What is the name of the stick for curtains on the windows. What are the curtains for? The purpose of the curtain tape

Completing the interior design, the question arises: how beautiful to hang curtains? After all, window decoration is the final chords that allow you to finally revive the atmosphere of the room and complement its comfort with originality.

Window decoration is selected based on the color scheme of the room, space zoning and taste preferences of residents

The main thing when choosing curtains is their convenience and organicity in a particular interior.

First, you need to decide and choose a suspended structure and material; secondly, it is important to think over the design option itself, select and purchase the necessary accessories. To do this, it is very important to know how to hang certain curtains correctly.

Note! The simpler, the better - perfectly even flowing curtains made of homespun fabric with a beautiful texture hanging on a regular string are always fashionable and popular.

The overall design of the interior, the variant of the cornice, the presence or absence of accessories, the fabric and the number of layers are the basic factors that help you understand how you can hang the curtains.

Variety in design can be achieved not only by choosing a fabric for sewing curtains, but also by using various accessories.

Basic rules: how to hang curtains beautifully

Rule 1. Decide on the option of the mounting system or abandon it altogether.

Rule 2. Select materials in accordance with the interior of the room and correctly calculate their dimensions.

Important! Be sure to consider the structure of the canvas. The density of the fabric should isolate extraneous sounds, protect the room from drafts, sunlight and prying eyes.

Rule 3. Compliance with the visual perception of the room.

Important! For curtains lying on the floor, decorative details should be minimal. But short curtains, on the contrary, require auxiliary accessories.

The combination of curtains with the design of the room

Fashion trends strive to create the most concise and comfortable environment. Simplicity, functionality, naturalness and combination with interior details are the basic truths that help to stay within the framework of both good and trendy taste in order to beautifully hang curtains on the windows.

Option 1. Matching the colors of textiles and curtains. The main thing is to follow the rule of harmony: all shades of textile and upholstery materials must be in harmony with each other. It is enough to pay attention to the color of decorative pillows, tablecloths, upholstery of upholstered furniture, lampshade and choose the textiles and tone of the curtains in accordance with them.

The color of the sofa and curtains should be in harmony with the finish already present.

Option 2. Respect for monochrome. If the textiles of the room have different shades of a certain color, it is necessary to combine the curtain with one of the already available options.

For a monochrome interior, it is good to combine fabrics of different textures, made in different shades of the same color.

Important! Window decoration should remain concise. The main thing is the main color of the curtain, and its accent details are already secondary points that you need to be careful with.

Option 3. Repeating patterns and patterns. The most unusual combination of curtains against the backdrop of the overall interior. Curtains with large patterns in spacious rooms will look beautiful. Accordingly, small patterns perfectly emphasize a small room.

The variety of patterns is endless, their choice is determined by the stylistic component of the interior

How beautiful to hang curtains in the hall

The central place of any dwelling is the hall. In a large guest room, hanging curtains beautifully is as easy as shelling pears. The main thing is to choose fabrics according to the lighting of the room and complement them, for example, with frills, fringes or elegant tassels. For a small living room, it is better to give preference to simple, straight curtains. Canvases can have laconic, horizontally arranged geometric patterns that visually expand the space.

Note! Heavy materials should be combined with light fabrics: organza, tulle, linen, velvet or taffeta. The color scheme of curtains should be combined with the interior of the room.

A very good and trendy option is to hang a single-layer curtain on an ordinary metal cornice with the help of eyelets, keeping the waviness. It can be supplemented with heavy lined curtains that will close in the middle of the window.

The decoration of the window space combines translucent tulle and thick curtains with lambrequins and adds flavor to the classic style, which will always be in trend.

You can make curtains elegant with the help of lambrequins. This may be a piece of dense matter, collected in folds or bells from above. You can also apply a variant of a hard and dense lambrequin - a gang with even, oblique or rounded edges, fixing them tightly. By fixing on adhesive tape, you can fix the openwork lambrequin.

Ideas for whimsical combinations of colors and shapes can be found in the Art Deco living room

Important! To fasten the curtains on the grommets, use a ring, or rather a lot of them, to keep the waviness.

In order for natural light to enter the guest room, an ideal and beautiful option would be to use on top of the window (from the cornice and up to 20 cm down to the window) a piece of fabric laced in a puff style.

How beautiful to hang curtains in the kitchen

The location and overall dimensions of the window are the first thing to consider before deciding what to hang curtains for the kitchen on. If the window is close to the work area, Roman or short blinds or pleated blinds are ideal.

Cafe-style curtains look original in the kitchen using wall or telescopic cornices

Plisse are mounted around the entire opening of the window and tightly close it. There are different options for pleats. They can be installed on the end of the window itself or inside the frame.

Textile roman blinds will perfectly emphasize the small, short window of a small kitchen. There are many options for Roman blinds. They are fastened in the same way as pleated or hung on a cornice.

For the kitchen, strict Roman curtains or elegant Italian ones will be an ideal option.

Another original option for the kitchen is English or, having a second name, the London type of flat blind. It can be hung in several ways:

  • to be able to usually curtain the window as needed;
  • to lower down, thus performing an "imitation" of Roman curtains.

Important! To use short or long floor variations, you should know what curtains are hung on in the kitchen. As a rule, this is a regular or string cornice. Each centimeter of the curtain is attached to a regular hook, or the edge itself is simply hemmed and tightly put on the cornice.

If the window is of a horizontal type or it is in a niche, then you can safely choose a tulle up to the window sill

To decorate any short kitchen curtain, a regular ribbon, a bow or special tucks with a metal string and a magnet will help.

You can create a more restrained drapery with the help of the Austrian version of the curtains. They have a main feature - when assembled, the reverse side of the canvas protrudes along the edges.

For a kitchen in airy Provence, Shabby Chic, Chalet or Country styles, you can beautifully decorate the window with cafe curtains. It is enough to pick up a cotton fabric and on the wall, immediately over the window, fix the cornice with rings. In the middle of the window, you need to stretch a string thread in order to string short shutters onto it.

In all other options, that is, if the kitchen is spacious, you can safely hang long curtains. They will look beautiful if you use a string or metal cornice for them. It is enough just to string a smooth curtain made of dense matter or use a curtain thread that can be assembled and fixed from one side of the wall.

The waves should be smooth - with high-quality fixation of the curtains, the folds will turn out to be quite attractive

How beautiful to hang curtains in the bedroom

A bedroom is a room for sleeping and relaxing. In order not to "overload" the space and complement the interior with curtains as beautifully as possible, you need to take into account the following points.

  • The location and size of the room. Luxurious curtains, complemented by tassels, thick, wavy and transparent tulle, thin lambrequin - a great option for a spacious bedroom. For a small room, it is worth limiting the window with a curtain or airy tulle.

  • Coordination with the style of the interior. For example, a strict classical style will approve the use of a lambrequin-shell, framing and hiding the cornice. Modern minimalism requires a discreet design, for example, thick floor-length curtains suspended on rings.

For a beautiful bedroom interior filled with classic style, an extremely light straight-cut kisei fabric is often used. When open, it can be secured with original bows or laces.

Additional Information! Curtains in the bedroom should be not only decorative, but also functional. The canvas should serve as protection from the bright sun and prying eyes. This is especially true for those residents whose apartment is located on the ground floor and the bedroom windows face east.

To create maximum functionality, it is worth installing additional Roman or bamboo blinds inside the window frame. On top of the window, you can attach a string installation to the ceiling and hang even, heavy French curtains going down.

Patterned coffee roman curtains paired with opulent cream drapes enhance the sense of space in this small but tranquil bedroom.

The curtain will look elegant if, on one side of the window, hooks are carefully made with brushes or ribbons from a dense, in the same or a different tone of fabric.

How beautiful to hang curtains in the nursery

A great option for a nursery is the use of combined curtains.

  • Different in density and completely opposite in shades of cloth, fixed on a cornice with several tiers. For example, on the first tier, you can hang a tulle, and on the front (second) tier, string a curtain with the help of rings and fix it with a discreet decor.

  • Installation of blinds, roller blinds or Roman blinds inside the window. Hang a transparent, soft fabric over the window opening with the help of a single tier of eaves. You can fix the curtain fabric on the cornice with bows, rings, buttons or buttons.

Important! Before choosing a variant of the canvas, the method of its fastening and decor, it is necessary to take into account the gender, character and wishes of the child.

You can diversify the fabrics that go down wavy with the help of special pickups. It can be a curtain holder in the form of a flower, a cartoon character or a soft toy.

When decorating a nursery and choosing curtains, you should pay attention to the gender of the child, it would be a very interesting idea to hang different curtains to separate them into zones.

Three-tiered cornice: how to hang curtains beautifully

To create a multi-tiered, exquisite composition, it is customary to use a three-tiered ceiling or wall cornice. The question immediately arises: how to hang curtains in the kitchen, bedroom or living room if a three-tiered cornice is installed?

  1. On the first (far) tier, it is worth using special tucks (hooks) to hang a transparent canvas using ribbon tape.
  2. A denser fabric, for example, a curtain, is attached to the middle tier.
  3. A lambrequin is stretched on the last (front) tier. As a rule, it is a dense, flat or shell-shaped fabric.

Three-row ceiling cornice allows you to realize the most interesting ideas in creating an exclusive composition on the windows

You can do without a lambrequin. In this case, the front or far tier should simply be left empty. But, if you decide to use it, you can apply another option for beautifully hanging curtains on a three-tiered cornice.

  1. A transparent panel is hung on the first tier.
  2. From the second tier to the third, a smooth transition of the lambrequin is carried out.
  3. On the third tier, additional lambrequin elements are hung on both sides.

Original window decoration with curtains without a cornice

What are curtains hung on if there is no cornice? You can use the following options.

Important! When using the option of a thread or fishing line, you need to firmly fix their ends and make a very strong, strong tension. The thread should not sag, hang out.

Additional Information! You can hang light fabrics on an adhesive tape - Velcro. Dense, heavy curtains can come off along with the mount.

Examples of window design in an ordinary apartment. Best photos

It will be possible to create full-fledged comfort if you correctly emphasize the interior with the help of a beautiful window design. Interestingly hanging curtains can easily hide the shortcomings of both a spacious and a small room. Below are window design options according to different stylistic trends in the field of interior design.

Video: 80 stylish examples How beautiful it is to hang CURTAINS

50 options for beautiful window decoration in different rooms:

It is generally accepted that it is the curtains that play the main role in the color scheme of the room. Chosen correctly and tastefully, they are able to transform even the saddest style in the interior of the room or, conversely, to calm down too flashy. But choosing curtains is only half the battle. You still need to hang them correctly.

List of components that make up the curtains on the windows.

Modern design involves many options for how to hang curtains. Some of them are considered traditional and simple, but there are also more modern ones that require knowledge of certain rules and principles in this work. Therefore, it is advisable to consider two main options for placing curtains in a room.

Hanging curtains on cornice

Option one - hang curtains on a baguette (cornice). This method is traditional and uncomplicated, but the variety of modern cornices can make you confused. For this reason, it is important to consider several factors that will help you find the right solution. How to hang curtains on the ledge quickly and efficiently?

Main stages of work

The scheme of fastening the ceiling cornice for curtains.

Decide what you want to see on your window. If these are only curtains (meaning one whole canvas or two identical curtains), then a cornice with one guide will be quite enough. If, in addition to curtains, you will also hang tulle, then you need two guides.

In the event that, in addition to all this, you also want to make majestic lambrequins, then you will need 3 or more guides - depending on how many layers of everything you want to see on the window.

The second step is to choose the length of the cornice. If you want to see only the window curtained, then you need to purchase a cornice, the length of which will be equal to the width of the window plus about 5 cm on each side.

But in the case when you want to see the entire wall where the window is located, the curtained cornice is already purchased based on the width of this wall. But here it will be necessary, on the contrary, to subtract 5-10 cm on each side so that the edges of the baguette do not rest against adjacent walls.

Now you need to hang the cornice. This is done using a puncher and screws or special hooks (depending on which mount goes to the baguette in the set). First make a mark on the wall for drilling holes.

The layout of the cornices for curtains.

To do this, put dots in the intended places with a pencil, while maintaining the same distance on both sides from the ceiling to the markings. It is convenient to mark all this together, so that one person holds the cornice, and the second makes markings.

Now you just have to take a puncher, drill holes, drive dowels into them, and then screw screws or fasteners into them, on which to hang the cornice. If you do everything right, the baguette will not look skewed, but will hang evenly.

The last step is to measure the height of future curtains from mounting on the eaves to the floor. This is necessary not only in order to gain height correctly, but also in order not to miscalculate where to sew the loops or fold the fabric. In addition to the height, the width of the curtain is measured in accordance with the eaves. If you want to see not a flat canvas, but folds, then the width is gained at least 1.5 meters more. Now you just have to attach the curtain in accordance with the fastening on the eaves for it.

Mounting methods on the eaves

As a rule, today there are many ways to attach a textile fabric to a cornice.

In order to better navigate them and choose the most suitable method for ourselves, we will consider all the fasteners and how to work with them in more detail.

The scheme of sewing curtain tape to the curtain.

Fastening curtains on clips or crocodiles. Crocodiles are called something like clothespins, which hold the material with the help of small teeth. It is convenient to hang curtains made of durable and heavy fabrics on them. The material itself should only be bent and fixed, and no loops need to be made.

Clips are similar. Only they are well suited for very light types of tulle, which, moreover, can be easily damaged. The principle here will be the same - bend and fasten, like ordinary clip-on earrings on the ears.

Many people wonder how to hang curtains on rings. You can attach the curtains to the hooks that are put on the rings. This is a good option for hanging light to medium curtains and tulle.

To do this, you will need to take the curtains to the studio, where you can order to sew a special trim with hooks ready on it, which will be put on the rings.

As a rule, this method also allows you to slightly adjust the hanging height of the curtains due to the fact that there are already several levels of hooks on the sewn inlay, which are arranged in rows. To date, this method is the most common.

Scheme of installation and removal of hooks on the eaves.

Another good option is to mount the curtains on the grommets. Such curtains are cloths of fabric, on top of which holes are already punched and trimmed with a special material. For this type of curtains, special cornices are produced.

When choosing a cornice for a curtain or curtains for a cornice of this type, it is important not to miscalculate the diameter of the tube and holes on the curtains. The holes usually need to be slightly larger so that the curtain can be easily put on the tube and then easily slide over the cornice during its movement.

And finally, the last option is to mount the curtains on a fishing line. This is the oldest version. You just buy a special fishing line, which is stretched across the width of the wall and attached to the walls. A curtain is put on this fishing line.

However, this method is good to use only in summer cottages, due to the fact that it is the cheapest. Opening and closing the curtains with this option is not very convenient.

Hanging a roller blind

The second option is how to hang roller blinds. To begin with, we will understand in detail what this type of curtain is. So, a roller blind is a canvas that can cover only window openings, like blinds. Such a curtain is not hung on the eaves, but is attached to a special foamed glue in the uppermost part of the window opening.

The advantage of such a curtain is its practicality (if necessary, it rises, completely opening the window) and ease of installation, which can be easily carried out in just 15-20 minutes. A roller blind is ideal for a plastic window. It will look better this way, and you don’t need to drill anything. And if you have very wide window sills that can protrude beyond the level of the main wall, a roller blind will perfectly smooth out this drawback.

Scheme of installation of roller blinds.

The roller blind is selected exactly according to the height and width of the window opening. It is better to make it to order - so you can choose the desired design and drapery for yourself. Now decide where exactly you are going to stick it. In any case, the curtain is attached to the top of the window opening. If you glue it at the top right next to the window, with a curtained window, the window sill will be open. If, on the contrary, away from the glass, the space on the windowsill will already be hidden from view. The best guide in this case can be indoor flowers and the degree of their growth.

After all the theoretical questions are resolved, get to work. Take a special adhesive for roller blinds (freely sold in the store), lather it well and apply evenly to the top of the opening so that the width of the application strip is approximately equal to the width of the part of the curtain to be glued.

After that, take the curtain and from one edge to the next, gradually press it to the surface. It is advisable to do this with two or even three people. When everything is glued, hold the canvas like that for about 5 minutes, then leave it to set. You should not be afraid that the curtain will fall off, as the special glue seizes almost instantly.

So, the main ways of how to hang curtains with your own hands are briefly and clearly considered. It is very important to determine the method of fastening before preparing and fastening the canvas, which will give you the opportunity not to make a mistake and make the right decision.

Curtains are considered a necessary attribute of a living room. They are able not only to protect from strong sunlight, but also perform the function of designing and decorating window openings. If you have already purchased a beautiful curtain that perfectly matches the style of your living space, then you must have the main question - what can you hang the curtains on? After all, they cannot be hung on anything, for these products there are special cornices that hold elements, curtains. But it is better to study this issue in more detail.

The process of hanging curtains can be done independently, but if desired, this work can be entrusted to specialists. Many specialized curtain shops or stores always have a fabric designer available. The specialist will be able to choose the right material for the living room, bedroom, kitchen, but at the same time he will develop a convenient fastening and hanging curtains.

If you nevertheless decide to make the design of window openings in your house or apartment on your own, then you should take this work with all responsibility, that the final result was amazing. So, what are curtains and light curtains hung on?

The curtains are attached to the cornices. In appearance, it is a stick with hooks or clips. They are ceiling and wall. These two options are great for living spaces, but they can have certain nuances:

  • the ceiling cornice allows you to visually increase the space of the room, for this reason it must be installed in rooms with a low ceiling and a small area;
  • a cornice with a ceiling structure will fit perfectly into a small kitchen, a small bedroom, a children's room;
  • wall structures are suitable for large and wide window openings;
  • wall cornice can be installed in the entire wall and hang curtains, curtains of various shapes and sizes on it.

Types of cornices by material

Curtain rods can be made from various materials. Depending on the basis, they may have different qualities and characteristics.

Before using products of this type, it is worth considering what materials they are made of:

  • wooden. For structures of this type, wood with high strength of noble varieties is used, for example, beech, oak, walnut. At the same time, the color of the structure should be perfectly combined with the general style of the interior, it should not stand out from the general space. Wood products can be perfectly attached to ceilings with a conventional or tension structure;
  • plastic. Plastic products are not expensive, so they can be used by consumers with a limited financial budget. At the same time, they have a long service life, they retain their original appearance for a long time, do not deform or crack;
  • metal. Variants of cornices from a metal base are considered universal designs. They can easily hang curtains with a pleated look or heavy curtains with a double structure. A metal cornice is great to withstand increased loads, but light tulle on them will look airy and stylish.

Other types of cornices by design

In order to hang curtains in an apartment or house, various designs of cornices are often used - rod, string, baguette. But before choosing the right type, you should carefully consider the main features of each.

Construction type Description
Cornice rod The classic kind of cornices. This variety can be made of plastic material, metal, wood. The structure is fixed with brackets to the ceiling or to the wall surface. Products with several rows are produced, which can be used for hanging tulle, curtains, pelmets, curtains. If the window opening is wide, then you can install the bracket in the middle of the eaves. Flairs are installed on the sides, which are matched to the overall design style of the room.
Cornice-string The name of the structures speaks for itself, they are similar to strings. This variety is often used for light fabrics, tulle. Single-row and multi-row models are available. Designs of this type are often combined with rings and half rings, it looks stylish and original in rooms with a minimalist interior design. They fit perfectly into a room with suspended ceiling structures.
Baguette Baguette cornices hide the curtain attachment area. Products are made of wood. This material has high strength, it can easily withstand high loads, while it does not crack, does not deform. These options for attaching curtains are well suited for living rooms, for rooms that require a richer and more solemn design of window openings.

Popular elements for attaching curtains

If you do not know what to attach the curtain to the eaves, then you should carefully consider the popular fasteners. It is important that they go well with the cornice, do not stand out and complement the curtain.

You can use the following fasteners:

  1. Rings. These fasteners are recommended to be used in conjunction with metal and wood cornices. The curtain must first be attached to the rings and then put on the eaves. The main advantage of these fasteners is that the curtain can be easily put on and taken off;
  2. Eyelets. Fasteners are used for hanging curtains on the eaves. In these cases, the rings are inside the fabric web. The rings themselves are located at the same distance from each other. Due to this, after hanging on the curtains, beautiful symmetrical folds are formed;
  3. Hooks. This type of fastening is considered stylish and practical. The hook is fastened to a special recess in the fabric, and then it is fixed to the cornice. Hooks are placed on a special synthetic tape. In this version, they curtains hang not only evenly, but also stylishly;
  4. Clamps. Using these fasteners, you can adjust the length of the curtains. Clips allow you to create additional folds and flounces;
  5. Clips. These types of fasteners resemble clamps, but they do not have teeth. They are suitable for light and airy canvas, which is prone to puffs. Fasteners help to adjust the curtain to the required length and fix the cornice in the desired position. Also, these fasteners are suitable for filament curtains. They are not suitable for children's rooms, because the curtains on them are weak and the child can easily rip them off.

How to choose the right way to fasten curtains

How to choose the right method for attaching curtains? To do this, you can see photos with design options for window openings in large, spacious houses and compact apartments.

But some useful tips can also help in this matter:

  • when choosing a cornice and type of fastening, it is worth considering the number of layers of textiles. The composition of the curtain may include tulle, the main curtain, lambrequin;
  • interior design style. should ideally fit the design of the room, for example, ruffles and frills are suitable for classics, straight curtains without bright patterns for minimalism, unusual shapes of curtains and bright patterns can be used for hi-tech;

Creating a harmonious interior is not limited to repairs in the apartment. The design of textiles, and in particular, curtains, becomes the final moment. The simplest thing is to purchase a cornice and curtains from a suitable fabric with a pleasant color and ennoble the window. But in order to combine the details of the interior, you should think about how to tie up the curtains beautifully, while maintaining the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bstyle.

What are the pickups

. They can be contrasting or in tone with curtains, combined with a cornice or curtain edging in design or color scheme. There are different shapes: classic straight, cone-shaped, wicker. Combining tiebacks with the style of the interior, they use: frills, ruffles, lace garters. In order to emphasize the original design of the curtains, they are decorated with bouquets of flowers, embroidery, and ornaments. They also sew ties with a thematic focus: for children in the form of toys, for the kitchen bulky fruits and vegetables.

Braided cords and exquisite tassels, decorated with metal details, are also soft tiebacks. beads or glass beads. Fabric ties are attached directly to the curtain itself, creating elegant folds. Often they are fixed on a short wall holder to give a certain style.

Hard grip. Such products are divided into several categories:

. Their variety is great, they can be in the form of leather straps with a buckle, on a magnetic basis, or fix the curtain with Velcro.

They are decorated with glass beads, beads, thematic ornaments or volumetric compositions of flowers or leaves. Such products are considered the most popular today.

Design selection

When choosing a profitable design for curtains, it should be remembered that their need lies in decor and functionality. The density of the fabric is important, due to which folds are formed and create unique images. Therefore, the embodiment of the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow to assemble curtains beautifully plays a big role.

In some cases, a tie-down holder is required, usually it is attached to the wall. More often, to create a colorful and cozy interior of the room, curtains are tied with a cloth. Such details can be contrasting with the curtain in color or be an addition, emphasizing the smooth lines of the folds.

The type of garters should match the style of the curtains, for example, the classics can be supplemented with massive tassels in combination with fabric tiebacks, and for a simpler style, like Provence or Country, they make up a composition using details in the form of bows, lace and ribbons. The high-tech interior is accentuated by plastic or magnetic clips. Oriental styles are complemented by large beads, coin jewelry, as well as ethnic accessories. Metal studs or bronze clasps will be in harmony with the Baroque or Empire style.

Curtains are hung in different rooms in the house, each room has its own purpose. Thinking about how to hang curtains correctly, you should pay attention to a number of functions that are characteristic of all curtains in the house:

  • Aesthetics in window frames.
  • Correspondence of curtains in color and design to the style of the room.
  • Sun protection.
  • Transformation if you want to use daylight or artificial light.

How beautiful to hang curtains in an ordinary apartment

Tiebacks have their own functionality, it all depends on the curtain fabric used and the purpose. Therefore, most of the garters have fasteners and ties for ease of transformation. This detail, with the right length of the curtains, can change the size of the window opening:

In the decor, many types of curtains are used, different in length, width and quantity, so the options for how to tie the curtains beautifully depend on the parameters of the canvas and the hostess's imagination.

If the window is decorated with one curtain, you should assemble it in the middle. For calm colors, bright tiebacks, decorated with decorative trim, will be appropriate. For curtains with a pronounced ornament, patterns in harmony with the color are suitable. You can make an interesting knot in the middle by creating spectacular assemblies.

A single curtain can be asymmetrical, it is enough to fix it on one of the sides with a rigid holder, which can be framed with a fabric grip.

This option, depending on the length and width of the canvas, can be beaten with strings at several levels, creating unique puffs.

two curtains

They are placed in several ways:

If the window is curtained with several curtains, for example, thick and airy organza, it is possible to use fabric ties and clips.

Delicate decorative tassels

The fashion for this curtain accessory always remains, and the use is not limited to the classic style. There are two variations on how to hang curtains with tassels:

  1. The cord is attached to the holder, and the brushes, clasping the canvas, bandage it.
  2. Two brushes with different cords are used, they are attached to the wall holder and tied on the canvas.

You can decorate the received knots in different ways: with additional wicker elements, flowers, bows, etc.

Curtains in the interior

The use of holders for different rooms

The kitchen is a functional place, so hairpins and clips will be convenient, they can easily and quickly transform curtains or, conversely, dissolve them. Tiebacks should be made in accordance with the style, combining them with facades and countertops. Also, in terms of colors, a microwave, oven, dishwasher can match the pickup tone.

For those with a high ceiling, like a living room or dining room, heavy curtains with neat lambrequins, cascading draperies and lots of pleats are suitable. To tie the curtains, you can use a magnet or metal ties.

In the bedroom, the option of a smooth frame-based lambrequin and multilayer curtains made of fabric with different densities will be interesting. This combination will add elegance to the interior, and fabric ties on the curtain will give softness.

Any style involves the relationship of decorative elements, and tiebacks are no exception. Thinking about how beautifully to hang the curtains in the hall, you can create harmony by choosing bedspreads and pillows in the color of the ties. Or choose clips that are similar in design to other decorative elements.

Attention, only TODAY!

How to hang curtains: options, methods and types of fastening for curtains

Choosing curtains can sometimes be difficult. It is necessary to take into account the style of furniture, the color and pattern of wallpaper, flooring, design of doorways, decorative textiles and much more. Very often it is the curtains that become the connecting element that ensures the harmony of the entire interior. That is why it is important to know not only how to choose the right one, but also how to hang curtains correctly.

It depends on many factors: the characteristics of the room, the ratio of the length and height of the wall and the window opening, the type of cornice, the style of the curtains, the color and pattern of the fabric. Here you can see how beautiful it is to hang curtains, the photos available in our gallery will help you understand this difficult issue.

How to hang curtains-threads, on grommets, with a lambrequin; how beautiful to hang curtains in the room

The easiest option is to hang curtains consisting of one or two canvases. For this, the simplest cornice is suitable. It could be...

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Curtains are one of the finishing elements in interior design, which brings comfort and completeness to the room. To make the decor look beautiful and stylish, you need not only to choose the right fabric and shape of the curtains, but also immediately decide on accessories and fittings.

What do curtains hang on most often? Should I be content with traditional methods or is it better to give preference to modern options? The design of the window and the entire room as a whole depends on the choice of a device for hanging curtains, the method of attaching fabric, and fasteners.

Traditional curtain rods

The modern range of curtain rods for curtains is so large that it allows the buyer to choose the right type for any room interior. Cornices differ in shape, design, method of attachment to the plane and the materials from which they are made.

Cornice rod - a classic type of cornice, which can be made of wood, metal, plastic and metal-plastic. The bar is attached with...

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Many modern curtains are attached to the cornice with wide loops made of the same fabric as the main curtain, or with braid, tape, and other dense fabrics. Such curtains are hung and removed very easily, but they look quite informal, so you should not use this type of fastening in offices or libraries. In addition, sometimes the fabric does not slide well along the eaves, so the curtains are difficult to open and close. To do this, there are special sticks suspended from the eaves along the inner edge of the curtains. Leading by the end of such a stick, you can easily shift the loops in one direction or another.

The most expensive and fashionable, perhaps, is the method of attaching curtains to the grommets. Eyelets are large metal (or cheaper, plastic) rings that are attached to the edge of the curtain like rivets. Grommets look great in the interior and provide good sliding of the curtains on the eaves. However, this is a difficult method of fastening, you cannot do this at home, and besides, it does not fit ...

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Ceiling cornice with curtains

Properly selected and hung on the ceiling cornice, curtains can become a real decoration of any room, as well as provide reliable protection for your sleep from the rays of the morning sun. To make the curtains look beautiful, and at the same time be functional, you should figure out in more detail how to properly hang the ceiling cornice and curtains on it.

Curtain rod installation

First, let's figure out how to choose and how to hang a ceiling cornice:

The kit of the ceiling cornice, as a rule, includes all the necessary fasteners - dowels and screws. The eaves are fastened to the ceiling along the edges with the help of brackets or ceiling fasteners. If the length of the ceiling cornice exceeds 2m, then an additional bracket (ceiling fixture) must be installed in the middle. Since the fasteners of the ceiling cornice do not interfere with the movement of the gliders, there can be any number of them. The increase in the number of fasteners of the eaves is relevant when ...

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Curtains are one of the most important and most necessary details of the interior of an apartment or house. They help create comfort and warmth. In a room where there are curtains, it is always comfortable and calm. If you want to transform your room, then you need to figure out how to hang curtains on the windows so that they look beautiful and original?

We hang curtains beautifully

In a specialized store you can find many types of fabrics and tulle. Manufacturers provide a person with the opportunity to show imagination to hang beautifully selected fabric on the windows.

Variety of drapes and curtains

Hanging curtains correctly is very important, because they always receive more attention than other details. Therefore, such an interior detail helps to make the necessary emphasis on the window, highlight it, create more light in the room or, conversely, muffle and darkness.

What are the curtains

Here are just a few of the wide variety of curtains that differ in design...

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The cornice is an indispensable element in the interior, because without it it is impossible to hang curtains. For an experienced craftsman, fixing this element is a matter of a few minutes, however, beginners who do not have experience in repair work should think in advance about how to hang the cornice and what difficulties can be expected.

The cornice is an integral part in the interior, because without it it is impossible to hang curtains.

How to hang different types of cornices?

First of all, of course, you need to decide on the type of eaves. They differ in the method of fastening and can be wall and ceiling. If we talk about the material of manufacture, then they are made of wood, plastic, metal, steel, aluminum. In addition, these products may differ in shape:

Scheme of installation of a string cornice.

Profile. Most of them are compact and easy to mount. They are made of aluminum or plastic, most often attached to the ceiling, but can also be fixed to the wall. There are three types of profiles: tire, flexible,...

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How to hang curtains on curtain tape

Curtain tape is a ribbon along which cords are threaded. They form ready-made loops for hooks. With the help of a cord, you can adjust the size of the folds on the curtains, after which its ends are fixed along the edges of the braid. You can learn how to hang curtains on a curtain tape in this article.

Types and application

The mounting strip is attached along the upper part of the curtain from the wrong side, while you need to step back from the edge of 1-2 mm.

There is an assembly factor, which is most often 2.0-2.5. To calculate how much curtain tape you need, you need to multiply the length of your cornice by the coefficient of the type of braid you have chosen. Don't forget to add 8cm for seam allowances. There are hook loops along the edge of the curtain strip. It is worth noting that the higher the coefficient, the more magnificent the frills, as shown in the photo.

Curtains on curtain tape


Widespread use is also found ...

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Having picked up beautiful curtains that are ideal for the interior, many owners are faced with the problem of how to hang them exactly on the ledge. If the curtains do not hang properly, then the overall picture of the interior will lose its appeal. The evenness of the fastening of the eaves itself can be affected by irregularities in the ceiling. After buying a suitable cornice for curtains, you should definitely decide how you can strengthen it yourself.

The main requirement in fastening the cornice is reliability. It is not recommended to hang curtains made of heavy fabric on the ceiling cornice; it is better to give preference to a wall structure.

How to hang a cornice in a room?

In general, curtains have a weight that has a direct impact on the strength of their fastening. When buying a product at a fairly low price, it is better not to use the fasteners that are included with it. The cornice can loosen and fall under the weight of the curtains that hung on it. If the walls are brick, then it's better not ...

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Curtains add beauty to a room and play an important role in the interior, along with the furnishings and color of the walls. Well-chosen window shades can completely transform an ordinary boring window, making it spectacular and delightful. Currently, the trend is considered popular when the length of the curtains is "to the floor" and they are suspended on a metal rod or a decorative metal cornice with tips. This creates a simple and elegant look. If the window does not initially have an attractive architectural design, then the curtains will add the finishing touch to the interior of the room.

The rules and tips below will help you to carry out your plans without mistakes.

Tip #1: Hang window shades high

Hang curtains high enough to give the illusion of a tall window. This is the most important rule when draping. In most cases, a cornice or lambrequin should be hung no lower than 10 cm and no higher than 30 cm above the window opening. If this rule is not respected, and the curtains are hung...

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The preliminary stage of window design has been completed - you have selected curtains and tulle in accordance with the interior decoration of your home. The main point remains - the choice of the design on which you will hang all this. But, as it turned out, it was not an easy task. That is why, you should first figure out what types of window decoration are and what they should be attached to.

What are the curtains for?

There are several types of cornices, but the following are considered the most basic:

Round cornices. They are made from various materials: wood, polymers, aluminum, etc. They have both ceiling and wall mounts. There are double and single. The ends of the rods are closed with various types of knobs. Guide cornice. This type of design has various devices that make it possible, in addition to curtains and tulle, to hang lambrequins. Curtains are pulled apart with cords. The material for this type of eaves is plastic and metal, most often aluminum. ...

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How to hang curtains.

Curtains are an essential attribute of the apartment, as they bring the room to the look of completeness and perfection, and without them the rooms look somehow unfinished, although all the furniture is standing, we read about what types of curtains are here. But just buying or sewing curtains is half the battle, but how to hang curtains beautifully and neatly is another question. There are many ways to attach curtains to windows, we list the main ones: on curtain tape, on eyelets, on rings, on crocodiles, on clips, on backstage or on fabric loops.

How to fix curtains on rings or hooks?

To fix the curtains on the cornice with the help of hooks, you need to sew in advance special loops on the curtain itself, which will be put on the hooks. As a rule, curtains made of light material are attached in this way. Rings and hooks can be purchased separately from the store, or they may be included with the curtain rod. Also hooks and rings can be used together on...

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How to hang curtains on a ledge, you will find the answer to this question in this article

Earlier, when publishing master classes, I somehow lost sight of the fact that there may be a need for a separate article on this matter. However, recently, in the comments to this article, I unexpectedly discovered that a site visitor asked the following question: “Thank you very much Admin, Your lessons helped me a lot to understand everything. Just one question: how to attach a lambrequin to a cornice? What methods exist?”

And it is right that this visitor initially wants to deal with this issue, which would seem simple from the point of view of those who are already fully engaged in sewing curtains and lambrequins. But after all, a person only wants to learn this and at first he wants to thoroughly understand even such simple things that you just need to know the answer to in order to learn how to sew curtains and lambrequins.

Therefore, briefly answering this visitor in ...

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We will advise you on how to navigate and find the right option.

1. Where to start?

First you need to think about the functionality of the curtains, so for a while forget about the choice of style and style. It does not matter whether you decide to sew curtains with your own hands or turn to the help of professionals, this will immediately narrow the scope of choice, and it will be easier to navigate. Think about whether you need curtains that greatly shade the room and immerse it in twilight, or, on the contrary, you want to leave more sunlight. In the first case, you will need curtains ...

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Curtains, curtains and curtains not only decorate the window, but correct its imperfections. Low is made higher, narrow is made wider. You just need to know the secrets of decorators. We will open some of them in this article.

On the picture:

1. How to make the window wider?

Order a cornice slightly longer than the window. At least 20 cm on each side (in total - 50 or more). Accordingly, the curtains should start from the edge of the eaves. Thus, firstly, the window will seem wider, and secondly, with curtained windows, more daylight will enter the room.

If in a small room the tulle hangs strictly along the window, or goes to the walls only a few centimeters, the small room looks even smaller. In this case, the rod should be lengthened, the tulle should be supplemented with thick curtains, which, when opened, will be located against the background of the wall, and the window will expand.

On the picture:

On the photos illustrating the decoration of the windows with curtains, it can be seen that the lengthening of the eaves and ...

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Curtains and curtains - window design, general overview

Curtains, curtains, blinds, shutters - in pursuit of the design and materials of the window construction, these important items began to be forgotten. In this article, we will review and advise how to decorate and enhance windows with these additional "accessories".

The most logical but inevitable advice is to choose a design that matches the shape and size of the windows, the proportions of the room, its interior and purpose. By varying the color, the texture of the curtain fabric, the length of the curtains, the type of blinds, you can achieve the desired effect: the window will either match or contrast with the decoration of the walls, floor, upholstery and furniture style.

In any case, think over the design of the "clothes" for the windows so that they become part of a single whole (interior), and not a random decision. This is not easy, and the services of an interior designer will not hurt.

Some tips:

A small window will appear larger if its frames are painted white. For...

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The entire collection of filament curtains is here: http://www.kidstaff.com.ua/gallery-77041.html

What is filament curtains?
Kiseya, curtains-threads, rope curtains. This type of curtain is a bewitching cascade of woven threads that are connected and attached at the top of the canvas with a special decorative ribbon-braid. A similar work of art can be hung on an elegant, beautiful cornice with hooks. Finished products can be easily cut in width and length, they are extremely convenient and practical. Thread curtains are the most luxurious and stylish decor elements for the interiors of houses and modern apartments today.

Kisei: where can it be used?
Kisei can be used both in home interiors and in public institutions (cafes, restaurants, offices). A popular trend is the design of exhibitions of various profiles with thread curtains. Kisei allows you to create a translucent wall or divide the space of an exhibition stand into zones. For the interior of an apartment or house ...

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home » Useful information » Curtains in the interior. What are the curtains. Curtains in the interior. What are the curtains.

The history of curtains, curtains originates in the distant Middle Ages. They were mainly used in rooms for heat and room zoning. And since the 18th century, under the influence of various trends in interior fashion, window drapery has changed very often. Rich fabrics with various draperies and accessories were hung on the windows. In addition to the decorative effect, some functional aspects should be considered when choosing curtains. For example, from the curtains in the bedroom, we expect protection from bright sunlight. The living room or dining room should be well lit, in which case it is better to hang curtains that let in as much light as possible. And if a beautiful view opens from the window, then the decoration of the window should be minimal and emphasize the beauty of the view.

Let's figure out what curtains are, their elements of which they consist and what types they are. The very concept of "curtain" is very ...

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This is how roman blinds look after proper installation

Before buying curtains, it will not be superfluous to figure out how they can be hung. The process does not have any particular difficulties, but there are so many hanging options that it is useful to find out which ones exist.

Different curtains are hung accordingly in different ways. The three most common and trendy options are:

Classic fabric; Roman; Roll.

Classic fabric curtains. This option is the most common. If you settled on it, then you will definitely need to decide on the correct curtain height.
We determine the height of the hinge. Designers recommend hanging classic fabric curtains on cornices located at a distance of up to 15 cm from the top edge of the window frame. If the height of the ceiling does not allow this, then mount the cornice in the middle of the distance between the end of the upper part of the frame and the ceiling or mount the cornices in the ceiling. But, it is not recommended to retreat more than 20 cm from the frame ...

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