How to behave in a job interview. Prepare for tough questions

Sometimes an interview can seem quite intimidating, but they communicate with you quite well. ordinary people. This means that they are affected by the same psychological principles as the rest. Simple Tips help you improve your behavior and make a better impression. If you really need a job but don't know how to get it, these tips will help you figure out how to connect with other people and increase your chances of getting a job.

Schedule an interview for Tuesday morning

According to research, the perfect moment is the one that suits the interviewer, not you. Therefore, if you can choose the time yourself, suggest a meeting at ten-thirty on Tuesday. This will be a relatively relaxed moment for your interlocutor. Earlier meetings are inconvenient because the interviewer has just arrived at work and needs to deal with the day's business. In the evening, the moment is also unsuccessful, because the person will think more not about you, but about what he will do after work.

Do not come to the interview immediately after strong candidates

Research shows that recruiters form their opinion of each individual candidate based on who else was interviewing on the same day. According to some reports, people interviewed after several strong candidates scored lower than expected, and vice versa, those interviewed after weak candidates were rated higher. It is not clear if this is a subconscious phenomenon, or if people do it consciously, however, if you know the skill level of other candidates and can choose, try to come after the less qualified ones.

Choose the right outfit color

Different colors produce different impressions. Twenty-three percent of HR recommend blue, fifteen percent black. A quarter of respondents admit that the worst color is orange, it demonstrates unprofessionalism. good shades in addition to black and blue - gray and white.

Match responses with the age of the interviewer

You can learn a lot about an interviewer and what they want to hear from you based on their age. Your behavior should be determined by what kind of person you are interviewing. If this is a young person, show your portfolio and demonstrate the ability to solve many problems at the same time. If this is a person between thirty and fifty, demonstrate creativity and the ability to combine work and life. If this is an older person, show diligence and respect for achievements. people deep retirement age show loyalty and dedication to work.

Keep your palms open

The movements of your hands affect the impression you make. If you show your palms, you show sincerity, and if you put your fingertips together, you show confidence. Do not fold your arms across your chest or tap your fingers on the table.

Find something in common with the interviewer

If you know what the person interviewing you is most interested in, try starting a conversation on that topic. There is a hypothesis according to which the similarity of interests causes sympathy in people.

Repeat HR gestures

There is a psychological phenomenon that demonstrates that people like each other more if they repeat each other's gestures. This should happen harmoniously and unobtrusively. If you don't show interest in his body language, you're showing that you don't know how to play in a team. If you repeat gestures after the interlocutor, he will not notice this, but he will feel sympathy for you.

Praise the company regardless of yourself

People who show liking for a company without trying to promote themselves are more likely to get hired. Such employees seem more suitable. This is how you show your enthusiasm.

Show confidence and restraint at the same time

To be successful in business, you need to be able to both compete and collaborate. If you show willingness to give in, but are confident in yourself, you make the most positive impression.

Be honest about your weaknesses

The first impulse in response to a question about weaknesses will be to talk about something that can be perceived as a strength, for example, to report a tendency to perfectionism. However, recent research has shown that it turns people off. Better be honest. For example, admit that you can’t always organize everything perfectly. This will sound honest and will cause sympathy in the personnel officer.

Prepare to Feel More Confident

To feel more powerful, try to remember the moment when the responsibility was in your hands. This story will make a great impression.

Be expressive

If you want to appear smart, don't be too monotonous. If a person speaks quickly and clearly, with expressive intonation, he seems more energetic and intelligent.

Don't be too shy, look your interlocutor in the eye. People who are open and make eye contact are perceived as smarter than those who look away. Try to keep this in mind during the interview.

Be friendly but direct

If you are nervous, you will act less openly and directly, and speak more slowly. Try to be friendly, be confident, answer questions directly.

Showcase your potential

You may want to tell your interlocutor about all your past achievements, but it is better to focus on what you can achieve in the future. People pay more attention to inaccurate information because they want to deal with it. Therefore, talking about the future is more successful than talking about the past.

Prepare for tough questions

Be sure to prepare for questions you don't feel like answering. For example, consider how you would respond if asked about your reaction to being fired. The answer should be calm and positive.

Don't smile too much

You don't have to frown all the time, but a big grin on your face won't do you any good either. Research suggests that smiling too much is not the key to success. This is especially true for serious positions where managerial skills are required from you. Smiling is considered positive in an interview only for vacancies of a salesperson or consultant.

Get enthusiastic

Research has shown that people who show energy and interest get jobs more often. If you show your enthusiasm, you increase the chance of being invited for a second interview.

Don't forget to have a short conversation before the interview.

If you're able to have a casual chat with someone before they start asking you serious questions, you'll make a great impression. People with this skill get jobs most often.

Do not repeat memorized phrases

Many people repeat traditional language in interviews, focusing on resumes. In fact, it's best to pause after a question and answer sincerely than to immediately respond with memorized phrases.

Ask why you were invited for an interview

This question may seem strange, but this tactic works. It allows you to grab the attention of the interviewer and gives you useful information about what the employer likes about you.

You have been looking for a job for a long time, and now the long-awaited phone call. You are invited for an interview. In addition to joy, there is a feeling of anxiety and fear. How to please an employer? How should you behave and what should you say? Let's take a look at an example of interview questions and answers.

Standard interview questions

In order for the interview to go in your favor, you need to properly prepare for it. To begin with, you must be prepared for the questions being asked. We list the most popular:

What can you tell about yourself?

Here you need to tell about your successes and achievements. Pay attention to your education and professional skills. Emphasize that you are very interested in this particular field of activity, which is engaged in this company. You should not “pour water”, the answer should be clear, lasting about three minutes.

What was the reason you left your previous job?

To this question, you need to prepare a correctly formulated answer. In no case should you say that the former management is to blame for your dismissal. By doing so, you will demonstrate your weaknesses. There may be the following answer options: an inconvenient location for you, frequent change of manager, inconvenient work schedule, lack of professional growth, and so on.

What exactly aroused your interest in our company?

Here you can use the answers from the previous question, that is, say that in this company you can solve the problems that you had at your previous workplace. Or you can name some other reasons that prompted you to do this.

What were your responsibilities at your previous job?

When answering this question, you need to clearly describe what tasks you have performed in the past. You can also supplement the story with participation in any projects, achievements and awards you have received.

What can you tell us about your strengths and weaknesses?

Try to name those positive traits, which are necessary for an employee in the position that you want to get. Do not forget to mention your diligence, punctuality and responsibility.

Find out what interview techniques are available:

What wages would you like to have in this position?

When answering this question, we recommend that you name an amount that is slightly higher than the average wage. In the event that you name a low salary, then the employer may get the impression that you have low self-esteem or that you are a bad employee. Well, if you call, on the contrary, high wages, then you can give the impression of a very ambitious and proud person.

What information do you have about our company?

The answer to this question requires a good pre-training. Before you go to the company, find out as much information about it as possible: what it does, what products it produces, how long it has been operating, who manages it, and so on.

Where will you be in 5-10 years?

Here it is necessary to show that you are focused on fruitful work in the company and in 5 or 10 years you see yourself in a higher position, having significantly risen in career ladder.

By what criteria do you choose a job? Name 5 main ones.

The answer should be short and exhaustive: career growth, a decent salary, a good close-knit team, a convenient work schedule, an office location, an opportunity to improve your skills, and so on.

Do you have any questions for us?

Be sure to ask at least a couple of questions. It is important! After all, if the applicant has no questions for the future employer, then perhaps he is simply not so interested in this job. Here you can ask about official duties, probationary period, social package, career growth and more.

Non-standard interview questions: sample questions

Learn how to prepare for and pass a stressful interview:

Some employers, wanting to immediately see the reaction of a possible future employee to unexpected situations, ask tricky questions at an interview that the applicant does not expect to hear at all. Many candidates are thus simply driven into a corner. What kind non-standard questions can be heard at the interview? We list some of them:

  • What are your thoughts about your future boss?
  • What will you pay more attention to: family or work?
  • What character traits should a good leader have?
  • Are you a conflict person?
  • Have you been criticized in your previous job?
  • What is the ideal company?
  • Why should you work for our company?
  • What is the first thing you will do when you enter a new job?
  • Do you plan your work day?
  • In this connection, in one organization they are engaged in theft, and in another they do not?
  • How would you spend a million won in the lottery?
  • Last book you read?

So what is the right way to respond to such questions? The main thing is not to be confused and scared. Always remember about creativity to any question and do not forget about a sense of humor, but do not get carried away! Be prudent and collected, do not breed demagoguery. Answers should be short, adequate and exhaustive.

How to behave confidently?

What not to say in an interview?

The most important mistake of the applicant at the interview is rash answers to the questions posed. Sometimes a candidate simply exaggerates his abilities too much or uses lies outright. Consider the main mistakes of the applicant during the interview:

  • the candidate talks too much. You shouldn't do this. Answers must be short and to the point.
  • in no case should you boast of any connections with famous and influential people;
  • you can't ask in an interview about what the company does. You must be aware of her affairs;
  • you should not put forward a list of your requirements, they choose you here, and not you them;
  • you can not criticize the former bosses. You will present yourself as a complainer and a sneak.

What personal qualities do you need to show in an interview?

We provide you with a list of those qualities of an employee that should be shown to a future employer and, if possible, told about them:

  • initiative;
  • punctuality;
  • stress tolerance;
  • goodwill;
  • persistence;
  • responsibility;
  • accuracy.

Factors that negatively affect the impression of the employee

The employer will not evaluate the following points at the interview:

  • bad, careless appearance applicant;
  • outright lies;
  • the smell of alcohol or cigarettes;
  • ringing mobile phone the applicant during the interview;
  • excessive silence;
  • arrogance;
  • criticism of the former bosses.

When conducting a dialogue with an employer at an interview, you should not delve into your personal life. She has nothing to do with work. Keep all detailed details to yourself. Answer strictly to the point. And remember that you must always be yourself and give only truthful information.

By preparing in advance for the interview and thinking through all the answers and counter questions, as well as your behavior when talking with the manager, you will significantly increase your chances of getting the desired position.

Video - "What questions do we ask at the interview?"

This day can change your life. If everything is done correctly, a wonderful career will begin, a great job and high earnings.

So, you wake up in a pleasantly anxious mood, when the level of stress is at an acceptable level, and your head thinks clearly, all morning you try to smile as friendly as possible, although you become serious.

Despite the fact that portfolios are often good, people cannot do without painful interviews when applying for a job. For some, an interview is the only chance to leave a good impression, especially with a lack of experience and a meager resume. How to behave to impress a potential employer? What can be said and what cannot? How to properly prepare? We will try to answer all these questions in this article.

When you arrive at a company, your heart starts beating louder, and when you enter the interview room, it literally jumps out of your chest. Nervousness, fear and self-doubt appear. If this situation is familiar to you, then most likely you did not prepare very carefully for the interview. And in case of failure, they must blame themselves first of all. To prevent this from happening, follow the tips from the article.

But first, let's answer one of the most important questions: why does nervousness still appear? The fact is that many people do not like uncertainty: how the office will be furnished, who will be in it, what questions will be asked and how exactly one should behave.

A reasonable level of stress can help. If you have prepared carefully, rehearsing in front of a mirror or with friends, then the excitement will be significantly reduced.

Much depends on expectations. Some people don't plan anything, so it's easy to get caught off guard. They don't think through options out of fear or laziness.

So, you really need preparation. It is necessary in many areas of life, but before the interview you can not do without it: a brilliant five minutes spent can completely change your destiny.

How to pass an interview if communication and interaction with other peoplenot your strengths?

Anyone with the right preparation can do well in a job interview.

It is believed that introverts really dislike interviews and treat them as a necessary evil. Their strength is that they love and know how to prepare, but the main weakness is that you still need to contact a lot during an interview. strangers. What to do in this case?

Get ready and get ready again

Of course, everyone needs training.

Preparation should be understood as writing down possible questions and answers to them. Practice in front of a mirror or with friends. To be confident in your communication skills, you can educate yourself, for example, take our courses on and. When it comes time for an interview, you will focus more on the answers than on your inner feelings.

Go to any interview

And even for those positions for which you do not apply. Think of interviews as just another stage of preparation. After all, practice cannot beat theory, especially when we are talking about communication.

Being an introvert is not shameful, such people just have to leave their comfort zone more often. The more diverse situations, the more experience and confidence.

Talk about your strengths

Needless to say, you like to grumble when someone interrupts you. Tell me more about brilliant writing skills, high level, perseverance and independence. Some companies value these qualities extremely, so this can be a huge advantage.

Look for positions that are right for you

Lack of money is a well-known problem, so sometimes you have to work where they take you. But if possible, take your time and look for the position that is right for you. In the end, the chances of achieving great success on it will be much higher.

Make eye contact

Such is the nature of man: if the interlocutor does not look into the eyes, he will take it as a way to hide something. Yes, many introverts find eye contact too intimate and exhausting. However, sometimes in life, the things you don’t like to do can help you achieve amazing results. Practice with loved ones so that you feel at ease during the interview.

What to do before the interview?

Let's talk about tips that will be useful to everyone.

You will need to spend about two to three hours trying to find as much information as possible. Not all of it will be important, but it will play its role as a stress tamer.

Do the following:

  • Do research about the company and industry.
  • Clean up your profile social networks from ambiguous information.
  • Find out what your career plans and goals are.
  • Consider your past professional experience and how it will help the new company.
  • Learn to express your thoughts clearly and understandably.
  • Write down all the proposed questions and prepare answers (this point will be discussed below).

You also need to think about what you will wear. It should be understood that the clothes should be in complete harmony with the image that you want to create. Still, there are no clear recommendations on this topic: the world is changing rapidly, startups are gaining popularity, and their leaders are quite calm about what a person is wearing.

What questions are asked in an interview?

Although they may differ depending on different companies and positions, you need to be prepared for anything. And The best way to do this - sort the questions by category.

The worst thing you can do is come to an interview, relying on your imagination, ingenuity and impromptu. At a critical stressful moment, something is sure to let you down, so let's see what is usually asked in an interview.

introductory questions

The interview will likely begin with basic questions such as:

  • Could you tell a little about yourself?
  • How did you hear about this vacancy?
  • What motivates you?

Questions about work experience

Of course, the employer is very interested in your work experience, because it can be transferred to a new position. So expect questions like:

  • Could you briefly tell us who and where you worked?
  • Why do you want (wanted) to leave your current (past) job?
  • Can you explain gaps in your work history? Why, say, you had a three-month break?
  • Can you describe a situation when you faced a difficult challenge and overcame it?
  • What achievements are you proud of?
  • Can you give an example of when you took on more responsibilities than the job required and managed to get through it?
  • What is your typical work day like?

Questions about the position you are applying for

Although these seem to be the most important questions, they are not always the case. People give the usual standard responses. But if you manage to pleasantly surprise the interviewer, this will be a great advantage:

  • Why do you think you are suitable for this position?
  • Do you have relevant experience for this position?
  • What interested you in this position?
  • When would you be able to start working?
  • What do you need to be able to do great work?

Questions about interpersonal skills

It is easy to fail at this stage, because if you talk about how easily you find mutual language with customers, monotonous voice, there will be serious doubts. This block questions is extremely important. Sometimes an employer is not interested in experience if you have a loose tongue and you know how to draw attention to yourself. However, consider answering the following questions:

  • Have you ever had problems with a colleague or supervisor?
  • Do you consider yourself a team player?
  • Can you give an example of how you resolved the conflict?
  • How would your boss and colleagues describe you?
  • What is your working style?

Questions about the company you are interviewing for

Before you come for an interview, you need to at least go to the website of the future employer and find all possible information. Use third party sources with caution. Be careful when answering the following questions:

  • What do you know about our company?
  • Have you tried our product? What do you think of it?
  • Do you know any of our employees?
  • What do you think of our site?

Questions about strengths and weaknesses

These questions are designed not only to learn more about strengths and weaknesses, but also to find out how tactfully you talk about them:

  • What is your greatest strength?
  • How well do you work under pressure?
  • What is your highest professional achievement?
  • What do you consider to be your weaknesses?
  • What would you like to improve in yourself? Are you working on it? Are you self-educating?

Final questions

This is the kind of situation where you can easily mess things up, even if the interview went perfectly before. These questions look very harmless, but they are designed in such a way as to say about you what you were trying to hide. Therefore, think in advance what you will answer:

  • Do you have any questions for me?
  • Are there any questions I should have asked you but didn't?
  • Perhaps our questions did not cover all areas. Is there anything we should have asked you?

How to behave during an interview

These rules are universal whether you are an extrovert or an introvert.

First of all, you need to understand that the employer rarely hires immediately after the first interview. Therefore, do not try to meticulously observe the interlocutor, so as not to seem intrusive. The main thing is to leave a good impression. This can be done in the following way.

Speak clearly and with confidence

When we meet a person for the first time, we judge him based on three components:

  • clothes;
  • how and what he says;
  • language of the body.

These components must be used in order to leave the most pleasant impression about yourself. You've probably heard the expression, "People will forget what you told them, but they will never forget how you made them feel." Of course, this phrase did not apply to the interview (the interviewer constantly writes down something and puts squiggles), but there is some truth in this.

Be careful: confident speech can easily turn into self-confident, and the clarity of speech - into insipidity.

Body language is also very important. If it is not in harmony with what you are talking about now, then you can easily come across as insincere or hypocritical. Especially if you overdo it with gestures and facial expressions.

Sincere and real people do not need a loud voice and pompous speeches. They inspire confidence. Watch a video featuring a person you think is authentic. Find out why he gives that impression. You should not blindly copy his gestures and facial expressions, but take a closer look and take something into service.

Be an active listener

Be an active listener and pay attention to what the interviewer wanted to say and what their body language is saying. This habit alone will set you apart from the crowd, because usually people come to the interview who answer the wrong questions that they were asked and interrupt, trying to seem smart.

Emphasize your key qualities and interest in the position

Talk about your strengths and key qualities should be careful. It's easy to come off as arrogant by inserting this valuable information into every sentence. But it still needs to be done from time to time.

The only exception is the skill of communicating with people. You should not repeat this more than once, because the interlocutor already sees and hears everything.

Demonstrate intelligence, motivation and passion

Another subtle point that requires caution. But if you use it wisely, you can make the right impression.

Almost every employer is looking for a person who has these three qualities. And three at once, because in combination they give amazing results.

A motivated and passionately loving but stupid person will not evoke the same response as someone who has all three qualities.

Do not discuss sensitive topics

You should never bring up the following topics:

  • personal problems;
  • politics;
  • financial difficulties;
  • criticism of the previous employer.

Keep these topics to yourself and do not succumb to provocations. Employers really do not like those who spread rumors, and also talk about things that are not relevant to the case.

Ask questions

We already touched on this topic when we talked about the types of questions that are asked in an interview. If you still feel like you've got it right good contact with the interviewer, ask a few questions. Still, remember that the interview isn't over until you're out the door. Anything you say will be used against you.

Here is a list of questions that will not harm your reputation, and perhaps even improve it:

  • What is the company's mission, goals and values?
  • What is the company culture?
  • What are the selection criteria according to which you hire people for the position?
  • What do you expect from this person?
  • What responsibilities will I have if I am suitable for this position?

These are quite innocent questions. If the interviewer decides to answer them extensively and with great pleasure, listen carefully. Somewhere in there, something very important is hidden in his words, which will come in handy later.

How to behave after an interview

As we said, the interview only ends when you close the door and leave the office. But still, what you do after that is also important, although it does not affect getting this particular job.

Some people breathe a sigh of relief after an interview and then wait with their fingers crossed. However, this strategy can be improved.

When you get home, ask yourself:

  • How was my interview?
  • What can I learn from this experience?
  • What could I be better at?
  • Do I qualify for this company?
  • Am I suitable for this position?

Questions like these mean a lot more than you think. Even if the interview didn't go very smoothly, life doesn't end there. Draw the right conclusions, work on yourself and be wiser next time.

Pay Special attention for the time and conditions of the interview

Most likely, you will not have the ability to control some situations, but it is quite possible to prepare for them.

If the interview is scheduled for the morning, it is advisable to wake up as early as possible. In this case, you do not need to think about it, because you have already carefully prepared. Take up meditation or yoga, write something in your diary. It is extremely important to be in a conscious state in order to notice the necessary details during the interview itself.

If rain is predicted, then do your best to come to the interview dry. Don't leave raindrops on your chair. Also try not to wet your hair.

Learn to shake hands

The devil is in the details. We rarely attach importance to a firm handshake, but we should. In some cases, this inspires great confidence and respect.

Mirror the interviewer

Reception from is very relevant in the interview. We have already said more than once how important it is to please and inspire trust. This method is ridiculed by many, but observation of people suggests that it works very well.

We wish you good luck!

To paraphrase a well-known aphorism, we can say: who owns the information, he owns the situation at the interview.

Before heading to the office, find out:

  • with whom you will talk: with the boss, the head of the personnel department or his ordinary employee;
  • interview format (group or individual, question-answer or self-presentation);
  • dress code and things you need to have with you (documents, gadgets, etc.);
  • how to get there (it is unacceptable to be late).

It will help to find out if this is the company's website or a call to the office.

Map answers to common questions

Interviews when applying for a job are of the same type and at the same time they are not similar to each other. Many have heard of stressful interviews where they can suddenly start yelling at the applicant to unsettle him. There are also so-called case-interviews: the applicant is placed in certain circumstances (for example, a conversation with a dissatisfied client) and they watch how he solves the problem.

It is not always possible to find out what type of interview is preferred in a particular company, so you need to be ready for anything.

To do this, make a card with answers to typical questions and requests (they are asked in 99.9% of cases):

  • top 5 of your main strengths;
  • what are you good at;
  • strategic directions of self-development;
  • proposals for the work of the company;
  • your life and work philosophy;
  • your short and long term goals;
  • unusual tasks that you had to solve.

You should also prepare in advance a list of topics that you would like to discuss with the HR manager.

Interpret the employer's questions

"A" doesn't always mean "A", and two times two doesn't always mean four. Recruiters sometimes ask insidious questions, where behind the simple wording lies a cunning plan - to get the applicant to say more than they should.

A simple question: "What salary would you like to receive?". But the answer helps the interviewer understand your motivation: money, social security, work schedule, and so on. If you are asked if you had conflicts with management and how you resolved them, then most likely the HR manager wants to know if you tend to take responsibility or are used to shifting it to others.

Tricky questions are many. You need to be able to see the "double bottom" (without fanaticism!).

Consider your non-verbal behavior

HR managers are people, not machines. They, like everyone else, pay attention to non-verbal signs: appearance, facial expressions, gait, gestures, and so on. An experienced professional can be refused just because he behaved incorrectly.

Consider body language ahead of time. If from excitement you habitually twitch your leg, then sit cross-legged. If you're tapping your fingers on the table, try something to occupy your hands with, like a ballpoint pen.

HR managers are people, not machines. They understand that you are worried. But the natural non-verbal communication increase your credibility.

Set taboo on some topics

“Tell me about yourself,” the interviewer asks. “I was born on April 2, 1980 (according to the horoscope Taurus). In his youth he played football, was the captain of the city team. Then he graduated from the institute ... ”- if the applicant’s story is something like this, he will not see the position as his ears.

There are things that are absolutely uninteresting to the employer and which in no way characterize you as a professional. In the given example, this is the year of birth (this can be read in the resume), the sign of the zodiac and sports achievements.

There are topics on which you need to impose a taboo for yourself:

  • summary summary;
  • personal life goals(buy a house, have children, etc.);
  • reputation of the company and its employees;
  • skills and experience unrelated to future work(I cook well, understand plumbing and the like);
  • failures that demonstrate incompetence.

Just as you have made a plan for what you will talk about, write down and memorize the topics that should be ignored. Also think about how to correctly answer if you are still asked about it.

Contemplate to calm down

Interviews are nerve-wracking. You can forget your name, not to mention the demonstration of business qualities.

Take a look around to calm down. Inspect the office, equipment, employees. The details will tell you a lot about the company where you are going to get a job, and their analysis will help bring the nervous system back to normal.

Taking a critical look at the firm and future colleagues can increase your sense of self-importance. Remember: the company needs good worker as much as you are in a good job.

Take the initiative

In an interview, as a rule, there comes a moment when the interviewer and the interviewee change places and the applicant has the opportunity to ask questions of interest to him.

Do not waste time on useless “Will you call me yourself or should I call you back?”, “Why is this position open?” etc. Show yourself as a proactive employee. Ask:

  • Does the company have any actual problem? How do you think I can help you?
  • Could you describe your ideal candidate for this position?
  • What advice would you give to someone who is starting to work for your company?

There are also a number of questions that should not be asked. Which ones - click on the button below.

Following these tips will prepare you for your interview and increase your chances of getting hired.

Are there additions? Write them in the comments.

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An interview is an essential step in the recruitment process. From how the candidate passes this test will depend on whether he gets the job he wants. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for the upcoming event with special responsibility.

In this article, we will talk about how to prepare for an interview, how to pass it successfully, and what should be avoided when communicating with a future employer?

What are the stages of the interview and what you need to successfully pass them

An interview is the process of getting to know an employer and a prospective employee. It is an important point in the whole issue of employment, because it is here that the parties will find out if they are suitable for each other, and how their employment relationship will be built.

The interview has 4 stages. These include:

  1. Telephone conversation with a representative of the organization;
  2. Receiving an invitation and preparing for the visit;
  3. Conversation with the director, or with the recruiter;
  4. Analysis of the meeting, debriefing;

Careful study of these stages will help to successfully pass the interview. Let's consider each of them in detail.

telephone conversation

After studying the resumes of applicants, the HR specialist makes calls and selects the most liked candidates. Therefore, when receiving a call, you should be polite.

It is necessary to remember the name of the employee who called, ask for the address and phone number. It is also worth clarifying the documents that must be provided. They can be both diplomas of education and the candidate's portfolio.

How to prepare for an interview

Many people face the problem of fear of communicating with strangers. In order not to fail the meeting, and to make a good impression, it is necessary to plan a speech in advance. It is best to “lose” the interview in such a situation, for example, in front of a mirror.

In no case should you come to an interview with relatives, friends or acquaintances. This behavior will allow the recruiter to question your independence.

To successfully pass the interview, you must remember that the first impression of the candidate is the most important point. Therefore, it is indecent to be late, keep in your mouth chewing gum talking on the phone.

In order to get the desired position, the future employee must show his interest. You need to smile, listen carefully to the representative of the company, ask questions clearly and briefly.

The next important point is preparation for self-presentation. You should think over and sketch out an approximate speech on a piece of paper. This stage will be decisive, because the outcome of the interview depends on the quality of the speech.

At the preparation stage, it is recommended to collect Additional information about the employer. You should study the reviews of former employees. This will allow you to form an appropriate opinion about the company, study the scope of its activities, and prepare questions.

How to behave in an interview

During the conversation, it becomes clear to the recruiter whether this or that candidate will be able to take a vacant position in the organization.

To do this, the future employee is not only asked questions, but may also be asked, for example, to play the scene of communication with a “harmful” client.

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The outcome of the conversation will depend on the result of passing this task. A scene can contain a huge number of tricky questions. At this moment, the recruiter studies the psychological state of the candidate, and his resistance to stress. Therefore, for everything questions asked should be answered clearly, distinctly and honestly.

Among other things, you will be asked to tell about yourself, about your merits at your previous place of work. It is better to back up what has been said with a portfolio.

Do not forget that excessive self-admiration can indicate excessive self-confidence.

Performance should not be accompanied by nervousness and excitement. The presence of confusing speech, incoherent sentences, or wet palms indicates a person’s insecurity.

To successfully pass the interview, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • friendliness and good manners can make a proper impression;
  • Proficiency in professional terminology. The moment is especially important when conducting an interview for leadership position. It is important for a company to hire a person who is familiar with the process of the enterprise from the inside;
  • The level of erudition. It is worth mentioning reading books or solving crossword puzzles. The presence of such interests suggests that a person has a certain level of literacy;
  • Applicant's appearance should be neat and tidy. You can not come to a meeting with the smell of alcohol, or just smoked cigarettes.

Analysis of the meeting and debriefing

At the end of the conversation, the HR specialist will talk about its results. If the candidate was confident and answered the questions correctly, then the chances of getting a job are high. The absence of a response indicates that he did not make a sufficient impression, and a serious revision of his actions is required.

Self-analysis is necessary in order to take into account all the mistakes at the next interview, and increase the chances of getting the desired job.

In more detail, the stages of the interview are presented in the table:

Stage number Necessary actions Possible nuances
1 Receiving an invitation Please be specific about what to bring with you.
2 Collecting information about the employer, including a detailed study of the reviews of former employees The information obtained will help you get to know the company's activities as much as possible.
3 Preparing for self-presentation During the presentation, it is necessary to focus on the identified needs of the organization.
4 Appearance for an interview Establishing contact with a company representative
5 Speech by an HR specialist, a story about the company and
Clarification of questions of interest
6 Candidate's presentation with mandatory portfolio review Short and well-written speech
7 Answers to incoming questions from an admissions specialist Need to show high level restraint, and work out possible objections
8 End of the interview and debriefing Self-assessment required
9 Feedback Planning for joint work activities

Sample list of interview questions and how to answer them

Questions asked during an interview can vary. The recruiter may ask about both hobbies and the financial situation of your family.

Diverse questions are asked for a reason. If a specialist is interested in the applicant's hobbies, this means that he is trying to understand his character and find out if he is a conflict person.

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The question of marital status will help the recruiter determine the candidate's willingness to devote additional time to work. You may have to work overtime.

Below is a list of questions that are most often asked in interviews:

  1. Story about yourself. At first glance, it seems that this is very simple, but many applicants are lost in the answer at the very beginning of the conversation. At this stage, you need to present yourself with better side. You need to talk about education, work experience, achievements. These data will form an opinion about the applicant as a professional. The only caveat is that the answer should be short, without water, everything is strictly to the point. Philosophizing is not to be allowed;
  2. Reason for leaving previous job. The best way to answer this question is from a future perspective. It is best to say that leaving is associated with the desire to grow up the career ladder, to develop. What was not presented at the previous job. In no case should you scold the former leader and the old team. A negative attitude will have a bad effect on the results of the interview;
  3. Future plans. For example, what is planned to be done in the next few years? It is best to focus on Professional Development, which may be associated with this particular company. Such a response forms an opinion about the interest in getting a job. It will also show that the applicant plans to work here for a long time. The employer must be sure that the candidate will not quit in a couple of months, because a lot of time and effort was spent on his training and infusion into the work process;
  4. Transfer strengths character. This question must be answered with the utmost honesty. But to focus precisely on those qualities that are applicable in the workflow. For example, it is better to say that you are able to think analytically. Give an example. Suppose, thanks to your analytical ability, you were able to analyze the sales funnel at your previous job and form new model, which brought the company an income of several hundred thousand rubles. The desire to improve work processes can increase the chances of getting the desired job;
  5. The presence of errors in the previous workplace. It is better to answer that they were present. If you answer that you worked flawlessly, this may mean that you are not honest. It is necessary to give an example of an error, and emphasize that you yourself discovered and corrected it;
  6. Salary level. It is better to prepare for such a question in advance. Need to analyze middle level salaries offered by companies in the labor market, and name an objective figure. You should not ask for a huge salary, but you need to focus on the opportunity to grow in the company and get more through, for example, sales;
  7. How did you hear about the company? Such a question should not be assessed as an attempt to confuse. It is informative. It is important for the employer to identify which of his channels works, and where it is worth placing more ads. The answer may be - they learned from friends, or found an advertisement for a vacant position on the company's website, etc.