Why zucchini start to rot on a small bush: reasons and what to do. Why zucchini turn yellow and rot: methods of struggle Why do zucchini rot in a greenhouse

Zucchini is the vegetable crop that is most often grown in most household plots. Ripe fruits are widely used in cooking and are valued for their high content of nutrients. But often summer residents are faced with such a problem as the rotting of this vegetable in the garden.

Therefore, it is necessary to understand in more detail why do zucchini rot in order to prevent the development of this unpleasant process in time.

Characteristic features of zucchini

Zucchini is considered a bushy variety of pumpkin and has oblong fruits without lashes. Such annual crop may have fruits that are green, yellow, white, or even black, depending on the cultivar, which vary in length. The mass of fruits also varies, ranging from 0.3 kg to 0.8 kg.

This vegetable is not overly capricious, but its main feature lies in the fact that he does not tolerate his relatives. That is why it is imperative to change the place of planting zucchini every year so that they grow well and bear excellent fruit.

The ideal soil for growing this vegetable crop is light loamy or fertile sandy loam. It is on such soil that highest yield. But even moderately saline soils are quite suitable for planting. In this case, more attention should be paid to feeding young plantations.

Zucchini is considered a crop with a short growing season. They are quite undemanding to heat, which makes it possible to receive good harvest even in non-chernozem zones. Seedlings develop well even at moderate temperatures, but nevertheless, with a sharp onset of cold weather, seedlings may die. Therefore, the most suitable mode is considered to be 18 - 24 ° C.

Such vegetable crop is very photophilous and absolutely does not tolerate dimming. The ideal place for planting seedlings is considered to be the most sunlit piece of land where there are no other taller plantings.

Zucchini is characterized by resistance to drought due to a powerful root system, so plants are able to develop even when prolonged absence rain. Although the complete absence of watering is undesirable for them, because in this case the yield and quality of the fruit will be noticeably lower.

However, with excellent drought tolerance, zucchini is highly prone to many diseases that affect both the leaves and the fruits directly.

Causes of rotting zucchini

Even if planted in optimal soil, in plantations, the leaves may sometimes dry out or turn yellow, and the ovary and already formed fruits begin to rot. This process may not always indicate disease involvement, so it is necessary to consider all possible reasons why zucchini rot in order to find out which one catalyzed the process.

There are several most common causes that lead to a sharp rotting of the ovary and already formed fruits.

The negative influence of previous crops - zucchini cannot stand the presence of their relatives in appearance, which were planted on the same beds last year, because they take all valuable substances and new squash plantations from the soil, even if they grow, they tend to rot over time fruit and leaf discoloration.

High air humidity - in cool and rainy weather, plants are underpollinated and suffer greatly from adverse weather conditions, therefore, excess moisture causes the rapid spread of rot.

Sometimes the occurrence of the process of fruit decay occurs, on the contrary, due to the abundance in the soil nutrients. Zucchini in such a plot are actively growing and reaching huge size. The bushes grow to such an extent that the sun's rays cannot penetrate deep in order to warm the earth. As a result, they create ideal conditions for the development of the process of decay, because thanks to the shade, the moisture under the plantations cannot dry out.

But besides this, zucchini, like all plants, can suffer from diseases. There are those that cause rotting, and in such cases on the leaves, as well as directly on the fruits themselves, a dangerous white rot.

Rotting control methods

The appearance of rot is a very dangerous process, as a result of which zucchini can completely die. Therefore, depending on the cause that caused the occurrence of this harmful process, it is necessary to immediately take appropriate measures to combat rot.

If the prerequisite for the appearance of rot was planting on initially unsuitable soil, then at the first signs of it, the plants should be sprayed on the leaves with a solution boric acid at the rate of 2 g per 10 liters of water.

In the case when the zucchini began to rot due to excess moisture, it is necessary to feed the bushes with mullein infusion with the addition of ash. At the same time, the soil around the plantations must be loosened, and the rotted parts should be carefully removed immediately.

With an excess of nutrients in the soil, it is important to thin out the plants, remove excess leaves in a timely manner and place small wooden planks under the zucchini.

When the process of decay is caused by a disease, especially powdery mildew, you should use such chemicals like "Topaz" or "Thiovit", which you need to carefully spray the plants.

Often, the ovaries themselves on zucchini begin to slowly rot. But, such a problem is solved with almost no losses for zucchini. You simply cut off these ovaries that have already begun to rot, and that's it. There are usually few such already affected ovaries, 3, 4 or a little more. If you remove this little ovary, then this will not affect the yield of zucchini at all, if everything goes well. After all, the number of ovaries on zucchini is usually quite large. It is much worse when the zucchini begins to rot, which is called "on the bush." Here everything will be more difficult.

  • If this year you are faced with rotting zucchini, then perhaps you also placed beds with zucchini here last year. But, like many popular vegetables in our gardens, zucchini must be planted in different places. Of course, they can be returned to their original place, but they can only return there after 4 or 5 years. Basically, this is the main reason for their decay, because it is known that zucchini “does not strain” with special vagaries of gardeners. In addition to the zucchini themselves, it is better that cucumbers, as well as melons or watermelons, that is, all those cultures that are in a certain relationship with zucchini, are not their predecessors. So it is better to change the place for growing zucchini more often.
  • Of course, the re-planting of zucchini in the same place for the 2nd year is not at all the only reason for the appearance of such decay on the fruits. Same from excess moisture may also lead to this. And excess moisture appears naturally, that is, from frequent rains or from our excessive zeal when watering. And it will be enough to water them only once a whole month. True, in this case, approximately 20 liters of water should be poured, only on one plant. Everything, then you can again forget about zucchini for a month. In this case, it is necessary to water not from above, but always under the root. And do not pour from a bucket or from a watering can with strong pressure so as not to wash out the roots, which can also affect the plant.
  • If you water correctly, and the zucchini still rot, then there is much more moisture in the soil than the zucchini needs. Here comes the usual waterlogging. And where there is a lot of moisture, rot is a common phenomenon and not only for zucchini. It is unlikely that it will be possible to dry the soil here, it remains only to wait for good weather, which can solve this problem. Although, if you cannot stay idle and there is a desire to do at least something to save your crop, then you can loosen the soil around the zucchini. At the same time, it is better not to touch the weeds, because loosening and weeds will help to quickly draw moisture out of the soil. Rather, the weeds themselves also need moisture for growth, which means that the zucchini will get less of it. Also, do not forget to remove from the beds those fruits that have already deteriorated. You can remove some of the old leaves, then the entire zucchini bush will be better ventilated. And those fruits that are not yet affected by rot can also try to save. Just find small planks and place them under these healthy fruits. So they will not lie on the ground and perhaps rot will not hit them, and they will have time to ripen.
  • It also happens that the soil on the site is excessively rich. useful substances. It is in such areas that everything grows very actively, and zucchini will grow on such soils even more so. In this case, growth is excessive. The bush grows, and the sun no longer penetrates into its depths, which is exactly what rot is needed for. Shade and moisture are ideal for its occurrence. Here, again, the zucchini bushes need to be thinned out, that is, remove excess leaves and it is also better to put suitable boards under the zucchini.
  • Like all plants, zucchini can get sick, and these diseases often cause rotting. Of course, many cultures can envy the health of zucchini, because they do not get sick often. But still, the same powdery mildew or white rot sometimes appears on zucchini. If these diseases hit the bush, then on the leaves and on the fruits themselves will appear white coating. The same plaque, then already leaves some “depression” (which appears in spots) on the fruits themselves. Here we already have to turn to chemistry, but this must be done carefully. It should be used only if there is at least a month before the full ripening of the fruits on the zucchini. You can use "Topaz" or "Ridomil" to spray zucchini. The drug "Thiovit" is also suitable. But, remember the processing time - at least a month before ripening!
  • In addition, one more piece of advice, all the flowers that have already wilted on the zucchini after the ovary, it is better to remove them altogether. Otherwise, they begin to collect unnecessary moisture in themselves, and this can already lead to decay of the fetus itself. And so that the fetus itself does not begin to rot, after removal withered flower, it is better to rub its tip (which was in contact with the flower)

There is no such gardener who, when growing zucchini, has never encountered the problem of fruit rotting. This trouble happens both in the sunny south and in Siberia. And in order to fight it, you first need to find out the reasons.

Unsuitable climate for zucchini

The fruits of zucchini rot in damp and cool weather, as well as due to sudden changes in daily temperatures. Indeed, in many regions it happens that during the day the heat is over +30 °C, and at night the temperature drops to +15 °C and even +10 °C. For zucchini, this is a stressful situation, immunity decreases, they become vulnerable to diseases - rot.

We cannot change the weather, but we can protect the plants:

  • Cover the zucchini at night with agrofiber, and in rainy weather, build a visor from the film. You can grow this crop under arcs, changing the covering material depending on the weather.

    A greenhouse will help protect zucchini from bad weather

  • Raise the temperature near the ground at night will help ordinary plastic bottles with water or bricks. Spread these heat accumulators around the bushes. During the day, they themselves will heat up in the sun, and at night they will warm the space around.

    The simplest heat accumulators - plastic bottles

  • Mulch will protect from cold and damp earth. Zucchini will lie on dry bedding, the risk of rotting will decrease. In addition, the mulch does not allow the soil to become very hot during the day and quickly cool down at night, which means it levels the difference in daily temperatures.

    Mulch protects against damp and cold ground

Wrong watering

Many people water zucchini like cucumbers every day. But zucchini have more powerful bushes and root system. Watering should be less frequent - once every 2-3 days, but more abundant - up to a bucket under a bush. Water only with water heated in the sun and in such a way that the bushes and the ground under them have time to ventilate before the night coolness sets in. Watering cold water late at night, and even every day, you yourself create favorable conditions for rot.

Improper watering and humidity inside the bush lead to the development of gray mold of the fruit.

Extra leaves and faded buds

Over time, the lower leaves of the zucchini begin to turn yellow and die off. They rot and, of course, the fungi pass to the still tender skin of the ovaries. Be sure to go to the bush once a week with a knife or pruner and remove the leaves lying on the ground.

Clean up the leaves on the ground

Another source of trouble is faded buds that remain on the spouts of young zucchini. During watering or rain, they absorb water like sponges, rot themselves and infect the fruits. Look through the squash bushes and remove such flowers. But in no case do not remove live, still elastic and brightly colored. Perhaps the ovary has not yet pollinated, you will remove the reproductive organs and deprive yourself of the zucchini.

The flower after pollination did not fall off, rotted and infected the fruit

Poor pollination

The flowers of the zucchini are large, but the leaves are even larger, so pollinating insects often cannot get to the cherished nectar, they fly around thick bushes, looking for easier prey. As a result, the flowers are not pollinated, and the plant gets rid of such ovaries, they rot. Therefore, periodically it is necessary to remove not only the lower old leaves, but also the young ones that grow in the center and cover the flowers. The advantage of such an event is also that the ovaries begin to be well ventilated, bask in the sun, and receive more light.

Remove the leaves that cover the flowers

Unbalanced top dressing

Here again, the conventional wisdom interferes that zucchini should be fed, like cucumbers, with organic matter. Indeed, this culture has a powerful leaf apparatus and it needs to be supported with nitrogen fertilizing. But if nitrogen predominates in the fertilizer, then all green tissues, including the skin of the fruit, become juicy, loose, vulnerable to disease. Top dressing should also contain potassium, phosphorus, trace elements. Iodine and boron are especially important, they play an important role in budding and fruit set. Therefore, it is not necessary to pour infusions of litter, mullein or nettle under zucchini in buckets, it is better to buy a complex mixture for pumpkin, containing trace elements.

Ash - natural potassium-phosphorus fertilizer

Video: zucchini rot, what to do

There are several reasons for rotting zucchini, you need to choose the one that suits your case and eliminate it. Better yet, take a set of measures: protect the plants from bad weather, water them properly, feed them, prevent the bush from thickening, remove sluggish and rotting flowers in time. Then the fruit rot will recede, and the zucchini will thank you with a good harvest.

Perhaps my tips will help out at least some novice gardeners trying to find the right way to grow this crop.

Are zucchini rotting? Let's help!

So with rotting squash fruit I encountered a long time ago.

After several disastrous squash seasons, of course, I came to the simplest conclusion: excess moisture in the soil is to blame for everything. planted on high beds, very rarely watered and only under the very roots, and very warm water. Nothing helped - the fruits still rotted.

Then I began to analyze how this happens. Of course, it was possible to simply tear off the rotten fruit and throw it away (I used to do just that), but I felt sorry for my labors.

I don’t know about other summer residents, but I am so very worried about all my plants and I look forward to when they start giving me their gifts. I remembered that the flowers, or rather, the stamens in them, are the first to begin to rot. What if you cut them off? And he began to tear off, or rather, remove the pollinated and already closed flowers (one of these is shown in the photo - the rightmost one).

My strong advice to all gardeners: just don’t pick a flower ahead of time! It should wither and spin well, ripen, darken. If you pick it earlier, the zucchini will definitely fade.

Sometimes, even when I removed a spoiled flower in time, I found that the fruit had already had time to rot: its nose would warm up or even begin to “snot and curl”. What could be done here? Well, of course, the first thing that comes to mind is to try to rid him of the "cold", that is, to clean the zucchini from decay. And how to do it? I needed some kind of soft grater. Where to get? Yes, here it is, on the very bush and grows - this is a zucchini leaf! I tilted the stem and with the reverse, rough side of the leaf, carefully cleaned off the necrotic tissues and mucus from the fetus - I wiped its nose down to living tissues.

And after that, he very soon became covered with a clean "dew" (almost like a human wound is covered with lymph). One could guess that this "dew" is capable of causing rotting again. So, we had to somehow get rid of her.

Healing "filling" for zucchini

I decided to try to do it with the help of cement: I poured it into my palm and dipped the zucchini in it. The cement instantly stuck to the wound on the fetus and absorbed all the dampness from it. He carefully lowered the fruit back to the garden bed and covered it from the top with its own foliage from possible rain or night dew.

And what was my surprise (and even joy) when after a couple of days it became clear that the zucchini had recovered! It was noticeable by the fact that he had grown a little. The cement, of course, crumbled, but the spout was covered with a new light skin, though a little wrinkled. But after a few days, she leveled off, and the fetus grew even more. Hooray! The healing succeeded.

Then I began to use sifted dry ash and even dry earth (dust) instead of cement. It worked out well too. There was very little mucus on the nose, you can just peel it off with a leaf and sprinkle nothing on it - the zucchini will still get better.

However, attentive readers may ask me: spouts, graters and flowers are all great. But what causes decay? How to avoid it? And I have to admit that I don't know for sure.

Perhaps this comes from nitrogen supplements, or maybe something else affects. If we move on to specifics, then I don’t like it when zucchini lie on damp ground (especially when they stick their noses into it). He began to put dry leaves or grass under them. They are not at hand - I pluck a fresh one and lay it out.

Sometimes I bend one squash stem with a leaf, which I fold four times and lay, without tearing off, with the rough side under the zucchini. I will not say that this is a panacea, but the number of rotten fruits I have noticeably decreased.

And one more curious moment. In rainy weather, when there is water in the unclosed cups of flowers (and in closed ones too), I bend the lower petals down so that all excess liquid flows out of the flowers. The same photo shows that a similar operation has just been carried out with the leftmost flower (by the way, this is how my zucchini looked like last year in October, and even without shelter).

With all this, I have to admit that even if you use these tips, this does not mean that you will completely save all the zucchini, do not be offended: just anything happens in the garden.

That's it. Health to all, strength for work and help for good deeds.
