How to quickly relieve stress: simple tips. sand therapy session

Psychoemotional stress in pedagogical activity

The work of a teacher is one of the professions associated with an increased psycho-emotional load. This is due to both the content, the essence of pedagogical activity, and the background against which it is carried out.

The implementation of pedagogical activity occurs through interaction with large quantity people. These are students, colleagues, parents of students. Every day, a teacher in the process of work must carry out dozens, hundreds of professionally conditioned interpersonal contacts with a fairly high psycho-emotional stress. In most cases, these are emotional reactions that have a positive connotation. However, such a wide circle of communication is fraught with the potential for the emergence of varying degrees of significance of conflict, stressful or psycho-traumatic situations, which is accompanied by the development of negative emotions, an unfavorable emotional background.

Often the teacher is forced to interact, communicate with a person who is “unsympathetic” to him, with whom conflict relations have already arisen in the past or exist in the present. It can be a student or a colleague. Such a situation can give rise not to a short-term emotional reaction, but to a long-term psychotraumatic situation.

In pedagogical activity, quite often there is a discrepancy between the expected, predicted and actual results (for example, the results of the control work of students, the academic quarter, etc.). The teacher's work is fraught with danger and "mental satiety" due to a certain monotony, repetition in the process of fulfilling their professional duties. Especially often this situation occurs among teachers with little experience.

In addition, the psychological background against which the teacher's work is carried out is very peculiar. These are the high demands of the public for general cultural, professional and moral character teachers. Increased interest in appearance, manner of speaking, to "personal life".

Already such a brief description of The psychological characteristics of pedagogical work indicate the possibility of both acute and chronic psycho-traumatic situations, the development of psycho-emotional overstrain, which are considered as risk factors that predispose to the occurrence of certain neuropsychiatric reactions and psychosomatic diseases.

Under the influence of more or less prolonged mental trauma, leading to emotional overstrain, neurosis-like state or neurosis.

The disease begins gradually, gradually. The main symptom is increased excitability and mild mental and physical fatigue. A person becomes quick-tempered, irritated even for a minor reason. A similar increase in sensitivity to stimuli coming from the internal organs and various parts of the body can explain the complaints of such people about unpleasant sensations in various parts body (headache, dizziness, tinnitus, painful sensations in the heart, stomach, etc.). Such symptoms are called psychosomatic, because. the cause of their occurrence depends on the characteristics of the mental status of a person.

Increased excitability is expressed in the mild occurrence of vegetative reactions (palpitations, redness or blanching of the skin of the face, increased sweating). Often there is a tremor (trembling) of the eyelids and fingers of outstretched hands. Increased excitability is usually combined with rapid fatigue, which affects the decrease in working capacity. Often there are complaints about general physical weakness, lack of vigor, energy, endurance to the previously habitual mode of work. Prolonged active tension of attention becomes impossible. Insufficient fixation of certain events is often associated with the exhaustion of attention. This explains the complaints of "bad memory", forgetfulness.

Increased excitability and fatigue are also manifested in the rapid occurrence of emotional reactions (sadness, joy, etc.) and at the same time in their short duration, instability. There is intolerance, the expectation becomes unbearable. Sleep is disturbed, falling asleep is often difficult, sleep is not deep enough, with an abundance of dreams. At the same time, awakening easily occurs under the influence of minor stimuli. After sleep, there is no feeling of cheerfulness, freshness, but on the contrary, there is a feeling of weakness, drowsiness. By the middle of the day, the state of health improves, and by the evening it worsens again.

The presence of unpleasant sensations from various parts of the body intensifies over time, gives reason to suspect any incipient serious illness. There is anxiety, anxiety about their condition. Unpleasant and painful sensations in various parts and organs of the body and the fear of illness with a pathological fixation of attention on the slightest changes in well-being are more and more intensified. And gradually, due to a violation of the innervation of the internal organs, individual psychosomatic symptoms can develop into psychosomatic functional changes in organs, and later into pronounced psychosomatic diseases. Often this functional disorders and diseases of cardio-vascular system. At first, they are manifested by periodic unpleasant sensations in the region of the heart, the localization and nature of which are extremely diverse.

Pain in the region of the heart often accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the hands (often on the left), a feeling of lack of air or even suffocation. Taking nitroglycerin (a pain reliever for angina pectoris) does not give any noticeable improvement. Psychogenic disorders of the heart rhythm may occur. At the same time, complaints of palpitations are characteristic not only during physical effort, but also in the morning (at the time of awakening), when falling asleep, and often at night (due to insomnia or superficial, intermittent, anxious sleep).

A neurosis-like state can cause a change in blood pressure in the direction of its increase or decrease. Most often, this is a temporary increase in blood pressure under the influence of experiences or a sudden sharp rise in its type of hypertensive crisis.

With an increase in blood pressure there are unpleasant and painful sensations in the head (pressure, heaviness, aching pain, drilling, bursting, tingling), tinnitus, blurred vision (the appearance of fog in the eyes, flashing of colored dots, circles).

Under reduced pressure complaints can be extremely diverse and include lethargy, apathy, a feeling of severe weakness and fatigue, lack of vigor in the morning even after a long sleep, memory impairment, absent-mindedness and instability of attention, decreased performance, a feeling of lack of air at rest, severe shortness of breath with moderate physical exertion, swelling of the legs and feet in the evening. A headache is characteristic (occasionally the only complaint), which usually occurs after sleep (especially during the day), physical or mental work. Dull, pressing, constricting, bursting or throbbing headache often captures the frontotemporal or frontoparietal region and lasts from several hours to two days. In some cases, it proceeds like a migraine, accompanied by nausea and vomiting, and disappears from the application of cold, after a walk on fresh air or exercise. Characterized by periodic vertigo with increased sensitivity to bright light, noise, loud speech, staggering when walking and fainting.

A frequent companion of neurosis-like states - functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. These are not strong, but persistent painful sensations of various localization, often migrating throughout the abdomen. The most constant sensations of heaviness, fullness, tension, emptiness in the stomach. In some cases, complaints of nausea in the morning and periodic unbearable pain in the upper abdomen are possible. Complaints about an unpleasant taste or bitterness in the mouth, heartburn and belching (often with air, less often with food eaten or gastric juice) are very common throughout the day or only in the morning, before meals.

Complaints of appetite disorders are no less typical - from poor or very capricious appetite to complete disgust or refusal to eat with loss of taste sensations. There may be complaints of persistent constipation or constipation, followed by diarrhea.

Other manifestations of the internal organs are possible in neurosis-like states and neuroses. In all cases of occurrence of such symptoms, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

How to relieve nervous tension and stress

Nervous mental tension, symptoms, stages and how to relieve nervous tension in its various stages, what you need to know, treatment.

Good time everyone! Let's talk about nervous tension. The tension that arises as a result of various psycho-emotional stresses, whether it is a solution to some problem or experience.

It is very important for anyone to learn to recognize this or that tension in time and throw it off in time. Know how and what to do in a situation of mild or strong tension, which can easily turn into neurosis. This is primarily our health, both mental and, of course, physical. Everything is nearby.

How to relieve stress, what methods and what stages of stress are in general. In order to control your emotions, manage them and timely catch yourself on the occurrence of tension, you need to know yourself well and your individual characteristics. Only this will allow you to respond positively and correctly and switch. And of course, this will require some strength and energy from you.

I will write in my own words, without any scientific expressions, it will be easier for me and I think more understandable to you.

1) Light tension which occurs quite frequently. We can experience such tension many times during the day. It arises as a result of various reasons, ranging from the usual disappointment in something; irritation; dissatisfaction with something not so significant; not a very disturbing, unpleasant memory something; excitement when meeting with some person who causes us not the best feelings.

And even when meeting someone we like, something can bother us. In this case, a slight tension can even flow into a stronger one.

But now oh light tension which occurs as a result of something unpleasant, but few significant for us. Have you noticed, felt this tension in your head (body), how can it be removed?

Such tension is removed quite easily, almost always we ourselves do it unconsciously - we were distracted by something that made us switch our attention and the tension and the very reason for its occurrence remain outside our head, without images and thought processes.

I don't think any more words are needed here. it was important switch your attention. And since the problem was insignificant, it was not difficult for us to do this.

But another scenario was also possible. You kept your attention on this unpleasant moment. They got hooked mentally and began to scroll through the negative in my head, perhaps looking for an answer, or simply analyzing. But after all, this situation is unpleasant for you, which means that by holding it, even if it is a minor nuisance, you mentally draw it in images and see some kind of internal dialogue with yourself, gradually raise the tension.

Often this can happen when a person, while doing some business, got distracted, deliberately forgot, but at the same time kept the negative inside himself, in the images and feelings that he experienced then and began to experience now. At that moment, it was best to stop and let go of all this unnecessary information in my head, but it didn’t work out. As a result, consciously or not, you went into a state of overvoltage.

2) Increased voltage. Tension, which noticeably takes away our strength. We will feel, after some time, a decline in energy, even weakness and, very possibly, unpleasant sensations in the head. Such tension arises during a significant emotional experience or if a person is in a state of thought process over the solution of some important problem for him, solves some tasks he needs, is in a mental search for something.

In principle, this is a normal state in which we all stay from time to time. Especially those people who are engaged in business, politics and many others who are in constant search, make some important decisions, etc. Yes, this is not the most beneficial tension in terms of health, but it does not become intrusive.

A person realizing that he is tired and he needs to rest, may well collect his thoughts, let go of the problem and relax. Or, if it was some kind of trouble, it’s enough to calmly push it out of your head by being busy and switching your attention to some pleasant or attention-demanding activity.

You may have to make some efforts on yourself, but it is important that this state is controlled and, with everything else, very well suited for working on yourself, searching and analyzing yourself.

Here the main thing you need to understand for yourself, to determine the point when you begin to feel significant fatigue and regardless of the positive or No solving some problem let go for a while and give it to your brain to rest. With a fresh head it is always easier to find a solution. Yes, and problems and troubles do not look so scary if you step back a little and let them go.

Many do not know how to stop in time and continue to search for a solution or scroll through the trouble, hoping to still solve the problem for themselves, to find the answer so that first of all calm yourself down but by doing so, they only bring themselves into a state of intense tension. And not only does a strong, exhausting tension arise, but also intrusive thoughts. The problem simply does not go out of my head, even if you try very hard to switch to something, occupy yourself and thereby be distracted.

3) Strong nervous tension and obsessive thoughts. This condition, not only has a strong negative impact on the human psyche, but also on the whole organism as a whole. The nervous system is literally exhausted. And the longer this state lasts, the more difficult it is to get out of it. The body weakens, there is a strong, both physical and mental fatigue, there is a possibility of a state.

Moreover, the more persistently and quickly you try to solve the problem, because you really want to calm down as soon as possible, the faster and more you exhaust yourself. In this state, it is difficult to concentrate on work, concentrate attention and remember something.

In this state, we are not able to solve and look at the problem in a constructively correct way. This is because no matter how smart you think you are, your intellectual abilities in this obsessive and nervous state are significantly lowered. By the way, a person may not perceive it consciously and think within himself that he acts and thinks correctly. Plus to all this - a huge psycho-emotional fatigue.

You, I think, have noticed for yourself that in different states, looking at the same problem, we relate to it differently. If something has bothered you, you are exhausted and instinctively let go of the problem, you were able to do it, then already returning to it, for example, the next day, it does not seem to be such a problem for you. And the decision, as a rule, is found quite quickly, and without much stress and deliberation.

If the obsessive state continues long enough, the person becomes very sensitive to any, even minor stresses and desperately, nervously reacts to the most trifling troubles and problems. Real .

How to relieve stress

And now about how to relieve nervous tension and get rid of obsessive thoughts before it comes to neurosis.

So, how can we get out of this very unpleasant and harmful state for us. To begin with, the most important thing is to understand for yourself that it is not possible to solve the problem because of which you have brought yourself to such a state.

Plus to this, even finding appropriate answer, thoughts about the problem itself won't let you calm down, but the solution itself will still be questionable. Therefore, first of all need to relieve stress. Already understanding this will make it easier for you to perceive the situation.

Now I need to focus on something else. The best thing in this case is doing what you love, exactly what causes you positive emotions. At the same time, negative and obsessive thoughts will continue to stick in your head.

And here is the most important point. - don't resist intrusive thoughts if they don't go away and let them be while not analyzing calmly ignore them.

Any disturbing, obsessive thoughts, if you try not to think about them, will overcome even more and more. Trying to argue or get rid of them, you provoke a fight and thereby only strengthen internal stress.

You can watch thoughts, but without trying to get rid of them without fail and as soon as possible, let everything go naturally. Without conflicting with them, these thoughts will gradually resolve themselves.

As a result, without thinking, without fighting with yourself and without looking for a solution to the problem, everything bad will slowly lose its strength, and the positive emotions that you will gradually begin to experience from doing what you like, gain strength. It will take time and, depending on the strength and duration of the obsession, less or more. But this is a great way to get out of this state.

If possible, you can take a contrast shower, good removes nervous tension and unpleasant symptoms of stress how and what read in the article "". Or go to the pool, physically active, swimming and the water itself is what you need.

Also very helpful such activities, even if they are not quite to your taste, like drawing, knitting, woodcarving, etc. It is important that this does not require a lot of mental process from you. If you draw, then you draw calmly, easily and not too zealously, so that everything will certainly turn out well. As it turns out, so be it.

As at school in the classroom, with diligence and passion, but without unnecessary temperamental emotions and without twisting, from diligence, tongue on its side. Although it is possible that at school some people tried very, very hard. Now this is not necessary, another time. Engaged in woodcarving or embroidery, the same thing.

These exercises are methodical, calm the brain well and do not require excessive mental activity. Unless you, like the great Surikov, paint a picture for the Tretyakov Gallery.

Another effective way to get out of nervous tension and obsessive state is similar to the previous one. Smoothly transfer attention to some another problem the solution of which is just as important for you, but less hectic and requires rather than emotional costs, but some kind of action.

You will need some will power and that negative energy accumulated in the process of finding a solution to the first problem. And even somewhere anger. It is important to try to solve this problem with enthusiasm, with the search and study the best option her decisions.

Your thought process will again take your energy, but the most important thing here is that you remove the sharpness of that first negative situation that led you to an obsessive state and thereby not concentrating on it, gradually free your mind from obsessive thoughts.

That is, by using the energy of strong tension in solving another problem, you take yourself out of the obsessive state, and this in itself, although costly in terms of energy, will calm the inflamed brain. And the very solution of this second problem will give you already positive energy.

But again, always remember that whatever you do, if the intrusive thoughts don't go away, you don't fight them. Thus, you learn to live when there are some such thoughts and when they are not, you simply do not run away from them. Gradually, your perception of them will change from hostile to more calm and you will no longer be afraid of their appearance and these thoughts themselves, the anxiety will go away and they will stop putting pressure on you.

Friends, if you feel that you have fallen into such a state of mental stress and at the same time have not been able to solve some of your problems, find an answer, will be 100% correct refrain from making any further decisions.

Leave it for later, give your overheated thinking a chance to rest, cool down. And better sleep with her. Morning evening is wiser, it is very smart and useful expression. You will be able to look at the problem that bothers you a little from the outside and with a rested, cold brain.

Sometimes you really need get away from the problem,afford leave it unresolved in order to see it clearly later real essence is it really important to you. It often happens that the problem was not at all so important that it was so bothering and worrying about it. At the same time, this break and a fresh look will allow us to see new options and possibilities for solving it.

And in order to most effectively and easily cope with a nervous condition you can learn something interesting and useful for yourself, as well as learn how to change some old beliefs that interfere with you, learn about how to reassess values, find out how it happens and understand how and what it is.

For this, there are excellent trainings and books, effective techniques and relaxation methods, you can find some of them on my website. And in order not to miss updates on this topic, you can subscribe to the newsletter.

Nervous state and tension. Finally.

Listen less to different words. Some evil tongues can say something about you that can be very unpleasant for you, insults, or tell you all sorts of nasty things that are not necessarily true, for example, your husband or wife is cheating on you.

Without thinking, you rush headlong into your experiences without even really knowing whether this is true or not. Instead, first talk to her (him), and then draw conclusions!

There are enough envious people and dirty tricks in the world, so be independent of the words of insult by some and be more reasonable in the gossip of others. Think first of all about your health, because life will continue anyway and after the black stripe there will definitely be a bright, blue stripe.

A story about an ostrich. I’ll tell my friends right away, don’t associate this story about an ostrich with what I wrote above, it’s true, just for your mood. Though there are a few things to keep in mind..

The ostrich is not a stupid bird, when danger arises, it hides its head in the ground. What for? And why should he take all the problems into his head. He thinks that no matter what happens, it cannot be avoided, but I will not worry.

Just think, the ass will remain on the surface. Well, it’s better to take all the problems with your ass than with your head, the head is still more important. And the ass, ... well, what can happen to her? Yes, nothing terrible and can not.

Just a little, he hides his head in the ground and rests, does not see anything, does not see what is happening with his ass. And if there is no problem, then there is no problem.

Well, if, nevertheless, such a thing arises in the form of a masochistic elephant, what can you do, the main thing is the head in the sand - it relaxes, the ass has accepted the problem, it’s no stranger to it, then it’s an ass to seek adventures for itself, and peace in the head, no tension and everything is great.

The main thing is that the relatives do not see the problem that has arisen, otherwise explain later what's what - head, ass, elephant ....

Sincerely, Andrey Russkikh

P.S. Read more about obsessive-compulsive disorders and thoughts, their treatment, here ()

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The frantic pace of life, the rapid development of new technologies, unstable social status, problems in the family - all this often causes modern man nervous tension, emotional disorders, fits of anger, etc. If nothing is done about it, then, as you know, it will not end well. In addition to the fact that a person will be mentally ill, he will also begin to have physical health problems. Obesity, diabetes, various tumors, up to malignant ones - all this can be the result of nervous tension and stress. In order not to start this complex and dangerous mechanism, a person is obliged to prevent this. Therefore, today we will consider how to relieve stress and what methods can be used in this case.

Emotional breakdown

Such a state, judging by the name, comes from the accumulation of negative feelings. Emotional stress can often be caused by such situations:

If a person was insulted, rude, and it’s hard for him to survive.

If a remark was made to a person, and this keeps her in suspense.

If a person is overwhelmed with negative emotions, but he cannot throw them out due to his hidden complexes or other circumstances.

Ways to overcome emotional stress

  1. You don't have to keep everything to yourself. There are problems that a person can emotionally endure on their own. And there are situations that can lead to depression, discord in the family and at work. The best way how to relieve emotional stress - speak out. You can have a conversation with your friend, loved one, psychologist.
  2. No need to try to control everything and everyone. Unfortunately, people who try to teach their relatives and colleagues, remake them for themselves, are most susceptible to emotional stress. However, you need to accept people for who they are. After all, a person will not be able to build absolutely everyone for himself. And if he accepts people as they are, then this will help maintain emotional calm and complacency.
  3. Constant self-improvement. Sometimes it happens that a person seems to have everything: favorite work, family, friends. But still, the heart is heavy, irritated. How to relieve emotional stress in this case? Here it is worth considering: maybe a person lacks development? It is necessary to constantly set goals for yourself and improve, no matter if it concerns the upbringing of children, a profession or a hobby.

Muscle tension: symptoms and causes


Aching, pressing, itching pain.

Inability to make full range of hand movements or head turns.

Headaches that may get worse, get better, or be permanent.

Causes of muscle tension:


Injuries and bruises of the spine.

Incorrectly chosen posture for sitting.

Emotional stress.

Prevention of muscle damage: ways

Miotic tension can be relieved in several ways.

  1. Massage. You can do it yourself or involve a specialist in this. Knowing how to relieve tension pains, a person will not risk his health, learn to monitor it and correct his mistakes in time.
  2. thermal effect. Taking a bath with essential oils or sea ​​salt, rest under a warm blanket in winter - all this will help relieve a person of unpleasant sensations, improve his mood.
  3. Change of environment. Very often, stress is the cause of tension in various muscle groups. To prevent such a state, you need to indulge yourself, broaden your horizons, arrange small holidays, get rid of complexes, old grievances.
  4. Physical training. Even the simplest of them will help to properly stretch, relax muscles, calm pain. By the way, exercises help prevent pinching of blood vessels and nerves. Such exercises will help a person cope with his problem, and soon he himself will advise people on how to relieve muscle tension through training.
  5. Proper organization of space. Such ordinary things as comfortable furniture, pillows, additional accessories for a mobile phone - all this not only makes life easier, but also helps to forget about muscle tension.
  6. Health monitoring. You can not start the disease, you should consult a doctor in time.
  7. Breathing exercises. A person who has muscle tension must learn to breathe correctly. Indeed, thanks to this, all muscles and internal organs are enriched with oxygen.
  8. The use of drugs from the pharmacy. Fortunately, modern pharmacology today offers a large selection of different medications that relieve muscle tension. The main thing is to choose the right remedy which can be used if needed. And this should be done after consultation with a specialist who can advise a medication that is suitable for a particular patient.

Relieve tension from the head

Massage is an old, but at the same time a proven method of healing from a bad state of prolonged nervous expectation. It is very useful for mental and emotional stress. It relieves pain, relaxes muscles and normalizes blood circulation in that part of the human body where the brain is located. How to relieve tension in the head so that the effect is immediate and lasting? To do this, you must correctly perform the massage.

  1. It is not necessary to involve a specialist to influence the patient. A person can quite relieve the tension in his head. He should sit or lie down comfortably.
  2. It is advisable to dim or completely turn off the lights in the room. After all, a bright lamp can increase the tension in the head.
  3. Now you can begin to perform self-massage: first, the back surface of the ears is kneaded, while fingertips are used. A person should slowly perform circular movements.
  4. Then you should determine the hands on both sides of the head and lightly press on it. You can move forward and backward, slide up and down 2 centimeters. You need to try to move your head, not your fingers.
  5. How to relieve tension in the head, if one area on this organ is strongly pestering? In this case, you can apply the technique of acupressure. You need to pinch the skin in the area that hurts between the thumb and forefinger and squeeze it for 5 seconds, and then release. Then you should loosen your hands for 10 seconds, but you do not need to remove your fingers from there. You can do this exercise for 10 minutes or more until you feel relaxed. This is how you can relieve tension with your hand.

Signs of nervous tension

1. A person becomes indifferent, inactive, loses interest in life.

2. There is stiffness, awkwardness.

3. A person is worried about insomnia.

4. There is overexcitation, irritation, aggression.

5. The person stops contacting other people.

With nervous tension Everyday life every person faces. The reason for this can be fatigue, problems in the family, at work, depression and other unpleasant situations.

How to protect yourself from such symptoms?

How to relieve nervous tension resulting from various factors: lack of sleep, problems at work, in the family, relationships? You need to use the following tips:

Walking is an excellent remedy for a state of complete impotence

How to relieve stress with exercise? Walking in the fresh air, jogging - all this can speed up they will be reflected in the brain. As a result, the mood will rise, and increased nervousness and irritation will pass.

It is very important to walk correctly: the posture should always be straight, the stomach should be pulled in, the head should be raised, and the shoulders should be loosened. However, the walk should be light. You can walk fast at first, then slow down.

People should give up transport, replace it with walking (if possible).

Preparations for relieving nervous tension

If neither a change of scenery, nor playing sports, nor a pleasant pastime help to relieve a person’s irritated state, then the doctor may prescribe medicines. Currently, without a doctor's prescription, you can purchase such medicines that will help relieve stress quickly and effectively:

Capsules "Quattrex" - used for insomnia, to eliminate stress, get rid of an anxious and nervous state.

Tablets "Tenoten" - are used for psychosomatic problems, neurosis, stress. These pills are contraindicated in pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Tablets "Afobazol" - are a tranquilizer, they are used for anxiety conditions of the patient.

Surely now few people will ask the question: “How to relieve stress and tension?” After all, everything is described in detail in this article. If various massages, a change of scenery, relaxation, a change in behavior do not help, then you can resort to drugs from a pharmacy. However, before purchasing this or that remedy, you need to consult a doctor about the possible use of the drug.

Folk remedies

Although there should not be any difficulties with buying medicines from a pharmacy, it is better to get rid of a negative mood with the help of herbal decoctions and teas. The following are suggested below effective methods how to relieve stress and tension thanks to folk remedies.

- Hawthorn. One hundred grams of berries or 30 g of flowers of this plant should be poured with boiling water (300 ml), boiled for 15 minutes. Then insist for 2 hours and drink 100 ml three times a day.

- Valerian tincture. It is necessary to take 30 drops of this remedy 3 times a day.

- Melissa. This plant helps relieve nerve spasms, improve brain function. It can be used both fresh and dried. You can simply add to tea or prepare a decoction (1 per 200 ml of boiling water).

- Collection of herbs- Valerian roots, hop cones - 1 part each, mint leaves and motherwort herbs - 2 parts each. Twenty grams of a mixture of these plants should be poured with a glass of boiling water. When infused (within 1 hour), you should drink 1/3 tablespoon before meals three times a day.

Tension headache relief activities

Help for the eyes

Our eyes are one of the most important human organs, so they need to be protected, otherwise you can lose the clarity of vision. How to relieve eye strain, what should be done for this? By following the elementary rules, you can maintain visual acuity and prevent your pupils from getting very tired:

1. It is necessary to monitor the lighting, and it should be both local and general. If a person turns on only in the evening table lamp in working area, then his eyes are constantly straining, which ultimately will lead to damage to vision.

2. In summer, when walking, you need to wear sunglasses.

3. How to relieve eye strain, especially when you sit in front of the TV for a long time? Experts advise every hour to do exercises, take a break.

4. When working at a computer, you should wear special protective goggles with a spray.

5. If a person feels that his eyes are too tired, you just need to wash your face. cold water. In this case, the tension from the eyes should pass quickly enough.

6. Women must take off their makeup before going to bed.

7. A person should get enough sleep and then he will not need to know how to relieve eye strain. After all, excellent healthy sleep works wonders.

Eye charger

  1. Performing circular rotations of the eyes, first clockwise and then against it.
  2. Keeping your head straight and still, you should look to the left, then to the right, up and down. You need to repeat the movement 15 times.
  3. Rapid blinking of the eyes for 20 seconds.
  4. Focusing attention. You should go to the window and fix your eyes on any point on the glass (for example, you can stick a candy wrapper from it. Then you need to carefully examine the image in the figure (5 seconds), and then sharply look into the distance, concentrating on a specific distant object in the window. This is an excellent exercise, which helps to relax the eye muscle. good example how to relieve eye strain. Moreover, such an exercise will not only help relieve fatigue, but also prevent the organ of vision.
  5. Classes in the dark: you need to thoroughly rub your palms together until you feel warm. Then fold the hands crosswise over the eyes so that the fingers intersect in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe "third eye". The pupils should be in the dark, however, the palms should not press on them. Initially, flies, spots and stripes will appear before the eyes. The exercise should be performed until it is completely dark. When performing this task, the eyes relax, rest.

Everyone knows that movement relieves stress. Therefore, you can not sit in front of the TV screen or monitor for a long time, do long-term activities that require visual concentration. Between breaks in work, exercises should be done for the eyes: move, rotate them in different directions, blink, etc.

Internal stress: what is it?

The main thing to understand is that this state is not a direct consequence of external circumstances. Internal tension is a habit, and it is acquired. Often such a state in a person turns on when something new is being studied. Then additional efforts are required so that the head finally begins to work intensively, which is simply unusual for many. When a person comprehends something new, he naturally makes mistakes that he does not want to make. This creates internal tension. It also appears when a person needs to complete a planned task, and not what he wants at one time or another. How to relieve internal tension and should it be relieved? This will be discussed below.


In fact, without effort, concentration and effort, a person will not have a future. And all these synonyms can be combined into one phrase - internal tension. Thus, there is no way to do without it. A low level of internal stress is natural, familiar to any modern person.

But if this condition lasts for a long time, then it can provoke the appearance of rapid fatigue, worries, which is harmful to health. If internal tension has caused anxiety or fear, then it is already unhelpful. Then you need to take some action to alleviate your condition. How to relieve stress and tension in this case? You must follow these guidelines:

-Arrange rest. You should take breaks in work, take time to rest. A person should take time to sleep 8 hours a day.

- You need to learn how to live effectively and actively, without tension. Train yourself to take things lightly. You need to work with your fears.

- You should do physical pumping on a positive moral background. Various workouts, running, walking, sex - all this will be the solution to the problem.

From the article you learned how to relieve tension of various etiologies: nervous, emotional and muscular. We found out that no one can help a person the way he does it himself. A person must determine what caused this condition, analyze his behavior, daily routine and many other factors. According to the results of his own research, a critic person will know how to relieve his tension. If he does not succeed, then he should resort to the help of a specialist who will push the patient and tell him what he should do in order to restore normal emotional and

I am a teacher-educator of an educational institution of a sanatorium type, GBOOU "Boarding School No. 68", St. Petersburg. In my work, I pay great attention to the issue of maintaining and improving the health of my pupils. One of highlights in my work, I consider the timely removal of psycho emotional tension, which, unfortunately, necessarily accompanies learning process in elementary grades and can lead to neuroses and weakened immunity of children, which affects the general state of children's health. Currently I am working on the problematic topic “Methods for relieving psycho-emotional stress (PEN) in children of primary school age”.



Ways to relieve psycho-emotional stress in elementary school students

Educator: Kruchina S.A.

St. Petersburg


In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the health of schoolchildren is one of the priority areas of state policy in the field of education. According to the Ministry of Health of Russia, only 14% of children are practically healthy, more than 50% have various functional abnormalities, 35-40% have chronic diseases. Intensification of the educational process in educational institutions leads to disharmonious physical development students (lack of body weight, decrease in functional indicators of the cardiovascular, respiratory and muscular systems), a decrease in their performance. Out of a million relatively healthy children coming to grade I, after nine months, every fourth (250 thousand) revealed deviations in the functional state of the cardiovascular system. In Russia, only 10% of school graduates can be considered healthy. The most pronounced shifts in the state of health of children and adolescents occur precisely at the stage of schooling, which is especially clearly seen in students. educational institutions new kind. An in-depth study of subjects (increased amount of educational load in conditions of shortage of study time) causes significant psycho-emotional stress in these students, while the duration of sleep, volume motor activity and time spent outdoors is drastically reduced. All this in combination reduces the general nonspecific resistance of a growing organism, leads to the formation of various functional disorders, accelerates the transition of such disorders into chronic diseases. 20%, while the impact of medical support is estimated at only 10-15%. Non-compliance with school sanitary and hygienic standards and recommendations, excessive study load, violations of the daily routine, stressful tactics of authoritarian pedagogy, inconsistency of curricula and methods with the age and functional abilities of students contribute to the growth of disorders in the health of schoolchildren. So special place in educational process is given to the use of health-saving technologies. Today, health-saving technologies are understood as a system of measures to protect and improve the health of students, taking into account the most important characteristics of the educational environment, among which the most significant are:

Factors external environment(environmental, economic, social, etc.);

School environment factors - qualitative assessment of school buildings, sanitary, medical, sports equipment and equipment, organization of the food system, taking into account the requirements of sanitary rules and regulations, quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the school contingent;

Organization and forms of physical education and health-improving work;

Organization of the educational process and the mode of study load;

Forms and methods of health-saving activities of a general education institution;

Dynamics of current and chronic morbidity.

Such systems approach in the issue of maintaining the health of schoolchildren, taking into account all the above factors, it is provided primarily by educational institutions of the sanatorium type, in which children with poor health study. Health saving in such schools is a priority in the educational and upbringing process. I am a teacher-educator of an educational institution of a sanatorium type, GBOOU "Boarding School No. 68", St. Petersburg. In my work, I pay great attention to the issue of maintaining and improving the health of my pupils. One of the most important moments in my work is the timely removal of psycho-emotional stress, which, unfortunately, necessarily accompanies the educational process in the primary grades and can lead to neuroses and weakened children's immunity, which affects the general state of children's health. Currently I am working on the problematic topic “Methods for relieving psycho-emotional stress (PEN) in children of primary school age”.

The purpose of the work: to determine the most accessible and effective ways to remove PEN in schoolchildren of primary school age.

I had the following tasks:

  1. Study the literature on this issue.
  2. Give a definition of the concept of "psycho-emotional stress of a person", highlight the signs of PEN in children aged 7-8 years.
  3. Conduct an analysis existing ways removal of PEN, develop criteria for assessing their effectiveness and availability.
  4. Determine efficiency various ways and a PEN removal technique in practice.

This work will be useful to all teachers and educators of elementary school, as well as parents with children aged 6-9 years.

  1. Psycho-emotional stress as a mental phenomenon. Signs of PEN.

In science, psycho-emotional tension is considered as a mental phenomenon of a rather complex structure, reflecting the interaction of a person with the living environment. Psychologists distinguish three degrees of psycho-emotional stress. The state of active wakefulness (I degree of neuropsychic stress according to Nemchin) is characterized by the performance of arbitrary actions that have no emotional significance, against the background of a low level of motivation. In fact, this is a state of rest, non-involvement in complex activities to achieve the goal. In the study of subjects in this state, their characteristics do not differ from the usual background indicators of somatic systems and the mental sphere.

Psycho-emotional stress (II degree of neuropsychic stress) appears when the level of motivation rises, a significant goal and essential information appear; the complexity and efficiency of the activity increases, but the person copes with the task. An example would be the performance of daily professional work under normal conditions. This state in a number of classifications is called "operational tension" (Naenko). In this state, the level of activation of the nervous system increases, which is accompanied by an intensification of the activity of the hormonal system, an increase in the level of activity of internal organs and systems (cardiovascular, respiratory, etc.). There are significant positive developments in mental activity: the volume and stability of attention increases, the ability to concentrate on the task being performed increases, the distractibility of attention decreases and the switching of attention increases, the productivity of logical thinking increases, an increase in cognitive activity in general is observed. In the psychomotor sphere, there is a decrease in the frequency and amplitude characteristics of tremor, an increase in the accuracy and speed of movements. Thus, the state of neuropsychic stress of the II degree (psycho-emotional stress) is characterized by an increase in the quality and efficiency of activity.

A state of psycho-emotional tension (or a state of neuropsychic tension of the III degree) appears when the situation becomes personally significant, with a sharp increase in motivation, an increase in the degree of responsibility (for example, the situation of an exam, public speaking, a complex surgical operation). In this condition, there is a sharp increase in the activity of hormonal systems, especially the adrenal glands, which is accompanied by significant changes in the activity of internal organs and systems. In the mental sphere, there is a distractibility of attention, difficulties in extracting information from memory, the speed and accuracy of response decreases, and the effectiveness of activity decreases. Various forms of negative emotional response appear: excitement, anxiety, expectation of failure, failure. It is no coincidence that this state is also called the state of emotional tension, as opposed to the state of operational tension described above.

Psycho-emotional stress appears when performing overwork in conditions of a threat to life or prestige, lack of information or time. With psycho-emotional stress, the body's resistance decreases, somatovegetative shifts appear (increased blood pressure) and experiences of somatic discomfort (pain in the heart, etc.). There is a disorganization of mental activity. Prolonged or frequently repeated stress leads to psychosomatic illnesses.

It is important for the teacher and educator not to miss the moment when nervous tension of the 2nd degree (positive) turns into an undesirable 3rd degree, a state that already poses a danger to the unstable psyche of the child. In this case, feelings of excessive joy, excitement, anger, fear, anxiety, sadness, guilt, confusion, shame, etc., manifested by children, can be reliable guidelines. The mood of the child is an indicator of these feelings. A stable positive mood indicates the successful adaptation of the child to the social and hygienic environment of the educational institution and his positive mental state. Frequent mood swings or a persistent negative mood suggest otherwise.

In addition to depressed mood, researchers note a number of signs, indicating that the child is in a state of serious psycho-emotional stress:

1. bad dream. The child has difficulty falling asleep and sleeps very restlessly.

2. Tiredness of the child after a load, which quite recently was given to him very easily.

3. The pupil becomes unreasonably touchy, often cries for an insignificant reason, or, conversely, becomes too aggressive.

4. Absent-mindedness, forgetfulness, lack of confidence in oneself, one's strengths, restless restlessness also speak of an uncomfortable psychological state. A child in this state more often seeks approval and support from adults, "clings" to them.

5. The state of psychological stress can manifest itself in previously unobserved antics and stubbornness, fear of contacts, striving for loneliness. The child ceases to participate in the games of peers, at the same time, he has difficulty in maintaining discipline.

6. Sometimes the child constantly chews or sucks something that was not noticed before. Sometimes he has a persistent loss of appetite.

7. Signs of a stressful state of a child are also trembling of hands, shaking of the head, twitching of the shoulders, nighttime and even daytime urinary incontinence that have not taken place before.

8. Some children in a state of prolonged stress begin to lose weight, look malnourished, or, on the contrary, they have symptoms of obesity.

9. Memory disorders, imagination difficulties, poor concentration of attention, loss of interest in everything that previously caused activity, also indicate a psycho-emotional state of distress.

All of the above signs can tell us that the child is under stress, only if they have not been observed before. It should also be noted that not all of these signs can be explicitly expressed. But you should worry even when only a few of them have appeared.

The presence of the above symptoms indicates the appearance of psychosomatic disorders, which affect both the well-being and behavior of the child. Ignoring them can not only lead to persistent health problems, but also affect the formation of personal qualities.

Psycho-emotional stress deprives the child of a state of joy natural for his age and leads to neuroses. With neurosis, the control of body functions worsens. Therefore, children not only become irritable and touchy, but often complain of headaches. In addition, they may have cardiac arrhythmias, often there is an increase in blood pressure.

An adult, by virtue of his life experience, as a rule, has the ability to choose how to respond to a stressful situation, but the degree of freedom of this choice is also limited by its features. The child, on the other hand, does not always have the freedom of choice in responding; moreover, due to the lack of sufficient life experience, even if there is freedom of action, his reaction is often inadequate to the situation.

The experiences of children and the consequences of stress are described by many authors: Yu. their work will help a practical psychologist to professionally differentiate the signs of a stressful state of children.

Stressful impact on children in an educational institution can have:

Irrational mode of life,
- lack of freedom of movement
- Lack of exposure to fresh air
- irrational nutrition and its poor organization,
- improper organization of sleep and rest of children,
- authoritarian style of communication with children of adults in the absence of attention and care for them,
- unreasonable restriction of freedom of children,
- intellectual and physical overload,
- geomagnetically unfavorable days and bad weather conditions, as well as other factors associated with a variety of family and peer relationships problems.

  1. The main means of prevention and correction of psycho-emotional stress in children.

Taking into account the mental state of the child is one of the the most pressing problems modern educational practice, which is designed to ensure the physical and mental health of the younger generation. Requires not only professional assessment the mental state of the child, but also the creation of appropriate conditions for the protection and hygiene of his nervous system during his stay in a school institution.

There are many recommendations for removal stressful conditions. For example, Yu. S. Nikolaev and E. I. Nilov recommend responding to an unpleasant situation with a smile and a joke. The psychiatrist V. Levy offered to choose an ideal hero with a cheerful and kind character. He himself used this method to establish contact with patients.

Scientists have long proven that the best remedy to relieve nervous tension is physical activity. The use of movements as a counterbalance to negative emotions was recommended, for example, by N. P. Bekhtereva. The famous Russian physiologist I.P. Pavlov said that any physical activity gives muscle joy, creating a stable mood.

AT last years Increasing importance in the prevention of stress is given to teaching a person the psycho-self-regulation of the state. Studies confirm that children are much faster and with great effect learn the techniques of autogenic training than adults. This is due, first of all, to the fact that children have a vivid imagination, which helps them quickly and easily enter the desired image. Many psychotherapists also use the relaxing properties of music.

At present, quite a lot of various methods and health-saving technologies have been developed to relieve psycho-emotional stress. These are physical exercises, self-massage, auto-training, finger games, energy exercises, various psychological techniques, kinesiology exercises (aimed at synchronizing the work of the right and left hemispheres of the brain). Psychologists widely use elements of breathing exercises, vocal therapy, music therapy, smile therapy in their practice to relieve PEN. I was faced with the task of analyzing existing methods for removing PEN and evaluating their effectiveness in practice. In my practice, I had experience in applying various techniques with children of primary school age. I have been practicing many techniques for a long time, there are techniques that I am just mastering. I am currently working in the second grade with 7-8 year old children. Working on the topic of this project, I chose for myself the most effective and easy to use, something that every teacher or educator can use in their work. My main selection criteria were:

  • the focus of the technique on relaxing the body and removing muscle clamps;
  • creating a positive emotional mood, a state of calm joy and self-confidence;
  • compliance of the method with the psychophysiological characteristics of primary school age, namely childhood- 7-8 years.

Since strong emotions cause muscle tension in the body, physical activity is the best way to relieve nervous tension. Therefore, I consider it expedient to use, first of all, methods that involve the physical activity of the child. These are “Self-massage in a playful way”, physical education minutes, finger gymnastics, energy exercises. I will give examples of the most effective techniques.


It is known that massage improves blood and lymph circulation, relieves muscle hypertonicity, and also reduces the production of cortisol (stress hormone), which, as a result, contributes to a good mood. Thus, massage is a good tool for normalizing the psycho-emotional state of schoolchildren. It is important to carry out massage in a playful way at primary school age. For example, to light music, children can give themselves a massage of the auricles or, standing up like a train, pat each other lightly on the back. With great pleasure, children do self-massage to the song "A giraffe has spots."

The giraffe has spots, spots, spots, spots everywhere.
The giraffe has spots, spots, spots, spots everywhere.
We clap all over the body with our palms.

Elephants have folds, folds, folds, folds everywhere.
Elephants have folds, folds, folds, folds everywhere.

We pinch ourselves, as if collecting folds.

On the forehead, ears, neck, elbows,
On the noses, on the stomachs, on the knees and socks.

With both index fingers, touch the corresponding parts of the body.

Kittens have fur, fur, fur, fur everywhere.
Kittens have fur, fur, fur, fur everywhere.

We stroke ourselves, as if smoothing the fur

On the forehead, ears, neck, elbows,
On the noses, on the stomachs, on the knees and socks.

With both index fingers, touch the corresponding parts of the body.

The exercise is always accompanied by smiles, the children relax. Since many muscles and skin receptors are involved, relaxation of the whole body is achieved.

Finger gymnastics.

Finger gymnastics gives the child the opportunity to feel the joy of bodily contact, to feel his fingers, palm, elbow, shoulder; to realize oneself in the system of bodily coordinates. This develops self-confidence in the child and prevents the possibility of various neuroses in the future.

Fly under the cloud.
There are your children
On a birch branch.We cross the wrists of both hands and press the palms with the back side to each other, the fingers are straight - the "butterfly" is sitting; palms are straight and tense, fingers do not bend; with a slight but sharp movement of the hands in the wrists, we imitate the flight of a butterfly.


Scattered autumn leaves

We perform wave-like movements with the palms.

I painted them with a brush.

We perform smooth strokes with the palms up and down.

We'll go to the autumn park

We “walk” with the middle and index fingers of both hands.

We will collect leaves in bouquets.

We cross our hands, fingers are open.

Wedge leaf, aspen leaf,
Oak leaf, rowan leaf,
red poplar leaf

We alternately bend the fingers, starting with the big one, on both hands at the same time on each sheet.

Jumped down the path.

We clap our hands loudly.


It is important to carry out finger gymnastics slowly, pronounce the words in a calm, soft voice, without causing excessive excitement in the children.

Physical education minutes.

Physical education minutes are used periodically by all teachers. For younger students, funny physical education sessions in poetic form are most often used.

One - rise, stretch,
Two - bend down, unbend,
Three - clap, three claps,
Three head nods.
Four - arms wider
Five - wave your hands,
Six - sit quietly in place ...

Cha, cha, cha (3 thigh claps)
The stove is very hot (4 jumps on two legs)
Chi, chi, chi (3 overhead claps)
Oven bake kalachi (4 squats)

It is important to remember: a physical education session aimed at relieving psycho-emotional stress should include movements that relax muscles - sipping, stretching, alternating tension and relaxation. Quiet exercises are more often needed when the child must focus on his feelings. For example these:

  • Stretch your arms in different directions. At first - as if you want to get something. You can "pluck apples from the branches" without leaving the spot. Now do the repulsive movement. First, stretch your arms forward and stretch the area between your shoulder blades while arching your chest. The same in other directions.
  • Stretch your neck muscles - just lower your head and wiggle a little from side to side. Then tilt your neck alternately to one and the other shoulder, while not raising them.
  • Standing straight, stretch your arms up, put your feet shoulder-width apart. Swing in the wind like you are a flexible willow, stretching the sides of your body.

And with strong neuropsychic stress, I suggest that the child perform 10-20 squats or 15-20 jumps in place. This allows you to throw out energy outside and thus relieve the tension that has arisen.

Energy exercises.These are exercises for restoring the internal mental and energy balance of a person, harmonizing all energy within one's energy structure. They help to get rid of all kinds of "energy debris", preventing its accumulation and the occurrence of conditions for imbalance in the energy field. I use energy exercises that are suitable for primary school children. After such energetic moments, children become noticeably more cheerful and cheerful, lethargy and fatigue disappear.

  1. Clap hands in pairs.
  2. Standing, they shook their hands, threw off negative feelings, looked out the window - what good weather! They smiled at each other and sat down.
  3. They rubbed their palms, made a ball, threw it away, shook off the dust from their palms.
  4. They raised their hands with open palms up, took heat from the sun, covered their faces with their hands, (eyes closed), became energetic, strong.
  5. They stretched, the bones cracked, exhaled sharply Fuf! Well, a day!
  6. Leaf fall. We catch imaginary leaves, maybe on ourselves, on each other. Gave a "bouquet" to a neighbor.
  7. Getting ready to enter the ring. Stretching muscles. We beat an imaginary enemy. You were hit, sat down, you are knocked out!
  8. They saw a flying saucer, blinked in surprise, shook their heads. Here it is!
  9. They put their hands on their hearts, opened them, blew on their palms, gave warmth and love to the whole world.
  10. We show with gestures: a lot of gifts! big belly! Hooray! Everything is great! Quite skinny! It can't be! Etc.

Exercise "Fly".
Purpose: to relieve tension from the facial muscles.
Sit comfortably: put your hands freely on your knees, shoulders and head lowered, eyes closed. Imagine that a fly is trying to land on your face. She sits on the nose, then on the mouth, then on the forehead, then on the eyes. Your task, without opening your eyes, is to drive away the annoying insect.
Exercise Lemon.

Sit comfortably: put your hands loosely on your knees (palms up), shoulders and head down, eyes closed. Mentally imagine what you have in right hand lies a lemon. Start squeezing it slowly until you feel that you have “squeezed out” all the juice. Relax. Remember your feelings. Now imagine that the lemon is in the left hand. Repeat the exercise. Relax again and remember your feelings. Then do the exercise with both hands at the same time. Relax. Enjoy the state of peace.
Exercise "Icicle" ("Ice cream"),
Purpose: to control the state of muscle tension and relaxation.
Stand up, close your eyes, raise your hands up. Imagine that you are an icicle or ice cream. Tighten all the muscles in your body. Remember these feelings. Freeze in this position for 1-2 minutes. Then imagine that under the influence of solar heat you begin to slowly melt, gradually relaxing your hands, then the muscles of your shoulders, neck, body, legs, etc. Remember the sensations in a state of relaxation. Perform the exercise until you reach the optimal psycho-emotional state. This exercise can be performed while lying on the floor.
Balloon exercise.
Purpose: to control the state of muscle tension and relaxation.
Stand up, close your eyes, raise your hands up, take a breath. Imagine that you are a big balloon filled with air. Stay in this position for 1-2 minutes, tensing all the muscles of the body. Then imagine that a small hole has appeared in the ball. Slowly begin to release air while relaxing the muscles of the body: hands, then the muscles of the shoulders, neck, body, legs, etc.

These exercises are performed with children until an optimal psycho-emotional state is reached.

A special place in health-saving educational technologies takes music therapy . The influence of music on a child's health has not yet been fully studied, but it is undoubtedly that it contributes to the correction of psychophysical health, helps to harmonize the state of schoolchildren: relieve tension, fatigue, increase emotional tone, correct deviations in the child's personal development and his psycho-emotional state. There are active (motor improvisations accompanied by a verbal comment corresponding to the nature of the music) and passive (listening to stimulating, soothing or stabilizing music on purpose or as a background) forms of music therapy. Listening to properly selected music with the performance of psycho-gymnastic studies increases the immunity of children, relieves tension and irritability, headache and muscle pain, and restores calm breathing. Music therapy is used for communication problems, fears, as well as for various psychological diseases. Great attention is paid to the selection of the necessary melodies and sounds, with which you can have a positive effect on the child's body. This contributes to the overall improvement, improvement of well-being, raising the mood, increasing efficiency.

For relaxation, relieving emotional and physical stressit is necessary to take advantage of the beneficial influence of melodic classical and modern relaxing music filled with the sounds of nature (the rustle of leaves, the voices of birds, the chirping of insects, the noise sea ​​waves and the cry of dolphins, the murmur of a stream). Children on a subconscious level calm down, relax.

In my practice, I use music therapy for minutes of silence . I use this technique when I notice that children are overly excited, signs of fatigue and tension are noticeable. A moment of silence is a moment of relaxation, when a child can somehow be alone with himself, listen to his feelings, realize his feelings. It is important to pay attention to the breathing of children, it should be deep and slow. To tune in to the exercise, I suggest that the children take a deep breath and slowly blow out an imaginary candle on their palm. Let me give you an example of a moment of silence.

Children perform actions according to the meaning of the text that the teacher pronounces.

We are happy, we are happy!

We laugh in the morning.

But now the moment has come

It's time to be serious.

Eyes closed, hands folded,

Heads lowered, mouth closed.

And quiet for a minute

To not even hear a joke,

To not see anyone, but

And only one myself!

Eyelashes fall...

Eyes are closing...

We are relaxing…(twice).

We fall asleep with a magical dream ...

Breathe easily...evenly...deeply...

Our hands rest...

Resting, sleeping...(twice).

The neck is not tense ...

Lips slightly open...

Everything is relaxing...(twice).

Breathe easily...evenly...deeply.

Sounds like a recording of a piece of music for relaxation. (For example, "Nocturne in G minor" by F. Chopin).Today I invite you to take a trip to a beautiful island called "The Island of Kindness and Responsiveness" (pause). Imagine a beautiful, green island surrounded by waves of the warm sea (pause). Boys and girls live on this island. Boys are strong and brave, while girls are gentle and affectionate (pause). They are very friendly and funny guys. All girls and boys are good together. They know how to be friends and never quarrel (pause). All boys and girls are happy and good together. They smile at the sun and hold each other's hands. They are true friends because they are kind and helpful (pause). You can open your eyes and stretch sweetly. Well done!

This method is very effective, as its application allows you to achieve deep relaxation on the physical, mental and emotional levels.

I believe that the methods and techniques I have given, aimed at correcting PEN, are the most effective and meet the requirements of the modern school.


This paper characterizes psycho-emotional stress as a mental phenomenon, identifies signs of PEN in children of primary school age, shows how strong PEN in primary school students affects the mental health of the child and his well-being in general. There is no doubt that strong nervous tension, repetitive stress adversely affect children's health and the teacher-educator should do everything possible to prevent the occurrence of stress factors, to prevent mental tension and anxiety among their pupils. The task of the educator is also to notice in time the signs of PEN both in an individual child and in a group of children or even in the entire children's team and in a timely manner to apply the most appropriate techniques to the moment, methods that help eliminate the tension that has arisen and stabilize the psycho-emotional state of their wards. Undoubtedly, in difficult situations, he should seek help from the psychological service of an educational institution, the child should be provided with qualified assistance from a professional psychologist.

I note that choosing one or another way of responding, the teacher should be guided by the following:

  1. All techniques and techniques used should be aimed not only at relieving emotional, but also muscle tension, since modern science the close relationship between emotions and the human body has been proven;
  2. The actions of the teacher should contribute to the formation of students' attitudes towards positive, value attitude to yourself as a person.

Only if these two conditions are met, the teacher's work will be effective, bring the expected results and meet modern educational requirements in solving the problem of the health of the younger generation.

The use of the methods presented in the work will allow optimizing the psychological and pedagogical activity for the prevention of unhealthy mental states of students, which has a positive effect on mental health and development, on educational activities and the behavior of schoolchildren in general.

List of used literature.

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  7. Dictionary of practical psychologist. // Comp. S.Yu.Golovin. - Minsk: Harvest, M .: AST Publishing House LLC, 2001.
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Not everyone knows how to relieve stress quickly and effectively. But back in the 11th century, the great scientist Avicenna established that in no case should nervous tension be accumulated in oneself. You need to start getting rid of it as soon as possible. Otherwise, a person runs the risk of getting a nervous system disorder, nervous breakdowns, or causing heart disease. And how to relieve emotional stress and what you need to do to restore good spirits, you will learn from this article.

How to get rid of stress

According to doctors, our nervous system is able to cope with emotional stress if the negative emotion that we experienced is short-lived. But with prolonged nervous tension, our psyche, unfortunately, cannot cope on its own.

If you get a big load at work, spending a lot of strength and vitality, your body needs help. Therefore, in order for our psycho-emotional background to be restored, it is necessary to help the recovery process by applying a set of measures aimed at relieving the symptoms of nervous and psycho-emotional stress.

  • Walk in the fresh air

To relieve nervous tension, walks in the fresh air are recommended. Need to change habits home environment and go outside. Walking down the street, alternate the pace of your movement and the width of your step. Soon you will notice how your emotional state returns to normal.

Here's how it all works: firstly, thanks to the flow of oxygen into the blood, the brain begins to work more intensively and fruitfully, endocrine system starts to function more correctly. And secondly, during the alternation of the pace and step width, special biochemical processes are launched that switch your brain activity from the psycho-emotional state of a person to providing physical processes organism.

Internal tension will go away even faster if, for example, you divert your attention to the contemplation of wildlife or good memories.

If you do not know how to relieve nervous tension, good old physical education is always happy to help you. Absolutely all doctors say that physical exercise deal with stress very well. Here are some exercises that will help you eliminate internal tension, restore all your internal forces and bring back a positive attitude:

  1. Sit on a stool or chair. Grasp his seat with both hands and pull him up as hard as you can. Try to hold the chair for at least 10 seconds in this position.
  2. Starting position - hands in the lock, wound behind the head closer to the cervical region. Press with your palms that there is urine on the neck, and with your whole body try to resist this pressure.
  3. Sit on the very edge of a chair or stool. Let your arms hang freely, and your head will be raised slightly up. Hold this position for 7 seconds. Then inhale deeply, and as you exhale, bow down and hug your knees. Stay in this position for a few seconds, inhale and begin to slowly return to the starting position.

If you have a responsible and stressful job, and at the end of the shift you feel emotionally drained, then you absolutely need to include physical activity in your daily routine. You can do fitness, yoga, Pilates, dancing, athletics, in general, anything. The main thing is that it be systematic, and after classes your emotions are on the rise, and your mood is positive.

  • let off steam

To relieve nervous tension, when emotions are overflowing and there is no strength to keep the brand of a balanced and calm person, the following techniques will help to cope with internal tension:

  1. Go to a secluded place and scream with all your might. It can be a forest, a deaf park or a deserted wasteland. Find a place like this and have a blast there. Shout that there is urine. You can yell at your “beloved boss”, an annoying neighbor or a crazy client who took out your whole brain in a day. Scream enough, and you will immediately notice an emotional upsurge and a surge of vitality.
  2. You can take out the accumulated negativity at home. For example, you can beat a pillow, scatter all things, or break a couple of old plates. Just do not overdo it, otherwise the next morning you may not find the mug with which you drink your morning coffee.
  3. By the way, British scientists have proven that ladies who scream and beat dishes during family strife are much less likely to suffer from heart disease. And they also carry out a kind of prevention, from stroke and heart attack.
  • Breathe with your whole chest

It is a medically proven fact that with the help of proper breathing, chronic migraines can be cured and internal tension can be relieved. The main thing is to learn how to breathe correctly.

Place your hands in the starting position at the waist. Inhale as deeply as possible through your nose, while puffing up your stomach and counting to 10. Then slowly exhale through your mouth, counting to 15. At the same time, your tongue should be pressed to the palate as if hissing the letter “ssss”. This exercise should be repeated 5 times.

Exhaling through effort and relaxation relaxes the muscles and relieves spasms. Such exercises can not only defeat internal tension, but also relieve fatigue and blues.

  • Work with your belly

Exercises with the stomach will relieve psycho-emotional stress. Everything is simple here: they inflated - they pulled in strongly, relaxed, strained, imagined that the stomach is an ocean and made a wave. The exercise must be performed for at least 15 minutes.

  • Hard work by hand is what you need

You can sort out small things: beans, buttons, coins, etc. Make a bracelet out of beads or beads, print on a computer, play with an anti-stress toy. The fact is that our fingertips are equipped with a large number of nerve receptors, and their stimulation is able to cope with internal and emotional stress.

  • burning food

A hot pepper pod will help relieve internal stress. If you do not complain about your health and the work of the digestive tract, you can use this extreme method. US scientists have proven that this spicy product can cause a rapid increase in endorphins in the human body. But, as you know, endorphins are the main hormones of joy.

  • hug

It has long been known that internal tension recedes before a warm and friendly embrace. Remember how we calmed down in childhood when our mother hugged us. Believe me, hugs not only have a calming effect on children. They can also help an adult cope with fears and nervous overexcitation.

  • making love

Such classes act like an ambulance and, like no other classes, are able to eliminate nervous tension in a matter of minutes. Hormones released during love "exercises" have the best effect on our nervous system. In addition, they relieve muscle spasms, which are eternal allies of internal tension.

  • Making faces

Nervous tension can be weakened by mimic gymnastics. It will remove the emotional burden and in addition will cheer you up. Of course, the main masters of mimic gymnastics are children. We think that the crumbs, in this way, just play pranks and indulge, but in fact, in this way they get rid of the internal emotional stress and negativity accumulated during the day.

So we take an example from the kids and start building faces. Well, of course, we are adults and grimacing with a work colleague is not very comme il faut, so we will “play pranks” at home in front of a mirror.

  • yawn

Have you ever noticed that you start to yawn when you are tired of the work process? And it's not just like that. This is our nervous system, noticing something was wrong, trying to help us relieve nervous tension. Our psyche knows exactly how to get rid of negative external influences. And our task is to help her, causing yawning in an artificial way.

The fact is that yawning improves blood flow and increases the tone of our body. In addition, yawning speeds up metabolic processes and helps to remove carbon dioxide. All these processes favorably affect the functioning of the nervous system and normalize brain activity.

  • Tea ceremony

Tea is a calming tranquilizer given to us by nature itself. It perfectly copes with emotional exhaustion, relieves stress and fatigue. And all because the leaves of tea contain unique elements of their kind: catechins, flavonoids, carotene and vitamins. By the way, to calm the nervous system, it is recommended to brew green tea.

  • The power of soothing baths

Soothing baths are an excellent prevention of nervous disorders and stress. Water for sedatives water procedures should be comfortable for the body, about 40 degrees. Decoctions of such herbs and leaves are added to the water: sage, mint, birch leaves, yarrow, chamomile. Such baths can be taken daily, the duration of stay in the water should not exceed 15 minutes.

  • Acupressure

This massage stimulates the production of serotonin, the happy hormone. To do this, you don't have to go to massage parlor. Can be done without outside help. Massage the central point of the chin in a circular motion 10 times clockwise and the same amount against it. Or kneading and stretching the middle fingers of both hands.

  • More positive

And, most importantly, what needs to be done is to smile and look at life more optimistically. Of course, it’s not easy to smile when cats are scratching at heart, but it needs to be done. Scientists have found that laughter therapy is a great way to get rid of negative external influences, bad mood, stress and tension. Laughter triggers protective reactions in our body, improves blood flow, and provides the brain with oxygen. Laughter is a natural stress reliever.

Therefore, look at life with optimism, smile a lot and let those around you upset you less!
