Conclude a contract for the maintenance of gas equipment. Gas maintenance

Gas is one of the natural resources used in utility systems residential buildings. It provides work heating equipment, gas stoves, columns.

With such blue fuel, the most favorable and comfortable conditions for living. But if the gas equipment does not meet safety standards, requires repair or replacement, an explosion, fire, and death of people can occur from a gas leak in an apartment building or a private one.

Therefore, careful and professional control over the work is required. gas pipes, columns, plates, counters. And the owners of an apartment or a private house need to know who maintains the gas equipment in apartments, performs scheduled inspections.

Explosions in houses due to a gas pipeline failure are not so rare, so regular checks of in-house gas equipment, pipes in porches, basements are mandatory security measure. Checks are carried out at a certain frequency, only qualified specialists from the supplier company, Gorgaz.

IMPORTANT! Planned Maintenance- this term refers to inspections, inspections by specialists of Vdgo, Vkgo, installed both in residential and non-residential premises.

Intra-house equipment is taps, risers, pipes, and other elements of the gas system installed in porches, basements, and in the attic. The inspection is carried out on the basis of a maintenance contract, which is signed on behalf of HOA Manager company. These authorities are responsible for the technical condition of the gas pipeline at the entrance.

Who is responsible for the gas in the apartment? First, you need to define what is gas equipment of the apartment: these are water heaters, gas stoves, a column, a heating boiler, other types of household gas appliances, as well as gas pipeline parts such as taps, pipes.

The contract is signed with the owner of the apartment, and he is responsible for the state of the system within the housing. Even if it is a council flat and it is rented out, the tenants must control the inspection and maintenance process.

Possible works

Maintenance gas equipment in an apartment building consists of a whole range of important activities:

  • Checking the integrity of external and internal pipes, their coloring layer, fastening strength.
  • Checking the tightness of pipe connections, fittings.
  • Control of the pipeline laying scheme, taking into account the requirements of the standards.
  • Inventory of a private house, apartment gas equipment.
  • Replacement of the municipal apartment of damaged items. The replacement procedure is established by regulatory documents.
  • Installation of new sealing glands (if necessary).
  • The quality of the installation of the meter, the accuracy of its operation is checked.

IMPORTANT! After checking by the masters, it is compiled audit report, it contains all the survey data.

If the consumer needs additional services, he can draw up on them separate application. The customer pays for the cost of spare parts and work on their replacement, repair.

The application is also made for the replacement of gas equipment and appliances. Self connection stoves, columns, heating boilers will not meet safety requirements and may lead to gas leakage, to an explosion in the house. These works are also paid.

IMPORTANT! One of the clauses of the contract with the service organization is round-the-clock emergency dispatch support.

Not all owners of apartments in multi-storey buildings know whether inspection is carried out for a fee or not. By law maintenance is carried out at a separate charge drawn up under the contract.

The cost of checks and inspections

Previously, maintenance was included in the gas tariff, but now this service is not included in the payment. Apartment owners do not know if they need to pay for maintenance? Thus, the examination of VKGO, prevention, maintenance is carried out on the basis of a special agreement and at a separate rate.

Unfortunately, such new rules caused a negative attitude among the population at first. The tenants did not want to invite qualified specialists in gas equipment to the apartment for a separate fee, sign contracts with them for maintenance.

As a result, damage to devices, gas leakage, and the occurrence of explosive situations are not detected in a timely manner.

ATTENTION! In 2008, Government Decree No. 549 was adopted, according to which the signing of an agreement for the maintenance of general house and apartment gas equipment became mandatory.

If the owner of residential real estate, residents of municipal apartments do not have such an agreement, gas supplies to them may be terminated. After all, there is no annual check of instruments, revision of equipment, which can lead to the creation of explosive situations.

Equipment that has not passed the inspection in due time cannot be safely operated. In order to restore supplies, in any case, you should sign an agreement in which there will be registration of devices, terms of service.

Before letting off the gas, diagnostics in residential buildings or apartments condition of pipes, taps, gas appliances. Reconnection will be paid, how much the service costs, you need to find out from specialists.

One of the clauses of the contract is the prices for services. The cost is calculated individually for each house or apartment, it may depend from the number of gas appliances, from technical condition gas pipeline and equipment. Prices change periodically, so from time to time the consumer should be interested in changes.

Required documents

For maintenance of VDGO and VKGO, it is necessary treaty with a service organization. The text of the contract indicates how the verification is carried out, after what period, the list and cost of services.

What other information should be in the document? This is the date of signing, details of the service company, data to the gas service and about the customer.

ATTENTION! Also, the contract must determine when the payment for services is made.

With whom do the owners of apartments and private houses sign a contract?

For maintenance and inspection of gas equipment, you need to contact a specialized company. This is gas distribution organizations, which according to the legislation Russian Federation permission to perform these services.

The requirements regarding approval allow non-professionals to interfere with the work of gas systems. Such instances perform maintenance of the common house , apartment equipment based on the rules Federal Service responsible for environmental and technological supervision.

How often are gas appliances inspected?

There are certain terms of work for maintenance of VDGO and VKGO.

  • Once a year, overhead and underground gas pipeline routes are inspected.
  • Once every three years, the general technical condition of the gas pipeline is examined.
  • Once every three years, household gas appliances are serviced.
  • Once every three months, group cylinder installations for liquefied gas are checked.

Such installations may be part of the in-house gas equipment.

Implementation of mutual settlements

The document that is signed with the service company indicates how the fee for the examination of the VKGO and VDGO is paid. The tariff is set service provider. The consumer must pay in a timely manner, in in full, the date of entry must also be indicated in the contract.

Legislative substantiation of compulsory works

Those consumers who refuse to sign a service agreement need to know that they are violating the laws of the Russian Federation. It's about about the following documents.

  • Decree of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation "Rules and norms for the operation of housing stock".
  • Decrees "On the procedure for providing utilities citizens” and “On the procedure for supplying gas to provide public services to citizens”.

The Order of the Ministry of Regional Development was also issued "On approval of the procedure for the maintenance and repair of the VDGO".

Useful video

This video provides information on how to properly conclude a contract for the maintenance of VDGO.

Almost every individual building has gas-powered equipment. Blue fuel is one of the cheapest. That is why, when installing autonomous heating systems, the owners of private houses in the vast majority of cases prefer to install gas boilers. But at the same time, periodic maintenance of gas equipment in a private house is required.

Is a contract necessary or not?

Today we will look at issues related to this procedure. But before dwelling on the technical side of the matter, let's clarify whether it is necessary to have mandatory maintenance of gas equipment in a private house? Is it always required from "private traders" to conclude contracts for it?

There are opposite views on this matter. Someone considers it mandatory, others are of the opinion that the main thing here is the desire of the owner. Let's try to be clear. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 549, issued in 2008, states that the right of the resource supply organization (that is, gas workers) is to stop gas supply in the absence of such a document.

Here lies the source of the confusion. In this case, a valid contract is implied, that is, drawn up before the date indicated above and not invalidated according to the deadline. If there is a valid contract, the owner is not required to sign a new one. But if there is none, it must be concluded.

This must be done at least for security reasons. Gas technology refers to equipment advanced level difficulties. proper maintenance or self-repair it is only subject to a person who is a professional in the field. Ordinary citizens are not able to carry out high-quality technical equipment in private homes without knowing all its methods and nuances.

What is checked during maintenance

This procedure includes a number of complex technological operations. What exactly will need to be checked when servicing gas equipment in a private house?

With the help of gas analyzers, the masters control the tightness of the line, not relying on their own sense of smell. The check is subject to checking the operability of the equipment, that is, its technical condition in all modes that are provided. Interested in the degree of deterioration of all constituent parts and their suitability for future use. To do this, the equipment is subjected to complete or partial disassembly and inspected in order to identify signs of resource depletion.

You can check the readiness of protection systems by making them work under conditions simulating various emergency situations.

Be on the lookout

All the available set of gas boilers differ not only in brand, appearance and a set of parameters, but also in their own constructive solutions. And therefore, for the maintenance of a particular model, the list may differ from another similar one.

That is why it makes no sense to give an exact list of operations. But it is necessary to know their approximate composition in order to monitor the conscientiousness of the actions of a specialist. The list of necessary operations is given in the documentation supplied with the unit.

Who is the contract for the maintenance of gas equipment of a private house?

This question is one of the most important. The best option it will be concluded with the organization that supplies gas. In this case, all claims identified during the inspection of the system will be presented by its employees to their own colleagues. Suppliers usually have their own service departments.

Sometimes it is more convenient to conclude an agreement with the structure that works closely with the supplier of the boiler. This option is preferable for where the call of gas workers sometimes turns into a problem.

There are also companies that specialize in providing such services. In both this and the previous case, it is necessary to clarify the series important points: whether such a structure has certification not for maintenance of gas equipment in general, but for specific brands of products. You should also take an interest in the material base of the contractor.

What else is important

Availability good specialists Those who know how to assemble and disassemble the unit and identify a malfunction are not enough. Sometimes it is impossible to do without complex and expensive equipment - it is impossible to perform part of the work on servicing gas equipment in a private house "on the spot".

For example, we can talk about cleaning the internal cavities of heat exchangers. If your device is under warranty, ask about the right to organize maintenance during this period. You should also be interested in the terms in which applications are completed and the warranty periods after repairs.

It would be useful to collect feedback from people who have experience of cooperation with this organization. As well as important factors are the price of servicing gas equipment in a private house and a list of those services that are free. Before making a choice, it will be useful to compare the conditions with those adopted in other organizations.

Issue price

Unfortunately, within the framework of a separate article, we cannot provide the reader with detailed information concerning the specific prices of a particular supplier organization. As already mentioned, due to competition in the era of a market economy, the number of providers of such services is not one or two. And for each of them, the price list consists of a long list of items.

You can navigate this issue by comparing the prices of private suppliers with those that can be found on the website of the familiar to all of us and the most demanded Gazprom Gas Distribution JSC according to a single price list for the population. We repeat, we are not able to give the entire list of tariffs (23 sheets), the reader can easily find the relevant information by visiting the supplier's office or the corresponding Internet resource.

But for a general orientation, we will give standard prices for maintenance of in-house or in-house gas equipment. The exact amount contained in the contract will depend on the composition of household equipment that is used in each case ( gas stove, gas instantaneous water heaters, gas meter, gas descent valve, etc.). The cost of maintenance services is:

  • for hob- 334.74 rubles;
  • for oven- 203.56 rubles;
  • for a stove with two burners - 334.74 rubles, with three - 389.02 rubles, four - 443.31 rubles;
  • for a water heater - 890.06 rubles;
  • for a boiler with a power of up to 30 kW - 913.37 rubles, from 31 to 60 kW - 1079.87 rubles, from 61 to 140 kW - 1079.87 rubles.

Remember that, as in any area of ​​service delivery, there is a phenomenon called unhealthy competition. It is customary among organizations to win over customers, taking advantage of the public's ignorance of technical issues and sometimes even resorting to intimidation. In the case of an existing non-expired document, it makes sense to call those with whom this moment your contract for the maintenance of gas equipment in a private house has been concluded (the phone of the gas workers should always be at hand). You will inform them about the visit of competitors and new offers.

Sometimes representatives service department more than persistent proposals are being put forward to renegotiate the contract due to the increased cost of servicing gas equipment in a private house. Often this phenomenon can be found in the rural outback, where the population is much less informed. You should not "be led" to such actions. As long as the validity of the document has not expired, any rates remain the same (and should not be confused with gas supply tariffs).

Sometimes you can hear about the substitution of the concepts of maintenance and repair. According to the contract, the obligation of the owner is to pay only for maintenance (we are talking about the visit of the master and a small scale of work related to diagnostics, cleaning, flushing, etc.). If the issue of troubleshooting is raised, especially with the replacement of spare parts, then the procedure is subject to a separate payment.

You bought a gas boiler - what's next?

When purchasing a gas boiler, we keep in mind its advantages - hot water supply and reliable heating during the whole year. At the same time, gas boilers belong to complex household appliances related to two energy carriers at once - electricity and gas. And the latter, in the event of a malfunction of the gas pipeline or the boiler itself, can become a source of danger to people's lives and household property.

That is why the frequency of maintenance of gas equipment in a private house and diagnostics is extremely important. Regularly checking it for serviceability, you can identify emerging problems and not bring the condition of the equipment to a dangerous level.

Maintenance of a gas boiler - what is meant?

What is included in the concept of maintenance in order to ensure the health of the unit and the safety of its operation? The answer depends on the degree of complexity of this device and the set of functions performed. The boiler can serve only for heating or hot water supply, or both at the same time. It is also important to have certain additional functions and protection systems provided for by its design.

A complete list of the necessary checks and the frequency of their conduct can be found in the instructions for each specific boiler model. This document is your guide in the procedure for concluding a service contract with a contractor organization. You should be prepared for the fact that not the entire list of operations required by the instruction is among the free mandatory procedures organization of your choice. Part of the checks is considered an additional service and is provided only on the terms of an additional payment. You should try to insist that they be included in the main list of the treaty.

What is an approximate list of maintenance work for gas equipment in a private house?

In the most general case, the maintenance procedure for the wall gas boiler consists of:

  1. Burner cleaning. Particular attention is paid to those details that determine the composition, direction and intensity of the flame. These include:

    A retaining washer that regulates the position of the burner flame and the degree of its contact with the heat exchanger;
    - a branch pipe through which gas is supplied to the burner (it is removed during inspection, disassembled and blown, then all its parts are cleaned); if necessary, filters that have failed are replaced with subsequent installation in place;
    - and electrodes;
    - ignition device;
    - an air sensor, whose task is to regulate the parameters of the preparation of the gas-air mixture.

  2. Cleaning the combustion chamber and removing dirt from all parts of the apparatus that are exposed to an open flame during operation.
  3. Checking the integrity of the entire structure and the correctness of its operation. If necessary, the built-in hot water boiler is regulated.
  4. Cleaning of internal channels through which gas is supplied and removed.
  5. Checking the degree of contamination of the chimney. This is usually done for a separate price.
  6. Built-in electronics checks.
  7. Adjustments of all units of the units to be configured.

In addition, the composition of the gas in the combustion chamber is specified for the composition, completeness and amount of released gas. carbon monoxide. The serviceability of the shutdown automation is also monitored by simulating an emergency. The most important of the safety devices is that which must be completely sealed. The supply gas pipeline throughout the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment or house (estate) must maintain integrity, Special attention when viewed, it is given to the joints of the outer sections of the pipes.

No self-activity!

The above list at first glance does not contain anything particularly complicated. It may seem that such work is within the power of any homeowner. But this impression is very misleading. An inexperienced person may miss the smallest signs of non-compliance of the boiler, water supply and gas pipeline with strict requirements.

In the event of an unforeseen situation, not everyone is able to quickly respond in order to prevent irreparable consequences. At the same time, the specialist not only has the necessary qualifications and experience to carry out such work, but also bears personal responsibility for the quality of the check. This is confirmed by his signature in the documents for the boiler, which you must demand from him at the end of maintenance.

Letter of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated June 18, 2009 No. 18629-SK / 14
"On the clarification on the issue of responsibility for the maintenance of in-house gas equipment in an apartment building"

Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation in connection with numerous appeals bodies executive power constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local authorities, consumers and suppliers of gas, in order to form a uniform application practice, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 21, 2008 No. 549 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules for the supply of gas to ensure domestic needs of citizens), sends clarifications on the issue of responsibility for the maintenance of in-house gas equipment in an apartment building.

In accordance with subparagraph "k" of paragraph 21 of the Rules for the supply of gas to meet the domestic needs of citizens, the subscriber is obliged to ensure the proper technical condition of the in-house gas equipment (hereinafter - VDGO), to conclude an agreement on the maintenance of in-house gas equipment and emergency dispatch support in a timely manner .

According to paragraph 3 of the Rules for the supply of gas to meet the domestic needs of citizens, the subscriber can be both the owner of a dwelling (apartment) in an apartment building, and the contractor of the utility gas supply service ( managing organization, HOA, housing cooperative, LCD or other specialized cooperative). In this regard, the question of the limits of the obligation of subscribers to service VDGO in an apartment building requires clarification.

Domestic gas equipment - gas pipelines apartment building or a residential building connected to the gas distribution network or to a tank or group cylinder installation, providing gas supply to the place of connection of gas-using equipment, as well as gas-using equipment and gas meters (paragraph 3 of the Rules for the supply of gas to depreciate household needs of citizens).

By virtue of paragraph 5 of the Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 No. 491, the gas pipelines of an apartment building to the first shut-off and control valves on the outlets of the intra-apartment wiring from the risers belong to the intra-house engineering gas supply system and are part of common property of owners of premises in an apartment building.

In accordance with paragraph 1 of article 39 of the Housing Code, the owners of premises in an apartment building bear the burden of maintaining the common property in an apartment building. According to Article 154 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Housing Code), the payment for the maintenance of common property is integral part housing fees. Article 155 of the Housing Code determines that the payment for residential premises, depending on the method of managing an apartment building chosen by the owners of residential premises, is paid to the managing organization, HOA, housing cooperative, residential complex or other specialized cooperative, which, by virtue of articles PO, 138 and 161 of the Housing Code, is responsible for ensuring the proper maintenance of the common property of the owners of the premises of an apartment building.

The above provisions of the Housing Code correspond to the concept of “executor” contained in the Rules for the provision of public services to citizens, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 23, 2006 No. 307 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules for the provision of public services to citizens), which makes it responsible for servicing intra-house engineering systems, including gas supply systems.

At the same time, the obligation to ensure the proper technical condition and safe operation VDGO lies with the consumer (clause 93 of the Rules for the provision of public services to citizens). VDGO, in the context of the Rules for the provision of public services to citizens, means intra-apartment wiring from risers and gas-using equipment that is not part of the common property of the owners of the premises of an apartment building.

Based on the foregoing, the obligation of the subscriber - the executor of the utility gas supply service for the maintenance of the VDGO, established by subparagraph "k" of paragraph 21 of the Rules for the supply of gas to meet the domestic needs of citizens, will be considered duly executed in the event that an agreement is concluded with a specialized organization for maintenance and emergency - dispatching support in relation to the house engineering system gas supply, which is part of the common property of the owners of the premises of an apartment building.

Accordingly, the gas supplier has the right to demand, when concluding a gas supply agreement with a subscriber - the executor of the utility gas supply service, the mandatory provision of an agreement for the maintenance of VDGO related to the common property of the owners of the premises of an apartment building (subparagraph "k" of paragraph 9 of the Rules for the supply of gas to ensure the domestic needs of citizens ). This clarification is also used to determine the right of a gas supplier to suspend gas supplies on the grounds established by subparagraph "e" of paragraph 45 of the Rules for the supply of gas to meet the domestic needs of citizens.

At the same time, the obligation of the gas consumer to conclude a contract for the maintenance of the VDGO is provided for in paragraph 93 of the Rules for the provision of public services to citizens.

If the subscriber under the gas supply agreement is the owner of a dwelling in an apartment building in which a direct control method is chosen, then it must be taken into account that the obligation to maintain the VDGO, including that related to the common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building, lies with the subscriber. This follows from the provision of paragraph 1 of Article 164 of the Housing Code, according to which contracts for the provision of services for the maintenance and (or) performance of work on the repair of common property in such a house with persons engaged in relevant activities, the owners of premises in such a house conclude on the basis of decisions of the general meeting specified owners.

According to part 3 of article 164 of the Housing Code, on the basis of a decision of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building who directly manage such a house, on behalf of the owners of premises in such a house in relations with third parties, one of the owners of premises in such a house or another person having authority, certified by a power of attorney issued in writing to him by all or a majority of the owners of the premises in such a house.

Thus, in the event of the conclusion of an agreement for the maintenance of the VDGO, relating to the common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building, by one of the owners of the premises in such a house or by another person having the appropriate authority, in the manner prescribed by part 3 of article 164 of the Housing Code, and sending to them, to the gas supplier, copies of this agreement and the corresponding decision of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building, the gas supplier is not entitled to demand from subscribers living in this building to provide a copy of the above agreement.

In accordance with subparagraph "i" of paragraph 8 of the Rules for the supply of gas to meet the domestic needs of citizens, an offer to conclude a contract for the supply of gas for domestic needs of citizens must contain information about the details of the act on determining the boundaries of the division of property. At the same time, the act itself must be attached to the offer by virtue of subparagraph "m" of paragraph 9 of the Rules for the supply of gas to ensure the domestic needs of citizens. At the moment, the concept, form and procedure for drawing up the act have not been approved.

According to paragraph 3 of the Rules for the supply of gas to meet the domestic needs of citizens, the "supply of gas" means the fulfillment by the gas supplier of obligations arising from the contract, expressed in the commission of a set of actions that ensure the supply natural gas through a gas distribution network or liquefied hydrocarbon gas from a reservoir or group cylinder installation to the property division boundary for gas distribution (connected) networks, determined in the prescribed manner (property division boundary). Paragraph 3 of the Rules for the supply of gas to meet the domestic needs of citizens gives the concept of "in-house gas equipment", which includes gas pipelines of an apartment building or residential building connected to the gas distribution network or to a tank or group cylinder installation, providing gas supply to the place of connection of the gas-using equipment.

Thus, the act on determining the boundaries of the division of property is understood as a document fixing the place of connection of the gas pipelines of an apartment building or residential building to the gas distribution (attached) network.

This act is signed between the person responsible for servicing the VDGO (owner (tenant) of a residential building, managing organization, HOA, etc.) and the person who owns the gas distribution (connected) network on the basis of ownership or other legal grounds.

Deputy Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation
S.I. Kruglik

From time to time, reports about household gas explosions appear in the news feed, entailing tragic consequences. To prevent such situations, gas workers began to conduct inspections to identify problem areas in the use of gas equipment.

In 2019, all gas appliances are checked: stoves, boilers, columns, which are located in apartments and private houses of citizens. At the same time, gas services oblige homeowners to conclude a contract for the maintenance of gas equipment, within the framework of which scheduled preventive checks of equipment should be carried out with the elimination of possible malfunctions.

Law on the maintenance of gas equipment in 2019

Speaking of Consumer Responsibility natural resource an appropriate structure should conclude a contract for the maintenance of gas equipment, guided by normative act,Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 410(no change in 2019).

He also approved the Rules for the use of gas, which explain:

  • principles for ensuring the safe operation of VDGO;
  • the procedure according to which contracts for the maintenance and conduct of repair work any gas appliances.

This means that homeowners are now responsible for the normal operation of their gas appliances. Therefore, should one think whether to conclude an agreement or not?

Otherwise, gas workers have the right to refuse to provide the consumer with a resource supply service., in other words, to suspend the gas supply to an apartment or house (subparagraph e, paragraph 45 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 07.21.2008 N 549).

Should I enter into an agreement for the maintenance of gas equipment? Is it legal!

The rules that establish the legislative basis for owners of gas appliances in an apartment or private house state in paragraph 80 that in the absence of an agreement, the resource supplier has the right to suspend its supply to this premises. Since gas is a source of increased danger, the maintenance of the relevant equipment should not be neglected.

In an apartment building, failure to maintain and repair gas appliances greatly increases the risk of various leak problems and subsequent explosions. This can cause enormous damage not only to the property of the irresponsible owner, but also to many other residents in the neighborhood.

Question: Contract gas service conclude or not?

The answer is obvious, you need to conclude! Refusal to conclude a contract for the maintenance and repair of equipment, both in-house and in-house, entails the application of the norms of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

What happens if you do not conclude a contract for the maintenance of gas equipment?

According to Article 9.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, a fine may be imposed in the amount of:

Previously, a notification is sent to the owner about the need to check the appliances and conclude an agreement for the maintenance of gas equipment in the apartment. If it is ignored, then after 40 days the supply of natural gas to an apartment building is suspended.

If, ignoring the checks of gas equipment, an accident occurs and residents of an apartment building suffer, then the fine for such a person will be:

  • for citizens- from 10 thousand to 30 thousand rubles;
  • for officials - from 50 thousand to 100 thousand rubles;
  • for legal persons- from 100 thousand to 400 thousand rubles.

The owner of the apartment may not conclude a separate contract if it was carried out general meeting, where it was decided, on the basis of the relevant protocol, to entrust the management company with the signing of an agreement for the maintenance of in-house appliances (Section 3, paragraph 32 No. 410).

Gas equipment to be inspected

All gas equipment of an apartment building is divided into the following groups:

  • general building, which includes all gas communications to taps and meters located in apartments;
  • intra-apartment- these are any devices using a natural resource that are located in a particular apartment.

Moreover, for servicing the first group, the contract is concluded with management company in whose department is apartment house, and for the second group - directly with the owner of the premises.

In a private house all VDGO equipment, including stoves, columns, boilers, must be subject to periodic inspection and repair under an agreement concluded with the owner of the house.

Conclusion of a contract for the maintenance of gas equipment

If the question arose where to conclude this agreement, then you should contact a specialized organization at the place of residence. As a rule, it is called Gorgaz or Gazprom Mezhregiongaz. It brings together the supplier and the consumer. Her address can be found:

  • on a notice that comes in the mail;
  • in the management company.

The contract is drawn up on the basis of the documents submitted by the consumer:

  • passport;
  • ownership of housing (EGRN, certificate);
  • documents for installed gas equipment with commissioning certificates.

Agreement (agreement) with gas workers- This is a standard document that contains information about the work and services performed by the organization, as well as the cost and terms of their payment for the maintenance of gas equipment in an apartment building.

How long is the contract for the maintenance of gas equipment? A contract is drawn up for a period of three years or more.

We list the required details of the contract:

  • date, place of detention;
  • data of the user of the service - the owner of the apartment, private household or UK (full name, passport data - for individual, full name - for a legal entity);
  • full address of the premises;
  • the name of the organization providing maintenance of gas equipment, indicating all the details;
  • a complete list of all gas-fired equipment installed in this room;
  • list of works within the contractual framework, their frequency;
  • the cost of work and the procedure for making payments for them;
  • the rights of the parties, their duties and responsibilities;
  • expiration date of the contract or term;
  • other terms and conditions.

The contract is sealed with the signature of the owner on the one hand, the signature of an authorized person and the seal of the organization servicing gas equipment on the other.

Sample contract for the maintenance of gas equipment

The list of gas workers includes the following:

  • verification of compliance with safety requirements when installing devices;
  • checking connections to gas appliances for tightness in order to prevent leaks, as well as the integrity of all supply parts;
  • checking all mechanisms, including valves, cranes, devices, for operability;
  • checking ventilation ducts;
  • conducting briefings aimed at educating consumers on the safe use of gas equipment.

Scheduled inspection of gas equipment in the apartment

During the term of the contract, gas workers are obliged to carry out scheduled inspections of equipment and all connecting systems. The frequency of such checks may be established by the contract. At the same time, an appropriate act is issued to the consumer. In addition to such visits, they are obliged to respond as soon as possible and go to the address of the owner if he reports a detected malfunction. On-site inspection and work to eliminate it.

At correct use gas appliances, one check for the entire term of the agreement is enough. If the life of the equipment has expired, then gas workers recommend replacing it or having it diagnosed by a specialized organization. If the term is extended in the conclusion, its service becomes annual.

Organizations servicing gas equipment prepare documentation for each room indicating all the devices located there, indicating the installation date and operating life.

The cost of servicing gas equipment

When you decided to conclude a contract, you are interested in the question, how much does a contract for servicing gas equipment in an apartment cost? When calculating the price of the agreement, the tariffs corresponding to such works are applied. Legal basis tariffing is fixed by the rules for calculating the maintenance and repair of gas equipment in-house and in-house, approved by the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation. To set the cost of maintenance and repair of the VGO, recommendations from the Order of the Federal Tariff Service No. 269-e / 8 are applied.

Payment for the work performed on the repair is made at the rate that, on the date of the customer's request, it is indicated in the application. The rules for making payments for repairs are stipulated in the contract. If no special conditions are provided, then the deadline is set no later than the tenth day of the month following the one when the work was performed.

The cost of maintenance depends solely on the gas equipment installed in the apartment or house. It includes:

  • emergency dispatch support;
  • repair of any complexity;
  • preventive measures to prevent accidents.

For example, here are the prices for maintenance of civil defense by Mosoblgaz:

  • gas stove - 1400 rubles;
  • instantaneous water heater - 2000 rubles;
  • gas boiler - an average of 3600 rubles.

During the entire period of the contract, minor work to eliminate gas leaks, as well as sealing the connecting elements, is carried out free of charge. Malfunctions that entail major repairs or replacement of failed parts are eliminated at the expense of the owner.
