What do you need to assemble a drone. How to design your own quadcopter

A quadcopter can be purchased at almost any major online store, or you can make a drone with your own hands. It is not known what came first: the mass production of copters or the first attempts by radio amateurs to create a drone on their own. But the fact that this hobby is becoming popular among fans of radio-controlled devices cannot leave indifferent any modeler and collector of quadcopters.

DIY quadcopter model

Many drone users are wondering how to assemble a quadrocopter with their own hands. Rather, this desire comes from the desire to have complete control over the flight and control of the shooting process.

There are a number of advantages to self-assembly of a copter: First of all, this is an opportunity to create a device with the parameters that you need. Secondly, such a device is easier to customize, you can always attach new parts or replace, for example, a battery and supply a more powerful power source. Thirdly, it can serve as an interesting experience and be the first step towards a new hobby.

Of the negative sides, it can be emphasized that such an assembly can take a lot of time to find the right parts, study the entire technical part. Moreover, no one can guarantee that "the first pancake will not go lumpy." Although, on the other hand, there are now a large number of specialized stores for radio engineering, and numerous schemes will help to understand the principles of the device and operation of a quadrocopter using the example of ready-made models of home-made versions.

Also, many resort to drone modeling on the basis that it can be much cheaper than buying a branded device. But here, too, a lot depends on what characteristics you want to get the device with, and whether the appearance of the quadra is important to you. Moreover, frequent modifications that will help make the drone more functional can also cost a pretty penny.

Inventor Jasper van Lenen introduced a kit in 2013 for those who want to assemble a drone on their own. In the suitcase he had everything he needed: electronics, motors, radio, body parts. All plastic parts were printed on 3Dprinter.

Buy or make?

The decision to make a copter yourself can be determined by the so-called sporting interest, or it can also be associated with the desire to save money. In both the first and second cases, it is important to weigh all the pros and cons, as well as determine the strengths and weaknesses in self-assembly.


As mentioned above, the main disadvantage of the DIY drone can be time. After all, it is one thing to order a quadra ready for flight, wait one or two weeks and use it for your own pleasure. But in self-assembly there are a number of nuances that can affect the timing:

  1. Acquisition of all necessary spare parts that cannot always fall into your hands at the same time.
  2. It will also take time to study the technical part in order to clearly understand what the drone consists of and how it works.
  3. The assembly and configuration of the flight controller itself will take time and, of course, patience.
  4. Post-build, which means not only testing, but working on bugs and “rework”, which also takes a lot of time and effort.


Compensate for the first point in many ways will be able to have experience in self-assembly of radio-controlled devices. In addition, if you assemble a drone with a “factory” model, then this can be a visual aid for studying the “stuffing” of a quadra. But for those who are faced with such an assembly for the first time, there are two options:

A) Buy the most inexpensive quadcopter model, which will not only serve as a model, but also whose parts you can borrow for your copter;

B) Ask for help on forums and specialized sites where you can get all the information, as well as read in detail about the step-by-step assembly of the copter, indicating the names of all the necessary parts.


Many decide to assemble a quadrocopter on the basis that such a device will cost less than a purchased one. But there are a few things to keep in mind here:

  • Of course, if you set a goal to assemble a quadric from improvised means at minimal cost, then there will be no problems, since you can purchase all the components from the same price range. But here you need to understand that you will not be able to create a powerful device with a high load capacity.
  • If you rely on the characteristics of the quadcopter, and not on the simple ability to take off and soar in the air for several minutes, then here you are unlikely to achieve a significant difference between a purchased and a homemade copter. Although, of course, there will still be an opportunity to save 10-20% of the cost.

Self-assembly of a quadcopter, hexacopter or tricopter is an opportunity to try yourself as an engineer and mechanic, allowing you to create a unique model with the characteristics that are most relevant to you. But to have hopes that this is an easier and cheaper way than buying a ready-made device is still not worth it.

Details, assembly process, nuances

So you've decided to build your first quadcopter. To begin with, it is best to turn to the experience of "experienced" designers. Here, various forums, websites, video “life hacks” will come to the rescue.

Any drone consists of two main parts - the mechanism itself that launches it, and the frame on which this “stuffing” is attached. In order for the copter to fly you need:

  • flight controller;
  • Battery;
  • Motors and propellers that are attached to them;
  • Speed ​​controllers;
  • Servo line for creating a rotary mechanism;
  • As well as various consumables: screws, connectors, anti-vibration sponge, glue, elastic tape.

The frame can be cut out of plywood or durable plastic, its shape largely determines the type of drone: whether it will be a tri-copter, quadro-copter or hexacopter. It consists of a main frame on which the controller and battery are attached, and beams with motors, a swivel mechanism and a structure for a speed controller. It is best if the beams are movable, especially if you are going to make a large quadcopter, then there will be no problems with transportation later.

Creating your own quadcopter is an opportunity to try yourself as an engineer and designer. The copter can be given a variety of shapes, using both a ready-made frame and a homemade one, try to equip it with additional structures that will help carry various items on board.

If the copter will be used for aerial photography, then you should take care of the presence of suspensions for the camera. The load capacity of the device will depend on the power of the motors and the size of the propellers. This fact is especially important to consider when it comes to heavy digital or semi-professional cameras.

The flight controller is configured via a PC, on which you first need to install a special program for MultiWii or Arduino, depending on the model of the purchased controller. And, of course, in order for you to control and receive a signal from your quadcopter, you will need to purchase a radio transmitter, for example, DSM2.

A mini drone - a remote-controlled quadcopter can be made very simply at home. You can use it for games and as a model for studying the operation of the drone. The design contains a minimum number of parts, and the construction will take 15 minutes or a little more.
Our simple model has neither engine speed adjustment nor change of flight direction. She does not know how to do almost anything, except how to rise into the air up and down at the touch of a button. But if you want, then you can later assemble a more serious version and refine it with all the features you want.

Required to build a drone

Also: ice cream sticks, hot glue gun, soldering iron with solder and flux.

Learn more about parts for assembling a quadcopter

A remote control with a receiver for remote control can be borrowed from a toy, for example from a broken car, or bought -. The main condition should be that all electronics work properly from a voltage of 3.7 V.

The 3.7 V battery is taken from an old mobile phone, it can also be purchased -. There are much smaller options to choose from.

Mini engines for flying models can be bought -.

Propellers will also have to be purchased -. They must match the engines. So it's better to take them in general as a set -.

Drone manufacturing - quadrocopter

So, first of all, we will assemble such a lattice of four ice cream sticks. We fix everything with hot glue. This will be the main frame of our mini quadcopter.

We glue the battery in the same way to the frame.

We glue four engines with propellers to the corners of the lattice.

Now you need to make the legs on which the drone will stand. Cut two ice cream sticks in half.

Attach to the base.

Adding a receiver board. We connect the outputs of all engines in parallel.

We connect the wires of the motors to the output of the remote control board.

We connect to the battery.

Examination. We hold the drone from lifting and press the button on the remote control. If the propellers of all four engines are spinning, everything is working properly.

We go out into the open area, put our quadrocopter and check the work. The drone should fly to the top without any problems.

If the propellers spin and the structure does not take off, check the battery level. If everything is in order, you need to lighten the design. In principle, the power of such four motors should be enough with a margin.

During construction, I recommend saving the overall weight as much as possible so that the drone is as light as possible. So pour less glue, cut the wires as short as possible, etc. For more detailed instructions on assembling the toy, see the video.

You, as a novice pilot, decided to figure out how to make a radio-controlled quadrocopter on a remote control (mini or with a camera) with your own hands at home. The task, at first glance, is simple, but there are a lot of nuances that you should pay attention to - about this in our detailed instructions.

The myth of total cheapness

If you are new to aeromodelling, then you should accept that this is not a cheap undertaking.

Now “slippers will fly”, which is a video circulating on the net, where a small drone was assembled from improvised materials and funds for only 50 rubles, spending only 2 hours of time.

Take a look - it's a joke. It's a pity if you believed that self-tapping screws, plastic utensils and aluminum corners could become a full-fledged copter when assembled.

Disappointed by information? Then it's better to buy a ready-made RTF quadric (ready to fly, ready to fly) and not fool your head.

What is required at the very beginning

If you still have a desire, then first you should have hands from the right place, namely, from the shoulders. Also, at least superficial knowledge in electronics and a little bit in programming, determination and lack of laziness, and, of course, details on the list.

Oh yes, you still need to decide on the main function of the drone. At the very beginning, it is better to make a quadcopter without a camera. You need to get your hand in control so that one of the expensive equipment does not crash or drown.

An important detail for beginners is the place where you will release your first drone for flights. The urban area is eliminated immediately, as houses, trees and wires will interfere with test flights. The park doesn't fit either. One wrong move - the vacationer and your new brainchild may suffer. It is better to go out into the open field and steer the quadric for your pleasure.

List of main spare parts:

  • frame;
  • motors with controllers for them;
  • screws;
  • battery for quadcopter and remote control;
  • flight controller;
  • control panel with signal reception and transmission;
  • Charger;
  • connecting wires, bolts, etc.;
  • tools for work.

    In order to be able to modify the drone to work with video and photography in the future, the base between the rays of the copter should be made wider in order to later accommodate the rest of the devices.

Selecting the shape of the quadcopter

First of all, you should decide on the number of beams and screws on the copter. There is a wide variety in the modifications and appearance of flying drones, based on the number of beams coming out of the center of the frame, there are tri-, quadro-, hexa- and octocopters.
The number of propellers can be more than the number of beams. But the name doesn't change. For example, a quadcopter has two motors with propellers on each beam - this does not make it an octocopter.

From the title of the article, it is clear that we are talking about drones that have four axes (and four motors as standard).
The shape of the beams on the quadcopter is also different (+, X or H - shaped).

The most popular model among quadcopters is the X-shaped quatrocopter (you can see it on the diagram). Firstly, two motors at once pull the entire structure forward, and secondly, the attached video camera will not see the screws in front of it.

What to consider when selecting all spare parts

Based on the estimated weight of the complete structure already FPV-, you should assemble a copter with powerful motors. This implies the purchase of additional batteries or the installation of more capacious ones at once.

To facilitate the design, the frame can be made independently. There are options: from simple wooden rulers to aluminum profiles or tubes. You can save money on this. The main thing is that the material is durable, because when it falls, the first thing that suffers is the rays of the copter.

Of course, there are ready-made frames, but you should beware of fakes, otherwise at least one “leg” will fly off after the first crash test. For the duration of the management skill, improvised materials are more advantageous.

The beams for a quadrocopter have an optimal parameter - 30-60 cm in length from motor to motor.

In order not to get hurt and not to mow the foliage of nearby trees, as well as to test the copter at home, you can put special protection on the propellers.

What will the flight controller and all other gadgets be attached to? Here, too, you can turn on the fantasy. Of course, a piece of cardboard will not work, but a square of plywood, a plastic base from under the CD box is optimal. Not heavy and will withstand everything that you need to fasten.

If in the future the use of an action camera, you should leave a place for the receiver and transmitter of the camera signal on the tablet and a place for its fastening.

Motors - they need four at once. For propellers, they are mainly selected according to diameter and power. The diameter is taken from the parameters of the frame (if it is self-made, then at its discretion).

Motor controllers are needed to control the speed of rotation of the blades. The power of the engines directly depends on the weight of the drone assembly.

Batteries for motors can be of different capacities. It is better to provide the opportunity to change batteries to high capacities and, of course, use not one, but several at once.

The screws themselves can be taken 9-12 cm. A pair of ordinary and 2 with reverse rotation. It is desirable that they come with fasteners for several types of motors at once.

The most important and most expensive thing in a quatrocopter is its "brains", namely, the flight controller - you can't save on it. Here, the future capabilities of the drone should be considered. It is better to take a microcontroller programmable (for example, Arduino Mega). Sensors for it can be taken "all in one" All In One (gyroscope, accelerometer, barometer, magnetometer), or at a minimum - a gyroscope and an accelerometer.

Additional functions:

  • GPS - flight route programming;
  • "soft landing" - fail safe (if the radio connection with the remote control is lost, the copter will sit down smoothly, and not crash to the ground);
  • FPV (first person view) - view from the first person, and observation from the tablet.

The transmitter on the control board should be chosen according to your pocket. The main thing is that there should be at least four channels and a frequency of 2.4 GHz. It can be bought for left-handed or right-handed people.

Of course, you will have to tinker with wires, but in capable hands this time will pass quickly.

It is better to attach a special soft lining to the legs of the copter or to the beams themselves on the frame, so that landing on hard surfaces is easier.

It won't be easy, but it will be interesting and entertaining!

More drone ideas

But craftsmen are not limited to standard materials for creating radio-controlled quadrocopters - they use Lego parts, paper, bottles, and coolers, independently creating drawings and gradually creating their device.

Paper quadcopter

Imagine, there are also paper aircraft! Of course, they do not provide for serious loads, so they are created just for fun.

As fasteners for paper models, an adhesive gun and plastic ties are used. Also, small wooden blocks become an obligatory element - this is necessary so that the paper does not tear with ties under loads.

Drone from coolers

If you have old computer coolers in your hands, do not rush to throw them away! They will make an excellent (though not the strongest) copter. To create, you will need four computer fans and the same set of materials and tools as for a regular drone - but without motors.

Today, there are a lot of articles on the Internet on the topic "assembling a quadcopter with your own hands", and the easiest way to make a quadcopter, for a beginner, is to make it "according to the instructions", so it's enough to find a quality article-instruction and try to repeat the author's creation. The main thing is not only to know what kind of aircraft you need, but also what prospects you are counting on. I wanted a quadcopter "with a margin", so that it would be possible to hang a camera (like Gopro) on a brushless gimbal and broadcast video "on the ground". And "Empty" i.e. unloaded, was able to fly for the longest possible time. I could not find a finished article, so I had to "shovel" a pile of materials.

This article is about a quadcopter designed for FPV - first-person camera flight and aerial photography. Aerial photography is planned not only with GoPro (and analogues), but also with the ability to load a more or less decent "soap box" (150-250 grams) on board. Plus, so that the flight time is long and that in emergency and any unforeseen cases, the autopilot returns the device "home".

The most difficult thing in assembling the first quadcopter is to decide "what copter" and "for what purposes" it is needed, place an order and pay, the amount is not small.

Frame and power section with propellers.

F450 Quadcopter Frame - 450mm

Engine AX-2810Q 750kv

ESC Speed ​​Controller Turnigy Multistar 40A V2 Slim BLHeli Multi-Rotor Brushless OPTO 2-6S

Propellers 12x6 carbon, cheap, from Aliexpress

Flight controller (brain)- I chose APM 2.6:

Great budget option. While there are cheaper options, the APM (ardu pilot mega) has all the features of an "advanced" flight controller. I connect a GPS module to it so that the autopilot can return the copter "home" in case of a loss of communication.

To fly around the camera, I also install OSD - this is an overlay, on the broadcast video, of telemetry data: flight speed, altitude, an arrow indicating the way home and, most importantly, battery data - from the ground you can see the power consumption and forecast how long the battery will last.

Also, to obtain data on the state of the battery, a power module is required:

FPV kit for broadcasting video from a quadrocopter to the ground, it includes a set of receiver and transmitter:

Operating frequency 5.8 GHz. The transmitter power (pictured on the right) is 600 mW - which, with normal antennas, should keep stable reception at a distance of more than 5 km in direct line of sight. Initially, I calculated this kit for an airplane and a flight of 10 km, so it is too powerful and heavy. The weight of the transmitter is 40 g together with the standard antenna.

In such a set, it is better to change the standard whip antennas (dipole) to modern circular polarization antennas called - "clover" they provide a more stable signal reception / transmission, i.e. There will be less noise on the video:

On the ground watch the image I plan in a cheap video helmet:

The helmet is delivered unassembled, as in the photo on the right. What the helmet is: a foam shell (EPO), an LCD screen (5 ") and a fresnel lens. That is, the lens allows you to more or less comfortably look at the screen at a close distance (5-6 cm), as a result you see a large screen Due to such a lens, there is slight distortion at the edges of the visible area.The disadvantages of this helmet are a low-resolution 640-dot LCD screen, graininess is felt, so amateurs and enthusiasts replace the standard screen with a screen of the same size, but with a higher resolution, for example, 840 dots on inch, the main thing is that it does not have a black or blue screen when there is no signal, because in case of poor reception, it is important to see at least the outlines of the image through the interference.

The cost of such a helmet (monitor) is about 2000 rubles ($35). There are other models of helmets with a screen resolution of 1280, the quality and the feeling of presence in these are at the highest level, but the price is also higher.

As for video glasses, their quality is estimated at a very high cost (due to compactness). Normal Fatshark glasses (640 dpi) will not be much higher in quality than a helmet for 2000 rubles, and their price will be about 8000 rubles. Cheap video glasses from aliexpress are more suitable for a "passenger" than a pilot.

The manufacturer claims that the virtual display with a diagonal of 52 inches is simulated in glasses, this is true (but at a distance of 5-6 meters), watching a movie is absolutely acceptable, but when flying with a camera, you need to not only navigate in space, but also on the ground, and it is also necessary to be distracted by OSD data, which looks small on a small grainy screen. I would not recommend these glasses for a beginner. The price of the described glasses is $100, their resolution is only 320x240.

camera on quadcopter, for recording and broadcasting video will be installed on a 2-axis brushless gimbal from aliexpress. Camera selected SJ5000.

The drone is expected to look something like this:

Various little things:

Anti-vibration platform for APM - it is customary to install apm on an anti-vibration stand, this improves the stability of the controller.

BEC is a power regulator that converts incoming 11.1 or 14.8 volts to 5 volts, which is used to power the receiver, flight controller, etc. It is necessary because my ESC (brushless motor speed controller) without built-in BEC.

The weight of my copter was:

Frame, 4 motors, 4 ESCs, 1 BEC, APM, power distribution board with XT60 connectors, receiver, "legs" - 990 gr.

FPV kit: minimosd-6gr, FPV camera-20gr, video transmitter with antenna-30gr, GPS module-30gr.

Video filming: two-axis gimbal-212gr, camera SJ4000-70gr.

Battery: 5000mAh 4S 30C - 650g.

Total empty: 1 kg - with battery 1650 gr.

with FPV kit - 1100 and 1750g with battery.

with brushless gimbal and camera-2.1 kg.

I also want to increase the duration of the flight due to large propellers. Therefore, I will test in the following configuration: the engines are described above, 12x4.5 propellers with 3s power supply (11.1 volts) and the second option 10x4.5 propellers with 4s power supply (14.8).

How to choose a motor/frame for a quadcopter?

You need to know the weight of the future aircraft, the weight of a fully loaded one - frame, motors, regulators, receiver, video transmitter, OSD, GPS, flight controller, camera, battery, camera gimbal, etc. Under this weight, the engine / propeller is selected - VMG- propeller group and battery.

The propeller group develops a certain thrust in grams, usually the seller or manufacturer publishes technical specifications: current consumption, voltage / propeller, thrust force in grams.

Example: the thrust scale is in grams vertically, the current consumption in amperes is horizontal. Voltage 14.8 (4S), two graphics - one for the propeller 11x4.7 the second for 10x4.7

Unfortunately, not every engine has thrust data, or it may not be entirely correct. Often these data are posted in the comments, enthusiasts leading the measurement. And in principle, this is correct, I bought the engine, installed it on a stand with weights and start testing, sorting through the propeller options declared by the manufacturer, on which of the propellers the thrust and moderate heating are higher and that one will do.

For example, you found an engine with a thrust of 1 kg, in a quadcopter there are 4 engines, respectively, 4 kg of thrust. Thrust-to-weight ratio is a margin of thrust capability, i.e. if the quadric weighs 4 kg and the thrust is 4 kg, then the thrust-to-weight ratio is equal to one (1 - it will not fly), for copters you need from 2 to 3.

Due to the development of technological progress, photographers, videographers and bloggers are increasingly using quadrocopters in their arsenal. At the same time, prices for a normal model start at 30,000 rubles. In addition, users often want to install their own camera on it, and not all gimbals of popular models allow this. Therefore, the question remains how to design a quadrocopter with your own hands. This is not difficult to do if you have at least basic knowledge in electrics, but you need to know certain nuances and subtleties. Read the step-by-step instructions for assembling a quadrocopter with your own hands later in the article.

Quadcopter on Arduino

Microcontroller Arduino Uno

Today, the word Arduino is often found among modellers. What does this mean, and what does it have to do with a do-it-yourself quadrocopter? The Arduino Uno microcontroller is a small electronic device that controls the accelerometer, gyroscope and other sensors, transmits and receives information, etc. It consists of a system of devices responsible for a specific function. The "brain" of an Arduino is a microcontroller. It has memory and is able to perform simple tasks. You can compare it with a single-chip minicomputer. The next component is the electrical leads, which are located around the perimeter of the board. They act as arms for the adruino. Finally, there are analog or digital outputs required for control.

So, you need to make a quadcopter with your own hands and provide it with a base that will allow the copter to take off into the air and perform the necessary tasks. It becomes the Arduino Uno controller for the quadrocopter, which will provide stability and controllability in flight. By assembling a quadrocopter with your own hands, you will save up to 15,000 rubles, while creating a fully functional drone.

Choice of sensors.

Scheme of connecting MPU 6030 to Arduino Uno. Click to view full size

To control the quadcopter, you need an accelerometer and a gyroscope. This will be sufficient if you are looking for a device with a simple design for short distance flights. To build a complex device with many modules, functions, GPS support, you will have to install additional sensors. For the first model, we recommend choosing the MPU-6050 board - it contains all the necessary sensors.


Parts for assembling a quadrocopter with your own hands can be ordered on Aliexpress, or you can print some of them on a 3D printer. Main components:

  1. Frame.
  2. screws.
  3. flight controller.
  4. Lithium batteries (2x 3.7V)
  5. Remote Control.
  6. A set of sensors.
  7. Transistor
  8. Bolts, connecting wires.
  9. Charger.
  10. Screw motors.
  11. Tools for work.

If there are 4 identical fans (coolers) left from the old computer, then the motors from them are suitable for assembling a copter. At the first experience, it is better to refuse to assemble a quadrocopter with a camera with your own hands. First, figure out the controls, and only then attach the camera so that when you fall, you don’t lose both the quadcopter and the camera at the same time. When assembling, it is recommended to make a wide base between the arms of the drone. Then you can hang the camera without too much work. A simple option is also a do-it-yourself quadcopter on a 3d printer. To do this, you just need to print it by downloading the necessary details.

Choose the type and size of the quadcopter

When assembling the quadcopter, choose the appropriate size for the quadcopter. There are such:

  • A mini quadcopter is a small model with a short range. Fits in the palm of your hand, suitable for indoor flying.
  • A tricopter is a drone that has only three propellers. This makes it lighter and more maneuverable, but torque is lost. Instead, a rear rotor tilt mechanism is used. Difficult to do by hand.
  • A regular quadcopter is a simple and inexpensive drone. The diagonal size is on average 35 cm (without propellers). It consists of a minimum set of parts in order to reduce the weight of the device. It is characterized by high speed of movement and maneuverability.
  • A folding quadrocopter is taken on trips, trips, when the size and weight of the device is important. The folding frame makes it easy to transport the device. Difficult to make on your own.
  • A large quadcopter is the most expensive and heaviest type of drone. Able to fly long distances, equipped with a capacious battery, carries sophisticated photo and video equipment. Do it yourself only if you already have the skills to make such devices.

wiring diagram

Wiring diagram. Click to enlarge

A self-assembled quadrocopter model requires proper wiring, otherwise the device is unlikely to fly into the air. First make a parallel connection of four power wires. You will need detachable connections at the place where the battery is connected to the wires. In all other places it is necessary to make soldering. Parts will need to be tightened with heat shrink, otherwise they will come off later due to vibration during flight.
Next, take care of the control board, connect the driver wires. From now on, proceed to check the flight controller to eliminate possible problems.


First of all, we prepare and connect the beams and the frame. If it is not possible to print the frame on a 3D printer, then use plain plywood instead. Install the power board at the junction of the frame parts. It should be fixed at the bottom in the central part. Fasten it to the body on both sides with plastic straps, in which the length is adjustable. At the same time, the board can move, move, but, nevertheless, it will fulfill its purpose, and you should not worry about it flying off.

Next, install the flight controller from above. It is very important that it be placed exactly in the center, so it is best to measure the place where it will be located. Fasten this part with self-tapping screws of the right size. Then fix the receiver and transmitter with superglue. Also prepare pads at the ends of the beams. They are needed to install engines and propellers. You can connect the motors with three power wires. The direction of rotation of the screws depends on their location.

The next step is to install the battery. Use two 3700 mAh Zippy Compact batteries. They must be attached diagonally to two beams at once. Use a wide plastic strap and tape for this. The crosspiece in the central part is also suitable for installing batteries. There is a space between the crosspiece and the control panel, insert the strap for attaching the batteries there. Put the batteries on top of each other, put a sponge on top, used to transport breakable objects. Secure them with a strap, and stick tape on top so that the batteries do not slip.

At the end, we assemble and install the screws at the ends of the beams on special platforms. It remains only to connect the wires and you can start the first flights. It is best to start by timing the flight in order to have time to make a soft landing. This is especially important if the do-it-yourself drone did not have a landing gear attached.

Learning to fly

Homemade quadcopters need firmware setup. Download and install the program. Next, you will need to follow the suggested instructions to properly configure the program. Now start flying. For beginners, flying a drone is not as easy as it seems at first glance. However, with the desire and patience, you will quickly learn. Install the quadcopter at a distance of 10-12 meters from you. To take off, tilt the throttle stick down and to the right. Your drone will take off. Next is the matter of technique and training.
