Gadflies lay their eggs under human skin. Gadflies - human skin gadfly (lat

Such a two-winged insect lives in countries with a hot climate:

  1. Central and South America;
  2. forests of Mexico;
  3. Argentina.

The whole body of the insect is covered with hairs, which makes it look like a bumblebee. Its oral apparatus is reduced. The adult individual does not feed on the nutrients that the larva has accumulated.

A fertilized female, right in the air, captures insects that feed on the blood of mammals: ticks and mosquitoes, laying mature eggs on them. If a gadfly bites a large animal or person, then the mask, feeling warm, crawls out of the egg, penetrating under the skin of the host.

Larva: how does it look and reproduce?

White maggot in a person must go through 3 stages of development. Moreover, at each stage, the larva acquires a certain shape.

In the beginning, these are legless and headless worms white color. In one part of the body of which there is a thickening and three black stripes.

When the larva is in the second stage of development, it increases in size and takes on the shape of a bottle. In the third stage, it becomes even larger. Moreover, at each stage, spikes and small black dots appear that surround the chest of the microorganism.

The larva has 2 posterior spiracles with which it breathes. After being introduced under the human skin, the spiracles remain at the same level with the dermis.

Duration initial stage development is 7 days, after which the larva molts and passes to the next phase. After 18 days, she molts again and then the third stage begins.

The larva can take liquid food, as its pharynx is adapted to this. It feeds on fluids and tissues of the host body, secreting special dermatolytic enzymes that allow it to dissolve solids.

The larva that has left the human body pupates in the soil without eating anything. After 14-21 days, an adult insect crawls out of it, which after 2-3 minutes becomes ready to fly.

At the gadfly poor eyesight but very sensitive palps. Thanks to this, females and males quickly find each other and mate.

What harm can the larvae under the skin cause?

The gadfly larva contributes to the development of dermatobiosis, which is an obligate myiasis. Such a disease is characterized by the formation under the skin, near the worm that has stuck into them, nodes that fester and become inflamed.

It is worth noting that the larva can infiltrate any part of the human body - the foot, upper limb and even the head. But most often it lives in the legs, armpits and back.

In some cases, the larva settles under the mucous membrane of the eye, resulting in ophthalmomyiasis, which often ends in absolute loss of vision. This condition is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • redness;
  • lacrimation;
  • pain sensations.

Also, the gadfly larva can live in the nose. In this case, the patient experiences headache, discomfort in the nose, his sense of smell worsens and the partitions are destroyed. At the same time, the mucous membrane swells, and the worms can crawl out of the nose on their own.

After 12 weeks, the larvae in the human body mature, crawl out of it and pupate.

If a larva was found under the skin, it must be expelled. To do this, block the access of oxygen, for example, seal the affected area with adhesive tape. In this case, the worm will begin to choke and lick on the surface of the skin.

Also, the place of penetration of the gadfly is advised to be filled with liquid paraffin, beeswax either vaseline, or put a piece of lard on it. This should lure the worms out from under the skin or even suffocate them.

The worm comes out for 2-3 hours. As soon as it crawls out of the hole, it should be picked up with tweezers and removed.

In some cases, to remove the larva, you need to make a puncture, and then apply asphyxiants. Such methods of removing the gadfly are based on creating conditions without oxygen, but sometimes the worms do not come out on their own, so they must be removed surgically.

It is worth noting that the larvae are deep under the skin, so it is important to remove them so that their particles do not remain at the site of introduction. Otherwise, the body will react to the foreign body with inflammation, and the wound will fester for a long time.

It is best to remove worms with anatomical tweezers with grooved jaws. After the procedure, an aseptic dressing is applied to the affected area.

Systemic treatment can also be carried out, in which Ivermectin is prescribed. Often these tablets are indicated for. But with early myiasis, the drug can be applied topically.

For prevention purposes, if a trip to the Central or South America, you need to use repellents that will protect the body and clothing from harmful insects. When bitten, it is necessary to treat the place with a disinfectant. Next, follow the wound, if it becomes inflamed and starts to fester, then you should immediately seek medical help. The video in this article will show the gruesome picture of removing maggots from a patient's leg.

Gadflies are unpleasant and rather large flying insects that are widespread throughout the world. Most of them are in the tropics and hot countries. Although they live in Russia, Europe, Asia. Are gadflies dangerous? And how. These insects harm livestock and farming, reducing milk yield and livestock weight gain. They also lay eggs on the skin and in the fur of animals. At the same time, there are species that can choose a person for this purpose.

After birth, the gadfly larva is quite small. However, under the skin of a mammal, it grows very quickly and after a couple of weeks it can reach a length of 20 mm.

Outwardly, the larva looks like a maggot. Only now her body is pear-shaped with several transverse rows of spikes resembling hooks. She uses them in order to securely attach to the skin, hair or wool. The main food is blood.

How does it enter the body of an animal or a person?

Many mistakenly believe that this is the main way the larvae enters the body of an animal or person. But most often it gets under the skin of the victim in a different way:

For reference! For a year, from each cow affected by the larvae of the subcutaneous gadfly, cows receive less from 80 to 200 liters of milk (this is about 4-5% of the total annual milk yield). As for calves, on average they lose 13-18 kg of weight.

The consequences of the penetration of the gadfly larva into the body of a person or animal

  • allergies;
  • damage to blood vessels and bleeding;
  • numbness and cramps;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • osteomyelitis, etc.

Infection with gadfly larvae does not pass without consequences in animals. The most annoying of them:

For reference! Gadfly larvae secrete a harmful and highly toxic substance hypodermotoxin.


The very procedure for removing gadfly larvae will be as effective as possible if you follow the action plan below:

Are gadfly larvae dangerous for pets?

At the same time, infection of dogs and cats occurs not only through contact with intermediary insects. These animals like to lie on the ground or in the sand, where gadflies also often lay their eggs. It turns out that a dog or cat, having run up, lies down to rest, which makes it possible for the larvae to get on the body pet. Also, the most likely places of infection are areas with high vegetation and areas with a fairly large population of rodents.

How to protect yourself from gadfly larvae?

  • avoidance of places in which in large quantities;
  • the use of clothing that protects against the bites of various insects;
  • the use of special repellents.
  • treatment of body parts that have bitten blood-sucking insects, disinfectants.

It would be nice to exclude visits potentially dangerous countries where you can meet a lot of gadflies. These are the countries of Africa, South and North America.

Adults feed exclusively on nutrients accumulated by insects in the larval stage. The gadfly does not consume blood or any other food, therefore it does not live long (from 3 days to 4 weeks). But its larvae, on the contrary, require enhanced nutrition, which they receive from the blood of a creature that has become their unwitting master. For example, they feed on blood. gadfly larvae in humans.

Reproduction of gadflies

Immediately after birth (in just 30 seconds), the gadfly is capable of performing the main actions that are the purpose of its existence - flight and reproduction.

The female lays in the hairline of the animal (for example, livestock) up to 700 eggs. Approximately every fifth egg hatches into a larva.

Entry into the human body

In order to meet a gadfly that lays eggs directly on the human body, you need to go to Central America. Species living in Russia prefer cattle and horses. Although our gadflies sometimes make mistakes, choosing people as their victims, but this happens very rarely.

If it enters the eye, the larva causes an increase in eye pressure, bleeding and pain. Over time, this can lead to deterioration of vision and even to its complete loss.

The larva of the gastric gadfly, which is infected by contact with horses, causes approximately the same symptoms when it enters the body. In addition, these larvae can enter the stomach (it is assumed that this occurs when they are accidentally swallowed) and cause quite a serious digestive upset.

Treatment and prevention

The presence of gadfly larvae in the body is determined by the amount of antibodies in the blood. They are treated either by surgical removal or by the application of ivermectin and aversectin ointment.

Human miases arise due to the penetration of larvae and sexually mature individuals of arthropods into the tissues and cavities of the body. Most often, the causative agents of the disease are:

  • a tumbu fly that penetrates under the skin and forms peculiar tunnels there;
  • sand flea, hoverfly fly and raznopodzhka, able to penetrate under the epidermis and lay eggs;
  • carrion, cheese and wolfart flies infecting damaged skin and mucous membranes;
  • small houseflies, green, gray meat and fruit flies, can affect the intestines, ears and genitourinary system;
  • cavity sheep gadfly, affecting the organs of vision;
  • blowfly in the respiratory system.

The most common route of infection is through damaged areas. skin and mucous membranes. Insects can lay their eggs in the eyes, ears, nose, wounds or sores. Some varieties of flies are able to introduce their future offspring subcutaneously.

Consumption of the infected food products that have not been properly processed can also cause the development of myiasis.

Fact: unlike sexually mature individuals, larvae do not respond to the effects of most chemical substances. This explains their ability to stay in the intestines, duodenum and bladder for a long time.

Disease classification

First of all, myiases are classified depending on the type of flies that cause the disease:

In addition, the disease caused by the larvae is systematized depending on the location. There are tissue, cavitary, ocular and intestinal myiasis.

Tissue myiasis: forms, symptoms, treatment

The cutaneous form of myiasis is most often found in people living in unfavorable sanitary and hygienic conditions. The disease can be caused by the larvae of eighteen species of flies, as well as the sand flea. Insects are securely attached to the skin, make tunnels in it and place their larvae there. In addition, infection can occur through open wounds and ulcers.

At the first stage of development, it is extremely difficult to diagnose the disease. However, there are main symptoms, the appearance of which requires immediate medical attention:

Important! It is impossible to get infected with the cutaneous form of myiasis from a sick person. Infection occurs upon contact with an insect, soil inseminated by larvae, sand, products, while caring for sick farm animals, on the wool of which larvae are present.

Cochliomiasis is diagnosed by external examination, ultrasound, magnetic resonance or computed tomography. Samples are taken from the affected area for biopsy, and a blood test is also taken.

the only safe method extraction of larvae in the cutaneous form of myiasis is a surgical intervention. After the operation, the patient is put on an antiseptic dressing, and antibiotics are prescribed.

Cavitary myiasis: localization, symptoms, treatment

The cause of the development of cavitary myiasis, as a rule, becomes Wolfart, small house and house flies, sheep and bovine gadfly. In this case, the larvae can be localized in such places human body, as:

  • oral cavity and gums;
  • auricles and ear canal;
  • bladder and urinary tract;
  • sexual organs.

Miasis in the mouth - enough a rare thing. The disease can occur due to neglect of the rules of personal hygiene, pustular formations in the mouth, increased salivation, and a decrease in protective mechanisms. immune system on the background of alcoholism and adulthood.

Please note: Infection with fly larvae in young children can occur through dirty fingers that the baby constantly sucks.

Oral cochliomiasis is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • twitching of gums and cheeks;
  • bleeding of the gums increases, painful sensations appear;
  • the appearance of ulcers on the mucous membrane and bad smell from mouth;
  • unbearable toothache when chewing solid food;
  • nasal congestion;
  • the appearance of allergic reactions;
  • deterioration in general well-being, fatigue, loss of strength;
  • in advanced cases, persistent fever may occur.

Infection of the genitourinary system occurs through dirty underwear or bed linen infected with larvae.

Eye myiasis: symptoms, treatment

Ophthalmomyiasis is treated exclusively by surgery with the use of painkillers. After successful surgical work, patients are prescribed washing with soda and boron solutions, as well as taking antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs and applying antibacterial ointments to the incision area.

Posterior internal ophthalmomyiasis is treated with vitrectomy (removal of part or all of the vitreous body of the eye) or photocoagulation, which leads to the complete destruction of the larvae.

Intestinal myiasis: symptoms, treatment

Intestinal myiasis develops as a result of eating foods infected with pathogenic organisms. In rare cases, they can enter the body through the anus: flies lay their eggs in the anus, they are absorbed into the mucous membrane intestinal tract, and then penetrate into the circulatory system and are carried throughout the body.

The presence of pathogenic organisms in a person causes the following reactions of the body:

  • frequent vomiting, nausea;
  • intense, pronounced pain in the epigastric region;
  • pain in the peritoneum;
  • the appearance of hemorrhage (bleeding, hemorrhage, bloody impurities in the feces);
  • development of colitis;
  • symptoms similar to typhus: fever, pallor of the skin, impotence, liquid stool, the appearance of a whitish coating on the tongue, slowing of the heart rate, confusion.

The disease is difficult to diagnose based solely on the symptoms. To confirm intestinal cochliomiasis, conduct clinical studies of feces and vomit.


Main preventive measures myiasis are:

  • compliance elementary rules hygiene;
  • timely treatment of ulcerative lesions and violations of the integrity of the skin;
  • protection of foodstuffs from flies;
  • high-quality food processing;
  • timely treatment of domestic and farm animals.

At the slightest sign of myiasis, it is worth contacting a specialist. The disease cannot be cured on its own, and prolonged ignoring of the symptoms can lead to death.

To date, there are several dozen species of gadflies, many of which are dangerous to people and animals. Gadfly larvae in humans are capable of causing disruptions in the functioning of all body systems, and besides, they cause considerable discomfort.

How do gadfly larvae appear in the human body?

Gadflies are small flies, usually brown or green in color. Life cycle such an insect is short-lived, an adult lives from 4 to 20 days, while this period does not require additional nutrition, the functioning of the body is carried out due to the nutrients accumulated even in the larval stage.

How do subcutaneous gadfly larvae appear?

Most often, gadfly larvae can be infected from cattle, so most cases of insect damage occur in rural areas. This disease is called hypodermatosis, the cause of which is the skin gadfly. Pests, getting into the skin tissue, move through the body in the direction of the head. Gradually, redness and blue swelling appear at the location of the foreign object. Along with external skin changes, dizziness, nausea, fever, and muscle tone are observed.
