What medications are needed if bitten by a tick. What to do if you are bitten by a tick: simple recommendations from NTV Bitten by an infected tick what to do

Ticks are saprophages or predators. The most dangerous carriers of diseases among them are. They cling to their prey with their paws and move around the body in search of a suitable area of ​​​​skin. Usually it is delicate skin, close to which blood vessels pass.

On a note!

The bloodsucker bites unnoticed skin covering by injecting a special substance that has an analgesic effect. Then he sticks to the wound and drinks blood for several hours or even days. His body can increase several times, swelling from drunk blood. The tick is dangerous because, along with saliva, bacteria enter the wound, which immediately infect the entire body through the blood.

When crushing a tick or the likelihood of contracting a dangerous infection increases. This is due to the fact that the gastric juice of the arthropod enters the wound.

On a note!

If the tick was damaged or crushed during removal, it should still be placed in a container and stored in a refrigerator until transfer to the laboratory. The dead tick will also take material for the presence of infections in its body.

First aid for a tick bite

If a person was bitten far from a large settlement and there is no way to go to a medical facility, you need to know what to do after a tick bite. You need to pull it out immediately after detection.

On a note!

After you managed to pull out the tick from a person, it is necessary to cauterize the tick bite with alcohol, lotion. Wetting the site of a tick bite is undesirable for the first couple of days. It is also recommended to refrain from being in direct sunlight.

People prone to allergic reactions are advised to take antihistamine tablets with a tick bite: Suprastin, Tavegil, Cetrin, Loratadin, Claritin. You can smear the bite site with Fenistil gel. This ointment after a tick bite relieves swelling and irritation on the skin.

If an allergic reaction has already begun in the victim, and he has difficulty breathing and swelling, measures should be taken in case of a tick bite:

  • to provide rest to the victim, putting him in a horizontal position;
  • unbutton shirt, belt;
  • provide access to the victim of fresh air;
  • give drinking water;
  • call a doctor or take the patient to a medical facility.

Diseases carried by a small bloodsucker do not manifest themselves immediately. Within 2-3 days the person feels well. Sometimes the incubation period can last up to 2 weeks. Then the victim has a sharp increase in temperature and weakness throughout the body.

Medical care for a tick bite should be provided by specialists, but if it is not possible to deliver the victim immediately to the hospital, it is recommended to take one of antiviral drugs from a tick bite:

  1. Cycloferon is a modern immunomodulatory and antiviral drug, the active ingredient of which is Meglumine acridone acetate. Once in the body, it activates bone marrow stem cells, lymphocytes, promotes the production of interferon in the spleen, lungs, liver, and has an analgesic effect. Taking Cycloferon is contraindicated in children under 4 years of age, pregnant and lactating women. The drug is produced in ampoules of 2 ml and in tablets. The cost of a package of 5 ampoules is 340 rubles, 10 tablets will cost 190 rubles.
  2. Arbidol stimulates cellular and humoral immunity to viruses of various kinds. The drug inhibits the fusion of the virus envelope with the membrane of a healthy cell. The active substance Umifenovir shortens the duration of the illness. Arbidol is available in the form of capsules and tablets with different dosages. A pack of 10 capsules costs about 270 rubles.
  3. Remantadine is a cheap antiviral and chemotherapeutic drug that actively fights various viruses. Active substance Rimantadine blocks the penetration of the virus through the cell membrane at an early stage. Effective in prevention tick-borne encephalitis provided that it is received by the victim no later than 2 days from the moment of the bite. The release form of Remantadine is in the form of tablets of 20 pieces per pack, the average price of which is about 100 rubles.
  4. solution for intramuscular or intravenous administration containing a wide range of antibodies against pathogens of viruses and bacteria. After a tick bite in children, as an immunoglobulin, a diluted drip is administered. For adults, the drug is prescribed undiluted. Produced in the form of ampoules and a bottle with a solution. 10 ampoules cost about 1000 rubles.


I remember from childhood how my uncle caught a tick on himself. He did not have time to stick, and no one attached importance to this case. After 2 days, my uncle developed a fever and was taken to the hospital. It turned out to be tick-borne encephalitis. It was lucky that immunoglobulin was administered at the first stage of a tick bite. After 3 months, my uncle recovered and nothing threatened his health.

Konstantin, Petrozavodsk

A couple of years ago I was on vacation in the village with relatives. We went to the forest for mushrooms and berries. After another hike, I found a tick in me. We decided to take it out on our own. He has already managed to stick and crawl under the skin. When they hooked it with tweezers, the tick burst when pulled out. His head remained inside the wound. I had to rush to the nearest hospital. locality. They pulled out the remaining parts from under the skin and prescribed treatment with Remantadine. Within 2 weeks I drank the course. There were no consequences.

Vladimir, Krasnoyarsk

Dangerous diseases

The arachnid bloodsucker is a carrier of a number of dangerous diseases. Each of them is accompanied by certain symptoms of the effects of a bloodsucker attack: chills, high body temperature, weakness, general malaise, a desire to take a horizontal position, a reaction to bright daylight (photophobia).

  1. . The carrier is the ixodid tick. Its main sources of nutrition are large and small animals, humans, birds. A tick can infect a person directly during a bite, or through dairy products from infected domestic animals - cows and goats. With tick-borne encephalitis, the victim develops a severe fever, headache, nausea, diarrhea, redness of the skin of the face, general weakness, apathy, drowsiness, convulsions.
  2. (Lyme disease). The first sign of the presence of a virus in the body of a bitten person is the appearance, after 1-3 weeks, of a large red spot at the site of the bite. Then the stain disappears. The incubation period of the disease can last several years. When borreliosis appears temperature, weakness in the body. Functioning deteriorates internal systems body: heart, visual organs, blood vessels, joints. Late diagnosis of the disease sometimes leads to disability of the victim.
  3. . In addition to humans, ixodid carriers of the disease can bite deer, horses, and dogs. The incubation period of ehrlichiosis is 2-3 weeks. The disease itself can proceed almost imperceptibly for the victim, or vice versa very hard. There is a strong fever, nausea, increased sweating, anemia. Untimely treatment of a tick bite can be fatal.
  4. Coxiellosis. Vectors are also more often ixodid ticks and infected animals. The consequences of a tick bite occur after 5-30 days: sweating, high fever, dry strong cough, lack of appetite, migraine, redness of the face. Sometimes the disease is accompanied by pneumonia.
  5. . The first sign of infection with this disease is the appearance of a bubble in place. More severe symptoms occur after a few days: fever, joint pain, nausea. Gradually, a rash appears on the body, the whites of the eyes and skin turn yellow. Attacks continue for 3-5 days, then the victim's condition returns to normal. A few days later, the next wave of symptoms sets in. There can be several such waves, each subsequent one is easier.

Treatment of diseases

As an emergency prevention of tick-borne encephalitis, a vaccination is given after a tick bite in the form of an injection of immunoglobulin. Next, you should undergo a course of treatment with corticosteroid drugs, blood substitutes. After the cessation of all symptoms of the disease, the patient is transferred to antimicrobial agents and antibiotics.

When bitten by a tick, which is a carrier of borreliosis, the victim is hospitalized and prescribed. More often used for borreliosis means after a tick bite. It belongs to tetracyclines, which block the reproduction of microbes in the body. While in the hospital, the patient undergoes a course of vitamin therapy.

With the help of modern medicines with a tick bite in a short time it is possible to remove the symptoms of the disease. During meningitis, vitamins B and C are injected into the body of the victim. After the fever stops, inpatient treatment continues for another 2 weeks. Recovery period may be several weeks.

The most dangerous diseases, tick-borne encephalitis and borreliosis, with timely treatment, can be cured without serious consequences for humans. But in the case of a delay in the provision of medical care or in the presence of very weak immunity, serious consequences for the health and quality of life of the victim can develop. in the worst case, it is a disability or even death of a person.

After each trip to the forest or park, carefully examine yourself, stripped naked. Wash clothes immediately hot water using powder. It is advisable to dry it in a special dryer or iron it on the maximum setting.

On a note!

Vaccination takes place in 3 stages: after the first vaccination, 3 months pass, then the second is given, and exactly one year later the third. Thereafter, only one vaccination should be given every three years. The vaccine stimulates the growth of antibodies in the human body and increases immunity to the virus. There is a type of emergency vaccination. It is shown to people who in the near future should be in the area endemic for tick-borne encephalitis. Another option to protect yourself while in the territory of tick activity is to take throughout the entire stay.

Per medical care In Russia, more than half a million victims of tick bites are treated annually, of which 100,000 are children.

Up to 10,000 cases of tick-borne encephalitis are registered in Russia every year.

The maximum peak of infection with tick-borne encephalitis occurs in spring and summer.
People who have been ill with tick-borne encephalitis develop lifelong immunity to this disease.

Often, tick-borne encephalitis leaves behind unpleasant consequences. In the case of severe forms of the disease, people die or become disabled.

How does the bite and infection occur?

In most cases, a tick bite becomes invisible and is not immediately detected, since at the time of the bite, the tick releases special painkillers. The tick most often digs into those places where the skin is softer and more delicate: neck, skin behind the ears, armpits, skin under the shoulder blade, gluteal region, groin, etc.

The tick bites through the skin and inserts a special pharyngeal outgrowth similar to a harpoon (hypostome) into the wound. A kind of harpoon is covered with teeth that hold the tick, so it is not so easy to pull it out.

The virus in the case of tick-borne encephalitis enters the human blood through the saliva of the tick. Immediately after the bite, the virus enters the body of the victim. Therefore, even a quick removal of the tick does not exclude infection with tick-borne encephalitis.

In the case of borreliosis, bacteria accumulate in gastrointestinal tract tick and begin to be released into the body of the victim at the moment when the tick begins to feed. This usually happens 4-5 hours after the bite. Therefore, timely removal of the tick can prevent infection.

It is worth noting that not all ixodid ticks are contagious. However, a tick infected with the tick-borne encephalitis virus retains it throughout its life.

Most common diseases transmitted by tick bite

Disease The causative agent of the disease Tick ​​vector What does it look like?
  • Tick-borne encephalitis
Virus from the Flavaviridae family Ixodid ticks:
I. ricinus, I. persicatus
  • Ixodid tick-borne borreliosis (Lyme disease)

Spirochete - Borrelia burgdoferi
Ixodid ticks:
  • , I. persicatus (Europe, Asia)
  • I. scapularis, I. pacificus ( North America)
Virus of the genus Nairovirus, Bunyavirus family Ticks kindHyaloma
  • N. marginatum
  • H. punctata, D. marginatus, R. rossicus

Tick-borne encephalitis– infectious viral disease, transmitted through tick bites, characterized by fever and damage to the central nervous system, often leading to disability and death.

Where is tick-borne encephalitis more common?

Tick-borne encephalitis is most common in the taiga-forest regions from Sakhalin to Karelia, the countries of Eastern and Central Europe, north of China, Mongolia, Korea, Baltic States, Scandinavia.

Symptoms of tick-borne encephalitis

On average, the symptoms of the disease appear 7-14 days (5-25 days) after infection. The onset of the disease is acute, more often the patient can indicate not only the day, but also the hour of the onset of the disease.

General symptoms:

  • Chills
  • feeling hot
  • Pain in the eyeballs
  • Photophobia
  • Pain in the muscles
  • Pain in bones, joints
  • Headache
  • Vomit
  • Seizures possible, more common in children
  • lethargy
  • Drowsiness
  • Agitation (rare)
  • The patient has red eyes, face, neck, top part torso.

Forms of meningitis

The disease can occur in several forms, which have some features: febrile form, meningeal form, focal form.
  • Feverish form develops in half of the cases (40-50%). It is characterized by fever lasting 5-6 days (38-40 C and above). After the temperature drops, the condition improves, but general weakness may persist for another 2-3 weeks. In most cases, the disease ends in complete recovery.
  • meningeal form the most common form (50-60%). Characterized severe symptoms general intoxication and symptoms of inflammation of the meninges. Symptoms of general intoxication: high temperature over 38 C, chills, feeling of heat, sweating, headache of varying intensity. Symptoms of inflammation of the meninges: nausea, frequent vomiting, headache, decreased elasticity of the neck muscles. Perhaps: asymmetry of the face, different pupils, impaired movement of the eyeballs, etc. Recovery is slower than with a feverish form. For 3-4 weeks, symptoms such as weakness, irritability are characteristic. tearfulness, etc. It is possible to develop a chronic form of the disease.
  • Focal form- has the most severe course. It is characterized by high temperature, severe intoxication, the appearance of impaired consciousness, delirium, hallucinations, disorientation in time and space, convulsions, impaired respiratory and cardiac activity. Most often it becomes chronic.
  • Chronic form the disease develops several months or even years after the acute period of the disease. The chronic form occurs in 1-3% of patients. The disease is characterized by constant muscle twitches in the face, neck, shoulder girdle, frequent seizures with loss of consciousness. The functions of the extremities, mainly the upper ones, decrease, their tone and tendon reflexes decrease. The psyche is disturbed up to dementia.


In most cases, the disease ends in complete recovery. With focal forms, a large percentage of the fact that a person will remain disabled. Terms of disability from 2-3 weeks to 2-3 months, depending on the form of the disease.

Ixodid tick-borne borreliosis (Lyme disease)

it infection transmitted through the bites of ixodid ticks, characterized by damage to the nervous system, skin, joints, heart, the disease is prone to a chronic course.

How does infection occur?

Symptoms of the disease will depend on the stage of the course of the disease. In total, 3 stages can be distinguished: 1) early stage, 2) stage of spread of infection 3) stage of chronic infection

  1. Early stage
The first manifestation of the disease occur on average 10-14 days after a bite.
Non-specific symptoms:
  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Temperature rise
  • Chills
  • Pain and aches in muscles and joints
  • General weakness
  • Possible symptoms of inflammation of the upper respiratory tract (sore throat, cough, etc.).

Specific symptoms:

  • The appearance at the site of the bite of a special redness, often ring-shaped, (erythema migrans), which expands to the sides for several days.
In some patients, characteristic redness may be absent.
  • Joint pain
It is also possible: dotted rash, ring-shaped rashes, conjunctivitis. Swollen lymph nodes near the bite site.
  1. Stage of spread of infection(appears 2-3 weeks or 2-3 months after infection)
  • Defeat nervous system: Inflammation of the nerve roots of the cranial nerves, the roots emerging from the spinal cord, which is manifested by lumbar pain, pain in the face along the nerves, etc.
  • Defeat hearts: rhythm disturbance, development of myocarditis, pericarditis.
  • Defeat skin: transient red rashes on the skin.
  • Less commonly affected: eyes (conjunctivitis, iritis, etc.), respiratory organs (bronchitis, tracheitis, etc.), genitourinary system (orchitis, etc.).

  1. Stage of chronic infection(manifestations occur 6 months or more after infection)
  • Damage to the nervous system: impaired thinking processes, memory loss, etc.
  • Joint damage: inflammation of the joints (arthritis), chronic polyarthritis.
  • Skin lesions: the appearance of nodular, tumor-like elements, etc.
If the tick is removed no later than 5 hours after the bite, the development of borreliosis can be avoided. This is explained by the fact that the causative agent of the Borrelia disease is located in the intestines of the tick and begins to be released only when the tick actively begins to feed, and this happens on average 5 hours after being introduced into human skin.


The prognosis for life is favorable. When started late and improper treatment the disease becomes chronic and can lead to disability. Terms of disability from 7 to 30 days, depending on the course and form of the disease.

Crimean hemorrhagic fever

severe viral infectious disease transmitted through tick bites, characterized by fever, intoxication and bleeding. The disease belongs to a number of dangerous infectious diseases.

Symptoms of the disease

On average, the symptoms of the disease appear 3-5 days after the bite (from 2 to 14 days). Symptoms appear according to the period of the disease. In total, 3 periods of the course of the disease are distinguished: initial, peak and recovery period.
  1. Initial period (duration 3-4 days)
  • Sudden rise in temperature
  • Strong headache
  • Pain and aches throughout the body, especially in the lumbar region
  • Severe general weakness
  • Nausea, vomiting
  • Lack of appetite
  • dizziness
  • In severe cases, impaired consciousness
  1. The peak period of the disease
  • Decrease in temperature for 24-36 hours, then again its increase, and after 6-7 days again decrease
  • The appearance of punctate subcutaneous hemorrhages (petechial rash), on the lateral surfaces of the abdomen, chest
  • Bleeding gums
  • Bloody issues from eyes, ears
  • nasal, gastrointestinal, uterine bleeding
  • A sharp deterioration in general condition
  • Liver enlargement
  • decline blood pressure
  • Increased heart rate
  • Lethargy, confusion
  • Face, neck, red eyes
  • jaundice

  1. Recovery period (duration from 1-2 months to 1-2 years)
  • Weakness
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • dizziness
  • Heartache
  • Redness of the eyes, mucous membranes of the mouth and throat
  • Decreased blood pressure and pulse variability (maintained for 2 weeks)


Late hospitalization Incorrect diagnosis and treatment often leads to death. Mortality is 25%. Terms of disability from 7 to 30 days, depending on the form of the disease.

Diagnosis of diseases

The earliest diagnosis of the disease can be made only 10 days after infection. During this time, the human body accumulates required amount virus for its determination in the blood. A highly sensitive PCR method is used for diagnosis. Determination of antibodies (IgM) to the encephalitis virus is possible 2 weeks after the bite. Antibodies to Borrelia are determined only 4 weeks after the bite. The determination of antibodies in the blood is carried out using modern methods as enzyme immunoassay, immunofluorescent analysis, etc.

First aid for a tick bite

Do I need to call an ambulance?
Not really Why?
  • By calling, at 03 they will tell you for sure, specific recommendations in accordance with your case. The departure of the ambulance will depend on the severity of the victim.
  • However, in any case, the victim should be consulted at the nearest trauma center or other medical institution.
  • In the absence of the above options, take on the removal of the tick yourself.
  1. The sooner you remove the tick, the less likely it is to develop formidable diseases such as encephalitis, borreliosis, etc.
  2. Proper removal of the tick reduces the likelihood of developing the disease and the occurrence of complications.

What can not be done if bitten by a tick?

  • Remove the tick with bare hands. Through wounds on the skin, the virus secreted by the tick can easily enter the body and cause disease. Gloves, tweezers, a plastic bag or other improvised means capable of protecting the skin and mucous membranes should be used.
  • Avoid touching your eyes and mucous membranes of your mouth and nose if you have been in contact with a tick.
  • Do not drip oil, glue, and other substances that cover the tick's respiratory opening, which is located in its back part of the body. The lack of oxygen makes the tick aggressive, and with greater force it begins to throw out everything that it has inside, including viruses and harmful microorganisms, into the body of the victim.
  • You can not press or sharply pull out the sucked tick. Pressure on the tick's digestive tract encourages its saliva to be injected into the skin, thus increasing the risk of infection. Trying to pull out the tick, you can break it, then the parts remaining in the skin can become inflamed and fester. In addition, the glands and ducts remaining in the skin contain a significant concentration of the virus and can continue to infect a person.

How to remove a tick: what to do, how and why?

What to do? How? What for?
1.Take Precautions Do not touch the tick with bare hands.
Wear gloves, use plastic bag or other handy tools.
The saliva secreted by the tick often contains virus and bacteria; if it gets on damaged skin, infection is possible.
2. Remove the tick
1. Using a special tool (Tick Twister, The Tickkey, Ticked Off , Trix Tick Lasso , Anti-mite, etc.)
2. With thread
3. With tweezers
The Right Ways tick extractions are based on the fact that the tick must wriggle out of the skin and not be pulled out. Since, the part with which the tick digs into the skin is covered with spikes. The spikes are directed in the opposite direction from the movement of the tick. Thus, when trying to pull out a tick, there is a good chance that part of its body will remain in the skin. Rotational movements fold the spikes along the axis of rotation and the risk of tearing off the head of the tick is significantly reduced.
Method using specially designed devices
  • Tick ​​Twister
  • Trix Tick Lasso
  • The Tickkey
  • Ticked Off
  • Anti-mite
  • Method using thread
Take a thin thread (sometimes you can use a long strong hair), make a loop. Throw a loop over the tick and shade at the very base. Then, holding the ends of the thread, pulling it a little, slowly and carefully begin to rotate clockwise or counterclockwise. Having made several rotations, the tick is freely removed.
  • Method with tweezers
With tweezers, gently grab the head of the tick, so as not to put pressure on its abdomen. Then you begin to turn the tick, as if you are unscrewing it, while not pulling or pulling hard.
3. Remove the remains of the tick from the wound (if it was not possible to remove it entirely)

Disinfect the needle ( alcohol solution or hydrogen peroxide), but it is better to sterilize by holding it over a flame. Then carefully remove the remains. Perhaps the development of the inflammatory process, suppuration. In addition, the remaining glands and ducts within the skin may contain viruses and continue to infect the body.
4. Treat the bite
You can use any antiseptic: alcohol, iodine, brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide, etc.
Prevents inflammation and suppuration of the wound. Hydrogen peroxide can also help in removing the remnants of the tick, if any.
5. Vaccine administration

Tick-borne encephalitis:
  • The introduction of immunoglobulin for the first time 3 days after the bite. Enter intramuscularly 0.1 ml per 1 kg of weight.
  • The introduction of an antiviral drug (iodantipyrin for adults, anaferon for children).
Yodantipirin - 2 tab. within 2 days.
Immunoglobulin against tick-borne encephalitis: high cost, frequent allergic reactions, low efficiency, European countries do not produce.
Jodantipyrine is well tolerated, has low toxicity, and is effective against tick-borne encephalitis virus. It is prescribed for both prevention and treatment.
6. Submit the tick for analysis Place the removed tick in an airtight container. This will help determine the tactics of further treatment. Saves from unwanted complications.

Prevention of tick bites

Before visiting potentially dangerous places, prepare well and be careful.
  • Reduce the number of unprotected exposed areas of the body to a minimum. Clothing should be long-sleeved and tight around the wrist. Put on a headdress. Tuck your trousers into high boots.
  • To repel ticks, you can use special repellents (DEFI-Taiga, Gall-RET, Biban, etc.). For children, Od “Ftalar” and “Efkalat”, “Off-childish”, etc. However, their effectiveness is very controversial.
  • When moving through the forest, stay in the middle of the paths, avoiding tall grass and bushes.
  • After leaving the potentially dangerous area, be sure to inspect yourself and your loved ones. Once on the body, the tick does not immediately dig into the skin. It may take several hours before the bite. Therefore, in many cases, the bite can be avoided.
  • You should not bring freshly cut grass, branches, outer clothing on which ticks can potentially be brought into the room.
  • To prevent tick-borne encephalitis, you need to be vaccinated. Vaccination of 3 vaccinations, followed by repetition after 4, 6 and 12 months. Or the introduction of immunoglobulin a few hours before entering the danger zone. When you are in places associated with possible suction of ticks, it is recommended to take 1 table. (200mg) Jodantipyrine.
  • Recovering to the area in which there are ticks, be as "armed" as possible, grab all the necessary things that you will need in case of a tick bite. Necessary equipment: a device for extracting a tick, a disinfectant (iodine, alcohol, etc.), an antiviral drug (Yodantipyrine), a container for transporting the tick for analysis. There are special kits on sale: “Anti-tick module”, “anti-tick mini-module”, etc., which include everything that is necessary for “anti-tick activity”.

Each of you has heard or even encountered such a dangerous arachnid as a tick. He clings to human skin and can infect the body with serious infections. What medicines should be taken after a tick bite to prevent or treat diseases?

Fundamentals of drug use

It is impossible to say exactly which pills to drink after a tick bite, as their doctors prescribe them to patients individually, depending on the detected infection and general health. And before prescribing something, they must do it for the presence of antibodies, but not earlier than ten days after the bite.

When a person is bitten by a non-contagious tick, it is not dangerous. Taking any medication after an insect bite in this case is not required, but when the tick turns out to be a carrier of infections, individual therapy will be required using effective medical preparations. , you need to rush to the doctor without delay. Delay can be very costly.

In most cases, doctors prescribe specific immunotherapy. Immunoglobulin is injected into the body, which stops the spread of infection. As for antibiotic drugs, they are not prescribed very often after a tick bite when infectious diseases are detected.

Diseases caused by simple microorganisms are treated with pills that suppress their subsequent reproduction. Borreliosis and encephalitis are the most common diseases that require long-term treatment. The therapy restores the functions of the brain, nervous and circulatory systems. These serious diseases require hospitalization and inpatient treatment with effective drugs.

What medicines should be taken after a tick bite for preventive purposes? This requires immunostimulants and antiviral agents that activate immune defenses. Drugs based on ribonuclease and interferon are well suited. Additionally, it is recommended to take a complex of vitamins from a pharmacy.

Medicines for tick-borne encephalitis

Let's start with what pills to take after a tick bite with encephalitis? In this case, the treatment is carried out in a hospital, especially during a fever. In the first three days of therapy, the patient is prescribed immunoglobulin and blood substitutes, Ribonuclease and Prednisol.

If meningitis begins to develop, doctors prescribe high doses of vitamin C. During the regeneration period, tranquilizers, steroid drugs and nootropics are needed. Antibiotic tablets after a tick bite are prescribed if the disease gives a complication to the kidneys or other internal organs.

Treatment of borreliosis

What tablets after a tick bite are needed for children and adults in case of borreliosis? First of all, the victim is hospitalized and complex therapy is started, which is aimed at regenerating the affected systems and organs. Adults and children after 8 years of age are prescribed prophylaxis with Doxycycline according to an individual dosage determined by a doctor.

It is better to start treatment at the first stage of the disease. Antibiotic pills can be prescribed, and in moderate and severe forms, the heart and nervous system is affected, so doctors prescribe cephalosporin drugs:

  • Cefoperazone;
  • Ceftriaxone;
  • Cefobid.

Also good results are given by benzylpenicillin administered intramuscularly or intravenously. When drugs after a tick bite are not suitable, an allergy may develop. In this case, doctors additionally prescribe Clarithromycin or Levomycetin to the patient, and sometimes they also prescribe Sumamed or Erythromycin.

Perhaps one of the “experienced”, after reading the headline, will say: “Yes, why be smart about something ?! He pulled it out, wiped the bite with alcohol - and that's it. She did it herself. True, she did not pull out the bloodsucker with her own hands - she asked for a nurse neighbor. But it doesn't change the essence. Ticks in those parts where we then spent the summer raged every year, but at the same time they were distinguished by "excellent health". I have not heard of any seriously injured from their bite, so I considered my frivolity to be completely justified. And then a friend told real story his friends...

once upon a time an ordinary family- quite young people, our peers. They worked, and on weekends, like many, they went to the country. And on one of these trips, a woman was bitten by a tick. Well, they pulled him out, treated the bite site, did not go anywhere. And a few days later she felt unwell, then the temperature rose, she was getting worse. They called an ambulance... But the doctor just shrugged it off: it was too late to do anything... The finale of a regular trip to the country house turned out to be tragic...

In general, everyone makes his choice - to risk his life or play it safe once again. Personally, this story immediately discouraged me from frivolity, and therefore today I will talk about how you should still act with a tick bite if you want to live long and, preferably, in good health.

Step 1: go to the nearest medical facility

Remember: you only 72 hours in order to prevent possible problems. Subtract from them the days that are most likely to be lost in a laboratory study of a tick, and you will realize that this is not at all a lot. In principle, if there are extra 5-6 thousand rubles for the purchase of immunoglobulin (1 ampoule per 10 kg of weight at an average price of 700-800 rubles per ampoule - in the prices of our region at the time of writing), then you can take your time: buy a medicine, inject it within the same 72 hours after the bite and count on a successful outcome. If not...

Why I do not advise you to start with the extraction of the tick? If you do not have the skill, it is not certain that you will do it right. You can accidentally crush an insect - but in a dead form it is no longer suitable for research, and you will have to return to the option of buying immunoglobulin. You can pull it out unsuccessfully, leaving the head in the wound, and the remains of such a dismembered bloodsucker will not be easy to extract even for a doctor. In the end, often for a bite, a tick chooses very uncomfortable places, from where you can’t pull it out on your own. In short, if you are not a pro or do not have good practice self-disposal from a tick, it is better not to experiment.

Do not forget take with you compulsory medical insurance policy (By the way, this is the kind of paper that is good to have with you all the time - just in case). If there is tick bite insurance, of course, and this policy also needs to be captured when going for medical help.

Where to go? Insured - in those medical institutions, which are specified in the appendix to the contract (read more about this in the article). If you find a tick at an inopportune time, go to the ambulance station or to the emergency room of the nearest hospital (for example, I took my daughter to the ambulance, because we found the first tick that was attached late in the evening, and the second - early morning). In the afternoon - to the clinic at the place of residence. Although, in general, on presentation medical policy you should get help in any medical institution. And by the way, no line.

Step 2: send the extracted tick to the laboratory

If you do not have tick bite insurance, the research will be paid. Let me remind you: the average cost of analysis per virus ( in our region, as of the date of writing) is 250-350 rubles, for 4 - about 800 rubles. Insurance worth 150-300 rubles allows you to receive this service (within the limits provided for by the contract) for free.

But even if you did not have time to insure, you should not save on research. Anyway, check for tick-borne encephalitis, for borreliosis (Lyme disease) - highly desirable. I think after everything that has already been said, the questions "why?" and why?" doesn't occur...

The result of the study can be obtained on hand, as a rule, the next day (sometimes on the same day if you brought the tick in the morning, and the capabilities of the laboratory allow you to perform the analysis quickly). If the result is negative, you can breathe a sigh of relief. If positive, go to the next step.

Step 3: we carry out preventive vaccination

To this question there is 2 different approaches(had to be encountered in practice). Some medical workers (at least when it comes to children) consider it necessary to make a prophylactic injection of immunoglobulin, regardless of the results of laboratory tests, and the sooner the better.

Others believe that this is only necessary if the analysis of the tick gave positive result(that is, the tick is a carrier of the tick-borne encephalitis virus, and if bitten, it could infect the victim). This position is supported by Insurance companies(in the tick bite insurance contract, as a rule, it is written that the injection is given to the insured person with a positive result of a laboratory test or if such a test is not possible).

There is no disagreement only in the deadline: no later than within 72 hours of being bitten. But keep in mind: sometimes it is possible to establish a “reference point” very approximately - you don’t know how much time has passed from the moment of the actual bite to the moment you discovered the sucking bloodsucker. Therefore, never pull to the last.

After a tick bite, it is recommended to monitor the well-being of the victim for 2-3 weeks and consult a doctor as soon as possible in case of any ailments. Especially if laboratory research showed a positive result. It's about about health, and possibly life, so do not be afraid to play it safe. In such cases, precaution is not superfluous.

Well, so that you never need all these tips, when going on walks in nature, do not lose your vigilance - observe

Do-it-yourself water heated floor in a private house

Famous myths about ticks

Every year, people and animals bring ticks from the forest or parks, but do not understand exactly how they got on wool, clothes or skin. The people have long known many legends about this insect, and many of them are still perceived as reality:

Birds, wild and domestic animals, humans, and even reptiles can become the object of attack by ticks. Their only food is blood. They spend most of their lives looking for a host. The wait can last up to two years, during this period the bloodsuckers do without food.

Individuals of this insect do not constantly feed in one place. Having sucked enough blood, they fall off, move into a new phase of their life cycle and start looking for the owner again. This feature of ticks is associated with the peaks of their activity at the end of spring and summer.

Ticks can't jump, much less fly.

They move only by crawling, and slowly. Their habitat is tall dried grass and low shrubs, both in deciduous forests and in open areas. Insects can get into the house on the body of animals or with a bouquet of wild flowers.

By recognizing smell, breath, vibration or body temperature (irritants), ticks attack. Insects cling to the future host-donor and, crawling, begin to look for a place to bite. This can take anywhere from 10 minutes to several hours.

Having chosen a skin area suitable for suction, the tick makes an incision and inserts its proboscis into it to suck blood. For humans, the bite is painless, since the saliva of the insect contains anesthetic and anti-inflammatory substances. There are subspecies of mites during this process, they secrete an adhesive substance that helps them to be firmly fixed. If the tick is not detected in time, it will stay on the body until it is completely saturated (from 2 to 14 days), after which it will fall off on its own.

What threat do ticks carry?

The incubation period for tick-borne infections is 1-2 weeks. It is asymptomatic, so it is almost impossible to determine the fact of infection at this stage. After 8-10 days, symptoms of diseases begin to appear, and during the same period, viruses and bacteria are found in the blood.

With encephalitis, the first symptoms are very similar to influenza or acute respiratory infections:

  • Elevated body temperature up to 39 ºС, lasts up to four days;
  • Muscle pain;
  • General weakness and malaise.


If symptoms of infection with encephalitis appear, a doctor should be consulted immediately. A timely prescribed course of treatment will help to avoid complications: damage to the nervous system and swelling of the brain. After recovery, a person develops a strong immunity to this disease for life.

Allergic reaction, rash, circular redness of varying color intensity are symptoms of borreliosis. At an early stage, it is easily treatable. According to statistics, the percentage of paralysis and death among people from tick-borne infections is very low.

How to properly remove a tick

If you find an insect that has already stuck, you need to remove it without panic. It is advisable to do this as soon as possible, since the risk of infection with viruses is significantly reduced if the tick is removed from the skin within the first 24 hours.

To pull out the tick completely, you need to grab it as close as possible to the head, which is under the skin. In no case should you pull on the abdomen, as the head may come off and it will be impossible to remove it. In this case, the risk of infection of the wound will increase significantly.

It should be removed smoothly and evenly, it should not be twisted or pulled at an angle. This can lead to head detachment and the spread of infections. If a part of the tick's body has come off and it is not possible to get it with tweezers, the wound is treated with alcohol, iodine or any other disinfectant. It is dangerous to open a wound specifically to remove a foreign body, since secreted substances can get into it.

When removing a tick, do not fill it with oil

As well as gasoline or nail polish. From such manipulations, the insect will die, but first it will secrete saliva in a panic, and with it it can burp the contents of the intestine back into the wound. This is much more dangerous than leaving the tick alone until it falls off on its own!

Cauterizing, scraping, and crushing the tick with your fingers can aggravate the situation, and is not the right thing to do in this situation.

As for the color of clothing, these arachnids, like many others, do not distinguish colors at all, so they absolutely do not care what clothes you wear, but the temperature of your skin can act as a bait. Therefore, contrary to the myth, black clothing heats up more from the sun, and overheats the body, thereby attracting the tick.

What to do after removal

A tick removed alive must be burned or, after filling with alcohol or boiling water, flushed down the toilet. You can’t throw him out, he will continue to look for his owner.

For your own peace of mind, a live tick can be taken to a laboratory for testing for infections. This must be done within two days. Store it during this period in a jar with a damp cloth or paper (can be in the refrigerator).

The presence of encephalitis in the blood can be determined only ten days after being bitten by an infected tick. An analysis for antibodies to encephalitis is carried out after 14 days, to borreliosis - after 30 days. All this time, you need to carefully monitor your well-being, skin condition and body temperature.

The only method of protection is vaccination!

All scientists and doctors are of the opinion that the only method of protection against encephalitis is appropriate vaccination. Preparations for bites do not give a guarantee, but only reduce their likelihood and naturally do not protect against the virus.

Preventive protection against tick bites

By observing simple preventive measures, it is quite possible to protect yourself and your loved ones from a tick bite in nature.

  • Choose the right clothes. It should be made of dense smooth fabric and completely cover the body (sweatshirts and shirts with long sleeves, trousers, headgear). Sleeves must be elasticated and trousers must be tucked into socks or boots. Folds in the style of clothing are undesirable.
  • Application of aerosols, ointments and creams from ticks, for example Reftamid Maximum, Picnic Extreme, Biban or Off Extreme. These funds are sold in every pharmacy, in shops and markets. Apply them both on clothes and on the body. You need to do this on outdoors and update every two to three hours.
  • Every hour or two and after rest, carefully inspect yourself and children for ticks. They do not dig in immediately, so there is a chance to detect them before suction. The most attractive for tick bites are the head, neck, armpits, elbow and popliteal cavities, and inguinal region.


Knowing the habitats of ticks, the nature of their behavior and observing simple rules safety, the likelihood of being bitten by insects in nature can be minimized. If the tick nevertheless stuck into the skin, do not panic, but, using the recommendations from our article, correctly remove the tick from the body.
