How to sew beautiful curtains in different rooms with your own hands? How to sew double curtains with your own hands - step by step instructions.

Sewing curtains or curtains with your own hands is a completely feasible process, which is quite within the power of any hostess who has even small sewing skills. You just need to clearly imagine the design of the future product and find suitable patterns. Self-decoration a window opening is a responsible task, therefore, the choice of material, fasteners and the shape of curtains must be taken seriously.

Sewing any window curtain begins with the selection of fabric. There is no need to belittle the importance of this step, since the wrong material can nullify even the most successful pattern.

When choosing textiles, the following factors should be considered:

  • Functional purpose of the premises;
  • The degree of illumination of the room;
  • Space size;
  • Color design of the interior.

In the bedroom or nursery, it is better to choose dense material that will protect the room from bright sunlight. Especially this ability will be relevant in the morning, saving a sleeping person from the morning rays.

At the same time, in a room that is located on the sunny side and is illuminated for most of the day, it is better to hang curtains made of light material, since dark fabrics tend to fade, which will look ugly.

Loose curtains, but not tulle, will fit perfectly into the kitchen or hall. Color is best chosen based on general design rooms. If it is combined with the colors of the carpet or sofa, this will give the room an extra charm.

By the way, if the window design is planned as a separate decor, then with warm shades of the floor and walls, it is better to decorate the opening in cold colors.

If you decide to take a natural fabric, then you should remember that it settles heavily after washing, so when measuring, be sure to add about 50-60 cm.

The most durable fabrics for sewing curtains are polyester with the addition of cotton and viscose. For curtains, you can take satin, coarse calico, jacquard. For curtains - organza, voile, chiffon.

When choosing colors it should be remembered that dark shades narrow the space, and light ones, on the contrary, expand it.

The horizontal pattern makes the room wider, and the vertical pattern will “take away” the ceiling.

We sew curtains on our own: the necessary measurements and tools

Before you start sewing curtains yourself, you need to understand their main types.

The most popular and common are such types as:

  • Roman curtains;
  • English curtains;
  • Ordinary curtains with ribbons;
  • Lambrequins.

If the curtain is being sewn for the first time, then it is advisable to find patterns suitable for these purposes before work, as well as instructions for them, which will greatly facilitate the task.

Next, you need to measure the length of the cornice and decide on what the curtain itself will be. It can only reach the window sill, be slightly lower or higher than its line, not reach the floor a little, or even lie on it.

When calculating additional costs for the fabric, it is imperative to add 25 cm to the main measurements for processing the lower and upper edges of the product, and also decide whether it will be a smooth fabric or with drapery.

The drapery coefficient is usually equal to two and is calculated as follows: the length of the cornice is multiplied by two, then another 10 cm is added for allowances for the edges. For light fabrics (organza, chiffon, silk), this coefficient is three.

It is always better to take a little more fabric than you need than to run out of material. Surplus can always be used for decor, tiebacks or lambrequins.

How to sew curtains with your own hands

To sew curtains yourself, you need to stock up not only with fabric, but also with the necessary tools.

So, what do you need to sew a curtain:

  • Cuts for sewing curtains and matching threads;
  • Sewing machine;
  • curtain tape;
  • Pencil and ruler for marking;
  • Scissors and pins.

After everything you need is in place, you can study the master class on sewing curtains and get to work.

Detailed description of the process:

  1. Preparing the fabric to prevent shrinkage consists in soaking the fabric, and then ironing it through cheesecloth until it dries completely. If the fabric is synthetic, it must be ironed from the inside out.
  2. Cutting the fabric - the product is folded in half "face" inward and chipped off with pins. Then it is cut into two parts according to measurements, after which cutting takes place, during which it is necessary to take into account the reserves left earlier for allowances.
  3. Side edge processing - you can choose the width to your taste, but usually it is 1.5 - 3 cm. The edges are folded inside out and ironed. Then they are bent again to the same size and stabbed. Then the sides can be stitched.
  4. Processing the lower part - the bottom of the product is bent by 5 cm, ironed, then bent again by 5 cm. Then it is stabbed and sewn.
  5. Processing of the upper part - the upper edge is bent by about one and a half centimeters, ironed and sewn. Then the edge of the curtain tape is bent, also one and a half centimeters, and swept onto the front of the curtain. Next, you need to combine upper part curtains and ribbons, after which the ribbon is attached to the canvas with pins in a checkerboard pattern. When the entire tape is attached, it must be cut off taking into account the allowance. It needs to be bent and attached to the side of the curtain.
  6. The tape is sewn along the inner edge to the curtain, retreating 1 mm from the edge. Then the pins are removed, and the tape is folded to the wrong side of the canvas, fastened with pins again and sewn.
  7. The pins are removed, and the threads of the ribbon are tied in a knot from all barrels. If you pull these threads, you get a drapery.

This is how you can sew a curtain using this step by step guide. At the end of the work, the product must be ironed again, especially highlighting the seams and edges.

We decorate and sew curtains with our own hands

If after sewing there are still cuts and shreds of fabric, they can be put on the decor of the curtain. Decorated models look very interesting and elegant.

You can decorate the finished product with lambrequins and pickups. As for the former, light materials are chosen for their tailoring, for example, muslin. It will be difficult to sew such an element on your own. But now a special adhesive material has appeared on sale - a thermo-bando, which will help create a beautiful and elegant lambrequin.

What do I need to do:

  • Attach the selected pattern to the gang and cut it clearly along the contour;
  • Cut out the exact same detail from the fabric, but already taking into account the allowances;
  • Using an iron, glue the fabric to the thermo-bando;
  • Attach curtain tape.

Thus, you can sew a simple but fashionable pelmet that will decorate the window leaf.

Any curtain will look fashionable and interesting if you decorate it with a pickup. It can be a bright Velcro tape or ribbons that can be tied into bows and knots. If desired, these garters can be embroidered with rhinestones, sequins, beads and whatever you want ...

We model curtains with our own hands (video)

Do-it-yourself curtains are not difficult at all, and even interesting. Hand-made models differ from others in their unique design and are filled with the warmth of the soul of the one who sewed them. Choosing a variety of fabrics and colors, you can not be afraid to experiment and thereby create original, fashionable things that will delight the eyes of households and guests of your home.

Examples: we sew curtains for the kitchen with our own hands (photo in the interior)

Curtains are an important accessory for the home. Properly selected curtains can visually expand the room, create a warm, pleasant atmosphere and add coziness. There are many shops where you can buy curtains, curtains and curtains. There is a studio where you can sew curtains to order. If the store did not find a suitable sample, and the services of the studio are not affordable, you should start tailoring yourself.

Sewing curtains is not difficult, it is important to follow the basic rules when choosing a fabric, taking measurements, having minimal cutting skills and being able to sew on a sewing machine.

To sew curtains yourself, follow the following procedure:

Fabric selection

For curtains to last longer, you should choose semi-synthetic fabrics. Viscose and polyester are the best fabric options for curtains. For curtains and curtains, you can choose satin, velvet, calico, jacquard or tapestry. Natural fabrics can fade in the sun over time, require special care and may shrink in size after washing, so when buying them, you should add up to 60 cm to the calculated initial measurement.

If the environmental friendliness of the material matters, then the best option there will be calico. In addition to environmental friendliness, the calico itself has an excellent property to protect the room from sunlight. Curtains from coarse calico perfectly give in to repeated washing. When buying calico, you need to consider that it can shrink, so you should purchase fabric with a margin.

When choosing a fabric, you need to compare the material and its decorative elements with the style and interior of the room where the curtains will be. The canvas in its texture should fit the general style of the room, if the interior is dominated by environmental and natural materials, then synthetics will not always look harmonious with the decor, or a lot of multi-colored decorative elements on the fabric will not be combined with the image of a room in a minimalist style.

Natural fabrics are most often sold in specialized stores with a small width. When sewing, the panels will have to be sewn together. For small rooms with low ceilings is not worth choosing dense fabrics, it is better to opt for the lungs, so as not to visually burden the room.

It is desirable to choose dense fabrics for those rooms that are facing south, so it will be possible to reduce the amount of sunlight and scatter it correctly around the perimeter of the entire room.

Influence on the size of the room

It is important to remember that the color scheme can visually both reduce space and increase it. When choosing dark colors space is reduced, and when choosing pastels, light colors visually enlarged. The color of the curtains should stand out against the background of the main color of the room, it should be either lighter or darker than the color of the walls.

The location of the pattern can also affect the size of the room. In particular, horizontal drawings tend to expand the room, while vertical ones help create the effect of high ceilings.

When choosing silk for curtains, you should think about caring for them in advance. Curtains made of natural silk cannot be washed, they should only be cleaned by yourself or with the help of dry cleaning services. In addition, silk tends to fade and such curtains will require additional lining. The same rule should be followed for velvet.

Furniture fabrics look beautiful on the windows, if the general interior of the room allows it, but for curtains made of furniture fabric, you need to install a reinforced cornice.

For any kitchen, they are perfect made with the addition of lavsan. This fabric looks shiny and creates a feeling of lightness.

Transparent fabrics will help to create the final image of the window, tulle can complement the curtains. To, fabrics such as Turkish chiffon, organza or guipure are well suited.

Patterns for the living room, bedroom or nursery

The image shows a model of window decoration with curtains and tulle. To sew such curtains with your own hands, you will need the following details:

First you need to cut out the details and process their edges. The image details the folds to create the desired effect of waves and drapery. To obtain the effect of the presented drapery, the coefficient of the width of the panel should be 2.5– times greater than the length of the cornice.

The image of the pattern shows the second version of the window design. Such a model will fit well into the living room, bedroom or children's room. For the manufacture of curtains you will need the following parts:

After the necessary details have been cut out, their edges must be processed. The image of the pattern describes in detail the assembly of curtain parts to obtain the desired effect from the waves and drapery. To obtain the effect of the presented drapery, the coefficient of the width of the fabric should be 2–2.5 times greater than the length of the cornice.

Curtains for the kitchen

To sew curtains with your own hands for the kitchen, you will need the following details:

  • 1 curtain;
  • 3 swag;
  • 1 de jabot;
  • 1 curtain.

The image of the pattern shows how to collect and cut out the details in order to sew curtains with your own hands. To drape such curtains, the width of the fabric should be 2-3 times the length of the cornice.

It is important to remember that after the fabric is sewn, before hanging it on the cornice, the panels must be ironed.

The pictures show:

  • Master Class pattern de jabot
  • Master Class classic tie pattern
  • Master Class asymmetric swag pattern

Side edge finishing

There are several important rules, which must be observed when sewing curtains with your own hands:

  1. Processing width should be at least 2 cm. It is important that you need to sew slowly, as when you remove the threads, unnecessary holes will form on the fabric.
  2. Fold the side edge follows on the wrong side.
  3. Curled edge to start should be ironed. Then bend again in the same size, stab with sewing pins and stitch.
  4. bottom edge bend at least 5 cm. Next, you should do the same as with the side edge: iron, tuck again and stitch.
  5. Top edge tucked 1.5 cm, ironed and sewn. should be bent 1.5 cm and loops up on the front side, combining the edge of the curtain and tape. Attach the tape with pins in a checkerboard pattern. Sew with a margin of 1.5 mm from the edges. Unfasten the pins, bend to the wrong side of the curtain, reattach the pins and sew. Next, stitch the curtain tape on the sides. The last step is to remove the pins and tie the threads into a knot, when they are tightened, a drapery will form.

Curtains are the decoration of any room, as they give it a beautiful and cozy look. With absence suitable options in the store, you can sew them with your own hands. The main thing is to follow certain rules.

Attention, only TODAY!

Sewing curtains with your own hands is quite easy, with minimal skills in cutting and sewing technology.. Almost every housewife can easily master the technology of independent sewing of curtains. Having figured out how to sew curtains with her own hands, a woman is able to independently prepare and decorate a room for the whole family to live with original products that will give it uniqueness and can perfectly complement the interior of the living room. Unique curtains can surprise the guests of the hostess.

The design of the curtains can be chosen independently to your taste, and the technology of how to sew beautiful curtains should be studied in detail. Exist a large number of various types of window curtains, all of these varieties are basically based on several basic models.

The design of the curtains can be chosen independently to your taste, and the technology of how to sew beautiful curtains should be studied thoroughly

Thoroughly studying the execution sequence technological operations when sewing basic models of curtains, a woman will be able to sew any product with her own hands.

Sewing curtains with your own hands is quite easy, with minimal skills in cutting and sewing technology.

Solving the problem of which curtains to sew with your own hands, you should decide on the necessary style of curtains. There are a large number of different options for curtains, but the main ones are no more than 10. Many of the main styles are very similar to each other and differ in small design nuances. All the rest are slightly different from the 10 primary sources, so if you need to make adjustments to the design of the curtains, this will not be a problem.

For beginner seamstresses, before learning the process of how you can sew a curtain with your own hands, you should familiarize yourself with the main types of curtains

For beginner seamstresses, before learning the process of how to sew a curtain with your own hands, you should familiarize yourself with the main types of curtains. Most common styles window curtains are considered:

  1. Simple curtains fastened with ties.
  2. Lambrequins.

After studying all the design features of each type of curtains, before sewing the curtains yourself, you should prepare the entire set of required tools and materials for work.

After studying all the design features of each type of curtains, before sewing the curtains yourself, you should prepare the entire set of required tools and materials for work.

Before carrying out the curtain manufacturing process, you will need to prepare the following materials and tools:

  • sewing machine;
  • cuts for sewing curtains and matching threads;

The sewing machine is used to make curtains

  • pins;
  • pencil for marking;

Pencil used for marking

  • ruler and tape;
  • nail polish;

Scissors are needed when making curtains

  • scissors.

Important! In the event that you are sewing for the first time, it is recommended to look for curtain patterns that match your tastes.

How to sew curtains with a lambrequin?

Very often, housewives are wondering how to sew a pelmet for curtains. Sewing curtains with a pelmet with your own hands is quite simple. This design has a simple design, but at the same time it has a sophisticated and attractive appearance. In order to sew curtains with a pelmet with your own hands, you must first prepare the appropriate patterns that will facilitate the implementation of all technological operations.

Lambrequins are an element of decor that fits perfectly into most of the most popular styles of home decoration.

Lambrequins are an element of decor that fits perfectly into most of the most popular styles of home decoration. This element very well complements and organically forms the interior of the room.

In the manufacture of lambrequins should Special attention focus on material selection. Most often, those women who decide to sew curtains make their own hands and all the decor elements for them. For the manufacture of all elements of the curtains, the same material is most often used, but if you wish, you can experiment using different materials to create different elements. For example, a plain material is used for the main part, and a lambrequin is made of patterned fabric. There are no special rules and requirements in this regard, the only condition is that the curtains with all the decorative elements on them must fit perfectly into the overall design of the room.

After choosing the main material for the manufacture of curtains for the room, everything should be calculated correctly. For a lambrequin, 1/5 or 1/6 of the total length of the material required for sewing curtains is required. When calculating the material, it should be remembered that a supply of fabric will be required for the manufacture of hemlines.

Before making curtains, you should consider whether folds are needed on the curtain, and in what quantity. The locations of the folds and their number can be marked using a ribbon.

On the initial stage you should bend the fabric on top of the future curtain and make a pocket for the curtain beam. The size of the pocket must be somewhat wider than the beam. When making a pocket, the processing of the element should be carried out with a reverse seam.

Folds, if they are planned to be formed, need to be fixed with threads and processed with a high-quality iron. Before you fix the fold, you need to carefully sew the edge of the lambrequin.

In the process of making a lambrequin, certain efforts and accuracy should be made to make it original and unique. In the process of choosing decorations for curtains, you should focus on the material used in the manufacture of curtains.

On a note! Light fabric used for curtains can be complemented with beads and flowers made from organza, heavy fabric can be decorated with fringes.

How to make Roman style curtains?

Roman blinds are very popular, so very often housewives are interested in the question of how to sew a Roman blind. First of all, it should be remembered that these Roman blinds are sewn taking into account that they close the window tightly enough. For this reason, before purchasing the right amount of material for sewing Roman-style curtains, you should accurately measure the window opening, add 5 cm to the resulting width on each side for allowances. In addition, the length of the fabric web should be increased by 12 cm.

Roman blinds are very popular, so very often housewives are interested in the question of how to sew a Roman blind.

The fabric for making curtains in the Roman style can be chosen to your taste. Today, fabric manufacturers offer consumers a wide variety of fabric options. Any housewife without any problems will be able to choose the fabric to your taste.

With the help of chalk or soap, you should mark the lines along which you want to sew the curtains.

An adhesive tape is attached to the beam, and a similar tape is also attached to the upper edge of the curtain. At the point of attachment, the curtain fabric is attached to the beam.

After that, the bottom side is ironed and hemmed. The next step is the hemming of the finishing border. Rings to the curtain are fixed with wide stitches. Then the curtain is attached to the beam.

The final stage in the manufacture of curtains is threading the cord into the rings, after which the cord is pulled together and the excess ends are cut off.

The resulting curtains look solid and expressive.

Self-tailoring of curtains in the English style

Curtains made in English style look sophisticated, light and airy. Curtains of this type are perfect for any room, the use of this element of the interior allows you to add a certain zest and uniqueness to the design of the room.

Curtains made in the English style look sophisticated, light and airy.

There is nothing difficult in the process of sewing this type of curtain and almost any housewife with sewing skills is able to sew such curtains.

For the manufacture of curtains should be prepared required amount satin, natural muslin and satin ribbon. When calculating the length of the curtains, the parameters of the window opening should be taken into account. When preparing the material, be sure to take into account the material spent on folds and filing.

Ribbons are pinned to the main fabric with pins and sewn on a sewing machine

On the canvas of the curtains, you should mark the places where you plan to sew on satin ribbons. After that, the prepared ribbons are tucked one centimeter on each side, ironed and hemmed. Ribbons are pinned to the main fabric with pins and sewn on a sewing machine.

At the final stage, you should fix the upper edges of the satin ribbons. After the entire curtain is ready, its lower edge should be hemmed and steamed with high quality.

In order to decorate the curtain, you can put a few additional satin ribbons.

In order to decorate the curtain, you can put a few additional satin ribbons.

Sewing a simple and beautiful curtain - step by step instructions

If there is no desire to create complex and binding compositions, you should give your choice in favor of simple designs which can be decorated with delicate bows. Very often, such curtains are used to create cozy interior in the kitchen. For this reason, very often from housewives you can hear the question of how to sew simple and beautiful curtains for the kitchen with your own hands. Simple curtains can have an unassuming appearance, they will be both beautiful and ideal for finishing kitchen area. If you want to decorate the curtains, you can additionally use a variety of decorative elements for this purpose, which will give the curtains a uniqueness and bring a special zest to the interior.

The fabric for the manufacture of paintings should be chosen with a width that matches the window opening in the kitchen

On a note! The fabric for the manufacture of canvases should be chosen with a width that corresponds to the window opening in the kitchen.

The length of the curtains in the kitchen is chosen by housewives to your taste. Depending on the general interior of the room, curtains can be made short or up to the window sill. If necessary, you can decorate the windows in the kitchen with curtains to the floor. If desired, for kitchen openings, they can be decorated with a narrow ribbon made of satin. Such a tape is sewn to the curtain fabric with the help of threads of the corresponding color.

Lightweight curtains for windows in the kitchen can be perfectly combined with blinds various designs and with tulle. You can decorate curtains in the kitchen with bows that can give uniqueness and tenderness to even the simplest curtain.

Fabric for the manufacture of curtains for the kitchen, you can choose any, at your discretion. It should be noted that the best option The material for the manufacture of curtains for the kitchen is a blended or cotton fabric.

This type of fabric is breathable, which creates an atmosphere of lightness in the room. Ribbons made of satin are recommended to be used as a decor, it is advisable to give preference to contrasting colors when choosing a satin ribbon.

Lightweight curtains for windows in the kitchen can be perfectly combined with blinds of various designs and with tulle

To sew a curtain, you should take the fabric prepared for this and smooth it, and then outline the entire perimeter except for the upper edge.

After basting the entire curtain along the perimeter, the upper edge is hemmed in accordance with the width of the cornice on which it is planned to fix the curtain.

Making curtains on eyelets with your own hands

Curtains on grommets have recently become very popular. It is the popularity of this type of curtains that is the reason that housewives often began to wonder how to sew curtains on grommets with their own hands.

It is the popularity of this type of curtains that is the reason that housewives often began to wonder how to sew curtains on grommets with their own hands.

There is nothing difficult in sewing curtains, in which the eyelets will be the main and fastener. Subject to all the technological operations that must be performed when sewing curtains with eyelets, any housewife is able to make this element of the interior of the room.

To facilitate the implementation of all operations, it is recommended to use photographs of the step-by-step implementation of the entire process. Such photos can be easily found on the relevant sites dedicated to interior decoration and interior design.

Curtains with eyelets can be used to decorate rooms in a variety of styles.

Curtains with eyelets can be used to decorate rooms in a variety of styles. Such curtains can organically complement rooms decorated in such styles as:

  • high tech;
  • minimalism;

Such curtains are able to organically complement the premises.

  • Scandinavian;
  • loft;

When fixing the finished curtains on the cornice, uniform and uniform folds are formed, which can be considered a feature of these curtains and their highlight

  • madder.

The folds of the waves that form on the curtains, when used to fasten the eyelets, contribute to the fact that a person has associations with sea ​​waves As a rule, they are pleasant to almost everyone.

In order to fix the finished curtains on the grommets, the housewife will need to prepare:

  • curtain fabrics;
  • cornice;

The folds of the waves that form on the curtains, when used to fasten the eyelets, contribute to the fact that a person has associations with sea waves, as a rule, they are pleasant to almost everyone

  • fixed rings;
  • threads for sewing and hemming curtains;

Sewing needles for making curtains

  • scissors;
  • sewing needles;

  • a hammer.

When fixing the finished curtains on the eaves, uniform and uniform folds are formed, which can be considered a feature of these curtains and their highlight. Such folds are formed due to properly carried out drapery.

I like

Handmade things will never go out of fashion, and today, when you can buy everything, handmade appreciated even more. Sewing, knitting, decorating are skills that are absolutely not superfluous for any hostess. And if there is still little experience, then you can start with not very complex, but functional things. An example of this is curtains, and making them with your own hands is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Especially if these curtains are for the kitchen.

There are classic versions, there are modern ones, varying degrees complexity, the models are quite simple and, on the contrary, refined. Here are the most popular types of curtains:

  • Hinged curtains. A classic, the technique is quite simple, even a beginner can do it.
  • Austrian curtains. Light, graceful, with frills and ruffles. Raised by mounting strap.
  • Roman curtains. Their design is simple, it would seem, but manufacturing requires certain skills. Flat, strict, elegant.
  • French curtains. They make the kitchen airy, cozy, tender. Their patterns may not be immediately clear to a beginner, you will have to figure it out. The master knows how to make tucks so that folds form. Mounting tape is also used.
  • Drawstring curtains. Sewing them is simple, the design is relevant, the patterns are clear. With their own hands, a beginner will master them.

You need to start from the very simple option, and having mastered it, conceive new ideas.

Transparent curtains for the kitchen (video)

Hinged curtains for the kitchen

Sewing them involves the use of natural fabrics. The technique is simple, patterns and cutting will be clear to beginners. The algorithm is:

  • From the main fabric you need to cut out two panels.
  • The rest, decorative details should be cut out from additional fabric. Lining may not be required.
  • Be sure to do the processing of the side seams of the panels so that during the use of the product the seams do not bloom.
  • The elements of the lower trim must be sewn according to the pocket principle, and then sewn to the main fabric.
  • The loops are folded in half, they need to be sewn from the inside out, then turned out. Smooth out so that the seam falls in the middle of the part. There should be no visible threads, bumps, etc. on the loops.
  • Loops from the wrong side are swept to the main panels.
  • After that, you should sew the pickups. The fabric is folded in half, sewn, turned inside out, smoothed out. Do not forget that the seam should again fall in the middle of the part.

The design of such kitchen curtains suggests ruffles, frills, bows. It will turn out a thing from the category of "economy class", but very cozy, sweet.

How to make good patterns

Tailoring of each model of curtains for the kitchen is individual. In particular, if you want to do it yourself.

As for the pattern, the simplest version of it is a template. It usually consists of one or two rectangles (depending on the size of the window). The template is created based on measurements. The length of the curtains for the kitchen is up to the windowsill or slightly lower. Too long models in the kitchen are uncomfortable.

The maximum that is permissible is 15 cm below the windowsill.

When drawing up a pattern, do not forget that you need to leave about 2 cm for bending the fabric from above and below.

In fact, curtain patterns are rectangles that are processed along the edges. Here, a master class is not needed, tailoring is simple if the design of the thing is standard.

Do-it-yourself Roman blinds (video)

We sew a curtain-lambrequin for the kitchen

It is very simple to make a lambrequin curtain with your own hands. Meanwhile, today it is fashionable decorative element able to cover any window. This option is often chosen by young people. couples seeking to give comfort to rented housing. And cheap and fast, and the curtains are beautiful, short, and the design is the most modern.

And here is the master class:

  • The width of the fabric will be equal to the width of the window opening, and the height will be 60 cm.
  • You will need a narrow satin ribbon and threads in the color of the fabric. Fabrics can be taken cotton, blended or synthetic.
  • The fabric is ironed, cutting is done on a flat surface. The bottom edge and sides need to be swept away, and then stitched.
  • Next, the upper edge is tucked up to the thickness of the eaves, first sweep, then stitch. No lining is required for this curtain.
  • The side seams at the bottom need to be slightly picked up on a thread, literally 5-6 stitches.
  • The curtain can be hung on the eaves. The satin ribbon is divided into two strips, each meter long. Ribbons are thrown over the eaves and pulled together, forming folds.
  • It remains only to tie the ends of the ribbon into a bow.

Short lambrequin curtains are ready, sewing them is so simple, and the design is so elegant that they do not require a pattern, and after one completed model you yourself will be able to give a master class on sewing such beauty with your own hands.

Curtains with eyelets - an alternative to hinged curtains

Thinking through ideas, considering options on the Internet, you can stumble upon more than one master class on sewing curtains with eyelets. Grommets are plastic or metal edging that forms a hole in the fabric. Most often, the curtain is strung on the cornice itself through the eyelets.

And if the design of such a curtain as a whole does not differ from standard model, the patterns are also quite typical, the significant difference is that making holes for the eyelets and installing the eyelets themselves with your own hands may seem difficult, and even make you abandon the idea.

But you can sew anything, and in installing the eyelets you just need to practice. And apply important tips:

  • The distance between the eyelets is determined in advance, it depends on the desired depth of the folds. If you want to make the folds embossed, the distance will be 20-22 cm, if soft - no more than 15. Beautiful folds are obtained at a distance of 18 cm.
  • An important point is the indent from the top edge of the curtain. It depends on the density of the material. At soft tissue edge bend 6 cm, if the rings are not more than 4 cm in diameter.

And here is a small master class on installing the eyelets themselves with your own hands.

The main stage is the marking of the fabric. Marks are made on the upper part of the curtain to establish rings, holes are cut out very carefully. Then eyelets are installed on both sides and snapped into place (or pressed through with a press).

Making curtains without sewing (video)

Curtain sewing involves basic cutting and sewing skills. If you still don’t know what cutting, pattern, lining is, you will have to learn everything. In the meantime, you need to use the ideas that have been worked out, review more than one master class, choose the design of the curtains, choose the material for the curtains in the kitchen.

And also, in order to sew something interesting for the kitchen with your own hands, you need to know little tricks:

  • You need to start with a sketch, or an idea from a magazine, the Internet, it is difficult to make a curtain without a visual sample;
  • If it is decided to make patchwork curtains, they need a lining;
  • Patchwork curtains are especially good for country kitchens;
  • The design of curtains in the ethno style involves the use of only natural fabrics of natural colors, you can do embroidery on them with your own hands;
  • The lining will also be needed in the upper part of the curtain if the fabric is very thin;
  • Any master will advise you to start sewing curtains with classic models in the Art Nouveau style, their design is simple and concise.

In order to create a beautiful, neat window curtain for the first time with your own hands, you need to practice the evenness of the line, and clearly compare the rest with the instructions, or carefully watch the master class.

How to sew curtains with your own hands (video)


Curtains, curtains for the kitchen - an element hearth, without which it is impossible to achieve the very desired comfort. You need to create them taking into account the color scheme of the room, general style, own idea of ​​beauty. If the kitchen is small, dark curtains will make it even smaller. If the kitchen is elegant, country curtains will not be in harmony with the overall picture.

Focus on a proven master class, recommendations experienced seamstresses, and everything will definitely work out.

Curtain design for the kitchen (photo)

Curtains are a necessary functional element in the interior of any home. For a long time they have become not only a necessity, but also important element in design. Big variety styles led to the emergence of new fabrics, the sale of curtains that can satisfy the desire of any buyer. What if you want your own individual version or just want to make them yourself?

In sewing curtains with your own hands, it is not essential whether you are an experienced craftswoman or just wanted to show your imagination and get creative. Do everything carefully, slowly and the result will surprise not only you.

To create curtains, learn the basic sewing method. Knowing them, you can choose the style, design you need and make your dream come true.

The lightest curtains

Of course than simpler design, the easier it is to perform. Sewing curtains with your own hands will not be a problem for these styles:

· English;

· Roman;

simple curtains with ties;


Look through the information on the query "photo of curtains with your own hands" to choose the options with which beginners start.

List of required tools:

1. Machine.

2. Fabric and thread.

3. Pins, needles.

4. Ruler, centimeter, chalk.

5. Scissors.

Step-by-step instruction

You can start experimenting in the kitchen. Light curtains with drawstrings can be cute, but they won’t create a hassle in care and tailoring.

Follow the next steps:

1. Buy fabric that is the width of the window opening. Length is up to you. Also buy a narrow satin ribbon and matching threads.

For the kitchen, it is better to choose a plain fabric from blended or cotton fabrics. Natural fabrics create an atmosphere of airiness, lightness. The satin ribbon will play a decorative role. It is selected contrasting to the main type of fabric. It can be a combination of pink and gray, black and white.

2. Take a piece of fabric, spread it on a flat surface. If there are bumps, smooth them out.

3. Hem the top of the curtains, taking into account the width of the cornice.

4. Sew the side seams and gather them with a thread. It will turn out about 6 stitches with 15 cm between them.

5. Hang the curtains on the curtain rod, check the length.

6. Turn and topstitch the bottom.

7. Curtains are ready. Add a couple of bows as ties and feel free to use!

Tailoring of curtains with a lambrequin?

Despite the apparent complexity, such curtains are within the power of a beginner. They perfectly complement the interior, making it rich and interesting.

1. Choose a material that can be different color and even from different fabric. The main thing is that the combination of everything taken is suitable within the composition of the window and the room as a whole.

2. Having calculated right amount fabrics for curtains, for a lambrequin, consider about a sixth of the total length.

3. Read the width according to the width of the window. If folds are needed, increase the calculation for them and mark their location with tape. Do not forget about the hem (1.5 cm).

4. First, hem the top of the product, leaving room for threading the eaves (pocket). Select a back stitch for sewing.

5. The folds are fixed with threads, ironed. The edges of the lambrequin are stitched until the folds are fixed.

6. After the upper seams, the side and bottom are performed.

7. Ready product decorate with fringe (for heavy fabrics) and ribbons, beaded chains (for light bases).

Roman curtains

Such simple curtains choose to close the window. Fulfilling their main purpose, they are beautiful and easy to sew.

1. Measure the width of the window and add 10 cm to this value for allowances. Add 24 cm to the length.

2. When choosing a material, consider your taste and interior design.

3. Lay out the fabric on the table.

4. Mark the creases with chalk.

5. Complete the side seams.

6. Take the rail to which the curtain will be attached and attach adhesive tape to it.

7. Iron the bottom and sew it.

8. Sew on a border for trim.

9. Where the rail will be attached, sew the rings. Attach the curtain to the rail.

10. Pull the cord for tightening into the rings, tighten well, and cut off the excess ends.

These curtains look pretty cute and original. Add them to your decor to freshen up the room.

Nothing complicated, just get started!
