How to restore default settings on lumia 830. How to delete everything in nokia lumia

  • Before selling the device, or when transferring it to another person.
  • To change the main account.
  • When malfunctions or errors occur in pre-installed applications, or in the operating system itself.
  • If you lose your password or PIN to unlock your device's screen.
  • After installing major updates for the OS or firmware.
  • After stealing a smartphone.

    How to factory reset Windows Phone 8.1 and 10 Mobile

    For smartphones with Windows Phone 8.1 and 10 Mobile, there are several reset options - using OS settings and physical buttons. Since the first method differs in the sequence of actions, separate instructions are written for each of the mentioned versions of the tiled OS. It also describes general options for returning factory settings using the Microsoft Account site and hardware keys. The latter is relevant for those cases when there is no way to get into the system. This may be due to both malfunctions in the "OS" and a trite forgotten PIN code or password set on the lock screen. By the way, in the latter case, instead of “demolishing” all the settings, you should immediately try it with the help of a small separate guide.

    If possible, before performing a system reset procedure, do the following:

  • Transfer data from the internal drive to an external drive or to another device.
  • Create a backup of your device. It will store messages, data from applications, system settings, accounts and passwords.
  • Charge your phone battery to at least 60%. The rollback procedure can "eat" a decent percentage of the charge.

    Factory reset in Windows Phone 8.1

    Instructions for Windows 10 Mobile

    Remote reset

    If your smartphone is stolen and you don't want an attacker to get all your files and data, try resetting your device to factory settings remotely. True, you will be able to do this only if the device is connected to the Internet and the location is activated in its parameters.

    Using hardware keys

    Video: how to return smartphones to Windows Background 8.1 and 10 to factory settings

    Resetting the settings is a universal tool that allows you to put your smartphone software in order, resume access to all its functions after unsuccessful experiments with installing additional system lock protections, prepare the device for transfer to another person in one fell swoop, or make it so that an outsider cannot get hold of the information stored in his memory. This article describes all the main ways to restore factory settings. We hope that at least one of them was useful to you.

  • Before selling the device, or when transferring it to another person.
  • To change the main account.
  • When malfunctions or errors occur in pre-installed applications, or in the operating system itself.
  • If you lose your password or PIN to unlock your device's screen.
  • After installing major updates for the OS or firmware.
  • After stealing a smartphone.

    How to factory reset Windows Phone 8.1 and 10 Mobile

    3. Applications + settings

    4. Create a backup

    Backup to the cloud (optional) - Windows 10 Mobile

    1. Go to Options

    2. System backup

    3. Other settings

    4. Create a backup

    Hard reset on Windows Phone 8.1

    1. Go to Options

    2. Go to About device

    4. Click ‘Yes’

    Hard reset on Windows 10 Mobile

    1. Go to Options

    2. Go to About device

    3. Scroll to 'Reset Phone'

    4. Click ‘Yes’

    You can also choose not to erase the contents of your SD card to keep all your music, photos and videos.

    How to Hard Reset - Tips (Lumia)

    This method is good for non-flashed OS

    1. Turn off your phone

    2. Press the power button to turn on the phone

    3. When the phone vibrates, immediately press and hold the volume down key.

    4. Release the key when (“!”) appears on the display

    5. Connect your phone to the charger to complete the reset process.

    Do everything in order: nothing will change if you do the items out of order.

    1. Press the volume up key

    2. Press the volume down key

    3. Press the power button

    4. Press the volume down button

    The phone will automatically reset.

    During the reset, the display will spin two gears for about 5 minutes, after which everything will disappear for about 30 seconds.

    Reset will erase all user data, although resetting your SD card is configurable.

    Is it worth it to recover?

    So, the next question is - is it worth restoring the system? Do you want to return all settings and saves to your Windows Phone?

    You certainly can get something unpredictable. If necessary, try this method. Personally, I would start over and reinstall applications, restore accounts. If you have a micro SD, all your photos and music will be back to you with the new OS, saving you a lot of time.

    Also keep OneDrive in mind when saving photos and videos.


    The last question you may be wondering is when should you do this reset. You could upgrade to Windows 10 Mobile and do it right away - that's the best option. Optionally, you can erase everything on your current OS version and then upgrade.

    Or you can wipe everything on this version of the OS, upgrade, and then do a hard reset again. I think the last option will be final. But I don't think it's necessary.

    Finally, I'm not sure if you need to do all of the above with every Windows 10 Mobile build. From my experience, the transition from 8.1 to 10 is already a responsible step, but constant updates of the latter are not so necessary.

    Important: If your Windows 10 Mobile is slow, the Start Screen takes a long time to load, and certain apps won't open, then you'll want to try a hard reset.

    Have you tried factory reset while using Windows 10 Mobile? Do you recommend it? Let us know in the comments how it all went.

    If your smartphone started to glitch, blunt, or even stopped turning on at all, one of the surest ways to restore normal operation is to reset Windows Phone settings. Factory settings Windows background can be restored in two ways - from the system and from the recovery mode.

    What is Windows Phone Factory Reset

    When resetting Windows background is mentioned, many people think that this operation simply restores Windows background to factory settings without affecting user data. That is, it simply sets the standard ringtone, etc. This is not so!

    Resetting Windows Phone restores the smartphone to the "Out of the box" state. That is, absolutely all user data is deleted, including photos, SMS, contacts, in general, everything. Before resetting to Windows background, be sure to back up important files and data.

    How to reset on Windows Phone from the system

    If your smartphone just started to fail, or gives any errors, then you can restore the factory settings of the Windows background from the system settings.

    If your smartphone does not turn on, proceed to the next reset method.

    • Swipe on the home screen and open the list of all applications
    • Open "Options"
    • Go to System - Device Information - Factory Reset
    • Before the reset, the system will ask you twice if you are sure that you want to reset the settings to Windows background, confirm the requests
    • Wait until the smartphone turns on completely (it may take up to 10 minutes)

    Ready! You have reset your windows background to factory settings. Are you satisfied with the result? Share your impressions of the phone "out of the box" in the comments!

    How to reset windows phone from off state

    In Windows Phone OS, there are fatal errors that prevent the smartphone from booting.

    If your phone is frozen on the logo or simply does not respond to your gestures in the booted system, do a factory reset.

    • Press and hold the Volume down + Power buttons for 10-15 seconds, until vibration
    • As soon as the phone vibrates, release both buttons and immediately hold down the Volume Down. Hold the button until an exclamation mark appears
    • When an exclamation mark appears, press the buttons in order:
      1. Volume up
      2. Volume down
      3. Inclusion
      4. Volume down
    • After that, Windows Phone reset will begin, wait for the process to finish

    That's how easy it is to restore the factory settings of Windows background. Did you succeed? Share your experience in the comments!

  • Sooner or later, each of us has to do factory reset in nokia lumia. And there are many reasons for this action. However, most often, it is done in order to clear the memory of the smartphone.

    Unfortunately, over time, our beloved phone accumulates a lot of garbage that is stored in the device's memory. And, alas, it cannot be deleted by pressing some special button, since it simply does not exist.

    Many owners of WP-smartphones face such a problem when, when installing a game or some application, they see an inscription on the phone screen that says that there is no place on the device to install the application. What to do in this case? The answer is quite simple, you need to know how to delete everything in nokia lumia, that is, how to do a factory reset on Windows Phone. And now I will try to tell you step by step and show how to do it all the same.

    If important information is stored in the phone’s memory, or content (photos, documents, music, videos) - all this should be copied to a computer. After all, after the reset, everything that is on the phone is deleted without the possibility of recovery (nothing is deleted from the flash drive!). Have you connected your phone to your computer and transferred everything you need? - Fine! Now you can start cleaning.

    Go to the phone settings, where you need to find the "device information" item.

    At this point, you will see the "reset settings" button.

    After clicking on the gadget screen, a warning will appear that all personal content will be deleted. We press "yes".

    Then the process of deleting everything that is on the smartphone will begin. Naturally, this may take some time.

    After successful cleaning, your Lumiya will return to its original settings and will reboot. Well, then, further, everything is as it was from the very beginning, as soon as you purchased a smartphone. More precisely, not really, because you already have a Microsoft account. Enter your username and password and download everything you need from the store.

    By the way, you don't have to worry about your phone book (contacts), because they are all stored in your account. In other words, after authorization, all those numbers that were recorded in the phone will reappear in contacts.

    Now you know how to clear memory in nokia lumia. Right now, you can download new apps and toys to your essential smartphone.

    Sep 17, 2014 mRelby

    Many consider such an operation a method of restoring only those parameters that have been changed in the phone settings. For those who really think so, please read the article to the end.

    ATTENTION!!! Resetting your phone completely erases all data on it, including music, pictures, personal data and contacts. All ad sites strongly recommend removing the SIM card from the device, as well as the memory card in order to avoid overwriting the necessary files. You can also make a backup copy of applications to save progress and other necessary data. However, this procedure is carried out not without reason. Perhaps the phone crashed repeatedly or the application crashed at startup. If on windows phone 8 factory reset really needed, then it is carried out as follows:

    • settings;
    • device information and select "Reset settings";
    • agree with the warnings by clicking "Yes" twice;
    • it remains only to wait for the phone to reboot.

    There are times when freezes simply do not allow you to perform the reset operation from the menu. In this case, you can apply hardware methods that allow you to perform the necessary procedure using hot keys. For Nokia Lumia and a few other models, you need to do the following:

    • press and hold the volume down + power key for 10-15 seconds. Before the appearance of a slight vibration;
    • when this happens, immediately press and hold the volume down key until a large exclamation mark appears;
    • after that, the final stage - press successively: volume up + volume down + power + volume down.

    Voila, now you know the quick way. factory reset windows phone lumia.

    Some devices differ slightly in the order in which this procedure is carried out. Key combinations, the sequence of their pressing and other parameters can change. It would be best to refer to the instructions for the purchased phone. If there is a Russian version there, then there will be no problems. In the case of the presence of only the English version, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the rules for such an operation on an external resource or on the official Microsoft website.

    Now you are invited to find out how it is carried out on htc windows phone factory reset and in what cases you should not panic when performing this action. So let's get started:

    1. We turn off the phone.
    2. when the screen is off, press and hold simultaneously: power button + volume down + camera button. There should be a slight vibration;
    3. As soon as this happened, release the power button, continuing to hold the other two for about 5-7 seconds.
    4. After this time, release the buttons, the phone will start to boot, the HTC logo will appear, then two gears that spin.

    ATTENTION!!! Do not be afraid of the length of the process. It can last about two hours, so before carrying out the manipulations, fully charge the phone, and during the execution - do not touch any buttons.

    Do I need a password to reset windows phone?

    In the case when the device was purchased from hand, it is possible that the previous owner set a reset password. In this case, you will not be able to perform the procedure from a running device. You will need to resort to hardware reset. Then the password should not be required.

    The fact is that, as you already understood, it is not so easy to carry out the reset procedure using burning keys, so the restriction on it has been removed, but even a child can do this from the system, which is why a password is set.

    Do not rush to run to the nearest service center, because reset windows phone 8 1 as simple as in previous versions. The control keys haven't changed, so if you've moved to a newer OS, don't worry, you can always go back and rebuild a clean smartphone experience. As you already understood, the stages of carrying out an operation of this kind between firmware versions do not change. It is enough to remember the combination for one phone and use it in cases where there is simply no other option.

    The only thing that can change is the combination when changing the generation of the phone. On the latest version, which will be released towards the beginning of 2016, factory reset windows phone 10 might be a little different. However, this is not a fact. Perhaps the T-shirts will be able to learn a useful lesson for themselves and leave the universality of this process at the level that it is now. For an ordinary user, this will be a great opportunity to help at any time in an emergency.

    Every Windows 10 Mobile Preview release comes with various bugs and glitches. They are constantly annoying and prevent you from properly using your smartphone on a day-to-day basis. Observing various builds led us to one interesting conclusion: for the best performance builds of Windows 10 Mobile, always reset your device.

    And before you start to resent why this is so and what kind of nonsense it is, we assure you that there is nothing supernatural in this. Since you have already installed Windows 10 Mobile Insider Preview for yourself, then you should be prepared for a minimum of bugs or resetting the settings and a maximum of scaling your smartphone and flashing it further. So it's normal practice. Testing is not easy and only for the desperate.

    On the other hand, if you're satisfied with how Insider Builds work on your phone, you can leave it as it is and don't reset. This is entirely on a voluntary basis. We are just sharing our observations, because in almost all cases, our smartphones worked much faster after a complete reset of Windows 10 Mobile.

    To make the transition to Windows 10 Mobile and reset (if necessary) as smooth as possible, here are a couple of tips:

    1. Make a backup of your device. Go to settings - backups - create a backup copy (Windows Phone 8.1). This will allow you to quickly restore your apps and settings after a reset. On Windows 10 Mobile, go to settings - backup - advanced - create a backup.
    2. Perform a factory reset. On Windows Phone 8.1, go to settings - device information - factory reset - confirm the reset. On Windows 10 Mobile, go to Settings - Device Information - Reset. Confirm.
    3. If necessary, restore backups or start over.

    If your phone is corrupted, does not turn on or freezes tightly (this can happen during the update, the imperfect technique is the same), you will have to do a hard reset with the buttons.

    The procedure is quite simple: hold down the power key until it vibrates. After vibration, immediately hold down the volume down key until an exclamation mark appears on the screen. Then press the volume up key, then the volume down key, then the power key, then the volume down key. After that, the smartphone will be restored.

    Important question: when to do a factory reset? You can upgrade your device to Windows 10 Mobile and then reset the device, thus completely cleaning and preparing the phone for the new OS. Optionally, you can completely erase the phone before the update and after the update is completed, wipe it again. But this is only if you are a true perfectionist. By the way, in this case, the data migration process after the update will be much faster.

    Outcome: in any incomprehensible situation, reset the settings.
