Does the power of tarot love me. tarot meaning strength

The magic of Tarot cards is very strong and interesting, it will allow everyone who turns to her for help to get answers to questions that disturb the soul. But for this it is important to correctly interpret the meaning inherent in each card in order to make a forecast of future events. In this article, we will cover in detail the eleventh lasso of the Tarot - Strength.

The Power Tarot card speaks of the strong will of a person, will indicate passion, which can both be controlled by the will, and be in constant resistance to it. It makes the action of all neighboring arcana more pronounced, brings it to a boiling point, and if it fell out in the opposite position, the person is in the grip of passion.


The lasso means that a person puts too much energy into work. You are in good physical shape, actively take on new beginnings, and when you achieve success, you notice that the energy has not decreased, but, on the contrary, has increased. Strength indicates a period of the highest creative upsurge, an ardent desire to work to achieve success.

At the level of consciousness

Here, the lasso Strength will tell you that changes are breaking into your life, this is evidenced by the symbolic images of the card. Alchemists personified a red lion with a means to obtain gold from various lower substances. If we transfer this comparison to a person, it turns out that now there is no need to try to suppress your carnal desires, try to achieve harmony between the mental and physical spheres.

In addition, we suggest that you watch the following video, which details all the characteristics of the Arcana Tarot Strength:

Other interpretations of the meaning of the card

There are other interpretations of this lasso. We invite you to familiarize yourself with all of them.

In a direct position, the appearance of the lasso Tarot Strength indicates:

  • about the pronounced feminine as a source of energy;
  • the spiritual takes precedence over the physical;
  • a person is distinguished by courage and perseverance;
  • is at the peak of creativity;
  • gives himself completely to work;
  • differs by passion, hot temperament;
  • believes in his abilities, has inner strength;
  • knows how to wait, shows wisdom;
  • influences others;
  • in some cases may indicate the presence of healing abilities;
  • the person trusts himself.

In reverse position

  • a person is well versed in life, but he lacks love, intuition is poorly developed;
  • doubts his abilities, is distinguished by timidity;
  • there is a feeling of fear, danger;
  • a person cannot discipline himself;
  • worried, blaming himself;
  • dependent on something or someone;
  • distinguished by ignorance, impudence;
  • abuses power, prone to despotism;
  • also in the reverse position, the card indicates vanity, rebelliousness, fanaticism;
  • fatigue, a person is physically weakened, sick;
  • failure to act diplomatically.

How are combinations of the Strength card with different arcana interpreted

  • With the lasso "Jester" - you are wasting your life energy.
  • With the lasso "Magician" - force yourself to perform actions.
  • With the lasso "High Priestess" - control what is said so as not to inadvertently give out your secrets.
  • With the lasso "Empress" - indicates the energy necessary to achieve some goal.
  • With the lasso "Emperor" - the forces that are spent to restore order or open their own business.
  • With the lasso "Hierophant" - the forces spent on restoring unity.
  • With the lasso "Lovers" - you need a partner.
  • With the lasso "Chariot" - its appearance indicates an unstable psycho-emotional state.
  • With the lasso "The Hermit" - a person has a weak will, suffers from depressive states.
  • With the lasso "Wheel of Fortune" - you grab luck by the tail.
  • With the lasso "Justice" - you should be objective when making decisions.
  • With the lasso "The Hanged Man" - a person is trying to win a certain time.
  • With the lasso "Death" - a devastated state.
  • With the lasso "Moderation" - activation of the internal energy potential.
  • With the lasso "Devil" - the card speaks of inhuman intemperance, a person indulges his vices, uses power not for good, but to indulge his bad intentions, is an energy vampire.
  • With the lasso "Tower" - internal aggression collapses with great force, a person loses all self-control.
  • With the lasso "Star" - the desire to get rid of harmful addiction.
  • With the lasso "Moon" - the desire to seem better than you really are.
  • With the lasso "Sun" - you tame your inner "beast".
  • With the lasso "Court" - the restoration of energy balance, getting rid of the fear of speaking in public.
  • With the lasso "Peace" - you will defeat yourself, gaining inner integrity.
  • With the lasso "Ace of Wands" - containment of one's energy.
  • With the lasso "Two of Wands" - slowing down something.
  • With the lasso "Three of Wands" - you hide your true reactions to what is happening.
  • With the lasso "Four of Wands" - deal with your laziness.
  • With the lasso "Five of Wands" - a person ignores criticism of his person.
  • With the lasso "Six of Wands" - grab luck by the tail.
  • With the lasso "Seven of Wands" - opposition to difficulties.
  • With the lasso "Eight of Wands" - a reasonable distribution of energy is necessary.
  • With the lasso "Nine of Wands" - jealousy leads you, you are very suspicious.
  • With the lasso "Ten of Wands" - the person inside "breaks".
  • With the Page of Wands lasso, it is important to adhere to the rule of the golden mean.
  • With the lasso "Knight of Wands" - getting rid of increased shyness.
  • With the lasso "Queen of Wands" - faith in one's own strengths.
  • With the lasso "King of Wands" - gather your will into a fist.

Now you know all the meanings of the Tarot Power and will be able to successfully put them into practice in layouts. We also advise you to familiarize yourself with the rules for working with Tarot cards, which you can read about in the following publications.

The meaning of the card in various layouts

✚ "Yes-No" layout

- the answer is "yes".

The card symbolizes superiority, power, excellent health, external and internal strength, stamina, the ability to overcome difficulties.

Strength means that you have enough mental strength to face difficult trials and overcome them without trying to get around. It can also show improved health.

The card indicates the courage with which a person solves his problems, control over emotions and passions, the desire to help others. She advises to restrain negative impulses, such as anger, anger, jealousy, and try to direct destructive energy towards creation.

✚ "One card" layout

General value

This is self-confidence, energy, fearlessness. The card indicates that it is time to show patience and compassion. Only in this way can success be achieved. In addition, the lasso indicates a harmonious combination of the spiritual and material spheres of life, work and rest, soul and spirit. This is the only way to find harmony with yourself or the world around you.


Arkan means passion, strong sexual attraction. The card also warns that it is best not to succumb to jealousy and to get rid of possessive feelings. Arcana Strength is the best card of the love alignment. This card indicates that partners are intimately suited to each other, and there is also spiritual unity. However, the lasso does not portend the legitimization of relations.


This card promises good health. In addition, the lasso says that you will be cheerful and energetic.


The card promises success in any endeavor. The major lasso of Strength says that a stable income awaits you. There comes a time when you can look for new partners and make profitable deals.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For the future

The map got its name due to the meaning that it carries. It shows how strong the person for whom the alignment is drawn up. He is very determined and stubborn, has a champion character. This helps to achieve action, in work you give yourself completely and try to achieve perfection. In personal life, passion and sensuality are expected, which is characteristic of the lasso Strength. Old relationships can flare up with renewed vigor, you will receive an emotional return from your loved one. Give in to your feelings and you won't regret it.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ Relationships

The tarot card Strength, which fell out when divining for a romantic relationship, means that a person pays a lot of attention to the sexual side of the relationship.

It turns out that the closest relationship can be built successfully only with the complete satisfaction of each other's partners in bed.

If the card falls on an existing relationship, then lovers should pay attention to this issue. Parting otherwise is not expected, however, a disagreement and some cooling on the part of one of the participants in the relationship is possible.

A full description of the map is available at

✚ For today

You are a person of hot temperament with developed intuition and good physical health, who invests a lot of his own energy in work and career, for whom one of the most important components of a relationship is their sexual part, passion (but be careful - you are capable of treason). Circumstances are expected to improve in every aspect of your life, and great changes are creeping up on you.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For tomorrow

A card of energy, vitality and struggle. It can mean victories that were not easy, the appearance in the life of a questioning strong and strong-willed person who influences the current life situation.

In the layouts for the future, he speaks of a period of struggle, the application of all internal resources to achieve the desired.

For sick people, it can mean a complete recovery or a period of remission.

In the layouts for work and business, the card of Strength speaks of competition, maximum workload and the possibility of conflict. The time is not right for a vacation, it is better now to fight for a place in the sun.

In matters of love, the card means passion, vivid sensory experiences, mutual attraction. But it can also talk about the need to fight for love, about the appearance of a rival or competitor.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ What does he think of me

The card suggests that your personal life is based solely on passion. This is wonderful, because intimate life is a guide to understanding each other's desires. It allows you to open up to your partner, to feel him with every cell of your body. The passion between you will not disappear, but will only intensify, which will make you dependent on each other. Try to completely surrender to the surging feelings that will result in passion in sexual relations.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On desire

Now the whole situation depends entirely on your desire. You must passionately want its fulfillment, believe in yourself. Don't be afraid of anything or anyone, don't give up. But still, you should not forget, following the principle of "do no harm." You should also not rush, most likely, you are too absorbed in events that direct you in the right direction. Trust yourself and your inner strengths more - now intuition and feelings are on your side. If you have been haunted by any inner fears along the way, now is the time to overcome them. You need to go to the next stage of fulfilling your desire confident in yourself and your dreams.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the situation

Thirst for more or unforeseen circumstances brought you into this situation. Resolute opposition to difficulties is necessary. A dangerous situation awaits you, where you need to face the problems face to face, but you can choose the right path.

You feel confident in yourself, the need to take decisive action. In a negative position, bitterness and even violence are possible. Don't give in to fear. Be decisive and persistent! Everything will end well!

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For the betrothed

Strength is an indicator of passion, sexual activity and vigor in a relationship. Such a couple will not suffer from the dullness and routine of everyday life - a constant drive and activity in a relationship are guaranteed. The important thing is that you should pay attention to the one with whom you go hand in hand, because a surge of feelings can be temporary. You obviously will not confuse your person. Do not be afraid to be yourself, because such a union most often leads to a passionate and long relationship, especially after marriage, which is just around the corner!

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

An angel protecting from a fierce enemy.

Trust the Guardian Angel - only in this way you will receive unconditional protection. The material world is not able to overcome the power and strength of the Angel.

Faith in yourself and in your own strength is your best help to the heavenly intercessor, who protects from evil and insidious. The situation does not tolerate brute force or aggression, act calmly and deliberately.

On this map, Leo symbolizes passion, but in order for passion to be effective, it must be tamed, pacified, aimed in the right direction and not allowed to turn off it.
Your energy must be transformed into force.

Sometimes you have to follow your emotions.
Too much suppression of feelings leads to unhappiness.
However, here, as in any business, the main thing is moderation.
The woman in the picture made friends with the lion.
You can control your passions only by understanding them.

You see a halo above the woman's head in the form of the number 8.
This symbol means that all battles in life are transient.
Years later, you won't even remember what's bothering you now.
This card primarily denotes willpower, that is, the ability to perform the necessary actions to achieve the desired goal.

If something seems like an impossible task, don't let it scare you.
The path may not be easy and thorny, but you should remain steadfast until you reach what you are striving for.
Remember: a loser is one who doesn't try.

Questions to ask yourself if you have drawn the Force
  • What is your strength?
    How and where do you send it?
  • Do you (or someone you know) need strong love right now?
  • Do you feel like you're losing - or winning?
  • What is the best way to tame a wild beast?
  • When does your strength become weakness?

    When does weakness become strength?

  • Are you a hero or a victim?
Key Ideas
You have enough inner strength to understand the situation and resolutely confront difficulties.

Believe in yourself.
Get started today.

Direct map: You have difficulties in relationships with some friends.
The reason is that life leads you forward, you mature, and they do not.

Release them from you, and yourself from them.
You have different paths.
Reversed card: Your unbridled behavior turns the people closest to you away from you.
Treat your friends more carefully, otherwise you may lose them.

Direct map: Your hard work is now paying off handsomely and bringing great academic results.
You did a great job!
Always remember that success is 5% talent and 95% effort.

Reversed card: If it doesn't work right away, don't give up.
The result now depends on the concentration and amount of effort.

Direct map: If someone to whom you are not indifferent caused severe pain, this card shows that strength is returning to you and the hour is not far off when you completely recover from the shock.

Reversed card: Perhaps you lack self-confidence and you think that meeting a new person is simply impossible.
The card says that you will find the strength in yourself to overcome shyness.

You can go anywhere and find pleasure in an unfamiliar environment.

Direct map: You are wise beyond your years.
You immediately see the best in every person and every situation.

Thanks to you, disputes and quarrels in the family are minimized.
Reversed card: You enjoy those ugly scenes that you arrange at home.
You are not very happy now.
Talk about your feelings with someone you trust.

Direct map: You channel your energy into positive action, perhaps by exercising.
This will help you develop both body and mind.
Reversed card: You won't succeed if you don't do anything.

Sitting and waiting for something good to happen to you - this way of expressing yourself is suitable for losers.
Don't become a failure.
Be a winner.
To do this, you just need to go to where you have only looked out until now, and determine what exactly interests you there.

Health / Appearance
Direct map: Spiritual powers make you a charming and beautiful person.
Reversed card: Perhaps you should tone down your style a bit.
People may feel a hidden threat in your piercings and makeup.

If that's what you want, be honest with yourself.
Determine why you want to look so extraordinary.
There is a good saying (though hackneyed, but true): only the internal difference matters.

What matters is not the changes that are outside, but those that are inside of you.

Direct map: The money will come soon.
Get ready to put them to good use.
You may be offered a job.
Reversed card: You must learn to value money and use it wisely.

While you do not know how, because you have no money.

Divination in half a minute
Renata suffered greatly from acne.
In the evenings, for the most part, she sat at home, because she was terribly embarrassed by her inflamed face and could not bring herself to see anyone at least - she was ashamed.

What could be done here?
The Power card showed that Renata would be able to overcome her embarrassment and return to a fulfilling life.
This card shows the power to withstand adversity.
Renata will do everything possible to get rid of her acne (and after a while they will disappear), but she must know that people will not react to her shortcomings, but to her embarrassment.

If Renata stops worrying about acne, others will also not pay attention to them.

Annie Lyonnet. "Tarot. Practical guide.»

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Strength reflects your need to direct your energies towards positive goals.
Courage, strength and determination are necessary for us to meet and make contact with our "inner lion".

internal resources.
There has been much controversy over the numbering of this map.
In some decks, Strength (which is one of the four moral principles) is numbered "8" and Judgment is numbered "11", while more modern decks use a different numbering.

Strength is often depicted as a man or woman clutching the mane of a ferocious lion.
This card encourages us to contain the wild beast in us and direct our passionate impulses in the right direction.
At the same time, it is up to us to choose whether we will act in the name of creation or destruction.

The lion on this card signifies the strength of our instincts and desires.
It is a symbol not only of the destructive impulses of our soul, but also of our innate dignity and nobility.

Strength is an illustration of our desire to reconcile and curb the opposing forces within us, the image of which we saw on the Chariot card, so that we can recognize and control them in time.

Suppressing or denying these aspects of the self, or limply surrendering to their will, can be equally detrimental.
Ideally, it would be to restore balance by directing the stormy energy of these passions into the channel of positive and creative activity.

Strength suggests that only by integrating our unconscious impulses can we become aware of them and know ourselves better.
In a positive sense, the Force provides an opportunity to reconcile the destructive forces acting both within us and in the world around us.

In a negative sense, this card reflects what happens if we succumb to unhealthy passions or allow ourselves to abuse our power.
At the same time, we learn from experience (paradoxically, but a fact) that the combination of such far from our best qualities as anger and selfishness strengthens our self-consciousness rather than weakens it.

The choice of this card means that you need strength and courage to acquire the ability to control yourself.
Using your willpower, you are able to overcome obstacles and learn to control your actions.

If you are going to be successful in this area, then you must be sure that you will cope with your problems.
After all, choosing this card means that you have the necessary strength to confront your problems, but you need to strengthen faith in your abilities.

It is important that you be able to recognize those shortcomings that weaken your will and make every effort to reduce their negative impact on your life.
Fortunately, you have the necessary strength to pursue your goal until you achieve the desired result.

You must realize that you are able to cope with the emotions that overwhelm you and find a worthy use for them.
Once you learn how to curb your impulses, you can direct them to achieve creative goals.

Stuart R. Kaplan. "Classic Tarot. Origin, history, divination.

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The woman boldly opens her mouth to a lion-like creature that tries to resist her.
The being looks dazed and the strength required by the woman is minimal, demonstrating the true inner strength she possesses.

The woman is wearing a large hat, in the same shape of the number 8 in a horizontal position, which covers the head of the Magician and indicates eternal and infinite power.
The wide-brimmed hat also suggests a combination of conscious and unconscious thinking, resulting in a powerful man of great physical and intellectual strength. The lion-like creature depicts the influence of external forces to which a woman is subjected and which serve as a warning to the words and actions of other people.

The lion is also a symbol of temptations that may appear and over which tight control and determination are needed.
Although the Strength card bears the image of a woman, it represents all of humanity and the success that it can achieve through the strength of its beliefs, tireless efforts.

Value for divination
This card symbolizes strength.
In a series of values ​​there are also such.
Firm faith.
Awareness of temptation and the mental and physical abilities to overcome it.

innate ability.
Physical strength.
The superiority of matter over mind, or mind over matter, as the case may be.
Achievement in significant danger.

The work of hidden forces that are challenged.
Strength to endure the test, despite all obstacles.
Relentless efforts.
The victory of love over hate.

Reversed value

Lack of faith.
Abuse of power.
The ability to give in to temptation.

P. Scott Hollander. "Tarot for beginners."

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The Strength card symbolizes the inner strength needed to overcome obstacles in your path.
Strength (Strength) corresponds to the number eleven and the Hebrew letter Kaph.

Waite and Gray put this card at number 8 and Justice at number 11.
in most old decks, this card is number 11.

Overcoming obstacles.
Spiritual strength and willpower.

Victory over unforeseen circumstances.

Most decks depict a young woman wrestling with a lion; she fights with her bare hands and wins.
In some decks, she squeezes the jaws of a lion or tears open his mouth.

One way or another, she forces the lion to act according to her will, and not according to his own.
In such decks, an infinity symbol is depicted above the woman's head; sometimes it is depicted on her headdress.
Few decks depict a strong young man fighting a lion with his bare hands; perhaps this is the figure of Hercules or Samson.

In such cases, the man's club lies at his feet; lost or thrown away, he defeats the lion with his bare hands.
Sometimes he tears open the lion's mouth.
Where a man wrestles with a lion, the battle is in full swing; it can end in victory or death.

Where a woman is depicted, it often seems that she is not so much fighting as taming him with the violent force of her will.
In any case, this is the image of a loner, defeating a much more powerful opponent with no weapons other than his own stamina and determination.

inner meaning
This card symbolizes the inner strength needed to overcome the obstacles that stand in your way.
Brute force is not defeated by brute force, rather, the strength of the spirit overpowers physical strength.

In almost all legends about people who defeated a formidable monster, be it a lion, a dragon, or someone else, victory was won by rightness, inner stamina and faith in God, and not by power.
Apparently, in this case, the beast symbolizes external obstacles that have stood in the way of your spiritual development.

Perhaps this is a symbol of the beast within you, a symbol of your own fears, passions and other qualities that may be stronger than you.
But you can change and tame them if you firmly believe that you are stronger.

The lion symbolizes a strong enemy that can be defeated if you have self-confidence and the will to win.
(Just one example: everyone who quit smoking or went on a strict diet has already defeated such a beast.) The allegory here, as already said, is in the struggle between the physical and the spiritual.

You are on the path of spiritual improvement.
To achieve your goal, you must overcome or subdue the base passions and make them surrender.

Value in the layout
Direct or Positive: Willpower, moral strength.

Life force.
Courage, triumph.
Persistence, determination, energy, fearlessness.
The ability to overcome difficulties.
Reversed or Negative: Abuse of power, despotism.
Failure, disgrace.

Weakness (physical and spiritual), strife, lack of harmony.
Before you test of endurance.
If your will is stronger than the will of the enemy, you will survive and win.
If not - the end of your dreams.
Strength of mind is your key to victory.

Don't give in to despair.
If this card represents the Questioner, then this person will have to test his own will and determination.
The battle will not be easy, but you can win if you show perseverance.

You will only lose by choosing to give up.

Mary Greer. "The Complete Book of Reversed Tarot Cards".

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Strength is a virtue that helps to keep our fears in check and moderate our daring impulses so that we can face danger without losing our heads.
It's a balance between fear and recklessness.
Perhaps you are now working with your emotions, trying to tame your instincts and face what threatens to devour you.

You develop self-confidence through discovering the "power within" - instead of trying to "bend" the external situation, as in The Chariot.
No matter how wild and confusing the instincts of your inner nature may look, they must be accepted and respected, for they are what give courage, self-confidence, patience and perseverance.

Perhaps right now you are struggling with a problem that requires just such tenacity to solve.
Perhaps you should show the generosity of a lion.
You are overwhelmed by strong desires or sexual passion.

If your survival instincts are working properly, use your mind and will to control your impulses.
On the other hand, sometimes it is anger and rage that can provide the strength needed for healing change.

Among other things, this card speaks of connections and bonds.
As a good attentive listener, you can encourage and support others.
It is in your power to relieve pain and pacify anger, using the power of love and kind understanding.

Combining passionate devotion with gentle leadership and loving direction, you will help a person or yourself to deal with a crisis calmly and confidently, and in doing so, tame the wild beast.
Like the sorceress depicted on the card, you can tame raw energy and use it to achieve success.

The passion for life and the courage to live with an open heart can give you the power to express your unique creative gift.
Sometimes the card indicates a love for animals, especially cats, or work related to them.

It can also show the relationship between the cultural and the savage.
Perhaps you now need firmness of will, strength of character, clarity of thought and intentions.
Or maybe you just have to use your physical strength for some business.

Remember that sexual energy can be a vehicle for creative transformation.
Traditional meanings: strength, energy, stamina, courage, power, might, ability.
Tenacity, endurance.

Reversed Power
Reversed Strength can indicate that you are either afraid of your passions, aspirations and instincts, or, on the contrary, are too brave and daring.

Perhaps you suffer from the fragmentation of your "I", from the internal conflict of intellect and instincts, cultural and rude.
If you are not in touch with your own heart, the struggle can be unbearable.

Forces beyond your control can take over you.
On the other hand, you may be using your power to subjugate or dominate others.
Or you are too shy and submissive and only fawn and wag your tail, like a dog beaten by the owner.

In this case, the inverted Force speaks of the establishment of some kind of internal hierarchy and order of subordination.
It may seem like a cat-and-mouse game, but it actually hides an inner cruelty.

Passions either get out of hand or are repressed and recklessly denied.
And repressed feelings usually go sideways and manifest themselves in the most inappropriate way.
These can be failures, certain manifestations of cowardice, personal weakness and impotence, or, on the contrary, haste, recklessness, excessive pride and self-confidence.

Someone once defined evil as the mishandling of instincts.
You may overestimate your abilities, set yourself impossible tasks, and persist where it would be better to back down.

Or maybe you are inactive out of fear of doing something wrong and ruining the situation even more.
You can become fickle, changeable and unreliable.
It may also be something like taking a cat out of a bag - not in the sense of revealing mysteries and secrets, but rather releasing a power that should have been, but for one reason or another, it turned out to be impossible to keep under wraps.

When you project this card onto other people, you perceive them as either overly emotional or overly controlling.
It seems that they are trying to bind you with a spell.
You either fear the strength of such a person and his power over you, or bow before him.

In the inner world, it is the balance of mind and body, as well as the acquisition of the spiritual courage necessary to treat both equally and respectfully.
Listen carefully to what your body is saying.

In terms of health, trying to be strong all the time can lead to cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, and depression.
Hormonal surges and premenstrual syndrome may also be observed.

Anger and rage have no less destructive effect on the body than physical violence.
From a shamanic and magical point of view, this is a very important card representing the life force.
Among its meanings are charms, witchcraft, tantric sex, mysteries related to the female cycles, shapeshifting and transformation into animals, and working with the mysterious energy of animals.

In addition, it is the healing power of touch and other types of healing.
In occult metaphysics, the inverted Power speaks of the awakening of your own magical power, which can be for good or for bad.

Traditional inverted meanings: despotism, tyranny, abuse of power.
State, administration.
People, people, nation.
Weakness, helplessness, imperfection.
Anger, cruelty, strife.

Powerlessness before temptation.
- The distinction between "power over" and "power within", which perfectly illustrates the concepts of the Chariot and Power, is developed in detail in the book Starhawk, Dreaming the Dark by an American occultist named Hawk Knight.

Larissa Moon. "All Secrets of the Tarot".

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"Matter is nothing but the forces that fill space."


Description of the card and its inner meaning
The morning sun brightly illuminates the green meadow.

There, on the horizon, the peaks of the mountains are visible, and here, in the foreground, a girl is depicted (on some decks, the girl is indoors).
There is a lion next to her.
And, looking at him, one can hardly believe that this animal is the king of beasts, because the once formidable predator now behaves like a small kitten.

The lion rises on its hind legs, its head is laid back, and the girl playfully opens its mouth to it.
Perhaps the lion does not really like this treatment - his body is tense, and his tail hits the ground, but he completely submits to the girl, knowing full well that no fight will help him.

And the girl, as if jokingly, opens the mouth of the animal, without thinking about the consequences.
She doesn't even seem to pay attention to it - her gaze is directed to the side.
Thus, we can conclude that the eighth Arcana (in some decks it goes at number eleven) is a reflection of infinite strength and power.

From this point of view, it can be compared with the first Arcana.
Just as the Magus card is a teaching about the Deity, whose Strength and Power govern reality, so the Strength card is a teaching about cosmic energy as the basis of the Universe.

As the pose of the Magician expresses independence, so the figure of the girl demonstrates the greatness of the Cosmos.
Look at these cards - both show the symbol of infinity, which is the main attribute of the Higher Power.

The eighth Arcana symbolizes the inner strength necessary to overcome the obstacles that stand in the way of life.
The girl who controls the lion is the personification of willpower, inner power, Higher energy, which does not require activity on the lower plane for its manifestation.

The beast symbolizes the external manifestation of the power that has stood in the way of spiritual development.
The lion can also represent the contradictions within us.
It can be both fears and passions ...
But there is a chance to change and tame them.

Basically, this card speaks of a struggle between the spiritual and the physical.
If you follow the path of spiritual self-improvement, you must overcome or subdue base passions and various kinds of temptations that will try to make you turn off this path.

Relationship of the card with other occult sciences
(kaf) - Rich in mercy and strong, if it is necessary to punish, Letter - L, number - 8, Controlled by the zodiac sign - Leo, Correspondence according to the Book of Changes - 21 hexagrams ("World"), Correspondence to runes - rune Uruz (Uruz), Time of day - morning, Weather conditions - sunny, Corresponding color - yellow, Corresponding chakra - Manipura Swar (solar plexus chakra), According to Kabbalah - connects the Geburah sephirah with the Chesed sephirah.
Card meaning
Direct position
The card tells about a person who is able to lead the masses of people, about a person who is confident in his innocence.
This is likely to be a hidden, informal leader.

The eighth Arcana more often describes a woman, not a man.
If we are talking about a situation, and not about a person, then the Strength card has the following meanings: energy, ambition, any manifestation of strength, will, success, ambition, optimism, goal achievement, respect from others.

Sometimes the eighth Arcana has such interpretations: artistry, good health.

Reversed position
If the card in an inverted position describes a person, then a dangerous competitor, an ill-wisher, who, relying on his like-minded people, can deal a crushing blow, will appear before the Questioner.

The situation described by this Arcanum can be characterized by the words: selfishness, complacency, despotism and abuse of one's position, or, conversely, weakness, self-doubt.

For the Questioner, the time of testing has come.

If he can go to the end and not turn off his path, then he is guaranteed a complete victory.
Difficult times are expected, but the willpower of the Questioner will provide him with a path to success.

Daniela Chris. The magical book of Tarot. Fortune telling."

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Thought form: Moral force.
Number: eleven.
Hebrew letter: kaph.
Colour: carmine red.
Stone: red coral.
Astrological analogy: Mars, Mars in Scorpio.

Other names: "Soul Force", "Tamed Lion".

Arcana "Strength" some researchers put at number eight, swapping places with the Arcana "Justice".
But we consider it right to leave it in its usual place, because only those who have learned to be fair and prudent, having passed the eighth and ninth steps, could calmly accept a smile and a blow of fate in the Tenth Arcanum, can become truly strong.

Usually this card depicts a woman taming a ferocious lion, but we use images born in ancient Egypt, there is no need to resort to such complex allegories.
There is a character in the Egyptian pantheon who is simply the personification of the Strength Arcana.

This is the great lioness goddess Sekhmet.

Mythological dossier
Sekhmet, Sokhmet (mighty), is the goddess of war and the scorching sun.
Depicted as a woman with the head of a lioness.
Beloved daughter of Ra (his formidable eye), wife of Ptah, mother of Nefertum.

In the myth of Ra's punishment of the human race for sins, it is Sekhmet who exterminates people.
She destroys the enemies of Ra and Osiris.
Together with Uto and Nekhbet, she guards the pharaoh.
Her appearance terrifies the enemy, and the flame of her breath destroys everything.

Sekhmet also possessed magical powers, she could send a terrible disease, but she could also heal her.
She was revered as a goddess-healer - doctors in the era of the Old Kingdom were her priests.
Identified with Uto and Nekhbet.

The carmine-red background of the card immediately speaks of fire and passion, which is not easy to drown out.
But it can be extinguished and tamed by the blue color of the mind, like red-hot iron, which cools when quenched with water.

A formidable lion-headed goddess sits on a golden throne.
She is wearing a sky blue dress and wig that speaks of serenity and thoughtfulness.
The solar disk with a uraeus on the head of the goddess is not only a common attribute of Sekhmet, but also a symbol of Ra as the highest knowledge and justice.

The golden scales and even geometric stripes on the throne and wand of the goddess symbolize internal order and balance.
Even the kite Nekhbet, accompanying Sekhmet as her airy incarnation, this time has a calm blue-blue plumage.

Everything that we see on the map speaks not only of a force capable of defeating any external enemy - it is a self-confident force capable of defeating a wild beast within itself.
This is a symbol of your passions and your fears, those of your qualities that turn you into a slave and make you turn off the path of spiritual growth.

Defeating your animal instincts, base passions and vicious desires is often much more difficult than any sworn enemies.
The very beast-headed appearance of Sekhmet and other Egyptian gods, which has preserved traces of totemism, speaks of the deep roots of our instinctive nature and the complexity of the reflection of this beginning.

Value in the layout
In a straight position
Arcana "Strength" means courage, the struggle with the vicissitudes of fate, creative efforts and the interaction of mental and emotional forces.
The ability to curb passions.

Symbolizes good health and well-being, both physical and mental.
Willpower, courage, determination, energy.
The ability to quickly offer help, achieving the goal due to the respect of others.

The lasso speaks of your self-knowledge and self-improvement, of patience and the ability for spiritual love.
The person to whom this card fell out will have the strength not only to make plans, but also to fulfill them.
He is self-confident, able to wait and endure, knows how to control his instincts.

Power, courage, courage, energy and self-discipline are inherent in him - these are the main characteristics of the card.
If the card fell to a woman, then during this period she should not become a leader in relations with a partner: it is better to agree with her beloved in everything, but you can do it your own way.

In an inverted position
The card represents a person who is subject to his fears or weaknesses, whose energy is wasted.
An inverted card symbolizes self-doubt, weakness, indecision, compliance.

Can talk about poor health or illness.
About the excessive interference of others in your life.
In some cases, it means that intentions are doomed to failure or abandoned due to fear of difficulties.
Indicates that you are not able to understand yourself and accept yourself as you are.

He speaks of despotism, a strong temper, as well as weakness and illness.
In the sphere of the psyche, it symbolizes a feeling of powerlessness and helplessness.
Unfortunately, you have ignored the voice of wisdom.
Making the right decisions is impossible if you do not listen to your inner voice.

Try to restore the balance between the physical and spiritual spheres of life.
Alternate intellectual activities with physical activity, and periods of strict diets with stomach holidays.

The original meanings of the cards that come with the Rider White Tarot deck.

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Direct position: power, vigor, action, courage, generosity.

Reverse position: despotism, abuse of power, weakness, discord (strife).

Hayo Banzhaf. Tarot Tutorial.

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Astrological meaning: Goddesses depicted naked, riding a lion: Hebe, wife of the Hittite god of the storm; Hebe, wife of Hercules; the Babylonian goddess Ishtar, putting the heavenly monster on a leash to release it against Urduk, the city of Gilgamesh; Greek nymph Cyrene, taming lions without weapons.

FORCE The Strength card is in a sense akin to the Mage card.
Just as in it, the extraordinary power of this Arcana is based on deep inner harmony.
If the power of the Magician is the result of a harmonious interaction of consciousness and subconsciousness, then the vitality, courage and passion of this card is an expression of the balance that a civilized person finds with his animal nature.

This is also reflected in myths, for example, about the friendship between Gilgamesh and Enkidu, who was at first his implacable opponent.
This card clearly shows that our goal is not to learn how to hide our instincts under the cover of pale virtue, sometimes archaic, scary forces that live in us, but to learn how to tame them with love, gentleness and perseverance.

In this way, we will acquire control not only over these wild natural forces, but also over the reserves of energy that we have until now had to spend on suppressing these forces.

Tarot Rider White. Theory and practice. Series "Secrets of predictions". Publishers: AST, Astrel, 2002

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Astrological meaning: Leo The eleventh card of the Major Arcana is called Strength.
It depicts a woman with a lemniscate above her head, opening (or closing - there are many disagreements about this) the mouth of a lion.

The young woman personifies spiritual power, and the royal beast is either the animal world, which she rules, or the secret wisdom, of which she is the mistress.
The throne of King Solomon was decorated with images of lions, and he himself was likened to the king of beasts with the key of wisdom in his teeth.

(In this case, the woman should be considered as opening the mouth of the beast to withdraw the key.) The active form of the five-pointed star, symbolizing the perfection of man, is represented in astrology by the sign of Leo, which corresponds to the Arcanum Strength, embodying life's creativity, the apex of which is one's own individuality.

The traditional tarot card depicts a girl petting a lion.
This is how human culture should ideally master the wilderness, interacting with the outside world not with brute force, but with the power of love and tenderness.

Above the girl's head is a sign of infinity: so infinite, cautious and quiet is the evolution in which she is involved, and her peace and tranquility are transmitted to the lion she conquered.
The fire of passion educates the heart, and this symbol of cynarot is also associated with the symbol of Leo through astrology.

And yet this Arcana is not so much a passion as the very possibility of creative and free interaction with the world.
This is the artificial rope invented by man, with which we bind one to another, and which at any moment can let us down, turning into a whip, noose or sting.

Very often people become slaves to their own laws: this is how the creative fire of the master Hephaestus forges the chains of Prometheus.
The flame that the hero passes on to people in order to make their existence more humane, reincarnates into a new order of their interaction, in which he no longer has freedom.

By giving fire to others, we lose our creative powers and gain the peace of a more civilized existence in exchange for freedom and passion.
From a moral point of view, this situation gives us the problem of choosing between activity and inaction, since it is equally difficult for a person who lives not out of habit, but according to the right of freedom of choice, who is aware of his every step and takes responsibility for it, to act and to act inactive.

But this cynarot is ruled by the mind of fidelity, which multiplies the spirit in man.
By lighting a fire in oneself, a person returns to the world the energy that he used when he built his worldview, corresponding to the previous cynarot (Jupiter - Wheel of Fortune).

And the sting of passion checks the views of a person, showing in practice what his choice is, and whether he is true to his ideals - therefore, this cynarot also symbolizes a test.
The eleventh Arcana corresponds to the sign of Leo.

This is expressed both in the presence of the royal beast in the drawing of the card, and in the presence of the properties of this sign in the interpretation of the Arcana: life-affirmation, pride, passion, love for carnal pleasures.
The eleventh Arcana is energy, passion, joy of life, sexual transformation, strength, vitality.

And vice versa (if you happen to observe Leo in a period of decline) - weakness, depression, aggressiveness, suppression of truth.
Astrologically, the Eleventh Arcanum corresponds to the planet Venus in the sign of Leo.
In the upright position, this card indicates willpower, the desire and desire to endure, even if it hurts.

Willingness to give up, to renounce something dear in the name of the higher.
In general, this card speaks of the courage with which you fight the vicissitudes of fate, creative efforts and the interaction of mental and emotional forces, the ability to curb passions, good health and well-being, and an optimistic psychological attitude.

This is the desire to quickly offer their help, and the respect of others, and the achievement of a long-awaited goal.
In an inverted position, the card symbolizes weakness, spinelessness, self-doubt, poor health, fear, anxiety.

He says that strangers often interfere in your destiny.
Perhaps, and vice versa - you should show at least a fraction of compliance and remember that the Merciful is not weak.
In certain cases, the card will warn that your intentions are doomed to failure, or that you are abandoning plans, fearing difficulties.

In order to be able, you need to believe yourself that you can.
Go ahead, armed with faith - obstacles are only a ghost.
To become strong, one must silence the weaknesses of the heart."

Evgeny Kolesov. "ABC Tarot".

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The card of Strength (VIII), one of the four Aristotelian virtues, occupies the 11th place in some sets: then the eighth is considered the card of Justice.
We will stick to the modern order.
The Strength card, also called the (Tamed) Lion card, depicts a woman playing with a lion.

On her head is a wreath of flowers, another wreath forms a belt.
Above the woman's head is often placed a "lying eight", a symbol of infinity.
The lion also plays: he is calm, his tail is tucked in, although all four paws firmly rest on the ground.

This card represents strength, but soft, feminine strength.
It is the woman who helps the lion to truly feel like a lion.
Although the card depicts two opposites, they exist separately, not merging with each other, but retaining their original nature.

This card is reminiscent of Tantra - the teaching of the feminine as a source of global and individual energy.
The Strength card opens the second septenary of the Major Arcana.
It begins a new stage of the journey.

If before everything seemed so understandable and clear, now the future seems vague, and the present is ambiguous.
Things have become symbols.
The mind is not able to penetrate into their essence.
Only the subconscious mind can understand the true meaning of symbols, you just need to learn to trust it.

Meaning of the card: Do not think that the mind is the main part of your personality.
Do not forget about your body, about its desires.
Take care of him, let him accumulate enough energy to support the mind, and then the mind will be able to overcome the doubts that overcome it and give vent to the subconscious, which, perhaps, is the only one that can show you the right path forward.

In the layout, it denotes the opportunity to succeed and the advice to act gently, unobtrusively.
Women are also advised to behave smarter in relationships with a partner, answering everything: “Yes, dear, of course,” and doing it their own way, and not going into unnecessary disputes.

Men - find a woman who will help them become self-confident.
For people who are too fond of spiritual quests, asceticism, or simply armchair scientists, she recommends remembering your physical body, which needs to be exercised, fed and pampered with other joys of life.

Inverted: It means the inability or inability to act gently, to find a way of harmonious coexistence with another person, hence the high probability of failure of the planned enterprise.

People who are fond of the joys of life are reminded of the need for spiritual quests and / or serious scientific work.
For businessmen: If danger threatens, it is better to unite as soon as possible, or at least agree on joint actions with some large firm, perhaps even with a competitor.

Vitaly Zaichenko. "Tarot Waite and more, wise instructions sent by cards."

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Love and passion

The force operates silently.
It exists and will continue to influence...

Symbolic image:
Boldly, without fear, the woman holds the lion by the mane, pacifies him gently, while charging with animal energy and strength.

Astrological correspondence:
Zodiac sign: Leo, element: Fire, planet: Sun

Traditional meaning:
Lust, joy, energy, passion, strength, courage, power, discipline, self-control, optimism, hope, trust, courage, perseverance, patience.
In the layout, this card often indicates the need for patience and courage.

A problem or a difficult situation can be mitigated and overcome if you have the courage to face it, remaining steadfast in the face of difficult circumstances.
It is about being strong in the name of someone else or yourself, which involves humility and curbing your own feelings.

Longing and disappointment must be suppressed, so this card is not for the faint-hearted and weak-willed.
You can get what you want, but not until you reach emotional maturity, and for this you have to pass a kind of strength test.

To rage and swear, to worry that you were treated badly, or to feel sorry for yourself - the road to nowhere.
What you desire requires patience, and what you need to experience must be endured with calm confidence and patience.

You may have to endure the firmness of an assertive character, stand up for yourself or enter the lion's den, armed only with inner strength and convictions.
The person represented by "Strength" is similar in character to the Queen of Wands: both cards have lion symbols.

However, the Queen of Wands assumes an active central role in the situation, since by nature she is active and self-confident, while the Force shows that you are faced with the requirements of a certain situation, and you need to mobilize all your deepest resources for a while.
On a physical level, this card can symbolize vitality.

When it comes to health, it inspires hope, foreshadowing restoration of strength and recovery.
Surrounded by negative cards, the Force hints that one should ask the question, did I apply the power correctly? Perhaps the meaning of this card is to let everything take its course, not to miss an opportunity to regain control in the future, or, what is more reasonable, to admit defeat than to expect an unrealizable ...

What are we talking about?
About passion, about a deep understanding of the unconscious, instinctive sides of the psyche.
About the reception and integration of the energy of passion and instincts.

What needs to be done?
Live life to the fullest, be cheerful, courageous, keep inner peace, be strong and self-confident.
Subdue aggression, gain composure, manage a certain situation and keep things under control.

Be creative, be alive.

Communicating with others:
Be cordial, supportive, shine with kindness.
Overcome passions through the power of love and prudence.

Strive for a truce.

In love, in matters of the heart:
Give free rein to your passions and weaknesses, enjoy love to the fullest.

In professional activity:
Feel free to take risks; prove your mastery with decisive action and passion for the process.

At a difficult moment in life:
Enter the fight with full force, let the inner lion make some noise, and if necessary, show the claws.
Only in this way will you be able to cope with problems.

What should be avoided?
Delusions of grandeur, arrogance, self-centeredness, abuse of your powers, do not fall into a rage, do not show hostility, do not do anything by force.

What surprises does the future hold?
A period of entertainment begins in your life, a period when you feel life pulsing in your arteries.
You will soar as if on wings, you will carry out any business on an unprecedented scale and bring your plans to life.

If you don’t know what to do today, how to console yourself, Arkan whispers in a low whisper:
Go in for fitness, you can rage, follow your desires or go to the zoo, look at the predator behind the fence.
With energy and personal magnetism seething in you, you can easily overcome any obstacles and make a positive effect on others.

Meditating on this Arcana, ask yourself:
Can I recognize the lion in myself? The days in my life run fast and in their own way, how to prolong the life of the days I have lived?

The following statements will inspire you, help you to tune in optimistically and easily walk along the road of life:
I do everything of my own free will.
I love the lion that lives in me.

I have enough strength to deal with any problem.

A final word on effort and patience:
At first glance at this card, it becomes clear that this is not about physical strength.
This is not the power of a rough onslaught and not the strength of muscles, but female power in its entirety.

Strength is depicted as a skillful combination of firmness and kindness, wisdom and fearlessness.
Only two figures in the Tarot are crowned with a lemniscate, a symbol of infinity (the second is the Magus), and this emphasizes that the courage of a woman is rooted in deep wisdom, and that she carries the secrets of life.

Tarot Strength - the meaning of this card is very life-affirming. It symbolizes pride, a thirst for more, the ability to withstand any life's adversity.

In the article:

Tarot Strength - meaning

The meaning of the Tarot card Strength in the upright position is positive. Arkan has a very strong energy, pushes a person to be decisive and courageous, without fear to confront various life difficulties. At the moment, fate is testing the individual for endurance, he needs to show courage and patience.

The appearance of the card in the layout suggests that the knowledge of a person is now being tested, his inner core for strength. Fate wants to know how ready you are to uphold your principles and remain unshakable. He challenges, therefore, it is impossible to show absent-mindedness, weakness, fear now.

Feeling sorry for yourself is also not worth it, since your main goal is emotional maturity, reaching the next level of development. The individual needs to pacify not only the enemies that surround him, but also the inner demons. The lasso suggests that in order to achieve victory one should be unobtrusive, gentle, but fearless.

Do not doubt your abilities, and only then will you achieve success. The meaning of the lasso may change slightly if it is surrounded by negative cards. This suggests that it is not worth actively showing your life position, aggression and power. It is better to set aside time for self-knowledge and the accumulation of energy, you will need it in the near future.

Do not use cruelty and violence to achieve your goal, otherwise the result will be negative. If the “Card of the Day” layout is being made, then be sure that today you will succeed, you will be able to overcome any obstacles, luck will be on your side.

Reversed position

The power reversed in the Tarot is not the most positive value. It can be regarded as a manifestation of impotence, vile weakness. A person has absolutely resigned himself to the fact that he can do nothing and no longer wants anything. Perhaps he suffered from the negative influence of stronger people. Such impotence can manifest itself in excellent negative moments.

The individual may become more prone to despotism and tyranny, trying to humiliate those below in order to at least somehow assert himself. Such a person does not know how to control himself, the situation, if he manages to gain power over someone, he begins to mock this individual in every possible way. But, in the end, the despot will still face shame and failure.

The appearance of the Strength Tarot card in the layout in an inverted position can speak of the spinelessness of a person, his insecurity and inability to resist temptation. Such a person is often stupid, cowardly, constantly depressed and does not trust anyone. The result is a complete lack of harmony and the implementation of plans.

Tarot Strength - meaning in relationships

If we talk about relationships with people in general, then at the moment a product or a quarrel is not expected. You are filled with positive energy, which is necessary in order to communicate normally with other people, fill relationships with vivid impressions and liveliness.

The Tarot card Strength in love relationships has a slightly different meaning. The sexual aspect is very important for you at the moment. The union will be strong if the partners satisfy each other physically. If Justice, the Hermit, is next to strength, this indicates excessive control of the sexual sphere, which can subsequently lead to various problems.

The location of the Devil nearby indicates betrayal, the presence of many partners, an attempt to manipulate his soulmate. It is worth noting that in the layout of the relationship between a man and a woman, the Force acts as a card that, for the most part, enhances the value of neighboring arcana. In the inverted position, the card speaks of lust and uncontrollable passion.

Work and finance

The meaning of the Arcana Tarot Strength in the layout for a professional situation is quite positive. At the moment, you have a sufficient supply of energy in order to realize your plan. You have an extraordinary talent, are able to realize yourself both in creativity and in other areas. The card says that a person has a motive. Something compels him to take risks.

For the sake of this something, an individual is ready to devote himself completely to solving some problem, working on a project. In order for everything to work out successfully, it is necessary to concentrate as much as possible on one type of employment. If you do not know whether to conclude an agreement with partners or not, then the answer of the card is positive. You will need this kind of help.

If you are at a crossroads and cannot decide on a future profession, then focus on work that involves physical activity. Through hard work and development of your abilities, you can achieve financial prosperity, but this will never be your main goal, as you are driven by higher motives.

Health status

The presence of the Strength card in the layout suggests that a person really has very good health, he has an almost inexhaustible supply of vital energy, and devotes a lot of time to sports.

If the individual is not feeling well at the moment, the lasso assures that he will soon recover and fully restore his strength. At the moment, in order to maintain your physical health, you need to overcome any fears.

If your mind is clear, the energy will move forward, to exploits, then you will not have significant health problems. In an inverted position, the Force speaks of significant problems, deterioration in well-being, energy exhaustion.

Tarot Strength in combination with other cards

The meaning of the Tarot card Strength in the layouts is undesirable to be taken literally, it is better to pay attention to which cards are located next to each other and interpret them in pairs. Strength in combination with the major arcana:

  • Jester - you are wasting too much energy;
  • Mag - it's time to act;
  • High Priestess - keep your mouth shut;
  • Empress - direct all your strength to get what you want;
  • Emperor - you have a chance to start your own business;
  • Hierophant - now it is necessary to establish good relations with relatives;
  • Lovers - you need to find a true partner;
  • Chariot - instability;
  • Hermit - lack of will, apathy, melancholy;
  • Wheel of Fortune - luck is on your side;
  • Justice - you will be able to achieve what you want;
  • Hanged Man - try to buy time;
  • Death is spiritual emptiness;
  • Moderation - do not rush into battle, it is better to accumulate a little strength;
  • Devil - energy vampirism;
  • Tower - loss of self-control, aggression;
  • Star - you will be able to get rid of a negative habit;
  • Moon - the mask hides the evil appearance;
  • The sun is an attempt to tame the inner monster;
  • Court - replenishment of energy reserves;
  • The world is a victory over oneself.

Arcana paired with wands:

  • Ace - try to keep your nationality;
  • Two - do not rush the situation;
  • Three - open your true attitudes to the state of affairs;
  • Four - it's time to act;
  • Five - do not pay attention to gossip;
  • Six - luck smiles;
  • Seven - you will be able to overcome any obstacles;
  • Eight - think before you do anything;
  • Nine - suspicion;
  • Ten - a person has practically no internal strength left;
  • Page - know your measure;
  • Knight - shyness does not paint you;
  • Queen - self-confidence is the key to success;
  • King - luck will smile only on a strong-willed person.

Strength - combination with Tarot bowls:

  • Ace - control of emotions, intuition;
  • Two - good relations with the opposite sex;
  • Three - luck is on your side, getting money;
  • Four - nobility;
  • Five - receiving news, communication with the subtle worlds;
  • Six - the meeting will not take place;
  • Seven - you are affected negatively from the outside;
  • Eight - soon the wedding;
  • Nine - fraud, achieving success dishonestly;
  • Ten - chaos;
  • Page - concentration;
  • Knight - close friendship;
  • The Queen is a depraved woman;
  • The king is the influence of an authoritative person.

The value of the lasso, if there is a card of the suit of swords nearby:

  • Ace - pressure from the authorities;
  • Two - fight with relatives;
  • Three - problems accumulate like a snowball;
  • Four - rest from problems;
  • Five - breakup, you will regret it in the near future;
  • Six - recognition, victory;
  • Seven - deportation, change of residence;
  • Eight - fanaticism, illusory;
  • Nine - bad news;
  • Ten - trouble at work;
  • Page - mockery, enemies;
  • Knight - the help of a devoted friend;
  • The Queen is a woman ruled by hatred;
  • The king is a powerful man.

Combination with pentacles:

  • Ace - happiness, success;
  • Two - violence (moral or physical);
  • Troika - humiliation;
  • Four - surprises, gifts;
  • Five - distortion, struggle;
  • Six - be vigilant;
  • Seven - the conclusion of a profitable contract;
  • Eight - vanity;
  • Nine - inconstancy;
  • Ten - the completion of the troubles in the house;
  • Page - violation of established rules;
  • Knight - acquaintance with an interesting person;
  • The Queen is a greedy woman;
  • The king is a rich man.

Tarot Thoth Strength

In the Tarot, Thoth Power is called Lust. The author believed that this is one of the three most important arcana. It symbolizes a bright emotional impulse, passion, a riot of colors.

At the same time, in a relationship, the appearance of a card, according to Crowley's interpretation, can provoke a strong quarrel, a conflict due to the fact that one of the partners is unable to control his emotions. In this case, not only joy will prevail, but mainly anger, anger, aggression.

You should not be led by your emotions, because otherwise you will destroy not only yourself, but everything that is around you. Even if it seems to you that the people around you are wrong, you should not express your dissatisfaction so clearly, since by such actions you can hurt a loved one. Manifest your inner strength gently and without harm to others.

In contact with

In the Tarot deck, the Strength card belongs to the Major Arcana and carries a positive meaning. Just take a close look at the picture. Image 11 Arcana shows us a woman in a long white dress, which adorns a belt of flowers. An infinity sign is displayed above her head. The woman plays with the lion, who acknowledges her dominance and tucks his tail. The very symbolism of the picture implies the personification of female strength, soft and fair. Two opposites interact with each other, retaining their essence and not merging into one.

General value

The lion personifies obstacles and the lower beginning - everything that prevents a person from going along the path of spiritual development. And the meek and gentle appearance of a woman suggests that love sometimes works wonders and can subdue even brute force. The card hints that victory over oneself is possible only through development and self-improvement - it is they who will help to tame the beast inside oneself. Here is a complete list of human qualities, which this card represents in a direct position:

If 11 Arcana falls in an inverted position, it can symbolize the following:

If during divination you pulled out this card from the deck, this means that your fears are left behind, since the meaning of the Tarot Power sometimes has a literal meaning. The period of accumulation of energy for the next life cycle has begun. Another card can symbolize an easier victory over life's obstacles in the future than before. After defeating his dark side, a person receives energy for creation.

Personality characteristic

If the card falls in a layout on a person’s personality, then it characterizes his condition as being “in the very juice”. The lasso testifies to powerful moral and physical strength, incredible courage, high level of energy. The person is very self-confident, and the level of his love of life goes off scale. This person has the power and ability to influence other people. A strong character contributes to the ability to manage oneself and others, but at the same time show generosity and tolerance.

Strength speaks of the integrity of nature and actions. In combination with other cards, the lasso may indicate the unusual abilities of a person. The card may indicate that the questioner has decided to give up a bad habit and is showing willpower. She calls to resist temptations, never give up. You have to pass a test of endurance and strength of mind.

A person loses only when he resigns himself to defeat in advance. The card can symbolize an individual who alone copes with all the obstacles that have arisen in his path. Another meaning of the lasso is passion, the desire to live "to the fullest." The designated person seeks to receive positive emotions from everything that happens, uses all the opportunities that life provides her. Of all the arcana, the Queen of Wands is closest in meaning to Strength.

Sometimes advice is needed from the Tarot to solve some problem. A person is at a crossroads and does not know where to take a step.

  1. As he says, having fallen out in a direct position, the “Strength” card in the layout, you yourself can improve the situation without outside help.
  2. You have a fairly strong position, you can resist any onslaught. And patience and gentleness can help in this.
  3. If the question concerned the health situation, expect recovery and an increase in vitality. Arkan advises you to be more confident in yourself.

In an inverted meaning, the card says that you are currently depressed and vulnerable, possibly sick. The 11 Arcana that fell out can be interpreted as Tarot advice not to rush into resolving the issue. It may also be that the card shows your excessive dependence on other people or harmful addictions. You may be under pressure - The Force is calling you to believe in yourself, but not go ahead. Act better around. In case of health problems, you should rest more and take care of your body.

Forecast for love and relationships

In a love layout, the Strength card symbolizes a strong union based on mutual love. One of the partners conquered the other with his gentle strength, gentleness and attention. . Harmonious Relations in which both fully reveal themselves, know their soul and body to the end. The card symbolizes everything related to passion, sex and instincts.

But this is only the outer side of the relationship. Their deep meaning is saturated with tenderness and spirituality. Strength indicates that one partner dominates the other due to a more powerful temperament and his charisma. Both in this pair experience an all-consuming love that paints all aspects of their lives with bright colors.

There are almost no conflicts between lovers, problems in relationships dissolve by themselves. The card can mean victory in the battle for love, if the relatives of the questioner are against this union. If the “Magician” card falls out at the same time in the layout, then the Higher powers are with you, who will do everything so that luck is on your side.

Depending on the neighboring cards, Strength can be interpreted as an opportunity to get rid of burdensome relationships. You have the strength to start everything from scratch. If the lasso falls to a woman, this can be taken as advice not to come into conflict with her man, to show gentleness and compliance, not to sort things out.

The combination of Strength with other cards depends on the value of these arcana. Here is how tarologists interpret the symbolism of some of these combinations:

If in the layout the card is surrounded by negative arcana, this means the wrong use of force. For a favorable outcome of the case, the questioner needs to reconsider his attitudes.

In the Waite Tarot deck, Akran "Strength" is ranked 8th, swapping places with Justice. But most tarot readers prefer to give this card the 11th position because of the more subtle meaning and greater connection with spirituality.

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