Typology of stories by N.M. Karamzin. Historical story "Marfa Posadnitsa, or the Conquest of Novgorod"

This historical story tells about the events of those times when Ivan 3 intended to free Russia from the power of the Golden Horde over it. The great city of Novgorod, which proclaimed its independence, became a hindrance to him in that.

On his behalf, the ambassador comes there and he addresses the Novgorodians at the veche with a speech. Prince Kholmsky appealed to the conscience of the people, reproaching him for accepting their foreigners in the lands, whom they met with a sword in other lands. He said that it was known about the conspiracy of Novgorod with Poland. He calls them to peace and unification with other Russian lands in order to overthrow the invaders. He also says that John will stop at nothing on the way to this goal, even if he has to go against his own people.

After the prince's speech, the Novgorodians summon their intercessor, Martha the Posadnitsa. She responds to the ambassador's speeches by saying that Novgorod was and will remain a free and independent city, that the Novgorodians will not bend before the Tatars, or before anyone. And the reason for the desire to enslave the city by John she calls his desire to take possession of strong and rich lands.

Such was the answer received. Drawing his sword, the prince declares war on the Novgorodians. The alarm also announces it, filling the whole city with its sound.

Martha goes after that to her grandfather. He lives a hermit life. He foresees the grief that this war will bring to the people of Novgorod. But, bless for the fight. The army entrusts Martha to the young Miroslav.

She had two sons and a daughter Xenia. To defend the freedom and independence of the Novgorod land was bequeathed to Martha by her late husband. She married her daughter to Miroslav. And the knight himself was approved at the veche as a military leader.

Now it's time for the battle. The army of Novgorod moved towards the enemy to give battle outside the walls of the city. For a long time the people of Novgorod waited for news of the outcome of the battle. Finally, they waited: a chariot appeared on the road along with the body of the leader of the army. Both sons of Martha were also killed.

There were several more battles. Then the city was besieged and famine began in it. All his ardent defenders perished. Finally, the Novgorodians admitted their defeat and surrendered to the Prince of Moscow. The old hermit gave the keys to the city gates to Muscovites. Martha was executed.

the main idea

Despite the defeat, which was to be expected, the people still fought to the last. This is a good example of love and desire for both freedom and independence. The story glorifies the courage, fortitude and ambition of people who faithfully serve their destiny.

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Karamzin. All works

  • Poor Lisa
  • Martha the Posadnitsa
  • Sensitive and cold

Martha the Posadnitsa. Picture for the story

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Here is one of the most important Russian history! says the publisher of this story. - The wise John had to annex the Novogorodskaya region to his state for the glory and strength of the fatherland: praise be to him! However, the resistance of the Novgorodians is not a revolt of some Jacobins: they fought for their ancient charters and rights, given to them in part by the great princes themselves, for example, Yaroslav, affirmative of their liberties. They acted only recklessly: they should have foreseen that resistance would turn into destruction for Novgorod, and prudence demanded a voluntary sacrifice from them.

There are few details of this great event in our chronicles, but the case brought me into the hands of an old manuscript, which I communicate here to lovers of history and fairy tales, correcting only its style, dark and unintelligible. I think that it was written by one of the noble inhabitants of Novgorod, who were resettled by the Grand Duke John Vasilyevich to other cities. All major incidents agree with history. Both chronicles and ancient songs do justice to the great mind of Martha Boretskaya, this wonderful woman who knew how to master the people and wanted (very inopportunely!) To be the Cato of her republic.

It seems that the ancient author of this story did not even blame John in his soul. This does honor to his justice, although in the description of some cases, the blood of the New City clearly plays in him. The secret impulse he gave to Martha's fanaticism proves that he saw in her only passionate ardent, intelligent, and not a great and virtuous woman.

Book one

There was a sound evening bell, and hearts trembled in Novgorod. The fathers of families break out of the arms of their spouses and children in order to hurry where their fatherland calls them. Bewilderment, curiosity, fear and hope attract citizens in noisy crowds to the Great Square. Everyone asks; no one answers ... There, in front of the ancient house of Yaroslavov, posadniks with gold medals on their chests, thousands with high batons, boyars, people with banners and elders of all five ends of Novogorodsk with silver axes have already gathered. But no one is yet visible in the place of the frontal, or Vadim (where the marble image of this knight towered). The people with their crooked muffles the ringing of the bell and demands the opening of the veche. Joseph Delinsky, an eminent citizen, who was seven times a senior posadnik - and each time with new services to the fatherland, with a new honor for his name - ascends the iron steps, opens his gray, venerable head, humbly bows to the people and tells them that the prince of Moscow sent his boyar to Veliky Novgorod, who wants to publicly announce his demands ... The posadnik descends - and the boyar Ioannov appears at Vadim's place, with a proud look, girded with a sword and in armor. That was the governor, Prince Kholmsky, a prudent and firm man - right hand Ioannov in military enterprises, his eye in state affairs is brave in battles, eloquent in council. Everyone is silent, the boyar wants to speak ... But the young arrogant Novgorodians exclaim: “Humble yourself before the great people!” He hesitates - thousands of voices repeat: "Humble yourself before the great people!" The boyar takes off his helmet from his head - and the noise stops.

“Citizens of New City! he says. - The Prince of Moscow and All Russia speaks to you - take it out!

Wild peoples love independence, wise peoples love order, and there is no order without autocratic power. Your ancestors wanted to rule themselves and were the victims of fierce neighbors or even fierce internal civil strife. The virtuous elder, standing on the prague of eternity, conjured them to choose a ruler. They believed him, for a man at the door of the tomb can only speak the truth.

Citizens of New York! Within your walls, the autocracy of the Russian land was born, established, glorified. Here the magnanimous Rurik did judgment and justice; in this place, the ancient Novgorodians of their father and prince, who reconciled internal strife, calmed and glorified their city. In this place they cursed disastrous liberty and blessed the saving power of the one. Formerly terrible only for themselves and unhappy in the eyes of their neighbors, under the sovereign hand of the Varangian hero, the Novgorodians became the horror and envy of other peoples; and when Oleg the brave moved with his army to the borders of the south, all the Slavic tribes submitted to him with joy, and your ancestors, comrades of his glory, could hardly believe their greatness.

Oleg, following the course of the Dnieper, loved its red banks and founded the capital of his vast state in the blessed country of Kiev; but Veliky Novgorod was always the right hand of the great princes, when they glorified the Russian name by their deeds. Oleg, under the shield of the Novgorodians, nailed his shield to the gates of Constantinople. Svyatoslav with his retinue from Novogorod scattered like dust the army of Tzimiskes, and your ancestors called the grandson Olgin the Ruler of the World.

Citizens of New York! You owe not only military glory to the Russian sovereigns: if my eyes, turning to all ends of your city, see everywhere the golden crosses of the magnificent temples of the holy faith, if the noise of the Volkhov reminds you of that great day on which the signs of idolatry perished with noise in its swift waves, then remember that Vladimir built the first temple here to the true god, Vladimir threw Perun into the abyss of Volkhov! .. If life and property are sacred in Novgorod, then tell me, whose hand protected them with safety? ... Here (pointing to Yaroslav's house) - the wise lived here the legislator, the benefactor of your ancestors, the magnanimous prince, their friend, whom they called the second Rurik! .. Ungrateful offspring! Pay attention to fair reproaches!

The Novogorodtsy, always being the eldest sons of Russia, suddenly separated from their brethren; being loyal subjects of the princes, now they laugh at their power ... and at what times? O shame of the Russian name! Kinship and friendship are known in adversity, love for the fatherland also ... God, in his inscrutable advice, decided to punish the Russian land. Countless barbarians appeared, strangers from countries unknown to anyone, like these clouds of insects, which the sky in its anger drives with a storm on the harvest of a sinner. The brave Slavs, amazed at their appearance, fight and die, the Russian land is stained with the blood of Russians, cities and villages are on fire, chains are rattling on virgins and elders ... What are the New Towners doing? Do they rush to help their brothers? ... No! Taking advantage of their distance from the places of bloodshed, taking advantage of the general calamity of the princes, they take away their legitimate power, keep them within their walls, as in a dungeon, expel them, call on others and expel them again. The sovereigns of Novgorod, the descendants of Rurik and Yaroslav, had to obey the posadniks and tremble evening bell, like the trumpets of the Dread Judgment! Finally, no one wanted to be your prince, the slave of the rebellious vech ... Finally, Russians and Novogorodtsy do not recognize each other!

Why such a change in your hearts? How ancient tribe Could the Slavic have forgotten their blood?... Covetousness, selfishness has blinded you! Russians are dying, Novogorodtsy are getting richer. To Moscow, to Kyiv, to Vladimir they bring the corpses of Christian knights killed by infidels, and the people, showering their heads with ashes, greet them with a cry; foreign goods are brought to Novgorod, and the people welcome foreign guests with joyful exclamations! The Russians count their ulcers, the Novgorodians count their gold coins. Russians in bonds, Novgorodians glorify their freedom!

Liberty!.. But you are also a slave. People! I'm talking to you. The ambitious boyars, having destroyed the power of sovereigns, seized it themselves. You obey - for the people must always obey - but not the sacred blood of Rurik, but rich merchants. O shame! The descendants of the Slavs value the rights of rulers with gold! The princely families, eminent from ancient times, exalted themselves by deeds of courage and glory; your posadniks, the thousands, living people owe their dignity to a favorable wind and the cunning of self-interest. Accustomed to the benefits of trade, they also trade in the good of the people; whoever promises them gold, to him they promise you. Thus, their friendly, secret ties with Lithuania and Casimir are known to the Prince of Moscow. Soon, soon you'll gather at the sound evening bell, and the arrogant Pole will say to you on the frontal place: “You are my slaves!” But God and the great John are still baking about you.

Novogorodtsy! The Russian land is resurrecting. John aroused the ancient courage of the Slavs from sleep, encouraged the despondent army, and the banks of the Kama were witnesses of our victories. The arc of peace and covenant shone over the graves of princes George, Andrei, and Mikhail. The sky reconciled with us, and the Tatar swords went wild. The time has come for revenge, the time for glory and Christian triumph. The last blow has not yet taken place, but John, chosen by God, will not lower his sovereign hand until he crushes the enemies and mixes their ashes with an earthly ring. Demetrius, having struck Mamai, did not liberate Russia; John foresees everything, and, knowing that the division of the state was the cause of his disasters, he has already united all the principalities under his power and is recognized as the ruler of the Russian land. The children of the fatherland, after a sad long-term separation, embrace with joy in the eyes of the sovereign and their wise father.

But his joy will not be perfect until Novgorod, ancient Veliky Novgorod, returns under the shadow of the fatherland. You insulted his ancestors, he forgets everything if you submit to him. John, worthy to rule the world, only wants to be the sovereign of Novgorod!.. Remember when he was a peaceful guest among you; remember how you were surprised at his greatness when he, surrounded by his nobles, walked along the Stogna of Novagrad to the house of Yaroslav; remember with what goodwill, with what wisdom he talked with your boyars about the antiquities of Novgorod, sitting on a throne set up for him near the place of Rurikov, from where his gaze embraced all the ends of the city and the fun of the surroundings; remember how you unanimously exclaimed: "Long live the prince of Moscow, great and wise!" Is it not glorious to obey such a sovereign, and for the sole purpose of completely freeing Russia from the yoke of the barbarians together with him? Then Novgorod will be even more beautiful and exalted in the world. You will first sons of Russia; here John will set up his throne and resurrect happy times when there is no noisy veche, but Rurik and Yaroslav judged you like fathers of children, walked along the haystacks and asked the poor if the rich oppressed them? Then the poor and the rich will be equally happy, for all subjects are equal before the face of the autocratic lord.

People and citizens! May John rule in Novgorod, as he rules in Moscow! Or - listen to his last word - or a brave army, ready to crush the Tatars, in a formidable militia will first appear before your eyes, and pacify the rebels! .. Peace or war? Respond!"

With this word, the boyar Ioannov put on a helmet and left the place of execution.

The silence continues. Officials and citizens in amazement. Suddenly crowds of people hesitate, and exclamations are loudly heard: “Martha! Martha! She ascends the iron steps, quietly and majestically; looks at the innumerable assembly of citizens and is silent ... Importance and sorrow are visible on her pale face ... But soon her gaze, overshadowed by sorrow, flashed with the fire of inspiration, her pale face was covered with a blush, and Martha was saying:

"Vadim! Vadim! Here your sacred blood was shed, here I call heaven and you to witness that my heart loves the glory of the fatherland and the good of fellow citizens, that I will tell the truth to the people of Novgorod and I am ready to seal it with my blood. My wife dares to speak at the veche, but my ancestors were friends of the Vadimovs, I was born in the military camp under the sound of weapons, my father, my husband died fighting for Novgorod. Here is my right to be the defender of liberty! It was bought at the price of my happiness ... "

"Speak, glorious daughter of Novagrad!" - exclaimed the people unanimously - and a deep silence again expressed their attention.

“Descendants of the generous Slavs! You are called rebels!.. Is it because you raised their glory from the grave? They were free as they flowed from east to west to choose their home in the universe, free like the eagles that soared over their heads in the vast deserts. ancient world… They established themselves on the red banks of the Ilmen and still served the same god. When Great empire, like a dilapidated building, lamented under the strong blows of the wild heroes of the north, when the Goths, vandals, Eruls and other Scythian tribes looked for prey everywhere, lived on murders and robbery, then the Slavs already had villages and cities, cultivated the land, enjoyed pleasant arts peaceful life but still loved independence. Under the canopy of a tree, a sensitive Slav played the strings of the Musikian instrument he invented, but his sword hung on the branches, ready to punish the predator and the tyrant. When Bayan, the prince of Avar, terrible for the emperors of Greece, demanded that the Slavs succumb to him, they proudly and calmly answered: “No one in the universe can enslave us until swords and arrows are out of use! ..” Oh, the great memories of antiquity! Are you to incline us to bondage and bondage?

True, over time, new passions were born in the souls, ancient, saving customs were forgotten, and inexperienced youth despised the wise advice of the elders; then the Slavs called to themselves, famous for the courage of the princes of the Varangians, and command the young, rebellious army. But when Rurik wanted to arbitrarily rule, Slavic pride was horrified at his imprudence, and Vadim Brave called him before the judgment of the people. "The sword and the gods be our judges!" - answered Rurik, - and Vadim fell from his hand, saying: “Novgorodtsy! To the place stained with my blood, come to mourn your foolishness - and glorify liberty when it triumphantly appears again within your walls ... ”The desire of the great man came true: the people gather on his sacred grave, freely and independently decide their fate.

So, the death of Rurik - let's do justice to this famous knight! - the wise and courageous Rurik resurrected the freedom of Novogorodskaya. The people, amazed at his greatness, involuntarily and humbly obeyed, but soon, not seeing the hero already, woke up from a deep sleep, and Oleg, having repeatedly experienced his stubborn inflexibility, retired from Novgorod with an army of brave Varangians and Slavic youths, to seek victory, tributaries and slaves between other Scythian, less courageous and proud tribes. Since that time, Novgorod recognized in the princes its only generals and military leaders; the people elected civil authorities and, obeying them, obeyed the charter of their will. In the people of Kiev and other Russians, our fathers loved Slavic blood, served them as friends and brothers, defeated their enemies and instead of them were famous for their victories. Here Vladimir spent his youth, here, among the examples of the generous people, his great spirit was formed, here the wise conversation of our elders aroused in him the desire to question all the peoples of the earth about the mysteries of their faith, so that the truth would be revealed for the good of people; and when, convinced of the holiness of Christianity, he accepted it from the Greeks, the Novgorodians, more sensible than other Slavic tribes, expressed even more zeal for the new true faith. The name of Vladimir is sacred in Novgorod; sacred and lovely is the memory of Yaroslav, for he was the first of the Russian princes to approve the laws and freedoms of the great city. Let insolence call our fathers ungrateful for reflecting the power-hungry enterprises of his descendants! The spirit of Yaroslav would be offended in the heavenly villages if we did not know how to preserve the ancient customs, sanctified by his name. He loved the Novgorodians, for they were free; their gratitude gladdened his heart, for only free souls can be grateful: slaves obey and hate! No, our gratitude triumphs as long as the people, in the name of the fatherland, gather in front of the house of Yaroslav and, looking at these ancient walls, say with love: “Our friend lived there!”

The prince of Moscow reproaches you, Novgorod, with your very well-being - and in this fault he cannot be justified! So, of course: the regions of Novogorod are blooming, the fields are golden with classes, the granaries are full, wealth is flowing to us like a river; The Great Hansa is proud of our union; foreign guests seek our friendship, marvel at the glory of the great city, the beauty of its buildings, the general abundance of citizens, and, returning to their country, they say: “We saw Novgorod, and we didn’t see anything like it!” So, of course: Russia is in poverty - its land is stained with blood, villages and towns are empty, people, like animals, hide in the forests, the father is looking for children and does not find them, widows and orphans beg for alms at crossroads. So, we are happy - and guilty, because we dared to obey the laws of our own good, we dared not to participate in the civil strife of princes, we dared to save the Russian name from shame and reproach, not to accept the Tatar shackles and preserve the precious dignity of the people!

Not we, O unfortunate Russians, but brothers always kind to us! not we, but you left us when you fell on your knees before the proud khan and demanded chains to save a diabolical life, when the fierce Batu, seeing the freedom of a single Novagrad, like a furious lion, rushed to tear its brave citizens to pieces, when our fathers, preparing for a glorious battle , sharpened their swords on their walls - without timidity: for they knew that they would die, and not be slaves! .. In vain from the height of the towers, their eyes looked for the friendly Russian legions in the distance, in the hope that you would like for the last time and in the last fence of Russian liberty fight the infidels! Some timid crowds of fugitives appeared on the paths of Novagrad; not the sound of weapons, but the cry of cowardly despair was the herald of their approach; they did not demand arrows and swords, but bread and shelter! .. But Batu, seeing the courage of free people, preferred his safety to the evil pleasure of revenge. He was in a hurry to leave! .. In vain did the citizens of Novgorod pray to the princes to take advantage of such an example and joint forces, with the name of the Russian god, strike at the barbarians: the princes paid tribute and went to the Tatar camp to accuse each other of plans against Batu; generosity became the subject of denunciations, unfortunately false ones!.. And if the name of victory for two centuries was still preserved in the Slavic language, then didn’t the thunder of the Novogorodsk weapons remind him of the Russian land? Didn't our fathers still slay enemies on the banks of the Neva?

See the Byzantine historians Theophylact and Theophanes. (Author's note) Musiki tools are musical instruments.

ABOUT political views Karamzin at the beginning of the 19th century. best evidence

new historical story "Martha Posadnitsa" (1803), based on

events of the 15th century. - the struggle of the Novgorod Republic with Moscow

autocracy for its independence. This theme in the late XVIII - early XIX

in. not only of historical interest. Old feudal monarchical

the system disintegrated literally before our eyes, and on its wreckage, now in one, then in

young republics arose in another country. So, in 1775-1783. erupted

revolution in America, and former colonies monarchical England declared themselves

independent state. A few years later, a revolutionary fire

swept France, and the centuries-old monarchical order gave way

republican. But if America kept its political system, then

The French Republic very soon degenerated into a Napoleonic empire. Everything

this created the impression of unsteadiness, unsteadiness not only of the old, but also of the new

political relations and, naturally, made contemporaries think

about the ways in which the European the world will go farther.

early 19th century belonged only to the monarchy. Numerous

articles published in Vestnik Evropy testify to the fact that even after

crisis experienced by the writer in 1793, the republican type of government in

Karamzin's eyes have not lost their attractiveness. The peculiarity of the political

Karamzin's position in "Marfa Posadnitsa" is that in it in the same

degree exalted and glorified and republican and monarchical principles,

which is fully consistent with the worldview of Karamzin, who managed in his

views to connect both of these beginnings. He carries over the same duality to

the views of the Novgorod "chronicler" - the fictional author of "Marfa Posadnitsa".

Poetization of the republican valor of ancient Novgorod in "Marfa Posadnitsa"

is especially obvious in cases where Karamzin deliberately deviates from the facts,

well known to him as a historian. First of all, the interpretation

public life Novgorod to last years his liberties. In history

of the Russian State" shows the struggle between two parties, of which

one quite openly sympathized with Moscow, the other supported

separatist plans of the Boretskys. In "Marfa Posadnitsa" everything looks different.

Novgorodians are shown as a friendly military camp, rallied around Martha. IN

"History ..." Karamzin repeatedly writes about secret negotiations between Martha and Lithuania,

with the aim of a final break with Moscow. The text of this agreement is given in

Notes to Volume VI. In the story, Boretskaya proudly rejects flattering

proposals of the Lithuanian ambassador, preferring to remain without help rather than

stain your conscience with treason. In the "History ..." examples are given twice

perfidy of the Novgorodians in the war with Moscow, when they, directing to John

ambassadors for peace negotiations, suddenly attacked his troops. In the story

military actions of Novgorod are distinguished by chivalrous nobility and directness. IN

"History ..." the five thousandth Moscow army defeated the forty thousandth

Novgorod army. In the story - a completely different ratio: the army of John

significantly exceeds the forces of Novgorodians. Karamzin knew that Ivan III did not

executed Marfa, and imprisoned her in a monastery. In the "History ..." the place of her

imprisonment, and the year of her quite peaceful death. In the story, Boretskaya dies on

chopping block, revealing at the same time great self-control. The description of the execution is saturated

spectacular details. Martha's last words sound like a reproach to those who have lost

Republican prowess to Novgorodians.

However, the originality of Karamzin's story lies in the fact that sympathy for Novgorod

Moscow, and the glorification of the policy of Ivan III does not exclude sympathy

Novgorodians. Karamzin defends the monarchical system in Russia, not because

considers it the only possible form of the state, and due to the fact that

on Russian soil, it was this form of government that was established. He is an enemy of civilians

storms, an opponent of revolutionary upheavals. Of course, the orders that defended

Novgorodians, also took shape over the centuries, and were not usurped from the "legitimate"

authorities. However, the goals of the defenders of Novgorod cannot be compared with that

majestic task set by Moscow. So in the name

the national interests of the entire Russian people is justified by the conquest

Novgorod. Therefore, in the story, not only Novgorodians, led by

Martha, but also Ivan III.

The historical conflict between republican Novgorod and the autocratic

Moscow is expressed in the story primarily in opposition to two strong

characters: Martha and John. But in order for one of these principles

triumphed, the active intervention of the people is necessary. Therefore, for

popular opinion is a desperate struggle going on all the time. At the very beginning of the story

two appeals were given to the Novgorodians - first by Prince Kholmsky, then - by Martha. IN

essence, each of the speakers seeks both logic and eloquence, and

civic passion to win over the people, and after each speech

Karamzin reports on the reaction of the listeners to her. The people, according to Karamzin,

great strength, but requiring constant guidance. This is a giant endowed

child's soul and child's mind. To this idea, the writer repeatedly

returns in his story.

The evolution of Karamzin's historical views to early XIX in. reflected in

creative method of the writer. Revolutionary events in France convinced him

that it is not love that plays a decisive role in history, but political passions and

strength. In "Martha Posadnitsa" the theme of sentimental love Xenia and Miroslav

occupies a very modest place and does not determine the course of events. On the contrary, pathos

statehood, civic duty, suppression of the personal principle in the name of

political principles - all this forced Karamzin to turn to

artistic means of classical writers. The story is built according to strict

geometric lines: there are two camps in it, at the head of each is its leader - Martha and

John. Attention is drawn to lengthy monologues (dispute of Martha and

Kholmsky), built on the models of solemn, oratorical speeches. Even

where, according to the laws of the epic genre, Karamzin could describe on behalf of the author

military operations, he turns to the help of the notorious classical herald.

But the "classic" is not limited artistic originality story, which

carries a still weakly expressed romantic beginning. History has dealt

a cruel blow to enlightenment thinking, and Karamzin puts forward

irrational, romantic explanation of events controlled by fate, fate,

fate. Hence the mystery, the mystery of some episodes in the story.

The story of the birth of Miroslav and the reason for favoring the Novgorodian are mysterious.

youth of the Moscow sovereign. The fate of Martha is also marked by mystery. Back at

at birth, the Finnish sorcerer predicted a glorious life for her and, apparently,

tragic death, but one can only guess about the latter, since

valuable were for Karamzin legends and omens gleaned from

Novgorod chronicles of the 15th century: the destruction of the tower of Yaroslav, on which

veche bell; the appearance of a fiery cloud over Novgorod, anxiety,

mastering animals and birds. Here religious consciousness ancient

scribes in a peculiar way echoed Karamzin's thoughts about the highest providence,

event manager.

"Letters of a Russian traveler" N.M. Karamzin. Style. Genre. Image


“Letters from a Russian Traveler” opens a sentimental and educational

stage of Karamzin's creativity. They were first published in the Moscow Journal,

then in the almanac "Alay". A completely separate edition was published in 1797-1801.

The material presented in the "Letters" is extremely diverse: here and

pictures of nature, and meetings with famous writers and scientists of Europe, and

description of monuments of history and culture. Enlightenment character of thinking

Karamzin is especially clearly outlined in the assessment social order

Karamzin is annoyed by the annoying control of police officials. In Berlin

he is presented with a long list of questions to be answered in

writing. In Prussia, the dominance of the military is striking. Karamzin

indicates the squalor of the social life of the German principalities. Arrival in Berlin

relatives of the king, "stadtholders", as the author dismissively calls her,

turns into an event of national importance: a military parade is arranged,

residents take to the streets, the orchestra plays. Court life draws into its

orbit even great writers. In Vaimar, Karamzin does not find Wieland at home,

neither Herder nor Goethe. The news that they were all in the palace makes him


Karamzin writes about Switzerland in a completely different way, which for enlighteners,

especially for Rousseau, was a clear example of the republican order. "So,

I am already in Switzerland, - the traveler reports, - in the country of picturesque nature, in

land of peace and prosperity. Prosperity of Swiss landowners

explains by the fact that they "pay almost no taxes and live in a perfect

freedom." In Zurich, he talks with great approval about the "girls' school", in

which sit next to the daughters of rich and poor parents, which makes it possible

"respect the dignity, not the wealth" of a person. The reason supporting

Switzerland, the republican system, Karamzin, in the spirit of Montesquieu and Rousseau, sees in

strict ascetic customs of the inhabitants, among whom even the richest

keep more than one maid.

The attitude of the writer to France is complex and contradictory. He came here on that

the moment when the country was reaping the bitter fruits of absolutism. At every station

travelers are surrounded by beggars. While in the Bois de Boulogne, the author recalls

about the recent time when high-society courtesans flaunted each other in front of

another splendor of crews and ruined generous fans. With contempt

the traveler speaks of the French Academy: half of its members

ignorant and takes its place in the nobility of the family.

Therefore, the beginning of the revolution, which was distinguished by a relatively peaceful character,

Karamzin, like Wieland, Klopstock, Herder, Schiller and Kant, met with

Mirabeau's fiery speeches to the People's Assembly. But in final version"Letters"

created after 1793, the revolution was strongly condemned. The worst thing for

Karamzin, as for most of the enlighteners of the 18th century, is a rebellious people and

revolutionary dictatorship. Frightened by the Jacobin terror, he is ready to reconcile

with monarchical rule, relying on slow, but more faithful, according to him

opinion, the successes of morality and education.

In England, a traveler speaks of enterprise with great praise.

merchants, which is consistent with the ideas of the enlighteners about

socially useful role of private initiative. Like a true enlightener

Karamzin praises the religious tolerance of the British, writes with approval about their

legislation on the Magna Carta. Getting to know the court

jury, he declares that in England “there is no person on whom the

another's life."

However, the writer is far from complete and unconditional admiration for life.

English. The reverse side of the ebullient activity of merchants is selfishness and indifference

to people. Along with the wealth of merchants, he also notes the egregious poverty of the English

bottom. The attitude towards the poor in England infuriates him.

Karamzin considers it his duty to acquaint the reader with the nature of the described

country. According to his mind, it determines not only the physical, but also the spiritual

the shape of a person. The inhabitants of the Swiss Alps are beautiful, generous and friendly, because

that they live in the midst of a beautiful and fertile nature. Conversely, cold

the foggy climate of England has a detrimental effect on the character of its citizens,

who are portrayed as withdrawn, distrustful, prudent and selfish.

As a sentimentalist writer, Karamzin considers true and indestructible those

human relationships that leading role feeling plays. That's why

meeting People's Assembly in France or elections to the English Parliament, in

which everything is decided by political calculations, the behind-the-scenes struggle of parties, are described by him

with undisguised irony. Conversely, the school for the deaf and dumb in Paris,

Sailors' Hospital for the elderly at Greenwich garners his full approval

as examples of true philanthropy.

Karamzin seeks to show not only what unites people, but also what

separates them. Among such pernicious delusions, he refers the manifestation

national isolation and national conceit. 0So hostile

Gleichene, who was freed from captivity by a Saracen woman who fled with him.

The count's wife forgave him his involuntary betrayal, after which he was imprisoned

tripartite matrimonial union, recognized even by the pope. In this legend, love and

humanity overcomes national enmity and religious intolerance).

Karamzin visits the dungeon where Martin Luther was imprisoned. Writer

admires the courage of the German reformer who rebelled against authority

pope and emperor.

The best remedy fight against religious fanaticism, national intolerance,

political despotism and poverty Karamzin, like Voltaire, Montesquieu,

Diderot and Rousseau, considers enlightenment. Faith in the beneficial role of science and

art makes him seek meetings with philosophers and writers. In Germany

he visits the village house with a particularly warm feeling children's writer

Weiss. Here he meets with Kant, Platner, Herder and Wieland, who

talks about Russia and Russian literature. Karamzin is sure that the soul

writer and philosopher is always reflected in the work, and the higher the moral

the appearance of each of them, the more beneficial will be their effect on readers. "Letters

Russian traveler" were for Karamzin a kind of school

literary skill. The free composition of the "travel" genre allowed

include a wide variety of material. One of the first places in

unexpected and contradictory.

heard along the way. They are small novels. From them -

direct path to future stories. Interesting psychological portraits of scientists and

writers whom Karamzin had the good fortune to meet. Description of nature

turns in a number of cases, as it were, into small poems in prose.

Some of them echo his own lyrical works. So,

for example, a description of an autumn landscape marked with the words "Geneva, November 1,

1789", in essence, repeats the theme of the poem "Autumn", created in the same

But the "classics" do not exhaust the artistic originality of the story, which carries a still weakly expressed romantic beginning. History dealt a severe blow to enlightenment thinking, and Karamzin puts forward an irrational, romantic explanation of events controlled by fate, fate, fate. Hence the mystery, the mystery of some episodes in the story.

The poeticization of the republican prowess of ancient Novgorod in Marfa Posadnitsa is especially evident in cases where Karamzin deliberately deviates from facts well known to him as a historian. First of all, the interpretation of the social life of Novgorod in the last years of its liberty is different. The History of the Russian State shows the struggle between two parties, of which one quite openly sympathized with Moscow, the other supported the separatist plans of the Boretskys. In "Marfa Posadnitsa" everything looks different. Novgorodians are shown as a friendly military camp, rallied around Martha.

The story of the birth of Miroslav and the reason for the favor of the Novgorod youth of the Moscow sovereign are mysterious. The fate of Martha is also marked by mystery. Even at birth, the Finnish sorcerer predicted a glorious life for her and, apparently, a tragic death, but one can only guess about the latter, since the author breaks off the prediction in half a phrase. In this regard, the legends and omens gleaned from the Novgorod chronicles of the 15th century turned out to be extremely valuable for Karamzin. the destruction of the tower of Yaroslav, on which there was a veche bell; the appearance of a fiery cloud over Novgorod, anxiety seizing animals and birds. Here, the religious consciousness of the ancient scribes in a peculiar way echoed Karamzin's thoughts about a higher providence that controls events.

In the History of the Russian State, Moscow's military actions against Novgorod are given without any embellishment. “Smoke, flames, bloody rivers,” the historian writes, “a groan and a cry from the east and west rushed to the banks of the Ilmen. The Muscovites expressed an indescribable frenzy: the Novgorod traitors seemed to them worse than the Tatars. There was no mercy for either the poor peasants or women.” In the story, pictures of reprisals against civilians missing. John is brought out as a formidable, but at the same time generous and merciful conqueror. Entering the conquered Novgorod, he looks at the Novgorodians not as a conqueror, but as a wise, condescending ruler.

But in order for one of these principles to triumph, the active intervention of the people is necessary. Therefore, a desperate struggle is being waged all the time for popular opinion. At the very beginning of the story, two appeals are given to the people of Novgorod - first by Prince Kholmsky, then - by Martha. In essence, each of the speakers strives with logic, eloquence, and civic passion to win over the people, and after each speech, Karamzin reports on the reaction of the listeners to it. The people, according to Karamzin, are a great force, but requiring constant leadership. This is a giant endowed with a child's soul and child's mind. To this idea the writer repeatedly but “revolves in his story.

“To this day,” writes Karamzin, “the Novgorodians were one family: Martha was his mother.” And only as difficulties grow, when both military failures and famine fall on the city, people, weak in spirit, begin to demand joining Moscow. In "History ..." Karamzin repeatedly writes about Martha's secret negotiations with Lithuania, with the aim of a final break with Moscow. The text of this agreement is given in the notes to Volume VI. In the story, Boretskaya proudly rejects the flattering offers of the Lithuanian ambassador, preferring to remain without help than to stain her conscience with treason. In the "History ..." examples of perfidy of the Novgorodians in the war with Moscow are twice given, when they, sending ambassadors to John for peace negotiations, suddenly attacked his troops. In the story, the military actions of Novgorod are distinguished by chivalrous nobility and directness. In the "History ...", the five thousandth Moscow army defeated the forty thousandth Novgorod army. In the story there is a completely different ratio: the army of John significantly exceeds the forces of the Novgorodians. Karamzin knew that Ivan III did not execute Martha, but imprisoned her in a monastery. In the "History ..." both the place of her imprisonment and the year of her completely peaceful death are indicated. In the story, Boretskaya dies on the chopping block, revealing great self-control. The description of the execution is full of Spectacular details. Martha's last words are: “Subjects of John! I am dying as a citizen of Novogorodsk!” - sounds like a reproach to the Novgorodians who lost their republican prowess.

Attention is drawn to the lengthy monologues (the debate between Martha and Kholmsky), built on the models of solemn, oratorical speeches. Even where, according to the laws of the epic genre, Karamzin could describe military operations on behalf of the author, he turns to the help of the notorious classical messenger.

However, the originality of Karamzin's story lies in the fact that sympathy for Novgorod and the republican order did not prevent the author from justifying its conquest by Moscow, and the glorification of the policy of Ivan III does not exclude sympathy for the Novgorodians. Karamzin defends the monarchical system in Russia, not because he considers it the only possible form of state, but because this particular form of government has been established on Russian soil. He is an enemy of civil storms, an opponent of revolutionary upheavals. He was also led to the idea of ​​the need for autocracy in Russia by reflections on the historical fate of the Russian land. "Russia," he wrote, "was dying from discord, but was saved by the wise autocracy." Karamzin calls the specific fragmented Rus, one of the constituent parts which was the Novgorod Republic. The petty selfishness of the specific princes brought Russia to Tatar yoke. Moscow princes and tsars helped to throw off this yoke. Among them, Karamzin singles out Ivan III. "From here," writes he is history ours accepts the dignity of a truly state, describing no longer the senseless fights of the princes, but the deeds of the kingdom, acquiring independence and greatness.

The evolution of Karamzin's historical views by the beginning of the 19th century. reflected in the creative method of the writer. The revolutionary events in France convinced him that the decisive role in history is played not by love, but by political passions and strength. In Martha Posadnitsa, the theme of sentimental love between Ksenia and Miroslav occupies a very modest place and does not determine the course of events. And on the contrary, the pathos of statehood, civic duty, the suppression of the personal principle in the name of political principles - all this forced Karamzin to turn to the artistic means of classic writers. The story is built along strict geometric lines: it has two camps, each with its own leader - Martha and John.

Here is one of the most important cases in Russian history: the wise John III had to annex the Novgorod region to his state for the glory and strength of the fatherland: praise be to him! However, the Novgorodians also fought for their ancient charters and rights, given to them in part by the great princes themselves, for example, Yaroslav, the approver of their liberties. They acted recklessly: they should have foreseen that resistance would turn into ruin for Novgorod, and prudence demanded a voluntary sacrifice from them...

The sound of the veche bell called all the citizens to the Great Square. Posadniks with gold medals on their chests, thousands with high batons, boyars with banners, elders of all five ends of Novgorod with silver axes have already gathered against the ancient house of Yaroslavov. But still no one is visible on the place of the frontal, or Vadim, where the marble image of this knight towered. The people with their cry drown out the ringing of the bell and demand the opening of the veche. Delinsky, an eminent city dweller, ascends the iron steps, humbly bows to the people and says that the Prince of Moscow has sent a boyar who will publicly announce John's demands. This is Prince Kholmsky, John's right hand in military enterprises, his eye in state affairs.

“Citizens of Novgorod! he says. - The Prince of Moscow and All Russia speaks to you - listen! Wild peoples love independence, wise peoples love order, and there is no order without autocratic power.

Citizens of Novgorod! Within your walls, the autocracy of the Russian land was born, established, glorified. Here, the magnanimous Rurik did judgment and justice, under the sovereign hand of the Varangian hero, the Novgorodians became the horror and envy of other peoples ...

Ungrateful offspring! Pay attention to fair reproaches! The Novgorodians, always being the eldest sons of Russia, suddenly separated from their brethren. And at what time?! Like clouds of insects, countless barbarians appeared, aliens from countries unknown to anyone. Brave Slavs fight and die, the Russian land is stained with the blood of Russians, cities and villages are on fire, chains rattle on virgins and elders. What are Novgorodians doing? How could an ancient Slavic tribe forget its blood?.. Covetousness, selfishness has blinded you! Russians are dying, Novgorodians are getting richer. The corpses of Christian knights killed by the infidels are brought to Moscow, Kyiv, Vladimir, and the people greet them with weeping and wailing; Novgorod is happy with foreign guests and foreign goods! Russians count ulcers, Novgorodians count gold coins. O shame! The descendants of the Slavs value the rights of rulers with gold! But the rulers, accustomed to the benefits of trade, also trade in the good of the people! The Prince of Moscow is aware of their friendly secret ties with Lithuania and Poland. And soon from the place of execution the haughty Pole will say to you: “You are my slaves!”.

People and citizens! The prince of Moscow, realizing that the division of the state was the cause of his troubles, united all the principalities under his power and would not stop until he crushed the foreign yoke. Is it not glorious to obey such a sovereign? Or - heed his last word! - a brave army, ready to crush the Tatars, will appear before your eyes and pacify the rebels! .. Peace or war? Respond!"

Boyar Ioannov put on a helmet and left the place of execution. In the ensuing silence, exclamations suddenly rang out: “Martha! Marfa! Quietly and majestically, she ascends the iron steps, surveys the countless assembly of citizens, and remains silent. Sorrow and greatness on her face. But then the fire of inspiration flashed in her mournful gaze: “My wife dares to speak at the veche, but I was born in the military camp; my father and husband died fighting for Novgorod. Here is my right to be the defender of liberty! It was bought at the price of my happiness ... ".

“Speak, glorious daughter of Novgorod!” the people exclaimed unanimously. “The Prince of Moscow,” Martha broadcast, “reproaches you, Novgorod, with your very well-being. Indeed, the Novgorod regions are blooming. Returning to their country, foreign merchants say: “We saw Novgorod, and we didn’t see anything like it!”

So we are happy - and guilty. Of course, Russia is in poverty - its land is stained with blood, villages and towns are empty. We are guilty that we dared not to participate in the internecine strife of princes, we dared to save the Russian name, not to accept the shackles of the Tatars. The fierce Batu rushed to tear Novgorod to pieces, but our fathers sharpened their swords without timidity, for they knew that they would die, and not be slaves!

John desires to command a great city: no wonder! He saw his fame and fortune with his own eyes. May John be great, but may Novgorod also be great! May the prince of Moscow be famous for the extermination of the enemies of Christianity, and not the friends and brothers of the Russian land! When he crushes the enemy, we will say to him: “John! You have returned honor and freedom to the Russian land, which we have never lost.”

Novgorodians! The heavens are just and bring into slavery only vicious peoples. But if John speaks the truth and vile covetousness has taken possession of our souls, if we love treasures and bliss more than virtue and glory, then the last hour of our freemen will soon strike. And with the loss of freedom, the very source of wealth will dry up. Your glory will fade, great city, and a curious wanderer, looking around the sad ruins, will say in sorrowful thought: “Novgorod was here!”.

The terrible cry of the people did not allow the posadnitsa to speak: “No! Not! We will all die for our country! War, war on John!

The Moscow Ambassador wants to talk more, demands attention. In vain. Then he draws his sword and, raising his voice, says with spiritual sorrow: "Let there be war!"

The ambassador retires, a formidable alarm rang out in all parts of the city as a sign of a declaration of war, and Martha hurried to her grandfather, the pious Theodosius. For seventy years he served his fatherland with a sword, and then withdrew from the world into the depths of a dense forest.

The elder listens to Marfa, he foresees disasters. “In order not to reproach oneself in the future,” Martha ardently objects to him, “one must act prudently in the present, choose the best and calmly await the consequences ...”.

Marfa brought with her the young knight Miroslav. She decides to entrust the army to a brave young man. "He is an orphan in the world, and God loves orphans!" The hermit blesses the young man for scolding. The next morning, Marfa's eloquence convinces the veche, and Miroslav is approved as leader.

Anticipating a tragic turn of events, the posadnitsa marries her daughter Xenia to Miroslav, the bishop himself performs a wedding in St. Sophia Cathedral. For the first time in long years joy visited the Boretsky house. Touched Martha tells the newlyweds what a meek and gentle wife she was, believing all her happiness in the family. Not at all similar to the current posadnitsa. What changed her? Love! After the death of her husband, who “lived and breathed the fatherland,” she could no longer remain an indifferent witness to the events. Before her death, her husband took an oath from her to be the defender of Novgorod liberty.

The next day, Novgorod not only prepared for battle, but also managed to celebrate the wedding. The Boretskys treated the people. “On this day, the Novgorodians were one family, and Martha was his mother.”

A messenger arrives - Pskov refused to support the Novgorodians. Abandoned by the allies, Novgorod is arming even more zealously. The news came that John was already hastening to the great city with a select army. The Novgorod regiments lined up and came out to meet him. Martha guides the army.

Silence has settled in the great city, only the churches are open from morning until midnight, the priests do not take off their vestments, the candles do not fade before the images, everyone kneels, prayer singing does not stop.

The day of the decisive battle came, and for a long time no news came. Finally, a cloud of dust appeared. From a high place of execution, Martha watches him and does not say a word. Then suddenly, closing his eyes, he loudly says: “Miroslav is killed! John is the winner!

On a chariot covered with banners, the body of Miroslav is brought. Wounded warriors tell of a brutal slaughter. Experienced warriors admit that they have not seen such bloodshed: “The Russian chest was against the Russian chest, and the knights on both sides wanted to prove that they were Slavs. The mutual malice of the brothers is the most terrible!

"Have my sons been slain?" Martha asked impatiently. "Both," she replied. “Praise the sky! - said the posadnitsa - Maybe the citizens regret that they did not fall on their knees before John? .. Let my enemies speak, and if they prove that the love of freedom is a crime for a citizen of a free fatherland, I will gladly lay my head on the chopping block . Send it to John and boldly demand his mercy!” - "No no! - exclaims the people in the liveliest zeal. We want to die with you. And again, hot battles boil. Having failed to defeat the Novgorodians in open battle, John proceeds to a long siege. Cut off from the granaries, Novgorod is in need, famine sets in. The voices of Martha's opponents are heard more and more. Finally, in a desperate battle, the last defenders of liberty perish. Elder Theodosius, who left the prayer gate in a time of trouble and was again elected a posadnik, hands John the keys to the city.

The Prince of Moscow enters the city, he forgives everyone, he needs only one sacrifice to reconcile the parties. Proud Martha ascends the scaffold and addresses the people with the last word: “Citizens of John! - she exclaims - I am dying as a citizen of Novgorod! ..».

The veche bell is removed from the ancient tower and taken to Moscow.
