How to turn off auto-update apps on your smartphone. How to prevent automatic updates of installed applications on Android in the settings

By default, Android games and programs are automatically updated. As soon as the smartphone connects to Wi-Fi, the system checks for updates for all applications and starts installing them.

The problem is that on weak devices, background downloading and installing updates greatly affect performance. In addition, the new version may be worse than the previous one - you have definitely seen such complaints among user reviews.

Not only applications can be updated, but also the system itself. If you want to control this process, in the settings.

Disabling auto-update

Launch the Play Market app. Swipe from the left side of the screen or click on the button with three stripes in the search bar. Go to "Settings".

Open notification settings. Make sure update notification is turned on. If they are disabled, then you will only know about the new version of the application by opening its page on Google Play. Then go back to "Settings" and open the "Auto-update apps" section. Select "Never".

It is not necessary to turn off automatic updating of all programs - you can do this. Call the menu with a swipe to the right and go to the "My apps and games" section. Open the Installed tab and select the app for which you want to turn off auto-update. Click on the button in the form of three dots in the upper right corner and uncheck "Auto-update".

If you disable automatic updates for individual applications, leave the Play Market settings set to "Only via Wi-Fi" so that other games and programs download updates on their own.

Manual update

If you have turned on update notifications in the Play Market settings, then after receiving the notification, it will be enough to click on it to open the application page and see what the new version offers. Agree with the installation - click "Update".

You can check for updates yourself through the Play Market application. In the "My apps and games" section there is an "Updates" tab, which collects all the updates available for download. You can update all games and programs at once, or select individual applications and install their new versions gradually.

Many users install new applications from the Play Market on their Android smartphone. It happens that a user suddenly notices that a friend has exactly the same application that does not work the same way as he does. More precisely, in the application, a friend has new features and features, but for some reason our user does not have them. The user has great doubts that he is using the updated application of the latest version. The question arises, how to update the application on Android?

Rice. 7. Click "Accept" to grant permission to Yandex.Mail to use device resources

Click "Accept", the application update starts, it will take some time.

You can find out which applications are updated and which are not in the Play Market, the "My applications" option, the "Updates" tab:

Rice. 8. Message in the Play Market that the Yandex.Mail application has been updated

Setting up update notifications

It happens that update messages come completely out of place and there is a desire to turn them off. You can turn off the sound that occurs when such updates appear, or block them from receiving them.

To turn off notifications, you need to open the Play Market settings. To do this, follow the steps described above in Figures 1-3. When the “My apps and games” option is opened on the Android smartphone, you need to scroll (scroll) the window down so that the “Settings” appear (Fig. 9):

Rice. 9. Play Market settings

Open the "Settings" of the Google Play Market, and click "Notifications" (1 in Fig. 10):

Rice. 10. Update notification settings. Application auto-update settings.

Having opened "Notifications", we check the checkboxes. If you do NOT want to receive notifications about the availability of updates for applications, you must uncheck the box next to "Updates" (1 in Fig. 11). Also in this case, you should uncheck the box next to "Automatic update" (2 in Fig. 11):

Rice. 11. Check / uncheck the checkboxes for update notifications and for auto-update applications

If the checkboxes are unchecked, then notifications about the availability of updates and about automatic updates should not come.

Set up auto-update applications to save Internet traffic

Everyone chooses the settings for auto-updates of applications for himself. On fig. 12 "Only via Wi-Fi" is selected. It is convenient to update applications. I already have a sad experience when the mobile traffic limit ends quickly and completely unexpectedly. However, Wi-Fi is not ubiquitous and widespread, so you have to think about the consumption of Internet traffic and choose the appropriate settings.

Rice. 12. Application auto-update settings

Useful information about app updates in compressed form can also be found in Google help:

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Applications (built-in and installed by the user) are what a smartphone is generally bought for. They, in turn, download updates from time to time either automatically or ask the user to perform the appropriate action (depending on the settings).


Updating apps on Android is a procedure that is highly recommended. There are several reasons for this. The main one is that any software is not perfect. This is especially true for new or relatively new applications. Their developers strive to publish the product as soon as possible so that someone else does not get ahead and “roll out” software with similar capabilities. Such software has relatively few features, but more importantly, it has a large number of bugs that can make it slow and unstable.

Any software is imperfect. Even applications developed by large companies (for example, Google), which have been on the Play Market for a long time, have security problems. It is impossible to catch all such errors, you can only close the discovered holes in time, which can lead, for example, to the theft of passwords from websites or unauthorized access to the address book.

Do all apps need to be updated periodically?

Updating Android, as well as all applications installed on it, is highly recommended. This must be done for the reasons already described above.
But still, you can refuse to update some programs. For example, this applies to applications that:

  • do not go online;
  • do not read the contact list;
  • cannot write anything to the memory card;
  • cannot send SMS.

There are many such programs. For example, they may include "flashlight" and "compass". If they work well, then it is absolutely not necessary to update them.
Other applications can also not be updated until a certain time. But for this you need to read the descriptions of the patches. If they say that updates, for example, close critical vulnerabilities, then it is mandatory to install; if they solve the problem with excessive memory consumption, it is recommended to install it (if the current operation of the application suits, then you can postpone it); if with the installation of patches in the application only new functions appear that you can do without, you can not install it.

On Android, you can uninstall updates that have already been installed. However, the corresponding feature is only available for applications that were pre-installed in the system, for example: YouTube, Google Chrome, Gmail, etc.

When updates are deleted, the application does not roll back to the previous version, but returns to the state in which it was on the device when it was activated.

To do this, you need to perform a number of simple steps:

  1. go to phone settings;
  2. find the item "Application Manager";
  3. select the desired application from the proposed list;
  4. Click "Stop" and then "Uninstall updates".

After performing the appropriate actions, all updates of the selected application will be deleted, and the program will return to its original state (for example, Chrome 57 version will become Chrome 49 version).
If for some reason you need to return the old version of a third-party program, you will have to download it from the appropriate sites on the Internet. But at the same time, you should be very careful, because on many resources through which Android programs are distributed, applications contain malicious code. Therefore, it is better to download them from more or less trusted sources, for example, But even in this case, you need to analyze the posts of members of the forum in the relevant topics - familiarizing yourself with them will help reduce the risk of infection of the system.

We prohibit updating applications on Android

Some users of Android smartphones may need to disable app updates, for example, due to the presence of traffic restrictions in the tariff of the mobile operator. It is not very difficult to do this. For this you need:

  1. go to the Play Market;
  2. expand the side menu;
  3. select "Settings";
  4. tap on the item "Auto-update applications";
  5. select “Never” from the proposed list (or “only via Wi-Fi”, if you still want to install patches for programs in automatic mode if you have an unlimited network connection).

You can also check or uncheck the box next to Notifications. If it is installed, Google Play will announce the release of new versions of programs, but will not install them automatically.

Cancel app update on Android

If, suddenly, some application decided to download a patch, but there is no desire for it to be updated, you will need to interrupt the download. One of the easiest ways to do this is as follows:

  1. open the notification curtain;
  2. find the application that is being updated;
  3. make a long tap on the corresponding item;
  4. in the menu that appears, select "About the application" and tap on it;
  5. on the screen that opens, click on "Erase data".

Update Android apps manually

Updating an Android app manually is very easy. To do this, go to the Play Market, select the desired program and click on the "Update" button. If new patches are available for the application, the download and installation process will begin, after which the application will be updated to the latest version.

How to turn off automatic updates of one Android application

To prevent a specific application from auto-updating, you need to:

  1. open Google Play;
  2. select "My apps and games" from the side menu;
  3. choose the program of interest;
  4. press the key that is responsible for calling the menu;
  5. in the menu that appears, uncheck the box next to the "Auto-update" item.

Now the selected application will not download patches, but other programs will be able to update automatically.

After updating Android, all or some apps may stop working (although this is an uncommon problem). To try and make them work again, you can either reinstall them (the preferred option) or clear their cache. The second can be done like this:

  1. go to settings;
  2. select "Memory";
  3. select the item "Application data ...";
  4. find and select the desired program;
  5. click on "Erase data".

After that, the program with which the work was done may work. If the methods described above did not help, you will need to either restore the device from the backup made (if any), or reflash the phone. You can also try resetting your device.

The ability of Android to update installed utilities without the user noticing is not always useful, so many, when starting to use a new device, first of all turn off this feature of the mobile OS. Next, we will tell you how to disable automatic application updates, while retaining the main functionality of the device, and also describe the steps to disable autorun of installed utilities.

Disabling auto-update of installed utilities

To disable app updates from the Google Store, you need to follow a few simple steps:

  1. Open the Play Market utility on your mobile device.
  2. Call up the application menu (pulled out with a finger on the left side of the touch screen).
  3. Open the settings section.
  4. In the first item for auto-updating applications, select "never" or "only via Wi-Fi".

You can either turn off auto-update completely or partially, making it available only when your gadget is connected to a free Wi-Fi network. But even in the first case, you can update any utility manually.

For each application selected by the user, it is also possible to turn off notifications about the need to upgrade the utility, otherwise the system will periodically remind you of this. Consider how to disable autoload along with notifications:

  1. Select the line "only via Wi-Fi" in the "Auto-update applications";
  2. In the Play Market, open the application whose reminders you want to turn off;
  3. Press the "Menu" button on your smartphone and uncheck the box next to the auto-update line in the tooltip.

After that, the utility will not periodically remind and update itself.

To save traffic, it is important to know not only how to disable updates on Android, but also how to disable synchronization with various services periodically used by the OS. Disabling all applications from updates, you can deal with the services of gmail, gtalk, etc. Moreover, the latter will only work at the request of the user, and not in accordance with their internal settings. For this:

  1. Go to the settings directory of your gadget and find the "Accounts and sync" section.
  2. In the section next to the "Background" line, uncheck the box. This will turn off all useless background syncs that consume data and battery power.

Disabling auto-sync accounts for Android versions 4.x is a little different:

  1. In the device menu, open "Settings", then - "Mobile data usage";
  2. On your smartphone, press the "Options" button (usually the left one);
  3. Uncheck the box next to the "Auto sync data" line.

In Android version 5, turning off auto-sync occurs in a similar way, only in the "Settings" you need to select not the section for using mobile data, but "Accounts".

In a phone or tablet, not only installed utilities, but also the system itself can be upgraded. Each new version of it "weights" more and more, so some devices for which this update is applicable may start to work more slowly or experience a lack of memory. Therefore, we will describe how to disable the update of the operating system itself:

We looked at how to disable updates on Android, but if you want to receive notifications about the possibility of upgrading the firmware, you can check the item according to which the system will first ask the user about the need for this action.

To save traffic and resources of the gadget, you can not only exclude updating applications on Android, but also introduce additional restrictions related to autorun for installed utilities. Note, however, that the system itself does not provide this opportunity, so it becomes necessary to use third-party programs. Moreover, the gadget will require root access, which leads to a loss of warranty.

Nevertheless, consider how to disable auto-start applications on Android:

It happens that users are looking on the Internet for how the procedure for banning app updates on Android goes.

The fact is that many programs are updated very often and because of this, too much traffic is spent.

In addition, in some cases, the upgrade leads to the fact that the software only gets worse, not better. Therefore, it is worth considering the banning process.

Procedure for disabling upgrades

To prevent the device from running a check for updates, you must use . This is done as follows:

1 Open the program play market. It is usually located on the desktop. Even if you use some launcher, you will still find this application.

3 In the open menu, select "Settings". It is located at the bottom, under the sections, account settings and wishlist.

4 In the settings at the top is the "General" section. There is a point "Auto-update apps". Actually, it means a constant check for updates and their automatic installation if available. Click on this item.

5 Another menu will open, where there are three options for further action."Never", "Always" and "Only via WiFi". Choose the first option. That's all, now upgrades will never happen.

By the way, if the only problem is that too much traffic is spent on upgrades, you can check the box next to the option "Only via WiFi". Then, before checking for new versions of programs, the system will also check for . If so, further actions will be performed, i.e. verification and installation.

But if you don’t need such an opportunity in principle and which are now on your device, it is better to choose the option "Never".

Even with the ban set, sometimes it becomes necessary to update some software. In this case, too, there is a certain procedure.

How to update software when a ban is set

So, you turned off auto-update, but something started to work wrong. Or some part of the functionality does not work the way you want, but everything is fixed in the new version.

Then you should check their presence manually. It's done like this:

  • Reopen the app play market and open the function menu (by swipe on the left).
  • Open the item there "My apps and games". There, by default, the "Updates" tab will be opened. If this is not the case, go to this tab.
  • Next, the system will check for the availability of upgrades and the possibility of installing them. If there is something, you will see the name of the program and the button "Update" near him. This will display the entire list of software, new versions of which can be installed. There will also be a button at the top. "Update All". It will do this with all the programs in the list below.

In addition, you can do it in another way - go to (in the settings), open the one you need and click on the corresponding button there.

Step by step, this process is as follows:

  • In the same way, in the menu go to "My apps and games" but now go to the tab "Installed".
  • You will see the entire list of installed programs. If an application cannot be updated, there will be a button next to it "Open", and if possible, "Update". Everything is quite simple.

By the way, with this list You can prevent the installation of updates for some programs and allow others.

Prohibition and permission of upgrades of specific software

To do this, do this:

1 Click on the name of a specific program in the list of installed(via Play Market, "My apps and games" and tab "Installed"). It is important that you click on the title and not on the button.

2 On the program page, click on the additional functions button. It is located in the upper right corner. After opening it, you will see the only function − "Auto update". You can put a tick next to this inscription or uncheck it. The first action will allow checking for new versions and installing them, and the second will disable them. Everything is quite simple.

If your problem is that you only want to install certain newer versions, you can enable update notifications. This is very convenient, since the user will be able to choose whether to install a specific upgrade or not.
