Retaining wall. Do-it-yourself retaining wall - a device made of various materials

The plot allotted for the garden does not always have a flat relief. Very often there are areas with hills. Many people think that they need to be aligned as much as possible, but in fact, this is a great option for introducing various landscapes into landscape design. original ideas. One of these is a do-it-yourself retaining wall. You can make it from the most different materials any design. This article will provide general recommendations and advice from experts on arranging a quality wall in the garden.

Getting to know the design

Before you start building, you should carefully study the design. This will allow you to properly plan all the work and get a good result. So, any retaining wall consists of three main parts:

  1. Foundation. As in the construction of a house, this part is almost entirely underground, which allows it to take the entire load of the building.
  2. Body. The main part is a vertical wall.
  3. Drainage. Artificial drainage reduces the likelihood of damage from moisture.

The next step will be the calculation of the retaining wall, since soil pressure will act on it from the opposite side. Because of this, careful thought must be given to its design so that barriers to pressure resistance are created. Based on the average data, in the country most often erect walls from 30 cm to 1.5 m high. They are small, so you can easily perform all the calculations yourself, without involving specialists.

The best way to cope with the task is a special computer program for landscape design. If the difference is more than 1.5 m, professional advice will be required, as well as engineering and geological surveys.

Note! If you make the wrong calculations, then already next spring, it is likely that the soil along with the wall will collapse and you will have to do everything from the very beginning.

It is necessary to choose the material not at random, but planned. The choice will be influenced not only by the size of the planned budget, but also existing style site, landscape design. By connecting fantasy, you can quickly think of everything and be sure to sketch it in order to then calculate required amount material. Consider the most common options.


In this case, not any lumber is suitable, since we are talking about thick and durable logs. They are installed both vertically and horizontally, depending on the project. When creating a retaining wall of logs, there are a few key points to consider:

  • the diameter of the logs should be at least 25–30 cm;
  • each must be dug into the ground to a depth of at least 40 cm (the parameter is determined depending on the height of the structure);
  • set as close as possible to each other to obtain a reliable support;
  • Reinforcement or clamps, which carry out fastening, will also give reliability.

First comes the foundation, and then the drainage layer. It is also acceptable to create a simple cushion of gravel, but the wood should be treated protective equipment from insects and moisture. These include:

  • professional (can be purchased at the store);
  • machine oil;
  • ruberoid.

On the reverse side, a layer of any material is poured to form a drainage system.

Note! For the convenience of fixing logs in the ground, a trench is dug.

A rock

Due to the high labor intensity and costs, many refuse to create stone retaining walls. Nevertheless, if you decide on this complex process, then you should proceed to the formation of drainage and foundation. These layers must be laid in a pre-dug trench. The foundation needs to be strengthened. Suitable for these purposes:

  • wire;
  • fittings;
  • bent electrodes, etc.

After the foundation has completely hardened, you can proceed to laying natural stone:

  • granite;
  • diabase;
  • quartzite and other rocks.

The type of masonry is chosen absolutely on an individual basis: dry or classic masonry. Many prefer the first option, since in this case the voids can be filled with soil mixed with seeds of flowers, grasses and even moss.

Note! Avoid cruciform joints when laying stone, as they will affect the strength of the entire retaining wall. It is best to use a chess scheme.


This innovative solution appeared not so long ago. Modern designers quickly found use for gabions not only in the construction of fences and fences, but also in the creation of retaining walls. The design is metal mesh various forms that are filled with stones.

Prepared containers are put in a row and tied together with wire. All elements are placed in series and covered with material. When using simple gravel, you can not bother, but with decorative stone you have to do everything carefully and carefully. The result is an original design.

Note! If the planned wall is of a small height, then you can do without a foundation, but with a height of 1 m or more, a preliminary filling with a gravel-sand cushion will be required.


It will not be difficult to make a retaining wall of brick, since the scheme and technology are identical to building a house. The requirements are practically the same, the only nuances are stiffness and pressure from the inside:

  • for a low wall with a height of 50 cm, a half-brick wall will suffice;
  • a wall up to 1 m high requires a width of one brick;
  • if the structure is more than 1 m, reinforced masonry of one and a half bricks will be required.

A drainage system must be laid between the wall and the foundation to protect the material.

Note! The foundation of the wall implies the presence of ligation and drainage, especially for tall structures.


Also simple and affordable way create a strong and reliable wall. Especially the process will not cause difficulties for men who have ever encountered this building material. So, in order to create a solid retaining wall of concrete, it will be enough:

  • perform high-quality dressing;
  • lay drainage;
  • create formwork;
  • provide waterproofing and drainage system;
  • mix the solution in the correct proportion.

To make the gray wall attractive, you should carry out a decorative finish at your discretion.

Note! It should be noted that the wall will be several times heavier than brick or stone.

Step-by-step instruction

Now let's look at detailed example how to make a retaining wall in the garden with your own hands. Let's dwell on brick, since this material is quite common and during the arrangement it will not require many power and time costs. It will act as a separator and separate one zone from another.

The preparatory work is quite simple:

  • pick up the remains of bricks after construction in the amount of 120 pieces;
  • set dimensions: length - 150 cm, width - 50 cm and height 50 cm;
  • drawing markings on the selected area;
  • preparation of tools: trowel, hammer, jointing, cord and plumb line.
  1. We dig a pit for drainage along the outlined perimeter with a depth of no more than 20 cm. We form a sand cushion, compact it well and pour it with water for maximum shrinkage.
  2. In the role of a waterproofer, a sheet of roofing material will be enough, which should correspond to the size of the retaining wall.
  3. We prepare the mortar: the proportion of cement to sand is 1:3. Add water until the desired consistency is obtained.
  4. We put the first row directly on the roofing material. First, to make everything even, set the extreme bricks and pull the thread between them. The entire bottom row should consist of 24 bricks: 6 pieces in length and 4 in width. If there are chipped bricks, then it is best to lay them with the damaged part in the middle.
  5. The second row also begins to be built from the corners according to the technology of the first, but the masonry seams should not match. Be guided by "chess" technology. For convenience, whole bricks with a hammer, which has a narrowed end, are split into even 2 halves. Evenness should be leveled with a plumb line.
  6. We repeat the subsequent rows in the same way as the technology described above. The remnants of the protruding solution are immediately removed from the wall with a trowel.

A small retaining wall can serve not only as a stand for flowers, but also act as a bench.

Note! Choosing to build old brick, you can give it the effect of antiquity, which is very popular in modern design.

Planning to build a retaining wall on garden plot, it should be noted that it will perform not only a practical, but also a decorative function. With careful planning and careful construction, the design will become a real highlight of the entire landscape design. There are a huge number of materials and technologies for decorating and decorating the wall, so everyone can choose the best and best for themselves. suitable option.

Front garden with retaining walls

This issue is especially relevant in hilly areas. In this case, special fortifications are used. Thanks to the retaining walls, you can protect yourself from slips and collapses of the soil in the garden and in the yard. From this article you will learn how to make a retaining wall with your own hands. You will also learn about what materials and methods for erection should be used will be discussed in this article.

At the very beginning, it is worth noting that any piece of land has its own individual shapes, topography and size, which should be reckoned with. In addition, it is necessary to take into account personal preferences, the style of the house and other buildings. Even the types of garden paths can affect the choice of material and shape of the retaining wall. With a small garden area, the maximum height of the retaining wall should not exceed 60 cm.

Large walls will create a feeling of heaviness when examining the entire site. Experts recommend adding various architectural elements to those:

  • niches;
  • steps;
  • benches;
  • tables.

In addition, the selected material will also affect general form landscape design. When considering options, it is necessary to take into account all design ideas that will be implemented on the territory. So, for monumental supports, textured and embossed materials, overall stones are used. different forms or powerful logs. To create a sophisticated landscape design, plaster, small stones (gravel or chipped stones) are suitable.

A properly erected retaining wall will simultaneously perform several functions:

  • site zoning;
  • transformation of landscape design;
  • strengthening;
  • protection;
  • solution to the problem of uneven terrain.

If your site is too pronounced, then you should consider options with vertical layout. It lies in the fact that the entire site is divided into several sections, each of which has its own horizontal level and is fixed with a support.

Each retaining wall to be built in landscape design, should consist of four main parts:

  1. The foundation is located underground, which allows it to take on the entire load from soil pressure.
  2. The body is the vertical part of the structure located above the ground (the main part).
  3. Drainage is necessary to remove water, as excess moisture will destroy the backwater.
  4. Drainage - the remaining water will be absorbed into the layer and, during drought, give moisture to nourish the plants.

The wall can be made from almost any material that suits the local climate and rainfall. You can install it almost anywhere, but regardless of the planned height, it must consist of all 4 components.

By carefully considering each stage, you can end up with a durable retaining wall. To work, it is enough to use your strength and inexpensive materials.

At proper planning the wall will be as stable as possible. It can withstand any load and pressure. If this is not foreseen, then the sliding of the soil will be guaranteed, and decorative wall destroyed. To avoid this, it is necessary to take into account many factors that will directly affect the strength of the entire structure. First of all, physical forces will act on the retaining wall:

  • structure weight;
  • soil pressure;
  • friction force;
  • adhesion to the soil;
  • weight of decorative elements.

Other phenomena will also affect the retaining wall:

  • swelling of the soil in winter;
  • strong wind (for walls over 2 m high);
  • vibration (in cases where there are railway tracks nearby);
  • seismic phenomena (the peculiarities of the region are taken into account);
  • ground water;
  • rainwater flushing.
  1. To ensure maximum traction with the ground, the back wall should be rough.
  2. Also, the rear part should be sloping towards the retained soil.
  3. To reduce the pressure on the wall into the ground, it is necessary to lay hollow elements with low weight.
  4. To reduce the likelihood of tipping over from the front side, it is necessary to indent - the console.

In addition to the above factors, there is one more - the thickness retaining wall. To calculate it, it is necessary to take into account the type of soil and the height of the structure. For soft soil and high walls choose wide protective shields.

Before you make a wall, you need to choose the material. Among the most common are:

  • brick;
  • wood;
  • a rock;
  • concrete;

It is believed that the simplest and lightest material is wood. It will be much easier to build a wall from it than from stone or gabions. To create a wall, logs are selected, from 1 to 1.5 m high. At the same time, 50 cm should be in the ground, and 1 m will serve as a protective support.

The part of the logs that will sink into the ground requires special treatment in order to last longer. For this, special modern facilities or hot bitumen.

The dimensions of the trench should be 10-15 cm larger than the logs. The bottom is covered with a pillow of gravel and compacted. When installing lumber, you can use wire to increase the density of the wall. You can also use nails as fasteners. After installation, the trench is filled with concrete.

This material is the most durable and practical. Such walls can withstand even high ground pressure. With a little imagination, such a design can turn out to be very presentable. Also in the case of concrete, you can use finishing materials for decoration:

  • a rock;
  • tiles;
  • brick.

It is necessary to start construction from the foundation, namely from the trench. Max Depth- 50 cm. All technology is identical, as is the case with any building or fence. The formwork and the pillow and the waterproofing layer are being equipped. The strength of the structure is ensured by the reinforcing mesh.

For the construction of retaining walls of stone, dry masonry can be used or cement mortar. Huge range of natural and artificial stone allows you to choose the right option for arranging landscape design on a garden plot, made in any style. Most commonly used:

  • granite;
  • basalt;
  • quartzite;
  • diabase;
  • shell rock.

The foundation for the stone retaining wall is made of concrete. The width should be 2 times the wall itself. If voids form during masonry, they are rubbed with a special mixture. When dry laying stones in the seams use garden soil, in which plants are then planted.

Quite often, after repair and construction work, bricks remain, both solid and chipped. You should not throw it away or sell it, as it can be used to build a beautiful, but strong enough retaining wall. Masonry differs little from the technology of building a house. The only difference is the thickness. For a wall with a height of 60 cm, laying in half a brick can be done, a width of one brick should be intended for support of 1 m or more.

Recently, gabion structures are often used to enclose a private area or to create architectural and decorative elements. The construction is based on wire blocks filled with stones. It is worth noting that in this case there is no need to equip the foundation, but for large structures, additional fastening is necessary. All blocks are fastened together with galvanized wire. When laying stones, decorative and beautiful elements placed on the front side. The rest of the volume can be filled with simpler stones:

  • crushed stone;
  • cobblestone;
  • pebble.

The technology for constructing a retaining wall in a relief area will directly depend on the material from which it will be made. When forming a retaining wall, it is not necessary to use a flat, horizontal line. It can be a wave or arbitrary patterns.

When erecting a retaining wall, it is necessary to take care not only of strength and high quality but also about the organization of drainage. It is necessary to protect the back side of the wall from excess moisture. To organize such protection, high-quality drainage is required - a drainage system. To date, professional landscape designers offer 3 options for organizing water drainage:

  1. Underground drainage. The system is presented in the form of a special perforated drainage pipe, which is installed at the base of the wall. For reliability and protection, the pipe is wrapped in geotextiles. With its help, water will not accumulate, but will go along the route to the drain.
  2. Ground drainage. When building a wall, a layer of loose material (gravel or brick) is laid on the back side. He won't allow excess moisture destroy the base structure of the retaining wall. Water will naturally go deep into the soil.
  3. Filter. Drainage can be equipped with special filtration holes. They are made in a wall of stone or concrete. To do this, when laying through a row, it is necessary to leave one vertical seam without mortar. Excess moisture will escape through these seams.

Every territory needs a high-quality drainage system, but Special attention should be given to regions with constant precipitation. A large number of ground water may adversely affect the structure.

In order for the retaining wall to not only perform protective functions, but also decorative, it is necessary to think over the finish. It is better to plan and design everything in advance. The wall should harmoniously fit into the landscape design on the site. The most common way decorative finishes today is planting. The best option there will be a choice among ground cover species, which successfully emphasize any element of the landscape area.

Among the common options, it is worth highlighting several design options. One of these is an artificial pond or fountain. Alpine slide will look no less attractive. climbing plants will be braided along the entire retaining wall. Also interesting option becomes moss. To do this, the wall can be watered with kefir - this will accelerate the growth of plants, as well as age the structure.

prevent possible mistakes A competent combination of colors and materials used will help. For example, if the buildings on the territory are made of wood, then the wall should also be made of lumber.

A retaining wall can be both a great addition to a planned landscape project, and it can also serve as a protective feature. Since she is under open sky, is constantly exposed to atmospheric influences. To protect the inside of the structure, it is necessary to carefully process the seams of the masonry. Use special sealants, they allow you to protect the support from destruction or deformation. Various experiments with decoration will allow you to get original and unusual results.


A photo

Dry masonry walls can be built without mortar, and the seams can be filled with soil with plant seeds. For retaining walls built in the usual way, you can choose a tone solution that matches the stones or a contrasting one, depending on the desired effect. Important: the top of the masonry must be protected from moisture and mechanical damage - for example, with the help of slabs or protruding stones.

Dry masonry requires a gravel base 40 cm deep, and mortar masonry requires a concrete foundation 80 cm deep.

Reddish-brown stones are ideal for a garden in southern style. Next to such a wall, yellow inflorescences stand out especially brightly.

However, keep in mind that certain skills will be required to build such a stone partition.

Close-up: building a wall

A retaining wall combines decorative and practical qualities: it can reinforce a slope, create a dramatic backdrop for plants, or keep growing pets out.

A retaining wall combines decorative and practical qualities: it can reinforce a slope, create a spectacular backdrop for plants, or contain overgrown pets.

And most importantly, building it with your own hands is not so difficult!

You will need these tools:

  • bayonet and shovel,
  • solution bucket,
  • construction mixer,
  • hand rammer,
  • masonry trowel,
  • rubber mallet,
  • gloves,
  • building level.


  • concrete of strength class B 25 for the foundation,
  • building mixture,
  • reinforcing mesh,
  • masonry stones.

1. Mark out a place for the foundation with a lanyard or garden hose.

2. Mark the edges with a bayonet shovel, dig a trench 80 cm deep.

3. Upper layer soil remove with a shovel, but if the soil is clayey, it is better to use a mini excavator.

4. For strengthening concrete insert a steel reinforcement mesh into the ditch and align it so that it runs along the walls of the trench.

5. Concrete class B 25 mix with a construction mixer, pour into the trench, compact in layers with a hand rammer. Level the mass with a shovel so that the surface of the foundation is flush with the ground.

6. Pull the mooring cord at the same height, so that the laying goes clearly along horizontal line. Mix the mortar and spread over the foundation with a shovel, press down with a trowel. Place a sandstone stone on the foundation, checking for straightness with a level.

7. Install the formwork board at the back in the same way, lay further rows of masonry on the mortar. Using a rubber mallet, drive the stones into the mortar.

8. On the finished wall open the seams with mortar and let dry.

Retaining walls perform not only their direct appointment, preventing the destruction of the slope and the washing out of the fertile layer.

Landscape designers use them to highlight various garden areas, create with their help a multi-level relief, use as decorative elements in flower beds.

Today there are many various options retaining walls, which differ in the material used.

The simplest, not requiring special skills and inexpensive option This is a wooden retaining wall.

What places are suitable for retaining walls made of wood?

A wooden retaining wall can be installed anywhere, the main thing is that there is no dampness, because in damp places there is a rapid destruction of wood. For wetlands, it is better to use other materials.

If the slopes are very steep, it is preferable to make a retaining wall not from wood, but, for example, from stone or concrete due to their greater strength.

Pros and cons of wooden retaining walls

The positives include:

  • low cost;
  • beautiful appearance;
  • environmental Safety;
  • the ability to independently perform all work.

The downside is a relatively short period of use, caused by wood decay in a warm and humid climate.

Material selection for wooden retaining walls

The retaining wall can be made of logs or lumber. The most popular solid walls wooden beam, big choice which each hardware store will provide.

From boards with a thickness of more than 45 mm, decorative walls of small height can be made.

It will help you save the use of old sawn trees and various wood trimmings.

Choice of installation method

There are two types of installation - horizontal and vertical.

The type of laying is determined by the length of the purchased material and the presence of roundings at the future wall.

Long logs allow the use of horizontal laying, which will reduce the construction period and increase the durability of the building.

For walls of a semicircular or zigzag shape, it is best to use a vertical type of laying, which allows the use of trimmings of material of different lengths and thicknesses.

How to extend the life of wood material

Due to decay and harmful insects wooden material may become unusable, which will reduce the time of its use or make it impossible.

Antiseptic treatment of wood, as well as coating it in hot bitumen or used engine oil, will help prevent this.

The use of creosote will save the wood from decay and repel insects. You can impregnate the pillars with various chemicals, for example, iron or copper sulfate.

Rules for self-construction of a retaining wall

  • When building wooden walls, a foundation is not required.
  • The first step is to compact the soil and add gravel to eliminate possible soil deformations that may occur in the future.
  • At each stage, we use the level to check the correct laying of the material.
  • To fasten the bottom row, we use reinforcing bars to prevent the wall from sliding down the slope.
  • A T-bar, called an anchor, will prevent the wall from tilting and deflecting under the weight of the soil.
  • We make a retaining wall with horizontal laying.

To install a retaining wall with horizontal laying, you must:

  • Carry out site marking;
  • Dig a trench thirty centimeters deep;
  • Fill it with 15 cm of gravel or pebbles and tamp;
  • Lay the lower beam using reinforcement;
  • Lay the first row;
  • Continue laying the timber in the second row of the wall;
  • Use geotextile to make drainage;
  • Lay the third row;
  • Install T-shaped anchors;
  • Following the technology, lay the subsequent rows;
  • Decorate the wall after shrinkage.

Retaining wall with vertical laying

If you want to make a retaining wall out of vertical bar, then it is necessary:

Prepare the material you will be using. Most often, logs with a diameter of no more than 20 cm are used. For increased strength, they are all buried half the length.

  • During construction decorative wall of small height, only part of the logs are deeply buried;
  • Carry out site marking;
  • Prepare a trench, the depth of which should be 20 cm more than the planned wall height;
  • Make a bed of gravel with a thickness of about 25 cm and carefully compact it;
  • Install end bar. He will be the standard;
  • The subsequent bars are installed, equal to the extreme;
  • Fasten the wall with horizontal strips, giving strength to the entire structure;
  • Arrange drainage;
  • Only in cases of high loads, install T-anchors.

In this article, you got acquainted with the device of wooden retaining walls. We wish you success in applying the information received to create a unique design for your backyard.

Photo of a retaining wall made of wood

When located suburban area on a hill or near a steep bank of a reservoir, the device is a technical necessity.

For its device, different Construction Materials: natural stones, brick, concrete, wood.

When choosing them, it is important to take into account architectural features. country house and general design the surrounding landscape.

In landscape design, these structures perform the following tasks:

  1. Participate in the zoning of the territory;
  2. Decorative features;
  3. Strengthen the soil;
  4. They create horizontal planes on which planting is possible.

Design features

Retaining walls can be engineering or decorative structures.

In the first, they are arranged to prevent landslides, do not allow the soil mass to collapse or slide from the slope of a hill, ravine or the shore of a reservoir. These are capital structures that require the involvement of specialists.

In the second case, they have only an aesthetic function and are designed to be an adornment of a country exterior.

When choosing a material for a retaining wall, it is important to consider it. strength characteristics, hygroscopicity and the presence of pores. It is recommended to use, and natural stone - their surface has low water absorption and is durable in operation. Concrete is also characterized by high strength, but is inferior to the above materials in terms of aesthetics. Although there modern styles where concrete will look appropriate and harmonious.

Regardless of the purpose of the retaining wall in a certain landscape space, its design is the same for all options - this base and visible part.

Outside, the vertical plane of the structure can be flat or sloped, and with back side it is close to the surface of the soil.

Important! Starting to design a retaining wall, it is necessary to consider how the drainage from the structure will be carried out. The accumulation of moisture on the back side is inevitable.

Wooden retaining wall

The use of wood to create a retaining wall in the landscape involves the construction of a temporary structure or decorative, and extremely short-lived.

Important! Choosing logs for the construction of a wooden retaining wall, you can not save. The material must be of high quality, without damage on the surface and signs of disease. Then it will last longer.

  1. At the bottom of the trench, the depth of which is half the height of the wall being erected, sand and stone are laid;
  2. Part of the wood to be immersed in the ground must be treated with bitumen-based mastic;
  3. To protect the outer part of the wood from the appearance of mold and rot, it must be treated with antiseptic compounds;
  4. Logs are immersed in the moat and connected to each other with metal spirals. The rock is laid in the lower part;
  5. Then a cement-sand mortar is poured into the ditch.

Important! The main enemy of wood is excessive moisture and dampness. Therefore, the combined drainage device must be made from the back of the structure.

Manifold wooden materials allows you to vary decorative effect. Of course, the most popular for creating retaining walls are timber and logs. But they can also be presented creatively:

Concrete retaining wall

Foam blocks

Thanks to the voids inside, they are very comfortable material to create green walls.

The retaining wall should harmoniously fit into the landscape design - materials, color and shape of the enclosing structures and the style decision of the house. Just below are four completely different retaining walls:

The wall should not stand out against the general background and be dominant. A height of half a meter is enough for such a structure.

If the massiveness of the retaining wall structure is due to technical necessity, then its perception can be facilitated by the device ladders, niches or built-in benches. Such complexes require careful planning, but they look just magical.

Original retaining wall with built-in bench:

Plants will become a natural and harmonious decoration of a retaining wall made of natural stone. The arrangement of earthen pockets during masonry allows you to subsequently plant flowers in them. Climbing plants from below and vines lowered from above will add to the overall picture.

Handmade jewelry can also look great. For example, a mosaic:

Photo gallery

25 more retaining wall designs for inspiration, perhaps one of them will serve as a prototype for your own design:
