Order on training the fire technical minimum of employees. PTM training on the job. How to conduct fire-technical minimum training on the job

By order of the head of the enterprise, a person responsible for fire safety face. With this action, in fact, the test of knowledge of the fire technical minimum begins. Within his competence, this person prepares the necessary package of documents and organizes events to teach the rules fire safety. final and final stage of all work on the part of fire prevention is to test the knowledge of the fire technical minimum.

Fire safety is based on a special list necessary documentation that must be maintained in every enterprise.

Let's take a closer look at the issues of testing knowledge of the fire technical minimum. Firstly, an order is issued to create a commission, whose tasks include checking the knowledge of the fire-technical minimum of the enterprise personnel.

Further, the training program is approved, a training schedule and an inspection procedure are drawn up. Those persons who are to test the knowledge of the fire technical minimum should be informed in advance about the test schedule. List control questions and assignments are being developed official responsible for the implementation of fire safety. The list of questions must be agreed with the territorial body of the fire state supervision.

Recently, knowledge testing of the fire technical minimum, as a rule, takes place using computer technology. So, the program should make it possible to use it in at least two modes: training and subsequent testing. Testing the knowledge of the fire technical minimum is carried out by a qualification commission, which should consist of less than three people who have certificates of training in a specialized center with a break from work. Representatives of the departments of the fire state supervision are invited to the final certification.

The test of knowledge of the fire technical minimum is drawn up in a protocol that reflects the full name, position, place of work, reason for the test and the final mark is set. After the signing of the protocol by all who are members of the qualification commission, a certificate of passing the PTM is issued.

Testing the knowledge of the fire technical minimum, according to the legislation, is carried out once every three years, with the exception of workers employed in hot work or in fire and explosion hazardous industries, where knowledge must be confirmed annually. Employees who could not confirm the knowledge test due to inadequate training or for other reasons are allowed to retake it no later than one month later.

Testing the knowledge of the fire technical minimum for the second time may be accompanied by additional questions from members of the commission. The admission of employees who have not yet passed a re-test of knowledge, for workplace carried out by the head in the prescribed manner, and as an exceptional measure. Control over a satisfactory level of knowledge in the field of fire technical minimum at enterprises is carried out by inspectors of the state fire supervision authorities.

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To sign documents

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The article reveals the topic of fire training technical minimum without interrupting production. After reading the material, you will find out which categories of employees can be trained directly in your organization and exclusively on their own, what needs to be done for this. I’ll warn you right away and ask you to take into account that not in all cases it is required to carry out on-the-job training for anti-tank guns, and even if it is required, then on-the-job training can be replaced with off-the-job training, in a third-party training center. Each problem has its own, most profitable, solution.


  1. heads of divisions of the organization, heads and chief specialists of divisions of fire and explosion hazardous industries;
  2. employees responsible for ensuring fire safety in departments;
  3. pedagogical workers of preschool educational institutions;
  4. employees who carry out round-the-clock security of the organization;
  5. citizens involved in the activities of units fire brigade for the prevention and (or) extinguishing of fires on a voluntary basis;
  6. workers involved in the performance of fire and explosion hazardous work.

Only these categories of employees can be trained in PTM directly in the organization, on the job, there are simply no other options at the moment. Let's move on to the next step.

Development and approval of on-the-job training programs for PTM:

Why is this step one of the first? Coordination of special programs is carried out by structural subdivisions of the relevant territorial bodies of the EMERCOM of Russia - territorial departments of supervisory activities (hereinafter referred to as TOND). Programs are coordinated on average within a month, from the date of submission of documents, and just as long as the PTM programs are in TOND, you can manage to do everything else that is required to conduct PTM training on the job.

I’ll probably tell a common truth, but be sure, when sending programs (documents), ask that TOND make a note indicating the number and date of the incoming message on your copy of the cover letter.

For convenience, I have prepared for you examples of on-the-job training programs for PTM for some categories of trainees.

The qualification commission for testing knowledge of fire safety requirements consists of a chairman, deputy (deputy) chairman and members of the commission, a secretary. In general, at least three people - chairman, deputy chairman, secretary.

Employees undergoing knowledge testing should be familiar with the program and schedule of knowledge testing in advance.

The list of control questions is developed by the heads (owners) of organizations or employees responsible for fire safety.

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Control over the timely testing of knowledge of the fire safety requirements of employees is carried out by the head of the organization.

Regulated Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated December 12, 2007 No. 645“On approval of fire safety standards “Training of fire safety measures for employees in organizations”). PTM training should take place all managers (owners) of the enterprise, chief specialists, persons appointed responsible for fire safety, as well as those performing work with increased fire hazard, before the start of independent work.

The same Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations No. 645 establishes a number of requirements for the organization of the training itself fire safety measures for employees of organizations. Thus, the main types of training of employees of organizations in fire safety measures are fire-fighting briefing and the study of a minimum of fire-technical knowledge.

Holding fire safety briefing includes familiarization of employees of organizations, in particular, with the rules for maintaining the territory, buildings (structures) and premises, including evacuation routes, external and internal water supply, fire warning systems and managing the process of evacuating people, fire safety requirements, based on the specifics fire hazard technological processes, productions and facilities; rules for the use of open fire and hot work. According to the nature and time of conducting, fire safety briefing is divided into: introductory, primary at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled and targeted.

Managers, specialists and employees of organizations, responsible for fire safety, are trained in fire-technical minimum in terms of fire regime, fire hazard technological process and production of the organization, as well as techniques and actions in the event of a fire in the organization, allowing to develop practical skills in fire prevention, saving life, health of people and property in case of fire. Training in the fire-technical minimum is organized both according to specially developed programs. Special programs are compiled for each category of students, taking into account the specifics professional activity, features of the performance of duties by position and provisions of industry documents.

At the end of training in the fire-technical minimum, a test of knowledge of fire safety requirements is carried out. By the way, all employees are allowed to work at the facility only after completing fire safety training. This is mandatory requirement paragraph 3 of the Rules of the fire regime in the Russian Federation is fixed, which reads: "Training of persons in fire safety measures is carried out by conducting fire-fighting briefing and passing the fire-technical minimum."

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