Master class suite design birthday modeling designing mk organza bouquet secrets of forming organza paper corrugated beads glue foam tape products food fabric. Puffy skirts, tutu skirt

For a florist, it is important to be able not only to compose a spectacular bouquet of flowers, but also to arrange it beautifully.

For the packaging of modern stylish bouquets of flowers, various materials are used: cellophane, burlap, mesh, felt, organza, sisal, film, etc.

In this free video tutorial, you will learn how to arrange and beautifully wrap a bouquet of flowers in sisal canvas. The master class is conducted by florist-designer Hitomi Gilliam.

Sisal is a decorative natural fabric made from the leaves of the agave plant. Sisal fabric is often used to decorate bouquets of flowers and floral arrangements. Sisal consists of natural fibers, so it always harmonizes with flowers and greenery, looks like a very natural addition to the bouquet. Sisal is not just a beautiful package, but a part of a floral arrangement.

Hitomi Gilliam used Amour mesh sisal in pink and green to compose and wrap the stylish bouquet of flowers. We will make a bouquet in two colors: pink and light green. Therefore, we will select sisal packaging in the same color range.

First you need to prepare the packaging for the bouquet. Sisal fabric with aluminum wire gives a very interesting decorative effect, while such a package is quite durable.

Cut off a piece of sisal fabric from the roll. Glue a few pieces of double-sided adhesive tape in the center of the cut. We take a gold-colored wire, cut off a piece a little longer than the canvas. We twist the wire around the edges. Spiral rings at the ends of the wire are also an important decorative element of our design. We apply the wire in the center of the canvas, glue it. We fold the canvas in half, glue it in the places where the adhesive tape is attached. Then we fold the sisal in the form of a fan and fix it with a thin wire. We bend the wire, giving our package the shape of a cone.
In the same way, we prepare the second part of the package from green sisal fabric. Look what an interesting combination of pink and green!

Now let's take care of the flowers. Our bouquet will use pink roses, green spray chrysanthemums, green and pink orchids and decorative pink balls. Orchid flowers are placed in floristic test tubes with water and fixed in hollow tubes.

We begin to make our bouquet. Place three pink roses in the center. We collect all the flowers and wrap them with sisal cloth. We fix the bouquet with wire.

In conclusion, it is necessary to cut the stems of flowers and beautifully arrange the stem of the bouquet. We wrap the stems with a green cloth, which we fix with decorative gold wire. We twist the ends of the wire into spiral rings.

We made a very beautiful bouquet of roses, chrysanthemums and orchids, decorated with sisal fabric and gold wire. Such a spectacular bouquet can be easily assembled and packaged by yourself, with your own hands.

Video prepared AccentDecor.

What could be more elegant, concise and beautiful than a complete floral arrangement of flowers and greenery, skillfully decorated with packaging materials.
To ensure that your bouquets always attract the eyes of buyers, let's look at the types of flower packaging and consider in which case each of them will be most appropriate.
Let's start with the fact that the packaging is natural and synthetic. While it is believed that natural packaging looks more noble, synthetic materials are also widely used by experienced florists and have their own advantages.

Consider the most popular synthetic packaging materials.

  1. Color and transparent film- one of the most popular and affordable materials in the design of bouquets. A wide variety of colors and a relatively low price make the film the most popular material among bouquet makers. In the arsenal of each florist, in addition to a plain and ornamented film of various colors, there must be a sufficient amount of white and transparent film for packaging elite flowers on tall stems.

  1. Organza - an elegant synthetic wrapping material with a sheen, often used by florists in wedding bouquets. Therefore, in stores specializing in the preparation of solemn bouquets, there should be a sufficient supply of white organza. But organza ribbons in bright colors are good to use in decorating packaging and wrapping stems.

  1. artificial mesh has a wide variety of colors and shapes. It happens both plain and decorated with lurex. It goes well with other packaging materials, such as felt. Such packaging perfectly keeps its shape, therefore it is popular both as a full-fledged packaging material and as an element of packaging decor.

Now let's move on to natural packaging.

  1. Felt - surprisingly light and soft to the touch, the material is perfect for packing a scattering of flowers. For this purpose, you can use both plain colored felt and felt with a colored print. This type of packaging is perfect for flowers with a long stem. But florists still recommend packing lilies and very tall roses in cellophane, but in no case in color, as it simplifies the bouquet.

  1. Sisal- natural fiber from the leaves of the agave, an excellent material for packaging flowers with a short stem and a stem of medium length. You can use both sisal rolls and ready-made sisal frames. However, it is worth remembering that it is worth choosing the color of such a package with extreme caution so as not to visually make the bouquet heavier. The best option would be to use the flowers present in the bouquet. For example, a composition of red and pink flowers is best packed in pink sisal.
    In the design of interiors, gifts and bouquets, designers and florists also use soft sisal in bags.

  1. Jute mesh and fiber - natural materials that give the bouquet a natural natural look. This type of packaging is used in status business bouquets, but it is better not to pack a romantic delicate bouquet in jute materials, as they give the flowers excessive severity. Ideally combined with these materials will be exotic flowers, such as strelitzia, anthurium, protea and others.
    Combinations of these materials are also interesting in compositions with dried flowers.

I would like to pay special attention ribbons used in floristry. Ribbons come in a variety of widths, densities and colors. In specialized stores you will find an abundance of colored satin and polypropylene ribbons with and without embossing; plain and patterned; a wide selection of ribbons, incl. and with decorative stripes; polypropylene metallized teip tapes; as well as ribbons imitating an aspidistra leaf. Also in the design of bouquets using coarse natural fabrics, jute has proven itself well. Which tape to choose in each case depends on the type of packaging used and the personal preferences of the florist.

When decorating flower arrangements, it is worth remembering that bright bouquets are best packed in a transparent film. This will highlight the natural beauty of the flowers. If you doubt the color combination of the bouquet and packaging, it is better to use universal colors - beige, white and green.

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Every woman can make a tutu skirt, even if she doesn't know how to sew. Prepare tulle, organza or chiffon, and start creating a masterpiece with your own hands.

A tutu skirt is a fluffy skirt with a belt or elastic band. For its manufacture, light fabrics in the form of tulle or organza are used. Such material perfectly holds its shape, which allows you to create a truly magical image.

Previously, such skirts were sewn for girls of preschool and primary school age to create delicate images for matinees. But at the end of the last century, adult beauties began to wear such a fluffy skirt in order to emphasize lightness and romance in their fashionable look.

Important: Now even newborn girls wear such a skirt. The image of a little baby in such clothes in photographs looks spectacular.

Important: If a woman knows how to correctly choose the rest of the clothes for this airy skirt, then this wardrobe item can be worn for any event: for a walk with a young man, for a date with a loved one, and even for an evening celebration.

How to make a tutu skirt for newborns with your own hands?

If the mother of a newborn girl does not know how to handle a sewing machine at all, she will be able to create a tutu skirt for her princess on her own. This does not require a lot of time and expensive materials.

So, how to make a tutu skirt for newborns with your own hands? Prepare fabric and items for sewing:

  • Tulle fabric - 1 meter white, about 5 meters red and 0.5 meters pink
  • Scissors
  • Threads
  • Needle
  • White elastic band at least 2.5 cm wide

Now, to create a magnificent product, we perform the following steps:

  1. Prepare an elastic band: measure the crumbs waist, plus 1 cm to connect the edges
  2. Sew this braid and put it on the legs of an inverted stool, children's chair
  3. Cut pieces of tulle fabric into strips 25 cm wide and 50 cm long
  4. Now start putting the product together: take a strip of red tulle material and tie it to an elastic band. Then tie a strip of white and pink tulle. Do this for all fabric pieces.
  5. Tie the strips on an elastic band, slide them tightly towards each other until there is no free space on the rubber band. The more material you use, the fuller the skirt will be.
  6. At the waist, the skirt can be decorated with several small satin ribbon bows or one puffy bow on the side.
  7. Remove the product from the chair - the skirt is ready

Important: When you make tulle knots, do not tighten them too much so that the elastic is not overtightened. Otherwise, while wearing it, it will ugly twist.

Tip: You can combine the colors of tulle in different ways: tie one strip of each color or, for example, ten stripes of one, then the same number of strips of another color. You can alternate 5 stripes of white through 1 strip of red or pink.

For a daughter of 7-10 years old, you can also create a puffy skirt without sewing using the method described above - it's simple and fast. The only thing is to choose the color of the material.

If such clothes are needed to create a costume, for example, for a New Year's holiday in a kindergarten, then white and blue tulle can be used. Get the original costume "Snowflake". For another celebration, a skirt of bright colors is perfect, and for wearing in everyday life, for a girl, it is worth creating a product from a fabric of delicate shades: pink, light green, yellow.

Many mothers ask how to sew a tutu skirt for a girl with their own hands?

Tip: Get tulle material, spend a maximum of 2 hours and show your imagination. Thanks to this, you can create a beautiful product that will be your favorite wardrobe item for your beauty.

For an adult fashionista, a tutu skirt can be made according to the same principle as for little beauties, that is, without the use of threads and needles. Follow these steps:

  1. Decide on the length of the rubber band according to the measurements of the girth along the waistline. Sew the edges of the elastic
  2. Decide on the length of the product itself. Cut ribbons 10 cm wide twice as long as desired length
  3. Fold these wide ribbons in half and tie to the rubber band. Do this until the tulle completely covers the elastic band.
  4. Sew a petticoat to match the tulle. You can wear this exquisite piece of clothing

Tip: If you do not want to sew a petticoat, then such a magnificent product can be worn with leggings to match the skirt - original and beautiful!

Now it’s worth considering how to create an adult do-it-yourself tutu skirt, which is based on. Follow the steps:

  1. Prepare a piece of rigid mesh (1.5m x 1.5m) and soft tulle of the same size
  2. Cut all cuts into two parts 0.75m x 1.5m and fold four times
  3. Take measurements of the line 5 cm below the waist. Thanks to this, the product will not add extra pounds, because the waist will turn out to be underestimated.
  4. Transfer the resulting measurement to the cuts folded in 4 layers into the corner
  5. Measure the length on this “sandwich” (about 60 cm) and cut off the excess canvas
  6. To make the product beautiful, the lower layers should be 1-5 cm longer than the upper ones.
  7. Put all the finished circles together
  8. Make a belt from elastic knitted fabric - 20 cm wide, and the length is equal to the waist circumference. Sew it to the circles of tulle folded together
  9. To prevent the belt from stretching after wearing and washing, sew inside its rubber band

Tip: For a DIY piece that can be worn every day, use a soft wool top layer to match the bottom circles. You will get a style mix of a lush tulle tutu and a "chop".

A more detailed description of sewing such a skirt can be found in the video:

Video: tutu skirt.flv

Evening dress makes a woman elegant and unique. A long tutu skirt gives the image of lightness and romance. Such clothes will be in fashion for several more seasons, so you can safely sew this wardrobe item for yourself and wear it with pleasure.

Do-it-yourself long tutu skirt is made according to the principle described above:

  1. Open four circles "sun" of the desired length, the lower layers are slightly longer than the upper
  2. Put them together and sew to the belt. Skirt ready

Important: A top with a neckline in soothing shades is suitable for such a skirt. You will get the perfect version of an elegant look, for example, for a prom.

Do-it-yourself tutu skirt

The Tutu skirt is made according to the same principle as the tutu skirt, but to create it, you need to choose the hardest tulle. This will help make it more lush and stylish.

Many fashionistas think that you can buy a beautiful Tutu skirt only in boutiques, but this is not so. Each woman will be able to sew it on her own, spending a minimum of time.

Do-it-yourself tutu skirt:

  1. Prepare a piece of hard plain tulle or several pieces of this fabric, but in different colors
  2. Cut it into strips 10 cm wide and equal to the length of your skirt, but multiplied by 2
  3. To create a waist band, measure your waistline. Sew it - you get a skirt belt
  4. Now pull the elastic band over the legs of the chair and start tying the strips of tulle, but first folding each strip in half
  5. Do this until the entire elastic band is completely covered with tulle stripes.
  6. Sew a satin petticoat and you can wear Tutu, for example, to a theme party

The peculiarity of creating such a skirt is that it is necessary to sew the skirt itself and the train separately. Choose hard tulle for the main skirt, and soft tulle for the train.

Important: If you make a train from hard tulle, then the hem will bulge ugly.

  1. Sew the main skirt in the same way as shown in the above methods.
  2. Now cut the soft tulle into strips of different lengths.
  3. First, sew a series of long stripes onto a satin ribbon, then in descending order. The last row will consist of their short ribbons
  4. The train can be tied at the waist with a satin ribbon under the tutu skirt. You can also sew it to an elastic band with tied stripes. A tutu skirt with a train is ready

Tip: Make the bottom tier of the train out of satin or other fabric. He will play the role of a petticoat.

Chiffon is a very soft and delicate fabric. To make a tutu skirt out of it, you need to sew gathered strips of chiffon onto a satin petticoat.

Such a wardrobe item is suitable for a slender girl who is not afraid of experiments. A few fluffy frills will add splendor and structure to the skirt.

So, how to sew a chiffon tutu skirt with your own hands? Follow these steps:

  1. Make a regular satin petticoat. It should consist of a belt and a skirt
  2. Step back from the belt 12 cm and make a mark. At this level, the first shuttlecock will be sewn
  3. Make some fluffy ruched strips of stiff tulle if you want a fluffy skirt, or use chiffon, but then the skirt will be more concise
  4. Sew the ruffles to the petticoat. The more such stripes and the closer they are sewn to each other, the more magnificent the skirt will be.
  5. Fold a strip of chiffon measuring 0.75m X 1.5m 4 times (do the same as in the description of sewing an adult tutu skirt). Cut off the corner along the waist line and along the length. The result was a skirt "sun"
  6. Sew this overskirt to the waistband over the flounced petticoat. Chiffon tutu skirt is ready

Tip: Organza can be of different stiffness, so choose a shiny fabric for such a skirt. She will keep her shape well.

  1. Buy a piece of organza measuring 2m x 1.5m. Cut it into ribbons 40 cm wide - this is the length of the skirt that will look beautiful on a girl of 3-4 years old. If you want to create a product for a teenage girl, then measure the length from the waist to the knees and multiply by 2 - this is the length of the stripes
  2. To prevent the edges of this fabric from crumbling, hem them on a typewriter with a small zigzag or sew with a regular seam
  3. Use a rubber band to measure around your waist and cut to desired length. Tie a knot at one end
  4. Lay the rubber band along the ribbon, fold the edge of the fabric and sew, carefully, without touching the inserted ribbon with the foot
  5. When you reach the end of the elastic, pull it out and continue stitching. That part of the organza that is stitched will beautifully gather behind the foot of the machine
  6. Continue sewing, shifting the cut cut
  7. When it is finished, sew the ends of the rubber band, and cut off the knot.
  8. Shake the product to straighten it

How to sew a tulle tutu skirt with your own hands? Video

If the last time you sewed something was at school in labor lessons, and it’s difficult for you to make such a skirt according to the description, then watch the video. This will help you quickly navigate the stages and create a real masterpiece.

So, how to sew a tulle tutu skirt with your own hands? Video:

Video: Do-it-yourself couture skirt

Video: Tutu skirt with a solid satin ribbon - MK / Tutu skirt with a satin ribbon - DIY (subtitles)

The videos below will teach you how to sew a tutu skirt with your own hands. Here are master classes in sewing beautiful Tutu skirts: with satin ribbons, sharp edges, in three tiers.

Fatin is a very thin and delicate material. It is difficult to cut it correctly for such a skirt, since you need a lot of stripes and they must all be the same length and width. Watch the video on how to cut tulle correctly and quickly.

Video: How to quickly cut tulle for the TUTU skirt / How quickly cut tulle for the TUTU skirt

Video: Tutu skirt with sharp edges - MK / TUTU skirt with sharp edges - DIY

Each of us is well aware that a lot depends on how the bouquet is packed, but most of us simply do not know how to do this! That is why we prefer to buy ready-made bouquets, although in vain, you can learn how to pack them yourself!

Bouquets packed in organza are very beautiful and original. In addition, organza, as a packaging material for flowers, has been used relatively recently.

What is organza?

This is a slightly harsh translucent fabric, the shades of which can be varied. Due to its rigidity, this material perfectly holds its shape and does not crumble when cut. A variety of shades allows you to use this material for absolutely any color.

Do not forget that it is better to pack more noble plants in such a “rich” material, because it is rarely suitable for wild flowers. If desired, organza can be used in combination with a mesh or a regular film.

Having chosen the right shade, decide whether you will pack the whole bouquet at once or each flower individually. Cut the organza into 20 cm squares (for each flower) and take one large piece of organza (1.5 meters) for the entire bouquet.

We fold the small shreds in half and fold the “bag” on the outside, into which we place the bud and branch of any beautiful ornamental plant. From below we wrap with a dense thread. We make each flower like this. After we take them in our hands and, cutting off the legs, we form the height of the future bouquet. We connect the flowers together with adhesive tape, and then we wrap them with thick corrugated paper, its color should be several tones darker than the color of organza, we fix it. Put aside.

The main flap along the upper edge with the help of a stapler is decorated with a decorative ribbon, the shade of which is a tone darker than the tone of the organza. Wrap the whole bouquet around the fabric so that the top is free, and at the base you need to tighten it tightly. You should get small tucks. We fix it tightly at the base.

After the bouquet needs to be decorated. Organza is straightened, laying it in waves. With the help of a stapler and staples, you can give the shape of folds or flounces. You can decorate with beads. It is especially necessary to highlight the edge of the bouquet, usually a voluminous bow and a bright satin ribbon are attached to it. A decorative butterfly or something similar is “seated” on top of one of the flowers. With decoration, try not to overdo it, everything should be in moderation.

Hello, dear girls! By your numerous requests, I am adding a master class on the formation of organza in an organza bouquet. But since we decided from beginning to end, so I will tell you from the very beginning how I make an organza bouquet. There are a lot of photos, I will describe in detail. How It turned out that it was not so easy to capture the process by tucks, but I tried to convey everything to you as much as possible to the smallest detail. Therefore, if something is not clear, ask questions. So, put aside all fears and go ahead! Start with mini-bouquets!

Let's start with tools and materials, as I think it will be especially useful for beginners. Today I will tell you how I make a bouquet on a foam circle, as well as 2 ways to form an organza.
So, materials. To create such a bouquet, we need:
1.Organza (I have a roll of 9mx70cm)
2. Corrugated paper
3.Bamboo skewers 30cm (required!) or wire
5. Penoplex (I have already cut a circle with a diameter of 19.5 cm)
6. Scotch wide and narrow
7. Satin ribbons, gift wrapping ribbon
8. Glue gun
10. Scissors
11. Ruler
12. Clothespin ordinary linen, or any other clip
13. "Raffaello" sweets - 15 pieces (I already have them screwed to skewers).

Very often I make bouquets on a foam circle. For some reason, my customers like that the sweets are at a distance from each other., also used circular assembly in bouquets, this method is perfectly described by Valentina V.L. in her wonderful master class (
So, I start by preparing the blanks. I cut out a foam circle (in this case, I have a diameter of 19.5 cm), apply hot glue in a chaotic strand and glue the top and side of the circle with corrugated paper.

I glued it, I have 15 Raffaello sweets, with a felt-tip pen I make marking points where the sweets will be located. So that everything is smooth and beautiful).

Next, I prepare sweets, either I fasten them with tape to a skewer or wire (do not forget to bend the edge of the wire to pierce the candy), or wrap it in cling film. I think everyone already knows this.
I make rectangles from organza 20x14cm.

I bend, about 5 cm, make a corner, put a candy, hold it tightly, twist it into an organza, without letting go, make a corner on the other side. when tied). We did the same with other candies.

Then I prepare the loops. I have satin ribbons with lurex (I like them). We try on the loop to the candy. We cut the same ribbons.

I bite off the sharp part of the skewer with wire cutters and wrap it tightly with wide adhesive tape as close to the base with sweets as possible.

We glue the handle with corrugated paper. We have a blank with sweets ready.

I bend the edge of the paper about 8-10 cm, wave it. I glue it on both sides with a drop of glue.

Here I’m already moving to the sofa, I need a lot of space, and it’s more convenient to watch what is happening from top to bottom. We measure the organza. We put paper on it, cut it off. it means that the organza is 40 cm larger than the paper. One piece of organza turned out to be 75 + 40 = 115 cm long.

We cut off the second same cut of organza. We cut off 2m30cm in total.

We put one piece of organza aside for now, and glue the other to the corrugation in several places with a drop of glue. I write all my sizes, my organza bend is 17cm.

We take a blank with sweets and wrap it in our first layer of organza with corrugated paper. I move the organza and glue the paper, as many probably do. I didn’t show you anything new here, but still.

Then I straighten the organza, bend it so that the seam is neat. I have always been interested in such details as how to make the seam neat. And through numerous trials and errors, I came to what I am telling you about now).

Then I take the ribbon and tie it tightly closer to the base. The candy should be covered by about half! Then I form an organza, pull it out from under the ribbon, forming airiness. The last photo shows what should happen. daytime. So, I'm sorry.

Next, we glue our first layer to the foam base. We apply glue in small segments, so that you can press it with your hand. We press, hold, wait, take our time until the glue sets. This is important! And so in a circle, slowly, carefully.

This is how we squeeze.

Well, here it is a bouquet still in the first layer of organza, but already beautiful).

We take the second piece of organza, wrap the bouquet in it. We turn it at the junction (seam) by 4-5 cm. We glue it with a small drop of glue at the very edge.

This is how everything should look like.

We tie it with a ribbon, creating airiness. Like this. Sometimes I pull it out from under the ribbon in some places. See that it is beautiful!

And finally, our long-awaited tucks. We take the first and second layers of organza (I start gluing the beads from the seam!), We connect them, fix them with a clothespin (I usually glue the beads, holding the bouquet with my knees, so my hands are free and comfortable.) Apply glue to the small bead droplet. With my left hand, in which the bead is, I hold the fabric with two middle and ring fingers (it will be seen later in the photo), with my right hand I remove the clothespin, glue the bead. I do all this quickly. I press the bead well, I wait for the glue to grab. .But you can press it with the same clothespin, it is in your hand. Further on the photo I will show.

And so we go in a circle. The clothespin serves as a fixative and helps to glue the beads at the same distance. I have a distance between the beads of 9 cm (approximately!). You can make the distance smaller. .
In the lower photo, I press the bead with a clothespin.
