How to open a lock without a key online. A guide on how to open a door without a key

Locks and keys are accessories that have long been in practice, without which modern society is not able to feel full protection. Meanwhile, speaking practical and enough effective devices, padlocks often create problems for users. The loss of a key turns into a real disaster when it is not possible to open a mailbox or other “storehouse” where the required item is located. This is where the task is born - how to open a padlock without a key using. For example, a regular paper clip.

First, let's look at the classic design of a padlock in order to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow to act if the key is lost.

It is worth noting right away that the procedure for opening without a key with a simple paper clip is not an easy task, but in the end it allows you to solve the problem of emergency opening.

The design of a classic padlock system, quite often used in household and business practice. Such a system is quite easy to open with an improvised tool.

If the execution of all padlocks was done in a transparent case, the opening procedure would be accompanied by less complexity.

Unfortunately, in practice, everything is different and in many respects the successful outcome depends on the castle design. So, as you can see from the picture, the padlock system contains:

  • metal arc blocker,
  • swivel cylinder,
  • set of spring pins.

When the "native" key is inserted into the slot of the rotary cylinder, the edges of the edge of the key press the bronze pins, thereby removing the blocking of the rotation of the rotary cylinder. As a result, the cylinder easily turns and, in turn, releases the blocking of the metal locking arch.

What to do if the key is lost?

When there is no key at hand, and the lock needs to be opened anyway, you can try to do this job with the help of two ordinary paper clips.

One paper clip will be required for the manufacture of the so-called "poker" - a part through which a forced "cracker" needs to create a torque on the cylinder.

A handy tool made from ordinary metal paper clips. Through these two simple master keys, the locking system is opened

The second paper clip is used to make the prototype of the "key" directly. In the figure, this tool is located below the "poker".

At the expanded end of the second paper clip, it is required to create a “wave”, with the help of which, in the process of opening the lock, pressure will be applied to the spring-loaded pins.

Preparation for opening the lock includes the following points:

  1. It is necessary to insert the short bent part of the "poker" inside the slot area of ​​the cylinder, which is opposite to the area of ​​the passage of the serrated edge of the key.
  2. The long part of the "poker" should play the role of a persistent lever, on which the forced "burglar" will have to lightly press during the action of the second key clip.

In a pictorial way, this working position might look something like this:

The picture shows the technique for creating a stop torque to provide the rotational moment of a rotary cylinder.

Manipulation of the simplest master key

Through various manipulations with this tool (forward and backward movements back and forth), a chaotic position of bronze spring-loaded pins is established. In this case, a second clip-lever applied a slight pressure on the cylinder.

Here, the second tool is added to the first tool, which, due to reciprocating movements, finds the same “ golden mean”, leading to the operation of the mechanism for opening

The transparent body of the experimental design makes it possible to observe the movement of spring-loaded bronze pins, so this padlock is much easier to open than one that has an opaque base.

However, a successful outcome is quite acceptable in any case. Another question is how long it will take. It takes about 3-5 minutes to open a padlock with a relatively simple key.

Featured Video - Paperclip Practice

In the video, an example of opening a padlock without a key using two ordinary paper clips:

Mechanical scrapping of the padlock

On the extreme case mechanical scrapping can be applied using two open-end wrenches. True, in this way it is permissible to open locks of a relatively weak design.

A variant of breaking a hinged lock structure using a pair of open-ended wrenches. In this case, physical strength is required, the level of which is commensurate with the power of the lock body and the thickness of the shackle

If the product is large enough, with a powerful body and a choke, opening with open-end wrenches becomes difficult, since considerable physical strength and a powerful tool are required.

The procedure is performed like this:

  1. Take two wrenches of a suitable size.
  2. Insert the horns inside the bow as shown in the picture above.
  3. Apply hand strength to opposite ends of the keys to align them.

As a result of the tensile force of the horns of the wrenches, the darling partially unbends and “tears” metal body grounds, after which the lock can be easily opened.

How to open an internal lock without a key?

Challenge open internal lock without a key (embedded in the door) seems more difficult. Manipulation of metal paper clips in such cases does not solve the problem. Here you will need a more serious tool:

  • electric drill,
  • core,
  • drill with a diameter of 8 mm,
  • machinist's hammer.
  • flat screwdriver,
  • goggles.

The need for a mechanical burglary approach may become real in case of loss of the key to the lock, for example, front door apartments or.

Drilling the shell of the rotary cylinder

In this case, the method of drilling a hole the length of the lock key directly under the rotary cylinder will help to quickly open the door.

Point of drilling of the shell of the rotary cylinder. For drilling, as a rule, a drill with a diameter of 6 - 8 mm is optimally suited.

Procedure for this opening option mortise lock next:

  1. At the end of the bronze shell of the cylinder mechanism, just below the rotating part, mark the drilling point exactly in the center with a core.
  2. Set the drill bit at the intended point and start drilling at low speed.
  3. Drill with slight pressure exactly along the keyhole to a depth equal to the length of the key blade.
  4. Having completed drilling, remove the drill from the hole and apply 2-3 blows with a hammer on the end face of the bronze shell.
  5. Insert the blade of a flat screwdriver into the keyhole and open the lock in the same way as a native key.

The final moment of the process is opening the lock with a flat screwdriver, the blade of which is inserted into the keyhole and rotated like a key

It is worth noting:

In the process of drilling, the passage of the drill along each of the lock pins is clearly felt. Depending on the level of “secrecy” of the locking mechanism, there can be 3-8 such pins.

This method, of course, is not entirely pleasant, as it forces you to spoil the mechanics of the mortise lock. However, the core can always be picked up in the store to replace the damaged one with a new copy.

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» » We open the padlock with our own hands

Life is an unpredictable series of events in which anything can happen. So, none of us is immune from a broken lock or loss of a key. If you find yourself in such an unpleasant situation, you should not call a rescue team or immediately grab the grinder. You can try to open the lock with your own hands using improvised devices.

Undoubtedly, opening padlocks without a key will require certain skills and abilities. That is why we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the tips for self-opening hinged locking mechanisms. The article discusses only those tips and tricks that can help open a padlock without breaking it.

The popularity of padlocks

Such shutter mechanisms have appeared for a long time. Affordable price, ease of operation and a fairly good degree of reliability have led to their widespread use today. Most often, such locks are used to protect garages, cottages and all kinds of utility rooms. On the one hand, they are easy to use, and on the other hand, they protect the premises well from burglary. If the manufacturer did not save on material and made the lock shackles of their high-strength steel, then such a lock is almost impossible to knock down with improvised devices.

The padlock is a fairly complex mechanism. That is why it can be used both as a main lock and as an additional protection for the premises. In most cases, opening such a lock without a key is quite problematic, but possible! There are several basic ways to help.

When might it be necessary to open the lock without a key?

The loss of a key is far from the only situation when it may be necessary to open the lock with improvised means. There can be many other unpleasant life situations and problems. So, for example, any keyhole tends to break after a certain time. This is more than normal. Especially in those cases when the castle was operated on the street and did not have external protection against negative impact factors environment. The latter often lead to the fact that at the most inopportune moment, the lock corny jams or jams. This can happen not only by accident, but also through the fault of intruders trying to break down the door to commit theft. In our time, this situation is not uncommon.

It is extremely clear that cases and situations are very diverse, as a result of which any person may be under the door and not be able to open it. Therefore, everyone should be able to open a padlock.

Lockpick from an aluminum can

Yes, it sounds really very strange and extraordinary. However, many experts claim that with the help of an empty aluminum can, you can open the lock. To do this, you should cut out the so-called trefoil from it, the middle tongue of which will become a good master key for the hinged bolt mechanism.

Lockpick from a paper clip or a piece of wire

Simple reflections make it possible to understand that it is quite possible to open this type of locks without a key if you “conjure” a little over the spring. And here an ordinary paper clip or a piece of wire, bent into desired shape. The main task in such a situation is to get into the spring with the help of an improvised device and thus open the bolt mechanism.

Special picks for locks

If you are a prudent person, previously taught by bitter experience, then you can insure yourself and purchase special devices or master keys in advance that allow you to open almost any padlock fairly quickly and without serious damage. Such products can be ordered from the master or purchased ready-made kits.

The most reliable and proven way

Today, there are many ways and devices for opening locks without a key. If you doubt your abilities or do not want to damage an expensive lock, then it is best to turn to professionals. In most cities, to help people in difficult life situation, ready to come special emergency service. As a rule, such firms work around the clock and go to the customer on the first call. The emergency services have necessary tools, and most importantly - skills and knowledge, which will allow you to open any padlock in a matter of seconds and keep it in working order.

Radical measures

If there were no improvised devices and tools at hand, and there is no way to turn to a special service for help, then there is only one way out - to knock down the lock with a crowbar. This method does not require much mental effort. The main thing here is to apply enough physical strength in the right direction. To open the lock in this way, you should bring the crowbar into the opening between the lock itself and the shackle and pull it down sharply until the spring comes out of the grooves.

The lock can break and the key can be lost at any time. This means that no one is immune from the possibility of staying at the door. However, if you know about the basic methods and techniques for opening door locking mechanisms, then you can quite easily solve the problem that has arisen without outside help.

Door locks provide security and peace of mind, but can also be a major annoyance when they fail. Even worse, if you forget the key on the other side of the door. Remember, before embarking on fraud with breaking a lock or doors, you need to make sure that there are no other options. In addition, most of the methods we suggested also take time to master, so keep that in mind.


Using bumping

Opening the lock with a toggle switch using bumping. Bumping is fast simple technique burglary, useful when you need to open a door that has been closed for a long time (for example, the door of an unused family home), or if you need to get into the house of an elderly relative to make sure that he is in order.

  • Bumping does take some practice to master, especially with cheap locks that can be damaged, so don't use it unless you have a good reason.

Look for a lockpick. This is the key that corresponds to the lock that needs to be opened, but does not open it. on my own. Provided the key fits into the lock, it can be made into a pick by cutting each cut to the minimum acceptable depth.

  • Most reputable locksmiths won't make a lockpick for you, but they can sometimes be found online. To make it yourself, you need a metalworking tool and a little patience.
  • Insert the pick into the lock until the last pin. Pin and tumbler locks consist of a cylindrical segment that rotates as soon as the pins inside it line up and no longer block its movement. Every slight click you feel as you insert the key into the lock represents the pin being lifted by the lock's prong and then recessed into the slot underneath. Insert the pick until there are no pins left that have not been lifted.

    Hit the lockpick and turn it. Use a small rubber mallet or similar object to hit the lockpick hard and turn it around immediately. Because the pins inside the lock are arranged in two sections, the impact movement transfers force to the lower section (which is at rest inside the tumbler), which directs it further into the upper section (holding the tumbler from movement). If this movement causes all the pins of the top section to rise properly, you will be able to open the lock.

    • It may take several attempts to achieve the necessary synchronization of movements, so keep trying until you achieve the result.

    Using a lock-opening kit

    Break the lock with a set of picks. This is a specific skill a large number practices that are usually taught only conscientious locksmiths. The sale of such sets, respectively, is made only to persons with proper certificates, but with the help of ingenuity, you can use cunning to get your own copy of the set.

    Make your own tools. For weak locks, a pair of paper clips is also suitable. For stronger locks, you will need hairpins, wire cutters and pliers. key point is use enough strong metal for your pick and L-shaped key - the two main elements of the tool.

    • It is best to use spring steel because it is fairly resistant to cracking and can be filed. Try to make a master key from a hacksaw blade. Just decide on its thickness, because the size of the locks that the master key can enter depends on it.
    • The tension key is made in the shape of the letter "L" and is used to apply pressure on the bottom of the lock. It can be made from a hex key, giving it a flat shape.
    • The master key itself has shorter sides and resembles a lowercase English letter"r". It is used to push the pins out of the toggle switch so that it can turn.
  • Insert the L-shaped key into the lock. Press it on the bottom of the lock and keep constant pressure throughout the process of working with a master key. If you do not do this, the work will take longer and you may have to start all over again.

    • If you are not completely sure how and in which direction to turn the L-shaped key, insert it into the lock and turn it in one direction. Quickly remove the master key, carefully listening to the sounds of the lock. Having made the right turn, you will definitely hear the lowering of the pins.
  • Insert the master key over the L-shaped key. Use the pick hook to find and move each pin from the toggle switch. Once all the pins line up correctly, the lock should open. As mentioned before, this skill takes a lot of practice to master, so practice on cheap locks to develop good abilities.

    Using a hex wrench to open interior doors

    Open interior doors with a hex key. Most lockable interior doors made in the last few decades are equipped with a special door handle that allows you to open the door in case it was accidentally locked. If a doorknob has a small, round hole in the center, it is that type of handle.

    Find or buy a set of hex keys. Allen keys or "hex keys", also called "Allen keys", are commonly available at most hardware and home stores for less than the price of expensive coffee. These are small, L-shaped pieces of metal, presented in a variety of sizes, both metric and English.

    Insert the long end of the hex wrench into the hole on the door handle. Might have to try a couple different sizes to find the right one, but it's usually fairly obvious. You will need a fairly snug fit, but do not scrape with a key in the handle or bring it to the point that it jams. If you press directly on the key, turning it slightly back and forth, you can feel the hit in the hole.

    Turn the key to open the door. When the key enters the handle, a simple twist should open the door. This will not require special efforts.

    Using a credit card to open doors

    Open simple locks with credit card. This popular trick works less and less with modern doors but it's still convenient way get into your house old door left without keys.

    • Laminated cards work best. You will need a flexible (like a gift) card that you do not mind damaging. Sometimes the card gets quite serious damage and stops functioning.
  • Insert the card into the doorway. Insert the long end of a credit card between the door frame and the locking side of the door, just above where the lock enters the opening.

    • Lower the card down and place it behind the latch of the lock. Make sure the card is installed perpendicular to the door.
  • Slowly but surely pull the card towards you by turning the knob. With any luck, the credit card will slip between the beveled inside latch and door frame, and you will be able to push the latch out of the opening by dragging the card to your side. The door will open as long as you hold the card in place between the latch and the hole.

    • Obviously this trick won't work if a deadbolt is in place. Bolts do not have a beveled side. But fortunately, it is impossible to push the bolt from the outside without having the keys.

    car door opening

    Open car doors. While the use of "flat keys" (special metal tools for gaining access to a closed vehicle) is generally illegal, it is possible to make the tool out of a rigid metal hanger. If you locked the keys in the car, and a store or a friend with a hanger is nearby, you can avoid the hassle and waiting for a locksmith or road support.

    Unroll and straighten the hanger. Do not touch upper part in the shape of a hook, but twist the so-called “neck” out of it and align the rest of the hanger. This will give you a long metal tool with a hook on the end.

    Pry up the sealing rubber strip at the bottom of the driver's door window. Insert the end of the hanger between the sealing tape and the bottom of the window. Now the hanger is inside the door.

    Move the end of the hanger and feel for the latch. The latch should be located no more than a few centimeters below the window, near the internal lock.

  • Kick down the door. In an emergency situation, sometimes there is only one option - to kick the door. Keep in mind that this can damage the door frame, lock, and usually the door itself. Compared to other methods, alas, it is also physically dangerous, so use it only as a last resort.

    • Take a stable position. Stand directly in front of the door, feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. If you can, place your hands on a wall, furniture, or other object that is unlikely to move under force.
    • Raise your dominant leg and bend at the knee. Raise your knee up and pull your shin behind it. Keep your foot straight in front of the door. Do not turn sideways, and do not invent other nonsense.
    • Hit the sole in door lock. This type of punch is sometimes referred to as a "straight punch". Straighten your leg in front of you so that the sole hits the area of ​​the lock mechanism.
    • Buy a manual pile driver. It should be about a meter long, and have elongated handles on the sides.
    • Fill the pile driver with cement completely or half. Allow cement to dry completely before use.
    • Use a side throwing motion to aim the battering ram at the door in the area of ​​the lock mechanism. Standing perpendicular to the door, swing the battering ram by holding it with both hands, then bend down and strike the battering ram at the door. Most doors will open after a few hits.
    • Keep in mind that, most likely, the door will completely collapse and require replacement.
    • Always start with the least aggressive methods. If you can open the door with a credit card, there is no need to pick the lock or grab a homemade battering ram.
    • Call a professional if possible. Nobody really replaces the locksmith (or the landlord with his copy of the key) when you're locked in the house. The best and safe way open a locked door - get to the phone and call someone who has professional door opening skills.
    • Practice. If you want to be able to open doors by bumping or using a set of lockpicks, you will need to practice a bit to develop your skills. There is no better teacher than experience!


    • Hacking something that doesn't belong to you is aggressive and highly illegal. Do not do that.
    • It is also illegal in some areas to carry door openers. Depending on the mood of the police officer, you may even be arrested, including for wearing homemade equipment. Do not use such devices unless absolutely necessary.
    • Don't try to kick the door with your shoulder. This only works in movies.
    • Do not shoot castles with any weapon. This is more likely to result in a potentially fatal ricochet than any successful result. In addition, a probable dent from a shot can lead to an irreparable jamming of the lock.
    • If you're locked in a rented space, call the watchman, manager, or landlord before you try to force the door. Chances are one of them will have a spare key to open the door with, and breaking into a rental property can be legally controversial, especially if it results in damage to the property.
  • Knowing how to open an interior door without a key can be useful to everyone. Door slamming situations can arise spontaneously and at exactly the moment when you least expect it. That is why you need to know how to deal with this problem in the shortest possible time.

    A slammed door is a fairly common situation.

    Possible situations

    The lock systems on the doors in the house can be completely different. Sometimes an ordinary handle with a tongue is sufficient, and in some cases it is necessary to install additional latches and turnkey locks. However, there are situations when the door closes and open it in a simple way fails.
    The reasons may be:

    • a draft that slammed the lock;
    • broken handle;
    • falling tongue;
    • button mechanism;
    • key loss;
    • deliberate or accidental closing from the inside.

    What to do in such cases? You can solve the problem different methods, depending on the specific situation. The most common ways are:

    • use of a hand pick;
    • disassembly of the lock or handle;
    • removal from the loops;
    • use of brute force.

    Varieties of opening methods interior door

    If the room remained Small child, water or any equipment that can provoke a fire is turned on, you need to act immediately.

    In emergency situations, most often there is nothing left but to crack the interior door corny. Damage in this case cannot be avoided, but you will be able to minimize the risk of much more serious consequences.

    Remove from hinges

    The most common solution to the problem of a closed door, which first comes to mind, is, of course, removing the canvas from the hinges. Since it is not always possible to open a room door without using a key through the use of master keys, this method is the best alternative.

    Ordinary card loops consist of two parts. If there is sufficient clearance between the door and the frame, you can try to remove them from the canopies. Sometimes it is possible to unwind the details.

    The disadvantage of this method is that it is not always possible to perform such an operation. This is especially difficult and practically impossible if hidden mechanisms are used.

    Removing the door leaf from the hinges is possible only if there are sufficient gaps


    A very popular fixture on the doors leading to the bedroom, toilet or bathroom is the latch. Modern models equipped with rotary miniature handles, which are located on the side of the room. On the reverse side, a part of the lock is represented by a plug. Sometimes a turnkey lock is equipped instead, if we are talking about the living room.

    Because sometimes you need to open interior lock on the door without a key, you have to look alternative ways, allowing you to rotate the latch tab. The easiest way is to use a thin flat object, it can be a screwdriver, a plastic card, a nail file or a knife, sometimes you can open the lock with your fingernail. This is possible if there is a plug with a slot or recess on the reverse side. Pliers can be used for smooth button plugs. You just need to turn it and the lock will open.

    Sometimes it is possible to move the tongue away with the help of all the same devices, but at the same time you need to penetrate the gap between the canvas and the door frame. If the tension is not strong, it will not be difficult to move the latch.

    The slammed latch to the door can be opened with a thin object by moving the tongue

    Another option is the heck. It is installed on top of the door. How to open such a mechanism? You can try to move it through the gap between the door and the loot. If this does not work, then the easiest way is to use force. Usually, self-tapping screws easily fly out of the canvas, however, they can damage its surface.

    key lock

    In some cases, additional locks with a larva are installed on the doors, they can be cylinder, lever, disk, etc. A special notched key is selected for each of these mechanisms, which activates the locking system and shifts the bolt. But how to open the door to a room without a key or if the lock breaks?

    Several options are available here:

    • First, try to pull the door. If the mechanism is simple, the bolt may bounce on its own.
    • Pick a similar key. Some secrets work not only from the native key.
    • If all else fails, use the master key. You can try to move the tongue in the gap between the door and the box, or by interfering with the larva itself. It is necessary to move the levers or pins, depending on the type of lock.
    • If this fails or the lock is broken, try to remove it. The cylinder can be drilled or removed in another way. For a regular pen, it will be enough to disassemble it and move the tongue from the inside.

    How best to open the lock of the interior door should be decided locally. You should start with the least rough methods.

    With the help of a master key it is possible to open the lock of the door handle on the key

    Brute force

    If you are unable to open the door, but you have no other choice, then you can resort to extreme measures and use brute force. Here, too, different approaches are possible:

    • cut the loops. Open mounts are sawn off along the hinge axis or plate and the canvas easily falls out of the opening.
    • cut tongue. If the latch or crossbar is clearly visible in the gap between the box and the canvas, and you can stick a hacksaw or grinder disk inside, try cutting it off. Get ready for sparks from metal.
    • kick down the door. If there are no suitable tools at hand, and the door is very flimsy, you can easily knock it out of the opening.

    Knocking out a slammed door is only in the most extreme case.

    Such methods should be used only when other methods have failed. Most likely, after breaking in, you will have to change the door, or at least restore the canvas and box. Hardware will also need to be replaced.

    It is quite possible to open the door without the help of a key, but not all methods remain without a trace. To prevent such a need, regularly check the health of the locks and install mechanisms that do not slam shut spontaneously.

    You can not get into the apartment, can happen to each of us. Therefore, in such a case, you need to know how to open the lock without a key and what is needed for this.

    If the key is missing

    So, there are no keys anywhere, neither in your pocket, nor in your bag. What to do? After all, the lock on the door was specifically designed to prevent it from opening with bare hands.

    Of course, the most reliable and easiest way to solve the problem is to call a service that specializes in opening doors. There are these in every city. In order for you to be helped to get into the apartment, you must present to the specialists any evidence of your residence in the dwelling. For example, a passport, which indicates the place of your registration, etc.

    However, if for some reason you cannot use the services of professionals, it remains only to try to open the door lock without a key, using improvised means. For example, use a master key. Such a tool can be easily purchased at a specialized store, and anyone can use it, even those who have never tried to open locks. But not everyone carries a master key with them. But hairpins or paper clips are another matter.

    We make a "master key"

    In order to build a master key, you will need two regular paper clips.

    Bend the long end of the paper clip and straighten it. You should end up with a straight wire. Some advise bending the tip of the wire to make it easier to press the pins. But this is optional.


    Now you need to make a tensioner, the task of which is to turn the lock. With it, you will press on the cylinder, and with another paper clip - at the same time - put the pins in place. There are two ways to make a tensioner from a paper clip.

    The first, simpler one: straighten the long end of the paper clip at a right angle. Thus, you will get the basis for a working tensioner, but not a very good master key.

    The second, a little more difficult: completely unbend the ends of the paper clip so that the wire is bent in the middle and the ends converge. In this case, one of them should be slightly shorter than the other. Then the longer part must be bent again at a right angle, about a centimeter from the tip.

    How to open a lock without a key with a pick

    Insert the tensioner into the keyhole and press in a circle. You need to pull in the direction in which the lock turns. If you don't remember it, then the odds are 50:50. Try first moving the paperclip in right side. As a rule, in most locks the key turns clockwise. But there are exceptions.

    Those who have sensitive enough hands will be able to feel the right direction for themselves. If you do everything right, then when turning the paper clip will meet less resistance than if the wrong direction is chosen. Remember that it is very important that a slight tension is present during operation.

    After deciding on the direction, fix the pressure, and try to find the pins with another paper clip. Most locks have five pins that, when properly set, open the mechanism.

    Starting at the back of the keyhole, press the pins in order. You must record each of them. At the same time, slowly wind the tensioner. If the pin is in the correct position, a slight click will be heard. Or you will catch a slight movement. Gently wiggle the pick until you feel that all the pins are in place. After that, turn the tensioner in the right direction, and ... the lock will open.

    Cylinder locks

    How to open a lock without a key if you have a set of ordinary tools at hand? It all depends on the type and structure of the mechanism. So, if you have a conventional mortise lock in front of you, equipped with a cruciform cylinder, you need to use a drill. Start by drilling a small hole above the keyhole. Then, using a pick, lift the stopper and move the hook of the deadbolt.

    Another castle with simple mechanism- cylinder with pins. If you have a drill at hand, then the matter becomes quite easy. Make a small hole in the cylinder itself, insert a master key into it and, turning, open the lock.

    The padlock

    Now let's talk about how to open a padlock. Without a key, there are two ways to deal with such a mechanism. The first is to try to line up all the pins with the help of a master key, as already described above, which is not easy enough for those who have never done this. The second way is to remove the lock. Let's consider a simpler option.

    So, how to remove the lock without a key? To do this, you need a regular crowbar.

    Send all your strength to weakness lock - where the shackle is attached to the body. Press down.

    If there is not enough strength, you can use a special file for metal, a hacksaw or long wire cutters. Sawing a two-centimeter shackle takes about ten minutes, so you won't spend much time.

    rack locks

    Such locks are most often used in gates, fences, garages. Opening methods are universal, primitive and come down to shifting the rails in turn. There are several ways.

    1. Use a fishing line or guitar string. Insert a screwdriver into the gap between the jamb and the door. Press the door hard. From a fishing line or string you need to make a loop. Slide it through the keyhole and circle around the pins (which are used to allow the lock to open from the inside). Then gently pull the loop towards you. The rails should move away and the door should open.
    2. How to open a lock without a key with a pencil or a carrot? Easily! Lubricate the lock mechanism with any oil. Release the bolt. To do this, slightly press the door in the opposite direction to opening. Then drive a pencil or carrot into the keyhole and turn - the lock is open. The secret is that thanks to soft material The "key" rack teeth will leave on the pencil (carrot) the grooves necessary to open the lock.
    3. Use a drill and a screwdriver. When using this method, you will not even damage the door leaf. First you need to determine where the closed bolt is located. To do this, slip a regular sheet of paper between the box and closed door. When you find the crossbar, take a drill. Drill a small hole in door frame. Then use a screwdriver to move the bolt. All.

    A few more ways to open the lock without a key

    So, if you have a lock equipped with a tongue in front of you, proceed as follows. With a screwdriver or any other tool that can be inserted between the box and the canvas, press the tab. Then turn the handle and open the door. By the way, doors locked in this way can be opened even with a simple plastic card.

    How to open a lever lock if it is built into wooden door? To do this, press on the door and, as far as possible, pull it away from the box. Then, using a paper clip, screwdriver or any other tool, move the levers away.

    If you have a latch-type lock, use a screwdriver to unscrew the screws that secure the handle. Delete her. Remove the metal panel that covers the mechanism, and with the help of improvised means, try to feel for the latch. When you feel that you have succeeded, press on it and, without releasing, turn the door handle.

    If the key is stuck

    The first step is to remove the broken key from the lock. In such a situation, you can use a jigsaw file. Insert it into the keyhole so that the prongs look up. Then slowly move the file to hook the key. When this succeeds, carefully remove the file along with the “prey”.

    There are situations when the key is broken, but part of it sticks out of the keyhole. Use pliers. Get them a key. Just don't try to pull it out. This can only complicate matters. Just turn it in the direction you normally would when you open a door. And only after the door is open, pull out the key.

    In general, the most The best way The solution to a problem is to anticipate it. Today, there are special keyless door locks that do not have keyholes at all. Install yourself such mechanisms and forget about the extra headache.

    And one last thing. If you still try to open the door without a key, then be conscientious. After all, opening other people's locks is prohibited by law. And there is punishment for that.
