How to make beautiful soap. Video: Hot soap from scratch

It is difficult to imagine a modern person who would not use soap. Since ancient times, it has been used to cleanse the skin of dirt, wash clothes and even style hair. Previously, they could only make it from improvised means - for example, from soot or plants such as soapwort. Today, the soap industry is in full swing and impresses with its diversity, however, more and more people prefer homemade soap of their own production.

Anyone can make soap at home with their own hands. The recipes are simple and accessible to everyone. For children from 5 years old, ready-made soap-making kits with the most natural ingredients are offered, they are also perfect for beginner adults. Entire specialized shops work for artisans - the flight of fancy is not limited by anything, except perhaps by means. But for the first experiments, you won’t have to spend money - for sure, you will find everything you need at home.

Dealing with composition

So, what do you need to make homemade scented soap?

The simplest baby soap without fragrances can be taken as a basis at home - a great option for the first experiments. It is safe in its composition, melts easily, can be improved with oils, vitamins and dyes.

To make multi-layer masterpieces or transparent soap, a ready-made composition is used, which is found in specialized stores and on the Internet. It is sold in both solid and liquid form, and even in creamy form. It contains water, glycerin, sodium stearate, sorbitol, lauric and steric acids and other safe components.

And you can do without a base at all. For those who want to create homemade soap from scratch, you will need water, lye, overfat and oils (linseed, palm, coconut, olive, etc.). But the most important “ingredient” of such soap is patience, because it will take from a week to a year to make it at home.

  1. base oils.

For fat content and nutritional value of soap, oils of vegetable origin are added to the base. In home-made conditions, this can be olive, sea buckthorn, cocoa butter, cherry seed oil, almond, peach and others.

  1. Essential oils.

This is the main secret of the aroma and purpose of your soap, and just a few drops are enough. When choosing this component, keep in mind that tea tree oil is ideal for problematic or oily skin, orange will help fight cellulite, and geranium, lavender and ylang-ylang do an excellent job with wrinkles.

  1. Dyes and fillers.

These ingredients help make your soap unique. Dyes can be special for soap making, food and even natural. Feel free to use fruit and vegetable juices, chocolate, and other foods to add color and fragrance to your soap.

Herbal infusions, dried flowers, honey, coffee, oatmeal can be used as additives that will enrich and diversify your soap.

You can add pharmacy herbal preparations to homemade soap, after grinding them into powder - and it will have antibacterial properties.

For beginner soap makers, it is good to use clay, adding it to the composition 1: 1, which will give the soap a pleasant shade and increase its lather.

Tools and equipment for home soap making

On an industrial scale, the soap making process is quite laborious and requires special equipment. Making soap by hand is available to everyone, and all the tools can be found in every kitchen.

So, to make soap, you will need:

  • enamel pot;
  • kitchen scale or measuring cup;
  • wooden spoon (used to stir the composition);
  • plastic or silicone molds (you can purchase special ones, or you can use children's or those intended for baking).

Also at home, a knife and a thermometer are useful. You can’t do without a heating element - it can be a gas burner or an electric stove, and you can also make soap using a microwave.

Technological features of the process

The very first soap known to scientists was prepared as follows: water was mixed with wood ash, boiled, and then animal fat was melted in this composition. It was this soap that the Sumerian tribes used about 4.5 thousand years ago.

How has the technology of making soap changed in our time? Step by step we will analyze the sequence of its creation for beginner soap makers.

  1. We put water to boil to create a "water bath".
  2. We rub the soap base on a grater so that it melts quickly and evenly. You can also do this with a vegetable peeler or blender.
  3. We put the grated base in an enamel bowl, add base oils, mix and send to warm up.
  4. While stirring the chips, add hot milk to it (you can use water, cream, orange juice, etc.). We make the calculation: for 1 bar of soap 1/2 cup of liquid.
  5. We stir the composition until the base is completely dissolved - it will take from 30 minutes to 3 hours (express method - melt the base in the microwave, just do not let it boil). We make sure that lumps do not form, and the water does not boil away in the pan.
  6. After the soap has completely melted into the warm composition, we put the desired additives (for example, herbs) into it. We take it off the fire.
  7. We make the solution fragrant - we drip essential oils into it and mix quickly.
  8. We prepare the molds, wipe them with alcohol for a better lag of soap.
  9. Pour the composition into molds, let cool to room temperature and put in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. If you plan to use the soap as a gift, leave it untouched in the mold for a few days to completely solidify.
  10. Carefully remove the soap from the mold, spread it on the surface of newsprint. You no longer have to do anything, he just needs to "ripen" for 2-7 days in a dry and warm place.

The readiness of soap is determined by its hardness - it should not be inferior in hardness to store-bought soap.

That's it, now handmade soap can be used for its intended purpose, or we make beautiful packaging for it and give it to friends.

Soap recipes - the secrets of a successful result and ready-made solutions

Before we start making unique handmade soap, let's dispel the main misconceptions of beginner soap makers.

  1. Beetroot juice, red wine, raspberries and hibiscus infusion will not make soap red, but contrary to expectations, they will give it a gray tint.
  2. The chocolate in the composition will give a dirty foam - you will have to carefully monitor so that splashes do not fall on clothes when using.
  3. Zelenka is not suitable as a dye - it fades almost immediately.
  4. Liquid coffee, dry cinnamon, and powdered vanilla will not add fragrance to the soap.
  5. It is better to make soap fatter with honey or milk in the composition, and not with excess oil, the effect will be the opposite - it will dry out the skin.
  6. The use of the cream in the composition must be very careful, otherwise the soap may not harden.
  7. Vanillin should not be added to light soap - over time it will begin to darken.

Making soap at home is a creative process that does not limit the flight of fancy. But if you don't want to risk experimenting, check out our proven recipes for amazing handmade soaps.

  • Coffee and chocolate scrub

For 200 g of soap base, you will need a decoction of 1 tsp. coffee grounds, 1 tsp sea ​​buckthorn oil, 0.5 tsp each sea ​​buckthorn and cocoa butter. As an essential oil - a few drops of ylang-ylang. Additives - finely ground coffee, cinnamon (just a little bit, otherwise the soap will tingle).

  • Orange with a persistent aroma

For 150 g of a soapy transparent base, juice and dried zest of 2 oranges are taken (we make the zest in advance), 1-2 tsp. peach base oil, 4 drops of orange essential oil, 1 drop of mandarin and grapefruit oils, yellow food coloring for a more saturated color (you can not use).

  • Cleansing two-tone body soap

For cooking, you will need 100 g of a transparent and white base, 1 tsp. parsley oil (or it can be made from 1 tsp dried parsley leaves and 2 tsp vegetable oil), 4 drops each of rosemary and pine essential oils.

If you take dry parsley leaves, then 2 days before soap making we make an extract from them - crush the greens and pour hot oil.

Each base is melted separately, parsley oil heated to the same temperature is added to it. Rosemary oil is dripped into the white base for the aroma, pine is dripped into the transparent base. The bases are poured into the mold one by one with a break of 30 minutes.

Homemade soap making is an interesting and useful hobby, accessible to everyone due to its budget. When making your own soap, you always have the opportunity to fill it with the ingredients that you like the most and make a soap that will perfectly suit your skin.

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Fragrant and fragrant soap can be purchased not only in stores, this cosmetic product can be created independently. We will share with you simple techniques on how to make soap with your own hands. To see how simple and exciting the process of soap making is, you just need to participate in it. Let's create together, we offer to master several master classes in soap making.

Easy homemade soap recipes for beginners

Soap making for beginners is a very exciting activity, involve relatives in this fascinating process and you will not only make a useful cosmetic product, but also get a lot of positive emotions. So, let's start making soap at home.

Remember, so that bubbles do not form on the surface of the soap, you need at the end of preparation (when you have already poured the mixture into molds), sprinkle alcohol from a spray bottle on top of the soap (use not vodka, but alcohol!), And also before starting all the manipulations, you need spray the molds where you will pour the soap.

Recipe number 1 - Fragrant chocolate soap


  • Soap base (preferably transparent) - 80 gr.;
  • Peach oil - 1 teaspoon;
  • Vit. A and E - 3 caps each;
  • Peppermint essential oil - 15 drops;
  • Dark chocolate - 1 square.

Step by step preparation:

Recipe number 2 - Coffee scrub soap


  • Soap for children without fragrances - 100 gr.;
  • Water - 210 ml;
  • Olive oil - 5 ml;
  • Sea buckthorn oil - 17 ml;
  • Patchouli essential oil - 6 caps.
  • Ground coffee beans - 3 teaspoons.
Cooking technology:

It is worth noting that other abrasive components will also be useful, for example, oatmeal, chopped walnut shells, and poppy seeds.

Soap making at home for beginners consists in the full observance of all stages of creating a cosmetic product, only in this case it will be possible to preserve the useful qualities and cleaning properties of the manufactured hygiene product. Now you know how to make scrub soap at home.

Recipe number 3 - Anti-cellulite oil with sea salt and algae

  • Soap base organic - 100 gr.;
  • Sea salt of medium grinding - 1 teaspoon;
  • Ascophyllum algae - 7 gr.;
  • A mixture of oils (base + essential) - 1 teaspoon.
Step by step cooking instructions:
This handmade soap at home is in no way inferior to store-bought counterparts. This manufacturing option is the easiest of the anti-cellulite homemade soap recipes, as it is prepared very quickly.
  1. So, melt the base, you can do it both in the microwave and in a water bath.
  2. Add seaweed and salt to it. Mix these ingredients gently.
  3. Pour in the oil mixture (choose essential and base oils to your taste: orange, lemon, but fennel, geranium, juniper, cinnamon, cypress, lavender oils fight cellulite no less effectively), continue mixing the components.
  4. If none of your seven have made cleansing cosmetics before, you should pay attention to the fact that you will need a handmade soap mold pre-lubricate with alcohol for better extraction finished product.
  5. Pour in the soap mixture from the base, let it dry. By adding olive oil, make your own olive oil soap.

Important: In the manufacture of anti-cellulite cosmetics, you can do without a soap base, and use soap from scratch, recipes for its preparation are located just below. Based on baby soap, it is better not to make soap with salt, otherwise the mass may exfoliate into flakes and water.

Recipe number 4 - Solid aroma shampoo from scratch in a hot way

You can easily master all the subtleties of soap making, a master class on making solid shampoo will help you with this, everything is as simple as shelling pears. Let's get down to business.


  • Coconut oil - 935 gr.;
  • Alkali - 155 gr.;
  • Water - 355 gr.;
  • Essential oils - 25 gr. (any, of your choice).
Step by step preparation:

You can adjust the soap recipes at will by adding new ingredients (see the photo-reminder about useful additives below), do not be afraid to experiment, because soap making for beginners is a creative process!

Recipe number 5 - Liquid soap from remnants

  • Remnants -120 gr.;
  • The water is hot;
  • Glycerin - 7 ml;
  • Lemon juice - 5 ml;
  • Essential oil 5-10 cap.
If you don't know how to do liquid soap at home, we will show you how easy it is to prepare a homemade cleanser, you will spend a minimum of time on its production. Do-it-yourself soap from remnants will become your favorite cosmetic product, a step-by-step master class will help you create a fragrant and very gentle hand and body wash.

  1. Before you make soap from remnants at home, you will need to prepare the base, the remnants themselves. Grate them with a fine grater.
  2. Now you need to melt the soap, add hot water in an amount to get a homogeneous mass after melting in a water bath.
  3. In order for the prepared liquid soap to be fragrant with your favorite aromas, add a few drops of essential oils. In this way, it will be possible to make a new soap. By the way, you can use this method to create soap with honey.
  4. The next step is to add lemon juice and glycerin.
  5. Pour the resulting mixture into a bottle with a dispenser. Do-it-yourself soap turned out to be not very liquid, and is no different from the purchased one. The detergent component in this product has retained all its properties, now it remains to test the product - wash your hands. Now you know how to make liquid soap from remnants.

Secrets of soap making

  1. In order to make soap with swirls with your own hands, you will need to use a special base for swirls, various dyes and fragrances. Mysterious zigzags and patterns can be easily created with a toothpick or bamboo stick. Look at the video:

  2. Before you make a useful cosmetic product out of remnants, carefully consider its composition. In addition to oils and dyes, you can use dry medicinal herbs, cosmetic clay. Not everyone knows how to make soap from remnants so that it turns out gentle and moisturizes the skin of the hands. It is enough to add a few secret components: with honey and propolis it will become really very nutritious.
  3. Instead of synthetic dyes, natural dyes can be used:
    - yellow: sea ​​buckthorn oil, turmeric;
    - pink: beetroot juice;
    - White: milk powder, white clay;
    - Brown: cocoa, cinnamon, rosehip;
    - green: fresh spinach, henna, dry dill, dried seaweed, parsley).
  4. If you are making baby soap, then it is advisable not to add essential oils so as not to cause allergies or irritation.
  5. Instead of water, you can add infusions of medicinal herbs!

Good luck in your endeavors, learn new soap recipes and create! For beginners, we recommend watching a video with a step-by-step master class.

Helpful Hints

Until about 1916, making soap at home was a common occurrence.

Using the remains of animal fats, as well as various additives, families prepared their own detergents for cleaning clothes and for personal hygiene.

During World War II, when animal fats were available in limited quantities, German scientists developed synthetic detergents, and as a result, Soap as we know it today was born.

Homemade soap became less popular, and gradually its use came to naught.

In recent years, the process of home soap making has seen a resurgence.

Making soap at home

Homemade soap is convenient for your wallet: you can make a lot of soap and it will cost you less than buying the same amount in the store, you can also use old remnants to create new soap.

Homemade soap is good for your body: it does not contain potentially harmful chemicals found in commercial soaps.

Unusual skin care products

Homemade soap is good for the environment: it does not contain synthetic materials that accumulate for years in sewage and eventually threaten natural resources.

Before you start working on making your own soap, it should be emphasized that this process can be dangerous. Although you quickly adapt to the process, it is worth starting to create only when the security procedure is fully understood.

Some general information about homemade soap

Soap is a combination of water and lye with the addition of various oils. Water and lye are quite difficult to combine correctly, because they must be brought to similar temperatures.

How to make soap at home

When lye and water are mixed, the resulting substance becomes very hot, so it must be allowed to cool before adding oils there.

Oils must be heated very carefully. Each oil has its own saponification index, which tells you how much alkali is needed to turn this oil into soap. Therefore, if you use coconut oil, do not replace it with olive oil.

Lye is very caustic, therefore avoid contact with skin. It gives off dangerous fumes, among other things, so wear a respirator and goggles when using it.

You will also need a soap mold. Take whichever you like. You can take one large one, then a large piece of the resulting soap will need to be cut, use a metal string for this, since It's not safe to do this with a knife.

The hardest part about making soap is knowing when it's ready. This is judged by the condition called "next". This is the state when a drop of soap remains on the surface without spreading quickly.

Soap with triclosan harms the heart!

Try to set the speed of distribution of a drop of honey on the countertop. With ready-made soap, the situation is similar.

Soap at home: recipes

Here are the ingredients to make a standard soap:

- 700 ml purified water

- 270 grams of lye(dilute it in a large measuring bowl and stir with a wooden stick used for Chinese food)

- oils(mixed in a large container):

1) 1 liter of olive oil (use cheap olive oil, virgin is not suitable)

2) coconut oil (390 g or 500 ml)

3) grape seed oil (515 g or 500 ml)

Soap making at home

Heat the lye mixture and oils separately until 40 degrees Celsius. Then, after heating, very slowly pour the lye into the oil mixture. Next, lower the blender into the same container and mix the contents in short approaches for three minutes.

Instead of a blender, you can use a whisk, then the work will move forward slower and you will need to constantly scrape off the mass from the walls of the pan with a spatula. If you are seriously interested in making homemade soap, then it makes sense to use a separate, simplest blender for these purposes.

It also makes sense to purchase such a thing as a thermometer, a necessary device in the household, not only for making soap. But some lovers of homemade soap say that even without a thermometer they determine the desired degree of heat. To the touch.

At the end, add 10 ml of cinnamon oil. The less you add, the better. Theoretically, at this stage, the soap hardens very quickly.

Pour the resulting mixture into the prepared mold. Wrap the form with a warm blanket and leave for 24 hours. This will keep you warm and help the chemical reaction happen.

Skin care: from school to deep gray hair

The next day, cut it into manageable pieces, lay out on wrapping paper, and store in a cool place. After two weeks, turn the soap on the other side. You can start using after a month.

Making soap at home

However, if you are afraid to work with lye, or if you find it difficult to get it, then do not worry, There is another way to make your own soap. By making your own soap in this way, you will find a use for your old remnants that have been lying idle in the bathroom for a long time.

Such soap is called ground soap, because it consists of recycled residues of ordinary soap.

DIY homemade soap

What you need to make this soap:

- 3 bars of unscented regular white soap

- stainless steel or glass container

Water or coconut milk

small saucepan

Wooden spoon

Supplements (essential oils, herbs, colloidal oatmeal, lavender, etc.)

plastic molds

Making soap for beginners at home

1. Grate the soap in a stainless steel container. The result should be about 2 cups of grated soap.

2. Melt the soap. To do this, add half a glass of water or milk to the soap flakes (it will make the soap soft). The liquid should only slightly wet the soap, because if you overdo it, it will take longer to make.

Place the pot inside the larger pot of water to create a water bath. On low heat, gently stir the resulting mixture with a wooden spoon so that the soap does not stick to the bottom of the container. Be careful not to foam while stirring.

Do this until the soap is melted. If you feel like it's starting to dry out, just add some milk or water. The resulting mixture should be translucent and slightly rough.

Does antibacterial soap poison the water?

3. Add other ingredients. Take the soap off the heat and add whatever ingredients you want in your soap, remembering to stir the mixture thoroughly. Soap recipes are huge, choose the one you like or create your own. You can add a few drops of your favorite perfume.

4. Pour soap into molds. You can use any plastic rectangular container or individual molds. In this case, you are only limited by your imagination.

5. Refrigerate the soap. After the soap has been in the molds for a few minutes, it should be placed in the freezer for 1 hour so that the soap can be easily removed from the mold.

6. After that, the soap should lie down approximately three weeks in a well-ventilated area. Once completely solidified, your soap is ready to use!

DIY soap for beginners

Soap Making: Important Soap Making Tips

1. Be sure to make sure that everything you need is at your fingertips before starting the procedure.

There is nothing worse than trying something new and then realizing in the middle of the process that something is missing.

In addition to the basic components that make up the recipe, you will need the following tools to "set up the soap station":

a) rubber gloves and goggles;

b) two large bowls made of a material that does not react with alkali (durable plastic, stainless steel, glass). Do not use utensils made of fragile plastic, aluminium, pewter or wood;

c) various measuring spoons for mixing. You need at least one heat-resistant plastic or stainless steel spoon to stir the lye, as well as a wooden spoon, whisk or rubber spatula to connect the elements;

Measuring spoons will come in handy if you plan to add essential oils to your soap;

d) measuring cup for liquids;

e) two thermometers to measure the temperature of your liquids;

e) molds for soap. It is best to use molds made of glass, plastic or stainless steel. Wooden and cardboard molds work well too, as long as you cover them with waxed paper.

g) paper towels to immediately wipe up anything that could suddenly spill. Especially if you are working with lye, a paper towel should always be on hand.

The list will vary depending on the type you make and the ingredients you add.

Shampoos and soaps ... lead to obesity

2. Measure the exact amount of all ingredients

Whether you are making your soap entirely from scratch or making it from remnants, follow the guidelines strictly. prescription .

In some cases, inaccuracies in measurements can result in a stinky, unattractive soap batch.

Three guarantees against failure:

Accurate scales capable of measuring the smallest weights;

Alkaline calculator, available online, for example, this ;

Two accurate thermometers (to measure the temperature of lye/water and oils, which must be the same).

Various oils require different amount of alkali for saponification, so before you start, make sure you know soap index selected oils.

3. Learn more about the dangers of lye, or don't use it at all

One of the main ingredients of soap, as we already know, is a very caustic substance - sodium hydroxide or lye.

People have been making soap at home for centuries without incident, but it is a dangerous substance nonetheless. handling it requires a lot of attention and concentration.

Alkali in any form can wash off paint, eat through textiles, or worse, burn your skin or eyes.

To protect yourself from all dangers, be sure to wear long sleeves, rubber gloves, and goggles when making soap. The remains of raw materials are also dangerous, so even when getting rid of them, you must be as careful as possible.

If alkali gets on the skin, immediately use vinegar, to neutralize its effect, and if the alkali is spilled on any surface, then immediately wash it off with water and a cleaning agent.

7 beauty myths you shouldn't take seriously

Even alkali vapors can burn, so work in a well-ventilated area. For those looking for easy and safer ways to make soap at home, there are options discussed above.

4. Try different soap making methods

The most interesting thing about making soap at home is that you can control the entire process.

You also have several options at your disposal when it comes to exactly how you will make your soap. You are not limited to the standard soap making process of adding lye/water to oils. This method is known as cold process.

Another method, not less popular, is hot process, in which alkali/water and oils are heated to a certain temperature and only then mixed.

The hot process of making soap will take you less time than the cold process.

Scared at the thought of having to use lye, or just want to make the process a play with the kids? Just melt the remnants or unscented soap and add the desired ingredients to it. This was also discussed above.

If you want to go the extra mile and turn your soap making process into a real one, try making liquid or felt soap.

5. Experiment with different recipes or create your own

When it comes to making soap from scratch, you can use animal oils like beef tallow, or vegetable/canola oil, or instead of water, use milk, tea or even beer.

In addition to the main ingredients, add all possible additives, these can be essential oils, spices, various herbs, and even decorative elements such as rose petals and much more.

Your best bet is to find a basic recipe you like and experiment with it.

Be sure to test the additives before using them, because some of them may not behave in the soap as you would like. For example, essential oils must be mixed with olive oil, which neutralizes the effect of their irritant components.

As soon as you get comfortable in this business, you will definitely come across the fact that one day you will get something completely different from what you wanted. Don't throw it away, recycle it by grating it and create something else, or cut it into small pieces and add bright spots to your new masterpieces.


Dear readers, I think you will agree how nice it is to treat yourself to something as pleasant and fragrant as natural high-quality cosmetics. And how can ordinary, familiar soap please! But why does he have to be ordinary? And even more so, we can make it completely unusual if we cook it ourselves.

Svetlana Sarycheva will tell you how to make handmade soap today. Like many needlewomen, she took up soap making on maternity leave and began to regularly make homemade cosmetics, take orders, participate in fairs and conduct master classes. I think we will have a lot to learn from her. I give her the floor.

Hello, dear readers of Irina Zaitseva's interesting and useful blog! I hope my recommendations and a step-by-step master class with photos will help you master a new exciting business - how to make soap.

Where to begin

Natural soap is useful. In addition, handmade soap is the same hand-made that does not have to collect dust on distant shelves.

For a while, it will stay a decoration of the bathroom, but in the end it will certainly go into business.

Making simple homemade soap is easy. I will tell you how to take the first steps in soap making without any special expenses. After that, you will be able to decide for yourself whether you are ready to seriously engage in this and whether you should purchase everything you need to create more complex options for soaps, peels, scrubs and other types of home cosmetics.

What do you need for handmade soap?

  • cutting board;
  • knives;
  • cup or mug (plain inside);
  • spoons for stirring;
  • microwave oven or two saucepans for a water bath;
  • the form;
  • soap base (or grated baby soap);
  • powdered sugar (optional)
  • food coloring;
  • spices or cosmetic clay;
  • oils, honey, tea broth, milk for adding to soap.

Soap base

In principle, kits for beginner soap makers can now be bought even in a children's store. However, I advise you to start differently. To make your own soap at home, purchase a small piece of soap base from a craft store.

This soap base is made from vegetable fats. It is not tested on representatives of the fauna. There is no free alkali in this base, which can irritate the skin.

In fact, this is a semi-finished soap without fragrance, which can be white or transparent.

Now more and more widespread are solid bases that already contain certain additions of natural origin (oils, crushed plants, etc.). There are also soft bases, suitable primarily for the manufacture of shampoo, gel, mousse, milk, etc.

Carefully examine any base soap base before purchasing. If it was carefully transported, stored and packaged, then the blocks should be clean, without adhering small specks. Opaque bubbles in a transparent base mean that it is spoiled (most likely, the base was kept in the cold).

The highest quality brands of solid homemade soap bases melt evenly and quickly and fully absorb fragrance oils.

Which soap base is best? What to choose?

The handmade soap made from them freezes and foams perfectly. Experienced soap makers include English Crystal, Belgian Tensianol and German bases Activ and Zetessap to such basic bases of high quality. As for the latter, it should be borne in mind that it is produced exclusively in a transparent form and without any additives.

Some sellers also offer a white Zetessap solid base, but in fact it is still the same transparent base that those who bought it at the factory melted themselves in combination with titanium dioxide. This substance paints the base white and is practically insoluble in water.

The level is slightly above average - Chinese basics. For the authors of complex cosmetics, they may not be suitable, but for soap makers working with fatty oils, everything will work out. If the right amount of oils and fragrances are not added to this handmade soap, then it will noticeably smell of the “original” soap and dry the skin a little. However, foam will still appear.

Malaysian soap bases are also considered quite satisfactory for handmade soap.

However, I do not advise buying Russian-made bases (Myloff, DS-CLRC, ProLab, etc.) and Bulgaria (Re-St, Relina MSDS, etc.). These cheap bases can shrink or, on the contrary, release moisture, and also not fully solidify in molds.

The best temperature for storing a solid base is +15..+20 ˚С.

You can save on soap base by using crushed baby soap instead. Although rubbing hard soap with a grater is a rather laborious process. And you need to melt it in the same way as a soap base.

How to make soap

And now my master class with a photo on how to make soap yourself. Here's my recipe, let's get started! Cut a 100-gram piece of soap base (I have white, without any additives) into cubes.

Prepare molds. Since I'm talking about the first experience, including in terms of cost savings, existing silicone cupcake molds will do just fine. Rinse them with cold water first.

Let's get back to the soap base. The cubes should be melted in the microwave or in a water bath. Perhaps a microwave is better. Just remember that you need to take not just durable dishes, but one that does not have drawings, shiny stripes, etc. inside.

Don't melt the base all the way. At high power, a couple of minutes is enough. The base must not boil! Otherwise, the moisture will evaporate, and the required ph level (acid-base balance) in homemade soap will be disturbed.

If there is no microwave, make a water bath. To do this, take two pans - a larger one and a smaller one. Pour water into a large one and heat it up. Place the soap base cubes in a small one.

Important points:

Take a large pot with a thick bottom - this will help to avoid a strong boil;
at the bottom you can lay a linen or cotton napkin;
do not put a small saucepan in a large one until the water boils;
cover the small saucepan with a lid.

When placing the second saucepan in the first, pay attention to the fact that its bottom only slightly touches the water. This is how a water bath will turn out: the future soap that you put in a small saucepan will heat up and soften due to the action of hot steam rising from the water from a large saucepan.

The rest of the cubes will dissolve on their own in the process of further stirring.

Stir the mass and let it cool slightly. If your kitchen has food coloring, add a couple of drops.

We supplement the base with natural oils

Now you can add oil to the base. I have hard cocoa butter.

You may have previously bought solid or liquid pharmaceutical oils for cosmetic and medicinal purposes. For soap, a small piece or a few drops is enough. Olive oil and glycerin will also work.

Glycerin moisturizes and protects the skin from adverse environmental factors.

Softens the skin and makes it soft. Forming an airtight barrier on the skin, it prevents it from drying out by retaining moisture. This oil is hypoallergenic and suitable for children.

Cocoa butter has softening and regenerative properties.

Apricot kernel oil has a regenerating, rejuvenating, tonic effect. It helps to restore the firmness and elasticity of the skin.

Nourishes and softens dry skin.

Grape seed oil reduces pores, tones and refreshes.

Gives a rejuvenating effect.

Calendula oil has an antiseptic, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, softening and moisturizing effect.

Suitable for supporting dry, damaged or aging skin. It promotes cell regeneration and strengthens capillaries, relieves swelling and redness, and eliminates skin flaking.

Other soap additives

Also, tea broth, honey or milk can be added to handmade soap for smoothness and softness of the skin.

If you add a mixture of spices to the soap (cinnamon, ginger, etc. - choose according to your taste and desire) or a small amount of cosmetic clay, then it will have a slight peeling effect.

After all the additions, mix again so that there are no bubbles and lumps. If in the future you will be preparing several pieces of soap at once, then a mixer or blender will come in handy. Fear not: the soap base and other ingredients are easy to clean!

Pour the mass into the mold.

In a silicone form, homemade soap will harden quickly (you will have to wait a maximum of an hour), but after that, be sure to dry your fragrant work for another hour or two.

How to make liquid soap at home

From the remnants of solid soap, you can make liquid soap, which will last for a long time. Dry the remaining soap and rub it on a grater. Boil water and mix it with soap. Add a few drops of glycerin (for gel consistency) and lemon or orange juice (for flavor).

Stir the solution again, and then pour it into a container with a dispenser. Infuse for three days, not forgetting to shake occasionally.

Recently, homemade soap making has become more popular. Soap made from natural ingredients is environmentally friendly and beneficial for the skin. There are two options for making soap. In the first case, the soap base is made by hand, but you have to work with lye and follow exact instructions. The simplest option is soap making using a ready-made soap base. For those who decide to make soap for the first time, it is better to opt for the second method, the technology of which is described in this article.

Choice of Ingredients

Professionals add a variety of ingredients to the soap, depending on what type of skin the soap will be intended for. The main components include:

  1. Soap base. For home cooking, a simple baby soap is considered an ideal option. It contains glycerin, lanolin, natural oils that moisturize the skin and relieve irritation. For soap making, it is better to choose an unscented soap.
  2. A base oil that improves the quality of the soap. The most popular oils are jojoba, olive, peach.
  3. Special or food coloring To give a rich shade, as well as fruit and vegetable juice, chocolate.
  4. Additives are used depending on the recipe. As additional ingredients, you can take: honey, dried herbs and flowers, cream, ground coffee.


In addition to the listed ingredients, soap making will require:

  1. Grater. It is better to choose a grater on which the chips are smaller.
  2. Iron saucepan.
  3. Two plates. One plate of glass or porcelain for a water bath, the plate should go into the pan. Another plate is needed to melt the butter.
  4. Knife for cutting soap.
  5. Several spoons.
  6. Buy molds for filling in a specialized store, or you can use disposable jars, baking molds.


The process of soap making of any soap consists of the following steps:

  1. We rub baby soap on a grater.
  2. Pour water into a saucepan on the stove. After the water boils, put a plate with chips in it. The edges of the plate should not be filled with water.
  3. Periodically stir the mass, the soap should not boil.
  4. When all the chips are dissolved, add 3 teaspoons of oil per 100 g of chips, half a glass of hot milk or water.
  5. Later, add additional ingredients according to the recipe: herbs, flowers, honey or chocolate. Cook the resulting composition for a few more minutes.
  6. Remove the plate from the water bath, then add the essential oil, dye.
  7. Pour hot soap mixture into molds. Moreover, you can combine different colors, resulting in beautiful curls.
  8. We put the molds in the refrigerator so that the soap becomes solid. When the soap hardens, we take it out of the molds and leave it to dry for two to seven days.

Pine massage soap recipe

Natural coniferous soap is one of the most useful. It gently cleanses pores, removes toxins. Pine soap also has exfoliating, soothing and bactericidal properties. To make this soap you will need:

  1. 100 g of soap or soap base, preferably transparent;
  2. Chopped needles of spruce and pine - 1 teaspoon;
  3. Loofah;
  4. Alcohol;
  5. Essential oil of fir;
  6. Dye green;
  7. Moulds.

The preparation technology is the same as for ordinary soap. In the process of cooking, pour needles or add coniferous broth instead of water. At the end of cooking, add fir oil and dye. Pour into molds with loofah. Spray the top with alcohol.

cherry soap recipe

Cherry soap has a pleasant aroma, makes the skin silky. Composition:

  1. Transparent soap base - 100 g.
  2. Rosehip, fucus, grape seed, rose oil. Each oil is 1/3 teaspoon.
  3. Freshly squeezed cherry juice - 10-20 ml.
  4. Sugar - 1/2 teaspoon.
  5. Dyes: pink, red, burgundy.

Pour warmed cherry juice with sugar into the melted soap base, add oils and mix thoroughly. Pour the mixture into three glasses and add a different dye to each. Then pour the soap from the glasses into the molds, mixing the colors.

Soap making does not require special skills. A variety of recipes, forms, additives makes the process exciting and interesting.
