Poker rules for beginners. Combinations in poker

Poker combines several games of chance, which are based on the fact that players place bets, depending on the cards they are given. Participants' bets are placed in the "bank". In the future, this pot goes to the owner of either a winning combination or a bet that no one could call. There are many varieties of poker, and each has its own characteristics and secrets. This article will help you understand how to play poker, outline the main poker rules, combinations, talk about some of the intricacies of the game, and also highlight the rules of poker Hold'em, which is the most popular type of poker.

Poker rules common to all types of games

Hands in poker begin with bets. With seven card stud, there are two types of primary mandatory bets: the ante and the bring-in. And in other games, it's the small and big blinds. (Don't be alarmed if you don't remember all the poker terms the first time, this will come later with practice.) Subsequent bets are made depending on a particular situation or action. Players have a choice between 5 actions:

Receipt- is done if there are no bets in the current round, and the turn passes to the next player (clockwise). The purpose of this action is not to abandon the pot, it only shows that the player is not participating in the bet of this particular round. If all participants decide to use the "CHECK" action, then the round ends.

Beth- also done if there are no bets in the current round. If the participant bets, then the players to the left can fold, call or raise (these terms will be discussed below).

fold- an action in which the participant refuses to try to win the pot. Simply put, he folds and has no right to bet, that is, he is out of the game in this hand.

call- an action in which the player equalizes the bet made by making a call. The bet must be equal to the bet made by the last player.

Raise- is done in order to increase the bet made in the current round. All subsequent players involved in the hand must either call the bet (call) or increase it even higher (raise).

Poker combinations

1. Royal flush. It is the most valuable combination of cards. It consists of the five highest cards of the same suit.

2. Straight flush. A combination consists of five consecutive cards of the same suit (for example, Queen, Jack, 10, 9, 8)

3. Caret. Consists of any four cards of the same rank.

4. Full House. It is assembled from any four cards of the same value and one more pair of cards.

5. Flash. Combinations of any five cards of the same suit (any sequence).

6. Street. Consists of five consecutive cards of the same rank.

7. Troika. It is assembled from any three cards of the same rank.

8. Two couples. Any two cards of the same suit + any two cards of the same value.

9. Couple. Any two cards of the same rank.

Read more about combinations.

At each stage of the betting, players continue to bet until all participants either call their bets or fold. After the end of the auction, there are two ways for the development of events: either the next card is dealt and a new stage of the auction begins, or this distribution is considered completed.

The cards are revealed after a bet or raise made in the last round. Then it is determined to whom the entire bank passes. All participants reveal their cards. However, there are times when participants do not reveal their poker hands. This happens if a player bets or raises and no one calls (i.e. everyone folds). In this situation, the participant who made a bet or raise receives the entire pot.

At the end of the hand, the remaining players have a choice of what to do:
You can discard the winning hand.
If only one player remains before the showdown, then he has the right to both open and hide his cards from everyone.
During the showdown, players who realize that their combinations will not bring anything may not reveal their cards.

Table betting and all-in

Many online poker games are played with table stakes. This means that if a player wants to bet or raise, he can only use the chips that the players had at the time of the hand. An addition to table betting is all-in, which means that there is no way the player can be forced to end the game if they do not have enough chips to call (i.e., if the player has no chips to call, he goes all-in). Going all-in is always a risk, especially when on tilt. And this participant has the right to rely only on that part of the bank in which he invested with the last bet. As for the subsequent actions of the other participants, they refer to the side pot (side pot). If it happens that not one player went all-in, but several, then several side pots can be formed.

Any training begins with the basics, basics or, in our case, the rules of the game. Poker rules for beginners often seem unnecessarily complicated, requiring a lot of time to learn.

In reality, everything is much simpler. No one learns the rules of poker from books and chaotic explanations of comrades. Full-fledged interactive materials, provided with images, videos and full explanations not only for each element of the rules, but also for game situations in which they are applicable or inadmissible.

The games offered by casinos and poker rooms are derived from the original games and the basic rules of poker such as Hold'em are present in other games such as Omaha. It becomes clear that having studied the key points of the original game for other varieties, it is enough to focus on the distinctive features and the rules of poker for each particular game will become much clearer.

Key poker rules

These include, which are the same for all its varieties. Texas Hold'em, Caribbean Poker or Painted have the goal of collecting the strongest combination in the showdown, with 10 key combinations for each game.

Actions at the table . They are subject to the rules and depend on the type of game. Here you can highlight the key rules, for example, the distribution is made from left to right, one card at a time, the first card is demolished and the deck is covered from below.

Hand stages . Each game has a set of auctions or exchanges, regulated by the rules. There are no situations that are not described in the manual for a particular game.

Game situations and their solution . It often happens that the players make the same combinations, then the kicker decides their fate in games where the competition is between the players or they win together if they oppose the institution represented by the dealer.

Any, traditional or habitual situation is governed by the rules designed to establish a common framework for the participants in the game.

When it comes to playing poker, as to a professional appearance, you can consider a lot of patterns that make mastering even the most complex game quite simple.

Achieving the same heights in the senior divisions, tournaments and events is impossible without long-term practice and knowledge of all aspects of the game in all its manifestations, as well as studying the vision of poker, its rules, features and any little things from accomplished gurus.

Though poker today is the game of millions if not billions of people around the world, yet there is a category of people who are not familiar with the rules of poker, and therefore they do not understand how to start playing this game. That is why today we want to tell you about the rules of poker for beginners, explaining all the nuances of the game as simply and in detail as possible, without going into details and without unnecessary poker terminology.

In the course of your explanation we will try to supplement our text with pictures so that it becomes clearer for you how to play poker. However, if even after reading this article you still have incomprehensible nuances or questions, you can always ask them through the comment form below, and we will be happy to answer any of them.

Note that when talking about poker for beginners, we will talk about Texas Hold'em, since this kind of poker is the most popular at the moment. After all, it is according to the rules of Texas Hold'em that all major poker tournaments are held, including the main competitions of the World Series of Poker - WSOP.

Poker for beginners with pictures

Texas Hold'em is played with a full deck of 52 cards. At the same time, jokers do not take part in the game.

Any distribution begins with the fact that the players put mandatory bets - the big and small blinds. The big blind is placed in the amount of the minimum bet, and the small blind is half of it. The blinds are needed in order to make up the initial distribution bank, for which the players will subsequently fight. After the blinds are posted, the dealer starts dealing cards to the players.

Each player at the table receives two cards, and these cards are visible only to him. It is strictly forbidden to show your cards to other players, in addition, it is forbidden to show them to other people, not even sitting at the table.

Immediately, we note that in poker there are combinations of cards that differ in their strength. And each player strives to make the strongest combination in order to win the hand and take the pot for himself. In order for you to understand what a game of poker for beginners is, below are all poker hands, from the oldest to the weakest.

After you have received your two cards in your hand, the first round of betting begins, which is called "pre-flop". In this round, you can call the previously made bets (or do Call) , raise previously placed bets (or do Raise) fold your cards (or do "Fold") or put all your chips in the pot (having made All-in) . All the chips that you bet in the course of trading go into the general pot, which will go to the winner in this distribution.

As soon as all the bets of the players are equalized, the dealer announces the end of trading and takes out three cards from the deck, which he places in the center of the table. These cards are common to all players, and everyone can use them to build their own combination. Note that if you are a novice poker player, then we advise you not to bet too aggressively on this round of betting, following the game of your opponents more.

On the flop, each player can also bet, and once all players have placed their bets, the dealer draws the fourth community card and places it in the center of the table. After that, the round of trading takes place again.

Then the last, fifth community card is placed in the center, and the players go through the mandatory betting round again.

If after all betting rounds - flop, turn And rivera- there is more than one player left in the game, then "showdown" - players reveal their cards, comparing the collected combinations. The player with the strongest combination of cards wins. The same player takes the entire pot for himself. If several players have collected the same combination, then they divide the pot among themselves.

We hope that in this article we have talked in detail about the basics of playing poker for beginners. In the comments below, you can ask a question regarding any ambiguities, and we will try to answer it as soon as possible.

Getting started with poker by learning the rules of the game. This article will discuss the rules of playing poker, which even a person who is far from gambling and cards in general will understand. Therefore, we will try to explain each stage of the rules as simply as possible and at the same time in detail.

There are several varieties of poker, the rules of which can vary greatly. However, the most popular today is Texas Hold'em. Therefore, in this article we will consider the rules of poker for this particular discipline.

As usual, let's start with the content:

How to play poker

Poker can be played at the same table at the same time from 2 to 10 people. Texas Hold'em uses a standard deck on 52 cards- from 2s to aces, no jokers.

The goal of the game may differ depending on the poker format, but the main task of each player is to get as many chips as possible. To do this, you need to win distributions - the game stage, during which chips are played.

According to the rules of the game of poker, a poker player can get up at any time from the cash table, taking all your chips. but he can't leave the tournament- the chips are involved in the game until the tournament ends, or until the player is knocked out of it. If he plays online poker, then in his absence, mandatory bets (blinds) will be placed automatically, gradually reducing his stack (reserve of chips).

Poker rules do not limit the duration of tournaments or cash tables. come to an end after all chips will be taken by one participant. Cash games take place as long as the participants want to play.

In Texas Hold'em, players are dealt 2 cards face down(shirts up), they are called pocket. The cards are dealt by the dealer - an employee of the casino, or by one of the players, these are the rules of poker. In the second case, this obligation passes in a circle from one participant to another. Even if there is a separate dealer, the dealer's chip (blinds) moves around. This is necessary so that the players know order of moves and positions from which the blinds are posted.

The rules of poker for beginners involve the study of combinations - sets of cards, the strength of which determines the winner of the distribution. Total exists 10 combinations- from high card to Royal Flush. If the game has reached the final stage (showdown), then the remaining players compare combinations. Who hand will be older, he will take the bank.

Bidding order

Learning the rules of poker for beginners, you need to learn how to bet at each stage of the hand. As mentioned above, at the beginning of the game, all participants receive 2 cards face down. However, before that two players, occupying positions to the left of the dealer, must set mandatory rates, blinds. Small blind size(first player to the left of the button) usually half the big blind(second player from the left).

The rules of poker say that the next player after the big blind must go first, and then - in turn clockwise. This player has several options for a move:

  1. Level the bet - call;
  2. Discard cards - fold;
  3. Raise - Raise.

The rules of poker for beginners involve the study of available actions by players during the hand. Bidding continues until all players have equal bets placed. If all players simply call the big blind, then the poker player in the big blind has the final turn. In addition to the previous actions, one more thing is available to him - a check. This term is called skipping, when the player does not raise, but remains in the game, because. the size of the current rate is equal to the size of his contribution to the bank.

General cards

When learning poker for beginners, you need to know that the first stage is called preflop. Players make bets, taking into account the current strength of their pocket hand and the possibility of making certain combinations from 2 cards. Combinations consist of 5 cards, so in Texas Hold'em there are general cards that are laid out by the dealer on the table in the following order: first three at once, then one and another. In total, there can be 5 community cards on the table.

It should be noted that the game can end at any previous stage - before the appearance of 5 community cards. The poker rules for beginners state that game ends as soon as in hand one member left. Thus, you can still win preflop without seeing a single community card. To do this, you just need to raise the bet so that no one supports it and all opponents fold.

If the game continues, i.e. at least two participants are active, then the dealer puts 3 cards on the table. With them and their pocket cards, each player makes a combination. Based on the strength of the hole cards, poker players one by one perform the appropriate actions. This time, the poker player in the small blind position should be the first to bet - these are the rules of poker for beginners. All the same actions are available to him as on the preflop. However, given that there is no need to call the blinds, he can check - miss the move. Then everyone takes turns. The round ends when all bets are equalized, or if only one poker player remains in the game - the winner. This stage of the game is called the flop.

Next street (stage) - turn. Here the dealer puts the 4th community card face up on the table. The order of bets is the same as in the previous stage. All the same actions are available. river- the last street, on which the 5th card is laid out on the table. All auctions and procedures correspond to the previous two stages.

According to the rules of poker for beginners, if at least two people participate in the distribution after the river, then the winner is revealed by comparing the strength of the combinations. First, the player who last raised his hole cards shows his hole cards. If opponents see that their card sets are weaker, they may not open their pocket hands.

All-in and splitting the pot

Even when studying poker for beginners, you need to know such a thing as all-in, or all-in. This term refers to the bet on all the chips available to the player. Such a bet is made in several cases - in order to force the opponent to fold (bluff), to increase the pot (value bet) and take it away due to the strongest combination, or in order to call the bet when there are not enough chips.

The rules of poker allow you to bet all-in if you have not enough chips to call previous increase. In this case, a secondary bank is created. The point is that you cannot win more than the product of your bet size and the number of players participating. For example, you bet 100 chips all-in and the other 3 players bet 200 chips each. If you win, you will take 400 chips. The rest of the money will go to the owner of the second strongest combination.

Very important rules of poker relate to the division of the pot. There are situations when the bank is won not by one person, but by several participants at once. For example, if the players have collected completely identical combinations. Then the pot is divided equally between them, of course, if each of them has invested the same number of chips. If the stakes are different (when someone goes all-in), the pot is split proportionally.

Varieties of poker

Poker rules differ for different types of this discipline. Texas Hold'em can be played with 3 different betting rules. Exists limit, pot limit And unlimited Hold'em.

The most calm and undynamic view - with fixed limits. In such poker, each player can raise the bet only by a certain amount, which is agreed in advance (in live games) or indicated in the table name (in online games). For example, a 2/4 dollar table - you can raise by 2 dollars preflop and flop, and by 4 dollars on turn and river.

poker rules for pot limit Hold'em is regulated by raising the bet by an amount equal to the pot (the size of the pot). Those. each player can raise the bet by the maximum amount of the formed pot. This kind of poker is much more dynamic than the previous one. the stakes here rise much faster and bigger pots are played.

Unlimited Hold'em is the most dynamic and popular form of Hold'em. Here, from the very beginning of the distribution, the size of the bet is not limited and can reach the entire stack of the player.

These are just short rules of poker. This game is so diverse and versatile that you can study it throughout your life, learning a lot of new things for yourself. This is the main charm of poker - the ability to constantly improve and develop.

The rules will vary slightly, so beginners should first familiarize themselves with the basic laws of classic poker, as well as learn about the fundamental differences between most subspecies of this diverse game.
The rules of poker are very simple, and the main difficulty in learning the intricacies of this lesson is to become unreadable to the opponent and at the same time learn to calculate in advance the opponent's next moves.
Many beginners often ask themselves: how to learn to play poker? Many also rightly think that this is a whole complex science that takes years to understand. In fact, you can learn the basic rules of playing poker in just a few minutes, after which the player can safely proceed to the opening hand, but this does not mean at all that a person can immediately win the game for money. It is the winning game, which is the ultimate goal of any player, that is difficult to master, because in order to win in poker it is not enough just to know the rules. In any case, the first steps towards becoming a new professional player always involve learning the basics, so today we will tell you how to learn to play poker from scratch and provide complete and understandable poker rules for beginners. Hurry up and complete the beginner training at the PokerHouse online academy and you will not only learn the basic rules of poker for dummies, but you will soon get your first sweet victory in the long-awaited cash game.

Poker rules for beginners

Common abbreviations

Beginners often get confused in all sorts of abbreviations, symbols and abbreviations used in online rooms. In fact, the designation of the table limit is very easy to decipher: the numbers indicating the limit are usually preceded by an abbreviation indicating the type of poker used. So, in no-limit hold'em, $1/$2 blind stakes would be called NL200, $1/$2 NL, or $1/$2 NLH. Consider other popular abbreviations:

  • Limit Hold'em - FL(H)
  • Pot Limit Hold'em - PL(H)
  • Limited Omaha (Eng. Fixed-Limit Omaha) - Fixed-Limit Omaha
  • No-Limit Omaha - NLO
  • Pot Limit Omaha - PLO

Limit classification

Poker betting limits also differ in size - depending on the table limit, a player may need a different bankroll. So, at some tables, a session of several hours can bring the player only a few dollars, and to start playing at others, the player’s account must have several tens of thousands. Compliance with bankroll management is included in the basic rules of the game of poker and allows you to go into profit over long distances. Most often, bankroll management involves gradually moving up the limits and constantly monitoring the size of the stack.

  • Micro limits - from NL2 to NL10, as well as from FL4 to FL20. Microstakes games are popular among beginners and inexperienced players who cannot allocate large sums for the game. The majority of players from the CIS play at micro-limits. Usually, practical training in cash games begins with this limit.
  • Low limits - from NL20 to NL100, as well as from FL50 to FL100. The most common type of limits for playing offline and online poker rooms. This type of table is popular among regulars hunting for fish. Among the lower stakes players, the majority use table selection. Winnings for skilled poker players here can be quite high, however, not all players decide to move to higher limits, being content with their advantage on the field of weak opponents.
  • Average limits are from NL200 to NL800 and from FL200 to FL600. The mid-stakes are played by most of the players who play poker for a living, but the competition is much higher here than at the lower limits, and the chance of meeting a fish is much lower.
  • High limits - from NL1000 to NL8000 and from FL1000 to FL6000. Professionals or wealthy recreational players play at high limits. Most often, there is a limited number of gaming tables. For Game