Preparation for medical institute. Admission to medical school

The profession of a doctor by nature is considered a noble and valuable specialization. But today she is completely devoid of nobility, and good doctors can be counted on the fingers. Despite the fact that medical schools are packed with students, the country still suffers from an acute shortage of highly qualified personnel. After all, having a diploma from a medical university does not mean that a student can and can work effectively. But if you have long dreamed of linking your life with medical practice and taking the Hippocratic Oath, then why not take the chance to enter a medical school?!

How to choose the right medical school?
The choice of an institute should be approached very seriously, as it will become a second home for the next 6-7 years. It is worth starting to select a university for yourself not in the last half of the graduation class, but while still in the 10th grade. Only then can you slowly evaluate each selected university separately and stop at 2 or 3 options (fortunately, the state allows you to apply to several institutions at once). The university should be selected according to certain criteria:
  • educational base: the presence of laboratories, libraries, attached clinics and hospitals, cooperation with the mortuary, Internet resources;
  • infrastructure: hostel, location of buildings, student life, sports complexes, etc.
For example, if the institute is located in another city, then you should find out in advance whether there is a hostel and how far it is located to the educational buildings.

Also, you need to decide in advance on the specialty, it depends on how soon the preparation for entering the institute will begin. When choosing a specialty, you should make sure that the future profession will be in demand.

Pre-university training
Since it is difficult to enter a medical school, you should start preparing for the entrance exams of the year 2 before admission, that is, in the 10th grade:

  1. Having studied in advance in which disciplines the entrance exams and the Unified State Examination are accepted, the emphasis in studies should be placed on them. Such disciplines are: Russian language, literature, biology, chemistry, and possibly physics. In biology and chemistry, you will have to pass a unified state exam, since the selection committee requires results in these subjects, and they must be quite high.
  2. If studying the necessary subjects is not so easy, then you can hire a home tutor who will “bring up” your knowledge.
  3. You can enroll in two-year courses at the chosen institute. During this time, teachers will give all the necessary knowledge for successful admission.
  4. If there is no opportunity to attend courses for as long as 2 years, then you can take accelerated courses before entering.
In any case, the notes written in the preparatory courses will help prepare for the entrance exams.

What documents are required for admission?
To try to enter a medical school, you must submit a certain package of documents:

  • application addressed to the rector;
  • school certificate;
  • USE certificate;
  • photocopies of the passport;
  • Photo;
  • reference 086;
  • insurance policy;
  • military ID or registration certificate (for boys);
  • benefits documents.
Successful school life can be evidenced by awards and certificates, the results of Olympiads in the right subjects, so they should also be presented.

It is better to write an application for budget places, and if you suddenly do not succeed, then it can be rewritten for paid ones.

Entry exams
As mentioned above, you can enter a medical school with a high USE score in chemistry and biology. You will also have to pass the entrance exams in Russian language and literature. Exams may differ at different faculties, so you need to find out about this in advance.

If the exam is supposed to be oral, then the speech in the answer should be confident, clear. The gaze should contact alternately with the eyes of the members of the selection committee, confident gestures are welcome. If the exam is written, then take the trouble to do the work neatly, in an understandable handwriting, by no means medical.

After passing the entrance exams, the most lingering time comes - the time of waiting for the results.

Helpful Hints
Why not go after the 9th grade to the medical college at the institute?! In doing so, you can save time and money that can be spent on preparatory courses.

In many regions, institutes open special medical schools, in which, from the first grade, there is additional preparation for entering a particular university. Or you can visit medical classes at odd hours, where classes are held for additional study of biology, chemistry, physics, Russian and literature. By visiting them, it will be easier to enter medical school.

It is better to apply to a state institution and make several attempts to enter than to enter a non-state one the first time. In the latter, in addition to a dubious diploma, you can get a number of restrictions in the implementation of medical activities. In addition, when applying for a job, they require a diploma of a state standard.

Information block

University preparation courses are open at the Russian National Research Medical University. N.I. Pirogov of the Ministry of Health of Russia (formerly the 2nd MOLGMI named after N.I. Pirogov) in 1982 and work on the basis of a license for the right to conduct educational activities.

Preparatory courses provide additional educational services in general education subjects submitted for entrance examinations in universities of medical and biological profile.

More than 700 people attend the courses every year. The courses accept persons with a completed secondary education, as well as students of senior classes of general education schools (grades 9, 10, 11) and graduation courses of medical schools.

Form of study at preparatory courses– part-time (evening) includes (optional):

  • Classes in groups of 25-27 people ( large groups ) on weekdays in the evening from 18.00 to 21.00 (or 17.00 to 20.00).
  • Classes in groups of 15-17 people ( small groups ).
  • Classes in weekend groups (Saturday) according to the schedule.

Courses can teach one or two year program. The two-year program is designed for 10th grade schoolchildren, the one-year program is for senior students of medical colleges, 11th grade students of secondary schools and people with completed secondary education. Since 2016, admission to the OGE preparation groups for 9th grade students has been open. Career guidance is being carried out with visits to the leading departments of the university.

And today we will talk about doctors.

The doctor is one of the noblest professions. Despite the low wages, in Russia it is considered the most prestigious.

To save human lives, to receive thanks from rescued patients and their relatives, to see joyful smiles all around - what could be better?

But there is also the other side of the coin: constant stress, very frequent processing, the need to constantly be ready to help, the ability not to let someone else's pain through your heart, a firm hand and iron self-control.

However, if you are reading this article, then you have already decided who you want to become in this life. Our task is to help you and tell you everything about how to enter a medical school / university (on a budget or a paid department), what subjects you need to pass for this, what documents you will need.

Here you will also find out whether it is difficult to enter a medical school and which educational institution to choose.

What exams will you have to take?

If you feel that this is exactly your calling, be prepared to overcome difficult obstacles, the most important of which are exams.

The first thing you need to enter a medical school is an excellent knowledge of chemistry and biology. For applicants to medical universities, these are specialized disciplines, and preparation for their delivery should begin long before the exam.

Ideally, you need to decide on a profession in the 9th-10th grade in order to start intensively studying subjects. In this case, the student will have some time left to catch up and understand the incomprehensible.

If you have decided which medical school to enter, we recommend that you go to it in advance and talk with local students. So you can look at the entire educational process from the inside, get acquainted with the list of exams required for admission and get to know them more thoroughly.

So, for admission, the applicant will need to pass the exam in the following subjects:

  • Russian language,
  • biology,
  • chemistry.

How to prepare for exams

On the basis of most medical universities, there are two-year preparatory courses. During classes, university professors train students for exams.

How good are these courses?

  1. The student is completely immersed in the university environment.
  2. Meet future teachers.
  3. Can understand in advance whether the chosen direction is suitable.

But these courses are usually expensive.

However, there are express courses that last a couple of months. They will not only explain, but test knowledge.

If you cannot afford to spend large sums on tutors or such courses, find out if your chosen university has the opportunity to attend preparatory classes remotely.

When passing a unified exam in Russian, chemistry and biology, not only how well the applicant is prepared in these disciplines plays a role, but also the number of points scored during the exam. Often, the minimum bar in medical universities is 50 points in specialized disciplines.

The number of points will play an important role in deciding which form of study to send the student to - paid or budget. Depending on the state order, each state university is very limited in budget funding, which is why there is such a big competition for a place.

Tuition fees at the selected university can be viewed on the website of the educational institution

What documents are needed for admission

Before you enter a medical school, you must collect a list of documents required by law. In all universities the list is the same:

  • applicant's statement;
  • completed form;
  • certificate of completion of secondary education;
  • USE results;
  • original passport and copy;
  • 2 photographs 3*4, signed in pencil on the reverse side;
  • medical certificate in form 086-y;
  • if there are benefits, documents confirming the right to receive them.
Submission of documents can be carried out both in person and by mail. Some educational institutions have electronic registration of students who are going to send documents by mail.

Which medical schools to apply to

If you have decided on a profession, but cannot choose a university, pay attention to the criteria for choosing a university:

  1. Territoriality. Usually, the location of applicants plays a huge role in whether it is worth enrolling in a medical school in Moscow or in St. Petersburg Medical University. On the territory of the Russian Federation there are about 40 medical universities located in different regions of the country. This allows students to stay as close to home as possible rather than traveling thousands of miles.
  2. University prestige. Applicants especially like the "tower" of Moscow and St. Petersburg Medical University. Universities of Smolensk, Ivanovo, Kursk are also valued. Although the quality of education is the same everywhere, in these places, due to promotion, the competition will be much higher than in Khabarovsk, Tomsk, Irkutsk.
  3. Developed infrastructure. It is worth knowing in advance how the buildings are located in the chosen university, whether there are hostels, living conditions and the opportunity to get into them, what organization of students' leisure and everything related to programs for the harmonious development of the individual.
  4. Additional Information. Senior students recommend that applicants find out in advance about the teaching staff, whether there are laboratories, hospitals and polyclinics with which the university, libraries, and its own Internet resource cooperate. Even the presence of a mortuary is an important indicator, because it is the main supplier of anatomical materials, without which a full-fledged education of students is impossible.

Top medical universities in Russia

More than 40 universities across the country provide an opportunity to enter a medical university not only in Moscow, but also in the regions.

  • First MGMU them. THEM. Sechenov;
  • Russian national IMU them. Pirogov;
  • State Medical and Dental University.

But which medical universities are considered the most prestigious in St. Petersburg:

  • State Medical University named after I.P. Pavlova;
  • State honey. academy. I.I. Mechnikov.

Universities of Kursk, Yaroslavl, Ufa, Ivanovo are also among the leaders.

Is it hard to get into medical school as a doctor?

If by the time of admission you have not begun to understand chemistry and biology, you should not even try. It is better to postpone until next year, and this time to devote to the study of the most important disciplines for medicine.

To become a doctor, you need to have the skills to memorize a large amount of information. If you have a bad memory, you need to train it in advance, otherwise you simply won’t be able to cope with the flow of information that will be thrown out at the university.

High scores on the exam are not a guarantee of admission. For education on a budget, in addition to the results of a single exam, diplomas, prizes for participating in olympiads, competitions, conferences are taken into account.

Universities are also impressed by students with an active lifestyle of applicants, achievements in sports or social activities.

If the student and his family have a difficult financial situation, proof must be provided. The management of the university can help.

Is it possible to enter a medical school without good preparation? Hardly. Will it be possible to pass the competition without the exam? No. So learn, work on yourself and overcome any difficulties.

If active preparation is hindered by eternal school assignments (abstracts, tests, reports), you can always rely on the help of the student service. At least with them you will have a chance to approach admission without nervous exhaustion.

Before you persistently, stubbornly strive to enter a medical university, you need to learn more about the specifics of studying at this educational institution, as well as about the difficulties and joys of the future profession.

You need to study at a medical university longer - up to six years, and only in the full-time, full-time department. Then the graduate is trained in internship - one year, clinical residency - two years. After that, if desired, you can enroll in graduate school.

The doctor has a huge responsibility for making decisions. But on the other hand, all specialists with higher education have the same responsibility. Imagine what will happen if an ignoramus takes the place of an engineer, architect, pilot, etc. That is why they study in higher educational institutions in order to be able to predict the consequences of decisions made and be responsible for them.

Still, the child is adamant and insists on continuing his education in a medical school? Then we think what to do.

The surest, but not for all students, a pleasant and familiar way is to study as best as possible. Naturally, special attention should be paid to subjects for which the scores for passing the exam are passing. There are only three of them, so you can master it if you put in the effort, multiplied by the passionate desire to enter a medical school. The passing scores are great. For example, in a medical university named after I.I. Mechnikov, you need to have at least fifty points in the Russian language, chemistry, and biology. Otherwise, the documents will not be accepted. Even if forty-eight points. And even for paid training will not pass. This is such a strict selection. And there is nothing to be offended with and no one but yourself. For eleven years, parents and teachers persuaded to study, forced, persuaded, shamed, described what the future holds depending on academic success. Is not it? It's time to reap the "harvest", to see what the child will do with the baggage of knowledge, skills, skills that he has learned over such a long time of study. As they say, according to Senka there will be a hat.

Yes, chemistry and biology are complex subjects, but there are also pluses in choosing a medical university when passing the exam: mathematics is not a competitive subject, and therefore it is enough to successfully pass it at a basic level.

Of great importance is the meaningful purposeful study of subjects by the child at school. A clear understanding that he is studying not for his parents, but for himself, his future, to achieve his dream of becoming a doctor.

It is important to independently study chemistry and biology additionally. However, you may miss some sections. Therefore, it is better to study under the guidance of experienced teachers. Where to find such teachers who will really prepare for the successful passing of the exam, how not to be mistaken in their competence? It is most reliable to contact organizations of additional education that have a good reputation and extensive experience in preparing students for the exam. There, classes are held in accordance with the developed approved plan, which means that all the necessary topics are thoroughly worked out in the format of the upcoming exam. Moreover, you can work both in a group and individually. But in any case, parents are sure that not a single topic is left without attention.

What should I do if my child cannot attend such courses for some reason? Use the services of tutors. But not everything is so simple here either. It is best to find a teacher from a medical school, as he knows what you need to know to successfully pass the exam in biology and chemistry, as well as in order to successfully study at the university, especially the difficult first year.

At the same time, you should not miss the opportunity to participate in ongoing Olympiads at various levels. Winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad, members of the national teams that took part in international Olympiads, have the right to enter without entrance examinations.

The competitive score is the sum of the score for subjects and for individual achievements. Therefore, it makes sense to work on acquiring these individual achievements. For example, if you graduated from school with a gold or silver medal, you can add five and four points, respectively. The exact list of individual achievements taken into account in a particular university, and the equivalent of each in points, can be viewed on the website of the selected university in the section "Information on the procedure for accounting for individual achievements of applicants."

Each university determines which categories have special rights and benefits for admission (again, see the list of those on the website of the selected university). For example, citizens who have completed military service by conscription and provided recommendations from the commander have special rights. Who has this opportunity - do not miss it.

The target set is becoming more and more popular. However, it must be remembered that using the target direction is a big responsibility for the future student. He undertakes to study well, in no case not to leave the university, even if he is tired, hard.

When applicants receive the same scores, a higher score in subjects is taken into account in the following order: chemistry, biology, Russian language.

If you didn’t enroll in a budget education, try for a paid one. But it is very expensive. However, there is a way out: you can take out an educational loan, thanks to which you can pay for education and the expenses necessary for its successful implementation.

What to do for those who did not get the points to the cherished figure established by the university in some subject that is a passing one? With tenfold diligence and zeal to study them and retake them on the days set for this.

So, what conclusion can be drawn? It is possible to enter a medical school without blasphemy. You just need to have a great desire, willpower and determination.

Good luck! Be talented smart doctors!

The profession of a doctor is one of the most respected and prestigious, and how could it be otherwise, if the health and longevity of almost every person depends on doctors.

If you are firmly convinced that treating people is your calling, and you are ready to overcome any obstacles on the way to your goal, if the pessimistic remarks of skeptics do not bother you, then choose an educational institution and start preparing for admission.

What exams do you need to pass to enter medical school?

Admission to medical universities in Russia is based on the results of the Unified State Examination. Universities establish biology and chemistry as core subjects for most medical specialties.

For some areas of training, instead of chemistry, physics or even specialized mathematics, computer science and a foreign language, for example, bioengineering, biotechnology or medical biophysics, may be required. These details must be clarified on the website of the university. But usually applicants for classical areas of study: medical and preventive medicine, dentistry, pediatrics and pharmacy - for admission, they need high scores in three exams: biology, chemistry and the Russian language. In total, this is approximately 240 for a medical professional and 280 for general practitioners and dentists.

A special advantage in the competitive selection will be prizes and diplomas for participation in olympiads, various scientific conferences and competitions - universities add up to 10 points for all these achievements.

You can study at medical universities in Russia on a budget and for a fee. Prices can be found on the official websites of universities, but on average, those who have not scored enough points to go to the budget will have to pay from 80 to 400 thousand rubles for each course for their studies - the amounts depend on the direction of training and the prestige of the university. The most expensive is studying at medical, dental and pharmaceutical faculties, regardless of where the university is located - in the capital or in the regions.

What documents are needed for admission

If everything is in order with the USE scores, then for admission you will need a standard package of documents from an applicant of any Russian university. It includes:

  • statement;
  • questionnaire with personal data;
  • certificate of complete secondary education (diploma of secondary specialized education);
  • passport (original to be presented upon enrollment;
  • photographs 3x4 (2 pcs, signed in pencil on the reverse side);
  • medical certificate of the established form 086-y;
  • documents for granting benefits, if any.

The results of the exam are stored in the federal database, to which the admission committees of universities have access, so no certificates are needed.

You can apply for admission in person or by mail. Some universities provide for preliminary electronic registration of applicants who are going to send documents through postal operators, so carefully study the requirements of the university. Many medical institutes accept applications via the Internet; you must personally submit the originals only after enrolling in the first wave. All these details need to be clarified on the websites of universities in the sections "Applicant", "Applicants", "Admission campaign".

Where to study to be a doctor

You can get the profession of a doctor not only in specialized medical universities, but also at the medical faculties of classical multidisciplinary universities, for example, Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University, RUDN University.

Choosing a medical university, you should be guided not only by the prestige of the university. Medical "towers" in Moscow and St. Petersburg are especially popular with applicants, respectively, the competition in them is much greater than, for example, in no less worthy Tomsk, Samara, Khabarovsk, Omsk, Kazan or Irkutsk universities. So it is worth taking into account the territorial factor - each region has its own medical university that trains therapists, surgeons, pediatricians, dentists, gynecologists, ophthalmologists, pharmacists - in general, doctors and specialists of all major profiles.

Traveling far away is worth it only if you want to get a rare medical specialty at the faculties:

  • biotechnology;
  • sports medicine;
  • clinical, medical or special psychology;
  • medical biophysics, biochemistry or cybernetics.

Such faculties are not available in all medical universities.

It will take longer to study than students of all other higher educational institutions - 6 years. This will give the right to work as district pediatricians or general practitioners in primary health care - in polyclinics, outpatient clinics, feldsher-obstetric stations. To get a narrow specialization, for example, a dermatovenereologist, a neurosurgeon, a gastroenterologist or an orthodontist, after a year of work, you will have to enter a residency. You have to unlearn from it for another 2 to 4 years - the period depends on the specialization.

The best medical universities in Russia

If you still have not changed your mind about becoming a doctor, it's time to choose an educational institution.

The leading medical universities in Russia today are:

  • Moscow Medical Universities: First Med. Sechenov; Russian National Research University. Pirogov (Second Honey); State Medical and Dental University. Evdokimov.
  • St. Petersburg Medical Universities: State Medical University named after I.P. Pavlova; State Medical Academy. Mechnikov.

Leading positions among other medical universities are consistently occupied by Kursk, Yaroslavl, Ufa and Ivanovo State Universities.

In the summer of 2018, Forbes compiled its ranking of universities for the first time, it included 13 medical universities at once. Each university was evaluated in terms of statistics on the employment of graduates, their demand in the regions and the number of entrepreneurs among them, including participants in the Forbes list.

The highest (32nd) position in the general list belongs to the Kursk Medical University, it overtook even the First Moscow State Medical University. Sechenov (who has 34th place), North-Western Medical University. Mechnikov (37th place) and Siberian State Medical University, which in 2017 received the honorary status of a "core" university. At the same time, RNIMU them. N. I. Pirogov was not included in the rating at all.

The largest Russian universities, which have a medical field along with many others, turned out to be higher than specialized ones in the ranking - for example, Moscow State University ranked 6th, St. Petersburg State University - 17th, and RUDN University - 25th.

But still, the most important thing that those who decide to become a doctor need is not information about the positions of universities in the rankings and successfully passed the Unified State Examination, with the results of which you can enter a medical university on a budget, but the desire to devote your life to helping those who needs medical care, and often those whose lives hang in the balance. Therefore, it is important for future doctors to possess such traits as stress resistance, the ability to quickly respond to critical situations, and readiness for self-sacrifice. Being a doctor means saving people, giving hope and becoming a real guardian angel in the eyes of others!
