Brief rules of the game of poker. How to play poker - rules

We bring to your attention poker rules for beginners, which will help you understand the general concepts and main aspects of the most popular card game in the world.

Texas Hold'em uses a deck of 52 cards. At one table in the game can participate from two to ten people. The highest card is an ace and then in descending order to the lowest - two. True, the ace, depending on the combination, can act both as the highest card and as the lowest.

Cards are dealt clockwise, two to each player face down. The remaining cards in the deck are used in the next 4 betting rounds.

Card combinations

Poker combinations are the first part of a successful game. There are exactly ten in total. Next, we will provide you with all the classic combinations that you need to know for further play:

  1. Flush Royal(Royal Flush) - five high cards of the same suit from ace to ten.
  2. street flush(Straight Flush) - five consecutive cards of the same suit. For example, 10-9-8-7-6 spades.
  3. Kare- four cards of the same value.
  4. full house(Full House) - a combination consisting of three cards of the same value and two more cards of the same value. For example, K-K-K-2-2.
  5. Flush(Flush) - five cards of the same suit, regardless of their value.
  6. street(Street) - five consecutive cards in ascending order, regardless of their suit.
  7. Set(three cards) - three cards of the same value.
  8. Two pairs- two pairs of cards of the same value.
  9. Pair- a pair of cards of the same value.
  10. senior card- when all participants in the draw do not have any combination, the player who has the highest card in his hand wins.

In all cases, when two or more participants in the drawing have the same combination, the winner is determined by the seniority of all or the first card.

Basic rules of the game during the draw

During the game you need to perform certain actions:

  • Check (skipping) - while there are no bets in the game yet, you can skip the turn. The cards are not discarded. After you check, the next player moves. If all players at the table have "checked", the round ends and the pot remains unchanged.
  • Beth (first rate) - if no one has bet before you, you can bet. This means that the players following you cannot exercise the right to check.
  • fold (discarding cards) is a refusal to participate in the current draw. The player who folded does not participate in the game until the next deal of cards.
  • call (rate equation) - accepting a previously made beta.
  • Raise (increase in an already placed bet) - adding to the pot an amount that exceeds the amount of a bet made by someone. If the player who previously made a bet wants to continue the game, he must either make either a call or a reraise.
  • showdown (determination of the winner) - opening the cards of all opponents remaining in the game to determine the strongest combination.

Bidding rules

According to the generally accepted rules of Texas Hold'em poker, each hand consists of four rounds of betting:

After all players have received their cards (hands), the first round of betting begins. Each participant in the game must decide whether to continue or withdraw from the fight for the pot, starting with the player sitting to the left of the big blind (the player who sets the mandatory bet). Once all players have announced their decision, the next round begins.

The players who made a preflop bet remained in the game. Three community cards are revealed on the table, which each player can use to make a winning combination. Each remaining participant needs to announce his decision again in the same way as on the preflop.

The third stage of trading in distribution. A fourth community card appears on the table. The remaining players again decide whether to bet or fold.

River - the final stage of trading

The fifth card is revealed on the table. The total bank, built from the bets of the players, will go to the player who has collected the strongest combination, or who has managed to knock out the rest of the opponents from the draw.

Mandatory Bets

Bets are intended to speed up the pace of the game. It is they who, formally, call on the players to fight for the pot, because otherwise everyone will just sit and wait until a strong pocket pair comes. In the rules of No Limit Hold'em poker, a special marker called the "button" is used to designate the nominal dealer in each hand.

  • Before the start of the game, the poker player, who is first to the left of the button, places the "small blind" (eng. SB) - the first mandatory bet.
  • The player who is first to the left of the small blind bets "big blind"(BB) which is twice the size of the small blind. However, keep in mind that the size of the blinds may differ from the size and betting structure of the tournament.
  • Dealer. The position at the gaming table, which conditionally indicates the place of the person distributing the cards. Relative to this position, the location of the big and small blinds is determined. Usually, the dealer's position is represented by a chip with the letter D. After each played hand, the dealer's position moves clockwise. It is beneficial in that the poker player who takes her place is one of the last among the participants to make a decision.

Game formats

By rates:

  • No Limit Hold'em. The most popular poker format. The bet sizes are not limited here - I don’t want to do it. You can go all-in by betting your entire stack. Players can use any tactic, from playing hard and aggressive to push-folding and bluffing. Playing no-limit poker provides everyone with a wide range of tools to influence opponents - it is only important to know how to use them correctly.
  • Limit Hold'em. The difference between limit and no limit poker is very noticeable. Here the size of bets and each increase is limited to a fixed amount. You can only raise twice. The maximum number of promotions during one round is also limited - 3 times. Thus, for one change you will not lose big money. This kind of poker is great for beginners who don't want to take too much risk with their bankroll.

By way:

  • Tournaments. A huge number of poker players who have made a buy-in take part in this format. Participants play on different tables at the same time until one final table remains. At the end of the game, the prize pool is divided among the best players.
  • Cash Games. The game is played for real money, previously exchanged for chips.
  • Heads-up. Translated from English means "1 on 1". As you guessed, in this case, only two participants sit at the table, which determine the winner.
  • Fast Poker. This type of poker is very different from others. In other games, the formula is the same: the player sits down at the table, in which case he folds his bad card and waits for the opponents to play the hand to the end. In fast poker, you don't have to wait for anything - as soon as you fold your hand, you are transferred to another table. Actually, after him you have already been dealt the next hand.

Other varieties of poker

  • Omaha (Hi, Hi-Lo, Five Card, Oklahoma).
  • Chinese pineapple.
  • 2-7 Lowball.
  • H.O.R.S.E.
  • Stud.
  • Razz.
  • Badugi.

We hope that these poker rules for beginners will help you understand the game better and start winning.

Frequently asked Questions

Finally a couple topical issues, which are of interest to most beginner poker players.

#1 - When can I start playing for money?

Beginners who have just learned the basics of the game and learned how to play poker can choose tables with low limits (bets), where you can also always practice without investing too much money in the game. At these tables, the maximum bets are limited, which makes them more beginner-friendly than no-limit poker tables, where you can put your entire bankroll in the pot. This will be a good training for you, because. in order to become a player who not only plays, but also earns, you may need time. But learning poker, believe me, will bear fruit.

#2 – What is the best poker room for a beginner to start at?

In total, you can find dozens, if not hundreds, of poker rooms on the network. After reading our article, in which we told the main rules of poker for beginners, also take into account our recommendations. So when choosing, do not forget to take into account those parameters that suit you the most for the game: traffic, playing field, promotions and bonuses, appearance client and so on. Since downloading and installing almost any poker client is always free, we would recommend trying multiple options at once, and feel in practice which room you like the most. For example, start with or , play and compare these two poker rooms. Then try downloading the same one again, and draw parallels between all of them. It won't be hard!

Before proceeding with the facts, it should be noted that it is impossible to become a professional from scratch. Professional players comprehend aspects of the chosen direction for years, hundreds of fights with other players, developing their own style of play, which is written about. Before you play poker - you need to learn the rules of the game perfectly!
This material will tell you how to play poker for inexperienced beginners of the Texas Hold'em direction.

How to play poker? Game terminology

You need to start any business with the study of its terminology and basic rules. on which activities are carried out. A mediocre attitude to the first stage will not allow you to reach significant peaks in the future. The rules of poker and the basic styles of play are learned through reading poker books from famous players. But their presentation is replete with narrow ones that everyone needs to know.

Poker terminology:

  • - number of chips or money in the account;
  • Stack - number of chips or money taken to the table;
  • - the amount of the mandatory contribution to gain access to the tournament;
  • Blind - there is a large and small, so called obligatory (blind) in each hand;
  • Hand - cards involved in the combination;
  • - cards received from the croupier when dealt;
  • Bank - total amount stakes placed by those seated at the table in each hand;

An important role in how to play poker correctly has a position at the table.. As part of any materials on how to play poker, a special link is made to, therefore, for those who decide to approach learning professionally, the description and advantages of positions, as well as poker game programs based on this, will be very useful. So, how to play poker, the rules of the game from the position:

  • small blind - the leftmost position in which the player makes the first, small, blind bet;
  • Big blind - the second position from the left where the full blind bet is placed;
  • Early positions (UTG) - two or three seats (depending on the total number of seats at the table) after the big blind. They are the least convenient for those who are just learning how to play poker. It will become clear later why;
  • Middle positions (MP) - following the early 2 or 3 places;
  • Late positions (Cut-off) - extreme 2-3 places in front of the dealer. They are most suitable for those who in practice comprehend how to play poker correctly. Being in front of the dealer allows you to track the actions of previous participants in the distribution, compare them with the next game and determine your own line of behavior depending on the starting hand;
  • Dealer or Button - definition of a conditional distributor. The position of the dealer is marked with a button that moves around the table during the game. From the position following the , i.e. the small blind, a new hand begins.

How to play poker depending on the position?

Casting detailed description each position was not done in vain. Many books and courses on the topic - how to play poker for beginners miss the point that the method of playing a hand depends on the position of the player. Bringing even its basics within the framework of this material will lead the reader away from the main idea - “How to play poker. Rules for Beginners.

Let's move on to the algorithm by which the distribution takes place, without it it is difficult to understand how to play poker. So:

  • Setting the blinds . Players sitting to the left of the button put first the small and then the big blind (mandatory bets, a multiple of which the rest of the players' actions will be made). Blinds are needed in order to form a minimum distribution bank and spur the interest of those sitting at the table to take part in the fight for it;
  • The croupier deals 2 cards to each (starting hand) . Her small blind gets it first, cut-off last. It was discussed above why it is better for someone who understands the basics of how to play poker to stick to Cut-off positions;
  • Next, there is an opening of 5 cards on the table and four stages of bidding, after the starting hand, opening (first three cards from the community), (fourth card), (outer card);
  • The outcome of the process is - opening by the remaining active opponents of the collected . This is the decisive moment of the hand, which determines who gets the pot.

Based on the above process, the following thesis can be formed: to help in understanding how to play poker for beginners - this is the formation of the bank at the expense of the opponents participating in the distribution and winning it.

Its formation starts with the set mandatory bets - blinds. Replenishment occurs within the framework of bidding (setting rates) by the distribution participants at each stage.

The one who has collected the strongest combination gets the bank or forced by his actions other participants in the distribution to give up the fight. The further they go in the auction, the bigger the pot will be. The correct approach to the process of "forcing" opponents to bargain in situations where you have strong cards in your hands and lies the answer to the question of how to play poker professionally.

Ratio of the starting hand with the combination

The question of how to play poker for beginners would not be fully disclosed without describing the combinations that can be collected at the gambling table.

Within the framework of this material, it makes no sense to dwell on each of the combinations in detail, since they are described in (this) material. However, important aspect for a successful game, there will be an understanding that the cards that came with the starting hand have a chance to become a combination with a calculated .

For training materials of the format - how to play poker, a table of behavior at the table is traditionally given in case of receiving certain cards in the starting hand.

With the advent of small, off-suit cards in the starting hand, provided that the player did not put the blinds right decision will fold so as not to spend money on opening the flop.

If there is a pair in the starting hand, two cards of the same suit or different but in seniority, opening the flop should be a priority if no opponent is raising bets on the first round of betting. The chances of getting a strong combination on the flop are already high, and two additional cards are not only an opportunity to strengthen it, but also to force opponents to expose more money to the bank.


It makes up the majority of the game.. Opponents try to hide their feelings and intentions from the rest, while trying to establish how strong their positions are.

Books on how to play poker for beginners bypass the moment preparedness by the party, because it is sometimes believed that before playing poker, the rules of the mechanical game must be learned, and the psychological skill must be honed in a real game.

This is partly true, because widespread games on the internet, where it is much more difficult to evaluate opponents, since many external and verbal factors are not available for evaluation. At the same time, it is quite possible to evaluate a player by their behavior even at the electronic table, especially for SnG.

Remote play capabilities allow manipulations rarely used in the game at the table, for example, skip a move with a strong starting hand, while the combination with the cards on the table is very strong, and in last moment set high stakes imitating, forcing opponents to answer, without having a worthy opposition.


The material how to play poker for beginners should be the first on the list for every player who decides to play poker professionally. Do not limit yourself to the rules and schemes provided, look for your own path, create by which you can beat opponents on own experience and understanding of the psychological component.

It's no secret that the rules of poker for beginners may seem like impenetrable "wilds" at first. Since there are a lot of terms and a lot of slang words that are very difficult to remember right away. But you should not try to cover all aspects and nuances, it is enough to know a few elements first of all:

  • combinations;
  • beginning of the game;
  • possible actions of players in trading circles;
  • trading circles;
  • types of table limits.

Knowing these rules of poker, it will be easy for beginners to take the first steps and learn how to play correctly.

Yes, at first the process will go purely mechanically, and there will be losses, but this is a temporary phenomenon, over time, each poker player develops his own style and begins to apply a certain strategy.

Then you can safely count on the first successes.

Winning combinations in poker

There are exactly ten combinations in poker, at first glance there are many, but they are very simple, and it is not difficult to learn them. In the rules of poker for beginners, it is customary to arrange combinations from weak to strong, so it is easier to remember.

  1. senior card. The most common set of cards that do not have any power. These are just five elements of the deck, not related to each other in any way ( ace of diamonds, jack of hearts, 8 of hearts, 2 of spades, queen of diamonds).
  2. Pair. Two cards with the same face value, in fact, the first combination that has real power and regularity in the compilation. The combination consists of two elements, three more will be in the role kicker- additional cards that are needed to determine the winner in disputable situations, only their face value is taken into account ( king of spades, king of clubs + 6 spades, 8 diamonds, 10 hearts).
  3. Two pairs. This is a set of two Pairs, that is, two pairs of cards of equal value, and one element as a kicker ( 6 diamonds, 6 clubs, 9 spades, 9 hearts +jack of tambourine, ace of spades).
  4. Set. Another name, Troika, Triplet. A set of three cards of the same value and two more kickers ( queen of clubs, queen of tambourines, queen of hearts + 5 clubs, 10 clubs).
  5. Straight. The combination looks pretty impressive, but is not so high. These are five cards collected in strict sequence in nominal order. Important clarification: cards must be offsuit ( 6 spades, 7 hearts, 8 diamonds, 9 clubs, 10 clubs).
  6. Flash. Five suited cards of any denomination. The strength of the combination is determined by the rank of the cards, the suits are completely equivalent and do not give advantages ( king of hearts, 5 of hearts, 2 of hearts, 7 of hearts, 9 of hearts).
  7. Full house. A rather strong combination, despite the fact that it consists of two elementary combinations - Pair and Set. The strength of the combination is determined by the face value of the cards from the Three, if they are equal, then by the Pair ( 6 spades, 6 clubs, 9 diamonds, 9 clubs, 9 spades).
  8. Kare. Opens the top three "mastodons" among the combinations, they are strong, but fall out extremely rarely. The combination consists of four cards of the same value and one more kicker ( ace of diamonds, ace of spades, ace of hearts, ace of clubs + 10 spades).
  9. Straight Flush. Combines two combinations. A set of five cards in ranked order and of the same suit ( 9 tambourine, 10 tambourine, jack of tambourine, queen of tambourine, king of tambourine).
  10. Royal Flush. In principle, this is an older Straight Flush, but it is customary to single it out as a separate combination. The royal combination, dropping out extremely rarely and bringing a 100% victory. This is a set of five highest cards of the same suit, starting from ten and ending with an ace ( 10 of clubs, jack of clubs, queen of clubs, king of clubs, ace of clubs).

It is with combinations that they begin to study the rules of poker for beginners, all the additional subtleties, nuances, and controversial situations cannot be displayed in one article.

Their understanding will come with time, while playing at the table, besides, online establishments have adopted a hint system that will help clarify certain situations that have developed in the round.

Beginning of the game

Consider poker rules for dummies by the example Texas Hold'em - the most popular direction, it is with it that most players start. The draw of the bank, adopted here, is used in the vast majority of disciplines, the differences, if any, are extremely insignificant, it will be very easy to deal with them.

After all the players are seated at the table, the dealer announces the start of the draw. The two competitors to his left are required to field big and small blinds, these are the special bets that make up the original pot. There will be a fight for him. The opponents must do them in turn, to determine the order, a special chip is used, which moves away from one player to another with each round played.

After that, all participants are dealt two cards (four in Omaha, five in draw poker). Players must watch them and decide whether to continue the fight or not, followed by the first round of bidding, called preflop. Everyone can discard the received cards and exit the draw, bet an amount equal to the big blind, increase the money on the line, and call the previous opponent's bet. All these actions in the poker rules for dummies have their own designations, which came from English terms. It is imperative to know them, since only they are used at the table, a detailed explanation in the next chapter.

What can a player do in betting rounds?

At any stage of trading, the player has the right to do several actions, they are denoted by the following terms:

  • fold. It means an exit from the struggle with a complete discarding of cards, in this case the player loses only the amount that he has already put on the line. If he did not put anything, then the participant remains with his own, provided that it was not his turn for the small or big blinds.
  • Beth. Literally "set". When a participant is ready to continue to claim the pot, then poker rules for beginners say that he can bet any amount of money. The only condition is not to go beyond the established limits, more about which a little later.
  • Raise. Raising the current rate. For example, if the previous participant bet $10, the player can raise it to $20. All active opponents at the table must equalize the bet (call), or raise even more (reraise).
  • call. Means that the player called the opponent's previous bet. If there are not enough chips for this action, then all available ones go to the stake, and the participant will not be able to take any further moves. He will have to wait until the end of the draw.
  • Check. The player has the right to skip the move and not put anything into the pot if all the participants before him did the same. In this case, the next round starts without changes.
  • All-in. That is all-in. The player, when he is one hundred percent confident in his abilities, puts all his chips on the line. The rest must call the bet or fold. Sometimes a participant simply bluffs, forcing opponents to withdraw from the fight.

It is these actions that are described in the rules of the game in classic poker for beginners. These terms denote most of the function buttons in online rooms, so it’s better to learn them by heart so as not to accidentally lose a large amount of money.

Betting circles in poker

Betting circles in poker are the stages of the game, when participants perform various actions to increase the pot and get the maximum win. There are 4 rounds in total. About the first one - preflop- described above, players trade immediately after receiving two cards in their hands. The following steps follow.


Round immediately preflop. Three community cards are laid out on the table, players can already make combinations from them and from two pocket elements. Each participant can take the actions described above.


In this round, one more card is added to the three cards on the table. The actions of the players are the same, you can call, bet, raise the bet or skip the move.


Final stage. The last fifth community card is laid out on the table. The players have one last chance to have their say. If there are several active participants left in the game, they go to final touch draw.


It means the showdown of the cards remaining in the game of the participants. The principle of determining the winner is simple: whoever has the strongest combination celebrates the victory. In order not to confuse anything, it is recommended to print out the poker rules for beginners with pictures and keep them next to you for the first time.

After the completion of these rounds, a new hand and a new round of betting begin.

Table limits

It is customary to play Texas Hold'em and Omaha and other types of poker in several variants of the table limit.

  1. Limit. The best way for newbies. In such tables, a certain limit is set, beyond which no one has the right. For example, a limit of $10 means that you can bet the maximum amount in any round of betting. Beginning players, thanks to this rule, will not immediately lose their bankroll.
  2. Unlimited. The toughest option, suitable only for professionals. In this case, the players are not limited in any way in bets, everyone can bet any amount in the betting circles, the rest are obliged to support him or fold their cards. At first, it is not recommended to sit down at such tables, so as not to become an easy prey for experienced players and lose the entire deposit.
  3. Pot limit. A balanced option in which the betting limit depends on the current bank. If $50 is at stake, then the amount of bets cannot exceed this value. Obviously, with each round of trading, the pot grows, and the limit grows accordingly. Such tables can be recommended to no longer beginners, but not yet professionals.

Each type of limits is widely represented in all online rooms. You should choose a type of table on which there is confidence not to lose large sums. You should be especially careful with unlimited options.

Final word

It is impossible to cover all the nuances in one article, theoretical lessons must certainly be accompanied by practical exercises at the poker table. First, you can play on free simulators that do not require a deposit. And only then go to commercial projects and try your hand at real money.

How to start playing poker? Very simple. Just need to learn simple rules, memorize combinations and common terminology. This approach, of course, will not classify you as a professional player, you need to master the nuances in practice. But the main thing will happen: you will figure out how to start playing online poker, you will be able to feel confident enough at the virtual table. When you test your strength, you can move on: try yourself in different types poker, learn new tactics, learn strategies.

Modern poker includes many varieties of the game. On the this moment more than one hundred and fifty are known. They differ in many nuances: the number of cards in the player's hand and community cards on the table, the conditions for making bets and their limits, the number of betting rounds.

All types of poker have a common game mechanism, the same set of combinations is used. It is enough to master one version: it will be easier to delve into the rest.

History reference

have existed since ancient times. Prototypes of modern playing cards have been found during archaeological excavations, and the first poker-like game appeared in Persia. In those days, a deck of five suits of twenty-five cards was used.

Another interesting forerunner of modern poker is a Spanish game called "First". The participants had three cards in their hands, and the combination was made up of two or three cards of the same rank. This card game was very popular in the 16th century in Italy and Spain. Then games were seen throughout Europe with rules and strategies similar to those of poker. Poker gained popularity and special development in the 20th century. In America, it became a national game, and in 2007 in Russia it was officially recognized as a sport.

The first task for beginners is to understand the rules of poker
the variety you want to play. The goal of the player is always the same - to win the pot.

This can be achieved in two ways:

  • At the showdown. The player with the highest combination wins. This is classic way determining the winner of the game, though, is completely optional.
  • Win trades. Most poker games are played before the showdown. In other words, if after your bet all opponents folded, then you take the pot, regardless of the presence or absence of winning combinations in your hands.

Poker bets

According to the rules of the game of poker, each participant must place bets before the cards are dealt. Such a system is popular in classic five-card poker, in the later stages of tournaments, when ANTE bets are introduced. The second option - only two players who sit to the left of the dealer make bets (for example, such a system is present in Texas poker).

All bets are divided into mandatory (blinds) and voluntary. With the help of mandatory rates, the bank is formed. Voluntary, on the other hand, depend on the choice of the player: you can support the hand, raise the bet, or refuse by leaving the game.

Bets that players make blindly before the cards are dealt are called blinds, which means “blind” in English.

Varieties of blinds

  • Small blind. The first player to the left of the dealer (dealer) is called the small blind. He usually bets half as much as the next big blind.
  • Big blind. The player who sits to the left of the small blind. He places the minimum bet in the game, which is twice the previous player's bet.

If you are sitting right behind the blinds and the cards suit you, then you call the bet (choose CALL). This means that the bet will be equal to the previous one (big blind). A call bet gives you the right to stay in the game.

You can raise your bet (raise). A raise is made to get more money into the pot. Raising is advisable when on hand good cards. With a certain strategy, a "raise" is made in order to eliminate as many players as possible from the hand when there are fears that the value of the cards will decrease on the next round of betting. Most often this is done by players with small "pocket pairs". Sometimes they make a "raise" just in the hope that everyone will fold their cards, it will be possible to immediately take the whole pot. Professionals most often enter with a “raise” or do not enter at all, exit the game and throw out their cards without paying anything to the bank.

The biggest bet is "all in" (a bet on everything). This bet is also called "all-in". In poker, there is a "check" bet - it is equal to zero. Relevant only on subsequent rounds of trading, when the dealer opens the auction.

If you are the dealer and you are not satisfied with the layout at the table, you can choose to bet "check". Next comes the trading round. If no one bids higher after you, you will see the next card for free. Sometimes a check is chosen with a good card in the hope that someone will follow up with a raise. In this case, you can increase the bet again in response. This poker strategy is called "check-raising".

What are the big and small blinds for?

The mandatory bid is a kind of incentive for the player to continue bidding after the deal. Blinds are mandatory in almost all types of poker. If there were no such bet, then the players would calmly fold their cards even with the slightest suspicion that they weren’t doing very well. good combination. In this case, the game would be delayed and not so interesting. The blinds also form the minimum pot. Imagine you have two aces and everyone folds. Your winnings without the blinds would be zero. That is why the rules of the game of poker provide for the presence of blinds - small and large.

The rules of the game of poker suggest the possibility of the following actions:

  • The first bet is a bet.
  • Discard cards (pass) - fold (fold).
  • The other player's bet equation (a way to continue the game without raising the bet) is a call.
  • Passing a move (if other players have not made a bet) - check (check). . Raising a bet previously made by other players is a raise.
  • Put everything - all-in (all-in).

Combinations form the basis of all types of poker. The very first poker, which today is called classic (five-card or draw poker), consisted of five cards in the hands of each player.

All combinations were made up of these five cards. This rule has become immutable for all subsequent types of poker. Texas hold'em is played with 7 cards (two in each player's hand and five community cards). game table), in Omaha - nine cards (four in hand and five common). The combination always includes only the five best cards.

Below are all the existing combinations in poker in ascending order:

Poker combinations

Royal Flush (Royal flush)

The highest hand in poker, five cards from ten to ace of the same suit

Straight Flush

Five consecutive cards of the same suit

Kare (Four of a Kind)

Four cards of the same rank

Full House

Three cards of one rank and two of another rank


Any five cards of the same suit

Street (Straight)

Five consecutive cards

Set or Three of a Kind

Three cards of the same rank

Two pairs

Two cards of one rank and two of another rank

Pair (One Pair)

A pair of cards of the same rank

High Card

The hand with the highest card wins. In the event that two or more players have the same combination: a pair, two pair, three of a kind or four of a kind, the highest card or "kicker" in the player's hand determines the winner. For example: Player A won with a combination of Two Pairs on the highest Queen card.

The poker rules provide for ten combinations. The most common combinations are from 1 to 8. Straight Flush and Royal Flush are quite rare. Collecting Royal Flush is a real success. So much so that in the life of not every player this happens at least once, because the probability of collecting a Royal Flush at the poker table is 1 in 650,000.

How to learn to play poker

The classic casino game is always played for money. It gives additional element excitement, but also increases the risk of real financial loss. Here it is necessary to distinguish between the goals of the players: for many, this is a way of additional or even basic income, for others, it is an interesting hobby and an opportunity to have fun.

For those who are looking for a way to learn how to play poker well from scratch, it is better to consider online poker applications not for money, but for play chips or local currency, which can be issued for free. You will also play online with real players, and to get started, you just need to have a computer, tablet or phone with stable access to the Internet.

  • Thoroughly study the rules and combinations. During the game, you should not waste time remembering which is higher: Straight or Flush, four of a kind or Full House, Two Pair or Set. It should be obvious. All attention should be directed to watching the game.
  • Practice mindfulness. Often novice poker players do not notice that they have collected a winning combination, they throw out cards. If you play Hold'em, try this workout at home: deal yourself two cards and five on the table, quickly try to figure out what hand you have made.
  • You don't have to take part in every hand. If the card in your hand is bad, and you are not in the blind, then feel free to throw it away. If the hand is of medium strength, otherwise you are not in the blind, then fold at 90%. By entering each bank, you will lose, losing points and chips.
  • Play in position. With a full table, you can enter the game in early position (immediately after the blinds) only with a very strong hand. Remember that the stakes can be raised several times after you: even if you call, the situation may repeat itself in the next round, and you will suffer losses. The most advantageous position is the blind or an early position in front of it. All bets before you are made, and you are the last to decide to support, raise or fold.
  • Raise more often, avoid calling if possible. By calling with a strong hand, you give many players a chance to enter the game with not very strong cards. When the middle cards come up on the table, you have to fold. If you were to raise, then the players with weak cards would fold them, and those who remained were in a difficult position. You will be able to bet again, pick up the pot. There is a chance that everyone will fold to a raise. In this case, the bank will be yours, you will win without a fight. When you call, you can only hope for a complete match of cards with the flop.
  • Be collected. Concentration is very important in poker: if you feel bad, tired or have not had enough sleep, then you should not seriously play.

What is the most main advice for beginners to play poker? Get a clear picture of what is happening at the table. For example, if you play Texas poker, then you need to start by understanding what starting hands to play and how to do it.

The list of hands that are considered the most successful for the draw:

  • Pocket Aces or Kings. There is a low probability that at the beginning of the game such a combination will be on hand. But she is the top and most successful. The probability that she will be on hand is about 2%. These hands are a must to play. Your task in this case is to collect a large bank.
  • Pocket Queens and Jacks. Good combo to play. You can act aggressively by raising the first bet, as there is always the possibility that the opponents will have an Ace or a King, and on the flop you can be beaten. Don't let too many players into the draw.
  • Suited Ace and King. Such cards are an opportunity to collect an excellent combination. A less strong hand is Ace and King of different suits. This combo needs improvement, but it's still worth playing aggressively.
  • A pair of Tens, Nines, King and Queen or Jack and Queen of the same suit. These hands are still considered strong, but should be played with caution. Get ready to fold them at a big bet.

Use special hand tables. If you use the data correctly, you can get a number of advantages, understand which cards in your hand make sense to enter the game, and which ones do not, what kind of bet to make.

Below is the table starting hands David Sklansky is a legendary poker player. During his professional career, he wrote thirteen books on poker theory and strategy, which every professional player is familiar with today. The most sensational and popular was the book "The Theory of Poker".

AA, KK, QQ, JJ, A-Ks

TT, A-Qs, A-Js, K-Qs, A-K

99, J-Ts, QJs, K-Js, A-Ts, A-Q

T-9s, K-Q, 88, Q-Ts, 98s, J-9s, A-J, K-Ts

77, 8-7s, Q-9s, T-8s, K-J, Q-J, J-T, 7-6s, 9-7s, A-xs, 6-5s

66, A-T, 55, 8-6s, K-T, Q-T, 5-4s, K-9s, J-8s, 7-5s

44, J-9, 6-4s, T-9, 5-3s, 33, 9-8, 4-3s, 22, K-xs, T-7s, Q-8s

8-7, A-9, Q-9, 7-6, 4-2s, 3-2s, 9-6s, 8-5s, 5-8, J-7s, 6-5, 5-4, 7- 4s, K-9, T-8

David Sklansky starting hand chart

How to play Texas poker

Texas Hold'em has been the most popular form of poker for over thirty years. The most famous poker tournaments are held on this game. The peculiarity of Texas poker is that each player is dealt two cards, the other five are common. Based on your two and five community cards, you make the best winning combination.

How to deal cards in Texas poker


Three common open cards are placed on the table, which will be visible to all players. They are used to make combinations along with the two cards that are in your hand.


If after the flop there is still more than one player in the game, then an additional card is laid out on the table. Then passes new stage trades between participants.


River is the fifth and last community card on the table. Here, players have one last chance to improve their combination. After the river has been laid out, the last round of betting takes place. If the bets are equal, then a showdown occurs and the winner is determined. The one who has collected the best combination takes the whole pot and becomes the winner.

How to play dice poker

Variety gambling. In this type of poker, dice are used instead of cards - five six-sided dice. No more than five people gather at the table. If you are wondering how to play dice poker, then you also need to know the differences of this type. The most important thing is the lack of cards, they are replaced by dice. Otherwise, the first player to make a move is also determined. It becomes the one who throws on the bones large quantity points.

The main task of the players is to roll the dice in such a way that more than three dice fall out with the same value. Such combinations are considered to be the most winning ones, and a high number of points is assumed for them. Each player can roll the dice three times. For the first time, individual dice can be thrown in order to end up with the most profitable combination. All current results are recorded in a personal table, on the basis of which the winner will be determined. After the players have made the three attempts provided for by the rules, the total number of points is calculated. The winner is the participant who was able to achieve the best score.


Combination value

Five units - 5 points

Four units - 4 points

Three units - 3 points

Two units - 2 points

One unit - 1 point

No units - 0 points

Five deuces - 10 points

Four deuces - 8 points

Three deuces - 6 points

Two deuces - 4 points

One deuce - 2 points

No deuces - 0 points

Five triplets - 15 points

Four triples - 12 points

Three triples - 9 points

Two triples - 6 points

One triple - 3 points

No triplets - 0 points


Five fours - 20 points

Four fours - 16 points

Three fours - 12 points

Two fours - 8 points

One four - 4 points

No fours - 0 points

Five fives - 25 points

Four fives - 20 points

Three fives - 15 points

Two fives - 10 points

One five - 5 points

No fives - 0 points


Five sixes - 30 points

Four sixes - 24 points

Three sixes - 18 points

Two sixes - 12 points

One six - 6 points

No sixes - 0 points

Four dice of the same value.

A combination of two identical and three other identical dice.

All bone values ​​are summed up. If there is no combination, 0 points are written.

Short straight

Four dice of increasing value in a row.

Regardless of the value of the stones, 25 points are written. If there is no combination, 0 points are written.

Long straight

A combination of five increasing tiles in a row.

Any long straight is worth 30 points. If there is no combination, 0 points are written.

A combination of five dice of the same value.

Any poker is worth 50 points, regardless of the value of the dice. If there is no combination, 0 points are written.

A combination of five bones of any value.

The sum of the values ​​​​of all stones is written

How to play classic poker

Classic poker has significant differences from Texas. The main difference in how to play classic poker lies in one interesting feature. Players do not have common cards on the table, and they will need to collect a combination exclusively from the cards that they have in their hands.

At the beginning of the game, five cards are dealt to each participant at the table and bidding begins. At the end of the betting round, the participant can exchange up to five cards for others or leave the combination unchanged if it suits him. Cards that have been replaced will not participate in the further game.

The second round of bidding is the final one, on its basis the winner is determined. The participant who has the strongest combination takes the pot. Today, this type of poker seems to be very unusual, although at the end of the 19th century it was the most popular card game.

How to play Russian poker

Appeared relatively recently - about twenty years ago. The game quickly spread throughout Russia and the CIS countries. Tournaments in Russian poker are practically not held. In the virtual space, this type, on the contrary, is very popular, so the question of how to play Russian poker is relevant for many.

The most main feature Russian poker is that at the table the players do not play against each other, but against the dealer. A classic of the genre in a casino is a one-on-one game with a croupier. In virtual applications, up to four players can gather at the table.

At the beginning of the first round, each participant makes a mandatory blind bet - ANTE. The size of the bet of the players may differ from each other. At the same time, it is not necessary to equalize the bet to the indicator of other players - everyone determines its size.

After that, the dealer deals five cards to each player, as well as five cards to himself. Then the player can discard cards, increase the bet, leave it unchanged. It is possible to exchange cards for others. In this case, the player pays the size of one more ANTE bet. After the end of the auction, the cards are opened. If the dealer has the highest combination, then all bets of the player go to the bank. If the player's combination wins, then the payment is made according to the table. The amount of winnings depends on the collected combination.

The first rules of poker that are known to modern players were formed in the early 19th century. Basically, under this name lies the game "Texas Hold'em". This is the most common type of poker, which is played both in real casinos and on Internet resources. It will not be so difficult for a beginner to learn it, the main thing is to understand the basic combinations and learn how to enjoy the game.

"Texas Holdem"

For the game, a deck of 52 cards is taken. The game is played by two to ten players. The highest card is considered to be an ace, the lowest - deuce. But in some combinations low card can be considered an ace. Players are dealt two cards clockwise. Poker rules for beginners are not so complicated, the main essence of the game is bidding. After the cards are issued, the first bets are made. At this point, someone can fold, deal their cards and not participate in the further game.

After that, the dealer opens the first three cards of the general auction on the table. Players again have the right to make the next bet or leave the game. And this happens until the last fifth card is opened on the table and those sitting at the table make a decision whether to raise or fold. The weight of the pot, which was laid out by the players during the bets, will go to the one who collects the most significant combination.

Basic steps

While there are no first bets, the player has the right to skip his turn, keeping the cards. The pot will remain unchanged if all players at the table miss their turn. On the first bet, the person making the bet at the very beginning of the game round can request by using the Bet action so that other players do not miss a turn. Poker rules for beginners include the ability to fold.

If a player is not sure that he wants to participate in this deal with the available cards, he folds, thereby leaving the game until the next hands. You can equalize the bet by placing the same amount as the previous participant. Pot increase is also available to players. Moreover, all previous players must either equalize the bets or throw off the cards. At the end of the game, everyone reveals their cards to determine who has collected the strongest combination and takes the pot.


If a person wants to learn poker rules for beginners, then the first thing he should learn is combinations. "Texas Hold'em" uses the same conventions as other styles of poker.

  • The most significant combination in this game is Royal Flush, if the player managed to collect five cards from ten to ace of the same suit, he undeniably won.
  • Straight Flush is five consecutive cards of the same suit, and if two such combinations fall out at the table, the winner becomes the owner of the largest cards.
  • Four of a kind are four identical cards, for example, four aces or sixes.
  • Full House - if in the hands of the player in combination with community cards three and two cards come out with the same values, for example, three aces and two deuces.
  • Flush - Five cards of the same suit.
  • Straight - five ascending cards.
  • Set - three cards of the same value.
  • A pair is two cards of the same value.

These are the basic poker combinations that every beginner should know. Recognizing them, understanding and analyzing the cards that fell into the hands and lying on the table, calculating the possibility of obtaining one or another combination are the main rules of the game. Only by realizing which cards can be put together to win does it make sense to bet and continue playing.

In the last combinations, the suit of the cards does not matter. If none of the players has collected a single combination, the winner is the one who has the highest card in his hand. If a pair of players has collected same combinations, they split the pot between two. These are the main rules of poker for beginners.

Painted poker

Painted is one of the subspecies of the popular game. The name comes from the peculiarity this scenario, because one of the participants must describe in detail everything that happens, so that later you can calculate the points and bets of the players. This game is often compared to preference. The peak of the popularity of painted poker fell at the end of the last century, and already at the beginning of this they forgot about it.

Since the advent of the ability to play card games over the Internet, this game has received new life now more and more people want to learn it. Now you can get poker training, both personally attending courses and reading various literature on the net. To whom it is convenient, there is always a choice. But if a person wants not only to play with friends, but also to win sums, then the issue of understanding the rules and essence of the game must be taken seriously.

Painted poker: game rules for 36 cards

It can be played with a full and reduced deck, but more people are attracted to playing from a deck of 36 cards. Since Jokers are required for gameplay, regular cards are chosen as Jokers in the truncated deck. Usually taken, for example, six or seven. The maximum number of players is ten, the minimum is two. Players form a table where points and bets will be recorded, and also agree on which suit will be trump.

The rules of playing this type of poker imply that a dealer will be chosen, who will deal cards to the participants and write down bets and points in separate columns. After the deal, the position of the dealer passes to the next player in a clockwise direction. Cards are dealt according to the value of the round, that is, one is issued on the first, two on the second, and so on until the end. The maximum number of cards corresponds to the number of players, after this threshold the output is reduced in the reverse order.

The cards are dealt clockwise, with the dealer receiving his last. The top card after the distribution is revealed and is considered a trump card. If the revealed card is a joker, then there will be no trump cards in this distribution.

Special moments of the game

In order to understand how to play this type of poker, you need to learn the basics. After the deal, players need to take tricks. They can order any number of cards. The participants in the game can pass, but in this case the dealer is obliged to take a bribe to himself in order to equalize the number of cards of the players.

The next step is the opening of one of the cards by the participant. The rest must beat her or drop one of their own. You can beat a card either with the same suit, or with a trump card, or discard one of the cards in your hand. And if there is the right suit, you can’t use trump cards.

How to play Omaha poker

This is the second most popular form of poker after Hold'em. By the way, they are very similar to each other. The only difference is that the player receives four cards instead of two. And in combination, he must use two of them. That is, the player does not have the opportunity to build a combination using only one card from his hands. Otherwise, these games are almost identical. There are, of course, limitations in Omaha varieties, but this is already individual for each game. It is worth noting that the combinations in poker are almost the same everywhere, in order to play this game correctly and skillfully, you need to know them by heart.
