The meaning of the name Zakhar, the character and fate of its owner. What does the name Zakhar mean, what are its origins and history? The meaning of the name Zakhar, character and fate

The meaning of the name Zakhar for a boy, a guy and a man. What does the name mean today, what is its origin? Read a full analysis of the nature, compatibility and fate of the name Zakhar in this article!

Full name: Zakhar

Meaning: a form of the name Zechariah, Zechariah, derived from the Hebrew name Zecharya Zechariahu - "The Lord remembered" "Yahweh remembered", "remembered by the Lord", "remembered by the Lord", "remembering the Lord"

Similar names: Zechariah, Zachary, Zekeri, Tsakharias, Dzakkaria, Zakaria, Zakaria, Zakir

Church name: Zechariah

Middle name: Zakharovich, Zakharovna

What does the name Zahar mean?

The origin of the name Zakhar is Hebrew. Its original form was the name Zechariahu, which in translation into Russian means “remembering the Lord”, “remembered by the Lord”, “remembering the Lord”, “Yahweh remembered” and “The Lord remembered”.

People from different countries and states of the world call them their newborn boys. In Russia, it is no less popular and endows its bearer with poise, sociability and a peaceful temperament. Zakhar at any age is an interesting and versatile person.

Zakhar name in different languages ​​of the world

Arabic: الزهار

Belarusian: Zachary

Armenian: Զախար

Bulgarian: Zakhar

Hungarian: Zakarias

Greek: Ζαχαρίας

Georgian: ზაჰარი

Spanish: Zacarias

Italian: Zaccaria

German: Zacharias

Polish: Zachariasz

In Portuguese: Zacarias

Chinese: 扎哈爾

Romanian: Zaharia

Serbian: Zaharija

Ukrainian: Zakhar

French: Zacharie

Finnish: Sakari

Czech: Zacharias

Japanese: ザハール

Characteristics and astrology named after Zakhar

Favorable day: Wednesday

Zodiac sign: Virgo

Ruler Planet: Mercury

Talisman Stone: Yellow Sapphire

Color: scarlet

plant: poppy

Animal: irbis

What does the name Zakhar mean for a boy, a guy and a man?

A boy named Zakhar can be considered the dream of any parents, because he is an open, active, sociable and not capricious child. Balance is its hallmark. He almost from birth understands what is good and what is bad. It does not cause problems in education, because it is obedient and affectionate.

When dad and mom are busy, Zakhar can find something for himself without requiring the attention of his parents. He always has friends who invite him to play in the yard at any time of the year and weather. The boy is very trusting. This can sometimes have a negative impact on his life. It is easy to deceive him and draw around his finger, which is what peers who love to offend use. Zakhar has no problems with studies, because he has unique intellectual abilities.

As a teenager, Zakhar remains the same as in childhood. He is still kind-hearted, sympathetic and sociable. Only his character has undergone a slight change. Because the teenager has become stubborn in his actions, especially in those the result of which he foresees as positive. Started business always brings to its logical end. He likes to make decisions on his own, but he also listens to parental advice, because he respects their opinion.

Not a single school Olympiad passes without Zakhar. He is inclined towards literature and the exact sciences. He is not ambitious, therefore he studies and reads a lot only for his own self-development and improvement. He does not like to brag about his achievements. He is a humble, sympathetic and caring guy.

As a man, Zakhar is honest, kind, reasonable and calm. He comes to help without expecting anything in return. He does good deeds not because of selfish goals, but because of his good heart and ability to sympathize with someone else's grief and empathize. For such qualities, many consider him too soft-bodied. But Zakhar does not pay any attention to this. Such disinterestedness of a man is often used by some of his acquaintances. And even knowing this, Zakhar cannot go against his nature and not help the one who asks for it.

On this basis, he may have quarrels with his wife, because a man either helps one or the other, often not to please his family. Zakhar works well, but is not a workaholic. Not in a hurry to climb the career ladder. Sometimes becomes a participant in quarrels at work with employees.

The nature and fate of the name Zakhar

  • equilibrium
  • modesty
  • good nature
  • unselfishness

Zakhar is a cold-blooded, moderate and good-natured person. These qualities accompany him throughout his life. He is respectful and attentive to both his family members and employees at work. She also anxiously cares for and cares for her elderly parents, helping them in everyday life and financially.

The framework of generally accepted morality for him is a line that Zakhar will never cross. This is an honest and fair person who cannot stand immorality and negligence. In relations with women behave respectfully.

  • compliance
  • resentment
  • sacrifice

Often in Zakhar's life, problems arise because of his dedication and complaisance. In the heat of sacrifice, he can forget not only about himself, but also about his family. Solving someone's problem, he, unwittingly, may miss the impending disaster in relations with his household.

Zakhar believes that a wife should be proud of her shrewd husband, who, like a superhero, is in a hurry to help someone. And the wife suffers because of the lack of attention on the part of her husband to her own person. Zakhar hides the offense for a long time in himself, and then suddenly pours out in a fit of emotions everything that he has been saving for so long, which surprises those around him very much.

The fate of Zakhar

Zakhar makes a good healer of souls and a psychologist. And when he cannot help by deed, he helps by word. If Zakhar learns to put his interests above the interests of others, he can become a leader in life. But he will succeed only thanks to a faithful wife or a smart friend. They will be able to convey to Zakhar that his sacrifice is not always appropriate and necessary. A man has the ability to be a support for a woman and a reward for all the bad things that she had to endure in life.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Not all Zahars reach great heights in the professional field. A man performs his duties at work well, because he is responsible and executive. If he does not like the enterprise or company where a man works, he easily changes it to another organization, believing that it is not worth working where he does not want to go in the morning.

Zakhar can change many places until he finds a job he likes. It can make a professional driver, engineer, mechanic or design bureau worker. It can also become a successful entrepreneur, but in the event that it has an assertive and efficient partner as partners. Zakhar does not know how to distribute the money he earns. And the time when they are not at all, evaluates philosophically. Does not know how to save and bargain.

Marriage and family

Zakhar is in no hurry to start a family, and by the time the man was ripe for a wedding and a serious relationship, most of the women in his circle had already managed to get married, give birth to a baby and get a divorce. Therefore, a man is more likely to marry a woman with a child. His wife will be the girl who first became a friend for a man, had heart-to-heart conversations with him and gently pushed him towards a romantic relationship.

Zakhar is a family man in the classical sense of the word. He loves to cook, help his wife around the house, take care of children and spend all weekends surrounded by his loved ones. The wife leads the marriage. Zakhar is a frequent visitor to parent meetings and various performances by his children. He is the first to compromise in conflicts with his wife, because he respects her and loves her.

Sex and love

Zakhar is a real romantic, able to arrange a chic romantic dinner with all the ensuing consequences. Always armed and ready. Being attractive to the opposite sex, he is poorly versed in girls and cannot immediately discern mercantilism and greed in some of them. Often makes mistakes in choosing a companion and then suffers from a break in relations.

In sexual terms, he rushes things, wanting to have an intimate relationship almost immediately, which repels many girls. In bed, gentle and sensitive. Many women mark him as a wonderful lover. He does not brag about his victories in front of his friends, because he considers the topic of sex very intimate. For a full-fledged relationship, good sex and the attractiveness of a partner are not enough for him, the girl must be smart and interesting in communication.


As a child, Zakhar may have vision problems that will be congenital. Therefore, timely detection of the disease and its elimination can prevent the wearing of glasses or lenses in adulthood. If the boy did not receive treatment, then in his youth he decides to have an operation, because at such an early age he takes care of his own health and well-being.

The guy has no other physiological problems. But mental health is not so simple. A man often suffers from nervous tension and painful introspection. Doctors recommend Zakhar to often be in the fresh air, not to drive himself at work, to have proper rest and sleep, and not to neglect the opportunity to get a vacation and fly to the sea.

Interests and hobbies

Zakhar has been very independent and self-sufficient since childhood. He can find something to his liking. Parents should not even delve into his creative abilities, look for talents and reveal them. The boy's favorite pastime is assembling a puzzle and a designer. As a young man, Zakhar can get carried away by some kind of sport. Usually it is football or basketball.

Having become a man, he will spend a lot of time on arranging his apartment or house and on ennobling the land. With enough finances, he will decide to build a chic house and put all his ideas and fantasies, creativity and strength into it. Zakhar is a real gardener, because he loves land work and everything connected with it.

Zakhar name compatibility with female names

Zakhar tends to make mistakes in choosing a partner, so it does not hurt him to know which women he is compatible with and which ones he is not.

Relationships will only bring disappointment and devastation with those girls whose names are Antonina, Diana, Zhanna, Clara, Lyudmila, Natalya, Nina and Chulpan.

No less strange and sudden will be Zakhar's novels with those women whose names are Galina, Evgenia, Zoya, Xenia, Nadezhda, Neonilla and Serafima. A man will not be able to hope for understanding and respect on their part, because the girls will see in him only the answer to solving their problems and troubles.

Zakhar's relations with Alexandra, Valeria, Victoria, Zulfiya, Inga, Inna, Kaleria, Maria, Nonna, Polina, Regina and Stella will become more or less warm. But even with them, the idyll that a man so strives for in family relationships will not work.

But marriage with Alina, Veronika, Ekaterina, Ilona, ​​Inessa, Irina, Lilia, Martha, Olga, Praskovya, Svetlana and Susanna will be successful. In one of them, Zakhar will find exactly what he was looking for. A man will be especially lucky with Ekaterina or Irina, because these women will fully support their spouse in everything and will never reproach him for his constant desire to go and help someone. With those women with whom relations will be favorable, Zakhar will be able to find a common language at work.

In recent years, it has become fashionable to give children old names. Of course, they are not as popular as Alexander, Dmitry, Maxim and others. However, more and more often you can meet guys named Gleb, Matvey, Timofey and Zakhar. The meaning of the name leaves an imprint on its owner. It endows a person with certain character traits and destiny. In this article, we will take a closer look at the meaning and origin of the name Zakhar.

What does the name and its origin mean?

This name has Hebrew roots. It comes from Zechariah, which translates only as “remembering the Lord”, “Yahweh remembered”, “remembering the Lord”. On the territory of modern Russia, it is used in the form Zakhar. The meaning of the name has the strongest energy and endows its owner with characteristic features.

Muslim peoples have both a male (Zakir, Zakaria) and a female (Zakira) form of the name.

Positive character traits

Men with the name Zakhar are persistent and attractive. They know how to correctly prioritize their lives and slowly but surely go towards achieving their goal. The meaning of the name Zakhar endowed its owner with a good-natured character. He does not weave intrigues, does not hold evil and does not take revenge on his offenders. Throughout his life, he builds relationships with others, taking into account the opinions and desires of other people.

Negative character traits

The meaning of the name Zakhar gives the owner both positive and negative sides. He has resentment and vulnerable pride. The negative traits include excessive complaisance. Despite the good nature, sometimes Zakhar may have spontaneous outbursts of indignation and indignation.

From childhood, the boy grows up with a very moral, pure nature. Zakhar is distinguished by selflessness, compassion for the people around him. He seeks to help those in need.

He does not show a particular desire for study, but if some subject aroused his interest, Zakhar will try to study it in depth. The boy values ​​his parents and appreciates male friendship.

If you are thinking about how to name your son, in order to make a choice, you should find out the meaning of the name for the child. Zakhar will not become the owner of a strong male character, but he has many positive qualities. He always strives to fulfill his promise, avoids conflict situations, is an ardent opponent of violence and cruelty, easily finds an approach to other people.

He cannot be called a coward, but Zakhar is not able to quickly react and answer the offender. He does not accept violence in resolving conflict situations. If parents do not teach their son to fight back from childhood, in adulthood he may have problems on this basis.

Professional activity

Zakhar is a dreamy person and quite often he chooses the profession that he dreamed about in his childhood. The ability to delve into the study of topics of interest to him allows him to succeed in the field of medicine and jurisprudence. Zakhar can become a pilot, a driver or a doctor.

Often, the name of the child depends on his character and fate. The meaning of the name Zakhar endows its owner with a broad nature. He is open to people, easily finds a common language with them, which helps him to succeed in his professional activities. Zakhar has a craving for technology, which often becomes a determining factor in choosing a specialty. He prefers mental work, although he has all the makings for physical activity.

Zakhar can do a lot of things, so he is an indispensable employee in his team. He has no leadership ambitions, so he rarely takes leadership positions. But he copes with the role of the performer successfully.


A man named Zakhar loves nature very much. Resting in the forest or on the banks of the river is his weakness. What he lacks in physical activity due to the nature of his work, he makes up for in sports or gardening.

Relationships with the opposite sex

For people who want to give their child the name Zakhar, the meaning of the name and the fate that will accompany their son throughout his life are of great interest. How relations with the opposite sex develop depends largely on parental upbringing. The Zahars themselves are very shy, and it is very difficult for them to take the first step to get to know each other. Parents should teach the boy to communicate with girls from childhood.

Zakhar is always gallant and polite, so that his beloved will feel like a queen. Not prone to excitement and risk, he prefers women who have a twist. He is attracted by bright personalities, whose life is shrouded in secrets and mysteries. However, Zakhar will not be able to find family happiness with such girls. Women, seeing his kindness, complaisance and disinterestedness, will strive to extract their self-interest from this.

Trying to find his soul mate, in his youth, Zakhar will make many mistakes. Unsuccessful relationships will leave a deep mark on his soul. However, having matured, Zakhar will learn to understand women and be able to make the right choice. His companion will be a girl with a soft but strong character.

Since in his youth Zakhar makes mistakes in search of his betrothed, he most often finds his soul mate by the age of 30. He becomes a great family man. Noisy parties in the circle of the company are not to the liking of a man named Zakhar. The meaning of the name and fate endowed him with numerous positive characteristics that are very important for a happy marriage.

Zakhar does an excellent job with men's duties, but he is not averse to taking on some of the women's chores around the house. He does not consider it shameful to clean the apartment or cook dinner. In this regard, his woman is not said to be lucky.

Zakhar prefers to spend his free time with his family. Together with his wife and children, he often goes on a trip, hiking, etc.

According to the meaning of the name, Zakhara can be called a pedantic father. He is a good example for his children, as he has a negative attitude towards smoking and drinking alcohol. Zakhar welcomes a healthy lifestyle and sports. From early childhood, he teaches his children to observe order and to the fact that every thing has its place.

Zakhar is monogamous. He never ceases to admire his beloved even after marriage. He is ready to turn the everyday life of his wife into a real fairy tale. Zakhar is not prone to betrayal, and will never exchange good, strong family relationships for a fleeting hobby.

Women, seeing the kindness of such a man, very often pour out their souls to him, share worldly troubles. Zakhar selflessly strives to help in solving problems. One of these women sooner or later becomes his wife.

Zakhar loves his children very much and pays a lot of attention to their education.

A man with this name has an incredible inner energy that is attractive to people. He has a balanced character, does not tolerate violence, which allows you to create a very strong union. Family life will be built on mutual understanding and love.

Influence of the seasons

Depending on what time of the year Zakhar was born, some character traits will prevail.

If he was born in winter, such qualities as punctuality, seriousness and scrupulousness in work will be overdeveloped in him.

Autumn Zakhar has a phenomenal memory, attentive to others and practical. Prefers to work with technology. He will make an excellent programmer, designer, technician.

Those born in the summer period are characterized by a good disposition, attentiveness to others, mutual understanding with colleagues.

Impressibility and disinterestedness are characteristic of the spring Zakharam. They are ready to help someone in need. Most often, they choose a profession related to medicine.


A man named Zakhar has good health. However, due to his excessive susceptibility to other people's grief, the most vulnerable are the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Zakhar also has a predisposition to be overweight, so you should carefully monitor the diet and exercise, which will help maintain good physical shape.

Astrological characteristic

The ruling planet is Mercury.

The most acceptable zodiac signs are Cancer and Virgo.

Talisman stone - yellow sapphire, black opal and amber.

The color of luck is scarlet, black, orange.

Lucky number - 7.

The patronizing element is Air.

Totem animals - horse, weasel, owl.

Plants that bring success are nettle, chestnut and poppy.

Lucky day of the week - Wednesday.

Favorable time of the year is summer.

The metal of the name is mercury.

The name Zakhar has very ancient roots. According to linguists, the meaning of the name Zakhar comes from the biblical Zechariah. “Yahweh remembered” - this is what the name Zakhar means in translation. The most famous person in history who bore the same name was the father of John the Baptist. He was revered in Islam as a prophet. Among the Arabs, the name also sounds like Zechariah. In all Abrahamic religious directions, the name is highly honored.

Reflection of the name on the fate of the child

The meaning of the name Zakhar for a boy lies in the ideal characteristics of the child. Any parents can only dream of a son like Zakhar. He will easily find a common language with other guys or even adults, will obey the elders and be moderately active. Kids will be happy to play quietly with the designer or other toys that require attention and diligence.

The fate and meaning of the name Zakhar for a boy will depend on such characteristics as self-confidence, restraint, poise. He easily distinguishes good things from bad, knows perfectly well what can and cannot be done. In most cases, Zakhar will behave like an ideal child, very rarely he can show his whims. Since childhood, the boy will be surrounded by many friends. This feature persists throughout life.

For a boy, the meaning of the name Zakhar is a diligent and diligent student. The child will be distinguished by good perseverance, the school curriculum is easily given to him. Usually such children are endowed with high intelligence, which is urgently needed to find the right application. For them, participation in olympiads of various levels of complexity can be successful. The competitive moment in such competitions only stirs up the interest of the boys and acts as an additional motivation. The student will be more interested in the exact sciences, as well as literature and languages.

Name Zakhar - the meaning of the name for the child will be reflected in the health of the baby, which should be good and strong. But there are also several negative points - this is rapid fatigue and a tendency to reduce vision. To eliminate the first trouble, you need to try to increase the vitality of the child's body, making walks in the fresh air longer.

Zakhar's personal life

It is believed that the name Zakhar has a Jewish origin. "Memory of the Lord" - that's what the name Zakhar means.

In his personal life, the fate and meaning of the name Zakhar endow a man with emotional and external attractiveness for women. But men do not know how to make the right choice and are often mistaken in their chosen one. This is due to the fact that the meaning of the name Zakhar is that its owner is deprived of the ability to understand people. It is likely that on the love front, a man or a young guy will often be haunted by disappointments.

Marriage is not typical for the name Zakhar, which means love for a free life. Marry Zakhar may be very late. Often his soulmate becomes a woman with a child or a girl experiencing some kind of life difficulties. For such a choice, he will strive to be support and support, to help in everything.

The opposite sex will be drawn to Zakhar all his life, but he will create a barrack at a mature age, when he is really ready for this.

Zakhar in the family

In the role of a husband, the meaning of the name Zakhar for men is manifested by leadership qualities. He will simply become an indisputable authority, take the economy into his own hands, and will himself calculate expenses and receipts. This business he does not trust anyone else.

Guests see the man as hospitable, sociable and open. But they also know that he is very hard to lift. What does the name Zakhar mean - to follow the life motto "to be like everyone else." This person is likely to be very sentimental. And all his deeds and deeds will be disinterested. Such qualities as gentleness, good-naturedness always attract new people to him, to whom he will always come to the rescue, even if he has to sacrifice himself.

Housework is not a burden for him. He gets along well with his children and with great desire devotes time to classes and their education. From childhood, the father adapts the kids to work, controls their progress, teaches them to respect their elders. Another meaning of the name Zakhar is a homebody. He will love his wife very much and trust her completely. Such a husband will not become an alcoholic. Drinking does not attract him, he is more interested in just having quiet conversations at the table. During life with such a man, one can find a manifestation of his shortcomings, such as tediousness, grouchiness. Zakhar loves to lecture. But it doesn't show up right away.

Business and career

The meaning of the name Zakhar, the character and fate of a person is not connected with the desire for wealth. But this person will handle money carefully. He knows how to put them off and spend them economically. Of course, there are those who want to take advantage of his good nature and generosity. Therefore, it is not always possible to fully preserve the fruits of one's labor and postpone them for old age.

When building a career, a person with the name Zakhar, which means "God's memory", will choose a profession that does not require leadership from him. He does not aspire to be the first and occupy major positions. He is valued as an honest, responsible and impeccable worker. He will successfully submit to professions that require analysis and informed decision making. A man is interested in hard work. He can be an excellent clerk, librarian, even the director of a small company.

Zakhar will always be very drawn to technology. He has a practical mindset, he is not deprived of luck and ability. Therefore, he can choose the profession of an engineer, designer, auto mechanic, driver, operator, television technician, builder, physicist. He approaches his work seriously, with precision and commitment, which help him to achieve success in his career. Employers always highlight Zakhar's hard work, which he openly demonstrates, and high intelligence.

The nature of the name

For those born in winter, the meaning of the name Zakhar is a true workaholic who will work for an idea. Such dedication will have a negative impact on family life, since work that brings moral satisfaction does not always meet material requirements. The winter guy has seriousness and responsibility. Discipline is in the foreground for him. He is very demanding of himself and of those around him. The ideal half for him will be a quiet, modest, balanced girl, whose family comes first.

The meaning of the name and character of Zakhar, born in the spring, lies in scrupulousness. This person is a pedant, pays attention to any trifles and details, from which he can make something valuable for himself. At the same time, he is famous for his kindness of soul and responsiveness. He will never stand aside someone else's grief. Outwardly, he will show coldness, sometimes even seem cruel, but inside such a man turns out to be very impressionable and even vulnerable. He wants sincere feelings and emotions. For his companion, he is ready to be a knight, capable of protecting and comforting her. If a strong feeling arises, he can even become a romantic. He will be comfortable with an easy-going woman who is kind and cheerful, and most importantly, is a good friend for him.

The meaning of the name Zakhar, who was born in the summer, is a manifestation of kindness. This is often used by relatives, others, colleagues at work. Everyone knows that you can always rely on Zakhar, but they are not always in a hurry to help him. However, the man is used to seeing only positive qualities in people, although he is a rather practical and even reasonable person. The negative side of people often just does not pay attention. He needs a morally strong and strong-willed chosen one who will take control of the family in her own hands. Only in this case he will have a strong family.

What does the name Zakhar mean for a person born in autumn? This is a huge self-confidence, determination and pragmatism. He always goes to his goal and achieves it. To do this, choose the path of honesty. The spirit does not tolerate two-faced people, therefore it has nothing to do with liars and deceivers. At a convenient opportunity, he tries to put them in their place. Therefore, he not only has many friends, but also ill-wishers. He loves life and never stops enjoying it. He is not afraid of depression, he simply cannot have them. He needs a calm and peaceful chosen one who will make a choice in favor of a family, not a career. He does not need a woman with leadership qualities.

Mystery of the name

The secret of the name Zakhar lies in the ability of this person to say “no”. It often seems to those around him that he is so trouble-free. And they all try to use it for their own purposes. In fact, Zakhar is not stupid at all. It perfectly sees and distinguishes those who try to use it. He can calmly and calmly, but at the same time firmly indicate to people their place and refuse. For many, this causes respect for a man.

The secret of the name Zakhar and its correspondence:

  • patron planet - Mercury;
  • suitable zodiac sign - Virgo;
  • totem animal - an owl;
  • ideal color - scarlet;
  • the accompanying plant is poppy, and among the trees is chestnut;
  • a talisman stone that suits the name is yellow sapphire, black opal and amber.


The name corresponds to such zodiac signs as Cancer and Virgo. These are the most favorable signs for him. What the name Zakhar means under the sign of cancer is openness, cheerful disposition, modesty and affection for the house.

His name is most perfectly compatible with Tamara, Olga, Nadezhda, Maria, Zoya and Zinaida. Such names of girls promise a successful marriage. Most likely, relations with Elena, Vera, Valentina, Victoria and Valeria will not work out.

The meaning of the name Zakhar: the name for the boy means "God (Yahweh) remembers". This affects the character and fate of Zakhar.

Origin of the name Zahar: Jewish.

Diminutive form of the name: Zaharka, Zaharchik, Zakharushka, Zakharochka, Zakharonka.

What does the name Zahar mean? The name comes from the Hebrew name Zecharya. It translates as "Yahweh remembered." Another meaning of the name Zakhar is “the memory of the Lord.” The name Zakhar is pleasant in sound, a modern name popular in European countries. Like the prophet Zakaria, he is a person who is ready to endure any trials and tests of strength. A guy with this name is not afraid of difficulties, because he believes in himself and in God. Religion is his salvation, but he is not a fanatic.

Middle name: Zaharovich, Zakharovna; unfold Zakharych.

Angel Day and patron saints of the name: the name Zakhar celebrates name days twice a year:

  • February 21 (8) - St. Prophet Zechariah 500 years before Christ. described the entrance of the Lord into Jerusalem on a donkey, about how he would be betrayed for thirty pieces of silver and that this money would be used to buy land "from the potter" (which, as we know, Judas did), about the eclipse of the sun during the crucifixion, oh perforation of the rib with the spear of the guard and about the future dispersion of the disciples of the Messiah in various countries.
  • September 18 (5) - St. Righteous Zechariah, pious father of John the Baptist. St. Zacharias was a priest at the Temple of Jerusalem; killed in the middle of the temple by the soldiers of King Herod, who were looking for his son John during the massacre of the babies.

Signs: February 21 is the day of Zechariah the sickle-seeer. He is called so because in one of the prophetic revelations he saw a scroll flying through the air, curved like a huge sickle. The peasants understood this in their own way, and this day was marked by delivering sickles and inspecting them: "The female reapers pray to Zacharias the sickle-seeer."


  • Zodiac - Virgo
  • Planet - Mercury
  • Color - scarlet
  • Auspicious tree - chestnut
  • Treasured plant - poppy
  • Name patron - owl
  • Talisman stone - yellow sapphire

Characteristics of the name Zakhar

Positive features: Zakhar is characterized by solidity, perseverance, and attractiveness. A man named Zakhar knows what he needs from life, and slowly goes to the goal. Zakharka is good-natured and does not hold evil, does not plot revenge, intrigues. A guy named Zakhar builds his life in accordance with the desires of other people.

Negative Traits: Very often found in the name of touchiness, vulnerable pride, excessive complaisance. Sometimes a guy with this name may have sharp outbursts of indignation, indignation.

The nature of the name Zakhar: What character traits determines the meaning of the name Zakhar. He is a reliable and solid person. In his youth, he was engaged in dumbbell gymnastics, lifting the barbell, as if preparing himself for difficult trials. However, there are few significant, and even more dramatic, events for Zakhar to experience. An excess of accumulated forces provides him with a calm existence, those around him treat him with respect and even love - because he is always ready to help. True, this help, often disinterested, he usually accompanies with moralizing, and in old age he can become just a bore.

A man with this name is a sociable, hospitable person, but heavy on his feet. Lives by the principle: "to be like everyone else." Zakhar is sentimental, everything he does is devoid of self-interest; his softness, good-naturedness attract people to him. Always ready to help people, even to the detriment of himself.

Passion is a technique, he chooses humanitarian specialties much less often. A guy with this name likes to work in the garden. The meaning of the name Zakhar depends on the time of birth. The owner of the name, born in winter, is stubborn, touchy, very careful, does not like bouncers and never boasts himself. Born in the summer - "groovy", gambling, has good intuition and therefore feels when to stop.

Zakhar and his personal life

Compatibility with female names: The marriage of the name with Zinaida, Zoya, Maria, Nadezhda, Olga is prosperous. The name Zakhar is also combined with Tamara. Difficult name relationships can arise with Valentina, Valeria, Vera, Victoria, Elena.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Zakhar promise happiness in love? He is attractive to the opposite sex, but rarely makes the right choice, because he is not very well versed in people, which is why love disappointments are possible in his life.

A man with this name marries late and, as a rule, a woman with a child. He Zakhar cedes to his wife the role of the family leader. Do not shy away from homework. Willingly engaged in raising children: accustoms them to work, monitors their studies, instills respect for elders. He Zakhar is a homebody. He loves his wife and trusts her unconditionally. The man is indifferent to alcohol.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Zakhar does not strive for leadership. He Zakhar can give in to a more active person both in family relationships and in business. The guy is valuable as an impeccable and honest performer. A man with this name can achieve significant results in work that requires analysis, balance, and painstaking work. In this case, Zakharka will not miss her. He can be an indispensable clerk, librarian, head of a small organization.

Business and career: Although Zakhar does not strive for wealth, he knows how to carefully, economically spend and save money. But there are people who will be able to take advantage of his generosity, and he will not be able to fully enjoy the results of his work, saving money for old age.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Zakhar: The meaning of the name Zakhar from the point of view of medicine. He is Zakhar, like a mirror attitude, similar to his parents. He has a gift of imitation, he copies their habits and habits. Basically, he is a quiet and calm child, obedient and quick-witted. He loves to assemble and disassemble the designer.

An adult has the same craving for technology. He has a practical mindset, good abilities, he is lucky - all this allows the name to quickly and firmly stand on its feet. Seriousness, commitment, accuracy in work contribute to his career. True, he does not aspire to be a high boss, he is quite satisfied with the position of the head of a group of engineers. Zakhar's calm confidence in himself and in the just order of the world protects him from unnecessary ambitions and worries.

He is gifted with great kindness and broad nature. People are drawn to him, but not everyone can become his friend. A man with this name is very demanding of friends: they must be faithful, be able to come to the rescue at any moment. There is no doubt that the guy himself meets these requirements.

The owner of the name Zakhar marries quite late and more often to a woman with a child. At one time, she looked for sympathy from him and found it. In the family, this is the undisputed leader, he manages the household, he controls the costs. Children are of special importance to him. He checks the lessons of the children, goes to parent-teacher meetings. A man with this name is not very demanding, except that he is grouchy, loves to read moralizing.

A man named Zakhar almost never drinks, he likes quiet conversations at the table, melodramatic and historical films, and likes to go out into nature with the whole family. He is not prone to treason and trusts his wife. Attaches great importance to parents, takes care of them.

The fate of Zakhar in history

What does the name Zakhar mean for male destiny?

  1. Zakharia Kostrominich - Pskov mayor. Zacharias was a posadnik in the difficult years for Pskov at the end of the 14th and beginning of the 15th centuries, when his independent political existence was ending. Hence Zacharias' constant concern for the fortification of Pskov. Under Zakhary, a quarrel with Lithuania occurred and was temporarily settled, and Moscow triumphed in Pskov. In the year of her triumph, Zechariah died.
  2. Zakhar G. Chernyshev (1796-1862) - Decembrist. Coming from a count's family, he received a good education at home and, serving in the cavalry guard regiment, became friends with Nikita Muravyov, who was married to his sister, the head of a secret society. The Supreme Criminal Court found him guilty of "knowing about the intent to commit regicide and belonged to a secret society with knowledge of its goals," and sentenced to four years' hard labor, later reduced to one year. After serving time in the Chita prison, he lived until February 1829 in Yakutsk, and then was transferred to the Caucasus, where he rose to the first officer rank with his prowess. In 1856 the title and all rights were returned to him. Zakhar Chernyshev spent the last years of his life in Rome.
  3. Priest Zacharias and Elizabeth, the parents of John the Baptist, had no children until old age. After the birth of Jesus Christ, King Herod ordered that all babies be beaten. Elizabeth fled with her son into the desert and hid in a cave. Zechariah as a priest was in Jerusalem. Herod sent soldiers to him with orders to open the whereabouts of the infant John. Zechariah replied that he did not know this, and was killed right in the temple. The Gospel of Luke begins with a story about these events, about Zechariah and Elizabeth.
  4. Zechariah Rhetor ((470s - c.553) monophysite church historian, possibly completely identical with the person of Zacharias Scholastic (Zacharias of Mytilene)
  5. Zechariah the Scholastic, Zechariah of Mytilene - (c.465 - after 536) Christian (Monophysite) figure, theologian, historian of the 6th century.
  6. Zakhar Leontievsky - (1799 - 1874) Russian sinologist, translator.
  7. Zakhar Sorokin - (1917 - 1978) Soviet pilot, hero of the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union; flew and fought without both feet.
  8. Zakhar Dorofeev - (1890 - 1952) Moksha and Russian poet, teacher, translator, folklore researcher, historian, ethnographer, public figure, one of the founders of modern Moksha literature; author of the primer "Valda yan" ("Bright Path").
  9. Zakhar Ronzhin is a Russian actor.
  10. Zakhar (y) Burinsky - (1784 - 1808) Russian poet and translator.
  11. Zakhar Shibeko - (born 1948) Belarusian historian.
  12. Zakhar Pashutin - Russian basketball player, defender, 5-time champion of Russia (2003-2007), two-time Euroleague champion (2006, 2008), European champion 2007; Honored Master of Sports of Russia.
  13. Zakhar Prilepin - real name - Evgeny Prilepin, Russian writer, philologist, journalist.
  14. Zakhar May is a musician, ex-leader of the Shiva group, a participant in the Invasion, Wings and Open Windows music festivals.
  15. Zakhar Subbotin - ship modeller; International Master of Sports of Russia, 3-time World record holder, multiple World champion, multiple European champion, multiple champion of Russia.
  16. Zakhar Bron - Russian and German violinist and music teacher, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1985), People's Artist of Russia (2001), holder of the Order of Merit for the Federal Republic of Germany -
  17. Zakhar Arkas - (1793 - 1866) Russian naval officer, historian and archaeologist, Lieutenant General of the Navy of the Russian Empire (1860).

Zakhar in different languages ​​of the world

The translation of the name in different languages ​​has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. Translated in English as Zachary, Zachery, Zackary, Zackery (Zackery); Zachariah, Zechariah (Zakaria), in German: Zacharias (Zacharias), in French: Zacharie (Zachari), in Spanish: Zacarias (Sakarias), in Italian: Zaccaria (Zakkaria).

Each Zakhar: the origin and meaning of the name, character and fate has its own meaning, its own deep meaning. The name cannot carry the definition of later life, it lays the foundation of character and talent, which develop either positively or negatively. Today we will discuss the meaning that the name Zakhar carries.

What does it mean and where does it come from

There were no disputes between researchers about whose name Zakhar and his nationality, there was no dispute between researchers, the unanimous opinion is that the name is Hebrew, sounds Zechariahu (זְכַרְיָה), which means “mentioned Yahweh” or “Yahweh remembered”.
Today, a more abbreviated form is used - Zakhar, the name is popular not only among Jews and Christians, but also among Muslims (Arabic زكريا‎, “Zakaria”). In the United States and other English-speaking countries, the abbreviated form "Zak" is popular.

The patrons of the name can be the Holy Prophet Zechariah, who predicted the betrayal of Christ by Judas half a thousand years before the event, the holy righteous Zechariah - the father of John the Baptist, the priest who hid babies from Herod's soldiers, paid for this with his life. There are many dates in the Orthodox calendar that commemorate saints and martyrs with that name.

According to the church calendar, Zakhar's name day is celebrated on the date closest to his birthday:

  • January 22 - Zechariah, martyr.
  • February 2 - Zechariah, martyr.
  • February 21 - Zechariah the Sickle-Seer, prophet.
  • February 24, September 18 - Zechariah, prophet, parent of the prophet John the Baptist.
  • March 6 - Zechariah, saint, patriarch of Jerusalem.
  • April 6, September 10 - Zechariah, reverend, fasting of the Caves.
  • April 12 - Zechariah, Bishop of Corinth, Hieromartyr.
  • June 4 - Zechariah, Hieromartyr.
  • June 10 - Zechariah, martyr.
  • November 30 - Zechariah, the righteous.
  • December 18 - Zechariah the Egyptian, Rev.

A diminutive term

Loving people can call a boy and a man Zakharushka, Zakharchik, Zakharka, Zak.

Did you know?The Kwakiutl Indian tribe living in Canada has a tradition: when borrowing money, you can leave your name as collateral. At the same time, others do not turn to the debtor in any way until he returns the entire amount.

Name in different languages ​​of the world

Let's see how the name Zakhar sounds in different languages ​​​​(translated and means the same as the Slavic and Hebrew form):

  • English - Zachary, Zachery, Zackary, Zackery (Zackery); Zachariah, Zechariah (Zekeria);
  • German - Zacharias (Tsakharias);
  • French - Zacharie (Zachary);
  • Spanish - Zacarias (Sacarias);
  • Italian - Zaccaria (Zaccaria);
  • Georgian -ზაქარია (Close).

Character traits, temperament and behavior

Positive features: sincerity, kindness, friendliness, reliability, morality, hospitality, economical, but not greedy.

Negative: tediousness, desire to teach, resentment.

The person is not conflict, ready to resolve any disputes through compromise. Able to listen and hear the interlocutor, empathize and help in solving problems. It is difficult to piss him off, the calmness of this person may seem like indifference, even some coldness. He is not a money-grubber and will not go over the heads, just to achieve his own, although for the material well-being of his family he will give all his strength and apply all his skills.

As a child, the boy is diligent in his studies, both the humanities and the exact sciences are easy for him. He is fond of sports, visiting sections or doing at home.

A young man more often chooses a university with a technical bias, does not shirk his studies, passes tests, colloquia and sessions on time.
He is close to the professions of an engineer, scientist, teacher. In the team he builds equal relations with everyone, he will not refuse help, he is executive and responsible.

The authorities usually highly appreciate his merits, but for a high leadership position, Zakhar lacks categoricalness, rigor and ambition. If he seeks the post of head of a department, then there is no doubt that this department will be the best. As a boss, he will demand complete dedication, even at the risk of displeasing his subordinates.

Health and hobbies

The boy likes to mess around with the designer, mechanical toys, trying to figure out their device, he can get carried away with aircraft modeling. The young man devotes a lot of time to reading, and he is more interested in cognitive literature.

Important! Passion for reading or technical drawings put a load on the eyesight, Zakhar should rest more often and take care of his eyes.

Adult hobbies are related to technology, likes quiet family evenings with movies or gatherings with friends.

He rarely complains about his health, but the tendency to take everything to heart can hit this organ and cause stress. If the children's passion for sports passes, then a man should monitor his diet, there is a tendency to be overweight.

The characteristic of the name Zakhar in friendly relations speaks of devotion, readiness to provide a service or help, listen, give advice. He has a developed sense of justice and morality, if he notices hypocrisy, uncleanliness in relationships and actions in a loved one, he will stop communicating. People are attracted to him by softness, pliability and disinterestedness.
In relations with girls, the young man is romantic, he is ready to give in and adore, generous and gallant, he knows how to make compliments. She breaks up with former girlfriends without conflicts and, as a rule, maintains friendly relations without refusing to help.

A faithful and caring husband, he tries to provide the family with everything necessary. He listens to the opinion of his wife and does not make important decisions without her participation. It may seem that the spouse is in charge in this family, but this is not so.

Zakhar decides financial issues himself, like most global family affairs. He loves to mess around with children, tries to instill in them the right outlook on life, helps with homework and tries to share their hobbies.

Did you know? In the workbook of Oleg Gazenko, head of the preparation for the flight of the famous dogs Belka and Strelka, there is an entry that they used to be called Vilna and Kaplya, and they received new nicknames six days before the flight.

Successful relationships and marriages are possible with Ada, Anna, Valentina, Vera, Glafira, Elizabeth, Zinaida, Zoya, Irina, Lyubov, Olga,.
Unsuccessful will be an alliance with Alexandra, Angela, Anfisa, Daria, Inna, Regina, Svetlana, Taisia, Eleanor,.

The meaning of the letters of the name Zakhar and their numerical forms in numerology reveal the inclinations of the character and the influence on the fate of the wearer.

  • W- has a strong energy, symbolizes a rich imagination and developed intuition; negative influence is manifested in isolation and uncertainty.

  • BUT- stands firmly on its feet, strives for spiritual purity, appreciates comfort and coziness, a symbol of self-realization.
  • R- creativity and analysis. It symbolizes courage, morality, the ability to resist external influence, a tendency to take unjustified risks.
  • X- responsiveness, friendliness, ability to defend one's opinion and moral principles, altruism. Willingness to help others.
  • Unit(A) - willpower, determination, activity, ability to defend one's opinion, stubbornness, selfishness.
  • Five(X) - energy, desire to develop, search for new ideas, impulsiveness, impatience.
  • Nine(Z, R) - morality, compassion, impressionability, creativity, inconstancy, pride.

Seven in total gives a person a thirst for knowledge, self-improvement. Seven is often silent and immersed in their thoughts. Number seven people know how to think rationally, subject their decisions and actions to scrupulous analysis. They know how to convince, have a huge supply of patience, which can be useful in the profession of a teacher or mentor of a junior colleague.

Professions related to technology, construction, and creativity are close to the seven.

The veil over the secret of the name Zakhar is slightly opened by the stellar science of astrology, talking about those that influence the behavior and turns in the fate of its bearer.

  • Planet - Mercury, Saturn.
  • Element - Water.
  • Zodiac - Virgo, Cancer.
  • Color - scarlet.
  • The tree is chestnut.
  • Plant - poppy.
  • Totem - owl.
  • Day - Wednesday.
  • Stone - yellow sapphire, amber.

Important! Sapphire should not be worn without taking it off; if worn for a long time, it can cause anxiety, a feeling of insecurity and fear. In addition, it should be noted that any defect in the stone brings negative energy.

The bearer of the name, born in the winter, is distinguished by fanatical devotion to work, such an attitude can be to the detriment of his own health, family and material well-being. He is a pedant: everything should have its place, punctual and disciplined. The family is a little dry, but a lively woman with a sense of humor and patience can stir it up.

Zakhar spring also gives attention to any little thing, more soft, responsive and friendly. At heart, a romantic, waiting for an all-consuming beautiful feeling. He is a dreamer and is ready to live up to his companion's idea of ​​knights. In personal relationships, he values ​​mutual respect, trust, willingness to compromise.

Summer gives the character softness, kindness and responsiveness. He is ready to help friends and relatives, reasonable and calm, not devoid of practicality, but tends to idealize those around him.
Born in autumn, self-confident, cheerful. He is used to setting himself adequate goals and achieving them with hard work. He is disgusted by lies and hypocrisy, so he often makes enemies for himself. A caring family man, he appreciates the comfort and well-arranged life, making maximum efforts to the material well-being of his family.

Name in history: famous and famous people

In history and modernity there are many famous people with the name Zakhar, let's get acquainted with some of them.

  • Zakhar Kulaga (1585–1589) - ataman of the Zaporozhian Sich He became famous in the battle with the Turks for the Crimea, the initiator of the creation of a light flotilla of the Cossacks. Killed in battle for the city of Kozlov.
  • Zakhar Chernyshev (1722–1784) - a talented commander, reformer and city head. Commanding the Russian troops, he distinguished himself in the Seven Years' War, carried out many reforms in the Russian army, significantly strengthening its position. As the Governor-General of Belarus, he put in order roads and beautification of cities. Later, as the governor of Moscow, he was engaged in the restoration of architectural monuments.

  • Zahari Zograf (1810–1853) – Bulgarian painter Famous for portraits of his contemporaries, icons and frescoes in churches. In addition to Bulgarian churches and monasteries, he worked on Mount Athos, painted the chapel of the Lavra of St. Athanasius.

  • Zakhary Paliashvili (1871–1933) – Georgian musician, composer and teacher One of the founders of the Philharmonic Society in Georgia, head of the choir and orchestra, creator of music for ballet and opera, author of the collection Georgian Folk Songs.

In conclusion: the meaning of the name and the information contained in it affect the fate of a person only indirectly. The upbringing and the influence of the environment of the child make their own adjustments, emphasizing both the positive and negative qualities inherent in the name.
