Safety requirements for the transportation of people. Industrial safety and labor protection

Instructions on labor protection when transporting people by road


1. General requirements security

The section is compiled independently on the basis of the Standard Instruction "General safety requirements for professions and types of work performed in the field" TOI R-07-001-98, taking into account the specifics of a particular forestry enterprise and the requirements below.

1.1. Transportation of people on buses and trucks converted for transportation must comply with the requirements of the current Rules of the Road, this Instruction, the Rules of Conduct for Passengers and the operating instructions for the vehicle.

1.2. The most disciplined and experienced drivers of the first and second class, who have been working flawlessly for the last 2 years, having at least 3 years of continuous work experience as a driver with a certificate for the right to drive a vehicle of a category corresponding to the type of vehicle (when transporting 8 or more people, category "D").

1.3. Drivers are required to comply with the established work schedule and undergo a medical examination in a timely manner.

1.4. It is forbidden to transport people outside the cab of a car (except where it is allowed), a tank dump truck and other special trucks, on a cargo (not intended for the transport of people) trailer (semi-trailer) and technological equipment Vehicle.

1.5. Passage in the body of a car not equipped for the carriage of groups of people is allowed only to persons accompanying the cargo or following its receipt, provided that they are provided with a comfortable, safe place located 15 cm below the level of the sides.

1.6. The driver must be provided with overalls, safety shoes and other means personal protection in accordance with the Model Industry Norms and the relevant appendix of the collective agreement.

1.7. According to the requirements of fire and explosion safety, it is not allowed:

  • accumulation of dirt and oil on the engine and its crankcase;
  • leave cleaning materials contaminated with oil and fuel in the cabs and on the engine;
  • operate faulty devices of the heating system;
  • use gasoline and other flammable substances to wash the engine;
  • in case of a faulty fuel system, supply gasoline to the carburetor directly from the tank or in other ways;
  • smoking in the immediate vicinity of the engine power system devices;
  • use open fire when identifying and troubleshooting;
  • warm up the engine with an open flame;
  • motor vehicles must be equipped with fire extinguishers, felt mats, copper-plated tools;
  • buses or trucks intended for the transport of people must not contain explosive or flammable goods.

2. Safety requirements before starting work

2.1. The driver of a vehicle intended for the transport of people (a bus, a truck converted for this purpose) must have with him:

  • certificate for the right to drive a vehicle;
  • registration numbers for vehicle;
  • travel or route sheet with appropriate marks.

The driver must pass the pre-trip medical control.

2.2. Before leaving, check the serviceability and completeness of the vehicle and monitor its condition on the way:

  • brakes;
  • steering; wheels and tires;
  • engine and transmission;
  • external lighting devices and interior (body).

2.3. In a truck equipped with a passenger compartment, intended for the transport of people, check the presence and serviceability of:

  • landing stairs;
  • bilateral sound signal izatsiya from the passenger compartment to the driver's cab;
  • interior lighting;
  • easily removable (located outside the cab) fire extinguisher with a capacity of 2 liters;
  • doors opening from the interior to the outside;
  • semi-soft seats, interior heating.

2.4. In a truck designed to transport people in the warm season, equipped with an awning to protect against wind and precipitation, check the presence and serviceability of:

  • removable landing ladder;
  • fire extinguisher with a capacity of 2 l;
  • first aid kits with a set of medicines;
  • sound alarm from the body to the driver's cab;
  • seats in the body with strong backrests, reinforced at a distance of at least 15 cm to the upper edge of the sides;
  • side locks, additionally fixed so that their spontaneous opening is excluded.

2.5. Check for the presence of the inscription "People" and the corresponding sign in front and behind in the upper part of the cabin or awning truck equipped to transport people. Make sure that there are no transported fuels and lubricants, chainsaws, uncovered sharp tools in the cabin.

2.6. Check the number of people transported, which should be no more than the number of seats equipped in the back of the truck.

2.7. Instruct passengers about the order of boarding and disembarking and placement in the body, warn that it is forbidden to stand while the car is moving.

2.8. Make sure there are designated persons responsible for the safe transportation of people:

  • one person must be in the back of the truck, the other in the cab;
  • the names of the responsible persons must be recorded in waybill.

2.9. Identified malfunctions must be eliminated before the start of movement with passengers. After making sure that the vehicle is in good condition, executive makes a note in the waybill, a stamp is also put there by a medical worker, confirming the driver's appropriate health.

3. Safety requirements during operation

Drivers of cars while driving, in addition to the general requirements provided for current Rules traffic, the following requirements must also be met:

3.1. The driver must move the bus (car) on the roads common use, logging roads, branches and mustaches, complying with the current Traffic Rules and Rules technical operation logging roads.

3.2. Before starting the movement, the driver must make sure that the passengers have taken their seats, in the safety of others, then give a signal with a light indicator for the direction of the corresponding direction, if necessary, give a sound signal. Start moving smoothly, without jerks, in low gear.

3.3. When leaving the garage or other territory, from the place of landing of passengers, the driver is obliged to give way to vehicles moving along it and to let pedestrians pass, not to exceed the speed limit when driving through the territory of the garage, forestry.

3.4. Before starting to move from a parking or stopping place, before changing lanes and any change in the direction of movement (turning, turning), the driver must give a signal with a light indicator for the direction of the corresponding direction and make sure that by his maneuver he does not interfere with traffic.

3.5. The driver must choose the speed of movement on logging roads taking into account road conditions, i.e. depending on the type of logging road, width and condition of the carriageway, visibility in direction of travel, atmospheric conditions, terrain. When working in cramped winter conditions (narrowing of the road due to snow), use road sidings in oncoming traffic.

3.6. The driver must be especially careful when moving from a standstill in reverse. In case of poor visibility or visibility, use the rear-view mirror. Reversing is not allowed at intersections and closer than 20 m from them, as well as at pedestrian crossings.

3.7. The speed of movement along the logging road is established by order of the director of the forestry enterprise in agreement with the traffic police. In all cases, the speed of movement should not exceed the speed determined by technical specification for a specific car index. The mode and nature of traffic must comply with traffic signs.

3.8. Overtaking is allowed subject to the Rules of the Road, with good visibility and free path, no interference with other drivers, on the left side with a signal.

Overtaking prohibited:

  • in icy conditions, during snowfall, thick fog, heavy rain (visibility less than 20 m);
  • at railway crossings and closer than 100 m from them, at crossroads, pedestrian crossings, according to information from road signs;
  • a car that gave a signal to overtake, turn.

It is impossible to prevent overtaking by increasing the speed.

3.9. The driver of the vehicle is prohibited from:

  • able to drive a car alcohol intoxication, under the influence of drugs;
  • travel on a flight in a sick condition or with such a degree of fatigue that may affect traffic safety; rest with the engine running;
  • transfer control of the car to persons who are not assigned to this car or to unauthorized persons;
  • drive into the danger zone of felling the forest;
  • produce Maintenance a vehicle with passengers in the cabin;
  • heat the engine with an open flame (blowtorches, etc.);
  • use open fire when identifying and troubleshooting mechanisms;
  • smoke in the immediate vicinity of the engine power system and fuel tanks.

3.10. The driver of the vehicle must:

  • noticing a violation of traffic rules or instructions by another driver, creating a danger to others, warn the violator and take the necessary measures to ensure safety;
  • provide technical and other assistance to drivers in case of need or danger to traffic;
  • stop at the request of employees of the State Road Traffic Inspectorate, police, public inspectors and provide them with the opportunity to check documents, vehicles;
  • allow travel in a car: for medical workers traveling in the same direction to provide medical care, as well as regardless of the direction of movement to doctors and the average medical staff to travel to the patient in cases that threaten his life, or to transport such a patient to the nearest medical institution;
  • to perform urgent official tasks for state traffic police inspectors, police officers, combatants, public traffic inspectors and prosecutors; employees of the state forest guard for travel in a passing direction to the places of forest fires or for returning from these places, in other emergency cases;
  • at nightfall and in case of poor visibility during the day, turn on external lighting devices, use high beam on unlit roads, it switches to low beam at least 150 m before oncoming traffic and in case of possible blinding of the driver of oncoming traffic.

4. Safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1. When reading devices that indicate a malfunction of lighting devices, insufficient oil pressure in the engine or elevated coolant temperature, when knocking in the engine, you must immediately stop the car and turn off the engine. Next, take measures to eliminate the identified malfunctions by turning on the alarm and putting up an emergency sign on the road. Stop also when the driver is blinded by an oncoming car.

After cooling the engine, measure the oil level, inspect the oil pipeline system and eliminate the identified defects; open the radiator cap without sharply unscrewing it, being careful of a strong release of hot vapors (hands must be protected by gloves), and fill in the coolant. Do not continue driving until the problem is corrected.

If it is necessary to eliminate a malfunction that has arisen during operation and maintenance, the driver is obliged to turn off the car engine, stop and brake the car.

4.2. In the event of a traffic accident, the driver involved in it must:

  • stop immediately and do not move the car, as well as other items related to the incident, take measures to deliver passengers by another vehicle;
  • if the movement of other vehicles is blocked, clear the roadway, having previously fixed the position of the car and the objects and traces related to the traffic accident on the diagram;
  • if necessary, provide first aid and take the victim to medical institution.

4.3. Report the incident to the State Road Traffic Inspectorate and the enterprise, write down the names and addresses of eyewitnesses of the incident and wait for the arrival of the commission to investigate the traffic accident.

4.4. In the event of a fire, fire extinguishers located in the bus (car) must be used.

4.5. In the event of a forest fire, take measures to extinguish it on your own, if possible, give information to the forestry, forestry or other organization, enterprise or population. If it is impossible to extinguish the fire, take personal safety measures and. leave the fire.

In a similar way to act in case of any other danger (environmental, natural disaster, radiation, chemical hazard), threatening human life.

4.6. In case of an emergency stop of the bus (car) with the need to leave the passenger compartment and stay on the ground during a thunderstorm in the forest:

  • take a safe place in a clearing, a site of deciduous young growth, between trees growing at a distance of 20 m from each other;
  • in mountains and hilly areas closer to the middle of the slope;
  • if possible, sit on an insulating material (dry deadwood, moss, birch bark);
  • remove metal objects and mechanisms from yourself.

It is forbidden during a thunderstorm to hide under trees, lean against their trunks, be near and under power lines, come closer than 10 m to separate trees, poles, towers, lightning rods, high stones, etc., be on top of a hill, and also be closer than 10 m from machines and mechanisms.

4.7. If it is necessary to leave the car on the road for a long time in the event of an accident or breakdown, it is necessary to put it on the side of the road or a junction, turn off the engine, put on the handbrake (if the road is sloping, put additional shoes under the wheels), drain the water (in winter), turn on alarms and put portable emergency signs on the road. Report the accident and the abandoned car to the administration.

5. Safety requirements at the end of work

5.1. After returning from the flight, together with the mechanic, check the serviceability of the car. If necessary, apply for Maintenance with a list of faults to be corrected. When preparing a car for maintenance or repair, wash it and clean it of dirt and ice.

5.2. If the car is technically faulty, carry out daily maintenance and put the car prepared for the next shift to the parking lot.

5.3. In garageless storage without heating in winter time drain the water from the radiator and engine, tighten the parking brake lever.

5.4. Report all faults to the mechanic. Take off overalls, shoes, clean them from dust and dirt, put them in storage.

5.5. Perform hygienic procedures, make sure that there are no ticks, if present, remove them.

5.6. Enter comments on the work in the journal of administrative and public control on labor protection.

See other articles section.

letter from the central committee of the trade union
forest workers
Russian Federation
of September 23, 1998 N 3-11


Transportation of people by road

TOI R-07-021-98

1. General safety requirements

The section is compiled independently on the basis of the Standard Instruction "General safety requirements for professions and types of work performed in field conditions"TOI R-07-001-98, taking into account the specifics of a particular forestry enterprise and the requirements below.

1.1. Transportation of people on buses and trucks converted for transportation must comply with the requirements of the current Rules of the Road, this Instruction, the Rules of Conduct for Passengers and the operating instructions for the vehicle.

1.2. The most disciplined and experienced drivers of the first and second class, who have been working flawlessly for the last 2 years, having at least 3 years of continuous work experience as a driver with a certificate for the right to drive a vehicle of the category corresponding to the type of vehicle (when transporting 8 or more people, category "D").

1.3. Drivers are required to comply with the established work schedule and undergo a medical examination in a timely manner.

1.4. It is forbidden to transport people outside the cab of a car (except where it is allowed), a dump truck - tanks and other special trucks, on a cargo (not intended for transporting people) trailer (semi-trailer) and technological equipment of vehicles.

1.5. Passage in the body of a car not equipped for the carriage of groups of people is allowed only to persons accompanying the cargo or following its receipt, provided that they are provided with a comfortable, safe place located 15 cm below the level of the sides.

1.6. The driver must be provided with overalls, footwear and other personal protective equipment in accordance with the Model Industry Standards and the relevant appendix of the collective agreement.

1.7. According to the requirements of fire and explosion safety, the following is not allowed: accumulation of dirt and oil on the engine and its crankcase; leave cleaning materials contaminated with oil and fuel in the cabs and on the engine; operate faulty devices of the heating system; use gasoline and other flammable substances to wash the engine; file in case of failure fuel system gasoline into the carburetor directly from the tank or in other ways; smoking in the immediate vicinity of the engine power system devices; use open fire when identifying and troubleshooting; warm up the engine with an open flame; motor vehicles must be equipped with fire extinguishers, felt mats, copper-plated tools; buses or trucks intended for the transport of people must not contain explosive or flammable goods.

2. Safety requirements before starting work

2.1. The driver of a vehicle intended for the transport of people (a bus, a truck converted for this purpose) must have with him: a certificate for the right to drive a vehicle, registration numbers for the vehicle; waybill or route sheet with appropriate marks. The driver must pass the pre-trip medical control.

2.2. Before leaving, check the serviceability and completeness of the vehicle and monitor its condition on the way: brakes; steering; wheels and tires; engine and transmission; external lighting devices and interior (body).

2.3. In a truck equipped with a passenger compartment, intended for the transport of people, check the presence and serviceability of: landing stairs; two-way sound signaling from the passenger compartment to the driver's cab; interior lighting; first aid kits with a set of medicines; easily removable (located outside the cab) fire extinguisher with a capacity of 2 liters; doors opening from the interior to the outside; semi-soft seats, interior heating.

2.4. In a truck designed to transport people in the warm season, equipped with an awning to protect against wind and precipitation, check the presence and serviceability of: a removable landing ladder; fire extinguisher with a capacity of 2 l; first aid kits with a set of medicines; sound alarm from the body to the driver's cab; seats in the body with strong backrests, reinforced at a distance of at least 15 cm to the upper edge of the sides; side locks, additionally fixed so that their spontaneous opening is excluded.

2.5. Check for the presence of the inscription "People" and the corresponding sign in front and behind in the upper part of the cabin or awning of a truck equipped for transporting people. Make sure that there are no transported fuels and lubricants, chainsaws, uncovered sharp tools in the cabin.

2.6. Check the number of people transported, which should be no more than the number of seats equipped in the back of the truck.

2.7. Instruct passengers about the order of boarding and disembarking and placement in the body, warn that it is forbidden to stand while the car is moving.

2.8. Make sure that there are designated persons responsible for the safe transportation of people: one person must be in the back of the truck, the other in the cab; the names of the responsible persons must be recorded in the waybill.

2.9. Identified malfunctions must be eliminated before the start of movement with passengers. After making sure that the vehicle is in good condition, the official makes a note in the waybill, and a medical worker stamps it there, confirming the driver’s appropriate health.

3. Safety requirements during operation

Drivers of cars while driving, in addition to the general requirements provided for by the current Rules of the Road, should additionally fulfill the following requirements:

3.1. The driver must move the bus (car) on public roads, logging roads, branches and mustaches, following the current traffic rules and the Rules for the technical operation of logging roads.

3.2. Before starting the movement, the driver must make sure that the passengers have taken their seats, in the safety of others, then give a signal with a light indicator for the direction of the corresponding direction, if necessary, give a sound signal. Start moving smoothly, without jerks, in low gear.

3.3. When leaving the garage or other territory, from the place of landing of passengers, the driver is obliged to give way to vehicles moving along it and to let pedestrians pass, not to exceed the speed limit when driving through the territory of the garage, forestry.

3.4. Before starting to move from a parking or stopping place, before changing lanes and any change in the direction of movement (turning, turning), the driver must give a signal with a light indicator for the direction of the corresponding direction and make sure that by his maneuver he does not interfere with traffic.

3.5. The driver must choose the speed of movement on logging roads taking into account road conditions, i.e. depending on the type of logging road, width and condition of the carriageway, visibility in the direction of travel, atmospheric conditions, terrain. When working in tight spaces winter conditions(narrowing of the road due to snow) in oncoming traffic, use road junctions.

3.6. The driver must be especially careful when reversing from a standstill. In case of poor visibility or visibility, use the rear-view mirror. Reversing is not allowed at intersections and closer than 20 m from them, as well as at pedestrian crossings.

3.7. The speed of movement along the logging road is established by order of the director of the forestry enterprise in agreement with the traffic police. In all cases, the speed of movement should not be higher than the speed determined by the technical characteristics for a particular index of the car. The mode and nature of traffic must comply with road signs.

3.8. Overtaking is permissible subject to the Rules of DD, with good visibility and a free path, no interference with other drivers, overtaking - on the left side with a signal. Overtaking is prohibited: in icy conditions, during snowfall, thick fog, heavy rain (visibility less than 20 m); at railway crossings and closer than 100 m from them, at crossroads, pedestrian crossings, according to information from road signs; a car that gave a signal to overtake, turn. It is impossible to prevent overtaking by increasing the speed.

3.9. The driver of the vehicle is prohibited from:

  • drive a car while intoxicated or under the influence of drugs;
  • travel on a flight in a sick condition or with such a degree of fatigue that may affect traffic safety;
  • rest with the engine running; transfer control of the car to persons who are not assigned to this car or to unauthorized persons;
  • drive into the danger zone of felling the forest;
  • carry out maintenance of the vehicle with passengers in the cabin;
  • heat the engine with an open flame (blowtorches, etc.);
  • use open fire when identifying and troubleshooting mechanisms;
  • smoke in the immediate vicinity of the engine power system and fuel tanks.

3.10. The driver of the vehicle must:

  • noticing a violation of traffic rules or instructions by another driver, creating a danger to others, warn the violator and take the necessary measures to ensure safety;
  • provide technical and other assistance to drivers in case of need or danger to traffic;
  • stop at the request of employees of the State Road Traffic Inspectorate, police, public inspectors and provide them with the opportunity to check documents, vehicles;
  • allow travel in a car: for medical workers traveling in a passing direction to provide medical care, and also, regardless of the direction of movement, for doctors and paramedical personnel to travel to a patient in cases that threaten his life, or to transport such a patient to the nearest medical and preventive institution ;
  • to perform urgent official tasks for state traffic police inspectors, police officers, combatants, public traffic inspectors and prosecutors; employees of the state forest guard for travel in a passing direction to the places of forest fires or for returning from these places, in other emergency cases;
  • at nightfall and in case of poor visibility during the day, turn on external lighting devices, use high beam on unlit roads, it switches to low beam at least 150 m before oncoming traffic and in case of possible blinding of the driver of oncoming traffic.

4. Safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1. When reading devices that indicate a malfunction of lighting devices, insufficient oil pressure in the engine or elevated coolant temperature, when knocking in the engine, you must immediately stop the car and turn off the engine. Next, take measures to eliminate the identified malfunctions by turning on the alarm and putting up an emergency sign on the road. Stop also when the driver is blinded by an oncoming car.

After cooling the engine, measure the oil level, inspect the oil pipeline system and eliminate the identified defects; open the radiator cap without sharply unscrewing it, being careful of a strong release of hot vapors (hands must be protected by gloves), and fill in the coolant. Do not continue driving until the problem is corrected.

If it is necessary to eliminate a malfunction that has arisen during operation and maintenance, the driver is obliged to turn off the car engine, stop and brake the car.

4.2. In the event of a traffic accident, the driver involved in it must:

  • stop immediately and do not move the car, as well as other items related to the incident, take measures to deliver passengers by another vehicle;
  • if the movement of other vehicles is blocked, release carriageway, having previously fixed the position of the car and the objects and traces related to the traffic accident on the diagram;
  • if necessary, provide first aid and deliver the victim to a medical facility.

4.3. Report the incident to the State Road Traffic Inspectorate and the enterprise, write down the names and addresses of eyewitnesses of the incident and wait for the arrival of the commission to investigate the traffic accident.

4.4. In the event of a fire, fire extinguishers located in the bus (car) must be used.

4.5. In the event of a forest fire, take measures to extinguish it on your own, if possible, provide information to the forestry, forestry or other organization, enterprise or population. If it is impossible to extinguish the fire, take personal safety measures and leave the place of ignition.

In a similar way to act in case of any other danger (environmental, natural disaster, radiation, chemical hazard) that threatens people's lives.

4.6. In case of an emergency stop of the bus (car) with the need to leave the passenger compartment and stay on the ground during a thunderstorm in the forest: take safe place in a clearing, a site of deciduous young growth, between trees growing at a distance of 20 m from each other; in mountains and hilly areas closer to the middle of the slope; if possible, sit on an insulating material (dry deadwood, moss, birch bark); remove metal objects and mechanisms from yourself.

It is forbidden during a thunderstorm to hide under trees, lean against their trunks, be near and under power lines, come closer than 10 m to a separate standing trees, poles, towers, lightning rods, high stones, etc., be located at the top of a hill, and also be closer than 10 m from machines and mechanisms.

4.7. If it is necessary to leave the car on the road for a long time in the event of an accident or breakdown, it is necessary to put it on the side of the road or on the siding, turn off the engine, put on the handbrake (if the road slopes, put additional shoes under the wheels), drain the water (in winter period), turn on the emergency alarm and put portable emergency signs on the road. Report the accident and the abandoned car to the administration.

5. Safety requirements at the end of work

5.1. After returning from the flight, together with the mechanic, check the serviceability of the car. If necessary, draw up an application for current repairs with a list of faults to be eliminated. When preparing a car for maintenance or repair, wash it and clean it of dirt and ice.

5.2. If the car is technically faulty, carry out daily maintenance and put the car prepared for the next shift to the parking lot.

5.3. For garageless storage without heating in winter, drain water from the radiator and engine, tighten the parking brake lever.

5.4. Report all faults to the mechanic. Take off overalls, shoes, clean them from dust and dirt, put them in storage.

5.5. Perform hygienic procedures, make sure that there are no ticks, if present, remove them.

5.6. Enter comments on the work in the journal of administrative and public control on labor protection.

When planning transport work, the economy carefully develops routes for the movement of vehicles, takes into account all dangerous places on roads and crossings, the profile and angles of inclination of roads, the overall dimensions of tractor trains when transporting goods, etc.
Map safe roads updated annually and brought to the attention of all drivers and tractor operators.
Transportation of people in the back of a truck is allowed for drivers with at least 3 years of experience. In this case, the car body must be equipped with benches for the seat of all passengers and a ladder for their boarding and disembarking. The seats are reinforced at a distance of at least 15 cm to the upper edge of the sides, and the seats located along the rear or side sides are equipped with strong backs. Depending on the carrying capacity of the vehicle, the number of passengers in the body should be as follows:

A truck designed to transport people must be equipped with an awning, an OU-2 fire extinguisher. Transporting people in tractor trailers is strictly prohibited.
Of great importance for the safe transportation of cargo is its correct placement in the back of a car or in a tractor trailer. It is necessary to place the cargo in a body or trailer, observing the following basic rules (other requirements determined by particular conditions are not excluded):
1) do not overload the car (no more than its carrying capacity);
2) disperse the load evenly over the entire area of ​​the body platform;
3) make sure that the load does not rise above the sides of the body in any case (if necessary, the sides of the body are increased, and the loads are securely tied);
4) transportation of cargo on roads over which they pass electric wires, is permitted provided that the distance from the highest point of the load is as follows:

These data must be taken into account when choosing the mode of transport for the transportation of silage, hay, straw, etc., i.e. determine the height of the build-up of the sides for safe passage under power lines;
5) tare and piece cargoes must be stowed so that they do not move and do not fall on turns, during descents, braking;
6) when loading the body, a safe place should be left for loaders and other persons accompanying the goods. In this case, people should not be between the loads and the driver's cab, as the load is shifted in the direction of travel, which can lead to accidents.
The driver is in charge of loading the car. If the vehicle is loaded or unloaded by lifting mechanisms, the driver must necessarily leave the vehicle (tractor) cab, but not engage in inspection or repair. Stay at this time of other people in the cab and body is prohibited.
Goods that need to be transported and stored under special conditions must be specially marked. Shipping oversized cargo, one of linear dimensions which exceeds 3.8 m in height from the road surface, 2.5 m in width, 20 m in length (for a tractor train), must be agreed with the traffic police and, if necessary, with the head railway(water crossing).
For the transportation of bulk feed, machines are used that provide closed loading, transportation and unloading of materials. Loading treated seeds into bags and planters, as well as loading mineral fertilizers in vehicles must be mechanized. It is allowed to transport treated seeds to the sowing place only in bags made of dense disposable material or in forklifts of seeders. The bags should be labeled "Pickled" or "Poisonous". Transportation of people simultaneously with treated seeds is not allowed.
Mineral fertilizers should be transported in special containers or on public vehicles with a dense body covered with a tarpaulin.
Pesticides should be transported in their original labeled containers on well-maintained, easy-to-clean vehicles. Transportation of other goods together with pesticides and chemical preservatives is not allowed.
When transporting liquid ammonia, it is necessary to monitor the serviceability and tightness of containers, the serviceability of pressure gauges and safety valves. Vehicles must be equipped with grounding. Transportation of ammonium nitrate together with other materials and fertilizers is not allowed.
Each batch of chemical preservatives during transportation must be accompanied by documents certifying the name, quality and weight of the product. Liquid chemical preservatives (organic acids) are allowed to be transported in special road tanks or factory containers (aluminum drums, canisters, in glass, braided or crated bottles with tight-fitting lids and corks). Pumping chemical preservatives from road tanks is allowed into tanks made of aluminum, alloy steel or polyethylene, which are then sealed.
Transportation of animals. For the loading and unloading of animals, by order of the head of the enterprise, a person responsible for the safe conduct of these works is appointed from among the zoo-veterinary specialists. Loading and unloading of animals should be carried out only if there is data on their condition (sick or healthy) and behavioral characteristics (tame, alert, etc.). Before starting work, animals must be examined by veterinarians. Animals with a bad temper must be administered tranquilizers in accordance with veterinary regulations before loading. Animals requiring quarantine treatment are loaded and unloaded at specially designated sites that meet the requirements of veterinary control.
Places for loading and unloading animals should be set aside on special areas with a hard surface. Loading and unloading is allowed on planned sites with dense soil. The floor of the overpass of the loading and unloading platform, starting from the weighing platform, should gradually rise (angle not more than 12 °) to the level of the floor of the vehicle body. The height of the loading rack must correspond to the height of the floor of the body of the livestock truck. From the edges of the side walls of the body, mobile shields are installed on the overpass, partitions of an appropriate height so that the animals cannot jump out. In the places of production of loading and unloading operations, overpasses and animal movement guides are installed with securely fenced passages along them for workers serving animals. The height of the passage for the worker should be 250 ... 300 mm from the floor level, the width - 800 ... 1000 mm, the height of the enclosing railing - 1000 ... 1100 mm.
Places for loading and unloading animals, including walkways and driveways, must be separated from residential areas sanitary protection zones and illuminated.
Work inside closed spaces. Before starting work in wells, channels and vessels, it is necessary to make sure each time before descent that there are no accumulations of combustible gases or carbon dioxide in them.

Rice. 45. Scheme of a device for testing gas-air mixtures for explosiveness

Such a check is carried out using a special gasoline lamp. The presence of an explosive mixture in the atmosphere is checked as follows. A flask with a capacity of 0.5 liters is filled to the top with water and, having brought it into the well, water is poured out of it. In this case, the flask is filled with air to be investigated. The flask is closed with a rubber stopper, into which the igniter rods are inserted, connected to the secondary winding of the step-down transformer (Fig. 45) with a voltage of 6 V. When the flask is installed in the protective casing, the switch of the primary winding of the transformer is turned on and the button is pressed. In this case, a spark discharge occurs in the ignition, and in the presence of an explosive mixture in the flask, it is destroyed. If an explosion does not occur, then a control check is carried out, for which, having previously turned off the transformer, one drop of gasoline is let into the flask and the experiment is repeated. The destruction of the flask indicates the absence of an explosive mixture in the air atmosphere. Due to the fact that the test with a flask does not give complete confidence in safety, it is also necessary to carry out forced ventilation with a portable fan or blower.

Rice. 46. ​​Local suction from the welding station using a vacuum pump and a suction holder

When welding inside closed spaces, it is recommended to use local high-vacuum suction (Fig. 46). It is fixed with a suction cup at a distance of 100 ... 150 mm from the welding point. The air consumption from one suction is 100... 150 m3/h.
For convenience of work and to reduce resistance, air is first sucked through hoses with inside diameter 25 or 32 mm. The length of the hoses with these diameters should be no more than 20 ... 25 m. Flexible hoses with a diameter of 38 mm are laid over long distances, the length of which can be up to 20 m. Hoses with a diameter of 25 and 32 mm are recommended to be used for industrial gas masks corrugated according to TU 851 - 55 or for vacuum cleaners according to TU 2825 - 53, and hoses with a diameter of 38 mm - according to GOST 8496-57.
For air suction, water ring pumps of the RMK type No. 3 and 4 are used.
The length and diameter of the hoses should be selected in such a way that the total resistance of the entire system is within 2000... ...2500 kg/m2.
When welding in closed containers and the impossibility of a local exhaust device, an inflow device is recommended clean air. The air supply to the container must be organized in such a way that the welder is in a stream of clean air.
In winter, to avoid colds the air must be heated to a temperature of 20 ... 22 °. The amount of air supplied is set depending on the distance between the air supply pipe and the working one within the range of up to 3000 m3 / h at a distance of up to 1.5 m and up to 6000 m3 / h at a distance of 1.5 ... 3 m.
For lighting when working in similar devices a portable explosion-proof type lamp for a voltage of not more than 12 V is used.
Before gas or electric welding of vessels from flammable liquids, they must be thoroughly washed and wiped, otherwise an explosion of a mixture of fuel vapors with air is possible.
Rinsing is carried out with an aqueous solution of caustic soda or trisodium phosphate, which should contain 80 ... 120 g of alkali per 1 liter of water. If it is necessary to flush the vessels from mineral oils an additional 2 ... 3 g / l of liquid glass or soap is added to the solution to create an emulsion. The solution should be heated to 60...80 °C.
Purging of vessels with a capacity of up to 200 liters from gasoline with steam should last at least 2 hours. When cleaning tanks with a capacity of up to 1000 m up to 200 liters can be replaced by boiling, while the water in the vessel should occupy 80 ... 90% of its volume and boil for 3 hours.
Before welding, the vessels in which various acids were located must be thoroughly rinsed, cleaned of dirt and various sediments with special wooden, brass or aluminum scrapers.
Since caustic soda (caustic soda) is harmful to the skin and eyes of people, as well as clothes and shoes, when handling it, you must wear rubber boots with high tops, a canvas suit with loose trousers, as well as a rubber apron and gloves; eyes should be protected with white lenses. It is necessary to wash the inner walls of the vessels in special masks or gas masks, in tarpaulin or rubberized overalls and waterproof shoes without nails and horseshoes.
Over overalls, the worker puts on a belt with straps, to which a hook with a spring latch is attached. A rescue rope is attached to the hook, the end of which, taken out of the hatch, must be in the hands of another worker who is obliged to provide assistance if necessary.
After completing all specified requirements the worker can be inside the tank continuously for no more than 10 minutes, followed by rest for outdoors at least 20 min.
For electric arc welding inside metal vessels, welders must be additionally provided with rubber, insulating mats on a felt lining with poor thermal conductivity, rubber helmets and overalls with rubber armrests and knee pads.




1.1. Transportation of people on buses and trucks converted for transportation must comply with the requirements of the current Rules of the Road, this Instruction, the Rules of Conduct for Passengers and the operating instructions for the vehicle.

1.2. The most disciplined and experienced drivers who have been working flawlessly for the last 2 years, having at least 3 years of continuous work experience as a driver with a certificate for the right to drive a vehicle of the category corresponding to the type are allowed to drive buses and trucks intended for the transport of people motor vehicle (when transporting 8 or more people category "D").

1.3. Drivers are required to comply with the established work schedule and undergo a medical examination in a timely manner.

1.4. It is forbidden to transport people outside the cab of a car (except where it is allowed), a dump truck - tanks and other special trucks, on a cargo (not intended for transporting people) trailer (semi-trailer) and technological equipment of vehicles.

1.5. Passage in the body of a car not equipped for the carriage of groups of people is allowed only to persons accompanying the cargo or following its receipt, provided that they are provided with a comfortable, safe place located 15 cm below the level of the sides.

1.6. The driver must be provided with overalls, footwear and other personal protective equipment in accordance with the Model Industry Standards and the relevant appendix of the collective agreement.

1.7. According to the requirements of fire and explosion safety, the following is not allowed: accumulation of dirt and oil on the engine and its crankcase; leave cleaning materials contaminated with oil and fuel in the cabs and on the engine; operate faulty devices of the heating system; use gasoline and other flammable substances to wash the engine; in case of a faulty fuel system, supply gasoline to the carburetor directly from the tank or in other ways; smoking in the immediate vicinity of the engine power system devices; use open fire when identifying and troubleshooting; warm up the engine with an open flame; motor vehicles must be equipped with fire extinguishers, felt mats, copper-plated tools; buses or trucks intended for the transport of people must not contain explosive or flammable goods.


2.1. The driver of a vehicle intended for the transport of people (a bus, a truck converted for this purpose) must have with him: a certificate for the right to drive a vehicle, registration numbers for the vehicle; waybill or route sheet with appropriate marks. The driver must pass a pre-trip medical examination.

2.2. Before leaving, check the serviceability and completeness of the vehicle and monitor its condition on the way: brakes; steering; wheels and tires; engine and transmission; external lighting devices and interior (body).

2.3. In a truck equipped with a passenger compartment, intended for the transport of people, check the presence and serviceability of: landing stairs; two-way sound signaling from the passenger compartment to the driver's cab; interior lighting; first aid kits with a set of medicines; easily removable (located outside the cab) fire extinguisher with a capacity of 2 liters; doors opening from the interior to the outside; semi-soft seats, interior heating.

2.4. In a truck designed to transport people in the warm season, equipped with an awning to protect against wind and precipitation, check the presence and serviceability of: a removable landing ladder; fire extinguisher with a capacity of 2 l; first aid kits with a set of medicines; sound alarm from the body to the driver's cab; seats in the body with strong backrests, reinforced at a distance of at least 15 cm to the upper edge of the sides; side locks, additionally fixed so that their spontaneous opening is excluded.

2.5. Check for the presence of the inscription "People" or "Caution, children" and the corresponding sign in front and behind in the upper part of the cabin or awning of a truck equipped for transporting people. Make sure that there are no transported fuels and lubricants in the cabin, uncovered sharp tools, assemblies, parts, etc.

2.6. Check the number of people transported, which should be no more than the number of seats equipped in the back of the truck.

2.7. Instruct passengers about the order of boarding and disembarking and placement in the body, warn that it is forbidden to stand while the car is moving.

2.8. Make sure that there are designated persons responsible for the safe transportation of people: one person must be in the back of the truck, the other in the cab; the names of the responsible persons must be recorded in the waybill.

2.9. Identified malfunctions must be eliminated before the start of movement with passengers. After making sure that the vehicle is in good condition, the official makes a note in the waybill, and a medical worker stamps it there, confirming the driver’s appropriate health.


Drivers of cars while driving, in addition to the general requirements provided for by the current Rules of the Road, should additionally fulfill the following requirements:

3.1. The driver must carry out the movement of the bus (car) on public roads, following the current Rules of the road.

3.2. Before starting the movement, the driver must make sure that the passengers have taken their seats, in the safety of others, then give a signal with a light indicator for the direction of the corresponding direction, if necessary, give a sound signal. Start moving smoothly, without jerks, in low gear.

3.3. When leaving the garage or other territory, from the passenger pick-up point, the driver must give way to vehicles moving along it and give way to pedestrians, not exceed the speed limit when driving through the garage territory.

3.4. Before starting to move from a parking or stopping place, before changing lanes and any change in the direction of movement (turning, turning), the driver must give a signal with a light indicator for the direction of the corresponding direction and make sure that by his maneuver he does not interfere with traffic.

3.5. The driver must choose the speed of movement on the roads taking into account the road conditions, i.e. depending on the type of road, width and condition of the carriageway, visibility in the direction of travel, atmospheric conditions, terrain. When working in cramped winter conditions (narrowing of the road due to snow), use road sidings in oncoming traffic.

3.6. The driver must be especially careful when reversing from a standstill. In case of poor visibility or visibility, use the rear-view mirror. Reversing is not allowed at intersections and closer than 20 m from them, as well as at pedestrian crossings.

3.7. In all cases, the speed of movement should not be higher than the speed determined by the technical characteristics for a particular index of the car. The mode and nature of traffic must comply with road signs.

3.8. Overtaking is permissible subject to the Rules of DD, with good visibility and a free path, no interference with other drivers, overtaking - on the left side with a signal. Overtaking is prohibited: in icy conditions, during snowfall, thick fog, heavy rain (visibility less than 20 m); at railway crossings and closer than 100 m from them, at crossroads, pedestrian crossings, according to information from road signs; a car that gave a signal to overtake, turn. It is impossible to prevent overtaking by increasing the speed.

3.9. The driver of the vehicle is prohibited from:

Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs;

To leave for a flight in a sick condition or with such a degree of fatigue that may affect traffic safety;

Rest with the engine running;

Transfer control of the car to persons who are not assigned to this car or to unauthorized persons;

Drive into the danger zone of felling;

Carry out maintenance of the vehicle with passengers in the cabin;

Warm up the engine with an open flame (blowtorches, etc.);

Use open fire when identifying and troubleshooting mechanisms;

Smoking in the immediate vicinity of the engine power system and fuel tanks.

3.10. The driver of the vehicle must:

Noticing a violation of traffic rules or instructions by another driver, creating a danger to others, warn the violator and take the necessary measures to ensure safety;

Provide technical and other assistance to drivers in case of need or danger to traffic;

Stop at the request of employees of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, police, public inspectors and provide them with the opportunity to check documents, vehicles;

Allow travel in a car: for medical workers traveling in a passing direction to provide medical care, and also, regardless of the direction of movement, for doctors and paramedical personnel to travel to a patient in cases that threaten his life, or to transport such a patient to the nearest medical and preventive institution ;

To perform urgent official tasks for state traffic police inspectors, police officers, combatants, public traffic inspectors and prosecutors;

With the onset of darkness and in case of poor visibility during the day, turn on external lighting devices, use high beam on unlit roads, it switches to low beam at least 150 m before oncoming traffic and in case of possible blinding of the driver of oncoming traffic.


4.1. When reading devices that indicate a malfunction of lighting devices, insufficient oil pressure in the engine or elevated coolant temperature, when knocking in the engine, you must immediately stop the car and turn off the engine. Next, take measures to eliminate the identified malfunctions by turning on the alarm and putting up an emergency sign on the road. Stop also when the driver is blinded by an oncoming car.

After cooling the engine, measure the oil level, inspect the oil pipeline system and eliminate the identified defects; open the radiator cap without sharply unscrewing it, being careful of a strong release of hot vapors (hands must be protected by gloves), and fill in the coolant. Do not continue driving until the problem is corrected.

If it is necessary to eliminate a malfunction that has arisen during operation and maintenance, the driver is obliged to turn off the car engine, stop and brake the car.

4.2. In the event of a traffic accident, the driver involved in it must:

Stop immediately and do not move the car, as well as other items related to the incident, take measures to deliver passengers by another vehicle;

If the movement of other vehicles is blocked, clear the roadway, having previously fixed the position of the car and the objects and traces related to the traffic accident on the diagram;

If necessary, provide first aid and deliver the victim to a medical facility.

4.3. Report the incident to the State Road Traffic Inspectorate and the enterprise, write down the names and addresses of eyewitnesses of the incident and wait for the arrival of the commission to investigate the traffic accident.

4.4. In the event of a fire, fire extinguishers located in the bus (car) must be used.

4.5. In case of an emergency stop of the bus (car) with the need to leave the passenger compartment and stay on the ground during a thunderstorm in the forest: take a safe place in a clearing, a site of deciduous young growth, between trees growing at a distance of 20 m from each other; in mountains and hilly areas closer to the middle of the slope; if possible, sit on an insulating material (dry deadwood, moss, birch bark); remove metal objects and mechanisms from yourself.

It is forbidden during a thunderstorm to hide under trees, lean against their trunks, be near and under power lines, come closer than 10 m to separate trees, poles, towers, lightning rods, high stones, etc., be on top of a hill, and also be closer than 10 m from machines and mechanisms.

4.6. If it is necessary to leave the car on the road for a long time in the event of an accident or breakdown, it is necessary to put it on the side of the road or a junction, turn off the engine, put on the handbrake (if the road is sloping, put additional shoes under the wheels), drain the water (in winter), turn on alarms and put portable emergency signs on the road. Report the accident and the abandoned car to the administration.


5.1. After returning from the flight, together with the mechanic, check the serviceability of the car. If necessary, draw up an application for current repairs with a list of faults to be eliminated. When preparing a car for maintenance or repair, wash it and clean it of dirt and ice.

5.2. If the car is technically faulty, carry out daily maintenance and put the car prepared for the next shift to the parking lot.

5.3. For garageless storage without heating in winter, drain water from the radiator and engine, tighten the parking brake lever.

5.4. Report all faults to the mechanic. Take off overalls, shoes, clean them from dust and dirt, put them in storage.

5.5. Perform hygiene procedures.

5.6. Enter comments on the work in the journal of administrative and public control on labor protection.

Developer: "___" _________ 200__ ______ ____________________

(signature) (full name)

Agreed: "___" __________ 200__ _____________ __________________

(signature) (full name)

"___" __________ 200__ ____________ ___________________

Standard instruction on labor protection in the transportation of people

TOI R-15-027-97

The instruction comes into force from 01.01.1998.

1 General safety requirements

1.1. This instruction has been drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the Rules of the Road and the Rules for Labor Protection in the forestry, woodworking industry and forestry.

1.2. When the place of work is located at a distance of more than three kilometers from the place of residence and in the absence of vehicles for the transport of public passengers, the enterprise is obliged to ensure the transportation of workers to and from work at the expense of the enterprise on buses or other vehicles intended for this purpose. As an exception, transportation of workers on specially equipped trucks is allowed.

1.3. A truck intended for the transportation of workers must be equipped with a saloon (kung), a ladder for boarding, a two-way sound alarm from the passenger compartment to the driver's cab, interior lighting, a first aid kit with a set of first aid medicines, an easily removable (located outside the cab) fire extinguisher with a capacity of not less than 2 l. The cabin must have a door that opens outward and is equipped with semi-soft seats.

1.4. The body of a truck designed to transport workers in the warm season must have an awning that protects people from wind and precipitation, a removable landing ladder, a fire extinguisher with a capacity of at least 2 liters, a first aid kit with medicines and an audible alarm from the body to the driver's cab. The body must be equipped with seats reinforced at a distance of at least 15 cm to the upper edge of the sides, and seats located along the rear or side walls with strong backs. The side locks of the body must be locked and additionally secured so that their spontaneous opening is excluded.

1.5. When transporting groups of children by bus or truck, square identification signs of yellow color (side size 250-300 mm depending on the type of vehicle) with a red border (border width -1/10 of the side) and with a black image of the symbol of the road sign "Children". During daylight hours, the dipped headlights are also switched on. The sides of the body must be increased to a height of at least 0.8 m from the floor level.

1.6. Passage in the body of a vehicle not equipped for the carriage of groups of people is permitted only to persons accompanying the cargo or following its receipt, provided that they are provided with a seat located below the level of the sides. Transportation of people in van bodies is allowed only if their design is adapted for such transportation and agreed with the State traffic inspectorate.

1.7. It is forbidden to transport people outside the cab of a dump truck, tractor and other specialized vehicles, on a cargo trailer (semi-trailer) and vehicles not designed for transporting people.

1.8. For the transportation of people numbering more than 8 people, drivers of the first and second class who have been working flawlessly for the past two years, who have at least three years of continuous work as a driver with a category "D" certificate, who have undergone a medical examination and are recognized as fit to perform this work, who have been instructed, trained and tested on labor protection, fire safety, providing first aid and having a special certificate about it.

1.9. During the period of work, the driver must use personal protective equipment (overalls, safety shoes, gloves, etc.) issued at the enterprise in accordance with established standards.

1.10. The driver in the transportation of people is obliged to comply with all orders and instructions of the immediate supervisor at whose disposal he is.

1.11. The names of persons responsible for safe transportation must be entered in the driver's waybill for the transportation of people.

2. Safety requirements before starting work

2.1. The driver must present to the dispatcher (mechanic) a certificate for the right to drive a vehicle for transporting people and receive a waybill. Make sure that it is filled out correctly, paying attention to the names of the persons responsible for safe transportation, whose responsibility is to ensure order in the body (cabin) and signal the driver to stop the vehicle in all cases when there is a threat to traffic safety (one person responsible for safe transportation must be in the body, and the other in the driver's cab).

Get instructions from the dispatcher (mechanic) on the procedure for transporting people, the route of movement depending on the time of year and road conditions. It is not allowed to change the route of movement without obtaining the consent of the dispatcher (mechanic).

2.2. Before leaving, the driver is obliged to check the completeness of the vehicle and the serviceability of the brakes, steering, wheels and tires, engine and transmission, external lighting devices, interior (body).

2.3. When starting the engine with the starting handle, the following requirements must be met:

put your hand on the handle of the starting handle, without separating thumb from other fingers (not in girth);

the movement of the starting handle should be performed from the bottom up in jerks.

3. Safety requirements during operation

3.1. Before starting the movement, the driver is obliged to instruct passengers on the procedure for getting on and off, warning them that it is forbidden to stand in the back of a moving car.

The bus driver must start moving only with behind closed doors and do not open them until they come to a complete stop.

3.2. It is forbidden to continue driving vehicles with inoperative brake and steering systems, at night or in conditions of insufficient visibility - with faulty lighting fixtures, and during rain or snowfall - with the windshield wiper not working.

3.3. Refueling of the vehicle for transporting workers should be done with the engine off. During refueling, there should be no people in the body (cabin).

3.4. When using leaded gasoline, the driver must comply with the requirements of the "Instructions on Safety Measures for the Storage, Transportation and Use of Leaded Gasoline".

3.5. When transporting people in the back of a truck equipped for this purpose, the number of people transported should not exceed the number of places equipped for sitting.

3.6. When entering the road from the territory adjacent to it (yard, parking lot, garage, gas station, etc.), the driver must give way to vehicles moving along it and give way to pedestrians.

3.7. Before starting to move from a parking or stopping place, before changing lanes and any change in the direction of movement (turning, turning), the driver must give a signal with a light indicator for the direction of the corresponding direction and make sure that by his maneuver he will not interfere with other traffic participants.

3.8. The driver chooses the speed of movement on the roads taking into account road conditions, i.e. depending on the type of road, width and condition of the carriageway, visibility in the direction of travel, atmospheric conditions, terrain, established road signs, but in all cases, when transporting people in the body, the speed should not exceed 60 km / h.

3.9. The driver must be especially careful when moving backwards. In case of poor visibility or visibility, you should take the help of another person.

3.10. The driver is obliged to take measures to reduce speed or to a complete stop in front of any obstacle that he should have and could foresee.

3.11. While driving, the driver is not allowed to brake sharply, unless it is required to ensure traffic safety.

3.12. Depending on the driving speed, the driver chooses a distance to avoid a collision in the event of braking of the vehicle in front, as well as the necessary interval to ensure traffic safety.

3.13. When driving on ice crossings organized in accordance with labor protection rules, the distance between two moving vehicles must be at least 50 m. The speed of movement on ice crossings should not exceed 15 km/h. Parking at the crossing is not allowed.

3.14. On sections of other roads marked road sign"Steep downhill" where oncoming traffic is difficult, the driver of a vehicle moving downhill must give way to vehicles moving uphill.

3.15. Short steep ascents and descents should be overcome after the vehicle in front has finished driving on them.

3.16. Short climbs of various steepness in winter must be overcome immediately in one of the highest gears with an allowable maximum speed movement (the driver must determine in which gear he can overcome the slope).

3.17. A steep, long climb must be overcome in one of the lower gears, which ensures that the climb is overcome without changing gear and stopping the vehicle.

3.18. For steep long descents in winter, the following requirements must be observed:

in order to avoid hypothermia of the engine, close the blinds or the heater valve, to eliminate skidding, drive the car in low gears, maintaining medium engine speeds, brake smoothly without disengaging the clutch.

3.19. In order to avoid slipping and slipping of the car in icy conditions or on a snowy road, the driver must use snow chains. If a skid begins on a slippery slope, the driver must immediately release the brake pedal and, turning the wheels in the direction of the skid, level the car.

3.20. Driving downhill with the clutch and gear disengaged is prohibited.

3.21. To avoid skidding, as well as loss of control on steep descents, it is necessary to apply simultaneous engine and brake braking.

3.22. When approaching a closed turn or pass, the driver must slow down, take the rightmost position and sound the horn.

3.23. In areas with limited visibility of the track, it is necessary to reduce speed to the minimum, give warning signals and drive with caution.

3.24. To avoid collisions when driving in fog, sound your horns and respond to the signals of other drivers.

3.25. When approaching a turn, the driver must be especially careful, because. when meeting with a loaded road train, when the latter moves from a straight line to a curve, the dissolution deviates from the trajectory of the car during outside, as a result of which, when turning right, the ends of the whips (rear overhang) go to the left side and can block the carriageway. Therefore, the driver must take the extreme right position before turning, stop and let the loaded road train pass. Appropriate warning signs and inscriptions should be installed in front of such places.

3.26. Leaving the cab of the vehicle on the carriageway, the driver must first make sure that there is no movement in the passing and in the opposite direction.

3.27. It is allowed to leave the vehicle only after taking measures that exclude the possibility of its movement during the absence of the driver.

3.28. When stopping and parking at night or in fog, rain, snowfall, the car must turn on the side or parking lights.

3.29. The driver must:

deliver to a medical institution those injured in a traffic accident or when performing logging operations, as well as provide first aid to the victims;

provide technical and other assistance to drivers in case of need or danger to traffic;

stop and present the car: to medical workers following in the same direction to provide medical care, as well as, regardless of the direction of movement, to doctors, paramedical personnel to travel to the patient in cases that threaten his life, or to transport such a patient to the nearest medical institution , police officers to perform urgent official tasks; police officers, combatants, public traffic inspectors and freelancers State traffic inspectorates for delivery to the nearest medical institution of persons in need of urgent medical care; employees of the state forest guard to travel in the same direction to the places of forest fires or to return from these places.

3.30. The driver is prohibited from:

drive a car under the influence of alcohol or drugs;

drive a bus in a tired or ill state, if this may endanger traffic safety;

when the car is parked, sleep and rest in the cab with the engine running;

transfer driving to persons who are in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication, as well as to persons who do not have a certificate for the right to drive a bus and are not indicated in the waybill (route) sheet;

ride closer than 60 m from the felling site;

heat the engine with an open flame (blowtorch, etc.);

use open fire when identifying and establishing malfunctions of mechanisms;

smoking in the immediate vicinity of the engine power system and fuel tanks, as well as when wiping the engine with a rag soaked in gasoline;

use the car for personal purposes without permission.

4. Safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1. If the instruments indicate insufficient oil pressure in the engine or an elevated coolant temperature, you must immediately stop and turn off the engine. Next, take action to eliminate the identified problems.

After the engine has cooled, measure the oil level, inspect the oil pipeline system and eliminate defects;

open the radiator cap smoothly, turning it without sharp unscrewing, allow hot vapors to escape (hands must be protected by gloves) and pour in coolant.

4.2. If the cabin doors are jammed, it is necessary to use the exit through the windows, if necessary, squeeze out or break the glass and leave the interior or body.

4.3. If it is necessary to eliminate a malfunction that has arisen during operation and maintenance, it is necessary to turn off the engine. If it is impossible to eliminate the malfunction, proceed to the place of parking or repair, observing the necessary precautions, disembarking people from the body (cabin), proceed to the garage in tow.

4.4. In the event of a fire, a fire extinguisher located in the passenger compartment or body of the vehicle must be used to extinguish the flame.

4.5. In case of a forced stop on the road (due to a malfunction), the driver must put up a sign at a distance of 25-30 m behind the bus emergency stop(a triangle of the established shape and color) or a lantern with a flashing red light and disembark people from the body (salon).

4.6. In the event of a traffic accident, the driver involved in it must:

immediately stop and do not move the vehicle, as well as objects related to the incident, if this does not endanger the life and health of people; if necessary, call an ambulance, and if this is not possible, send the injured person or injured persons on a passing vehicle to the nearest medical facility and report there their last name, vehicle registration plate (with a driver’s license or other identification document, and registration document for the vehicle), then return to the scene, report the incident to the police and the enterprise, write down the names and addresses of eyewitnesses of the incident and wait for the arrival of police officers and investigating authorities; if the movement of other vehicles is not possible, clear the carriageway, having previously fixed the position of the vehicle and the objects and traces related to the traffic accident.

4.7. Each worker must be able to provide first aid. Such assistance is provided immediately, directly at the scene and in the following sequence: first you need to eliminate the energy source of injury (stop the car, turn off the engine, remove the victim, free him from objects, etc.).

Assistance should begin with the most significant that threatens life or health (in case of severe bleeding, apply a tourniquet, and then bandage the wound; if a closed fracture is suspected, apply a splint; if open fractures first you should bandage the wound, and then apply a splint; for burns, apply a dry bandage; in case of frostbite, gently rub the affected area using soft or fluffy tissues). If spinal injury is suspected, transport the victim only in the supine position on a rigid base.

5. Safety requirements at the end of work

5.1. After returning from the line, check the vehicle. In the event of a malfunction, inform the mechanic about the need to eliminate it. Wash and clean the vehicle sent for repair or maintenance from dirt and ice.

If the vehicle is technically sound, carry out daily maintenance and park it.

5.2. When storing without a garage without steam heating in winter, drain the water from the radiator and engine, tighten the parking brake lever.
