Well-being lines on the hand. Cross on the line of Apollo

The line of the Sun on the hand is often called the line of Luck or Apollo. It can tell a lot about a person. This line indicates success, popularity, luck or a penchant for creativity. But far from every palm you can see the line of the Sun. Some of us are deprived of her patronage.

Line of the Sun - what is it?

The line of the Sun is an indicator of the degree of luck of a person and his ability to get out of difficult situations. life situations simply and easily. This line is one of the most mysterious and mysterious in the palm of a person. It helps its owner to find the right path in solving problems, protects from dangers, gives confidence and protects from reckless acts. The Line of Luck can appear on the hand of any person, regardless of his social status and views on the world. She also helps both conscientious people and scoundrels. The line of the Sun on the hand of some people is not visible at all. Why is anyone deprived of her grace? The answer to this question must be sought in the past life incarnations of a person or in his heredity.

good luck sign

The owners of a clear line of the Sun are people who are successful in all endeavors. They have many comrades and fans, even if they never tried to be in the spotlight. Such individuals often "get out of the water" and easily decide difficult problems. If there are any damages or intersections on the line, then this weakens Luck to some extent. Lucky people in any life endeavors are marked with a special sign in their palm. This is the line of the Sun on the hand. The meaning of this line can be interpreted ambiguously. To avoid ambiguity, it is necessary to find out the range of interests of a person, to understand his hobbies, to clarify what he "breathes" and what life programs determine for him. Of course, if a palmist with many years of experience in this field looks at the hand, then he will not need to find out such things about a person, since he immediately sees everything himself, analyzing the configuration of lines in the palm of his hand.

The presence of the line of the Sun is a great luck

The Line of Luck cannot be bad. Great joy if it exists at least in some form in the palm of your hand. Even if the line is damaged, it is much better than none at all. On the life path creative impulses and happy moments await a person, even if they are not too long, but they bring a sense of satisfaction with this world. These are bright periods in the gray monotony of existence. With numerous injuries, the line of the Sun on the hand may indicate a loss of reputation.

Right hand

What does the line of the sun mean on right hand? The presence of this line right palm a person says that his deeds find a beautiful external expression. That is, no matter what business an individual does, the results of his actions will be clearly visible to others and will gain universal recognition and approval. The Line of Luck on the right hand is clearly visible in people involved in creativity, for example, artists, writers, architects. The fruits of labor of just such people can become known to the whole world and bring a lot of both good and bad to it.

Left hand

The line of the Sun on the left hand indicates progress in business, but, most likely, the efforts of a person will not find approval from the outside. Insofar as left palm is a reflection inner essence person, then the line of Luck shows the success of the individual precisely in terms of spiritual development and realization in the disclosure of one's "I". However, this success may not affect the material side at all. The obvious presence of the line of the Sun on the left palm of a person speaks more of his spiritual impulses and creative aspirations than of business plans and strategies for the future.

Additional signs on the line of the Sun

One of the indicators of a person's success and luck is the line of the Sun on his hand. The meaning of this line may vary somewhat, depending on additional signs on or near it.


If it is intersected by many short lines, this means that its owner is overly trusting. He is so accustomed to believing in the words of everyone and everyone that it is almost impossible to convince him to be less naive. Such a person should be more careful about the environment, analyze the words and actions of friends and colleagues, and be able to distinguish between comradely relations and professional affairs.


A star on the line of the Sun means that a person is a great lover of refined art, and in some of its areas he will be able to achieve considerable success. Such a person rarely resists his comrades, often hides his true feelings and suppresses emotions, which can provoke the appearance of mental disorders.


The presence of a square on the line of Luck speaks of the luck of a person in any of his endeavors. The owner of such a line goes through life by the hand with luck. If he starts a business, he will definitely bring it to the end, and with an excellent result. Such a person has an independent and freedom-loving character. He does not like opportunism and is used to being as honest and frank as possible with others.


If the line of the Sun on the hand originates from the island, then this indicates an idealistic person who tries to extol the qualities of all those who are dear to him. He deliberately refuses to acknowledge the shortcomings of his ideal. Often, this behavior only brings disappointment and disillusionment, which mainly leads to an unhappy marriage or the wrong choice of partner.


If the line of Apollo forks, then this indicates the possibilities for the implementation of the most risky cases and bold plans that fate will provide a person. How many branches depart from the line, so many will be the chances of success. This applies to both the personal life of a person and his professional activities.


A person can have two lines of the Sun on his hand. This is a sign that the owner of such a palm is extremely wasteful and does not know how to save. He is used to parting with money easily and quickly, without thinking about his future. This can lead to bankruptcy and ruin. Two lines of the Sun indicate that a person can remain in poverty if he does not learn how to properly plan his expenses.

straight line

The owner of a smooth and clear line of Good Luck appreciates refinement, beauty and defenselessness in people. Men with such a line are looking for a life partner with a weak character. They want to see a woman next to them who will constantly be in the shadows. Women with a flat line of Apollo are domineering and possessive natures. They are not able to share their loved ones with anyone and will do anything to keep their man.

Short line

Those people who have a short line of the Sun in their palms are prone to sublimity in everything. They are often interested in the world of creativity: painting or music. Their aspirations are always noble and not related to material world. Although such people have a passion for luxury, they treat money with care.

winding line

Those with a twisted Luck line are naturally elegant and charming. They love nature and have special feelings for art. But at the same time, they are often subject to pessimistic moods and mental anxieties. Such people should try to look at life more optimistically, otherwise they will be considered terrible bores.

Huge plus

The line of the Sun on the hand in palmistry has great importance. People who are gifted with the line of Apollo in their palms are certainly more successful and happy than those whom fate has not awarded this sign of luck.

Would you like to know what fate has in store for you? What abilities did she endow you with, and what kind of dangers can you meet on the path of life? In order to find answers to all these questions, it is not necessary to go to a fortune teller. We give you the opportunity to learn about your destiny on your own. You can do this right now by looking at your palms.

Wealth sign. On the hand, this symbol is represented short lines between the ring and index fingers. Another banknote is the winding line of the mind.

Protection sign. If there is a square on the palm, this indicates that the person is under protection. The location of the square can tell about what exactly a person received protection from birth. If the square is on the line of the heart, then it protects a person from love upheavals. A square on the line of fate protects against financial losses, on the line of the mind - stores peace of mind. A square on the line of life protects its owner from serious illnesses, disasters, accidents and death.

Now let's talk about signs in the palm of your hand that indicate dangers.

  • Cross - bad sign. It indicates troubles in a particular area of ​​​​life, depending on its location.
  • Islands on the lines are also signs of trouble. An island on the line of life is a disease, on the line of fate - trouble at work, on the line of health - a serious illness.
  • A break in the line of the mind is a terrible sign indicating the fatality of fate and a tragic life.

Professional palmists claim that all these signs will help you avoid problems and attract good luck, if you pay attention to the clues of fate in time. Forewarned is forearmed, so don't take anything that can upset you seriously. You can always evade the blows of fate if you know about upcoming events. Palmistry exists for that, to predict the future and correct it. Develop your abilities, change your life for the better and don't forget to press the buttons and

20.01.2014 13:58

The line of the sun in palmistry has many names. It is called the line of happiness, the line of luck and the line of Apollo. It's a sign...

The line of luck is the most favorable line in the palm of your hand. It endows a person with true happiness and a wonderful perception of the environment.

The lucky ones are marked by fate from birth. To verify this, just look at the palm and, among other symbols, find signs of good luck on it. This is the line extending from the line of life up to the fingers.

A line of luck reaching the little finger will make a person a successful businessman.

If she's heading for index finger, its owner will receive power and realize his ambitions.

If she goes to the nameless, she will bring glory and honor.

But the sign of true good luck is one large and well-defined line going to the middle finger. This is a lifetime blessing.

Boris Akimov, Chairman of the Russian Scientific Chirological Society:
If a person has a well-defined line of luck, then a person can take on such things that do not work out for all other people. For example, take ten people and invite them to choose among the black boxes the one in which the prize lies. It is the person who has the luck that will choose it. He has the ability to find and achieve what others cannot.

It is believed that a sign of true good luck is a rare mark. It is written in only 10% of the population. However, an experienced palmist can deceive nature and, with the help of palm correction, make ordinary person lucky. With special red ink, he draws lines of luck that were not on his hand from birth. The palm feels them and after a while takes them for their own. It is believed that after such a procedure, a person will always be lucky in life.

The line of luck in the palm of your hand is a sign happy person. This article will talk in detail about how to correctly interpret this sign of success, taking into account the many nuances that were developed by leading world-famous palmists.

In the article:

The line of luck in the palm of your hand is the line of the Sun

The line of luck on the hand is of interest to many beginner palmists. There is far from one trait that can be called that, if we do not talk about the many other signs on the hands that predict good luck and success on the path of life.

- not an exception. She is often called line of fame, fortune, happiness, talent, success and Apollo. There are so many names for almost every sign in the palm of your hand - it all depends on the author and the culture from which palmistry knowledge was drawn. The works of palmists, translated from other languages, often introduce new names for the dashes on the hands. The values, however, do not change.

Such traits are rare. Most often, if they are on the hand, such lines are weakly expressed, they cannot be called clear and intelligible. Long line of the Sun - a rarity. It is called the main indicator of a person's success, his luck and happiness.

The feature of the Sun becomes an omen of good luck if it is long and well visible. The more visible your mark of success in the palm of your hand, the more happiness awaits you and the less effort you will have to make in order to achieve success. Such a sign is often found on the hands of celebrities, since it is also a sign of fame.

It is especially good if the sign of good luck in the palm of your hand has figures in the form of stars, this is another sign of happiness and success. The grooves speak only of success, which is associated with creativity and the embodiment of extraordinary, winning the attention of surrounding ideas. Triangles indicate that success awaits you based on your character and personal abilities - you can achieve your goals without any signs and signs.

The line of success in the palm of your hand is the line of fate

If you believe the professionals who study and practice palmistry, a trait of fate can also become a sign of good luck. True, not in any case. The line of fate is quite rare, like lucky people. But by itself, it does not speak of success or luck. Knowing the decoding of this sign, you can find out all the secrets that fate has prepared on a person's life path. The line of fate is often called the line of Saturn.

Usually it tends to the index, middle or ring finger almost from the very wrist, if the line is pronounced. For most people, the dash of Saturn is almost invisible, it can be weak, intermittent or very short.

If your mark of Saturn reaches the index finger or has a branch that goes to it, fortune has marked you with its attention. You will be lucky in money matters. Sometimes these lines are considered signs of financial and social growth, a high position in society. These achievements are often associated with luck. If the line of fate branches off or reaches ring finger, you are lucky and a minion of fate.

The line of luck in the palm of your hand is the line of health

If a person has good health, he can achieve a lot, and if he is also lucky, he can get chances for real happiness. often referred to as a feature of Mercury. Usually she talks about a person’s state of health and his resistance to diseases, but there are exceptions.

A double trait of health promises good luck and happiness. And it's not just that good health by itself can make half the population of our planet happy. A double dash promises luck in all areas of life, and is also a sign of high intelligence and interest in one's business.

If the line of Mercury comes out of the line of Saturn, or the line of fate, then your chances of catching luck by the tail are extremely high. According to palmistry experts, a sign of good luck can be expressed in this way. There are many varieties of signs and signs of good luck, and in order to find one of them, you will have to devote time to studying the knowledge that has survived to this day.

Palmistry - a line of success in other manifestations

According to palmistry experts, the hand successful person can look like anything. It is difficult to recognize it at first sight. There are many signs on the hands that can guarantee success and happiness throughout the life path.

One of these signs are branches from up. The more of them, the more chances for a successful combination of circumstances throughout life. They can mean both the general ratio of cases of luck, and major happy accidents in accordance with the chronology of the line of life.

A branch of the dash of the mind to the index finger means success in any business. The owner of such lucky sign there will be a happy family, a profitable job and Good friends. It can become a sign of good luck and the presence of the line of Mars, or the mark of the guardian angel. She symbolizes help. higher powers, protection from danger and misfortune, as well as high level vital energy.

In general, the presence of one of the signs of good luck on the hand always indicates that a person has a good chance of happiness. Such fortune-telling can be a way to both have a good time for fortune-telling with friends, and reveal the secrets of your own life path.

In this article we will try to figure out how to read the clues of fate about prosperity.

Although there is a proverb that happiness is not in money, money question still disturbed and will excite minds. Perhaps, in an attempt to find out the fate, information on wealth is requested as often as information on family life. Well, let's try to figure it out.

The line of wealth and money in the palm of your hand - what it looks like, where it is: photo

First of all, I would like to debunk the most common misconception of those people who begin to comprehend the basics of palmistry. Namely: one specific line that symbolizes wealth simply does not exist!

IMPORTANT: The sign of wealth is a whole complex of lines.

So, what are the signs that will let you know that the owner of the hand will have good money prospects? Primarily, the line of life should come from the same point with the line of fate. In its turn, with the line of fate, the line of the mind must also intersect. That is, the so-called "money triangle". It shouldn't have breaks.

From the line of mind should go large or small branch towards the little finger.

A small branch from the line of the mind towards the little finger is already good sign financially

Worth a look and branch of the mind line, going towards the index finger.

Branches important in the case of life line. It is worth taking a closer look at those who directed upward.

fate line in itself can symbolize a person's propensity to get rich. The peculiarity of such a mark lies in the fact that it does not happen to all people.

IMPORTANT: If it is available, then it must be clear, without gaps.

A clear line of fate is a good sign in terms of enrichment

A star located on the hill of Jupiter, is also quite an interesting mark.

A star on the hill of Jupiter also promises prosperity.

Hindus often pay attention to a line called "phala rekha". Other names for this mark are "wheat grain", "rice line". A line is located between the phalanxes thumb right on the fold.

Double or even triple life line- a rather interesting moment, which can also signal monetary success.

Double life line - another sign of wealth

If a the line of the head is clear, long, without breaks, kinks, then the owner of such a mark should also be lucky in financial matters.

A good line of mind is the key to financial success

Palmistry - a line of wealth, good luck and success and its meaning in the palm of your hand: description

Now it is worth disassembling each of the above options in more detail:

  • It's worth starting with "money triangle". As palmists quite logically argue, than large area the figure covers the palms, so, respectively, greater wealth waiting for a person. However, you should immediately understand that even such a magical combination cannot tell the exact amount of money. After all, everything is purely individual: one person and a million will not be enough, and another and a thousand will be immensely happy. Hence, focus on individual needs.

IMPORTANT: If the triangle has a gap, according to palmists, money will “leak” through it. Perhaps the owner of the hand is forced to spend cash receipts on other people's needs?

  • Outgoing from the line of the mind to the little finger dash presents the owner of the palm as a person with very good financial management skills. Even risky monetary transactions will most likely succeed.

  • Outgoing from the line of the mind to the index finger dash promises wealth at the expense stability. It is in it that the guarantee of reliability financial enterprise the owner of the palm.
  • Man with branches from the line of life is self-confident, due to which he achieves success in the financial field. By the way, such branches are a good clue that when to expect a replenishment in the wallet. Then you can conclude deals, start projects.
  • Now it's time to talk about pronounced clear line of fate. It appears in those people who are different purposefulness able to confidently move towards the set goals. Financial success often comes to such people. They are versatile, have inner strength - a good potential for those who want to get rich!

IMPORTANT: If such a line is directed towards the hill of Apollo, then a person will achieve monetary success as a result of the realization of his creativity. And if in the direction of the hill of Mercury - scientific.

  • Speaking of hills. aforementioned star on the hill of Jupiter is an extremely positive sign. It marks the people in whose hands are power and, consequently, money. Most often, a combination of lines adorns a strongly convex hill - a sign of helping in financial matter ambition.
  • Now we can talk about the mysterious line "phala rekha". Hindus are convinced that she illustrates the quality of life. The thicker the mark, the better this quality is, respectively. In the event of economic difficulties, the owner of the palm is always find a way out and can eliminate financial instability. And will do it without much stress for yourself.
  • If a several lines of life, in front of a palmist a man with a striking resilience and optimism. It is possible, by the way, that he has material support from the side. Man healthy and always ready develop intellectually- this means that he is not strong with a single support.

  • head line tells about how a person is accustomed to think about his intellectual abilities, the degree of memory development, the ability to concentrate on reaching the goal. So if the line straight, means that a person will achieve a lot thanks to intellect. bend speaks of good creative potential, which, if successfully implemented, can lead to a cash flow.

IMPORTANT: It is preferable to take a closer look at what is the distance from the head line to the life line. If it is small, then a person is able to make decisions with lightning speed, and the right ones.

When the head line is close to the life line, this is a good sign financially.

How to correct, correct, strengthen the lines in the palm of your hand for wealth, money, prosperity: tips and tricks

There are many people who are not satisfied with the results of the predictions made by the lines. It is not surprising that from time to time the question arises in the head of some lover of palmistry about whether it is possible to correct the marks on the palms. In this case several options:

  • The more desperate may resort to operating method. An ordinary scalpel is not used - after it there is no normal line left. However, as after a laser, clarity is not to be expected. The next output is electric scalpel. Some clinics are really engaged in changing the lines on the palms. The procedure takes 10-15 minutes. The doctor works on line previously drawn by the client.
  • The second method is less radical, and it consists in the usual drawing the desired mark. For drawing, you can use, for example, the usual ballpoint pen, marker or henna.

IMPORTANT: Of course, no one can guarantee drastic changes in fate. However, the placebo effect cannot be underestimated either: if a person is able to be inspired to actively earn money by looking at the palm, then why not?

How to draw wealth lines in the palm of your hand?

If corrective palmistry attracted, you should listen to some recommendations:

  • So, first of all, you need choose the right tool for home correction. Since the surgical method is more difficult to implement, more expensive, and, of course, there are always certain risks. Therefore, it is easier to stock up on improvised tools for painless correction. Marker or pen need to use red, gold or silver colors. Henna preferably choose shade close to the skin. Let it be darker, not lighter.
  • How should the lines be drawn? Given that there is no one specific line of wealth, one can choose one of the above, which will be to your liking. And then - follow the drawing.

IMPORTANT: When drawing a line, it is important to concentrate as much as possible on the result. You need to try to clearly and colorfully visualize your material well-being.

  • Palmists advise do not make drastic changes it is preferable to slightly correct what is already there.

It is no coincidence that wealth is not displayed by any particular line. Palmists very wisely interpret a person's ability to gain well-being as a combination of various factors, many conditions.

A short video tour of the signs of wealth in the palm of your hand:
