Austrian curtains (55 photos): representativeness and romance in one solution. Austrian curtains for the kitchen

Properly selected design and decor elements create a feeling of comfort in the house. Curtains are an integral part of a successful interior that will delight all households and guests. In this article, I would like to pay special attention to Austrian curtains, which are highly valued in the design of a wide variety of rooms, these can be ordinary apartment rooms, luxurious halls of mansions, and, of course, country apartments. Austrian curtains can easily be called universal due to the fact that they are suitable for a variety of stylistic trends.

What are they?

Austrian curtains are a very successful combination of Roman and French curtains in a single form that has been around for a very long time, despite the opposite of their designs. From the famous French curtains, their fellow Austrians have luxurious folds and splendor, and from the Roman ones - the presence of a special mechanism and rise.

When the curtains completely close the window, that is, they are straightened, their appearance resembles a uniform canvas, and when they are raised, folds and gathers immediately begin to appear. When lifting Austrian curtains, decorative and heavy cords are often used, which not only make them fluffy and allow folds to appear, but also serve as original decorative elements and perfectly complement the curtains.

If it is important for you that the Austrian curtain in all its splendor with folds covers most of the window, make sure that it is longer than the window sill when unfolded.

A bit of history

Elegant and pompous Austrian curtains, as their name implies, originated in Austria and mainly decorated the prestigious houses of Europe, the palaces of various nobility and the apartments of the local elite. They were invented in the 18th century, their distinguishing feature at that time was the use of heavy and dense fabrics, which always attracted the attention of guests. In addition, dense fabrics perfectly protected the windows from sunlight and prying eyes, and luxurious assemblies caused great delight.

Since then, this type of curtains has become widespread beyond Europe, thanks to which today we can decorate the windows of any room with them and give it some zest, chic and sophistication.


At first glance, it may seem that the Austrian curtains are not very troublesome to operate, you just need to purchase and bring them, but there are also some nuances that can not be ignored:

  • Austrian curtains require a special cornice with a special lifting mechanism, which is needed in order for the intended folds to show off on them.
  • Equally important is the presence of tight and stiff cords that are attached from the inside for uniformity of fabric and folds.
  • For this type of curtains, it is best to select materials that are not very rigid so that they drape easily. We recommend paying attention to tulle fabric, silk, satin, organza or cambric options.
  • Austrian curtains go well with fringes, decorative tassels, lace and ruffles along their edges. There are a huge number of options for decoration.
  • It is important to know that this type of curtain does not move apart along the edges of the window, since the “canvas” with assemblies is one-piece, it can only be lifted up or down.
  • This type of curtains can be used as an independent decorative element for windows or supplemented with lambrequins or curtains. It always looks very expensive and elegant.

We select fabric

To successfully choose the fabric to create these amazing curtains, you first need to decide on their purpose. If the Austrian curtains will serve as a translucent tulle, for example, for the kitchen, then you should give preference to light and airy fabrics, besides, as mentioned above, such materials are very easy to drape.

If you want the curtains to fully cover the window, for example, in the bedroom, then you can choose a slightly denser fabric. It is recommended to choose very rigid materials for cabinets, living rooms and offices, they are difficult to drape, sometimes they look rough and broken, but a few decorative accessories can completely make them look more graceful, and Austrian curtains will always set the tone for the interior, give it a touch of elegance, aristocracy and grace .


We care correctly

To make the curtains less covered with dust, although this is an inevitable process, do not forget to regularly ventilate the room and do a wet cleaning. However, these methods only save your window decorations for a while, then they still have to be washed. Austrian curtains made of lightweight fabrics can be machine cleaned at home, using delicate powders and gentle temperature conditions, but it is preferable to dry clean them.

Of course, it will be harder to clean thick curtain fabrics at home, so you definitely can’t do without specialists here.

You should very carefully iron the curtains after washing, for this it is best to use a steam generator, which will carefully smooth the curtains not only in their usual state, but also when they are already tied up.

Proper care will not only update the curtains, but also allow them to serve even longer and delight you with their appearance.

Where to place?

It is believed that Austrian blinds should be placed on large windows in spacious rooms, for example, in halls, dining rooms or living rooms, as well as in bedrooms. Despite these criteria, which were relevant in the old days, today many designers choose this type of curtain for apartments and small private houses. The main thing is to do everything skillfully so that the curtains blend perfectly with the interior and decor of a particular room.

If the room you have chosen for placing Austrian curtains is not very large, then it is best to choose curtains not for the entire length of the window, but only for part of it. This is done so that more light enters the room, but at the same time the curtains themselves do not “eat up” the total space of the room, but, on the contrary, visually make it larger. Also, for small rooms, it is recommended to choose light shades of fabrics for future curtains, and as a contrast to them, you can use decorative tassels or fringe.

Also, do not forget about the presence of a special cornice. It is best if it is made of wood, because such material is always in harmony with this type of curtains. Next, we will talk about some rooms where Austrian curtains will come in handy:

  • Curtains for the kitchen. Most often, kitchens do not have a very large area, however, even there I want to place something unusual to achieve even greater comfort. Austrian curtains will be a very interesting solution for decorating windows. It is very important for this room to choose such curtains that will not make it smaller and will not visually "weight". Many girls choose this type of curtain as light tulle because they do not take up much space and can be placed so that the windowsill is open. Many design experts pay attention to the fact that both plain curtains and translucent options with various patterns, patterns, flowers, stripes, etc. are equally well suited for the kitchen.

  • For the bedroom. Austrian curtains for the bedroom are the most popular in the design of windows. This design looks especially advantageous if the windows are large and wide. Delicate and soft flounces and folds of Austrian curtains will easily take care of creating a cozy atmosphere in the relaxation room during the day and, of course, provide an obstacle to the penetration of light at night for the most comfortable sleep. This type of curtain is perfect for a young man's bedroom - it is best to use a dense fabric of dark colors for this, but for young girls lightweight options with large frills will come in handy.

For the bedroom of a married couple, unobtrusive shades of curtains with small folds are suitable, perhaps in nude or pastel colors to match the rest of the interior.

  • In the living room. This room is most often meant to be very spacious, so you can choose a variety of Austrian curtains on the windows in the living room and decorate them as soon as your heart desires, and in general, you can safely give free rein to your imagination. This is especially true if your living room is made in a classic, Baroque or English style, which always requires luxurious details on the windows.

  • In the children's room it is best to use non-rough and non-rigid fabrics when choosing Austrian curtains. This type of curtains is especially liked by girls whose rooms are decorated in a fabulous style, huge flounces of light fabric always attract the attention of children, and also make the room more spacious.

Ever since the Austrian curtains first appeared in the mansions and palaces of the Austrian elite in the 18th century, and up to our time, interest in them has not faded. And if earlier only dukes and counts could afford to have such luxury at home, then over time the situation has changed, and today you can meet them in almost any room. Moreover, sewing Austrian curtains is not so difficult, and you can even cope with this task on your own.

A bit of history

This type of window decoration appeared as a result of the merger of two types of curtains that were popular at that time - French and Roman. From the first, the "Austrian" inherited lush folds in the lower part of the canvas, from the second - the lifting mechanism. Thus, the Austrian curtains did not look as pompous as the awnings fashionable in the 18th century, but at the same time it was noticeable and representative enough that they could decorate the windows in the houses of the Viennese aristocrats. Initially, this type of curtain was called scalloped because of the scalloped folds formed during the rise.

Character traits

The Austrian curtain is a rectangular piece of fabric, to the wrong side of which special rings are sewn. They are attached to the fabric along vertical lines, the distance between which is selected in accordance with the size of the window. Then special strong and thin cords are passed into the rings, which will lift the curtains.

When lifted, the cords tighten the fabric, causing the fabric to gather into folds. Usually, when unfolded, the curtain becomes completely flat.

If you gravitate towards the classics, high sophisticated images of the European court, and the quality of the surrounding things are of great importance to you, then you are familiar with traditional Austrian curtains.

A sample of taste - delicately colored fabric, beautiful drapery, light ruffle on the bottom

Collecting the best

What prompted the Austrians to do so correctly with a piece of cloth when curtaining a window? Was it the need to create coziness in small rooms, when the furniture is tightly attached to the window, and there is no way to push the long curtains for the day on the sides of the window? Perhaps the love for flowers in pots, for window compositions that can be shown to neighboring closely spaced windows, by slightly raising the curtains above the window sill, has affected?
Or maybe it's all about this foam of folds, which are so effortlessly draped by a pair of ribbons sewn into a small beautiful canvas?

Weighted design of the Austrian curtains with decorative elements: cord, braid with tassels, in tone with the contrasting pattern

Obviously, all these advantages have a place to be, and today we can once again sing of these simple and insanely beautiful Austrian curtains.

From French curtains "Austrian women" inherited the type of drapery - horizontal folds-waves, obtained by pulling the fabric onto a cord, pulled from the back through the rings.
At the same time, folds are formed for the most part only from below, than this method of drapery resembles English, or London curtain.
And finally from Roman blinds the lifting mechanism is inherited, thanks to which the Austrian curtains are very functional.

Austrian curtains in combination with rolled or Chinese plain ones - act as a lambrequin

Choosing a fabric

So, a rectangular piece of fabric should be 1.5-2 times the height of the window. It all depends on the degree of splendor of the folds, due to which the Austrian curtains in the interior of the most ordinary apartment are able to create a palace entourage.

Nothing disputes the design in halftones, or in one color, while the play of contrasts does not distract attention from the elegance of forms.

Austrian tulle looks win-win, combined with curtains - curtains. The fold in this case remains moderately lush, soft-air. When choosing a fabric for sewing an Austrian curtain, pay attention to wrinkle-resistant fabrics that drape well and keep their shape.
You need to imagine how the fold will look like, how the fabric will behave after washing and ironing, how convenient it will be to wash such curtains if necessary.

The color of the two types of curtains in combination is correctly chosen - the bright landscape outside the window is left in the spotlight thanks to the calm frame

If Austrian curtains are selected for the kitchen, it is better to stay on synthetic fabrics, light and translucent: then the pompous style will look more organic, and caring for the curtains will not be very difficult.

When choosing a color, you can go in three ways:

  • ascent to the classics, which is represented by a galaxy of cream, beige, sand, milky white curtains;
  • authentic fabric in the style of King Louis XVI - roses, lilies, small dried flowers on a parchment background, floral pattern;
  • a way of contrast, in opposition to the walls, to the color of additional curtains, to furniture, or in relation to the decor of the curtains themselves.

The device of the Austrian curtain mechanism

The curtain canvas is divided into 2-3 sections, less often - into 4 (for a standard window). The width of one section is from 30 to 60 cm. Along the height dividing the fabric into sections, rings are sewn on the reverse side into which the cord is threaded. The rings are also sewn in steps of 40-50 cm, and guide rings are fixed under the upper edge of the curtains, into which all the cords connected into one, extreme control harness are pulled.

This is the fundamental difference between the mechanism of the Austrian curtain and the Roman one - in the absence of horizontal bars, and any rigid structures.
To give more decorativeness, assembly is allowed along the upper edge, a curtain tape is used. This technique allows you to make the folds even more voluminous, three-dimensional.
It is easier to maintain such a curtain than a Roman one, since for washing it is not necessary to remove the frame of the lifting mechanism.

A wonderful way to decorate a balcony - such curtains can be raised to the desired height, and the airy look gives the balcony a romantic touch.

Roman or Austrian?

With a diligent approach to the choice, a dilemma may arise - what type of curtains to choose, Roman or Austrian. Roman can attract with its technicality, the ability to lift the curtains as high as possible, allowing maximum light into the room when the curtains are folded.
In addition, its laconic design adds resemblance to roller blinds, which can be supplemented with any kind of curtains - curtains, lambrequins, the same Austrian and awnings on top, in the manner of a lambrequin.

And again, Austrian creme brulee, in a dark wood frame and a sparkle of golden cognac

Austrian curtains are still less mobile. If you need to raise the folds of the curtains high, you should choose a suitable fabric in advance, imagine whether it will be harmonious in such an assembled form. Alternatively, you can use thin fabrics, tulle or a veil - but in this case, the curtain will hardly save you from the scorching sunlight at noon.
At the same time, Austrian curtains can be sewn with your own hands, easily and simply, and the mechanism for its implementation is quite capable.

One of the most common ways to use Austrian curtains is in the design of a bay window, above a window-side sofa.

Austrian in the interior

In which rooms will Austrian curtains look best? We can say with confidence that these can be living rooms - both authentic living rooms, the interior of which is thought out to the smallest detail in the spirit of the corresponding design, and quite democratic ones, in which there is only a hint of a sophisticated aristocratic style. Of course, at least one interior detail, or textiles in significant sizes, should stylistically support Austrian curtains. The same goes for color and texture - think carefully about combinations, otherwise mistakes on such a pretentious element of the interior will look very rude.

Austrian curtains gathered in the middle of the window are already turning into a cloud of folds. Here the vertical stripe adds dynamism.

In general, the Austrians are suitable for all rooms, in this they are universal:

  • in the kitchen - you can open the window sill, and save space as much as possible, often almost absent;
  • in the children's room - these are girlish pink lush curtains with frills and delicate roses, or these are sea, ship blue motifs for a young captain;
  • in the bedroom - airy tulle day curtains;
  • in the hallway, on the stairs, on the front doors - decoration that evokes only pleasant emotions, with a good claim to a special status.

So, Austrian curtains are one of those cases when the inner content of a thing is not a mystery, a double interpretation is not appropriate here: these curtains are definitely decent, interesting for their elegant mood, and in general worthy of the best houses in Paris and London.

More photos of Austrian curtains:

When choosing curtains, it is very important to consider the existing or planned style, as well as the geometric features of the space. Thus, you will be able to create a harmonious interior in the same style.

Garlands combined with sheer tulle will help create a festive mood in your home. Use only high quality electrical appliances and do not leave them switched on unattended.

Often the dimensions of the kitchen in the apartments are small, so the curtains should not only be combined with the interior style, but also be compact enough in size to create a visual balance in the interior. Many people choose short textile models for window decoration, forming concise or, on the contrary, multi-layered compositions - it all depends on your personal preferences.

In this case, the effect of layering is set by a light green decorative element that looks like an additional curtain. The combination of different textures in one model is a great option to diversify a classic design.

The bright solution does not look pretentious, since textiles were chosen as the basis, which transmits light well, and the walls in the room are painted in light shades. Even when the fabric is laid on top of each other, the sun's rays freely enter the room, turning into multi-colored shadows.

Be aware of exposure to steam and grease indoors. In this regard, consider the following features when choosing:

  • Functionality - the material should mask the life in the room, protecting it from prying eyes, soften the sun's rays entering the room, while not interfering with air circulation and natural light in the kitchen;
  • Practicality - it is desirable that the material be treated with a substance that prevents the absorption of odors during cooking and fading in the sun. Also, high-quality impregnation should repel dirt, dust and moisture. Thanks to such impregnation, textiles can look like new for a long time, but they will require some care.

Aesthetics is no less important than practicality and functionality when choosing. A properly selected model will correct and decorate the space, as well as become a visual accent in the room.

Blinds are one of the most practical window design options. In addition, wood-like lamellas do not look at all like an office strict, on the contrary, they create the most comfortable atmosphere.

The main principles of choosing textiles

1. In furniture color

A universal solution for a neutral range in a modern interior.

The pattern on the Roman blinds matches the metal curves of the vintage Singer typewriter that became the base for the dining table.

The muted herbal shade of the curtains and decorative pillows is the same, but the facades of the headset differ in tone. But thanks to one gamut, this difference does not disturb the color balance in the room.

Lightweight perforated material is a great option for a small kitchen. Such textiles will visually expand the space without blocking the path of natural light through the window.

The mesh curtain is paired with leather chairs and orange candles in the décor.

2. In the color of the walls

An unmistakable way to create a harmonious space is to choose curtains in the same tone as the wall decoration.

White pleats are combined with a ceramic backsplash and glossy fronts. This design is easily adjustable in height of the window opening, if necessary.

A floral classic ornament adds interesting details to a monochrome interior.

3. Accent option in the interior

If you like contrasting elements - feel free to experiment! But remember that even accent details are best emphasized by color companions in the decor. It can be a vase, dishes in the tone of bright matter, a clock or, for example, a tablecloth.

Textile sets the character of the calm range of the room. The turquoise contrasting color can be easily swapped out for another bright tone when you want a seasonal change in your apartment.

When choosing textiles for the kitchen, do not forget that you will have to wash it often. Accordingly, wear-resistant material that dries quickly should be purchased.

Asymmetry in design

Thanks to asymmetrical combinations, you will be able to play up the room in an interesting way, using even a plain fabric.

The asymmetrical design is also great for decorating window openings with a balcony door.

In this case, the effect of asymmetry was achieved using fabrics of different density and shades. The vertical accent also allows you to visually increase the height of a small window, if necessary.

To protect your home from views from the street, not only blackout curtains will help - organza is quite suitable for this. It can be combined with lighter fabrics and muslin.

Short models for a small kitchen

The short cut is ideal for miniature rooms and for kitchens where the set is partially located along the window. This solution adds coziness to the interior without blocking the flow of light.

When deciding on the material, it is better to choose natural or mixed materials. Such fabrics are maximally comfortable in everyday life - they let in fresh air, light and are easy to care for. Experts recommend certain fabrics for creating kitchen curtains: polyester, tulle, chintz, linen and silk.

Short curtains for the kitchen from tulle in two halves. Transparent fabric in window decoration is ideal for a small area. Such curtains will not interfere with the penetration of light.

The halves of the curtains are hung with an overlap. This option looks unusual, but the symmetry of the window opening is preserved.

The Austrian model fits in both classic and modern styles.

If a gas stove is located near the window, in this case, you must always remember about safety precautions - it is better to choose a natural fabric that will not light up instantly if accidentally exposed to fire.

Short curtains in a spacious kitchen

In this room, curtains decorate not only the window, but also the doorway. Such details are most appropriate for country style.

Roman blinds are very convenient in daily use, due to the ability to easily adjust their length.

Roller blinds in the extended position are similar to Roman blinds, but the principle of extension for these models is different. Rolls are wound around the base - the roller, and when folded, they really resemble a roll in shape.

Bright accent on the window area. In this interior, a translucent canvas was chosen for the rolls, which transmits light well. Textiles form a warm range in the room, even in cloudy weather.


Austrian curtains in the interior are considered window decor, which first appeared in elite Austrian houses back in the 18th century and until today has not lost popularity not only in Austria, but also in other parts of the world. But if once such a luxury was allowed to have exclusively wealthy titled people, now Austrian curtains can be found in almost every home. Moreover, tailoring this type of curtain is not a difficult task, so anyone who wishes can cope with it.

Distinctive features

Austrian curtains are a rectangular fabric with rings sewn to the underside. Their fastening to the material is carried out vertically, the distance is determined according to the size of the window opening.

Thin, but at the same time the most durable cords are threaded into the rings, the purpose of which will be to raise the curtains. During lifting, these cords pull the fabric as much as possible, forcing the fabric to gather in certain folds. Straightened curtains turn into a flat material.

If we touch on the issue of fastening, then the cornice for curtains of the Austrian type can be a regular rod cornice, or with a chain-rotor mechanism. In the second version, the curtain can be moved exclusively vertically, in the first - also in a horizontal position.

How to fit into the interior

Before you make Austrian curtains with your own hands, ask yourself if they will become an appropriate addition directly to your home, since, despite their attractive appearance, they are not suitable for every style.

So, better than this type of curtains look framed in the classical style: empire, rococo, and also baroque. In addition, these curtains look original in a house decorated in vintage style.

If you use natural fabrics such as linen, then the print of such a window decor will be an excellent addition to country interiors.

Austrian curtains in specific rooms

An indisputable advantage of such decoration for windows is that it fits well into almost any living space, including the bathroom. To verify this, open the photo below, where Austrian curtains are presented in a variety of product ranges.

This type of curtain is especially in demand in the kitchen space. Since this room is more polluted than the rest of the living quarters, not every owner decides to decorate it with a pompous window decoration. For this reason, short, beautiful and original Austrian curtains turn out to be one of the suitable options for the kitchen.

As for the living room or study, such a decoration for the window would also be quite appropriate. In the first variant, they can be created both from simple fabric and from more expensive materials.

If we talk about the rest room, then Austrian curtains give it a maximum of originality. Due to the absence of right angles, as well as straight lines, the presence of rounded edges, the curtains will look great both in the bedroom for the spouses and in the girl's rest room, nursery.

Austrians also look good in toilet rooms, especially spacious ones, where window openings require exclusive decorative design.

Material selection

Austrian curtains can be sewn from any fabric. We offer simple guidelines for choosing the right material.

  • Tulle and organza will make the curtain airy, light. These materials are easy to drape, and if desired, the curtain is complemented by a thick curtain.
  • Window decor made of synthetic shiny materials looks good. The option of brocade, silk looks quite elegant and elegant.
  • Chintz, as well as linen, will also serve as an excellent fabric for Austrian-type curtains.
  • If it is necessary to use heavy fabrics, it is recommended to opt for fabrics of a soft monophonic look to ensure an even, attractive drapery. Basically, wool or velvet is suitable for such purposes.

What you need to create curtains with your own hands

Once you have decided on a suitable material, you need to calculate the Austrian curtains and purchase the necessary items, namely:

  • sewing machine;
  • thread with a needle, special scissors;
  • braid, cords;
  • clamps.


To create Austrian curtains, use the step-by-step instructions below. With its help, it will not be difficult to sew original modern-type curtains for arranging any room in your home.

  • Iron the prepared fabric.
  • Open the Austrian curtains according to the previously prepared pattern and draw along the marking line with chalk.
  • According to the markup, baste a ribbon for assembly, stepping back a few centimeters from the edge. In the absence of a special braid, sew on a regular tape, on top - plastic rings.
  • Decide on the parallelism of the lines, then stitch the tape using a sewing machine.
  • Treat the bottom of the curtains with a hem.

Curtain tape is sewn at the very end. The upper part of the canvas is tucked several times, and then a braid is tucked to it. The fabric is well ironed so that the braid does not compress the canvas, but lies as evenly as possible. Then it should be sewn using a machine.

The curtain is fixed on the cornice. In this case, the cords should be threaded into the rings on the tape and the cornice. It is good to buy decor in the form of clips, as well as brushes.

To eliminate the weight of the curtain assembly, there is a lifting type mechanism, which is attached to the top of the cords, after which it is removed from the side of the material. In this case, the curtain rises with a slight movement.

To make the curtains attractive, original frills, fringe, or braid are sewn to their bottom. If you used the master class to sew Austrian curtains with your own hands, using light material, then it is good to sew small weights into the bottom of the fabric.

The Austrians combine practicality with visual appeal. They are able to give housing a chic mood, leaving maximum light in the room, especially if they are sewn with love with their own hands.

Photo of Austrian curtains
