Wallpaper for the bathroom: how to solve the issue with non-standard finishes. Bathroom wallpaper Waterproof bathroom wallpaper

Buying moisture-resistant wallpaper for a bathroom means creating a non-standard design solution, highlighting certain areas of the room, visually changing the space or filling it with color.

Moisture-resistant wallpaper for the bathroom in the interior

The price of moisture-resistant wallpaper for the bathroom remains affordable, which allows you to significantly save money on finishing. Such material is made on a paper or non-woven basis, with increased hygroscopicity. But the main thing in choosing wallpaper for the bathroom is the top layer of the coating. Hot embossed vinyl is ideal, which will not only create an impervious environment for moisture, but also clean up perfectly, even with the use of various detergents.

Features of moisture-resistant wallpaper for the bathroom

The catalog of moisture-resistant wallpaper for the bathroom includes the following designs:

  • in classical style, romanticism or modern;
  • volumetric geometric interlacing;
  • floral or themed nautical prints;
  • smooth monochrome canvases;
  • eco-style that imitates natural materials, such as stone.

Floral prints in the interior of the bathroom

When studying moisture-resistant wallpaper for the bathroom in the photo in the interior, do not forget that large drawings can reduce an already small area, so they are used pointwise, as accents.

Bathroom renovation is not an easy task, especially when there is not enough money for high-quality tiles, you have to get out with a more inexpensive method, for example, wallpaper designed for the bathroom.

Now the question is, which wallpaper for the bath to choose, given the high humidity of this room? First of all, with this choice, it must be remembered that wallpaper, which is based on paper, or simply poor quality material, is not at all suitable for gluing walls in the bathroom. No matter how limited the means, it is not worth falling into such extremes.

Moisture-resistant wallpaper can become a kind of alternative to tiles.

Their advantages over other finishing materials:

  1. Price. Both the cost of the material itself and the cost of labor are relatively low. Important: it is necessary to choose a material suitable for conditions of high humidity.
  2. Room adjustment. Wallpaper with a properly selected pattern can make a cramped bathroom more spacious, visually expand a narrow room.
  3. Ready for change. A well-chosen wallpaper can last you 5 or 10 years. And when the need arises to freshen up the situation, they are easy to remove and paste new wallpaper.
  4. Ease of selection. The choice of wallpapers is amazing in its diversity. You can find an imitation of wood or stone, photo wallpapers, a strict graphic pattern, and, if you wish, combine several patterns in one room.

Wallpaper has its own weaknesses, which should be considered when choosing a finishing material:

  1. The paper base of the wallpaper does not tolerate high humidity in the room. In such conditions, the wallpaper will absorb moisture. If the gluing technology has been violated, this can lead to lagging behind the wallpaper from the walls.
  2. Incorrectly selected wallpaper (non-moisture resistant) may begin to deform due to moisture.
  3. Jets of water will destroy the wallpaper, so it is not recommended to stick them in the area of ​​taps with water.
  4. Water also has a destructive effect on wallpaper glue, which absorbs moisture and shows through the paper layer.

Be that as it may, wallpaper in the bathroom will be a good option for a young family, people who appreciate diversity, and those who love experiments in interior design.

Wallpaper for the bathroom: the choice is yours

Choosing such material for wall decoration in the bathroom, you can choose one of the following types:

Vinyl wallpapers

Perfectly suited for pasting walls in rooms with a high level of humidity. This category of wallpaper can withstand not only water evaporation, but even direct contact with it.

The main disadvantage of vinyl wallpaper is the high cost, which scares many who were going to save money on renovation work in the bathroom. However, vinyl wallpaper for the bathroom is a great option.

The process of finishing the walls with vinyl wallpaper is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Surface and dry mix preparation;
  2. Cutting wallpaper for pasting. In this case, care should be taken that the wallpaper has a small allowance in length. If a pattern is applied to their surface, then it is necessary to ensure that the edges of the strips coincide;
  3. Glue is applied to the surface of the wall, approximately equal in width to a strip of wallpaper;
  4. The strips of material are glued end-to-end, while the elements should not go one on top of the other. At the same time, one person must apply the upper part of the canvas to the wall, and the other must combine it with a vertical line drawn on the wall, or with the previous canvas.
  5. Pressing a sheet of wallpaper against the wall, gently squeeze out air bubbles from under it using a special roller or dry cloth.

Washable wallpaper

This type of wallpaper has a special coating that does not allow moisture to pass through, as a result of which they will not swell and exfoliate. Dust, dirt and other negative elements are easily removed from washable wallpapers, as a result of which the material will last a very long time, while maintaining its original appearance. By the way, these are wallpapers, the price of which is not very high.

Washable wallpaper is glued in the following sequence:

  1. The wallpaper is well lubricated with glue. In this case, special attention must be paid to the edges;
  2. The smeared canvas is pressed against the wall;
  3. With the help of a roller, the wallpaper is smoothed out, and at the same time all air bubbles are expelled from under the canvas;
  4. To prevent the wallpaper from peeling off in the future, the joints between the canvases should be re-smoothed.

The liquid wallpaper

This type of wallpaper is plaster, the basis of which is water. After wallpaper is applied and completely dried, the surface of the walls becomes impervious to water.

  1. Before applying this finishing material to the walls of the bathroom, the surface must be thoroughly primed with a special mixture, and then coated with a colorless water-repellent varnish;
  2. The dry mixture is thoroughly mixed;
  3. You can apply liquid wallpaper on the walls using a special sprayer or manually, throwing a small amount of the mixture onto the wall and rolling it with a roller.

Glass fiber and their advantages

Such wallpapers in the bathroom, which do not absorb moisture and water at all, as a result of which they are very popular. The surface of such wallpapers is easily painted, which makes it possible to change their color to your liking or depending on the interior of the room. The process of sticking them is similar to sticking vinyl wallpaper.

Wall mural

Sticking photo wallpapers in the bathroom will completely replace expensive mosaics or tiles with a landscape, and at the same time, an inexpensive and quick way to change the interior design of a room.

Thanks to photo wallpaper, in just a few hours, you can completely change the appearance of the bathroom, while embodying your most secret fantasies. The most important thing in this case is to purchase waterproof photo wallpapers, which have a special coating that protects the wallpaper from moisture and steam. The process of sticking them is the same as sticking ordinary wallpaper.

High humidity and temperature conditions in the bathroom make us choose a finishing material for walls based on its moisture resistance. Therefore, most people buy tiles without even considering other options. But today wallpaper for the bathroom has become an excellent alternative and is in no way inferior to tiles in terms of its qualities.

Weigh all the pros and cons

Decorating the bathroom with wallpaper has both its advantages and significant disadvantages. The main disadvantage is their hygroscopicity - a process in which paper absorbs water vapor, due to which the wallpaper peels off over time and loses its original appearance. It is possible to deal with this problem. Here it is important to understand what kind of wallpaper and glue in the bath you need to choose. Moisture resistant types of coating and glue with antifungal properties are suitable.

Given these subtleties, then repairing the bathtub with wallpaper will have a lot of advantages. First of all, the economy of this method of finishing. Wallpapering will be much cheaper than tiles. Simplicity is another not unimportant plus of this coating, because everyone can stick several rolls of paper evenly.

When you get tired of the bathroom interior with wallpaper, you can easily change it in just a few hours! But with the dismantling of tiles, you will need to tinker with more than one day.

Types of wallpaper for the bathroom

What kind of wallpaper can be glued in the bathroom? There are a lot of options, the main thing here is that the product is moisture resistant. Let's take a closer look at the suitable types of wallpaper for the bathroom and talk about each of them separately.


Vinyl wallpaper for the bathroom is one of the most popular wall decoration solutions in the bathroom. They are made of polymer, so they easily withstand moisture, steam and heat. True, for such magical qualities you have to pay.


Washable toilet and bathroom wallpaper is a cheaper but less durable option. A special coating is applied to these wallpapers, which should prevent moisture from seeping inside. This protects the material from swelling and flaking. The advantage lies in easy cleaning with an ordinary soft sponge dipped in a mild soapy solution.

The liquid wallpaper

This is a liquid plaster, which includes water, natural fibers of cotton and silk and binders. In the store they are presented as dry mixes. Liquid wallpaper in the bathroom is used as ordinary plaster, but after complete drying it will not be affected by water and steam.

Is it possible to use liquid wallpaper in the bathroom? Of course yes! Especially after coating the material with an additional protective layer of acrylic varnish.

Self-adhesive wallpaper

They are a moisture-resistant film with an adhesive base on the wrong side. It is very easy to work with such material. But self-adhesive wallpaper for the bathroom has one significant disadvantage - a very small range of colors and ornaments.

Glass fiber

Perhaps the most moisture-resistant wallpaper for the bathroom, which, in principle, cannot absorb water. Their base is made of fiberglass with a special starch impregnation. The indisputable advantage of glass wall papers is the ability to repaint walls up to 15-20 times! Very durable and environmentally friendly.

Wall mural

This option will allow you to create a unique bathroom design with wallpaper. Choose your favorite picture from a huge variety, arm yourself with wallpaper glue and go! Just do not forget to check the materials for moisture resistance.

Design and design ideas

In addition to durability and moisture resistance, modern bathroom wallpapers will delight you with a variety of prints, colors and ornaments. You can easily choose the right pattern for your interior.

Today, manufacturers offer us not to limit ourselves to a monochromatic finish and pay attention to floral prints, striped or plaid wallpaper. Decorate the bathroom walls with ethnic motifs, geometric shapes or abstraction.

You can wallpaper the entire bathroom, but remember that tile and wallpaper will look great together and will make your renovation last longer.

Expert Tip: The combination of two materials is suitable only for a room with an area of ​​​​more than 4 square meters.

How to stick wallpaper with your own hands

We figured out the question of whether wallpaper is glued in the bathroom, and if so, which ones? Now let's talk directly about the renovation process in the bathroom.

Wallpapering bathroom walls is no different from any other room. The walls need to be leveled, primed and treated with a special compound from the fungus. Then the glue is prepared according to the instructions on the package, the wallpaper is marked and cut into pieces of a certain length.

Glue is applied to the entire wrong side of the material, and then the wallpaper is applied to the wall and smoothed from the center to the edges with a special roller. This prevents the formation of unwanted air bubbles under the coating.

Expert tip: Try to glue wallpaper butt-to-butt, not overlap.


Photo gallery

In the photo - wallpaper in the bathroom in a variety of options. A variety of colors and design solutions will help you choose the right option and create your own ideal interior.

The bathroom is a room with its own special microclimate, the dominant features of which are constant high humidity and significant temperature fluctuations. That is why, thinking about bathroom design, many traditionally prefer the time-tested solution - tiled tiles. At the same time, the modern building materials market offers wallpapers that are almost as good as tiles in terms of their characteristics.

Wallpaper in the bathroom: we weigh the disadvantages and advantages

The main disadvantages that impede decorating the bathroom with wallpaper are well known. First of all, it is hygroscopicity - the ability of the paper base to absorb (saturate) water vapor, due to which, over time, the wallpaper begins to swell, and then completely peel off. In addition, the adhesive itself, under the influence of temperature and moisture, loses its properties.

But, if, having provided for all these shortcomings, you choose the right materials (for example, glue - with increased adhesion and antifungal composition), then you can appreciate the undoubted advantages:

  • economy - bathroom design and wallpapering will significantly reduce repair costs compared to laying tiles. When wallpapering, the cost of a finished 1 sq.m wall covering (including materials and work) will be almost an order of magnitude less than when using tiles
  • ease of installation - it is quite possible to do it on your own, unlike installation plastic panels or laying tiles without the involvement of specialists, which provides additional savings
  • maintainability - if necessary, just glue the wallpaper if some part has moved away. If the old interior is tired, then it is enough to simply update it. Carrying out such a mini-repair will not require large financial investments and great efforts.

The wallpaper is easy to dismantle, but you will have to tinker with the tiles, plus - the dismantling of the tile is a very dusty process. If, with insufficient ventilation mold will appear on the wall covering, the wallpaper will be easy to remove, the walls will be treated with a disinfectant (anti-fungal) coating and new wallpaper will be glued

  • decorativeness - the ability to select wallpapers that are diverse in pattern, color and texture, while no other wall covering option can offer such a wide selection of options

How to choose wallpaper for the bathroom: considering options

The main parameter on which the choice of wallpaper for the bathroom must be based is the ability to withstand moisture. Today you can pick up moisture-resistant wallpapers for the bathroom, which more or less meet this requirement:

  • washable wallpaper- the most affordable (for the price) option. A special coating is applied to them, which prevents the penetration of moisture inside, deep into the inner layers of the canvas, thereby protecting the wallpaper from swelling and subsequent delamination. They are quite resistant to water, in addition, with the help of a sponge (moist cloth) they are easy to clean, it is easy to remove dirt, fungus or dust from them, which is especially important for maintaining hygiene requirements in the bathroom.
  • Vinyl wallpaper is the most common choice for bathroom wallpaper. Since they are made on the basis of polymer, they can not only withstand steam, temperature and moisture, but even withstand direct contact with water. True, the increase in quality also entailed an increase in cost, but this is quite justified due to a noticeable, in comparison with washing wallpaper, increase in the period of use without loss of decorative and operational properties. Long-term operation is additionally ensured by the use of special glue for gluing, which has an increased level of adhesion

Advice! It is necessary to avoid pasting the walls with wallpaper in places of direct contact with water - near shells, above the bath - even with a high level of moisture resistance and careful care, vinyl and washable wallpapers will darken and begin to peel off

  • self-adhesive wallpaper is a water-repellent film that does not allow moisture to pass through, on the back of which an adhesive base is applied, so you do not need to purchase glue separately to stick them. Their disadvantage is a very small assortment, limited to imitation of natural stone or various types of wood of different quality.
  • the liquid wallpaper- in fact, it is more of a water-based decorative plaster, which includes binders, cotton and silk fibers, mineral additives, sparkles. They are sold in the form of dry mixes.

They are applied like traditional plaster, after hardening they become absolutely impervious to moisture, and after additional coating with acrylic lacquer - virtually waterproof. Aesthetically attractive coating, characterized by a unique pattern and originality of texture.

  • cullet- not able to absorb moisture at all. Woven from fiberglass and impregnated with a special composition based on modified starch. Differ in durability, durability, environmental friendliness, a variety of invoices. A special plus is that they are easily repainted, such wallpapers can be repainted up to 20 times with water-based or latex paints.

Wallpaper in the bathroom: we select the style

The use of wallpaper in the bathroom means combining them with other surfaces - tiled or simply painted.

It is important to choose wallpapers that will match in style, to avoid excessive clutter of textures and colors - this will create the impression of clutter and chaos. Wallpaper designed in light colors will create a joyful, sunny mood, green and blue add a sense of cleanliness.

In small bathrooms, dark colors should be avoided - they visually reduce the volume.

A neat pattern on light-colored wallpapers will not only allow you to win back space, but also set the mood of the bathroom you need.

August 7, 2016
Specialization: Capital construction works (laying the foundation, erecting walls, constructing the roof, etc.). Internal construction works (laying of internal communications, rough and fine finishing). Hobbies: mobile communication, high technologies, computer equipment, programming.

I have been working as a builder for several decades and have the opportunity to observe the evolution of finishing materials. And recently I noticed that bathroom wallpapers, which have been undeservedly forgotten for a couple of decades, are becoming popular again.

Therefore, I decided to devote today's material to the question of which wallpaper is suitable for decorating a bathroom with your own hands. Naturally, we are not talking about low-quality products produced by the printing houses of the USSR, but about innovative finishing materials that have unique performance characteristics.

The possibility of using wallpaper in the bathroom

First of all, I want to touch a little on the advisability of using this type of finish in sanitary facilities, the microclimate of which is characterized by high humidity and significant temperature fluctuations in the air.

Leaving the aesthetic side of this issue for a while, I can name several reasons why I personally consider bathroom wallpaper one of the best decorative materials:

  1. The price of wallpaper is less than the cost of tiles or other similar facing materials. Moreover, the entire repair will cost you less, since wallpapering the walls is a less time-consuming process than installing ceramics.
  2. For pasting walls with wallpaper, it is not at all necessary to involve a professional in the work. You can do all the work yourself. Moreover, the process will not take as much time as it seems at first glance.
  3. In specialized stores of finishing materials, such a large assortment of wallpapers is presented that with their help you can turn any design fantasy into reality. Moreover, this finishing material is perfectly combined with tiles, and with plastic panels, and with plaster.

  1. Wallpaper is easy to stick on the walls, just as easy to dismantle. Therefore, if you have a desire to change the interior of the bathroom, you will not spend either a lot of money or a lot of time on this operation. You can complete all the work within one or two days, the instructions for pasting the canvases are quite simple, it will not be difficult to prepare a surprise for your loved ones.

Of course, there are several disadvantages that limit the use of wallpaper for bathrooms. The most important are:

  • poor tolerance of moisture and direct contact with water;
  • high coefficient of water absorption;
  • the danger of the appearance of the adhesive layer on the decorative surface of the wallpaper.

However, all this can be easily avoided if you know what wallpaper to glue in the bathroom. This is what I want to tell you in as much detail as possible in the next section. I will immediately warn you that here I will not dwell on how to glue wallpaper. This is the topic of a separate material, look for it on our website.

Varieties of wallpaper for bathroom decoration

So, it's time to tell you what kind of wallpaper you can glue. In sanitary facilities, due to the specifics of the microclimate, it is necessary to use waterproof wallpapers that do not change their performance properties during the entire period of operation.

I will describe the most common varieties of waterproof wallpaper.

Washable paper based

The simplest and most inexpensive wallpaper option is washable paper-based. These are classic paper sheets, dyed in a single color or decorated with various patterns, on the surface of which a waterproof layer of hydrophobic materials is applied. Due to this, the material perfectly tolerates operation in conditions of high humidity, does not absorb water and is easily cleaned of contaminants.

I myself washed this decorative material more than once with just soapy water and household detergent, and also wiped it with a damp cloth, getting rid of stains. At the same time, their appearance did not suffer in any way, and the drawing remained clear.

The big plus of this type is the huge variety of colors and patterns that adorn the design of the bathroom. In addition, the waterproof film gives the surface of the material a gloss that reflects light from lighting devices. This visually increases the space of the bathrooms of old apartment buildings. After all, there they do not differ in space.

I also want to say that the waterproof film on washable wallpaper does not allow moisture to penetrate into the paper base of the wallpaper. That is, air infiltration through the enclosing structures is disturbed and the walls stop "breathing". Therefore, if you are going to glue washable wallpaper for the bathroom, take care of high-quality ventilation with a powerful electric fan.

Paper wallpaper is the cheapest option, but not the best. Therefore, I do not want to dwell on their description for too long and will immediately move on to more advanced options both in terms of technical characteristics and in terms of appearance.


The term "vinyl wallpaper" refers to a finishing material consisting of two layers:

  • upper decorative - it is made in polyvinyl chloride, painted in different colors and has a different relief;
  • substrates made of paper or non-woven - with its help, the wallpaper is fixed on the surface.

Depending on the materials used, the strength and durability of the finish is determined. Non-woven wallpaper is more durable, so I advise you to buy them for finishing the bathroom.

Moreover, you can choose finishes that imitate ceramic bricks, tiles, wood or facade plaster. Bathroom design options depend only on your artistic taste.

I want to note another important advantage of vinyl waterproof wallpaper - good soundproofing properties. The wallpaper perfectly absorbs sound waves, so the rest of the inhabitants of the apartment will not be disturbed by the sound of water and opera singing coming from the shower.

On sale there are several types of vinyl wallpaper, which differ from each other depending on the characteristics of the upper decorative layer. Personally, I used the following types of wallpaper for decoration:

  1. Foamed vinyl. Finishing material with high aesthetic qualities. It can be easily dyed to any color and cleaned with household detergents. In addition, when gluing, it is able to mask small defects and irregularities in the base.

The minus of vinyl wallpaper made of foamed vinyl is a high water absorption coefficient. The porous surface absorbs moisture and is difficult to part with it. Therefore, it is necessary to take measures to ventilate the bathroom.

  1. Made from thick vinyl. In this case, the surface of the wallpaper is quite dense and absolutely smooth. Most often, I came across such wallpapers imitating mineral surfaces: brickwork or savage stone.

Due to the dense structure of the vinyl surface, the wallpaper is very easy to care for. The material does not fade in the sun, so if you have a window in the bathroom, you don’t have to worry about the safety of the bright color of the selected finish.

Some people ask if vinyl wallpaper can be installed indoors in the bathroom, because it can release chemicals that are harmful to health. I’ll answer right away that all modern vinyl wallpapers are made using environmentally friendly technologies and, under normal operating conditions, do not cause harm to health.

  1. Made from hard vinyl. Wallpaper on non-woven base, the top layer of which is characterized by increased density and strength, as a result of which it perfectly tolerates external mechanical stress.

Solid vinyl wallpaper imitates tiles, decorative plaster and upholstery fabrics.

  1. Silkscreen. This is the most attractive type of vinyl wallpaper. In appearance and texture, the surface of this finish resembles silk, and the pattern is applied by hot stamping.

The result is a thin wallpaper with which you can effectively and richly decorate any room, including the bathroom. At the same time, all the performance properties of vinyl wallpaper, such as: strength, durability and water resistance, are fully preserved.

So that you can independently decide on the use of this type of finish in the bathroom, I will list the pros and cons of vinyl wallpaper.

I'll start with the benefits:

  1. First of all, it is amazing appearance. And I'm talking not only about the variety of colors and shades, but also about interesting textures. I used wallpaper in the bathroom, which an inexperienced person might confuse with tiles or ceramic bricks.
    After such a finish, the walls acquire volume, due to which small irregularities and other surface flaws can be hidden.
  2. Complete water and air tightness. The material does not absorb water (with the exception of some varieties) and does not allow air saturated with water vapor to enter the paper backing.
    This prolongs the life of the material, but violates the natural regulation of the microclimate in the room. To get rid of excess moisture, you should worry about the efficient operation of the system.
  3. Strength. Vinyl wallpapers not only feel great in sanitary facilities, but also easily tolerate minor mechanical damage. Therefore, if you accidentally touch the surface of the wall with a mop, it will not be scratched or dented.
    And if some area breaks, with the help of the remnants of vinyl wallpaper, it is easy to perform local surface repairs without resorting to the help of an experienced craftsman (as would be the case with damage to the tile).
  4. Durability. Due to the combination of high technical characteristics, this finishing material will retain its operational properties and appearance for a long time. You are more likely to get bored with the finish than need to replace it.

In order not to be disappointed in the selected wallpaper after gluing it, always ask the sellers for documents confirming the quality of the products and compliance with the building codes and regulations in force in the Russian Federation.

As for the shortcomings, I can note two of them - the high cost (compared to paper wallpaper) and the complexity of gluing. The fact is that when installing the finish, you should very carefully adjust the seams between the individual sheets of material. Otherwise, I personally do not see any restrictions.

If you have a different opinion, I ask you to comment on this in the comments at the bottom of this material.


Now I want to talk about liquid wallpaper for the bathroom. This is a new finishing material that allows you to effectively finish not only the sanitary facilities, but also the rest of the home.

The finish is more like decorative plaster and is sold as a dry powder, which must be mixed with water in the proportions indicated on the package before use.

Moisture-resistant liquid wallpaper, in addition to binder and coloring pigments, contains fillers from various mineral and organic materials: mica, gelatin, algae, silk fibers, oak bark, cotton, and so on.

Thanks to this, after being applied to the walls and hardening, these “wallpapers” acquire a very spectacular and unusual appearance. Moreover, you can combine various types of liquid wallpaper with each other, vary the density and consistency of the material, achieving unique effects.

To the touch, liquid wallpaper in the bathroom resembles tightly felted felt or smoothly polished natural stone. They can be applied to any surface, including horizontal ones (ceilings, for example).

I am often asked if it is possible to glue liquid wallpaper simply on a brick or other similar mineral base. Here I have to disappoint you. They should only be applied to even and previously prepared surfaces. It is better if it is drywall or a wall carefully plastered with sanitizing plaster.

In my practice, I used the following types of liquid wallpaper:

  1. Silk. Made from natural silk fibre. They can be applied to mineral surfaces with very slight defects. Options are sold in powdered and ready-to-use form.
  2. Cotton. The dry powder contains 99% natural silk fibers and 1% binder. After application and hardening, they form a smooth surface that is very pleasant to the touch.
  3. Cellulosic. The most economical option for liquid wallpaper. The material consists of fibers that are formed as a result of wood processing. With this wallpaper, you can decorate a mineral surface that has small cracks and other similar defects.

One of the most attractive properties of liquid wallpaper is the ability to regulate the level of humidity in the room. The decorative surface absorbs excess water vapor, after which it gradually gives it back. This allows you to effectively regulate the microclimate in the bathroom without the use of powerful forced ventilation.

So that you can decide for yourself whether it is possible to use liquid wallpaper in the bathroom, I have compiled a table in which I have painted all the pros and cons of this material.

pros Minuses
Environmental friendliness. The material almost entirely consists of natural materials (silk fibers, cotton, cellulose, and so on), therefore, regardless of the operating conditions, it does not harm human health. This is especially important for people suffering from allergic diseases. Great hygroscopicity. In case of direct contact with liquid, the finish absorbs water, which then gets rid of for a long time. Therefore, it is better not to finish with liquid wallpaper sections of the walls in contact with water (at the shower or bath).
Attractive appearance. Wallpaper is applied in the same way as plaster, therefore forming a seamless homogeneous surface. And the possibility of combining the material and using it with other types of finishes allows you to create unique design interiors. With constant mechanical stress, they wear out. Although this property is inherent in a large number of finishing materials.
Noise isolation properties. The structure of the wallpaper allows them to effectively absorb sound waves, providing comfort for the inhabitants of an apartment or a private house. Liquid wallpapers are quite expensive, but their price is fully paid off by high performance and long service life.
In addition to the above, liquid wallpaper has antistatic properties, is not damaged when the base is deformed, tolerates long-term exposure to direct sunlight and does not absorb odors that form in sanitary facilities.

Fiberglass wallpaper

Another way to decorate a plumbing room is to decorate the walls in the bathroom with fiberglass wallpaper. This material is a canvas woven from fibers obtained by melting glass under high temperature.

Thanks to the use of such raw materials, wallpapers receive unique technical characteristics that make them an excellent option for use in the bathroom. The wallpapers are durable, tolerate moisture well and do not harm human health.

Depending on the additives in the quartz (glass) mixture, manufacturers receive a finishing material with a different surface. But all types of fiberglass wallpaper are divided into two large groups:

  1. Smooth. They are also called fiberglass or gossamer. They are a material that is more often used for reinforcing surfaces, sealing cracks, irregularities and other defects. Although such fiberglass can be painted with acrylic, giving an attractive appearance.
  2. Embossed. They are used for finishing decorative wall decoration in bathrooms and other rooms. They have a higher density and better tolerate external mechanical influences. Their surface is covered with geometric patterns or other relief that can be painted with acrylic paints.

I will dwell in more detail on some of the technical characteristics of fiberglass wallpaper:

  1. High density. The material does not absorb water, so it is suitable for use in the bathroom. After finishing, the wallpaper acts as a reinforcing layer, preventing the appearance of cracks on the walls or ceiling pasted over with them.
  2. Strength. Fiberglass wallpapers are well tolerated by external mechanical stress. They can decorate sanitary facilities where the presence of a large number of people is expected (bathrooms and toilets in hotels, shopping centers, offices, and so on).

  1. Fire safety. Glass fiber has a high melting point, as a result of which fiberglass wallpaper does not ignite during a fire and does not contribute to the further spread of fire. The material does not release combustion products hazardous to humans.
  2. Vapor permeability. The product does not prevent air infiltration through the building envelope. This means that air saturated with water vapor can freely pass through the decorative finishes and the humidity in the bathroom is reduced.

Glass fiber has a very long service life. They retain their operational properties for at least 30 years from the date of gluing.

At the same time, they can be repainted up to 20 times without damaging the internal structure of the substrate. Therefore, if you suddenly want to change the design in the bathroom, just buy a bucket of paint (or several) and paint the walls with it.

I cannot fail to mention a few, from my point of view, the disadvantages of this type of decorative finish.

  1. First, it is increased fragility. With careless handling, the material may crumble even before gluing to the wall. However, this disadvantage is inherent in cheap low-quality wallpapers. If you buy fiberglass in reliable stores, you don’t have to worry about durability.
  2. Secondly, the increased consumption of paint. If you are going to paint glass canvases with a relief pattern, then be prepared for the fact that this will require more paint than if you were decorating a simply plastered and puttied surface.
  3. Thirdly, there is, though small, but still the possibility of gusts on the wallpaper as a result of shrinkage of the walls on which they are pasted.

However, all these disadvantages are more than offset by the exquisite appearance that your bathroom acquires after being decorated with fiberglass wallpaper.


And the last finishing option is self-adhesive wallpaper for the bathroom. They are a PVC film decorated with some kind of pattern or pattern, on the reverse side of which a dry adhesive with a protective layer is applied, which must be removed before installing the wallpaper on the surface.

Usually self-adhesive wallpapers are produced in rolls with a width of 40 to 90 cm and a length of 14 m. They can be used to decorate any surface, including walls in the bathroom.

Self-adhesive wallpapers for the bathroom come in several varieties:

  • cork - characterized by increased heat and sound insulation properties;
  • with imitation of leather texture or decorative plaster;
  • with matte and glossy surface;
  • imitating the texture of wood and so on.

The advantage of all types of self-adhesive wallpaper is a polymer top layer, which gives the material water-repellent properties and facilitates daily care. The material is easy to clean with household products.

In addition, the products in question have several other advantages:

  1. Strength. The self-adhesive film is well tolerated by mechanical stress without being damaged. She is not afraid of intensive use, so walls in public sanitary facilities can be decorated with such wallpaper.
  2. Long service life. The material retains its appearance and performance properties for at least 10 years when used in harsh bathroom conditions (which are characterized by high levels of humidity and significant temperature fluctuations).
  3. Environmental friendliness. The polyvinyl chloride itself and the adhesive used for gluing have zero emission of harmful chemical compounds, therefore, during operation, the wallpaper does not harm the environment and human health.
  4. Ease of installation. The film is easily glued to a flat prepared surface. There is no need to apply glue to the walls. Simply remove the protective paper, apply the material and smooth it out. It is also easy to dismantle if necessary.
  5. Affordable cost. The price of self-adhesive wallpaper is low, so everyone can paste them over any surface in the bathroom (up to cabinets).


In this article, I have provided you with as much information as possible about what wallpapers are for wall decoration in the bathroom and what are their features. If you are interested in the process of wallpapering walls, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the video in this article.

And in the comments to the material, you can tell what wallpaper for the bathroom you used. And what do you think about this kind of decorative finishes. How impressive does a plumbing room look, pasted over with this or that wallpaper? I will be glad to any opinion.

August 7, 2016

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