Siege of Leningrad brief information. Vera Inber, Soviet poetess and prose writer

Lifting the blockade of the city of Leningrad (1944)

The battle for Leningrad, which lasted from July 10, 1941 to August 9, 1944, was the longest during the Great Patriotic War. It was crowned with a brilliant victory for Soviet weapons, demonstrated the high morale of the Soviet people, and became a symbol of courage and heroism. Soviet people and its armed forces.

The general course of the battle for Leningrad

Military-political leadership Nazi Germany attached paramount importance to the capture of Leningrad. The fall of the city on the Neva would lead to the isolation of the northern regions of the USSR, the Soviet state would lose one of the most important political and economic centers. The German command, released after the capture of Leningrad, intended to launch an attack on Moscow.

In their desire to seize this city at all costs, the Nazi leadership did not stop at the use of the most inhumane methods of struggle. Hitler repeatedly demanded to raze Leningrad to the ground, to exterminate its entire population, to suffocate it with hunger, to suppress the resistance of the defenders with massive air and artillery strikes.

The battle for Leningrad, which lasted 900 days and nights, included defensive and offensive operations. They were carried out in order to defend the city and defeat the Nazi troops of the Army Group "North" and the Finnish troops between the Onega and Ladoga lakes, as well as on the Karelian Isthmus. In the battle for Leningrad different time troops of the Northern, North-Western, Leningrad, Volkhov, Karelian and 2nd Baltic fronts, long-range aviation formations and Air Defense Forces of the country, the Red Banner Baltic Fleet, the Chudskaya, Ladoga and Onega military flotillas, partisan formations participated.

In the battle for Leningrad, the efforts of the troops of the front and the working people of the city and region united. On the outskirts of the city, they created nodes of resistance, built defensive lines. A defense system was created around Leningrad, consisting of several belts. Fortified areas were built on the near approaches to the city, and the internal defense of Leningrad was also created.

According to its military-strategic scope, attracted forces and means, tension, results and military-political consequences, the battle for Leningrad can be divided into the following stages.

1st stage (July 10 - September 30, 1941) - defense on the distant and near approaches to Leningrad. Leningrad strategic defensive operation.
Having overcome the resistance of the Soviet troops in the Baltic states, on July 10, the fascist German troops launched an offensive on the southwestern approaches to Leningrad. Finnish troops went on the offensive from the north.

Hot battles flared up these days on the left flank of the Northwestern Front. The enemy stubbornly made his way to Staraya Russa and Kholm. On July 17, the enemy broke through to the headquarters of the 22nd Rifle Corps in the area of ​​the Dno station. 20 warriors, headed by the deputy political instructor of the radio company A.K., boldly entered the fray with him. Mary. For several hours they repulsed enemy attacks and prevented him from capturing the headquarters. A.K. Mary was wounded several times, but did not leave the battlefield. For his heroism, he was awarded the title of Hero Soviet Union.

On August 8-10, defensive battles began on the near approaches to Leningrad. Despite the heroic resistance of the Soviet troops, the enemy broke through on the left flank of the Luga defense line and occupied Novgorod on August 19, Chudovo on August 20, cut the highway and the Moscow-Leningrad railway. By the end of September, in the Olonets and Petrozavodsk directions, Soviet troops, with the support of the ships of the Ladoga military flotilla, stopped the enemy at the turn of the Svir River. On July 31, the enemy launched an offensive on the Karelian Isthmus. At the end of August, Finnish troops reached the line of the old state border. There was a real threat of encirclement of Leningrad.
At the end of August, the enemy resumed his offensive along the Moscow-Leningrad highway, on August 30 he went to the Neva and cut the railways connecting Leningrad with the country. Having captured Shlisselburg (Petrokrepost) on September 8, German troops cut off Leningrad from land. An almost 900-day blockade of the city began, communication with which was now supported only by Lake Ladoga and by air. The next day, September 9, the enemy launched a new offensive against Leningrad from the area west of Krasnogvardeysk, but as a result of the stubborn resistance of the troops of the Leningrad Front, the enemy’s offensive, which suffered heavy losses, gradually weakened, and by the end of September the front on the nearest approaches to the city stabilized. The enemy's plan to capture Leningrad on the move failed, and this led to the disruption of the enemy's intentions to turn the main forces of Army Group North to attack Moscow.

An important role in the defense of Leningrad from the sea was played by the heroic defense of the Moonsund Islands, the Hanko Peninsula and the naval base of Tallinn, the Oranienbaum bridgehead and Kronstadt. Their defenders showed exceptional courage and heroism. So, for example, in the battles in the area of ​​the farm Harku, the Nazis captured a seriously wounded scout sailor from the ship "Minsk" E.A. Nikonov. The Nazis wanted to get information from him about the number of our troops, but the courageous sailor refused to answer. The Nazi executioners gouged out his eyes, tied him to a tree and burned him alive. E.A. Nikonov was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. He is forever listed in the lists of the ship.

2nd stage (October 1941 - January 12, 1943) - defensive military operations of the Soviet troops. Blockade of the city of Leningrad.

Soviet troops repeatedly attempted to lift the blockade of the city. In 1941, they carried out the Tikhvin defensive and offensive operations, in 1942 - the Lyuban and Sinyavino operations.

The Nazi command, having failed to realize its plans to capture Leningrad from the south, in mid-October 1941, attacked Tikhvin in order to reach the river. Svir, connect with the Finnish troops and carry out a complete blockade of Leningrad. On November 8, the enemy captured Tikhvin, cutting off the last railway, along which goods were delivered to Lake Ladoga, transported by water to the besieged city. In mid-November, Soviet troops launched a counteroffensive and on December 9 captured Tikhvin, pushing the enemy back across the river. Volkhov.

The current situation forced the German command to reconsider the tactics of the struggle for Leningrad. Unable to take the city by storm, it decided to achieve its goal by a long blockade, accompanied by artillery shelling and aerial bombardment. As early as September 21, 1941, a report “On the Siege of Leningrad” was prepared at Hitler’s headquarters. It spoke of the need to raze Leningrad to the ground during the blockade, to leave the city for the winter without food, to wait for surrender. And those who will remain alive by spring will be driven out of the city, and the city itself will be destroyed.

The city defense committee, party and Soviet bodies did everything possible to save the population from starvation. Assistance to Leningrad was carried out along the transport highway across Lake Ladoga, called the Road of Life. It made it possible to increase food supplies in the city, to slightly increase the food standards for supplying the population, and to deliver ammunition.

During the periods of navigation, transportation was carried out by the Ladoga Flotilla and the North-Western River Shipping Company.

To supply oil products to the city from May 5 to June 16, 1942, a pipeline was laid along the bottom of Lake Ladoga, and in the fall of 1942 an energy cable was laid.
From the sea, Leningrad was covered by the Baltic Fleet. He actively participated in the defensive and offensive operations of the troops of the Leningrad Front with the forces of his aviation, naval and coastal artillery, marines, and also provided military transportation along the Gulf of Finland and Lake Ladoga. On the territory of the Leningrad, Novgorod and Pskov regions occupied by the enemy, partisans launched an active struggle.

In January - April 1942, the strike groups of the Leningrad and Volkhov fronts, advancing towards each other, fought stubborn battles in the Luban, and in August - October in the Sinyavino directions in order to break through the blockade of the city. However, due to the lack of forces and means, the operations were not successful, but all the same, serious damage was inflicted on the enemy in manpower and military equipment. His powers were shackled.

3rd stage (1943) - the fighting of the Soviet troops, breaking through the blockade of Leningrad.

In January 1943, in order to break the blockade of the city near Leningrad, a strategic offensive"Spark". On January 12, 1943, formations of the 67th Army of the Leningrad Front (commanded by Colonel General L.A. Govorov), the 2nd shock and part of the forces of the 8th Army of the Volkhov Front (commanded by General of the Army K.A. Meretskov) with the support of 13- The 1st and 14th air armies, long-range aviation, artillery and aviation of the Baltic Fleet delivered counter strikes on a narrow ledge between Shlisselburg and Sinyavin. On January 18, they joined in the areas of workers' settlements No. 5 and No. 1. A corridor 8-11 km wide was formed south of Lake Ladoga. A 36-kilometer railway was built along the southern coast of Ladoga in 18 days. Trains went to Leningrad along it.

Breaking the blockade was a turning point in the battle for the city on the Neva. And although it still remained a front-line city, the plan of its capture by the Nazis was finally thwarted. Significantly improved its food supply, the strategic situation near Leningrad.

Soviet soldiers in these battles accomplished many heroic, immortal deeds. So, the signalman of the 270th regiment of the 136th rifle division D.S. Molodtsov, advancing along with the shooters, volunteered to crawl up to the enemy bunker, covering the approaches to the enemy battery. In carrying out this task, at the cost of his own life, he enabled the regiment to capture a heavy enemy battery. Molodtsov was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

The mortarmen brothers Shumov Alexander, Vasily, Luka, Ivan, Auxenty fought courageously. All of them have been awarded medals.

The heroic feat was accomplished by the pilot, Senior Lieutenant I.S. Panteleev. His aircraft, assisting ground forces in suppressing targets, was hit and caught fire. The selfless pilot sent his burning car to the enemy's battery, bombed it, and then threw the plane in flames at the German convoy.

In the summer and autumn battles of 1943, the troops of the Leningrad and Volkhov fronts actively thwarted the enemy’s attempts to restore the complete blockade of Leningrad, conducting many private operations. They contributed to the improvement of the positions of the Soviet troops. At the same time, the combat activity of our troops pinned down about 30 enemy divisions. This did not allow the enemy to transfer at least one of them to the south, where, in particular near Kursk, the Nazis were defeated.

4th stage (January - February 1944) - the offensive of the Soviet troops in the north-western direction, the complete lifting of the blockade of Leningrad.

During this stage Soviet troops carried out the Leningrad-Novgorod strategic offensive operation, in which the troops of the Leningrad Front carried out the Krasnoselsko-Ropshinsky, and the Volkhov Front - the Novgorod-Luga offensive operation.

On January 14, 1944, Soviet troops went on the offensive from the Oranienbaum bridgehead to Ropsha, and on January 15, from Leningrad to Krasnoe Selo. On January 20, the advancing troops united in the Ropsha area and liquidated the encircled enemy grouping. At the same time, on January 14, Soviet troops went on the offensive in the Novgorod region, on January 16 - in the Luban direction, and on January 20 liberated Novgorod. By the end of January, the cities of Pushkin, Krasnogvardeysk, Tosno, Luban, Chudovo were liberated.

January 27, 1944 will forever remain in the memory of Leningraders, of all our people. The blockade of Leningrad was completely eliminated.

The date of January 27 is immortalized in Russian Federation like a day military glory Russia - Day of lifting the blockade of the city of Leningrad (1944).

By February 15, as a result of fierce fighting, the enemy defenses in the Luga area were overcome. After that, the Volkhov Front was disbanded, and the troops of the Leningrad and 2nd Baltic Fronts, continuing to pursue the enemy, reached the border of the Latvian SSR by the end of March 1. As a result of the Leningrad-Novgorod operation, a heavy defeat was inflicted on Army Group North, almost all Leningrad region and part of Kalinin, Soviet troops entered the Estonian SSR, were created favorable conditions to defeat the enemy in the Baltic.

In the summer of 1944, the troops of the Leningrad and Karelian fronts, with the participation of the Baltic Fleet, the Ladoga and Onega military flotillas, defeated the enemy grouping on the northern wing of the Soviet-German front, which predetermined Finland's withdrawal from the war, the security of Leningrad was fully ensured, and most of the Karelian-Finnish SSR was liberated.

The historical significance of the victory in the battle for Leningrad

Great Patriotic War knows many outstanding battles and battles on the way to the world-historic Victory over German fascism and its allies. Special place among them and in general in the world military history belongs to the staunch and heroic 900-day defense of Leningrad.

What is the historical significance of the battle for Leningrad?

Firstly, the defense of besieged Leningrad became a symbol of the courage and heroism of the Soviet people. The defenders and residents of the city, being in the blockade, selflessly repulsed the superior forces of the Nazi troops. Despite unprecedented difficulties and hardships, countless victims and losses, they never doubted their victory for a minute, withstood and won, while showing examples of stamina, endurance and patriotism. The history of wars does not know such a feat.

Leningrad, its inhabitants and defenders had to endure unprecedented hardships and suffering during the blockade winter of 1941-1942. The city was deprived of food and fuel supplies. The power supply to residential buildings was interrupted. The water supply failed, 78 km of the sewer network was destroyed. Trams stopped, utility companies stopped working. In the autumn of 1941, food rations were reduced five times. From November 20, workers received 250 grams of bread a day, all the rest - 125 grams. The bread was raw, consisted of 2/5 impurities. Scurvy and dystrophy began.

The Hitlerite command led the barbaric bombing and artillery shelling of Leningrad. During the blockade period, about 150 thousand shells were fired at the city and over 102 thousand incendiary and about 5 thousand high-explosive bombs were dropped. In September-November 1941, an air raid alert was announced 251 times in the city. The average daily duration of artillery shelling in November 1941 reached 9 hours.

The inhabitants of the city paid a high price. During the harsh days of the blockade, 641,803 people died from artillery shelling and bombing, hunger and cold. Many of them are buried in the mass graves of the Piskarevsky cemetery.

Hundreds of thousands of Soviet soldiers laid down their lives in the battle for Leningrad. Irretrievable losses amounted to 979,254 people, sanitary - 1,947,770 people.

Secondly, the battle for Leningrad was of great military and strategic importance. It influenced the course of hostilities in other areas of the Soviet-German front. Large forces of the Nazi troops and the entire Finnish army were drawn into the battles in the Northwest. If in June 1942 there were 34 divisions in the Army Group North, then in October - already 44. Due to the activity of the Soviet troops, the Hitlerite command could not transfer large forces from Leningrad to other sectors of the front (near Moscow, Stalingrad, North Caucasus, Kursk), when large-scale hostilities took place there. With the end of the battle for Leningrad, a significant number of troops of the Leningrad and Karelian fronts were released, which the Supreme Command Headquarters used in other strategic directions.

Thirdly, during the battle for Leningrad, the Soviet military art was further developed. For the first time in the history of modern warfare, the enemy was defeated here, blocking long time The largest city, a blow from outside, combined with a powerful blow from the besieged city. The offensive carried out according to such a plan was comprehensively prepared and successfully completed.

The victory was achieved by the efforts of all types and branches of the troops with the active assistance of the partisans. The headquarters of the Supreme High Command directed and coordinated the actions of the fronts, fleet, air defense army, flotillas and air force. The skilful choice of the main directions of troop operations, the timely setting of combat missions for them, the strengthening of the fronts in accordance with these tasks, and the operational retargeting of troops during operations were of great importance for the successful outcome of the battle.

At the defensive stage of the battle, the area of ​​​​location of Soviet troops blocked from the land (with Leningrad in the center) was a single system of positions and lines, which expanded the possibilities of maneuvering forces and means to concentrate them on threatened directions. On the Leningrad Front in September 1941, one of the first in the war was carried out effective artillery counter-preparation against the enemy, who was preparing to storm the city.

The breakthrough of the blockade was carried out by delivering counter strikes by groupings of two fronts. In the course of offensive operations, Soviet military art was enriched by the experience of overcoming heavily fortified enemy defenses in wooded and swampy areas. The tactics of offensive operations by small rifle and tank subunits have been considerably developed. Their actions were distinguished by independence in battles for separate points, crossings and through water barriers. Effective counter-battery combat, in which the air forces of the front and navy took part, was an example of skillful opposition to enemy siege artillery under blockade conditions.

Fourthly, the battle for Leningrad was a major military-political event and, in its significance, went far beyond the borders of the Soviet Union. She was highly appreciated by our allies. US President F. Roosevelt, in a letter sent to Leningrad, wrote: “On behalf of the people of the United States of America, I present this letter to the city of Leningrad in memory of its valiant warriors and its faithful men, women and children, who, being isolated by the invader from the rest of their people and despite constant bombing and unheard of suffering from cold, hunger and disease, successfully defended their beloved city during the critical period from September 8, 1941 to January 18, 1943 and symbolized by this the fearless spirit of the peoples of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and all the peoples of the world, resisting the forces of aggression."

Fifthly, the battle for Leningrad demonstrated the great strength of the moral and political unity of Soviet society, the friendship of the peoples of our Motherland. Representatives of all nationalities of the Soviet Union fought near Leningrad, showing unparalleled courage and mass heroism. It was near Leningrad that a mass sniper movement was born. In February 1942, 10 best snipers of the Leningrad Front were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, and 130 were awarded orders and medals.

The defense of Leningrad had a nationwide character, expressed in the close cohesion of the troops and the population under the leadership of the city defense committee, which led the political, military and economic life of the city during the blockade. On the initiative of party organizations in July-September 1941, 10 divisions of the people's militia were formed in the city, 7 of which became personnel.

The motherland highly appreciated the feat of the defenders of Leningrad. Many units and formations were converted into guards, awarded orders, received honorary titles of Leningrad. For courage, courage and heroism, over 350 thousand soldiers of the Leningrad Front were awarded orders and medals, 226 people were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. The medal "For the Defense of Leningrad" was awarded to about 1.5 million people. On January 26, 1945, Leningrad was awarded the Order of Lenin, and on May 8, 1965, the Hero City of Leningrad was awarded the Gold Star medal.

Sixthly, the victory in the battle for Leningrad was won thanks to the heroic deed of the home front workers. The military automobile road, laid on the ice of Lake Ladoga and called the Road of Life, had no analogues in world history. In the first blockade winter of 1941-1942 alone, more than 360,000 tons of cargo were delivered through it, including about 32,000 tons of ammunition and explosives, about 35,000 tons of fuel and lubricants. About 550 thousand people, about 3.7 thousand wagons of equipment, cultural values ​​and other property were taken out of the city. For the entire period of operation, 1615 thousand tons of cargo were transported along the Road of Life, about 1376 thousand people were evacuated.

Despite the most difficult conditions, the industry of Leningrad did not stop its work. In the difficult conditions of the blockade, the working people of the city gave the front weapons, equipment, uniforms, and ammunition. During the period of the blockade, 2,000 tanks, 1,500 aircraft, thousands of guns, many warships were repaired and built, 225,000 machine guns, 12,000 mortars, about 10 million shells and mines were manufactured.

The important role of cultural and educational work during the blockade, in which cultural and artistic figures actively participated, should be especially emphasized. It raised the morale of the blockade, brought up courage, developed a burning hatred for the fascist invaders, inspired them to steadfastly overcome difficulties and dangers, and instilled confidence in victory.

At present, attempts are still being made to distort, to misrepresent heroic defense Leningrad. It is alleged, for example, that his defense allegedly had no military significance. Therefore, the death of many thousands of people was in vain. It was just necessary to hand over the city to the Nazis. And he, they say, would remain intact, like Paris, Brussels, The Hague and other capitals of many European countries. This shameless lie is dictated by the political situation, the deliberate falsification of military history. It is aimed at removing the blame for the death of people from the Nazis.

Almost 66 years have passed since the momentous victory in the battle for Leningrad. But even today the feat of the Leningraders, the soldiers of the army and navy, who defended our northern capital, personifies the military glory of Russia. He serves as an example for current generations of loyalty to patriotic and military duty, courage and courage in defending the freedom and independence of the Fatherland.

Before the lesson on the given topic and during its implementation, it is advisable to visit the museum of the military unit, invite veterans of the Great Patriotic War, home front workers, and Leningrad blockade survivors to speak.

In the opening remarks, it is advisable to emphasize that the Battle of Leningrad is a worthy contribution to the treasury of Russia's military glory, and it will forever be preserved in the military history of our people as a symbol of courage, steadfastness and selfless defense of our Fatherland.

When covering the first issue, it is necessary, using a map, to show the location and balance of forces of the opposing sides in different stages battles, tell in detail about the exploits, give examples of the courage and heroism of Soviet soldiers.

In the course of considering the second question, it is necessary to objectively show the place and role of the Battle of Leningrad in Russian historiography, and provide statistical data that testify to the price of victory.

Consideration of questions will be much more interesting if the story is accompanied by the display of fragments of documentary and feature films about the Battle of Leningrad, listening to fragments of the famous Seventh Symphony by Dmitry Shostakovich, reading excerpts from the works of poetesses Olga Bergolts and Anna Akhmatova.

At the end of the lesson, it is necessary to draw brief conclusions and answer questions from the audience.

1. Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union 1941-1945: Short story. - M., 1984.

2. Military encyclopedia. In 8 vols. T. 1. - M., 1997.

3. Petrov B. The immortal feat of the defenders of Leningrad. // Reference point. - 2004. - No. 1.

4. Strelnikov V. Milestones of the Great Victory (to the 65th anniversary of the lifting of the blockade of Leningrad). // Reference point. - 2008. - No. 12.

Lieutenant colonel
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Lieutenant Colonel

On January 27, the Russian Federation celebrates the Day of Military Glory of Russia - the Day of lifting the blockade of the city of Leningrad. The date is marked on the basis of the federal law "On the days of military glory and memorable dates in Russia" dated March 13, 1995.

The offensive of the fascist troops on Leningrad (now St. Petersburg), the capture of which the German command attached important strategic and political significance, began 10 July 1941

In August, heavy fighting was already on the outskirts of the city. On August 30, German troops cut the railroads connecting Leningrad with the country. On September 8, the Nazis managed to block the city from land. According to Hitler's plan, Leningrad was to be wiped off the face of the earth. Having failed in their attempts to break through the defenses of the Soviet troops inside the blockade ring, the Germans decided to starve the city out. According to all the calculations of the German command, the population of Leningrad had to die of hunger and cold.

September 8, the day the blockade began, the first massive bombardment of Leningrad took place. About 200 fires broke out, one of them destroyed the Badaev food warehouses.

In September-October, enemy aircraft made several raids a day. The purpose of the enemy was not only to interfere with the activities of important enterprises, but also to create panic among the population. Especially intense shelling was carried out at the beginning and end of the working day. Many died during shelling and bombing, many buildings were destroyed.

The conviction that the enemy would not succeed in capturing Leningrad held back the pace of evacuation. More than two and a half million inhabitants, including 400,000 children, turned out to be in the besieged city. There were few food supplies, so food surrogates had to be used. Since the beginning of the introduction of the rationing system, the norms for issuing food to the population of Leningrad have been repeatedly reduced.

Autumn-winter 1941-1942 - the worst time of the blockade. Early winter brought with it cold - heating, hot water was not, and Leningraders began to burn furniture, books, dismantled wooden buildings for firewood. The transport stopped. Thousands of people died from malnutrition and cold. But Leningraders continued to work - administrative offices, printing houses, polyclinics, kindergartens, theaters, a public library worked, scientists continued to work. 13-14-year-old teenagers worked, replacing their fathers who had gone to the front.

In the autumn on Ladoga, due to storms, the movement of ships was complicated, but tugboats with barges made their way around the ice fields until December 1941, some food was delivered by aircraft. Hard ice on Ladoga was not established for a long time, the norms for issuing bread were again reduced.

On November 22, the movement of vehicles along the ice road began. This highway was called the "Road of Life". In January 1942, the movement along winter road was already constant. The Germans bombed and shelled the road, but they failed to stop the movement.

By January 27, 1944, the troops of the Leningrad and Volkhov fronts broke the defenses of the 18th German army, defeated its main forces and advanced 60 km in depth. Seeing a real threat of encirclement, the Germans retreated. Krasnoye Selo, Pushkin, Pavlovsk were liberated from the enemy. January 27 was the day of the complete liberation of Leningrad from the blockade. On this day, fireworks were given in Leningrad.

The blockade of Leningrad lasted 900 days and became the bloodiest blockade in the history of mankind. The historical significance of the defense of Leningrad is enormous. Soviet soldiers, having stopped the enemy hordes near Leningrad, turned it into a powerful bastion of the entire Soviet-German front in the northwest. By fettering significant forces of the fascist troops for 900 days, Leningrad thereby provided significant assistance to the development of operations on all other sectors of the vast front. In the victories near Moscow and Stalingrad, near Kursk and on the Dnieper - a significant share of the defenders of Leningrad.

The motherland highly appreciated the feat of the defenders of the city. Over 350 thousand soldiers, officers and generals of the Leningrad Front were awarded orders and medals, 226 of them were awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. The medal "For the Defense of Leningrad" was awarded to about 1.5 million people.

For courage, steadfastness and unprecedented heroism in the days of a difficult struggle against the Nazi invaders, the city of Leningrad was awarded the Order of Lenin on January 20, 1945, and on May 8, 1965 received the honorary title "Hero City".

The material was prepared on the basis of information from open sources

German troops launched a powerful offensive, and on August 30, 1941, the city was in a vice. On September 8, the Germans blocked the Moscow-Leningrad railway, took Shlisselburg and surrounded Leningrad from land. Bloody battles began on the Pulkovo Heights and the southern outskirts of the city. On September 9, G.K. arrived in Leningrad. Zhukov. Having removed Voroshilov from command, he canceled all preparations for the surrender of the city.

It was ordered to defend Leningrad to the last man. Fearing heavy losses during the assault, he ordered a long-term siege to begin, saying: “This city must be starved to death. Cut off all supply routes so that the mouse cannot slip through. Bomb mercilessly, and then the city will collapse like an overripe fruit.”

Began constant bombing and shelling. Heavy siege artillery was brought up, the Nazis began methodically destroying the city. During the blockade, the Germans dropped 100,000 bombs and 150,000 shells on Leningrad.

The civilian population found itself in a particularly tragic situation. By the time of the complete blockade, only a small part of the inhabitants (less than 500 thousand people) had been evacuated to the rear. There are 2.5 million citizens left in the city, including 400,000 children.

The first blockade winter was the most difficult. The Germans managed to bomb the food warehouses, leaving Leningrad without supplies.

Bread was delivered only by aircraft or by road laid on the ice of Lake Ladoga. Under constant bombing and shelling, drivers, despite huge losses, delivered only a small amount of necessary products along the Road of Life.

Hunger was approaching with terrible inexorability. Since November 20, the daily norm of bread for workers was only 250 g, and for employees, dependents and children - half as much. According to the blockade survivors, this ration of bread was a small raw piece, consisting of bran and a small part of the flour.

Residents began to eat everything that could drown out the feeling of hunger. To top it off, the city water supply system failed, and water had to be taken from the Neva and canals.

The winter of 1941 was unusually severe. The lack of heating was a monstrous ordeal for the inhabitants.

Despite the difficult situation, the inhabitants of the city participated in its defense. People worked at enterprises, produced ammunition, repaired military equipment.

At the end of December, the grain ration became twice as large - by this time a significant part of the population had died. The famine took on unprecedented proportions. Cases of cannibalism began. Many residents, weakened, fell and died on the streets. In the spring of 1942, after the snow melted, 13,000 corpses were found in the city.

Particularly difficult was the situation of children left without parents. Exhausted, they lay in cold apartments, barely moving. Horror from the endured hardships froze in their faces. Many of them did not see each other for 10-15 days hot food and even boiling water.

At the same time, city leaders and everyone assigned to the Smolny canteen, as well as NKVD officers, received normal food. Airplanes delivered delicacies for senior management. During the blockade, a bakery for the nomenklatura continued to operate.

During the blockade, 642,000 people died of starvation. However, there is an opinion that in fact the losses are higher - up to 850 thousand people.

On January 24, 1944, the forces of the Volkhov and Leningrad fronts launched an offensive, as a result of which the blockade was completely lifted.

By that time, 560 thousand inhabitants remained alive in the city - 5 times less than at the beginning of the blockade.

The most bloody and heroic siege in the history of mankind continued for 872 days.

Know the Soviet people that you are the descendants of fearless warriors!
Know, Soviet people, that the blood of great heroes flows in you,
Those who gave their lives for their Motherland, without thinking about the benefits!
Know and honor the Soviet people the exploits of grandfathers and fathers!

Documentary film "Ladoga" -1943 About the battle for Leningrad:

By the beginning of 1943, the situation in Leningrad, surrounded by German troops, remained extremely difficult. The troops of the Leningrad Front and the Baltic Fleet were isolated from the rest of the Red Army. Attempts to de-blockade Leningrad in 1942 - the Lyuban and Sinyavin offensive operations - did not bring success. The shortest route between the Leningrad and Volkhov fronts - between the southern coast of Lake Ladoga and the village of Mga (the so-called Shlisselburg-Sinyavinsky ledge, 12-16 km), was still occupied by units of the 18th German army.

Shells and bombs continued to explode on the streets and squares of the second capital of the USSR, people died, buildings collapsed. The city was under constant threat of air raids and artillery fire. The lack of land communication with the territory under the control of the Soviet troops caused great difficulties in the delivery of fuel, raw materials for factories, and did not allow meeting the needs of the troops and the civilian population for food and essentials.

However, the position of Leningraders in the winter of 1942-1943. it was still a little better than the previous winter. Electricity was supplied to the city through a cable laid under water, and fuel was supplied through an underwater pipeline. The city was supplied with the necessary products and goods on the ice of the lake - the Road of Life. In addition, in addition to the highway, an iron branch was also built right on the ice of Lake Ladoga.

Major General Nikolai Pavlovich Simonyak, commander of the 136th Infantry Division, at an observation post. The photo was taken during the first day of the operation to break the blockade of Leningrad (Operation Iskra).

By the end of 1942, the Leningrad Front under the command of Leonid Govorov included: 67th Army - Commander Lieutenant General Mikhail Dukhanov, 55th Army - Lieutenant General Vladimir Sviridov, 23rd Army - Major General Alexander Cherepanov, 42nd Army in the army - Lieutenant General Ivan Nikolaev, the Primorsky Operational Group and the 13th Air Army - Colonel General of Aviation Stepan Rybalchenko. The main forces of the LF - the 42nd, 55th and 67th armies, defended themselves at the turn of Uritsk, Pushkin, south of Kolpino, Porogi, the right bank of the Neva to Lake Ladoga. The 67th Army operated in a 30 km strip along the right bank of the Neva from Poroga to Lake Ladoga, having a small foothold on the left bank of the river, in the area of ​​Moscow Dubrovka. The 55th Infantry Brigade of this army defended from the south road, which passed through the ice of Lake Ladoga. The 23rd Army defended the northern approaches to Leningrad, located on the Karelian Isthmus.

Formations of the 23rd Army were often transferred to other, more dangerous directions. The 42nd Army defended the Pulkovo line. The Primorsky Operational Group (POG) was located on the Oranienbaum bridgehead.

The actions of the LF were supported by the Red Banner Baltic Fleet under the command of Vice Admiral Vladimir Tributs, which was based at the mouth of the Neva River and in Kronstadt. He covered the coastal flanks of the front, supported ground troops with its aircraft and naval artillery fire. In addition, the fleet held a number of islands in the eastern part of the Gulf of Finland, which covered the western approaches to the city. Leningrad was also supported by the Ladoga military flotilla. The air defense of Leningrad was carried out by the Leningrad Air Defense Army, which interacted with aviation and anti-aircraft artillery of the front and fleet. The military road on the ice of the lake and the transshipment bases on its shores were covered from the attacks of the Luftwaffe by the formations of a separate Ladoga air defense region.

By the beginning of 1943, the Volkhov Front under the command of General of the Army Kirill Meretsky included: the 2nd shock army, the 4th, 8th, 52nd, 54th, 59th armies and the 14th air army. But they took a direct part in the operation: the 2nd shock army - under the command of Lieutenant General Vladimir Romanovsky, the 54th Army - Lieutenant General Alexander Sukhomlin, the 8th Army - Lieutenant General Philip Starikov, the 14th Air Army - General Aviation Lieutenant Ivan Zhuravlev. They operated in a 300 km strip from Lake Ladoga to Lake Ilmen. On the right flank from Lake Ladoga to the Kirov railway, units of the 2nd shock and 8th armies were located.

The German command, after the failure of attempts to take the city in 1942, was forced to stop the fruitless offensive and order the troops to go on the defensive. The Red Army was opposed by the 18th German Army under the command of Georg Liederman, which was part of Army Group North. It consisted of 4 army corps and up to 26 divisions. The German troops were supported by the 1st Air Fleet of Aviation Colonel General Alfred Keller. In addition, on the northwestern approaches to the city opposite the 23rd Soviet army there were 4 Finnish divisions from the Karelian Isthmus task force.

The tank landing of the Red Army is moving towards a breakthrough!

A unique film about the siege of Leningrad. Chronicle of those years:

Red Army soldiers take position and prepare for battle - breaking through the blockade of Leningrad

German defense

The Germans had the most powerful defense and dense grouping of troops in the most dangerous direction - the Shlisselburg-Sinyavino ledge (its depth did not exceed 15 km). Here, between the city of Mga and Lake Ladoga, 5 German divisions were stationed - the main forces of the 26th and part of the divisions of the 54th Army Corps. They included about 60 thousand people, 700 guns and mortars, about 50 tanks and self-propelled guns. Each village was turned into a stronghold prepared for all-round defense, the positions were covered with minefields, wire fences and fortified with pillboxes. There were two lines of defense in total: the first included the constructions of the 8th GRES, the 1st and 2nd Gorodoks and the houses of the city of Shlisselburg - from Leningrad, Lipka, Workers' settlements No. 4, 8, 7, Gontovaya Lipka - from the Volkhov Front , the second included work settlements No. 1 and No. 5, Podgornaya and Sinyavino stations, work settlement No. 6, and Mikhailovsky settlement. The defensive lines were saturated with nodes of resistance, had a developed network of trenches, shelters, dugouts, and means of fire destruction. As a result, the entire ledge resembled one fortified area.

The situation for the attacking side was aggravated by the wooded and swampy terrain in the area. In addition, there was large territory Sinyavino peat excavations, which were cut by deep ditches. The territory was impassable for armored vehicles and heavy artillery, and they were needed to destroy enemy fortifications. To overcome such a defense, powerful means of suppression and destruction were required, as well as a huge effort of the forces and means of the attacking side.

On January 2, 1943, in order to break the blockade of Leningrad, the Iskra strategic offensive operation began.

Girl from the besieged city-People of the legend (USSR 1985):

Plan and prepare for the operation. Shock groups of the Soviet army

Back in November 1942, the LF command submitted to the Supreme Commander-in-Chief their proposals for preparing a new offensive near Leningrad. It was planned to carry out two operations in December 1942 - February 1943. During the "Shlisselburg operation" it was proposed by the forces of the LF, together with the troops of the Volkhov Front, to break the blockade of the city and build a railway along Lake Ladoga. During the "Uritsa operation" they were going to break through a land corridor to the Oranienbaum bridgehead. The headquarters approved the first part of the operation - breaking through the blockade of Leningrad (directive No. 170696 of December 2, 1942). The operation received the code name "Iskra", the troops were to be in full combat readiness by January 1, 1943.

The operation plan was set out in more detail in Directive No. 170703 of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command of December 8. The troops of the LF and VF received the task of breaking the German grouping in the area of ​​Lipka, Gaitolovo, Moscow Dubrovka, Shlisselburg and, thus, lifting the complete blockade of Leningrad. By the end of January 1943, the Red Army was to reach the line of the Moika River - Mikhailovsky - Tortolovo. The directive also announced the conduct of the "Mginsk operation" in February with the aim of defeating the German group in the Mga region and ensuring a strong railway connection between Leningrad and the country. The coordination of the actions of the fronts was entrusted to Marshal Kliment Voroshilov.

Almost a month was allotted for the preparation of the operation. Much attention was paid to the interaction between the troops of the two fronts. In the rear, training fields and special camps were created for practicing offensive actions of formations in wooded and swampy areas and storming the enemy's echeloned defenses. Formations of the 67th Army practiced methods of forcing the Neva on the ice and establishing a crossing for tanks and artillery. In the LF, on the instructions of Govorov, artillery groups were formed: long-range, special purpose, counter-mortar and a separate group of guards mortar units. By the beginning of the operation, thanks to the efforts of intelligence, the command was able to get a pretty good idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe German defense. In December, a thaw occurred, so the ice on the Neva was weak, and the swampy terrain was difficult to access, therefore, at the suggestion of the commander of the LF, the Headquarters postponed the start of the operation to January 12, 1943. In early January, the State Defense Committee sent Georgy Zhukov to the Volkhov Front to reinforce it.

To carry out the operation, strike groups were formed as part of the LF and VF fronts, which were reinforced with armored, artillery and engineering formations, including those from the Stavka reserve. On the Volkhov front, the basis of the shock group was the 2nd shock army of Romanovsky. In its composition, including the army reserve, there were 12 rifle divisions, 4 tank, 1 rifle and 3 ski brigades, a breakthrough tank guards regiment, 4 separate tank battalions: 165 thousand people, 2100-2200 guns and mortars, 225 tanks. From the air, the army was supported by about 400 aircraft. The army received the task of breaking through the enemy's defenses on a 12 km section from the village of Lipki on the shores of Lake Ladoga and to Gaitolovo, reaching the line of Workers' settlements No. In addition, the troops of the 8th Army: 2 rifle divisions, a marine brigade, a separate tank regiment and 2 separate tank battalions, delivered an auxiliary strike in the direction of Tortolovo, the village of Mikhailovsky. The offensive of the 2nd shock and 8th army was supported by about 2885 guns and mortars.

On the part of the LF, the main role was to be played by Dukhanov's 67th Army. It consisted of 7 rifle divisions (one Guards), 6 rifle, 3 tank and 2 ski brigades, 2 separate tank battalions. The offensive was supported by the artillery of the army, the front, the Baltic Fleet (88 guns with a caliber of 130-406 mm) - about 1900 barrels, the 13th Air Army and naval aviation - about 450 aircraft and about 200 tanks. Parts of the 67th Army were to cross the Neva on the 12 km section between the Nevsky Piglet and Shlisselburg, concentrating the main efforts in the direction of Maryino, Sinyavino. The troops of the LF, having broken through the German defenses in the Moscow Dubrovka, Shlisselburg sector, were supposed to connect with the formations of the VF at the turn of Workers' settlements No. 2, 5 and 6, and then develop the offensive to the southeast and reach the line on the Moika River.

Both shock groups numbered about 300 thousand people, about 4900 guns and mortars, about 600 tanks and more than 800 aircraft.

Sappers of the Volkhov Front, Red Army soldier A.G. Zubakin and Sergeant M.V. Kamensky (right) making passes in a wire fence in the Sinyavino area. The photo was taken during the first day of the operation to break the blockade of Leningrad (Operation Iskra).

Blockade Leningrad. 7th symphony by Shestakovich:

Beginning of the offensive. January 12, 1943

On the morning of January 12, 1943, the troops of the two fronts simultaneously launched an offensive. Previously, at night, aviation dealt a powerful blow to Wehrmacht positions in the breakthrough zone, as well as to airfields, command posts, communications and railway junctions in the enemy rear. Tons of metal fell on the Germans, destroying his manpower, destroying fortifications and suppressing morale. At 9:30 am, the artillery of the two fronts began artillery preparation: in the offensive zone of the 2nd shock army, it lasted 1 hour and 45 minutes, and in the sector of the 67th army - 2 hours and 20 minutes. 40 minutes before the start of the movement of infantry and armored vehicles, attack aviation, in groups of 6-8 aircraft, attacked previously reconnoitered artillery, mortar positions, strongholds and communication centers.

At 11:50, under the cover of the “barrage of fire” and the fire of the 16th fortified area, the divisions of the first echelon of the 67th Army went on the attack. Each of the four divisions - the 45th Guards, 268th, 136th, 86th Rifle Divisions - were reinforced by several artillery and mortar regiments, an anti-tank artillery regiment, and one or two engineer battalions. In addition, the offensive was supported by 147 light tanks and armored cars, the weight of which could withstand the ice. The particular complexity of the operation was that the defensive positions of the Wehrmacht went along the steep, icy left bank of the river, which was higher than the right. The German fire weapons were located in tiers and covered all the approaches to the coast with multi-layered fire. In order to break through to the other side, it was necessary to reliably suppress the German firing points, especially in the first line. At the same time, care had to be taken not to damage the ice near the left bank.

The assault groups were the first to break through to the other side of the Neva. Their fighters selflessly made passages in the barriers. Rifle and tank units crossed the river behind them. After a fierce battle, the enemy's defenses were hacked in the area north of the 2nd Gorodok (268th rifle division and 86th separate tank battalion) and in the Maryino area (136th division and formations of the 61st tank brigade). By the end of the day, Soviet troops broke the resistance of the 170th German Infantry Division between the 2nd Gorodok and Shlisselburg. The 67th Army captured the bridgehead between the 2nd Gorodok and Shlisselburg, construction of a crossing for medium and heavy tanks and heavy artillery began (completed on January 14). On the flanks, the situation was more difficult: on the right wing, the 45th Guards Rifle Division in the "Nevsky Piglet" area was able to capture only the first line of German fortifications; on the left wing, the 86th Infantry Division was unable to cross the Neva near Shlisselburg (it was transferred to the bridgehead in the Maryino area in order to strike Shlisselburg from the south).

In the offensive zone of the 2nd shock (went on the offensive at 11:15) and the 8th armies (at 11:30), the offensive developed with great difficulty. Aviation and artillery were unable to suppress the main enemy firing points, and the swamps were difficult to pass even in winter. The most fierce battles were fought for the points of Lipka, Workers' Settlement No. 8 and Gontovaya Lipka, these strongholds were on the flanks of the breaking forces and continued the battle even in complete encirclement. On the right flank and in the center - the 128th, 372nd and 256th rifle divisions, were able to break through the defenses of the 227th infantry division by the end of the day and advance 2-3 km. The strongholds of Lipka and Workers' Settlement No. 8 could not be taken that day. On the left flank, only the 327th Infantry Division was able to achieve some success, which occupied most of the fortification in the Kruglaya grove. The attacks of the 376th division and the forces of the 8th army were not successful.

The German command, already on the first day of the battle, was forced to commit operational reserves into battle: formations of the 96th Infantry Division and the 5th Mountain Division sent to the aid of the 170th Division, two regiments of the 61st Infantry Division (“Group of Major General Huner ”) were introduced into the center of the Shlisselburg-Sinyavino ledge.

Leningrad in the fight (USSR, 1942):

Leningrad Front- commander: lieutenant general (since January 15, 1943 - colonel general) L.A. Govorov

Volkhov Front- commander: general of the army K.A. Meretskov.

Fights 13 - 17 January

On the morning of January 13, the offensive continued. The Soviet command, in order to finally turn the tide in its favor, began to bring into battle the second echelon of the advancing armies. However, the Germans, relying on strongholds and a developed defense system, offered stubborn resistance, the battles took on a protracted and fierce character.

In the offensive zone of the 67th Army on the left flank, the 86th Rifle Division and a battalion of armored vehicles, with support from the north of the 34th Ski Brigade and the 55th Rifle Brigade (on the ice of the lake), stormed the approaches to Shlisselburg for several days. By the evening of the 15th, the Red Army reached the outskirts of the city, the German troops in Shlisselburg found themselves in a critical situation, but continued to fight stubbornly.

In the center, the 136th Rifle Division and the 61st Tank Brigade developed an offensive in the direction of Workers' Settlement No. 5. To ensure the left flank of the division, the 123rd Rifle Brigade was brought into battle, it was supposed to advance in the direction of Workers' Settlement No. 3. Then, to ensure the right flank, the 123rd Infantry Division and a tank brigade were brought into battle, they advanced in the direction of Workers' Settlement No. 6, Sinyavino. After several days of fighting, the 123rd Rifle Brigade captured Rabochey Settlement No. 3 and reached the outskirts of Settlements No. 1 and No. 2. The 136th Division made its way to Work Settlement No. 5, but could not immediately take it.

On the right wing of the 67th Army, the attacks of the 45th Guards and 268th Rifle Divisions were still unsuccessful. The Air Force and artillery were unable to eliminate firing points in the 1st, 2nd Gorodok and 8th GRES. In addition, the German troops received reinforcements - formations of the 96th Infantry and 5th Mountain Divisions. The Germans even made fierce counterattacks, using the 502nd heavy tank battalion, which was armed with heavy Tiger I tanks. Soviet troops, despite the introduction of troops of the second echelon - the 13th rifle division, the 102nd and 142nd rifle brigades into battle, they could not turn the tide in this sector in their favor.

In the zone of the 2nd shock army, the offensive continued to develop more slowly than that of the 67th army. German troops, relying on strongholds - Workers' settlements No. 7 and No. 8, Lipke, continued to put up stubborn resistance. On January 13, despite the introduction of part of the forces of the second echelon into the battle, the troops of the 2nd shock army did not achieve serious success in any direction. In the following days, the army command tried to expand the breakthrough in the southern sector from the Kruglaya grove to Gaitolovo, but without significant results. The 256th Rifle Division was able to achieve the greatest success in this direction; on January 14, it occupied Workers' Settlement No. 7, Podgornaya station and reached the approaches to Sinyavino. On the right wing, the 12th ski brigade was sent to help the 128th division, it was supposed to go on the ice of Lake Ladoga to the rear of the Lipka stronghold.

On January 15, in the center of the offensive zone, the 372nd Rifle Division was finally able to take Workers' settlements No. 8 and No. 4, and on the 17th they left the village No. 1. By this day, the 18th Rifle Division and the 98th Tank Brigade of the 2nd UA had already been several days fought a stubborn battle on the outskirts of Workers' Settlement No. 5. Units of the 67th Army attacked it from the west. The moment of joining the two armies was close...

As a result of the January battles of 1943, the southern coast of Lake Ladoga was cleared of the enemy. Between Lake Ladoga and the front line formed corridor 8-11 km wide, through which within 17 days railroads and roads were built.

The blockade was completely lifted January 27, 1944 as a result of the Leningrad-Novgorod strategic offensive operation.

The blockade of Leningrad lasted from September 8, 1941 to January 27, 1944. During this time, 107 thousand air bombs were dropped on the northern capital, about 150 thousand shells were fired. According to various sources, from 400 thousand to 1 million people died during the years of the blockade. In particular, the number of 632 thousand people appeared at the Nuremberg trials. Only 3% of them died from bombing and shelling, the remaining 97% died of starvation.

The light cruiser "Kirov" salutes in honor of the lifting of the blockade of Leningrad!

Leningrad. Firework. Breaking the blockade of Leningrad (January 27, 1944):

Two of my grandmother's sisters lived in Leningrad when the Nazis surrounded the city. One died during the bombing: digging trenches on the outskirts of the city was necessary, but dangerous. The second, by some miracle, survived this terrible time. I was very young when we went to see her in Leningrad, but I remember an old, little grandmother and her kind and very sad eyes. Therefore, I studied with particular interest everything that I came across about the blockade of the city on the Neva.

On the road of life

Leningrad, probably one of the first settlements on which stumbled german plan swift war. After all, Hitler planned to celebrate the new year 1942 in Moscow. Leningrad, on the other hand, was planned to be completely destroyed, to be demolished from the face of the earth. And on September 8, 1941, the German army cut off all land roads to the city. The only thread connecting the city with the mainland was Lake Ladoga, which was shot through by enemy artillery. Along the Road of Life, that was the name of the path that ran along the lake, they were delivered to the city:

  • Food;
  • ammunition for the army;
  • medicines.

At that time about three million people lived in Leningrad. There were few food supplies in the city. Food cards were introduced in the summer, almost immediately after the start of the war. But from the first days of the blockade, the norms of issued products began to decrease sharply. Hunger set in quickly. The fierce winter of 1941–1942 became especially severe.

How long did the blockade last

When I read the details of what was going on in the city at that time, I shudder. At the same time, it is amazing how people in such a situation found the strength to believe in victory, in liberation, work, paint pictures and music. For almost all 900 days of the siege, theaters did not stop working in the city, radio broadcasting did not stop, tanks, guns and ammunition were made at the factories for the front.

Only in January 1944 was it possible to liberate the city. Almost 900 days, or rather 871 days, the blockade of Leningrad lasted, but the city did not give up ...

When I visit St. Petersburg, I definitely visit the Piskarevsky cemetery, a memorial where the inhabitants and defenders of the besieged city are buried.
