The meaning of the name Aylin is a complete characteristic. Eileen as a child

The female name Eileen is one of the rather difficult to interpret, since it has not only several versions of origin, but also several pronunciations, which makes it difficult to identify one form or another, and, consequently, meanings.

Origin and meaning of the name Eileen

The name has Turkic roots: the “ai” part can have two interpretations - “moon” and “inspiration”, the second is interpreted as “light”. So the name can be various meanings and translation: "moonlight", "light of the moon", "inspired radiance" and others.

The name is also used among Europeans, and in this case it may be a variant of the names Evelyn, Eileen, Helen, Helen, Elena.

It is possible to have female name Eileen of common roots with the male name Alan.

And finally, the Russian names Alyona and Alina often sound like this in English-speaking countries.

The name is not Christian, so name days are not celebrated. It is considered Muslim and most often this is how girls of Tatar or Kazakh nationality are called, and is more common in Islam.


Common name variations: Eileen, Elena, Evelyn, Evelina, Elina, Alana, Alina, Alena.

Diminutive names: Ailinka, Ailina, Lina, Linka, Ailinchik, Ailinochka, Ailinushka, Ailinonka, Linochka, Linushka, Linonka.


Measure seven times - here Golden Rule so-called girl who does nothing in the heat of the moment. Being delicate, generous and resourceful, she uses these qualities for the benefit of herself and everyone around her. The desire to surround yourself with friends is dictated not only by altruism and sociability, Eileen simply expresses the need for advice and support from a more practical person.

When emotions take precedence over common sense, she risks becoming a victim of her own gullibility. At the same time, this female name endows its mistress with insight and intuition. Refined nature not devoid of artistry, most Eileen has pleasant external data. In her case, beauty is not an instrument of vanity, but a means to make the world around her better.

Behind the gentle, refined appearance, there is a rather strong, very disciplined personality who is able to lead the team if circumstances so require.

A girl named Eileen promises her parents or guardians a minimum of trouble: she simply does not have a craving for all sorts of tricks. Give her a box of colorful buttons and you can go about your business for the next at least half an hour - the girl, enchanted by the beauty, will examine and study the treasure that has fallen into her hands. When Eileen gets older, she will certainly be carried away by several types of needlework at once.

The need for solitude and communication with other children and adults in a girl is developed approximately equally. Based on this, you should plan a daily routine in which there is a place for games with peers and for independent creativity.

Eileen includes a sea of ​​​​charm that someone should certainly appreciate. The little perfectionist sings and dances with pleasure in front of the audience, demonstrates her knowledge and skills, and also maintains exemplary order in her room - this habit persists for life.

Success in studies and sports

Eileen studies well, in which her curiosity plays a significant role. The student easily masters new disciplines, but not all school subjects are equally easy for her. She is more inclined towards the humanities, but generally prefers creative areas of activity. Eileen usually finds a hobby outside of school. We can say that this girl is a creatively gifted child. If she makes enough efforts in this direction, she will be able to achieve very serious success.

Fate in love, marriage and family

For Eileen romantic relationship with the opposite sex in the first place do not mean passion, but mutual respect. This girl is one of those who are able to fall in love with the mind, not the heart. She herself chooses the ideal partner, who, as a rule, is unable to resist her charm and ability to understand.

After the wedding, the desire to become an ideal family in all respects sometimes means a minus, and not the expected plus. IN family life it would not hurt to remember more often that the ideal is unattainable, and allow yourself to relax a little. Over time, the spouse will be able to find a compromise in the domestic sphere, but where it concerns relationships, she will most likely remain adamant: devoting herself to the family, she will demand complete dedication from her husband.


Successful compatibility of the name Eileen from male names Egor, Ivan, Roman, Timofey, Timur, George, Yaroslav, Grigory, Leonid.

Not suitable for marriage Maxim, Elisha, Eric, Dominic, Gleb.

Characteristics in a career

In her work, there are no impossible tasks. She realizes the most complex projects Able to negotiate with colleagues and clients. Her career advancement is possible due to attentiveness and professional skills. Even relations develop with colleagues, but true friendship is unlikely. Willingly participates in corporate events and public life showing off their talents. From the variety of fields of activity, he will rather choose jurisprudence, journalism, politics, where he can get leadership positions due to innate leadership qualities and assertiveness. Discipline manifests itself in her from childhood.

Girls named Eileen love to travel to exotic places, and they also like to study foreign cultures and languages. Working in a responsible position, they need relaxation and impressions. Suitable for this extreme sport, dancing and other similar hobbies with which you can relax and relieve stress.

The most suitable will be a specialty or position that suggests growth prospects, both in career and professional terms:

  • acting art,
  • linguistics,
  • tourism,
  • journalism,
  • sport,
  • design

In other words, these are areas in which talent and erudition mean a lot. It is on them that Eileen should pay attention when deciding who to be.


Eileen's health can be called average, as is her vitality. She does not often get sick, but it is hard to endure a painful condition. Never understands peers who want to get sick, just not going to school. If Eileen goes in for sports, then her vitality will noticeably increase, but still it will not become particularly high.

How to choose a name for a girl in accordance with the horoscope

  • Zodiac: Pisces.
  • Ruler Planet: Jupiter.

Mystery of the name

Eileen's secret is her consumer attitude towards many of her acquaintances. She does not hesitate to use people, however, she does it very carefully. She manipulates people so skillfully that they are even happy about it. At the same time, she herself does not like to help her comrades, she has few real friends, and those who mistakenly consider themselves to be such may subsequently be very disappointed.


  • The stone is carnelian.
  • Color - sea wave.
  • The plant is mimosa.
  • Totem animal - pelican.

Notable people with this name

  • Eileen Brennan is an actress best known for her role as Doreen Lewis in Private Benjamin, for which she won an Emmy, a Golden Globe and an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress.
  • Eileen - pseudonym, real name Pilar Jimenez Garcia; Spanish singer, vocalist of the gothic metal band Sirenia.
  • Eileen Heckart - American actress, winner of the film awards "Oscar" (1973), "Golden Globe" (1957), "Emmy" (1994), "Tony" (2000).
  • Aileen Khachaturian is an Armenian-Lebanese singer, performer of songs in various genres - from jazz and rock to folk and traditional folk songs, winner of the Armenian Music Awards in the Best Rock Album nomination.
  • Eileen Chaiken is an American screenwriter and producer who won the 2008 GLAAD Media Awards.

Used sources:

Beautiful, gentle, melodic - this is the name of Eileen. Its meaning is of interest to girls and women who are called that. This information will also be useful for parents who plan to give it to their daughter. Where did the name come from, what does it mean, how does it affect the character and fate of its owner? The article contains answers to these questions.

What is the origin and meaning of the name Eileen

First of all, you should understand where it came from. At the moment, two versions are popular.

  • The first version says that the name is of Turkic origin. It is formed from the root “ai”, which has several translation options (“inspiration”, “moon”). “Giving inspiration”, “inspiring”, “moonlight” are possible meanings of the name.
  • The second version claims that it has Scotch-Irish roots. "Sunray", " sunlight» - possible options translation.

The meaning of the name Eileen for a girl among Muslims is "a stream in paradise." For many years, it has been consistently popular in Turkey.

Astrology, talismans

The ruling planet is Jupiter.

Talisman stone - carnelian.

Totem animal - pelican.

Mascot plant - mimosa.

The tree is willow.

Zodiac sign - Pisces.

Favorable color - sea ​​wave.

In childhood

What is the meaning of the name Eileen for a girl? Almost from the cradle, the baby begins to "flirt" with others. The owner of the name often smiles, likes to make funny faces. People celebrate her artistic gift. Little Eileen strives to be admired by everyone. She tries her best to impress others.

Eileen is a wayward child. This girl is not easily forced to do what she considers boring. She is stubborn, does everything possible to achieve her goal. Whims, tears, tantrums - Eileen uses any tools available to her in order to subjugate adults.

The owner of the name rarely has problems with studying. Eileen is endowed with an inquisitive mind, inquisitive by nature. She is most attracted to humanitarian subjects. The girl shows interest in creative activity May be fond of singing, drawing.


What does the owner of the name Aileen become in adulthood, whose meaning, character and fate are discussed in this article? This woman is shrewd, intelligent, striking those around her with her sophistication of manners. Energy, perseverance, determination, incredible perseverance are qualities that help her succeed. The owner of the name knows her strengths skillfully uses them to achieve their goals.

Eileen is a woman who is fluent in the art of manipulation. She takes advantage of people easily. own purposes does it very skillfully. Often her "victims" do not even know about it.

Friendship, communication

How do the meaning of the name Eileen and the character of its owner affect her relationships with other people? This woman has few friends, which is connected with her selfishness. Eileen loves to use people, but she is extremely reluctant to help them herself. Those who mistakenly consider themselves to be her friends may experience bitter disappointment later.

All of the above does not at all mean that it is unpleasant to communicate with this woman. Possible meaning named Aileen - "giving inspiration." She is really capable of infecting those around her with her optimism, inspiring them to accomplish things. Also, one cannot fail to note the wonderful sense of humor of the owner of the name.


How is Eileen's life going? The meaning of the name and the fate of its owner are connected by inextricable threads. the main problem woman, who is called that, lies in the habit of living tomorrow. Sometimes she is not able to soberly assess the present, and therefore she misses the chances that providence provides her.

Eileen's life will turn out well if she manages to cultivate pragmatism and realism in herself. Ambition often forces this woman to want more than she can get. The owner of the name needs to learn how to stop in time.

Profession, business

Eileen is easy foreign languages, so it can make an excellent translator. She also has every chance to succeed in creative professions. Success awaits the owner of the name in a career that involves interaction with people. Teacher, manager, journalist, public relations specialist - there are a lot of options.

Eileen is not one of the people who are ready to do what they love almost for free. This woman loves money, so it is important for her to find a well-paid job.

Ownership own business- one more possible path, which Eileen can follow. It's great if the case is related to her hobby. For example, if the owner of the name is attracted to travel, she can create a tourism business.

Interests, hobbies

The meaning of the name Eileen helps to get an idea about the hobby of its owner. This woman is attracted to the occult sciences, which is associated with her love for everything mysterious, mysterious. She can also be fond of writing novels, learning foreign languages.

Traveling is another passion of the owner of the name. Eileen is easy-going, ready to hit the road at any moment. She is able to spend all her savings on the next voyage.

Love, sex

Eileen is a woman who never suffers from a lack of fans. She is constantly surrounded by men who admire her. Eileen appreciates beautiful courtship, she likes to receive expensive gifts. A wealthy person with a strong character has a chance to achieve her location.

In sex, Eileen is primarily concerned about her pleasure. The pleasure of the partner is not so important for her. She is ready to build relationships with full dedication, but she will never open up to the first person she meets.

marriage, family

How does the meaning of the name Eileen affect her personal life? Its owner has every chance to create a happy family. To a man who managed to win her, she will be loyal, forgive his little weaknesses. Eileen won't be hard to find mutual language with relatives and friends of the second half.

This woman plays the role of a leader in the family behind the scenes, her a strong character tries to hide. She will not overprotect her husband, she will give him some freedom. If Eileen values ​​her marriage, she will not commit rash acts that will put her family happiness under threat. She makes high demands on herself, takes care of her appearance. It is unlikely that the second half has a chance to ever see her in an untidy form.

There is a high probability that the owner of the name will become a crazy mother. She is madly in love with her children, tends to overprotect them. Eileen will make an ideal grandmother, as she will be able to take into account all her mistakes.


Does the meaning of the name Eileen affect the health of its owner? As a child, she practically does not get sick. In adulthood, the owner of the name may have problems with metabolism, stomach. She tends to be overweight, so she has to constantly monitor her weight. Purposefulness helps Eileen to exercise regularly, keep a diet.

The owner of the name must also monitor the condition of her nervous system. She must learn to rest and relax, not to allow excessive stress. Eileen is also advised to beware of accidents, primarily related to cars and fire.

Reveal the secret of the name AYLEEN(in Latin transliteration AYLIN) looking at the results of the calculation in the numerological magic of numbers. You will discover hidden talents and unknown desires. Perhaps you do not understand them, but you feel that you do not know something about yourself and your loved ones.

Meanings and origin of the name Aileen

The first letter A of the name Eileen tells about the character

Unity of tenderness and... aggressiveness. People whose name begins with this letter are leaders in love. But they must be constantly nourished by incentives and impressions, the routine in relationships is not for them, otherwise "going to the side" is possible. The same can happen under the influence of their inherent egoism, so they need to cultivate tolerance and attention to their partner.

Characteristic features of the name Aileen

  • power
  • comfort
  • impressionability
  • peacefulness
  • subtle spirituality
  • artistry
  • great resourcefulness
  • logics
  • pettiness
  • interest in health
  • sharp mind
  • creative ambitions

EILEEN: the number of interaction with the world "5"

A person who is under the influence of the vibrations of the five remains elusive and incomprehensible even to those who are close to him for a long time. Almost all of his actions are driven by the desire for independence and freedom; There is only one way to keep the "five" - ​​to let him go to all four sides: in this case, there is a chance that he will still someday return. Charming, easily won sympathy, sweet and friendly people of the five rarely become attached to someone seriously; emotional dependence is as difficult for them as any other. Among the priorities of the “five” is the opportunity to travel around the world, to see different countries, and not be limited either in terms of travel or in its cost. The stories of such travelers about their experiences are unusually bright and colorful, but devoid of exaggeration and very useful; which is why A's often make a living by sharing their own experiences.

They are excellent writers and journalists, they know how to convey shades of mood with the help of words and make a good description, and therefore they are often in demand not only in the press, but also on the radio. The horizons of the "five" are very wide, but marital and family relationships- here the people of the five can not be considered either experts or more or less worthy of respect as specialists. Any problem in their personal lives can become an insurmountable obstacle for them; the ability to understand another person, to respect his interests and desires, is not enough for many “A”s.

Five people are great at avoiding problems, but they don't like to solve them, usually leaving others to deal with everyday difficulties. The whole life of the “five” is a great journey in search of a new and equally long escape from difficulties, monotony, routine, duties and responsibilities. A person of the five is capable of deep emotional attachments, but they rarely bring him happiness, sometimes becoming a burden and preventing him from achieving his goal. The Pyaterochnik will only benefit if he learns to separate the main from the secondary and understands what is better to give up so as not to burden himself.

Throughout their lives, A's learn the lessons of tolerance, understanding, and perseverance. The faster they become excellent students in these difficult disciplines, the better. If it is not possible to draw lessons from what is happening, such a person becomes unrestrained, angry and unable to restrain his emotions and conduct a constructive dialogue.

EILEEN: the number of spiritual aspirations "2"

Those born under the influence of the deuce strive for balance and harmony in everything. It is these people who reconcile quarreling relatives, seek a reasonable compromise with the other half, willingly sacrifice their own interests for the sake of friends. However, cherishing the dream of world peace, the losers do only what they see fit - attempts to put pressure on them will end in a complete fiasco.

Cunning and weaving intrigues is also not the best good idea, since these people will not only see through the insidious plan of the manipulator, but will also take care of fair retribution. Losers are surprisingly honest and sincere, sometimes it even comes to the point of absurdity. They expect a similar attitude from others and are able to seriously take offense at hypocrisy.

People under the influence of a deuce love naturalness and therefore experience great discomfort if they have to follow rules that they do not understand. As a rule, they can boast of innate literacy, and those whom nature has not awarded with such a talent simply ignore spelling.

Losers do not understand anything in technology and the exact sciences, but in the field of human relations they are simply irreplaceable. They are friendly, sincerely interested in others, able to empathize. You cannot lure a person of two with pathos slogans and eloquent words, however, at the sight of someone else's grief, he will always sacrifice himself in order to somehow alleviate the fate of the poor fellow.

Endowed with a valuable ability to understand people, Losers, however, have difficulty getting along with those they love. It is those born under the influence of the deuce who suffer from the attacks of the family tyrant, endlessly forgive betrayals and addictions to their partners, and endure children's whims for a long time. They forgive their loved ones even that which cannot be forgiven, while they themselves are tormented by the discrepancy between expectations and reality. A loser will be able to become truly happy next to a person who will be able to appreciate the depth of his experiences, learn to read between the lines, and understand his subtle nature.

People under the influence of the deuce love art and often achieve outstanding success in this area. Another area that causes their genuine interest is mysticism. However, the occult sciences can turn out to be not only tempting, but also dangerous, because losers sometimes get so immersed in them that they forget about reality.

EILEEN: number of true traits "3"

People under the influence of the number three are distinguished by an enviable love for life and the ability to carry faith in the best through all the trials that fate sends them. Perhaps this is facilitated by their gift to see the beauty in everyday life.

"Triplets" are alien to such qualities as a thirst for profit at any cost and envy in relation to the happiness of other people. They enjoy the good things they have and thank life for everyday joys, which not everyone can notice and appreciate.

Human, affected vibrations of the number three, has a rare gift for dressing elegantly, emphasizing with the help of clothes and accessories the beneficial aspects of his appearance, without possessing impeccable beauty. Surprisingly, the "three-man" looks great even if he does not have enough money to spend money on expensive things. Innate charm and delicate taste come to his aid in this situation.

Being natural speakers, "C"s easily captivate other people with their ideas. They do not need to command others, to give orders. Everything they need, they can get only thanks to the innate gift of persuasion and the ability to please those whose help they need.

The features of the number three are manifested in a person through a heightened intuition. It allows you to avoid sharp corners in communication, smooth out emerging conflict situations and make friends with people of all different backgrounds. Have a heart to heart talk with a stranger a short time to arrange him for yourself is an absolutely ordinary situation for a “three-man”, which does not require any effort from him.

TO positive qualities“C”s also include their amazing sense of humor. They are not afraid to look funny in any situation, they are always ready to laugh heartily (including at themselves). They do not require to entertain themselves, it is fun and interesting for them to live in the circumstances that life offers them. In any company, such people are desirable, because they give ease to communication.

The only, perhaps, the lack of “triples” is laziness. To call them patient and assiduous language will not turn. Where efforts are required to achieve success, they will not be very comfortable. And redoing work already done for such people is just flour.

The female name Eileen is one of the rather difficult to interpret, since it has not only several versions of origin, but also several pronunciations, which makes it difficult to identify one form or another, and, consequently, meanings.

Origin and meaning of the name Eileen

The name has Turkic roots: the “ai” part can have two interpretations - “moon” and “inspiration”, the second is interpreted as “light”. Thus, the name can have different meanings and translations: “moonlight”, “moonlight”, “inspired radiance” and others.

The name is also used among Europeans, and in this case it may be a variant of the names Evelyn, Eileen, Helen, Helen, Elena.

It is possible that the female name Eileen has common roots with the male name Alan.

And finally, the Russian names Alyona and Alina often sound like this in English-speaking countries.

The name is not Christian, so name days are not celebrated. It is considered Muslim and most often this is how girls of Tatar or Kazakh nationality are called, and is more common in Islam.


Common name variations: Eileen, Elena, Evelyn, Evelina, Elina, Alana, Alina, Alena.

Diminutive names: Ailinka, Ailina, Lina, Linka, Ailinchik, Ailinochka, Ailinushka, Ailinonka, Linochka, Linushka, Linonka.


Measure seven times - this is the golden rule of the girl named so, who does nothing in a rush. Being delicate, generous and resourceful, she uses these qualities for the benefit of herself and everyone around her. The desire to surround yourself with friends is dictated not only by altruism and sociability, Eileen simply expresses the need for advice and support from a more practical person.

When emotions take precedence over common sense, she risks becoming a victim of her own gullibility. At the same time, this female name endows its mistress with insight and intuition. The refined nature is not devoid of artistry, most Eileen has pleasant external data. In her case, beauty is not an instrument of vanity, but a means to make the world around her better.

Behind the gentle, refined appearance, there is a rather strong, very disciplined personality who is able to lead the team if circumstances so require.

A girl named Eileen promises her parents or guardians a minimum of trouble: she simply does not have a craving for all sorts of tricks. Hand her a box with multi-colored buttons and you can go about your business for at least half an hour - the girl, enchanted by beauty, will examine and study the treasure that has fallen into her hands. When Eileen gets older, she will certainly be carried away by several types of needlework at once.

The need for solitude and communication with other children and adults in a girl is developed approximately equally. Based on this, you should plan a daily routine in which there is a place for games with peers and for independent creativity.

Eileen includes a sea of ​​​​charm that someone should certainly appreciate. The little perfectionist sings and dances with pleasure in front of the audience, demonstrates her knowledge and skills, and also maintains exemplary order in her room - this habit persists for life.

Success in studies and sports

Eileen studies well, in which her curiosity plays a significant role. The student easily masters new disciplines, but not all school subjects are equally easy for her. She is more inclined towards the humanities, but generally prefers creative areas of activity. Eileen usually finds a hobby outside of school. We can say that this girl is a creatively gifted child. If she makes enough efforts in this direction, she will be able to achieve very serious success.

Fate in love, marriage and family

For Eileen, romantic relationships with the opposite sex in the first place do not mean passion, but mutual respect. This girl is one of those who are able to fall in love with the mind, not the heart. She herself chooses the ideal partner, who, as a rule, is unable to resist her charm and ability to understand.

After the wedding, the desire to become an ideal family in all respects sometimes means a minus, and not the expected plus. In family life, it would not hurt to remember more often that the ideal is unattainable, and allow yourself to relax a little. Over time, the spouse will be able to find a compromise in the domestic sphere, but where it concerns relationships, she will most likely remain adamant: devoting herself to the family, she will demand complete dedication from her husband.


Successful compatibility of the name Eileen with male names Egor, Ivan, Roman, Timofey, Timur, George, Yaroslav, Grigory, Leonid.

Not suitable for marriage Maxim, Elisha, Eric, Dominic, Gleb.

Characteristics in a career

In her work, there are no impossible tasks. She implements the most complex projects, knows how to negotiate with colleagues and clients. Her career advancement is possible due to attentiveness and professional skills. Even relations develop with colleagues, but true friendship is unlikely. Willingly participates in corporate parties and public life, showing his talents. From the variety of fields of activity, he will rather choose jurisprudence, journalism, politics, where he can get leadership positions due to innate leadership qualities and assertiveness. Discipline manifests itself in her from childhood.

Girls named Eileen love to travel to exotic places, and they also like to study foreign cultures and languages. Working in a responsible position, they need relaxation and impressions. For this, extreme sports, dancing and other similar hobbies are suitable, with which you can relax and relieve stress.

The most suitable will be a specialty or position that suggests growth prospects, both in career and professional terms:

  • acting art,
  • linguistics,
  • tourism,
  • journalism,
  • sport,
  • design

In other words, these are areas in which talent and erudition mean a lot. It is on them that Eileen should pay attention when deciding who to be.


Eileen's health can be called average, as is her vitality. She does not often get sick, but it is hard to endure a painful condition. Never understands peers who want to get sick, just not going to school. If Eileen goes in for sports, then her vitality will noticeably increase, but still it will not become particularly high.

How to choose a name for a girl in accordance with the horoscope

  • Zodiac: Pisces.
  • Ruler Planet: Jupiter.

Mystery of the name

Eileen's secret is her consumer attitude towards many of her acquaintances. She does not hesitate to use people, however, she does it very carefully. She manipulates people so skillfully that they are even happy about it. At the same time, she herself does not like to help her comrades, she has few real friends, and those who mistakenly consider themselves to be such may subsequently be very disappointed.


  • The stone is carnelian.
  • Color - sea wave.
  • The plant is mimosa.
  • Totem animal - pelican.

Notable people with this name

  • Eileen Brennan is an actress best known for her role as Doreen Lewis in Private Benjamin, for which she won an Emmy, a Golden Globe and an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress.
  • Eileen - pseudonym, real name Pilar Jimenez Garcia; Spanish singer, vocalist of the gothic metal band Sirenia.
  • Eileen Heckart - American actress, winner of the film awards "Oscar" (1973), "Golden Globe" (1957), "Emmy" (1994), "Tony" (2000).
  • Aileen Khachaturian is an Armenian-Lebanese singer, performer of songs in various genres - from jazz and rock to folk and traditional folk songs, winner of the Armenian Music Awards in the Best Rock Album nomination.
  • Eileen Chaiken is an American screenwriter and producer who won the 2008 GLAAD Media Awards.

Used sources:

Measure seven times - this is the golden rule of the girl named so, who does nothing in haste. Being delicate, generous and resourceful, she uses these qualities for the benefit of herself and everyone around her. The desire to surround yourself with friends is dictated not only by altruism and sociability, the meaning of the name Eileen implies the need for advice and support from a more practical person.

When emotions take precedence over common sense, she risks becoming a victim of her own gullibility. At the same time, this female name gives insight and intuition. The refined nature is not devoid of artistry, most Eileen has pleasant external data. In her case, beauty is not an instrument of vanity, but a means to make the world around her better.

Behind the gentle, refined appearance, there is a rather strong, very disciplined personality who is able to lead the team if circumstances so require.

The meaning of the name Eileen for a girl promises parents or guardians a minimum of trouble: she simply does not have a craving for all sorts of tricks. Hand her a box with multi-colored buttons and you can go about your business for at least half an hour - the girl, enchanted by the beauty, will examine and study the treasure that has fallen into her hands. When Eileen gets older, she will certainly be carried away by several types of needlework at once.

The meaning of the name Eileen for a child suggests that the girl's need for solitude and communication with other children and adults is approximately the same. Based on this, you should plan a daily routine in which there is a place for games with peers and for independent creativity.

The interpretation of the name includes a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bcharm, which someone must certainly appreciate. The little perfectionist sings and dances in front of the audience with pleasure, demonstrates her knowledge and skills, and also maintains exemplary order in her room - this habit persists for life.


For Eileen, romantic relationships with the opposite sex in the first place do not mean passion, but mutual respect. This girl is one of those who are able to fall in love with the mind, not the heart. She herself chooses the ideal partner, who, as a rule, is unable to resist her charm and ability to understand.


After the wedding, the desire to become an ideal family in all respects sometimes means a minus, and not the expected plus. In family life, it would not hurt to remember more often that the ideal is unattainable, and allow yourself to relax a little. Over time, the spouse will be able to find a compromise in the domestic sphere, but where it concerns relationships, she will most likely remain adamant: devoting herself to the family, she will demand complete dedication from her husband.

Business and career

The most suitable will be a specialty or position that suggests growth prospects, both in career and professional terms. Acting, linguistics, tourism, journalism, sports, design - that is, areas in which talent and erudition mean a lot. It is on them that Eileen should pay attention when deciding who to be.

origin of the name Eileen

Researchers attribute British and Muslim origins to the name Eileen. In the versions where it came from, Irish and Scottish sources are mentioned.

Some experts argue that this is a phonetic variety of Evelyn, Helen, and even Alina and Alena.

Finding out whose name it is, it should be mentioned and male forms, for example, Alan or the biblical Abel, the etymology refers to the Hebrew version of Hevel, which is translated as "breath".

The secret of the name lies in its Turkic origin from the word "ay", which has several lexical meanings: "moon" and "inspiration". The interpretation may indicate Turkish or Tatar origin, or have beautiful meaning moon halo.

Magnificent actresses, named that way at one time, entered the history of theater and cinema.

Eileen's characteristic

Analyzing the meaning of naming, one cannot but recall the character traits with which it partly endows its owner. Its pros and cons often depend on whether emotionality develops into impulsiveness, under the influence of which a usually sensible girl is capable of an unpredictable act. As a rule, optimism and resourcefulness allow you to eliminate the undesirable consequences of such suddenness.

The pursuit of the ideal can also play a cruel joke. On the one hand, this character trait helps to improve the quality of life, on the other hand, it prevents you from enjoying it if the abstract bright future is more important than the real present. In this case, it will be superfluous to cultivate a little pragmatism in herself.

Eileen's secret

  • Stone - emerald, sapphire, chrysolite, aquamarine, carnelian, beryl.
  • Name days - March 19, May 31, June 3, July 29.
  • The horoscope or zodiac sign of the name is Taurus, Libra.

Notable people named Eileen

  • Eileen Brennan, calling card"which was the supporting role - Doreen Lewis in the film "Private Benjamin", for which she received the Emmy, Golden Globe and Oscar awards.
  • Aylin Tezel is a German actress, laureate of prestigious international film festivals.
  • Aylin Mujica Ricard, Cuban actress, known for the American TV series Aurora in 2010-2011, Braveheart (Corazon Valiente) in 2012, Los Miserables in 2014.
  • Eileen Atkins, b. June 16, 1934) is an English actress and screenwriter, Dame of the Order of the British Empire. She is widely known to London and New York theatergoers.
  • Eileen Essell is an Oxford theater actress. After completing her acting career, she began to teach drama.
  • American actress Eileen Ryan can be called the ancestor of the family acting dynasty - her son - the famous Sean Penn.

Eileen in different languages

The translation of the name Eileen has a variety of meanings. “Moonlight”, “soaring in the sky”, “inspired” - this is how Eileen is translated from different languages peace. Find out how it is written in Oriental languages: Chinese 常变形为 Eilian、and Japanese 张爱玲.

Eileen name forms

  • Full name is Eileen.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other options - Eileen, Elena, Evelyn, Evelina, Elina, Alana, Alina, Alena.
  • Name declension - original shape not subject to declension, diminutives and derivatives are declined according to the rules of the Russian language.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Julia, Elena.