Czech insurance company Generali PPF. PPF life insurance, reliable risk protection

In the most developed countries of the world, insurance is an integral part of the life of citizens. Along with standard risk insurance, accumulative and investment insurance has become widespread. Pension savings insurance is the main form of ensuring a stable existence in old age.

About company

Purposeful policy of the state for the introduction and spread of life and support of non-state insurance funds, indicates progressive changes in this area. Western models are taken as a basis, which have been worked out in practice. Their many years of experience have proven their effectiveness.

Limited Liability Company "PPF Life Insurance" is a dynamically developing company. The main concept of which is based precisely on Western progressive models. PPF is part of a large international investment holding company. The Russian branch of PPF Life Insurance LLC is part of the PPF Group N.V., with the participation of foreign capital, whose share is one hundred percent.

PPF Life insurance main product parameters

LLC "PPF Life Insurance" offers a variety of programs. Systematically develops and updates them, working with different types of services.

The following types of life insurance are offered:

  1. Risk insurance. This form provides for the amount of insurance in the event of an insured event. It can be loss of legal capacity, disability, industrial injuries, accident, death.
  2. , including risk insurance. By concluding an agreement with the company for a fixed period, the client makes payments. Upon the expiration of the contract, he is paid the amount of payments made, plus interest on the amount paid (on average from 2% to 5%). A person can take advantage of the payment of interest, with the preservation of the principal amount, or agree on a share and payment schedule. If an insured event occurs during the term of the contract, the company pays the amount for this episode, even if not all mandatory contributions have been paid. In case of premature death, relatives or people specified in the contract as assignees will be able to receive insurance.
  3. . This is a combined method. Includes life insurance, and at the same time the investment of insurance capital. When concluding such an agreement, the insured person agrees that the amounts paid by him can be used in commercial transactions that bring profit in the form of a certain percentage. If an insured event does not occur, then, after the expiration of the contract, the person receives the amount of insurance plus interest on investments (on average from 5-6% and more). The difference from the accumulative system is that the areas for investing funds are significantly expanded here. The client is offered several investment programs to choose from. In accumulative insurance, these are either deposits in securities and bonds, or deposit accruals.
  4. . Presented by the Grande program. It includes life and risk insurance with investment accumulation. The amount of payments directly depends on the contributions made and the terms of insurance. After the expiration of the period specified in the contract, you can be guaranteed to receive interest on the money invested. Citizens can receive a pension from the state and pension insurance at the same time.

Interest on investment insurance cannot be high or equal to interest on deposits. This is due to the fact that these funds perform a dual function: life risk insurance and capital preservation. Therefore, the main goal is not making a profit from investments, but a reasonable and balanced allocation of funds. One should be wary of firms with high interest rates on insurance capital.

Private individuals

PPF Life Insurance LLC has developed a wide range of programs. Most basic packages can be supplemented with additional items.

Life insurance programs

"Gloria". Risk insurance with elements of the accumulative system. The main goal is insurance for women in case of oncological diseases. Included: payment for treatment, surgery and recovery, including in foreign clinics. If during the period of validity of the contract an insured event did not occur, that is, the woman did not get sick, then 75% of the paid sum insured is returned to her.

Terms, minimum 5, maximum 30 years.

The age of women who can conclude a contract is from 18 to 55 years. You can modify the contract at the request of the client. The investment interest is charged.

Payment of contributions is made immediately in one payment, once a month, quarter, year. Most insurance contracts provide for a selective payment system.

PPF Life Insurance LLC is a medium-sized company specializing in life insurance. The main owner is PPF Group N.V. is the key holding structure of the international investment Group PPF. At the end of 2017, the company ranked 44th in terms of collected insurance premiums and 15th among life insurers. In the company's insurance portfolio in 2017, the main premium collections fell on life insurance (81.51%) and pension insurance (15.2%). The company has its own agency network, consisting of 85 agencies and nearly 5,000 financial advisors operating throughout the country. The head office of the company is located in Moscow.

PPF Life Insurance was established in 2002 as a Czech insurance company and was one of the first subsidiaries of foreign insurers in Russia. The founders were the largest Czech insurance group, one of the ten largest insurers in Eastern Europe - Ceska Pojistovna (49% of the shares; together with the Home Credit bank it was part of the Czech financial group PPF Group) and the Russian consulting company Financial Service (51%; in the market it was believed that the Czech insurance company is fully controlled by Ceska Pojistovna, and the Russian founder appeared due to restrictions on the activities of foreign insurers in the country).

The company actively developed bank insurance, life and health insurance for borrowers, with the main emphasis being placed on classic long-term life insurance. Based on the results of 2007, the company ranked 34th in the Russian insurance market (3.3 billion rubles in collected insurance premiums). By that time, Ceska Pojistovna became the owner of 100% of the shares of the Czech Insurance Company, having bought its share from Financial Service (since 2004, all legislative restrictions on the activities of European insurers in Russia have been lifted).

In 2007, PPF Group and one of the largest European insurers, the Italian Assicurazioni Generali, agreed to establish a joint venture controlled by the Italians (51% of the company's shares). As a result, in 2008 Generali acquired the insurance business of PPF Group, including the group's Russian insurance assets. The Czech insurance company and Financial Service, which entered the joint Italian-Czech venture Generali PPF Holding (a 51% stake in the joint venture cost Generali 1.1 billion euros). Generali PPF Holding also includes all insurance companies in Eastern and Central Europe owned by PPF Group and Generali.

In the spring of 2009, the Czech insurance company began operating under a new brand - Generali PPF Life Insurance, focusing primarily on the rapid and innovative development of the product line and improvement of customer service. As a result, in 2010 the company entered the top 20 largest Russian insurers, and by that time the number of the company's regional network had reached 38 agencies operating throughout the country. At the end of 2012, Generali PPF Life Insurance was ranked 13th among all Russian insurance companies (the volume of collected premiums was 15.4 billion rubles) and the first place in the market among life insurers, while the bulk of the company's fees fell on insurance of borrowers accident loans (mostly clients of Home Credit and Finance, another Russian subsidiary of PPF Group).

Since March 2013, after the PPF Group bought the Russian companies of the Generali PPF Holding (GPH) group, including Generali PPF Life Insurance, from the Italian Generali for 80 million euros, the company received a new name - PPF Life Insurance and concentrated on the development of business not related to the insurance of bank borrowers.

Currently, PPF Life Insurance is a specialized life insurance company. Priority areas of activity are accumulative life insurance, pension insurance, accident and illness insurance.

The company is a member of the All-Russian Union of Insurers and the Association of Life Insurers.

The sole member of the company is the Public Limited Liability Company PPF Group N.V. (PPF Group N.V.), the key holding structure of the international investment Group PPF*. The majority shareholder and ultimate controlling party of PPF Group was Petr Kellner (98.92% of PPF Group shares).

In 2012, the company took 13th place in the ranking of insurers (the best result), having collected 15.44 billion rubles of insurance premium against 8.27 billion a year earlier (+86.74%). In the next two years, the company's activity was marked by a sharp reduction in fees - by 44.93% in 2013 and 68.45% - in 2014. According to the results of 2015-2016, the insurer showed an increase in revenues by 4.38% and 5.23%, respectively.

At the end of 2018, the amount of premiums collected by PPF Life Insurance amounted to RUB 3,642,977 thousand, total assets as of December 31, 2018 – RUB 12,599,840 thousand, insurance reserves – RUB 9,793,660 thousand. The company's fees in 2018 increased by 13% compared to 2017. In 2018, the company made over 26 thousand insurance payments for a total of RUB 1,141,292 thousand.

Management: Sergei Perelygin (CEO), Vit Sedlacek, Stefan Wanczek, Dmitry Dubina, Daria Belyaeva, Anna Gritsevskaya, Sergei Ovcharenko.

Board of Directors: Wit Sedlacek (Chairman), Stefan Wanczek, Sergey Perelygin, Daria Belyaeva, Anna Gritsevskaya.

Among the company's largest clients are Philips, Toyota, Heineken, Eldorado, Lenovo and others.

Company partners:

Banks: Home Credit and Finance Bank LLC, JSC BCS - Investment Bank.
*PPF Group is an international investment group investing in a number of sectors of the economy, such as banking and financial services, telecommunications, insurance, real estate, energy, mining, agriculture, retail and biotechnology. The structure of the Group includes such leaders in the financial sector as: PPF Life Insurance, Home Credit, PPF banka, Air Bank. PPF Group operates in 16 countries, including: Russia, Czech Republic, Belarus, Ukraine, Vietnam, Germany, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, China, Netherlands, Philippines, Slovakia, USA. The number of the Group's customers exceeds 33 million. As of December 31, 2016, the PPF Group's assets amounted to 27 billion euros; equity capital reached 6.76 billion euros, net profit - 1.115 billion rubles.

The PPF Life Insurance company appeared on the Russian market more than ten years ago and over the years has firmly established itself among the giants of the insurance business. The results of work by 2013 are very impressive: the company ranks thirteenth in life insurance and second in personal insurance.

And if in Russia many have heard about this company, and someone used its services, then for Western Europe the PPF holding is a byword.

Back in 1827, a society was formed in the Austro-Hungarian Empire that insures houses, including wooden huts, from fires.

Over the past two centuries, the company's homeland has experienced several changes in the political regime, wars, cataclysms, and all this time, in spite of everything, the PPF holding continued to fulfill its obligations.

In Russia, PPF Insurance LLC offers several types of life insurance programs to protect your standard of living:

  • "Premium - protection and accumulation",
  • "The sun is insurance for children",
  • "Guardia - maximum protection"
  • "Optim - Guaranteed Savings".

The Premium policy gives you the opportunity to insure your life and at the same time accumulate funds.

This is a universal financial planning tool, insured events for which are the end of the period specified in the contract (from 5 to 30 years in 5 year increments) or premature death.

The program allows you to connect many additional options at the request of the client, for example, in case of deadly diseases or accidents.

The undoubted advantages of this tariff include indexation of income, which eliminates losses from inflation.

The insurance program "Solnyshko" is one of the company's most demanded products.

All who have children face daily problems such as broken noses and knees, cuts, bites and other troubles.

The insurance tariff "Solnyshko" allows you to guarantee the accumulation of funds by a certain date, and in case of unforeseen circumstances - to receive material support.

It should be noted that this program takes into account the specifics of the age of its wards, therefore, it is possible to connect an additional option to the policy, according to which even the smallest bodily injuries are an insured event.

You can make the beneficiary of this tariff the child himself.

The insured events of the basic tariff "Solnyshko" (without additional options) include: expiration of the insurance period (from 5 to 24 years) and premature death of both the child and the parent insured under this program.

Guardia is a life and health insurance package that includes an extended set of risks.

Its main advantage is the financial protection of the family in the event of a deadly disease or accident.

Also under this program, in case of survival until the end of the validity period, it is possible to return a percentage of the amount of paid insurance premiums.

The amount of such interest depends on the period for which the life insurance contract was concluded.

And the last product in the life insurance line is Optim, aimed at accumulating funds.

This tariff is intended for people who want to save money for a comfortable old age, so as not to lose on inflation.

And, of course, get a nice bonus - financial protection in case of premature death.

This endowment life insurance tariff allows you to connect additional options, but its main advantage is the indexation of deferred funds.

Thus, PPF life insurance includes several products designed for people of different ages and lifestyles, depending on their needs.

In order to assess how well they are implemented in practice, consider the reviews of real people who have used the services of this company.

When analyzing the statistics of people's opinions expressed on various sites, it was found that about half of consumers are completely satisfied with the services provided by the company.

A quarter of customers believe that there are fixable flaws, and the same number of people are frankly disappointed.

The opinion of one of the clients about the work of the company at the tariff "Sunshine":

I have been insured with this company since November 14, 2013. Designed the program "Sunshine" for my granddaughter.

Two unpleasant situations happened to my girl: once she was bitten by a dog in the yard, and the second time in the camp she was accidentally hit just above the eyebrow, she even left a scar about a centimeter.

I received two payments for these cases, simply by taking certificates from the clinic and filling out applications.

Both times the money was returned after a little more than a week without any delay. I wouldn't have believed it myself, but that's how it was.

The opinion of one of the clients about the work of the company at the Premium rate:

Thank you very much PPF Insurance. My wife gave me a Premium policy 7 years ago.

To be honest, I got very angry, because I never trusted insurance companies, but still began to pay premiums.

And here is a case recently: I broke my leg. I took a certificate from the hospital, and, not hoping for anything, stomped into the office. They gave me an application to fill out.

I must say the service was very friendly. A week later I received the money, the speed just amazed me. Was quite satisfied with their work.

The opinion of one of the clients about the work of the company under the program "Guardia":

PPF Insurance keeps its word to us, the clients! I trusted her and have not regretted it.

I have only been insured for a year, and I have already had two cases of contacting them. The first case, I cut my hand very badly, I even had to sew up the wound.

And the second case happened to me in January 2013, I fell on the ice and got a concussion. I am very satisfied, everything works smoothly and quickly!!!

Great job, well done!!!

I wish everyone good health, but don't forget about insurance! It is important!

Negative opinions about the work of the company are associated with life insurance under loan agreements.

All reviews indicate that the clients did not read the insurance contract when signing the documents at the bank, and it should also be taken into account that under these contracts the risks of the bank, not the client, are insured.

One can only sympathize with people who do not read loan agreements when signing them.

The opinion of one of the clients who took out life insurance under a loan agreement:

In 2012, I took a loan of 66,000 rubles for 2 years with life insurance. It so happened that six months later I fell ill with oncology, and as a result I was given the second group of disability.

Having collected the necessary documents, I sent them to the specified address, and a month later I received a letter recognizing my case as insured.

I received 100% insurance payment. I paid off the balance on the loan, and spent the rest of the money on improving my health.

I have had a positive experience with this company.

Thus, Generali PPF Life Insurance has not only a bright history and a wide range of products, but also an excellent practice of fulfilling its obligations.

Clients' opinions about the company's work clearly demonstrate the quality of insurance services, and therefore you can safely turn to it for financial protection for yourself and your family.

Olga Personal insurance / Accident

Policy: 1108620817

Olga, Syktyvkar. I am a client under the "Sunshine" program, contract number LC1 No. 1108620817 dated 12/30/2017. I decided to insure myself and my daughter in order to provide her with an education. Already 10 days after the conclusion of the contract, her beloved daughter Sofia, playing at home, hit and broke her collarbone. Yes, we are protected in our native walls, but no one expected this. Contacted the company after treatment. She provided only 2 documents: a certificate of treatment and an x-ray. Three days later I received a payment to my account in the amount of 12,000 rubles. I am very pleased with the work of the company and, in particular, the employees of the additional office in Syktyvkar, Oplesnina, 17/2. I recommend to everyone.

Olga, good afternoon! Thank you for your feedback. We will be very glad to see you and your family among the insured. Sincerely, PPF Life Insurance Email: [email protected]

Permanent revocation address

Ekaterina Personal insurance / Accident

Policy: No. 1114205911

I am an insured under the Premium contract No. 1114205911, my husband is the insured. On February 9, 2018, metal scale got into my husband’s eye, and as a result, his vision decreased. On February 16, the husband applied for an insurance payment at the agency in Yaroslavl. On March 7, 2018, a notification was received about the transfer of funds in the amount of 9,000 rubles. Thank you very much for the promptness of the company. I will definitely recommend to my friends and acquaintances, as well as use other programs in parallel.

Ekaterina, good afternoon! Thank you for your feedback. We will be very glad to see you and your family among the insured. Sincerely, PPF Life Insurance Email: [email protected]

Permanent revocation address

Maxim car insurance / OSAGO

Policy: MSK732557

I have been insuring my car with the HOSKA insurance company, not for the first year (my policy number is 732557) I am an experienced driver, but anything can happen on our roads. Last month, at the junction with the Varshavskoe highway, they drove into me, there was just heavy ice, I did not have time to dodge. Arrived, got it done quickly. With payments are not delayed, compared to other companies. Quite satisfied with the price, and the service itself in this insurance.

Permanent revocation address

Gennady Personal insurance / Accident

Policy: 1103838916

Thank you for the New Year Greetings for my grandson Kirill. Santa Claus and Snow Maiden is what children need on New Year's Eve. You are great fellows that you do not forget about your little clients. Good luck and prosperity to you. You are doing a necessary and important thing for people.

Permanent revocation address

Anastasia Personal insurance / Accident

Policy: 1105042213

I want to express my deep gratitude to the PPF company for the conscientious and prompt fulfillment of its obligations to customers in insured events! I would like to express my special gratitude to the employees of the company! Very attentive, responsive and sensitive people!
Vladimir Safaraliev, thank you so much for insisting and repeatedly explaining the importance and necessity of having such a product as life insurance! I carefully and carefully selected the program, taking into account all kinds of and impossible risks! I feel protected and important client) Thank you very much for being you!
