact, since the eyes of a business woman are always wide open with a smooth and motionless forehead.
  • Vitamin A injections As the years passed, Mrs. Clinton's youth began to fade, so vitamin A injections were designed to moisturize parchment-thinned skin and have a beneficial effect on the presidential candidate's hair.

  • Correction of the face oval with radiofrequency lifting. The woman's skin still tightened up, relative to the early photos, but now the ex-senator looks young and fresh. Hillary Clinton's plastic surgery, according to surgeons, is minimal, and for her 70 years old, it is almost invisible.
  • Neck correction. Hillary Clinton is now in her 80s, but her neck shows no signs of age. After lifting and removing skin waves, the American activist lost a dozen years.

  • Hyaluronic acid injections near the mouth. As you know, the area near the mouth becomes a litmus test that gives out a woman's age. Ideal smoothness and the disappearance of wrinkles speak precisely of hyaluronic acid injections.

Interesting! Photos on the beach, which depicted Hillary Clinton in a bathing suit, pleasantly surprised fans of the presidential couple. The couple dances, laughing merrily and hugging. Note that both Bill and Hillary Clinton on the beach look not only happy, but also fit for their age. There were no traces of plastic surgery on the body of both partners.

One of the most influential women on the planet, Hillary Clinton continues to be active in social activities, helps her daughter and enjoys spending time with her family. What do you think of this representative of the highest echelon of power? Share your opinion with readers in the comments.

Video: Secrets of Hillary Clinton

Name: Hillary Clinton

Age: 68 years old

Place of birth: Ch icago, usa

Growth: 165 cm

The weight: 60 kg

Activity: American politician, presidential candidate

Family status: Married to Bill Clinton

Hillary Clinton - Biography

Hillary Clinton was first lady and deceived wife, "pillar of Democrats" and "shame on American mothers", ugly duckling and political sex symbol. Now, on the eve of her 69th birthday, the whole world is wondering if she will become the first female President of the United States in history.

Fate was not mistaken in appointing the future first lady to be born in Chicago. From the first day of its existence, the city did nothing but rise from the ashes. Started in 1833 with three hundred and fifty poor settlers, it burned to the ground in 1871. The first skyscraper was built here, Hemingway, Dreiser and Al Canone were born here. Hillary Rodham (Clinton) was born in Chicago on October 26, 1947.

Hillary Clinton - childhood

Parents from the cradle began to prepare her for the upcoming difficulties. Their own youth fell on the years of the Great Depression. Hugh Rodham made his fortune selling upholstery fabrics. But, despite his impressive bank balance, he turned off the heating at night and became furious at the sight of an unsealed tube of toothpaste. “Father threw the cap from the tube out the bathroom window,” Hillary recalled an episode from her childhood biography.
“And we had to go outside, even in the snow, and look for him among the bushes in front of the house.”

Hillary idolized her father, tried to earn his praise. Relations with her mother were more prosaic: Dorothy Howell Rodham devoted herself to Hillary and her two brothers. Dorothy had no education and bowed her head to her husband's authority.

Rich, Hugh Rodham moved the family to the quiet Chicago suburb of Park Ridge. On the clean streets of Park Ridge, the classic American childhood of Hillary Rodham passed. She went to elementary school, played baseball, skated, wore a Girl Scout uniform, and dreamed of one day being the captain of the school's cheerleading squad. Alas, this dream of hers was unattainable: Hillary did not shine with her beauty and grace.

By her own admission, already at the age of 12 she was blind as a bat, but out of vanity she refused to wear glasses. Strong myopia, however, did not prevent Hillary from becoming the captain of the school patrol: despite her physical weakness, she knew how to rein in hooligans.

After graduating from elementary school, Hillary continued her studies at the Main East School. A week before the start of classes, she decided to make herself the first “adult” hairstyle in her life. An innocent desire turned into a real disaster: “In front of my eyes, the hairdresser disfigured me, turning my poor head into an artichoke. Mom tried to calm me down, but I already understood: life is over. The way out was a ponytail chignon, which Hillary attached to her head with a ribbon - and it was torn off on the very first day of class.

It was not possible to become a beauty, and Hillary returned to her usual field: to social activities. The list of organizations in which Hillary Rodham was a member during her school years is impressive: the Young Republicans, the Bible School at the Methodist Church, the Altar Guild, the Polemic Circle, the University of Life, the Book Club ... Hillary even in those years thought about how to get into politics someday. And the next step on this path was Wellesley College. He was a member of the Seven Sisters and was considered one of the best in America.

But after the Main East, where Hillary enjoyed influence and popularity, Wellesley was like an icy shower. Most of the female students attended private schools, lived abroad, spoke foreign languages, and had their own cars. Those who got into college by their own ability were looked upon with pity. Hillary felt miserable, lonely and ridiculous. She would have dropped everything and returned home as her father had advised her. But Dorothy, for the first time in her life, openly objected to the head of the family: “I do not want you to drop out of school just because you are not accustomed to wear furs! Get a hold of yourself!" And Hillary stayed at Wellesley.

The rules in the college were strict: from Monday to Friday, female students could not communicate with men. It was allowed to receive young men only on Sundays, from two to half past five. At the same time, the doors to the rooms were left ajar, and the “rule of two legs” had to be strictly observed: two legs out of four should always be on the floor.

A few years later, Hillary, having become president of the student organization, achieved the abolition of these rules. However, Hillary, despite the rules, started boyfriends, two of whom she even introduced to her parents. “Both young men survived, but our relationship did not,” she would say with a laugh many years later.

Hillary Clinton debut in politics

Wellesley became Hillary's door to the world of politics. She spent her first summer vacation as a college student in Washington: "In this nine-week internship, I tried to learn how the state works." Hillary participated in the election campaign of New York Governor Rockefeller. Rockefeller, who aspired to take the presidency, settled his aides in the luxurious Hotel Fontainebleau and introduced them to Frank Sinatra. “At that moment, I thought that big politics is terribly fun,” Hillary admitted with some bitterness many years later.

On May 31, 1969, she graduated from Wellesley, gave a brilliant speech, and then left for Alaska, where she spent the summer earning money to study at Yale Law School. Hillary washed dishes at Mount McKinley Preserve and cleaned fish at a salmon processing plant. “I stood in bloody water and pulled out the insides of salmon with a large spoon. If I didn’t work fast enough, the foreman yelled at me, demanding to increase the pace, ”she recalled.

Hillary Clinton - my universities

In the fall of 1969, Hillary Rodham arrived at Yale. She was one of 27 women among 235 students. And here she finally found herself in her place. Yale University is traditionally chosen by those who are going to devote their lives to public activities. Here they value the ability to speak well and openly express their views - whatever they may be. Hillary had both the courage and the ability to argue. She immediately gained a reputation as a "serious girl".

One of the reasons for this was the constant problems with money. Hillary paid for her education with student bank loans, they had to be repaid, and the only source of her financial stability were grants, for which the student Rodham fought not for life, but for death. And with the same tenacity, since her freshman year at Yale, she fought for the attention of an Arkansas guy named Bill Clinton.

Hillary Clinton - Biography of Personal Life: Bill Clinton

For the first time, Hillary saw him in the fall of 1970: a tall handsome man, surrounded by a flock of girls, said that the largest watermelons in the world are grown in Arkansas. According to Hillary, she fell in love at first sight. But she did not notice a reciprocal interest and tuned in for a long siege. First, she gathered information about Bill: Rhodes Scholar, attractive, sexy, driven. He had a mother, a stepfather and a younger brother and did not have a permanent girlfriend. Hillary went on the attack on Clinton only six months later. In the spring of 1971, in the Yale library, after catching a few glances from Bill,

Hillary walked over to him and said, “If you're going to keep looking at me and I'm going to keep looking at you, then we'd better get to know each other. I am Hillary Rodham." Since that spring, they have become inseparable. In Bill's 1970 Opel station wagon - Hillary thought it was "the ugliest car in the world" - they drove around Connecticut, getting to know each other and sharing plans for the future. Bill was the first to say that they should have a common future.

Hillary was going to spend the summer in California, where she was offered a job at a small law firm, Bill was supposed to travel to the southern states as part of the presidential campaign of Senator McGovern - both summer promised excellent career prospects. But Bill announced that he would go to California with her. Here is how Hillary Clinton recalls this in her biography of her youth: “When the meaning of his words reached me, my heart sank. "Why are you doing this?" I asked. "To be with the person I love, that's why," he replied.

The Rodham-Clinton couple, which at first glance seemed strange - the most charming student and the most serious student - did not surprise anyone. Strong partnerships among Yale students were considered more important than passion. The two fit together: a disciplined Hillary could direct the energy of the careless Bill in the right direction. Clinton's political mentors from Senator McGovern's camp approved of the young colleague's choice. They saw that Hillary could do a lot for him.

But Bill's mother did not like Miss Rodham categorically. Virginia Cassidy Blythe Clinton Dwire Kelly (she retained these names from all her marriages) was unpleasantly struck that her handsome son chose an untidy, badly cut girl who does not use makeup and does not make any attempts to become at least a little more attractive.

But the Hillary family was delighted with Bill. He charmed Dorothy by volunteering to wash the dishes after the meal. With the Hillary brothers, he discussed sports news. A neighbor, after a five-minute conversation with Bill, dragged Hillary into the kitchen and, literally pressing her against the wall, said: “I don’t care how you do it, but don’t try to miss this guy.” And even the stern Republican Hugh Rodham resigned himself to the fact that his daughter fell in love with a Catholic Democrat.

In the autumn of 1973, young people rented a cheap apartment and began to live together. And in the summer, Bill Clinton took Hillary to England. It was her first trip to Europe, and the girl was delighted with Westminster Abbey, Stonehenge and the green hills of Wales. In the Lake District, Hillary was in for a surprise: Bill proposed to her. The surprise was waiting for him: Hillary answered "no."

Why did she refuse? “I was madly in love with him,” writes Hillary in her biography, “but I was completely confused about how I should live on.” In Bill's life, everything was determined: he went to Fayetteville, Arkansas, went into teaching and politics. Hillary went to Massachusetts - she was waiting for a hard and low-paid job in the Children's Defense Fund. Perhaps Hillary wanted to make sure of the feelings - hers and her chosen one. Or maybe she wanted to make sure that Bill Clinton was worth betting on.

Bill traveled constantly to Massachusetts, and half of Hillary's meager salary went to pay phone bills. The solution seemed obvious. In 1974, Bill again talked about the wedding, but Hillary received an invitation to work in Washington, DC, in the commission preparing the impeachment of President Nixon, to whom Ms. Rodham had a long-standing enmity. It would be foolish to miss this chance, and Hillary went to the capital. She again did not give Bill a final answer.

Everything was decided after Nixon resigned. Left without a job, Hillary moved to Fayetteville, got a job teaching at the university, and agreed to marry Clinton. In anticipation of the wedding, Hillary helped Bill to run for the US Congress. Clinton won the first round, but lost the final election.

After that, Hillary returned to Chicago. She does not like to remember this demarche of hers. Most men would not want to deal with a woman who leaves a losing man. But Clinton became even more attached to Hillary. He returned the bride, bought a house and made sure that the wedding was played on October 11, 1975.

How did he persuade Hillary? What did he promise her in his wedding vow? Maybe the title of first lady?

A year later, Bill Clinton became Attorney General of the State of Arkansas, and Hillary became a staff member of the respected law firm Rose. Bill dubbed her first lawsuit the "rat-ass case." Hillary, who retained her maiden name, defended the interests of a canning factory in court after a buyer found the back of a rat in a can of beans and pork. The factory got off with a minimal fine, and Bill got an inexhaustible source of fun.

In 1978, Clinton was elected governor of Arkansas, and Hillary's biography changed: she became the first lady of the state. In the same year, she was made a partner in the Rose. It was very helpful - the governor's couple had been thinking about a child for a long time. The pragmatic Hillary lacked only confidence in the future. It was necessary to make sure that, as Hillary said, "the family was overgrown with financial fat." And Hillary began to play on the commodity exchange.

Subsequently, her rare luck - she invested a thousand and earned a hundred thousand - will become the subject of close attention of the FBI. She herself explains her luck by the fact that she simply managed to stop in time. Hillary "walked away from the table" the moment she realized she was pregnant: "I just suddenly realized that the money I earned is not a game, but a real college for my child and a calm old age for Bill and me."

The Clintons' only daughter was born in 1980. Bill Clinton was one of the first men in Arkansas to wish to be present at the birth of his child. Governor Clinton rushed around the operating room and assured the medical staff that he was not at all afraid. Chelsea Victoria was the only bright spot for the next few years because Clinton was not elected to a second term. And for the first time, Hillary was blamed for his defeat:

Arkansans did not like that she continued to use her maiden name while married. "Who the hell wears pants in this family?" voters asked. As much as Hillary strove to maintain at least a semblance of independence, she strove more for a return to the governor's mansion. Therefore, since 1980, she began to subscribe to Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Bill won the 1982 campaign brilliantly. Hillary stayed with the baby for only four months, and then, having loaded a bag of diapers and boxes of baby food into the van, she went to collect votes in favor of her husband. It was her campaign and her victory, and the joke “Oh, we chose the wrong Clinton,” said by one of the state congressmen, was no longer just a joke. People who knew Hillary during her tenure as First Lady of Arkansas say she was tough, demanding, and rather impatient. One day, when she saw that the American flag at the governor's residence was not raised in time, she grabbed the culprit by the chest and hissed: “I fucking want this damn flag to go up every damn morning! Am I wanting too much?

Clinton gradually became a politician on a national scale. All these years, Hillary worked, supported her husband, ran financial affairs and raised Chelsea. In 1984, Bill's younger brother Roger was caught in the drug trade. As it turned out, he was on cocaine. The scandal did not work out - Bill took a principled position. Soon, the Democrats invited Clinton to participate in the 1988 presidential election. Hillary knew that sooner or later this proposal would be made to her husband. But she thought it was too soon.

Not being a public politician, she was a very experienced player in the political arena and knew that, having lost the presidential election once, it was almost impossible to win them again. The official reason for Bill Clinton's refusal was Chelsea: “I want to wait until my daughter grows up a little. I love America, but I love Chelsea more." Needless to say, after these heartfelt words, Governor Clinton's approval rating skyrocketed.

Clinton entered the presidential race in 1991. As soon as Bill announced his decision to run, Hillary began to assemble her team. From the very first days, she sought to control literally everything. It is no coincidence that her motto was the words "Failed plan - plan failure!" But even she has not been able to keep under control the flurry of accusations and scandals that inevitably accompany any election. To begin with, Clinton was accused of distributing government orders as governor in favor of the Rose firm, where Hillary worked.

Next, the first sex scandal in Bill Clinton's career broke out: a certain Jennifer Flowers claimed that she had been his mistress for several years. Bill was successful with women, so the possibility of this novel cannot be denied. But Hillary knew that Americans would rather forgive financial fraud than trample on public morality. Therefore, she did everything to extinguish the scandal: she and Bill gave a big interview to the 60 Minutes program, where Hillary explained that her husband was a decent person who had become a victim of slander. Subsequently, Hillary will do this regularly.

Hillary Clinton - First Lady

On November 3, 1997, the American people elected Bill Clinton as their president. The family moved to the White House. Hillary had to adapt to change. For the first time in her life, she took care of her appearance. It is today that her style is considered a model of elegant political correctness, and during the presidential campaign, because of her unsuccessful hairstyle and boring outfits, she was considered a "militant feminist."

But, feminist or not, Hillary has always had a fighting spirit. Traditionally, the First Lady's office was located in the East Wing of the White House. Hillary moved it to the West Wing, located in close proximity to the Oval Office and the president. Her team was named "Hillaryland" and was famous for its ability to keep its mouth shut. As time has shown, this was very helpful. All two presidential terms were accompanied by scandals, one more ugly than the other.

One of them was called "Travelgate": abuse, theft and fraud were revealed in the White House travel bureau. The other is Trouppergate: four policemen from Bill's security team during his tenure as Governor of Arkansas claimed to have supplied Governor Clinton with women. Hillary was involved in both cases. Then the Republican congressmen became interested in the financial success of Mrs. Clinton and initiated an investigation into real estate fraud - the case was called "Whitewater".

President Clinton was accused of "covering wrongdoing, including land speculation, tax violations, abuse of power, concealment of suicide." Hillary had to admit that perhaps her financial records were not all right, but she vehemently denied malice. The people believed her and would have continued to believe if not for a woman named Paula Jones.

On May 6, 1994, she filed a lawsuit against President Clinton, accusing him of sexual harassment and demanding a payment of $700,000. Hillary still claims that he does not believe a single word of Paula Jones: “It was the dirty games of the Republicans, and everyone knew it. It didn’t affect our family life in any way.”

Bill's re-election for a second term did not come as a surprise to Hillary. At the time, she was preoccupied with work and Chelsea's upcoming departure for college. Hillary was accustoming herself to the idea that soon her daughter's room would be empty. But outwardly, she did not show her emotions in any way. In photographs from that period, Hillary looks almost beautiful: four years as first lady and friendship with Jacqueline Kennedy did her good.

Hillary went blonde and learned to wear elegant dresses from Oscar de la Renta. Externally, Hillary has become softer, and internally - tougher. Four years in the status of the first lady taught her to restrain her emotions and calmly look at other people's suffering. During her tour of Asia, she visited orphanages and hospices, talked with girls whose lives were controlled by fathers and husbands, attended dozens of funerals and delivered hundreds of speeches.

Hillary met her fiftieth birthday in depression. On January 17, 1998, Bill Clinton was scheduled to testify in court in the Paula Jones case. Hillary, who sincerely believed that this whole story was not worth a damn, wanted only one thing: for all this to end as soon as possible.

But she did not yet know that everything was just beginning: on January 21, the loudest scandal in the history of President Clinton's rule erupted - the scandal called Monicagate.

The history of the relationship between the young intern and the president is known throughout the world. Monica Lewinsky became a household name, and her blue dress became a legend. Subsequently, Hillary will say that she is very sorry for this girl, whose life was so rudely and ruthlessly put on public display. But on the morning of January 21, she did not feel sorry for Monica. She was furious. “Bill woke me up early in the morning and said there was something in the papers today that I didn't like. He told me about Monica, how his kindness to her could be misunderstood - and I believed him. After all, this was not the first time that they tried to defame my husband.”

Is Hillary telling the truth? Did she really trust her husband? The best argument in favor of Bill was the appearance of Monica Lewinsky and her puppy temperament: Monica was desperate for love and was ready to interpret even the most innocent look in her favor. Therefore, Hillary rushed to defend her husband: in the Today program, she announced to the whole country that Bill has many shortcomings, but he never lies. Hillary's sincerity gave Clinton some credibility. Even when the prosecutor demanded a sample of Bill's DNA, Hillary thought it was just an attempt to exert psychological pressure on the president. She herself was a lawyer and knew all the ways to influence.

And on August 15, Hillary Rodham Clinton's world shattered: her husband woke her up early in the morning and admitted that he "didn't tell the whole truth about Monica." “He was pushed against the wall, and he realized that he would have to confess to indecent intimacy. He said that everything happened very quickly and by chance. He couldn’t admit it to me earlier because he was too ashamed and knew how it would anger and offend me,” recalls Hillary. - I stopped breathing. Gasping for air, I began to cry and started yelling at him: “What do you want to say? Why did you lie to me?" I was furious, which grew with every moment. Bill stood in front of me and repeated: “I'm sorry. Sorry. I tried to protect you and Chelsea."

This moment Hillary Clinton called "the most terrible and disappointing in life." For the first time in her marriage, she had withdrawn completely from dealing with Bill's problems. He had to speak to reporters himself, justify himself to the American people, and - the most difficult thing - tell the truth to his daughter. “I didn’t want to help him extricate himself from something that offended me to the core.”

The atmosphere in the first family of the state became not just difficult - the very existence of this family was called into question. Hillary hardly talked to her husband and tried to understand if she wanted to save her marriage. It wasn't the first time her love for Bill had been tested, but the humiliation had never been public. Hillary read pity on people's faces, and at such moments she wanted to "wrap her husband's neck." Once she could not decide whether to marry Clinton, now she hesitated whether to divorce him. The decision came from outside: a commission appeared in Congress to prepare the impeachment of the president.

“I didn't know if I would defend my marriage, but I was determined to defend my president,” Hillary Clinton's words enthralled women across America. One can only guess what effort it took for the first lady to reappear in public with a smile on her face and pat her prodigal husband reassuringly on the hand. It would not be an exaggeration to say that in those months Bill Clinton was completely dependent on the goodwill of his wife.

It was then that Hillary Clinton decided to change her life and pursue her own political career. And although Monicagate spoiled her a lot of blood, she squeezed the maximum out of it: the image of a woman who managed to forgive her husband and save her marriage brought her huge dividends. Hillary Clinton's personal rating has skyrocketed. The impeachment did not happen. Hillary ran for the US Congress. In the spring of 1999, at the big convention of the Democratic Party, the Clintons were first introduced as "a future senator and her cute husband." President Clinton pretended to appreciate the joke.

On January 3, 2001, Hillary Rodham Clinton took the oath in the US Congress building. Her daughter and husband watched her from the visitors' gallery. In the life of Hillary began a new stage. Today she works in Washington, and is absolutely not going to stop as a senator. The campaign program for the Senate, which Hillary announced recently, is called "The American Dream." With this name, you can compete for the presidency.

American experts consider New York State Senator Hillary Clinton the most popular Democratic politician among all contenders for the nomination. But she will most likely make the final decision at the end of November or in December of this year after the completion of the mid-term elections. Hillary appears to have a real chance of becoming the first female president. And if this happens, Hillary will go down in the history of the United States among those who achieved the great American dream. After all, Americans believe that you can be born into a poor family in the Midwest, but if you work hard and grit your teeth, overcome difficulties, then one day you will definitely become president.

Hillary Clinton Now: Presidential Election 2016

Hillary Clinton is a prominent politician and first lady of the United States. This is the only woman who was elected to the post of US Secretary of State. Many consider her too ambitious, but it was her prudence, sharp mind and strong convictions that helped her become one of the most visible political figures in the whole world.

Hillary Clinton. Biography: childhood

Hillary Clinton was born on 10/26/1947 in Chicago. Her father had his own small business, and her mother was engaged in housekeeping.

Hillary Clinton, whose biography is full of many political events, has shown a strong character since childhood. Even then, she was purposeful, had an unbending will. The character of the leader Hillary inherited from her father. In her studies, she was very diligent, and became the favorite of teachers. Considered the best in the class. Hillary began to get involved in sports since childhood. She enjoyed swimming and basketball the most. She repeatedly participated in competitions, in which she often won first places.


Hillary graduated from high school in 1965. After that, she entered Wellesley College. She graduated in 1969 and immediately continued her studies at Yale University. Hillary Clinton led a small student organization in her youth and became interested in politics. In 1973, she received a doctorate in law and, after graduation, got a job at the Children's Defense Fund.

But legal activity did not become her main vocation. While still a student, Hillary met Bill Clinton, who later became her husband. After graduation, they moved to Arkansas together. There, Hillary taught law at the university for some time. But later she devoted herself entirely to politics.

Political career

In 1972, she took part in George McGovern, who ran for president. In 1974, she worked on the legal committee.

After the wedding, since 1975, Hillary Clinton, whose biography is closely connected with politics, has been actively engaged in this activity. She did her best to promote her husband's career, conducted a political campaign for him. First, with her help, he became the Attorney General, then the Governor. Later, she helped her husband become president, but Hillary did not abandon her legal activities at all. In 1978, she became a board member of the Legal Services Corporation. She worked there until 1981. In 1988, she was considered one of the best lawyers in the country.

After the husband of Hillary Clinton, whose photo is in this article, became the President of the United States, she automatically accepted the status of First Lady. She headed the health committee, which she worked on for almost a year. But because of the criticism of the Republicans, she had to leave this type of activity and step down as head of the committee.

Hillary is an active person, and immediately after her resignation from her previous post, she began to protect the interests of women and children. She went on to lead the large Wal-Mart business. As a result, her income greatly exceeded that of her husband, and she became financially independent.

In 2000, Hillary was elected Senator of New York and for 7 years was one of the candidates for the US President. But over time, the attitude of citizens towards her and her husband changed a lot. They were suspected of nepotism (something akin to our nepotism), and Hillary had to abandon the race for the presidency. In the elections, she supported the candidacy of Barack Obama.

He, in turn, did not forget Clinton's help, and, becoming President of the United States, offered her the position of Secretary of State, to which she was elected in 2009. Hillary Clinton, whose biography contains unique information, became the first woman in the history of America who was able to get into the State Department of the country. She is considered a "hawk" in military policy. This was especially noticeable in H. Clinton's attitude towards Afghanistan and Iraq.

Hillary has always been in favor of restoring good relations with Russia. Although many politicians do not support her in this matter. In 2013, Hillary succeeded her as Secretary of State and continued her work to protect the interests of women and children.

This year, she again decided to compete for the presidency. And she will participate in the 2016 elections. According to polls, citizens have begun to treat her with the same respect again. To date, Hillary Clinton is a presidential candidate and holds a leading position among the rest of the participants.

Personal life

At first glance, the personal life of the family seems just exemplary. But there were also unpleasant and offensive moments in it. In 1975, she met her husband, Bill Clinton. Their marriage continues to this day. Still, Hillary could not avoid her husband's infidelity. She had to endure far from the most pleasant time when their personal lives were brought up for public discussion. However, the marriage survived, and today she and Bill are still together.

Hillary had only one child - daughter Chelsea. She graduated from Stanford University, and after that she began working in her father's charitable foundation. Chelsea married Mark Mezvinsky in 2010. And last year, H. Clinton finally became a grandmother. Chelsea had a daughter named Charlotte.

Hillary Clinton scandals

Not only social activities, but also the personal life of this lady was accompanied by many high-profile scandals. There were many rumors around the name of Hillary Clinton. The United States still remembers her husband's relationship with Monica Lewinsky. In 1998, this was the most talked about morality scandal. But Hillary has a subtle mind, and her desire not to give up the high positions she has achieved in life pushed her to support her husband instead of a divorce. As a result, she was able to turn a shameful love affair into a conspiracy against the President of the United States.

One of the high-profile political scandals concerned her personal email. mail used for official correspondence, which she kept while still in office as head of the US State Department. This is a crime because it undermines the security of the country. Hillary's enemies insisted on verification, believing that she declassified secret classified information in correspondence. However, these rumors were not confirmed upon verification. Although some of the letters still received the stamp of secrecy.

The financial situation of the Clintons

As mentioned above, Hillary has long been financially independent from her husband. Now the income of the Clintons is more than 25 million US dollars. This money is earned for public speaking. In addition, she wrote and published the book Difficult Decisions. The publication gained great popularity, and the fee for it amounted to 5 million US dollars.

    Hillary Clinton is a native of Chicago. She is no longer a young woman. This year she will be 68 years old. And by the presidential elections, where she wants to run for the presidency of the USA0, she will be 69 years old and will already be 70-tenth. In my opinion, 70 years is no longer the age when you need to think about a career and politics, it's time to think about the eternal. But, as they say: You are as old as you feel. So let's not talk about her age. Here is a brief dossier of Hillary Clinton:

    Hillary Clinton met her husband (42nd US President) Bill Clinton at the age of 28 at the university. Five years later, she gave birth to a daughter, Chelsea.

    In mid-April last year, she told her famous parents that they would soon be no longer just mom and dad, but grandparents. Chelsea were 34 at the time.

    And here is the first photo with granddaughter Charlotte.

    Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton was born October 26, 1947. Therefore, this year the candidate for the presidency of the United States will be 68 years old. She hails from Chicago.

    Hillary graduated from Yale Law School. It was this period of her life that is also notable for the fact that within the walls of this university she met her future husband, whose name is Bill Clinton (the wedding took place in 1975). Subsequently, Bill became President of the United States, and Hillary became the first lady, and held this unspoken position from 1993 to 2001. And now, after almost 15 years, Clinton wanted to return to the White House, but already as the President of the United States. It remains to wish and only good luck.

    The Clintons have an adult daughter named Chelsea, now she is 35 years old. In her youth, she caused a lot of trouble for her parents, especially her dad, who was president at the time. Painfully big, there were no problems with alcohol, which she successfully overcame.

    Hillary Clinton turns 68 in 2016. She was born on October 26, 1947. She has been married to Bill Clinton since 1975. Although he repeatedly cheated on her (the biggest scandal was with his mistress Monica Lewinsky), they still managed to save the family. The couple have an adult daughter, Chelsea. Now Hillary herself has entered politics and is running for president.

    US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was born on October 26, 1947. She will soon be 69 years old. She is a native of Chicago.

    Her husband is a rather famous person - 42 US President Bill Clinton. They have a daughter named Chelsea. She is already a big girl, she is 35 years old. Perhaps soon he will also aim for the presidency.

    Hillary (Rodham) Clinton was born on October 26, 1947 in Chicago. Husband - 42nd US President Bill Clinton, they got married in 1975. Daughter of Chelsea Clinton born in 1980.

    Hillary Clinton is an experienced influential politician, former Secretary of State, Senator from the State of New York. She participated in her husband's presidential campaign, supported him during the scandal with Monica Lewinsky.

    Hillary Clinton is running against Donald Trump in the 2016 US presidential election.

    Hillary Rodham Clinton was born in Chicago on October 26, 1947. Her husband Bill Clinton is an American president (from 1992-1988). They met at Yale University. and married in 1975. In 1980, Hillary had a daughter, Chelsea. Hillary Clinton worked for a law firm and taught at a law school before becoming First Lady.

    Hillary Clinton is the wife of former US President Bill Clinton. She was born in 1947 and will celebrate her 70th birthday next year. She has an adult daughter. After the end of her husband's presidential term, she entered politics and quite successfully. In 2016, she herself is running for president of the United States.

    Prominent American politician Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton Born October 26, 1947 in Chicago. Hillary is married to the 42nd President of the United States, Bill Clinton. Hillary and Bill Clinton have a daughter, Chelsea.

    Hillary Clinton was born in Chicago on October 26, 1947. She will celebrate her 70th birthday in 2017. Married to Bill Clinton (he was President of the United States). Has a daughter named Chelsea Clinton.

    She was born on October 26, 1947 (now she is 68 years old). The maiden name - Rodham, Clinton - is the surname of her husband, a well-known politician and former US President Bill Clinton. And now, in the 2016 elections, Hillary announced her candidacy for the presidency, women in the United States have never been presidents. Hillary and Bill have a daughter, Chelsea (born in 1980).

    The first black president in the United States has already been, let's see if there will be a woman president, everything is possible.
