How to enter any entrance. How to open the intercom without a key? Ways and codes to open the door of any entrance with an intercom without a key

Almost all apartment buildings equipped with an intercom system. Getting into such a house is extremely problematic if you do not have a reader key or you do not know the pin code. But what if you can't get into the house late at night? In such cases, it is possible to open any device of well-known brands by introducing a certain combination.

Ways to open the intercom without a key

The lock opens with a key

There are many manufacturers of intercom systems. But almost everyone has weak spots in system. How can the following be used?

  • Taser. Many people ask: is it possible to open any intercom with a stun gun? The door should open as follows. Bring a stun gun to the reader on the outer panel and make a discharge. There is a possibility that the system will think that this is a key and open the lock, and there is also a possibility of a complete shutdown of the system, and then no one will be able to use this panel.

Non-standard way
  • Another way is to influence the reader of the device. This is a piezo element from a lighter. Bring it to the reader and click. Chances are small, but still they are.
  • Under there is a magnetic lock. If you hit hard in this area, then the grip of the magnet should loosen.
  • How to open the intercom with the help of force? First you need to press hard on the door, and then sharply pull it towards you.
  • An easier and smarter way. AT daytime it will work best. Wait for someone to leave or enter.
  • Dial the number of any apartment and politely ask to open. It is possible that some resident will believe that you are his neighbor, enter into your position and open the door for you.
  • Enter a special combination, a kind of key to all doors.

The last of the options seems to be the most effective. It is necessary to consider in more detail the combinations for the most common intercom systems.

How to open an intercom from Metacom without using a key

Metacom system

For products from Metacom, the procedure is as follows:

  • press the call key, then the apartment number, which starts the numbering of apartments;
  • again the first key. “COD” will appear on the screen;
  • You need to enter the numbers in sequence: 5, 7, 0, 2.

If it didn't work, then:

  • 65535 and press the first button;
  • Next 1234, the call key and the "8" key.

If the intercom does not open, then:

  • enter 1234 and press the call button;
  • 6, call button, 4568.

If you recognize the MK-20 M / T model, then you can enter one of the two following combinations:

  1. Call, 27, call, 5702.
  2. Call, 1, call, 4526.

With one method, you can definitely open the door.

Combination for Vizit devices

This company has many different models. For example, some have "*" instead of "C", and instead of "#" - "K". This fact must be taken into account.

How to enter the settings menu? For this:

  1. Press #.
  2. 1234, the beep will sound.
  3. If a signal consisting of two tones has sounded, then one of the following combinations can be applied or alternately: "12345", "3535", "6767", "9999", "11639".
  4. The operation is completed by entering "2, pause, #, pause, 3535".

Older models can be opened with short combinations: *#4230 or 12#345. Newer models require *#432 or 67#890.

Reception filmed by the guys on a phone camera:

Cyfral system

To enter using this system, you need to be patient and enter long combinations.


B0000. This combination is suitable for opening intercoms of the 2049.1M family. If entering such a sequence of buttons did not open the door, then ON should be displayed on the screen. Then press 2 and the door will open. If OFF is on the screen, then the program is protected from hacking.

0000CALL. This combination should open the doors of modification 2094M. COD should light up on the screen. Next, you need to enter 123456 and press the call button, or 4563 plus the call button, or 123400 and the call key. FO appears on the screen. You should press 601.

Open Eltis system without key

This system is characterized by less protection than other brands of intercoms. An emergency opening can be made by a set of the following digital combinations. One of them must log in.

  • Call key - 100 - call - 7-2-7-3.
  • Call key - 100 - call - 2-3-2-3.
  • Call key - APARTMENT NUMBER - call - intercom code. The code is suitable for systems that serve apartments with multiples of a hundred numbers. The intercom code is either 2323 or 7272, 7273.
  • call key - 4-1 - call key -1-4-1-0.

How to get into the entrance protected by the Forward intercom?

At this device there should be a special hole in the reader area. If it is not soldered and still accessible, then you can open the lock simply by inserting a thin wire or paper clip into the intercom. If opening with sharp objects is not available, then, as with other models, you can try a number of digital combinations.

  1. Call key - 5-5-7-7-9-8 - call.
  2. 2-4-2-7-1-0-1.
  3. 1-2-3-*-2-4-2-7-1-0-1.
  4. Call button - 1-2-3-4.

If none of the combinations helped, then you can try adding your key to the microcontroller base. To do this, do the following:

  • 7-7-3-9-5-2-0-1 — * — 0 — *;
  • attach the key to the reader and press the # key twice.

Attention! If the code for writing the key did not fit, then you should try another one - 5755660.

Product Discovery by Marshal


To open this device, you need to know the numbers of the last apartments in the entrance (hereinafter referred to as NPKVP) and use them in one of the combinations.

  • NPKVP + 1 - call - 5-5-5-5;
  • NPKVP + 1 - call - 1-9-5-8.

"NPKVP + 1" means that one must be added to the number.

Product from Stroy Master

Usually the installer forgets to change the factory codes. Therefore, you can successfully open the door by entering the following combinations in turn on the external panel.

  1. 1-2-3-4, 6-7-6-7, 3-5-3-5, 9-9-9-9, 1-2-3-4-5, 0-0-0-0, 1-1-6-3-9. The action is completed by simultaneously pressing the call and cancel buttons.
  2. Call button - 1234.

Door with intercom Laskomex

This manufacturer uses unique four-digit codes for each device. Therefore, if you recognize this code, you can use it in combination: call button - apartment number - a unique code from the manufacturer.

Another method does not require a unique code for your house intercom, but only the knowledge of simple combinations:

  • alternately press the buttons with the image of the key and 0 four times, it looks like this: K-0-K-0-K-0-K-0 (where K is the key with the image of the key);
  • then enter 6-6-6-6, wait for P to appear on the screen;
  • press 8;
  • The front door will open in a few seconds.

How to open an intercom without a chip from Techcom

The process of opening an intercom from Tekhkom is associated with the introduction of a common code and a part consisting of a unique code for a specific sample. If the installers did not set the code, then you can enter the following combination: 2-5-8 - 1-2-3-4 - call key - 3, "F3" will appear on the screen. This means that you have entered the add keys service. You need to enter the apartment number, attach the key to the reader. If there is already a cipher of this key in memory, then a double signal will sound, if not, then the cipher will be written, accompanied by one signal. To exit the menu, you need to press "X", if this is not done, the device will not remember the settings.

Old models of this company can be opened with the following combination:

  • 1-6-0, moreover, when dialing numbers, they must be held;
  • let go in reverse order: 0-6-1;
  • “- -“ should appear on the screen, press 4-3-2-1;
  • will complete the process set B-3-B.

Opening the Factorial Device

Installers can complicate the whole process of opening this device without a key. Usually they change the factory settings. If this was not done, then it will be possible to open it with the following set of characters:

  • 0-0-0-0-0-0 or 1-2-3-4-5-6;
  • 5 - the screen will display the entry "180180" - call button - 4 - call button.

If the installers did not have time to change the service settings, then this decision will help you get to the entrance in an emergency.

"Safe-Service" is opened by the following combination

As in the previous instance, you can enter combinations of six zeros or in order from one to six. If the settings have been changed, then the following steps should help you:

  • press and hold button 5;
  • ON will be displayed on the screen;
  • enter 1-8-0-1-8-0 - B - 5;

However, this combination does not guarantee success. The same applies to all intercom systems. None of the above combinations of symbols and actions guarantees the opening of the intercom. Installers and service companies have long known a method to open a door without a key.

Installers protect apartment owners by changing settings

It is worth remembering that using these methods of entering other people's entrances is a crime. They can only be used in emergency situations to enter your entrance.

Sometimes there are situations when it is not possible to get not only into own apartment, but even in the native entrance. Or vice versa, there is a need to get into someone else's entrance (on work issues, for example), but the presence of an intercom on front door interfere with free passage. In this case, you should first learn how to open the intercom without a key.

In this case, there are several possible options.

How to open any intercom

In order to get inside the entrance, you can use one of several methods:

  • The easiest option is to break the intercom, but this method can lead to very unpleasant consequences, and besides, it is not legal;
  • The second method will allow you to open any intercom, no matter how complicated it is - you can call one of the apartments and ask to be let inside. If the reasons for entry do not include theft, or other such acts, tenants are usually allowed inside;
  • The third way to open any intercom is to enter a unique code, which will unlock the door. For each intercom, this code is unique, and may also differ depending on the specific model. Therefore, in order to open any intercom, it is not enough to remember one combination - you will have to carry a whole list with you.

Today there are a lot of different intercom models and each one opens in its own unique way.

Therefore, it is difficult to find a universal solution for everyone, but to describe functional features models well-known manufacturers and options for how to recode or disable them will be much easier to describe.

CS Models

Ks is a model domestic manufacturer which deals not only similar devices but also video surveillance systems. Such devices are not much inferior to foreign counterparts.

To find out how to open an intercom without a key, you must first determine the specific model of the device. After that, it is already possible to talk about which of the methods will be most effective.

Determining the model is quite simple - usually it is written right on the front panel. If there is no model, experts can identify the device simply by appearance. A non-specialist can also do this if he has something to compare with (for example, you can see on a tablet on the net how one or another model looks like).

To unlock the intercom manufactured by KS, you just need to enter a certain code - usually a 4-digit code that the device installers program during the initial installation.

For KS, especially for models installed at the entrances, the code is identical and consists of zeros. To use it, you need to enter the code on the CS device, and then press the button labeled "K". Or there is a need to first press "K", and then enter the code - it all depends on which of the KS devices you have to deal with.

To hack a KS intercom, it is not necessary to use a code - there is also a universal key. It is also called "Master Key". They can be ordered in many workshops, or from those specialists who will mount the COP device.

In any case, the COP is an intercom, which can be opened quite simply. But do not flatter yourself, if the installers have done their job well, it is impossible to open a KS production device using a standard code.

Intercom Marshal

There is another manufacturer - Marshal.

To open the door with an intercom from this manufacturer, you can simply purchase universal keys - they are available on the market.

A fairly common way to get into the entrance is to enter the last number of the apartment in the house, press "K" and add 5555. However, this option is not always suitable - and is not used on all models.

There are entire sites where a universal code is offered for Marshal devices (it may differ depending on the city and area.

Using a chip, or looking for a code, does not always lead to successful results. It is much easier to disconnect the intercom from the power supply. Regardless of the model, if the intercom is not connected to the network, it will unlock the door. Unfortunately, this method is not available to everyone.

A separate way can be called attempts to enter the menu service, from which you can unlock the door. This code looks like #999. There are other combinations, for example, sixes or zeros are used instead of nines. If the code is accepted, then you will need to enter the mater code - its value is always one "1234". It is easy to make sure that the code is correct - the device will beep.

There is also a completely legal way that does not involve hacking, but nevertheless, offers to open the intercom without a key. To do this, you just need to wait until one of the residents leaves the entrance and hold the door. It is this method that will allow you to open the device without a chip, code and other difficulties. Its only disadvantage is the need to waste time - after all, you have to wait - maybe 5 minutes, or maybe an hour.

Intercom Techcom

If there is a need to find out how to open a Techcom intercom, then there are several options for it.

First of all, you should determine which model you have to deal with, which one is installed on the door. Depending on this, you can choose a code by which the installers reset the device settings.

If you managed to find the code, you should not recode the device, or after the door opens, just reset the settings to the standard ones - this will not bring any problems to other users, and the burglar himself will be able to open the entrance much faster, and without any key, using the same same code.

  • One of the easiest ways to hack, if the specific model of the Tehkom intercom is unknown, is to enter the value 1234, before or after pressing the call button, or #.
  • In addition to this combination, you can use zeros or nines.
  • Sometimes, to open the door, you need to hold down the call key, or #. If this method works, the user will hear a beep.
  • The button should be pressed either for 4, or for 10, or for 30 seconds. Again, the exact time depends on working with a particular model.

Often, intercoms from this manufacturer can use individual codes for all residents (just in case someone forgets their key), you can try several options. It is best to use a one-digit code - for example 4444. Very often, residents do not reset or change their standard codes, so another option would be a duplicate apartment number - for example 6969.

If the user knows the code for the door of the neighboring entrance, then this combination can also work, or you need to add or subtract one to the existing number.

Open with Kron battery

If an intercom without a keyboard and a screen is installed on the entrance door to the entrance, opening it will also not take much time.

In order to find out how to open this type of intercom, you can try the options already listed for models from other manufacturers (of course, if there is at least a keyboard). If the door did not open, the intercom could not be hacked, you should look for other options, or find an individual approach.

In this case, the most common krone battery will help. You can choose any other that fits this size (meaning the point of contact with the key).

It is enough just to attach a battery to this place and the door should be unlocked. This method (involving opening the intercom using batteries - crowns) is the most common, it is hardly suitable for ordinary intercoms (with keys and a screen), but it is extremely useful for devices installed in the private sector, or in entrances with a concierge. Or, for such a case, you can use a universal key.

You can turn off the intercom in another way - to do this, you need to hold down the "C" key and enter the code 669900, then press the call key and dial the combination from the number of the last apartment in the entrance, adding one.

If all these methods did not give the desired effect, then either there was an error in choosing the model and manufacturer of the device, or simply standard settings were changed.

You won't be able to open this door. If the autopsy is extremely necessary, you can move on to more radical, albeit not entirely legal and legal methods.

Radical ways

There are more radical ways to open an intercom. You do not need to use or select codes, everything can be done much easier.

For starters, it's brute force. Intercoms block the door with a magnet and in most cases, one person is enough to open the door - you just need to pull the door hard. To ensure that you achieve what you want, you may need the help of one or two people.

The main thing in this process is to pull the door with everyone at the same time, then you can count on it to open.

Another brute force method is to simply break the intercom. In most cases, all of its electronics are located just below the panel. So that's where you can strike. More likely, the microcircuits will be damaged, the device will stop functioning and, accordingly, the doors will be unlocked.

Not less than effective way is the use of a stun gun, both purchased and homemade. You need to strike by attaching a shocker to the reader. Applying a large voltage will cause the device to fail and, accordingly, unlock the door.

It should be borne in mind that such attempts to open the intercom can lead to very unpredictable consequences - the arrival of law enforcement agencies, or, if the burglar is a resident of the hacked entrance, the need to purchase a new intercom at his own expense, pay for its installation and configuration.

So, the best way should still be called an acquisition universal key, through which it is easy to open any model. You can order such purchases both online and in many companies that install intercoms.

I wonder if this also works?

How to open any intercom without a key?

Intercom opening Visit
With unchanged factory settings, there are 4 code options: *#423; 12#345; 67#890; *#4230.
To access using the service menu: #999. After two intermittent signals, enter: 1234 (standard), in case of an error, enter: 0000; 9999; 3535; 12345; 6767. An access signal is one sound, a refusal signal is two sounds.
A way to access the service menu using three buttons. Press "2", (wait a couple of seconds), "#" (a couple more seconds), "3535" - then the door opens.
After pressing "*" - the program mode is exited.

Intercom opening METAKOM
Three ways to open METAKOM intercoms:
1) Pressing the call button, then dial the number of the first apartment in the entrance and again press the call button. The letters COD should appear on the display, we dial numbers - 5702.
2) 65535 - call - 1234 - 8.
3) call - 1234 - 6 - call - 4568.

Intercom opening Cyfral
Two opening options:
1) If there is a mark "M" on the intercom.
Press: 07054, or - call - 41, or - call - 1410.
2) If there are three-digit apartment numbers.
Call - apartment number (100, 200) - call - 2323; 7272; 7273 (one of 3 numbers).

Intercom opening Eltis
Two quick and easy options:
Call - 2323;
The call is 7273.

Intercom opening FACTORIAL
Press the numbers: 000000; 123456, in case of failure, press - 5 - 180180 - call - 4 call.

Intercom opening Keyman
The most problematic in access.
1) K - 100 - 789 - short sound - 123456 - 8;
2) K - 170862 - short sound - 0.
Opening Barrier II, 2M and 4

Intercom codes Rainmann and Raikmann
Despite some similarity in names, Rainmann and Raikmann intercoms are completely different devices. Raikmann devices are resistant to burglary and opening without a key using the code on them is impossible. But the Rainmann CD-2000 and AO-3000 models are found.
In order to open the 2000th model, you must click on the "key", then enter the code "987654". After that, the intercom will beep and you must enter the numbers "123456". If a engineering menu available - the “P” icon will appear on the screen. Now, to unlock and open the door, you must press the number 8.
It’s better not to reap anything else - you can cut down everything and rake “by the hat” from the residents.
Another life hack that users have noticed is the reaction of the touch keyboard to hypothermia. If you roll a snowball, attach and hold for 15-20 minutes, then there is a chance to open the door.

The setup of intercoms of this brand is very, very similar to the already familiar Cifral, with the only exception that when installing the device, it necessarily requires changing the master password and therefore it is considered that it will not be possible to open it. Although it may turn out to be a hacking option through the engineering menu. To do this, you need to dial the intercom code Factorial. In most cases, these are used:


Another option is to press the "5" button and hold it for 5-6 seconds, then type this:
180180 + "Call" + 4 + "Call" key.

Laskomex (Laskomex)
To open the door on Laskomex AO-3000 VTM, try entering the keys:
1 + "Key" + 8976
66 + "Key" + 1989
Didn't fit? it means the code was changed during installation.
To enter the service menu, press the key 5 times, after which a password entry field will appear. By default, this is used: 1234. Most often, it is changed when you can, but there is still a chance. The code P8 is responsible for opening the Laskomex AO-3000VTM door.

A rare guest in our high-rise buildings. It is extremely rare.
To open the door of the Domogard intercom, make one long press on "C". After it makes a sound, quickly enter the code:
669900 + "Call" + number of the last apartment in the entrance plus 1
After that, the screen will display the inscription: "F-". We are inside the service menu! You can then use one of the following options:
080 - Open the door
333 - Remember new key
071 - Disable door lock

This is not access intercoms, but individual, used most often in private homes or where there is a concierge. There are no universal codes for it.

Another rare model. There is only one single hack option:
"Call" + 00000 + "Call" + "Call"
The last two calls must be pressed quickly and the access intercom will open.

Forward (Forward)
There is very little useful information on Forward intercoms on the network. There are only three well-known universal keys that have been unearthed:
In order to program your key for the door under "Forward", you can try to enter "77395201"+"*"+0+"*". After that, we apply the key tablet and press the "#" twice. If the code "77395201" did not work, try this one: "5755660".

KS intercom
There is very little information on how to open the KS-intercom. The only code I could find:
"K" + "377" + pause + "698" + "K"
There is also information that sometimes the code works:
"K" + 0000 + pause + 98
"K" + 0903 + pause + 98 + pause + "K"

There is information on the network that it is not so easy to open the door of Techcom. In some cases, the following may work. Be sure to need a key to such an intercom. We hold down the three buttons "1", "6" and "0". After that, we release one by one. We start with "0", then "6" and "1". A signal will sound. Here we enter the default pass - "4321". If the password is right, click on "Challenge", then on "3" and again "Challenge". We bring the key and the door will open. I myself have not tested this method, I cannot vouch for it.

There is very little information on Impuls-DS intercom models. Possible options:
"1234" + "C"
"B" + "99911" + "B"
The first option almost never works, because. the code will definitely be changed when the device is installed.

Golden eagle
Access intercom Berkut LS 2001 is the only model of this manufacturer on the market so far. It is a simple device based on oscillatory circuit, which is assembled on a resistor and a capacitor. Universal codes
"key" + 123456 + "key" + 5150С
"key" + 123456 + "key" + 206C
"key" + 123456 + "key" + 6140C
"key" + 123456 + "key" + 2589C
Also, you can try to make your own master code. To do this, we type the command: “key” + 23456 + “key” + “XXXX” the “F” icon will appear. Now click on "9" and "key". Then you can enter your 4 digits.

Keyman (Keyman)
At the time of this writing, there is only one known master code for the Keyman intercom:
In some cases, it rolls the input without the last eight.

Marshal (Marshal)
To open the intercom Marshal, you need to enter a number equal to the number of the last apartment in the entrance +1, and after that - “K” + “5555”. I.e:
"Number + 1" + "K" + "5555"
Works once.

Coral Intercom Service
Devices are extremely rare. Only two master keys for Coral-Service are known:
123 + "beep" + "1234"

Kamsan (Kamsan)
There is no universal master code for KamSan intercoms, namely the KS - 2002 model. There is no information on their programming. It is only known that it will automatically switch to programming mode if an empty blank key is attached to it.

Commax (Komaks)
In the entrances you can find two models of this manufacturer - COMMAXCDV-50A and COMMAX CDV-50AM. Their device is very complex and almost no one managed to open its security. The only code I could find is this:
"K" + "C" + "K" + "C" + "K" + "C" + "K" + "K"

Pirrs (Piers)
Pirrs 1000 Micro
In the entrances there are models "Pirrs 1000 Micro", "Modern" and "Lux". Factory master code for all three types:
For the Pirs 1000 Micro model, the key may also work:
"8310649" + "entrance number"

In fact, the intercom Arkades is a slightly modified KS model, which I have already considered above. Accordingly, codes from KC should also work for him.

By default, the key "951" is used, but there is almost no chance that it has not been changed. Hacking Cron audio intercoms is impossible, since nothing can be done without an individual master key.

Now it is practically impossible to meet high-rise buildings, the entrances of which are not closed with steel doors. The only difficulty in using the intercom is the loss, demagnetization of the key. In such a situation, if the neighbors do not answer the call (they are absent, they do not hear), and there is no one at home, a lot of problems arise.

Installation Companies protective systems of this type, are silent about a lot. To the question of apartment residents who do not want to donate money for the “modernization” of the front door, how to open the intercom without a key, they answer as standard - purchase at the right amount. Is this true and what to do in case of force majeure?

There is no full guarantee that these tips will help open any intercom without a key, but certain methods sometimes turn out to be effective: checked. Much depends on the features of the locking device scheme, the thickness of the steel sheet, the quality of the door installation, and a number of other factors. But in a critical situation, in the absence of a choice, any methods are good.

  • El / category. It is enough to bring the source (piezo lighter, stun gun) to the "nest" of applying the key, the automation can work and break the power circuit of the magnetic lock. After that, the door will open easily.
  • Jerk. Installation of an intercom requires strict adherence to a number of rules. In practice, however, they are not always respected. You can try to press down the steel sheet, and then sharply pull it towards you. Sometimes two or three attempts are enough, and the door will open. Naturally, you will have to apply a fair amount of force, and therefore this method is recommended only for men.
  • Sash strike. You need to beat in the area where the magnet is located. If the device has already partially exhausted its resource, is mounted illiterately, the force of attraction of the web may weaken. Then it will turn out to open the door with a strong jerk. One of effective ways when solving the problem of how to open a metacom intercom without a key.

In the absence of a shortage of time, there are other options - call the neighbors (they may not hear the intercom buzzer). As an option, wait until the person leaving the entrance opens the door from the inside (or the one who has the key comes up).

Ways to unlock various systems

*B - call button (key)

For any of the schemes, the role of the “magic key” is played by a certain intercom code, that is, a combination of symbols and numbers. It is different, and depends on the model of the protective system.


B + (No. of the first apartment in the entrance) + B. After the letters COD are highlighted, the combination 5702 is dialed.

The lock, if the factory codes of the metacom have not changed, should demagnetize. If that doesn't work, then you should move on to other options.

  • 1234 + B + 6 + B + 4568
  • B+1+ B+5702
  • B + 5 + B + 4253
  • B + 6 + B + 4568
  • 65535 + B + 1234 + B + 8
  • 65535 + B + 7418378
  • B + 1803
  • B + 1234567

The following master codes are used to open the intercom Metakom modification MK-20T/M.

  • B + 27 + B + 5702.
  • B + 1 + B + 4526


Inexpensive and reliable Forward systems do not differ in the complexity of the scheme; open with several codes:

  • K+1234
  • K + 557798 + K
  • 123 + * + 2427101
  • 2427101


Opening a cyfral intercom without a key is more difficult - there is no single encoding for all models.

For apartment numbers with "round" numbers (100, 200, and so on):

  • B + No. sq. + B + 2323 (options - 7272, 7273).

For intercom series:

  • "M" - 07054. If it does not work, then B + 41 + B + 1410
  • "CCD" (model 2094/1M) - B + 0000.

When the inscription ON is displayed, press the button "2". The appearance of the OFF symbols on the display of the control unit indicates that the intercom has been reprogrammed. In this case, any further combinations are meaningless; the door will not unlock.

"CCD" (Model 2094/M) - 0000 + V

  • After “COD” appears, buttons 1 to 6 + B are pressed in turn.
  • The second option is 456999 + V.
  • The third way is 123400 + V. After highlighting "F0" + 601


It is not difficult to open the eltis intercom - this is one of the simplest systems; few options.

  • B + 100 + B + 2323 or 7273

You can also solve the problem of how to hack the Eltis intercom with the help of the codes that apply to the Digital models. Which ones are suitable is verified by practice; for different eltis series, only one, maximum two combinations are suitable.


Intercoms "Visit" are produced in different modifications, but the algorithm of user actions, regardless of the block series, is the same. There are some nuances associated with the absence of some specific buttons, so you have to navigate according to the situation.

  • * + # + 423
  • 67 + # + 890
  • 12 + # +345
  • * + # + 4230
  • "#" + 999. After 2 intermittent signals, four digits are dialed in a row, from 1 to 4. Options for the last combination are 0000, 6767, 12345, 3535, 9999
  • "2" + short wait + "#" + same + 3535

There are no buttons "#", "*" on separate panels of the control unit. In this case, the combination "C" + "K" is tried

Advice. For models without a display, you can try pressing "1" and then dialing any combination of 4 digits. The probability of electronics triggering is small, but if there is no other way out, it is suitable as an option.


Opening the intercom factorial without a key will turn out with several code combinations.

  • A set of numbers from 1 to 6
  • Code 000000
  • "Five". After highlighting "180180", press the buttons B + 4 + B


The first thing to do is determine the number of the last apartment in this entrance and add 1 to this number. For example, 20 + 1 = 21.


One of the devices, which is very difficult to open with a set of numbers and symbols, without a key. Therefore, it will be needed; suitable from the intercom techcom of any series.

  • Working with buttons "0", "1", "6". They are simultaneously pressed, then alternately released in the sequence 0 - 6 - 1.
  • After the signal, code 4321 is entered
  • B + 3 + B
  • The key is brought; perhaps he will demagnetize the lock and the door will swing open.


  • On the steel doors other models of intercoms are also installed - Stroymaster, Kron, Arcades, Secret, Pirs, Komaks: and this is not a complete list of protective systems. Judging by the information on the Web, almost all of them are not amenable to hacking by selecting codes.
  • On sale "from the trays" there are so-called universal master keys (the same keys with special firmware). They open almost all doors, regardless of the installed electronic system. In addition, they are inexpensive - from 100 to 150 rubles, and therefore the demand for them is high. Plus is obvious - very convenient. But not everyone understands what the systematic use of these keys leads to. The result of such a “service” is the incorrect operation of the intercom, followed by the failure of the control unit. And the repair of its electronic circuit, especially the replacement of the unit, is expensive.

It is better to prepare ahead of time for possible troubles. Therefore, it is worth contacting the intercom service company and finding out the codes for opening. If its employees refuse a verbal request, make a request in electronic (written) form, appealing to the relevant law (POZPP; latest edition dated 2017): the consumer has the right to receive all information about the service or product provided.

Nowadays, every house is equipped with an intercom. If you have forgotten your keys, we will help you get home without any problems.

Consider the following intercoms and codes for them:

1. OpendHomophone Vizit (Visit).

2. Open intercom Eltis (Eltis).

3. Open intercom Cyfral (Digital), model CCD-2094.1M .

4. open intercom Metacom.

5. Open intercom Barrier 2, 2M, 4M.

6. Open intercom rainmann(Reimann).

7. open intercom DomoGuard(DomogarD).

8. Open intercom T-Guart.

9. Open intercom Factorial.

10. open intercomblink.

How to open other intercom models without a key: Laskomex AO-3000, Stroy Master, Techcom, Berkut LS2001, Polis, Keyman, NFCread the article - .

How aboutopen intercomVizitkeyless.

Intercom Vizit - is used very often in our time. To open the intercom Vizitold series, you can try the following code: 12#345 or*# 4230 . For,to open the intercom Vizit new version, use the code: 67#890, *#4230, *#3423, 12#345. These codes are all standard, and always work if the specialist did not change them during installation. You can also try "#" + "196".

If you failed to open the "Visit" intercom in a simple way, we move on to a more complex process. We will try to enter the service menu using the combination # 999. Must be two short sound signal, after which we enter the master code of the intercom visit, by default the manufacturer uses 1234. If the master code is correct, there will be one short sound, if not correct, the signal will be two-tone. If the default code does not fit, try another intercom master code visit: 3535, 9999, 0000, 6767, 12345, 11639 or try to come up with a combination yourself. After successfully entering the menu, press "2" - "pause" - "#» - "pause" - "3535", a combination of opening the door without a key. By pressing the "3" button, we can program a clean key and attach it to the device, so we will enter it into the database. Button "4" erases all keys from the intercom memory. Button« * » - exit from the used mode, "#" - the confirmation.

How aboutopen intercom Eltis keyless.

To open the intercom Eltis,press the call, dial 100, then the call button and dial 2323 (7273 or 7272). If the combination 100 doesn't fit, try: 200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900. It will work if the manufacturer did not change the eltis intercom code in case of repair or maintenance. The special code can be found out in the following way: press the “call” button, and wait 20 seconds, the display should show 5 digits for a short time and disappear quickly (do not forget to remember them).

If the above information was not successful, we can find out the engineering code. Select any number and hold, wait on the display "CODE», enter the standard system password 1234. If the code is correct, the firmware version and the “FUNC” menu will light up on the screen. Press "1" and set a new access code to intercom Eltis, then press "2", confirm the password. At the end, we reset all settings using the "6" key, then exit from the "0" menu. We enter the Yeltis domofoma code that you installed. Also try: (letter - "B") 1234-2-1-3-3-123

How aboutopen intercom Cyfral keyless.

If you havethe code from the cyfral intercom, you can enter the entrance without any problems, but you don’t have a key, and you need to try to open the cyfral intercom without a key(only in in the event that the apartments in the entrance are multiples: one hundred, 200, etc.). We press "Call" and try from 100 to 900, "Call" 7272, or at the end of 7273.

For models with the letter "M", press "call" - "41" or "call" - "1410". It happens that the door opening works if you just enter "07054"

Intercom CodesCyfralCCD-2094.1M(you can identify the model by a burning or flashing dash).We dial “call” - “0000”, the door can open immediately or the transition to the service menu will take place (the screen will display “ ON "), press button "2" and the door is open.If the button lights up OFF" , means the fast entry mode is disabled by the installer.

Intercom CodesCyfralCCD-2094.In order to enter the service menu, press "0000", the display should show " code". We use the combination "123400", "123456", "456999" and "call". If the code came up on the display will be written "F0", enter "601" and the door is open.

How aboutopen Intercom Metacom keyless.

Let's consider the easiest way to open the Metakom intercom. We look at the beginning of the apartments in the entrance, press the call, enter the number of the first apartment in this entrance, and again “call”. The display will show COD, enter the combination "5702" and the door should open (If the factory settings have not changed). In cases where the door does not open, go to other options:

- "1234" - "call" - "6" - "call" - "4568";

- "65535" - "call" - "1234" - "call" - "8";

- "call" - "1" - "call" - "5702";

- "call" - "5" - "call" - "4253";

- "call" - "6" - "call" - "4568";

- "call" - "1234567";

- "call" - "1803";

- "65535" - "call" - "7418378";

- "call" - "number of the first apartment" - "call" - "5702";

- "call" - in order, we type "1,2,3,4,5,6,7".

Andchange system thintercom code Metacom:

- "65535" - "Call" - "1234" - "Call" - "9" - "3" - "new code" - "Call" - master password (default 1234);

- "65535" - "Call" - "1234" - "Call" - "0" - "new code" - "Challenge" = Shared password (1234567 by default).

Codes for intercom Metacom series MK-20TM, we don't need it at all. To open Metacomwe take any “tablet” key, without special firmware (Just a clean key). We apply, the intercom turns on the programming mode, and opens the door. If you do not have a magnetic key, the Metacom MK-20MT intercom code can be: "call" - "27" - "call" - "5702" or "call" - "1" - "call" - "4526".

How aboutopen intercom Barrier 2, 2M, 4Mkeyless.

Nowadaysintercom Barrier,rare and stands in old houses. A mechanical lock and a flat magnetic key are used. For models Barrier 2 and 2M, the default code 1013 is used (it is unchanged). The intercom is quite simple, you can use a couple of magnets and simply pass it over the key hole. To open barrier 4, you need to use three magnets and chemistry with them until you open it. The standard code cannot be used, Barrier 4 used in the entrances where the concierges sit.

How aboutopen intercom rainmannkeyless.

A common model is Reimann 2000. We press the “key” - the code “987654”, a double signal should sound, after we enter “123456”, the letter “ P ", enter the menu intercom. After entering, the following buttons work: "8" - open the door, "6" - turn off the intercom, "4" - block the door.

howaboutopen intercom DomoGuardkeyless.

Press the "C" key and wait for the signal, after the signal quickly dial "669900» - « call" + "the apartment number is one more than the one in the entrance." The intercom screen will show “ F --" , which means we are on the menu. To open, press "080". If you want to memorize a new key "333" to disable the door lock "071".

How aboutopen intercomT- Guartkeyless.

Press "call" + "00000" + "quickly twice the call button. The main thing is to make the last two presses of the call as quickly as possible.

How aboutopen intercomFactorial without a key.

Press "000000" or "123456". The second option - press "5", wait (3-5 seconds), dial "180180" + "call" + "4" + "call".

How aboutopen intercomBlinkkeyless.

The intercom does not have a keyboard and screen; it is used in private houses or entrances with concierges. Service combinations do not work here. We take an ordinary Krona battery or another company (suitable for the size), number D9-0.1. European type - 6 F22. We take a battery, we find bolts unusual shape(the size corresponds to the size of the battery) and apply the battery, the door is open.

Universal ways to open the intercom:

Strike about 10-15 centimeters below the installed intercom. There is an intercom electronics; upon impact, it is possible to close the circuit and open the intercom;

Opening the intercom with a stun gun. DoYou can buy a stun gun yourself or buy one.Just put it on the reader and give a shock;

Applications physical strength to open the intercom. As you know, the door is held by a magnet, and to open it, you need to pull the door sharply. In fact, the effort of one person is enough. For a 100% option, you need 2-3 people, make a good emphasis and at the same time pull the door sharply and it will open without problems;

Purchase of a universal key to open the intercom. Such a key can be easily bought on the Internet or at a company that deals with intercoms.

A warning:

1 . All combinations in the article are working if the installer has not changed the default permissions (90% of installers do not change them).
2 . Combinations vary by series and manufacturer.
3. Opening an intercom is an acceptable matter, and hacking an intercom for selfish purposes is already punishable in accordance with the criminal code.

Video. How to open Vizit without a key?

Video. How to open the Eltis Intercom without a key?

Video. How to open Cyfral Intercom without a key?

Video. How to open Intercom Metakom without a key?

Video. How to open Intercom Factorial without a key?
