Astrological horoscope by date of birth. Very accurate horoscope by date of birth, not by zodiac signs

From ancient times, astrologers were in power, which either persecuted them or used them for their own purposes. There are not so many emperors on earth, and therefore personal astrologers are not available to the vast majority of residents.

People have different attitudes to horoscopes, but even skeptics sometimes read them, read and find confirmation of their beliefs that horoscopes are far from the truth. Why is it so? Firstly, not all information provided in the media and on Internet resources is written by specialists, frankly, there is a lot of “garbage”. Secondly, horoscopes by zodiac signs are a description of the main characteristics for people born in a certain period, covering more than 4 weeks. More accurate, individual is the horoscope by date of birth.

The date of birth of a person is a key value that allows you to find out the fate of the person born on this day, the purpose and main character traits.

In ancient times, experts in numbers believed that the numbers of the date of birth determine fate, since the bookmark of a person’s character is carried out just at the moment of his birth, and the state of the soul depends on it.

The date of birth is an invariable and starting point that does not change under any circumstances throughout the entire life span. The date of birth is a source of information with which a person can find out about his hidden character traits, determine his direction and opportunities in life, and also check compatibility with a partner.

Even having familiarized themselves with the horoscope by date of birth, which is narrower than the horoscope by the signs of the Zodiac, many do not agree with the information presented. Do not rush to conclusions. The general horoscope is not able to look into the soul of each person, the details are learned individually.

If you are interested in the subtle facets of your own nature and how the location of the planets on the date of birth affects the trends, you should apply for the compilation of an individual horoscope. You can understand the present, look into the future and reveal your talents with the help of only a detailed horoscope by date of birth.

The horoscope by date of birth presented on the site, like on all other sites, reveals the general characteristics of the character and fate of a person. We hope that the information will be interesting for you, and you will look at your life and the life of your loved ones from a different angle. Perhaps there will be a "revolution" in your views and attitude towards the world around you and towards yourself.

The unique order of building planets on a person's birthday largely determines the character, habits and fate of a particular person. Even from a general horoscope by date of birth, you can find out your strengths and weaknesses, as well as hidden opportunities, which can positively affect your future if you take the information received into service and work on your weaknesses and use your advantages wisely.

A horoscope by date of birth can be called a life guide, the study of which can change your future for the better.

Horoscope by date of birth reveals the following aspects:

- life path trends;
- relationship with the outside world;
- character traits;
- features of the worldview;
- prospects for personal life;
- Appropriate hobbies and career opportunities.

Planets predetermine opportunities, recognizing them by your date of birth, you get a chance to become a real creator of your own destiny. In any case, you will be interested in how accurate the horoscope turned out to be by date of birth with your personal qualities, vocation and attitude to life.

The first mention of the Eastern horoscope was four thousand years ago. A Chinese or Eastern horoscope by year of birth will help you understand your individuality and know yourself, revealing previously unknown talents and opportunities in yourself. As the Chinese proverb says, “A person who knows himself can control his Destiny on his own, attracting good luck, success, prosperity into his life.” According to an ancient Eastern legend, which tells that the Buddha, leaving this world, called all the animals goodbye.

Of all the invited animals, only twelve came, in gratitude he gave each of them a year of reign on Earth, making up a full cycle of twelve years. Since that time, animals "come" to people in strict sequence, observing their fate. Each representative of the year endows people who were born in their year with certain talents and gifts. The signs of the Eastern calendar are always depicted in a circle, where all the animals are located in a certain order opposite each other. It is believed that opposite signs are complete opposites, they are not compatible with each other.

The countdown of the new eastern year is conducted from the second new moon, which occurs after the winter solstice - December 22. The entire countdown of the Eastern year is carried out according to the lunar calendar, and each new month, in the Eastern calendar, begins with a new moon.

Chinese astrologers divide all the signs of the Zodiac into four groups (triads), they believe that people who were born in the same triad can easily find a common language with each other. According to many observations, it has been noted that partnerships and marriages concluded between representatives of the same group are the most successful.

Table of dependence of the year of birth and the sign of the zodiac

* Chinese horoscope by year of birth table

The Dragon

Zodiac signs according to the Chinese horoscope

  1. The first group is Rat, Monkey, Dragon. Energetic, active, they tend to go to extremes. They love decisive action and rivalry. Rats need the decisiveness and self-confidence of the Dragon, in turn, he lacks the cunning mind of the Monkey and the resourceful quick wit of the Rat. Monkeys appreciate the high intelligence and enthusiasm of the Dragon in Rats.
  2. The second group is the Snake, Rooster, Bull. Hardworking, prudent, highly intellectual, self-confident, purposeful. The self-confident Ox and the diplomatic Snake help balance the irascibility of the Rooster. The balanced Ox is favorably influenced by the brightness of the Rooster and the dexterity of the Snake, and the Snake, in turn, is helped to reach great heights by the Ox and the Rooster, thanks to their positive qualities.
  3. The third group is Horse, Dog, Tiger. Impulsive, friendly, able to easily establish friendships. To implement their strategic plans, the Horses will help - the determination of the Dog and the restlessness of the Tiger. The dog, in turn, will keep the Tiger from excessive rudeness and rigidity.
  4. The fourth group is Rabbit (Cat), Goat (Sheep), Boar. Modest, sympathetic, artless, gentle and caring. The Rabbit gives the Goat a sense of security and balances out her generosity. The Pig complements the Goat with its meek sensitive nature, and the Rabbit with its strategic thinking.

The elements of the zodiac signs according to the Chinese horoscope

Each sign of the Eastern horoscope is characterized not only by the animal, which corresponds to the year, but also by one of the five elements - Water, Metal, Fire, Wood, Earth. Chinese philosophy believes that each of these elements is under the control of its own planet: Water - Mercury, Metal - Venus, Fire - Mars, Wood - Jupiter, Earth - Saturn.

Each of these elements has its own positive and negative qualities that a person possesses under their influence. Also, the power of influence of each element affects differently at different times of the year. The strongest influence of Water is in winter, Metal is in Autumn, Fire is in summer, Wood is in spring, while Earth retains its influence throughout the year.

  • Element of Water. Gentleness, generosity, insight, understanding, empathy, mood swings, depression, windiness. Infallible intuition, calmness are the hallmarks of this element. Representatives of this element tend to have large hands, wavy hair, plump lips, you should pay attention to your weight, obesity can lead to infertility. This element governs the kidneys and ears. People who are in the power of this element are most often businessmen, artists, poets. The colors of the element of Water are dark blue, white, light blue, turquoise, black.
  • Element of Metal. Decisiveness, stability, romanticism, luck, decisiveness, straightforwardness, rigidity. Calm and stubborn representatives of this element perfectly manifest themselves in the role of doctors, accountants, engineers, designers. Lovers of justice are always distinguished by a balanced disposition and natural kindness. The Metal element governs the lungs and skin. Typical features of representatives of the elements of Metal are narrow cheekbones, a thin straight nose, thin lips. The colors of the Metal element are white, gray, black.
  • Element of Fire. Devotion, passion, determination and activity in achieving their goals, optimism, irascibility, stubbornness, perseverance. The struggle for justice is a distinctive feature of the representatives of the signs under the influence of this element. The representatives of this element have pronounced cheekbones and nose, thick hair and a broad figure. The element of Fire governs the blood and the heart. Representatives of this element perfectly manifest themselves in the role of lawyers, politicians, speakers, teachers. The colors of the element of Fire are red, white, orange, yellow.
  • Tree Element. Sociability, resourcefulness, tolerance, forgetfulness, pessimism, compassion, good nature. It is the most elegant, strong, enduring of all elements. Representatives of this element have a very developed imagination. People who are under the influence of the Wood element may have a thin physique, expressive eyes, thin hands. The tree is the most fruitful of the elements, the signs that are under its influence always achieve their goals. Representatives of the element Tree feel great in the role of farmers, artists, writers, guides. The Wood element governs the liver and eyes. The colors of the Wood element are brown, green.
  • Earth Element. peacefulness, practicality, stability, endurance, logic, isolation, stubbornness, conservatism. People who are under the influence of this element are able to implement their ideas, have strategic thinking and diligence. People of high moral values ​​and views. Representatives of this element make brilliant architects, designers, businessmen, lawyers. The representatives of the elements of the Earth have pronounced wide eyebrows, a flat stomach, and a high forehead. The Earth element governs the spleen and mouth. Earth element colors are yellow, brown, black.

Each element complements the characteristics of the sign, giving it individuality and originality. Also, Chinese philosophers distinguish six pairs of signs, in which the development of astrological conflict is always observed. The reason for these conflicts is manifested in how the representatives of these signs react differently to the world around them. Here are the couples:

Rat (Water) – Horse (Fire)

Ox (Earth) – Goat (Earth)

Tiger (Wood) – Monkey (Metal)

Dragon (Earth) – Dog (Earth)

Snake (Fire) – Boar (Water)

However, do not despair if the results of the analysis, according to the Eastern horoscope, turned out to be disappointing. Chinese philosophers argue that human destiny and luck are in the hands of the person himself.

The influence of the energies of Yin and Yang on the characteristics of the sign

It is also believed that energy affects the characteristics of the sign. According to ancient Chinese philosophy, this is expressed through the energies of two opposites, two principles that are always in continuous interaction - Yin and Yang. These two energies are opposite, always complement each other, and do not exist without each other. In order to understand what type of energy prevails in a person, you need to pay attention to which signs of energy are manifested more.

  • Yin is the symbol of a woman. A lean physique, not tall, responsiveness, not a material mindset, individualism, contemplation, melancholy.
  • Yang is the symbol of man. Strong physique, medium and high growth, sociability, optimism, material mindset, self-confidence, energy.

Yin and Yang are two different energies that harmoniously combine in any person, regardless of gender.

The characteristic of each sign is given in accordance with the year of birth, the date and time in which the person was born. A person receives the qualities of his sign, the corresponding character traits, his destiny. The eastern horoscope tells about the characteristics of a person’s character, his special talents, opportunities, specifics in communicating with other people. Also, with the help of characteristics, according to the Eastern horoscope, it is possible to find out which areas of activity are best for a person to engage in. The characteristics of the horoscope display the main milestones of a person’s fate, what you should pay attention to and what you can avoid.

The Eastern horoscope describes not the life events of a person, but his character and relationships between people. The characteristic of the sign of the Zodiac offers us a highly accurate tool with which each of us can understand our potential, set life priorities and directions for ourselves.

With the help of this tool, each of us will be able to understand which relationships can be useful, and which ones should be adjusted or abandoned altogether. According to the Eastern horoscope, one can also understand the character and relationship with other people in order to understand which approach and style of communication will be the most productive.

The Rat is the first sign in the Eastern horoscope. Representatives of this sign - have a high diligence, practical and sociable disposition. Rats are charming and friendly, always leaving an indelible impression in the memory of others, although they themselves do not strive ...

The Bull is the second sign in the Eastern horoscope. People born in the year of the Ox are a bunch of positive energy, strength and patience. A characteristic feature for the Bull is stamina and endurance, which allows the Bulls to withstand all life's trials and ...

The tiger is the third sign in the Eastern horoscope. 1950 according to the Eastern calendar - the year of the Metal Tiger People born in the year of the Metal Tiger have a charismatic personality. Tigers have a strong character, wisdom and courage. ...

1951 according to the Eastern calendar - the year of the Metal Rabbit (Cat) 1951 according to the Eastern calendar - the year of the Metal Rabbit (Cat) In this article you will learn: 1951 what year according to the Eastern calendar Features of the sign of the Metal Rabbit ...

The Dragon is the fifth sign in the Eastern horoscope. 1952 according to the Eastern calendar - the year of the Water Dragon In this article you will learn: 1952 what year according to the Eastern calendar Features of the sign of the Water Dragon according to the Chinese calendar Advantages and ...

The snake is the sixth sign in the Eastern horoscope. 1953 according to the Eastern calendar - the year of the Water Snake In this article you will learn: 1953 what year according to the Eastern calendar Features of the sign of the Water Snake according to the Chinese calendar Advantages and disadvantages ...

The horse is the seventh sign in the Eastern horoscope. 1954 according to the Eastern calendar - the year of the Wooden Horse In this article you will learn: 1954 what year according to the Eastern calendar Features of the sign of the Wooden Horse according to the Chinese calendar Advantages and ...

The goat is the seventh sign of the Eastern horoscope. 1955 according to the Eastern calendar - the year of the Blue Wooden Goat (Sheep) In this article you will learn: 1955 what year according to the Eastern calendar Features of the sign of the Blue Wooden Goat (Sheep) in Chinese ...

Monkey is the eighth sign in the Eastern horoscope. 1956 according to the Eastern calendar - the year of the Fire Monkey In this article you will learn: 1956 what year according to the Eastern calendar Features of the sign of the Fire Monkey according to the Chinese calendar Advantages ...

Rooster is the tenth sign of the Eastern horoscope. 1957 according to the Eastern calendar - the year of the Fire Rooster In this article you will learn: 1957 what year according to the Eastern calendar Features of the sign of the Fire Rooster according to the Chinese calendar ...

Each of us is born under a certain zodiac constellation. They say that it is it that has an incredible impact on a person’s life, determines the future fate and the main character traits. Experienced astrologers can tell a lot about a visitor just by knowing the day of his birth. You can verify the veracity of the above by looking into any and comparing the characteristics written in it with yourself. 90% of people admit that such astrological predictions are absolutely correct.

It's no secret that the signs of the zodiac are divided by date. We will talk about this in more detail below in the article.

Aries: March 21 - April 20

Purposeful, attentive, hardworking and balanced Aries are able to literally move mountains. They never rest on their laurels, do not listen to other people's opinions and are able to independently build a dizzying career from scratch. Sometimes such a stubborn character plays a cruel joke with them that especially affects the personal life.

Taurus: April 21 - May 21

Very kind, patient, friendly Taurus are excellent companions and comrades, faithful life partners and just wonderful people. Often they become the soul of the company, but you should not assume that they can be used without a twinge of conscience. Their inquisitive mind perfectly distinguishes sincere friends from envious enemies.

Gemini: May 22 - June 21

Direct, sincere, cheerful and sociable, Geminis are excellent employees and family people. They have a sincere desire for fidelity, so it is with them that you can build strong, lasting marriage bonds. But the leaders of them are bad because of excessive restlessness and even some impulsiveness.

Cancer: June 22 - July 22

Noble, selfless and patient Cancers prefer a titmouse in their hands to a crane in the sky. They take every step carefully, thinking ahead and feeling deeply about setbacks. Excessive caution sometimes gives them significant inconvenience, but at the same time protects them from dangerous and risky incidents.

Leo: July 23 - August 21

G Hordes, domineering and energetic Lions love to lead, manage the process, control the situation. Their irrepressible vigor cannot be resisted, and perseverance can be envied. It seems that even a stone wall is able to move away under their pressure. At the same time, the true kings of animals are inherent in innate nobility.

Virgo: August 22 - September 23

Practical, intelligent, logical individuals born under the sign of Virgo are distinguished by their unshakable character and breathtaking straightforwardness. They will never plot, try to denigrate an innocent person or build happiness on someone else's grief. However, their desire for naked truth is not always liked by the surrounding society.

Libra: September 24 - October 23

Friendly, soft and elegant, Libras are incredibly lucky and love life. They never see anything wrong with interlocutors, colleagues, friends and loved ones, which sometimes turns into a bad outcome. On the other hand, they are very lucky, so every day is unforgettable.

Scorpio: October 24 - November 22

Characteristic, sensible and a little tough, Scorpios are characterized by an uncompromising attitude to all areas of life, from work to love relationships. Close and dear people sometimes suffer from their pride and some cynicism. On the other hand, their innate sense of justice cannot be underestimated.

Sagittarius: November 23 - December 22

Energetic, carefree and smiling Sagittarians have an explosive character. They are unrestrained travelers who can break loose at any moment, and their ease of climbing is truly amazing. It is comfortable and convenient with them, and a stunningly cheerful disposition infects with its optimism from the first second.

Capricorn: December 23 - January 20

The amazing morality of the Zodiac Capricorn at the same time helps him and spoils his fate. But patience and resistance to all sorts of problems and difficulties cannot but please. Fight to the last, fight steadfastly with opponents and withstand even the most unpleasant events - this Capricorn can more than teach anyone.

Aquarius: January 21 - February 19

A continuous state of sincere love for everything, from profession to hobbies, characterizes romantic Aquarians. Their lifelong passion and some lightness of thought guarantee a continuous carousel of emotions and events. The only thing they lack is seriousness.

Pisces: February 20 - March 20

Soft, sensitive, sophisticated Pisces born in spring dates often become driven. However, they make unsurpassed keepers of the hearth, wonderful housewives and patient, sensitive parents. It is easy and comfortable with them, but you should not count on overwhelming emotions and crazy actions.

1. Natal chart.

The natal chart is the main working tool of an astrologer - a diagram that depicts all the elements that are analyzed: signs of the Zodiac, houses (fields), planets and aspects between planets. Houses are counted according to the Koch system. In the calculations of the North Node, its average value is used. To the right of the map are all the calculated data: the position of the planets in the signs and houses and the numbers of the houses they control, the positions of the peaks (cusps) of the houses in the signs and the planets that control them. If you are interested in astrology only for the practical purpose - to get the information you need, you can go directly to the 2nd section.

2. Basic personality traits

Nowadays, thanks to the development of technology, astrological calculations and automatic interpretations have become commonplace. However, in most cases, this is a set of texts that describe individual phenomena and factors in the horoscope, the interpretation of which can be contradictory and confusing. Professional astrology is characterized by a synthetic approach, when the strongest and most significant influences are revealed and individual "bricks" of the natal chart are added into a complete picture. For this, the art of interpretation has its own special methods, which we use in this section to form a comprehensive picture of the owner of the horoscope and its main features.

First, we determine the qualities and natural characteristics that are originally present and laid down from birth. They are determined by the position of the planets in signs and appear already in childhood:

  • Temperament (balance of the elements). The ratio of the elements in the horoscope allows you to determine the temperament and basic psychological qualities of a person.
  • Type of behavior (balance of crosses). The predominant cross in the horoscope determines the preferred strategy of action.
  • Dominant character traits (dominant sign). Character depends not only on the solar sign, especially if the Moon and personal planets are located in other signs.

Then we analyze how and where the natural qualities of a person will manifest themselves and be realized in life, which areas of life will be most necessary and interesting. This is determined by the position of the planets in the houses of the horoscope, and here the exact time and place of birth is especially important for calculation.

  • The sphere of realization (balance of hemispheres) indicates a tendency to individualism or reliance on the environment, the need for active social realization or immersion in oneself and caring for loved ones.
  • The form of expression and the type of experience determines what drives a person, what are the main incentives and needs that will seek realization in life and determine its circumstances.
  • The main areas of life (dominant house). The highlighted houses of the horoscope indicate more specifically the main areas of interest, circumstances and directions for the realization of the personality.

And finally, perhaps the most important thing is to understand whether there are energies in the horoscope and what kind, which not only determine the main tendencies of character, occupation, circumstances, the direction of a person’s whole life, but can also help or prevent him from achieving maximum realization. It can be power, wealth, but also the heights of art, science, spirit. This largely depends on the energy that will prevail in the horoscope. To do this, we analyze the planets themselves in various ways, their strength and significance.

3. Astropsychological characteristics

If you carefully study the materials of the previous section, then the main features and characteristics of the personality will already be known to you. In this section, information is presented and grouped by all planets-factors, symbolizing various psychological components.

  • The Sun, Moon and Ascendant form the core of the personality and determine the main character traits:
    • Sun - essence, consciousness, will, spirit, life force,
    • Moon - soul, feelings, unconscious reactions, need for security,
    • Ascendant - the image of "I", the role, image, self-awareness, appearance and vitality of the organism.
  • Mercury, Venus and Mars, the so-called. personal planets complete the picture:
    • Mercury - mind, intellect, thinking, means of communication,
    • Venus - love, ideas of beauty and harmony, taste and perception,
    • Mars - willpower, determination, perseverance, struggle, passion.
  • Jupiter and Saturn determine the qualities and characteristics that a person exhibits as a social being.
  • The higher planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) determine spiritual ideals and needs, problems and tasks of the spirit and irresistible forces of transformation.

4. Spheres of implementation and circumstances of life

In this section, we consider the horoscope and almost the same factors, but from a different angle, from a more practical point of view, namely, how circumstances and life will turn out in specific areas: health, finances, family, children, etc. To do this, we study the horoscope in the structure of its houses (fields), each of which symbolizes and, as it were, "responsible" for certain areas of life. The signs that houses fall into symbolize the background properties and qualities that characterize the circumstances of the house. The planets that enter the house bring their energy and directly affect this area of ​​life, and the position of the ruling planets of the house shows which other areas of life and your actions or inaction in them determine the situation of the analyzed house.

About the authors of the texts

To describe the various elements of the horoscope, we use fragments of books and reference books of famous astrologers.

The work of the American astrologers Francis Sakoyan and Lewis Acker is perhaps the most famous and widespread in the CIS among other translations of foreign reference books and enjoys well-deserved respect. It should be noted that many domestic authors have cited or retold this reference book to a greater or lesser extent.

Grant Lewis is a famous foreign astrologer who sought to achieve the goal of making astrology accessible to millions. His book "Astrology for Millions", from which quotes a horoscope is compiled, became a bestseller and was reprinted many times.

The astrological interpretations of the German authors Hayo Banzhaf and Anna Hebler are taken from their book "Astrology: Key Concepts", published in Russia in 2002. These are exceptionally clear and modern interpretations. Bill Herbst's interpretation of planetary positions in Bill Herbst's houses is profound and also very modern.

From the books and lectures of Absalom the Underwater, probably many astrologers studied 10-15-20 years ago. These interpretations are written in a style by which their author can be unmistakably identified.

Descriptions of the elements, types of houses are partially borrowed from Stephen Arroyo's book "Astrology, Psychology and the Four Elements".
