Affirmations for every day. Top best affirmations

are positive affirmations that you should definitely bring into your life by simply repeating them. positive affirmations is one way to improve what you want. By applying this method, your life will certainly change positively! Moreover, you will learn how to manage it yourself!

Are affirmations necessary? spiritual development and in human development in general? How do positive affirmations work? By saying affirmations, we influence our subconscious. When we say (out loud or mentally) statements, our subconscious remembers this, and gives us the installation that it is, as we say. We gain confidence, believe in the affirmation, and get what we want. Accordingly, if we talk about bad things, bad things happen in our lives; if we talk about good things, our life is positive. That is, for example, if we are talking about illnesses, lack of money, problems in the family - we get sick, we always have problems. If we are talking about health, well-being, and happy family relationships We are healthy and happy.

"As a man thinks, so he is"

(Folk saying)

I will give an example of what kind of phrases these are - positive affirmations:

"Positive thoughts bring me the benefits and benefits that I desire"
“I am healthy in body and soul and everything is fine with me”
“I have a wonderful job that brings me high income»
“I have a great relationship with my wife (husband)”

By using positive affirmations on a regular basis, we can influence any aspect of our lives. If we lack love, we need to compose and say affirmations for love or affirmations for marriage. If you lack self-confidence and you are unhappy, then affirmations for self-confidence, affirmations for increasing self-esteem, affirmations for happiness will help. If you often get sick or just want to improve your health, then affirmations for health, affirmations for healing are necessary. If you are interested in financial security, then you should use affirmations for money. And if you need a job or you need good luck in business, then use affirmations for work and affirmations for good luck. It is very useful to make affirmations for every day, or even specifically for the time of day (morning, evening). Choose what you need, compose and use daily! You can use the ready-made statements that are given to the left of the article, but I recommend that you compose and use your own statements.

Affirmation Technique

Before you start creating your own positive affirmations, read about affirmation technique. Knowing it, your statements will be correct, which means that the result will not be long in coming.

In the process of creating affirmations, the following factors should be considered:
1. Affirmations must be in the present tense.
What we say, our subconscious perceives as a statement of desire, which means that for it there is no past, no present, no future. Therefore, you do not need to say "I want to be financially secure", so you will just get the desire to be so; you need to say “I am financially secure”, then the subconscious mind will perceive this as a statement of your current position, and this will become a reality.
2. You must believe in what you are talking about.
If you pronounce an affirmation and at the same time do not believe in its implementation, you thereby block the entire process of realizing the goal into reality. I advise, for beginners, to start with easier plausible goals. They will be fulfilled, and you will have confidence in your abilities, and then you can proceed to more difficult tasks.
3. Affirmations should always be positive statements!!!
Do not use the word "no" and the particle "not" in your statements. For example, instead of "I'm not overweight," say, "I'm in great physical shape." Or instead of "I'm not sick," say "I'm healthy." Watch out for the prevailing words, they should only carry good value!
4. Use emotional words in affirmations.
Emotional words make statements even stronger. Emotions should be only positive. Use these words: with pleasure, easy and simple, with joy, great, wonderful. For example: “I feel great, everything is fine with me, I am infinitely happy!”.
5. Affirmation should apply only to you.
You don't need to involve other people in your statements. For example: "My mother will be healthy." Such affirmations will not work. Everyone should make affirmations only concerning himself!

Now, knowing all these factors, you can independently start compiling affirmations. I advise you to take a piece of paper and a pen right now. Write down the statements from easy goal, in ascending order, to the more significant one. And start with the easiest. Say it as often as possible, and you will see how step by step you are moving towards your dream!

It is best if, while saying affirmations, you will be in a relaxed state. Read how to relax here. Then your subconscious will surely perceive your statements. But this is optional. You can pronounce it out loud, or you can say it to yourself, you can write it down many times on a piece of paper, or you can even sing! The main thing is with faith and positive emotions. Affirmations must be said until the statements come true!

And I want to say one more thing. Of course, it won't happen all at once! You won't feel the change all of a sudden. This is not a miracle - once the wish came true! Everything will happen gradually. But, believe me, the result will surprise you!

And in order to speed up the process of achieving the goal, so that your affirmations are realized faster, start visualizing.

Affirmation for every day

It is very important for a person how his day goes. His mood and well-being depend on this, which means his actions and deeds. Therefore, you need to correctly compose an affirmation for each day, thereby setting yourself up for a positive day.

I will give an example affirmations for every day to be read every morning. If you want, you can change something in it or add something.

Today is the start of my new life! I start today - all good things happen to me today! I see all the beauty around me. I live with passion and purpose. Every day I have time for games and joy. I wake up energetic (th) and cheerful (th). I focus on everyone good things in life, I am grateful for them. I live in a world of harmony with everything. I feel love, joy and abundance. I am free to be myself. I'm gorgeous! I am the ideal of life! I am strong (th) to live! Today is the best day of my life!

affirmations for health

In order to feel healthy, or in order not to get sick, say affirmations for health more often.

"I always keep perfect healthy body, spirit and immune system"

“I only enjoy healthy, nutritious food that is good for my body”

“I love being energetic every time after sports exercises”

"I'm healthy and I'm doing well"

Affirmations for Healing

If you are sick with something and want to get rid of the disease, then they will help you.

“My organs are working smoothly and healthy, I feel great”

“My heart works great, I can hear how it beats steadily, how it is filled with blood full of oxygen. I am healthy and my heart is also healthy.”

“My cells are healthy, I feel like they are filled with healthy, fresh blood, I feel the rapid growth of healthy cells. Life fills my body. I'm happy, I'm healthy"

Affirmations for self confidence

Sometimes, we doubt ourselves, our abilities, our appearance. For confidence in yourself and your abilities, use more often.

"Every day and in every way, I get better and better"

“I am confident in myself and clearly follow my path”

"I am fit, handsome and healthy"

"Today I am freed from all my fears, the past has no power over me - today is the beginning of a new life"

affirmations for work

If you do not like your work, or you are not satisfied with your earnings, or your relations with the team do not add up, take everything into your own hands. Everything can be fixed with .

“I have a great job that I love and enjoy. I have great prospects for advancement and I receive an excellent salary of _______ per year.

"I enjoy my job and get rich rewards"

affirmations for wealth

The most common human desire is to become richer. If you're not rich yet, then it's time to get rich. Of course, this will help you .

“I am so happy and grateful that money is coming to me, in increasing amounts, from different sources, on an ongoing basis"

“I am financially secure, my income is increasing every time more and more”

"I am open and receptive to new avenues of income. I now receive my blessings from expected and unexpected sources. I am a limitless being, receiving from a limitless source in unlimited ways. I am happy beyond my wildest dreams."

affirmations for relationships

They will help you to find mutual understanding with people close to you.

“I have a great relationship with _______”

“Harmony and mutual love reign in my family”

“I have a complete understanding with _______”

Affirmations for Success

Do you lack luck and success in life? Then this is exactly what you need!

“Positive thoughts, positive emotions bring me the benefits and benefits that I desire”

"I have enough time, energy, wisdom and means to achieve all my goals"

Affirmation for jealousy

One of the worst feelings between loved ones and loved ones is jealousy. Do not let her settle in your head and heart! Say affirmations for jealousy and trust your loved ones!

“I love my husband very much, I completely trust him. He is my most devoted, most caring and most the best man. We have complete harmony in relations with him.”


Affirmations are positive affirmations that help change the way we think and shape the future we want. Saying affirmations is effective way achieve your goal, happiness, love, inner harmony, health and well-being. Our thoughts and emotions shape our lives and our environment. It is important to remember the expression "like attracts like". And it's true: negative thoughts attract negative events into our lives, and the fears that we fear will certainly come true, because. we projected them ourselves. Positive thoughts and emotions of love, happiness and pleasure will be attracted into our lives. happy events and the people we need. Affirmations are aimed at working with the subconscious. Logically, everyone understands that they want to be loved and love, they want to have a lot of money and success in life, good health and free time. In practice, not everyone has it. Because, most of all, the subconscious invests in our life. And, if it decided that “there is not enough money”, then they are actually not enough. The left side of the brain (in right-handed people) and the right side in left-handers are responsible for the subconscious. It is this half that should be persuaded to achieve results in life.

Features of using affirmations

The mechanical pronunciation of affirmations is a waste of time. It only affects the memorization of faceless information. The most important thing lies in using affirmations to evoke positive feelings and experiences, instead of negative ones. If you say: “I have a lot of money” and something shrinks inside, then this will not have an effect and a feeling of self-deception will arise.

The real result is when, with the phrase “I have a lot of money,” a feeling of flight, lightness and soaring arises. For the sake of this, it is worth pronouncing an affirmation, and our method of compiling audio affirmations is aimed at this result. It is very important to connect logically correct information and feelings associated with it. Or in other words, so that the information in one hemisphere of the brain matches the information in the other.

Affirmations for men

I forgive all men of my kind and accept their male energy as a driving creative force.
I am a strong, brave and independent person.
I am full of energy and able to do whatever I need.
I courageously move forward, believing in success.
I am able to infect others with my optimism.
I am masculine and sexy.
I am stable and confident.
I am a strong, smart and brave person!
I am a man! I am the Force! I am my word! I take responsibility for my life.
I believe in myself and in my success!
I consciously accept myself as I am - Here and Now!
I have divine willpower!
My willpower is developing and getting stronger every day!
I effectively use my willpower, my faith, my talents and opportunities!
I think fast, decisively and effectively!
I am tuned only to the goals that are important to me, and they encourage me to act!
I am full of strength and energy - Here and Now!
I am absolutely calm in difficult situations!
I can easily and quickly find a solution in any difficult situation!
I allow myself to take reasonable risks and experiment!
I am a gifted and talented person!
I am happy here and now!
I enjoy my existence.
I love and I love - Here and Now!
I know my truth.
I am through everything that life gives me!
I love and respect myself!
I forgive myself for past mistakes, but I always use my experience wisely.
Loving others, I love myself! Loving myself, I love others!
I let people think whatever they want about me.
I am grateful to fate and people for every lesson.
I am a successful and rich person here and now.
I go to material security confidently and calmly.
I rejoice in my small and big successes.
I calmly accept mistakes, they make me stronger and more experienced.
I believe in myself and my abilities! I'm doomed to success!
I am the master of my life! I create my own reality!
I playfully create wealth for myself! I am successful and achieve everything I want.
I have what it takes to be successful.
I am a successful and rich person here and now.

affirmations for women

From now on, I want to see my own beauty and splendor. I have a great balance female energy. I am a young, slim, beautiful and sexy woman!
I am a wise and beautiful woman.
I was determined to love myself and please myself.
I am the one and only for myself.
I - Strong woman.
I don't belong to anyone; I am free.
I recognize my strength and use it.
It's good for me to be alone. I like other women, I love and support them.
I like being a woman. I feel my own integrity and perfection.
I am a very strong woman, worthy of love and respect. I can take care of myself.
I like how I look. I accept myself for who I am.
I love me! I am a beautiful woman! I am delighted with myself! I am satisfied with myself!
I appreciate myself! I take care of myself! I deserve care and attention!
I am self-sufficient! I'm already an adult! I make all the decisions myself!
I enjoy self-realization and reaching new heights!
I easily take the first steps to my happiness!
I deserve a lot!
I allow men to show their intelligence, gallantry and generosity in dealing with me!
I am the owner of my life!
I am a divine creature and have limitless possibilities!
I am worthy of love and easily meet a man worthy of me!
I thank the Creator for creating such a beautiful and perfect being like me!
I allow myself to build any relationship with men! Every man brings me joy and pleasure! My relationships with all men give me joy and pleasure! Men love me! Men see me as a charming woman!
I am delighted with my body! I am in awe of my femininity!
I'm in awe of my sexuality!
I am delighted with my sensuality! I admire my appearance and my actions! I easily find agreement with my body!
I am the perfect woman! I love myself and love myself!
I am delighted with myself!
I am happy, self-confident, successful - Here and Now!
I love and I am loved - Here and Now!
I am whole, wise, effective and successful - Here and Now!

About health

I bathe in the waters of health.
My body is a temple of strength and love. I enjoy being aware of my health.
I feel great. Strength overwhelms me.
I am perfectly healthy/healthy.
Every day I get better and better.
I love food that is good for health.
I love every cell in my body.
I am constantly looking for new ways to improve my body.
I return my body to its optimal state of health by providing it with everything it needs.
I am free/free from pain.
I am completely in sync with the rhythm of life. Healing is happening!
I release my thoughts from problems and let the mind of my body take over the natural healing process.
My body does its best to maintain excellent health.
My life is balanced: work, leisure and entertainment - everything has its time.
I am not afraid to ask for help when needed.
I always choose qualified medicine that suits my needs.
I sleep healthy, sound sleep. My body appreciates my taking care of it.
I love everything that helps to maintain excellent health.
I have a Guardian Angel. The Lord protects and protects me.
Health is my Divine right, I can claim it. Part of the time I help others. This is good for health.
I am thankful/grateful for a healthy body.
I love life.
Water is my favorite drink. I drink a lot of water to cleanse my soul and body.
The shortest road to health is to be filled with joyful thoughts. Good thoughts are the key to good health.
I am in harmony with the part of me that knows the secrets of healing.
I breathe deeply. I breathe life itself. I am full/full of energy.
My body knows the way to health and wholeness.
I allow myself to be healthy/healthy. Health lives in my mind.
My true nature is whole, full of vitality, beautiful and harmonious. I accept my power and my healing. I invite healing into my life.
My healthy mind creates a healthy body.
Unlimited resources of health and wholeness rest in the depths of my being.
I am growing in awareness of the healing power of Life.
I surround all the cells of my body with healing love.
I respect the needs of my body.
I sleep well. I wake up feeling fresh and energized.
I lead an active lifestyle and keep myself in great shape.
There is room in my diet for useful products needed for my body.
Taking care of your body is a natural part of loving yourself.
All my organs work perfectly!
I love my body and take care of it! I have excellent health and excellent metabolism!
Everything I eat is only good for me!
I express the joy of life and enjoy every moment of every day to the end. And I'm getting younger again.
I breathe deeply.
I'm safe. I trust life process. I trust the process of life.
I'm safe. I breathe life evenly and freely. I easily "assimilate" life. Life is eternal and full of joy.


By using affirmations, you can speed up the appearance of love in your life. You can use affirmations to attract love so that it lives in your heart, so that you enjoy its touch, so that you meet the person you need. The main thing is to regularly return to positive statements and believe in them. Trust that your thoughts will soon become your sweet reality.

Choose those affirmations that are close to you, or make up your own. And know that you deserve the very best.

I radiate light, joy and love.
I love me.
I accept myself for who I am.
I send love to all my friends.
I let love into my life.
I am the radiating center of universal love.
I open myself to love. She is in and around me.
I bathe in unconditional divine love.
I radiate love every moment.
I love every part of my body.
I fully accept myself.
Love comes into my life easily and effortlessly.
Love is with me, in every moment of life.
I breathe in love and joy.
I'm made / made for love.
I give and receive unconditional love easy and free.
The people around me love me unconditionally.
I feel loved / loved and needed / needed.
My parents and friends absolutely love me.
I express unconditional love freely.
I share my unconditional love with ease. And she comes back to me.
I give unconditional love to all people.
I allow myself to love and be loved/loved.
I enjoy love.
I attract loving people into your life.
I am always worthy / worthy of love.
I attract love and happiness into my life.
I love and approve of myself.
I let loving relationships in.
My partner loves and respects me.
I swim in the ocean of love.

Super Affirmations for More Love in Your Life

My heart beats in the rhythm of love.
I forget everything in my head that does not look like love and joy.
I'm moving on to something new, fresh, vital.
I love and appreciate myself. I love and approve of myself.
I am a wonderful person.
I part with everything except love.
I look at everything with love and joy. I can perceive the fullness of life.
I take life with love. I am free to take care of myself. Now I can freely express whatever I want.
I communicate only with the feeling of love. I talk about everything with love.
I only breathe good.
I love and enjoy myself. I treat myself kindly, gently.
Everything goes well. I don't have conflicting feelings.
Where I am, be safe. I create my own security.
I love and approve of myself.
I was born / was born then to know that there is only love in the world.
I'm starting to realize what a wonderful person I am.
I love myself and enjoy myself.
I am a beautiful creation of the Lord God. He loves me infinitely and I accept this love.
I am open/open and ready/ready for a wonderful relationship based on unconditional love.
My positive thoughts help me create relationships full of love and support.
My heart is open to love.
It's safe to express your love.
I bring laughter and joy with me everywhere.
People love me and I love people.
I am in harmony with life.
I feel safe because self-love protects me.
I have a harmonious relationship with life.
I love and love / love.
I live with the man of my dreams. I love you.
My relationship is getting better and better every day.
I am happy / happy.
I am filled/filled with love.
My life is full of love.
I sincerely love myself.
I am grateful / thankful to God for meeting my beloved / beloved.
I create my own happy relationships.
I am the creator of my destiny.

affirmations for wealth

What is an affirmation? This is special positive thought or a proposal that should contribute to the achievement of success in various areas such as business, self-improvement, personal life etc.

Affirmation is one of the most powerful tools.

Your life depends entirely on your thoughts. Your thoughts characterize your attitude to the world, shaping your behavior and attitude to life. After you have understood and realized the power of your thoughts, then comes the moment of transforming your thoughts into words and creating affirmations.

Affirmation is the first step towards positive change in your life. And there is nothing difficult in this, it is quite easy to create a statement. Let's see how to do it.

How to make an affirmation

1. Determine what you need

Before you start writing effective affirmations, you need to figure out what you really want. Maybe you are not sure what you would like to change in your life. Don't worry! In order to decide what you want, you can simply look at things that do not satisfy you. After that, you will be able to understand what you need.

2. Don't use the particle "not"

Your subconscious doesn't understand it. Thus, you get the opposite negative effect. It is also forbidden to use other negative phrases such as “no”, “never”, “get rid of”, etc.

3. Clarify

Your affirmations should be clear, specific, short and in the present tense (excluding “may”, “will”, “may”), include words indicating your emotions and feelings (easy, joyful, etc.).

4. Connect your fantasy

Effective affirmations should contain words and images that affect the imagination and feelings. Just words won't help. This is a very personal process and therefore affirmations should be linked to personal values ​​and aspirations.

5. Create realistic affirmations

For example, if you stated that you want to make $50,000 next month and you made $40,000 this month, then that is a realistic statement. However, if your earnings this month totaled only $300, then your subconscious simply will not believe it.

6. Start with “I”

This is the most powerful part of your affirmation. Your subconscious perceives this word as a call to work on the next words.

7. Create an affirmation like a fait accompli

"I'll be happy!" is an incorrect statement. An effective affirmation would be “I am happy!”. If you say "I will good car!“, your subconscious takes this statement as the fact that you don’t have a car right now.

8. Your affirmations should be personal.

When creating an affirmation, don't include anything you would like to change in others. Describe your and only your emotions and desires.

9. Make your affirmations positive.

Don't think about things you don't want. For example, if you don't want to be poor, your mind gets a picture of poverty. Change your thoughts. If you want to be rich, just say "I'm rich!"

The main mistakes when creating an effective affirmation

  • Using the word "may". Your subconscious knows perfectly well that you can without any approval. In such a case, your statements will not be effective.
  • Do not create your affirmations in the future tense.
  • You should repeat your affirmations regularly, not sporadically. The effect will be great. But you need to control your thoughts constantly. Very often people stop repeating their affirmations due to lack of patience.

Video about affirmation:

Practice affirmations- a powerful technique that can completely change a person and his life. But on one condition: if he composes them correctly and applies them correctly. As affirmations for every day, we have already considered earlier. Today we will talk about how apply correctly affirmations.

Since our consciousness can only hold one thought at one point in time, then repeating affirmations every day allows you to fill your subconscious with the necessary thoughts, and then keep them in your mind. Those. Affirmations replace negative thoughts in your head with positive ones.

Primary requirements

He was the first to develop a clear technique of self-hypnosis. And this basic technique should not be neglected at all, because it was compiled by a psychiatrist who knew how our brain works. Kue had four basic requirements to work with self-hypnosis formulas:

1) Be sure to say them in bed (in the morning after waking up and in the evening before going to bed).
2) Be sure to say it out loud (pronounce it), and so that you can hear yourself.
3) Repeat the formula several times (Emile Coué insisted on 20 repetitions).
4) Speak with concentration, but without emotions, abstractly, so that the words purely mechanically fall into the subconscious.

Where Emile Coué got the number 20 from is not known. The ancient mystical techniques of working on oneself suggest significantly more number repetitions. And those people who claim that affirmations do not work, first of all, you should think, how many times they repeat their own affirmations

Since ancient times, people have tried to figure out how to track number of repetitions. The most common rosary, so you can also use them. There is one more tricky trick- compose a simple song from your phrases and constantly hum it, as a background for the rest of your affairs.

When working with affirmations, you can also use force right hand and prescribe your affirmative phrases. But still, they must be spoken in an undertone.

Subtleties of work

The power of affirmations can be increased. Here are some very helpful tips.

First of all, the environment significantly enhances the effect. Affirmations will work very strongly, which are pronounced in front of a mirror, when a person looks directly into his own eyes.

At first, the work will be very difficult to move forward, because. consciousness sees that your statement is not true. It treats it as spam and doesn't pass it through its filter. You can even feel this inner resistance. It may also exacerbate negative programs what you have inside.

You can draw an analogy with a glass in which is poured dirty water. If you put a glass under the tap, the dirty water will gradually pour out and be replaced by clean water. In the end, the water in the glass will become completely clean.

Affirmations work the same way. But negative thoughts are not easy to replace. The older and stronger they are, the more time is needed for this. It is believed that need a month so that information can break into the subconscious and take root there. Subsequently, these phrases can become our beliefs.

Therefore, at the first stage, act purely mechanically, regularly repeating the same thing every day. So the first grains of information can get into your subconscious. Over time, these words will merge with your thoughts. And within you, affirmations will take on a life of their own.

The main thing is to work REGULARLY. For greater success, it is good to combine affirmations with visualization. Create an image of what you want to have as a result.

Why affirmations
may not work

Most often, affirmations do not work because people either choose those statements that do not suit them at all, or build their phrases incorrectly. In any case, the effect of such a practice will be zero. five most major mistakes , which is most often allowed:

  • Use the future tense.
  • Use the words "can" and "will".
  • They don't work regularly.
  • They prepare a kind of vinaigrette from the phrases: today one, tomorrow another.
  • Use several affirmations at the same time.

Take an example from doctors. They do not try to cure the patient of all diseases at once. A council of doctors meets and decides what to pay attention to first of all.

Be sure to work with your phrases SEQUENTIALLY, practicing one at a time for at least a month. It is best if you stretch this period up to three months.

How to work with
incredible desires

On the basis of affirmations, a very interesting technique is built for working with the most incredible desires (these are the desires that initially seem unrealistic to you). If you have such desires, make a list of them and choose no more than six of them. Less is possible, but not more.

Now, what is required of you is simply to write them down in the Diary every day and at the same time pronounce them.

Many desires can seem unrealistic to people because their brain does not see ways to achieve them. Try to say such a desire out loud at least a hundred times. And then see if it still seems so impossible to you. When you say a wish, you release it to the will of the Universe. And if it is favorable for you and you need it, then the Universe itself will find ways to implement it.

What effect do
affirmations for every day

Only 10 minutes daily activities with your affirmations are quite capable of erasing what have been sitting in your head for years.

Affirmations change thinking and prepare a person for changes in life. But they work only for those who uses them. The more often and more you use these phrases, the better they will work for you.

As you can see, with the help of affirmations, you can even work out your desires. Or you can correct your thoughts and remove negative attitudes. You can start the body to implement a health program. To do this, you need to learn how to replace your usual “I can’t” with “I can”, “I won’t” with “I will”, “I don’t like” with “I love”, and then come up with a new path for yourself.

The word "affirmation" (affirmatio) is of Latin origin and is translated as "statement", "confirmation". It implies a short phrase containing, repeated repetition of which during the day sets a person in the appropriate mood, improving his mood, instilling in him, faith in his strength, and ultimately helps him achieve the desired result.

They say that how you start the day is how you end it. And it is unlikely that it will turn out well if, as soon as we wake up, we load ourselves with negative statements reinforced by past failures, or remember what bad happened yesterday and can happen today.

Influencing the subconscious of a person, affirmation programs it for definite result. For example, we need to cross a narrow log to the other side of a stream. Saying to ourselves: “It's so easy,” we really will easily find ourselves on the other side. As soon as we think that the task is not easy, and even connect our imagination, we will start to rock from the first step, and we will find ourselves in the water. And the people say: "Tell a man a hundred times that he is a pig, and in response to the hundred and first he grunts."

So, our subconscious mind is very sensitive responds to repeated statements whether they are positive or negative. By the way, in Hinduism there is such a thing as a mantra - this is a sacred text, a verse or a spell in the form of several words or sounds, the repetition of which gives a person spiritual power, has healing properties, and even favorably affects his karma.

Affirmations are closely related to self-hypnosis(autosuggestion) - a suggestion that a person directs at himself. However, with self-hypnosis, a person can give himself both positive and negative attitudes. Doctors have observed cases when individual patients with great power of self-hypnosis were cured of cancer. And at the same time, in their practice, there were cases when too impressionable people "self-hypnosis" to the point of schizophrenia. There are cases when women who passionately wanted, but could not conceive a child, so convinced themselves of the “onset” pregnancy that they even stopped menstruating and showed signs of toxicosis, but, of course, a miracle did not happen.

Nevertheless, in people who believe in their recovery and reinforce this belief with positive attitudes, illnesses usually proceed more easily and recovery occurs faster than those who, already at a temperature of over 38 degrees, begin to think about the eternal.

Thus, it can be said that affirmations are based on self-hypnosis. However, if we wish, we can inspire ourselves with anything - both bad and good. But the main thing about affirmations is that they contain precisely positive attitudes, acting in accordance with which we improve the quality of our lives!

However, not all so simple

You can repeat endlessly something like “Today I’m lucky!” or “I will succeed!”, but the result will be zero, and we are disappointed. How so? We tried to ourselves, assured that everything would be fine, but here there are only troubles and failures.

It turns out that affirmations obey a number of rules, and "agree" to work only when they are comprehensively implemented.

When affirmations work, or 11 rules for working with affirmations

1. You need to believe in the spoken affirmation

And here easier themes who can perceive it as some kind of witchcraft or magic that will undoubtedly come true. People with rational thinking, of course, find it more difficult to believe in it. Yes, and it is unlikely that they have a need for affirmations.

2. Affirmations need to be spoken repeatedly (better out loud)

Psychologists even advise writing them down, both with the right and left hands, in order to use both hemispheres.

3. Affirmations should be specific, not vague.

For example: “I want to make a lot of money” is a bad affirmation because the word “a lot” is too vague. It’s better to say to yourself: “My income is growing every day,” or to determine the desired amount (within reasonable limits).

4. Affirmations must come from the first person - "I", "me", "I", "mine"

For example, "I have slim figure". However, the affirmation “Money loves me” is not good, although it contains the word “me”, since the main thing here is actor, in fact, are the money, not us. It is quite another thing if you say: "I love money and do not scatter it."

5. In affirmations, you cannot use the negative particle “not”

They should express our desires and aspirations, and not focus on the shortcomings that we would like to get rid of.

Don't tell yourself, "I'll never be late for work again." The phrase “I like to get up early because then I come to work on time” will work much more effectively. Or instead of “Tomorrow I won’t forget to call,” it’s better to say about yourself “I have a good memory, I remember perfectly all the calls I have to make.” “I like learning new things” is the right affirmation. “I don’t like that I know less than others” is wrong.

6. Affirmation should not consist of a long sentence

A proposal in which we strive to list all our "Wishlist" at once. Thus, we scatter our attention and get nothing as a result.

7. You need to be prepared for the fact that some kind of affirmation will not work.

The fact is that usually our personal affirmations relate to the subject in which we are strongly interested. And affirmation stimulates us, it is designed to help us push ourselves, reinforces our efforts. Perhaps we would have achieved our goal without her, but only would have come to the goal a little later. And in this case, affirmation is to help us.

But it happens in another way: our whole nature resists the words that we have concluded in affirmation. We say to ourselves: “I love to learn,” but we internally understand that this is not so, that we are trying to inspire ourselves with something that is contrary to our desires. Probably, with the help of affirmation, we will be able to spur ourselves on and spend several days studying textbooks until we realize that it causes nothing but disgust. And our vocation is different - we like to do something with our own hands.

8. Affirmations will be effective if the meaning of what we say is consistent with how we do it.

That is, the bodily corset and the expression of our face should not contradict the affirmation. If we say to ourselves: “I enjoy authority - friends and colleagues listen to my words and advice” and at the same time stoop, and our face expresses despondency and boredom, then we cannot deceive even our own subconscious, not to mention those around us.

9. It is desirable that affirmations include words that evoke positive emotions.

For example, “I love”, “I like”, “with pleasure”, “with joy”, etc.

10. Affirmation is made in the present tense

After all, its purpose is to give the subconscious a signal to induce us to act now, and not sometime later, in an indefinite future.

11. The role of affirmations should not be underestimated, but it should not be overestimated either.

Counting on their magical power, you can “wait for the weather by the sea” for a long time. By themselves affirmations will not change the situation that we are going to improve with them.

If a heap of urgent matters has accumulated at work, the apartment has not been cleaned, and we ourselves arrange a “night watch” and are too lazy to go for a run, then even repeating to ourselves for the hundred and five hundredth time how everything is wonderful with us and what a great figure we have, it’s true to see it should be in the eyes.

affirmations- this is our assistant, which can turn into an enemy if we begin to rely on them where we need to get down to business.

Affirmations for every day

positive affirmations

  1. I can do everything!
  2. I can do everything well!
  3. In my life, everything always happens on time and according to the best scenario.
  4. I'm grateful (grateful)
  5. universe for everything wealth in my life.
  6. Today is the best day of my life.
  7. I have everything I need to enjoy life here and now.
  8. I attract spiritual and material well-being into my life.
  9. I am doing well and every day my life is getting even better!
  10. My life blossoms, being in perfect harmony.
  11. I recognize and feel my power.
  12. In any situation, I am calm and focused.
  13. I am always lucky.

Affirmations by Louise Hay

  1. I am always safe and God keeps me.
  2. The truth is revealed to me about everything I need to know.
  3. Everything I need comes to me at the right time and day.
  4. Life is joy and it is full of love.
  5. I love and I am loved.
  6. I am healthy and full of vitality.
  7. Everything I do brings me success.
  8. I want to change and grow spiritually.
  9. All is well in my world.

Louise Hay affirmations for women

  1. I am constantly discovering wonderful qualities in myself.
  2. I see my magnificent inner being.
  3. I admire myself.
  4. I am a wise and beautiful woman.
  5. I was determined to love myself and be happy with myself.
  6. I am responsible for my life.
  7. I am the one and only for myself.
  8. I'm expanding my options.
  9. I have a wonderful life.
  10. I am free and can realize myself as a person.

Affirmations to attract money

  1. I'm always in right place and at the right time.
  2. I always get everything that is the greatest good for me.
  3. Money flows to me easily.
  4. If others can be rich, I can too!
  5. I am a money magnet.
  6. I always get what I want for myself.
  7. I am full of ideas to make money.
  8. I earn monthly.
  9. Unexpected income pleases me.
  10. Money flows freely and easily in my life.
  11. I am a magnet for money and money is a magnet for me.
  12. I am very successful.
  13. My prosperity thoughts create my prosperous world.
  14. My income is growing all the time.
  15. My life is filled with love.
  16. I'm in charge of my life.
  17. The love in my life starts with myself.
  18. I am a strong woman.
  19. I do not belong to anyone: I am free, I strive to learn new things in life.
  20. I deserve love and respect.
  21. I stand firmly on my feet.
  22. It's good for me to be alone.
  23. I recognize my strength and use it.
  24. I enjoy everything I have.
  25. I like other women, I love and support them.
  26. I love and appreciate myself.
  27. I am completely satisfied with my life.
  28. I like being a woman.
  29. I radiate love in all its diversity.
  30. I like that I live here and now.
  31. I am a very strong woman, worthy of love and respect.
  32. I fill my life with love.
  33. I feel my own worth and perfection.
  34. I perceive life as a unique gift.
  35. I am safe, all is well around me.
  36. I want to see myself in all my splendor.
  37. My future is bright and beautiful.
  38. Now I am independent and independent in my choice of decisions.
  39. I am called to fulfill a grateful mission on this planet.
  40. I can easily grow and improve.
  41. I provide myself with everything I need.

Affirmations that express love for your body

  1. I love my body.
  2. My body loves to be healthy.
  3. Love is in my heart.
  4. There is life force in my blood.
  5. Every cell in my body is loved.
  6. All my organs work perfectly.
  7. I admire my wonderful body.
  8. I am healthy like never before.
  9. I can take care of myself.
  10. My favorite drink is water.
  11. I live in complete harmony with the world around me.

Affirmations for health

  1. I am well.
  2. Happiness surrounds me.
  3. My mental health is fine. I am joyful, positive and optimistic.
  4. Every cell in my body now vibrates with energy and health.
  5. I am stress free.
  6. Every day I feel healthier and healthier.
  7. I eat healthy food and I feel great.
  8. Every day my vision is better than yesterday.
  9. I love to exercise every day.
  10. I am grateful for my healthy body.
  11. Perfect health is my divine right, and I claim it now.
  12. Every cell in my body radiates energy and health.
  13. My the immune system is very strong.
  14. Every organ in my body performs its functions to the optimum extent.
  15. My body is energetic.
  16. I have enough strength, energy and cheerfulness at any time of the day.
  17. God's love flows through my body easily and restores it.
  18. The light within me has a healing effect.
  19. Every doctor that I meet on the way helps my recovery.
  20. My inner voice leads me to the appropriate method to restore my health.
  21. My body heals quickly and easily.
  22. My life energy is increasing every day.