Vitamins of group B in tablets: drug names, prices. Original and cheap vitamins B

We often hear the phrase: "A man is what he eats." Recently, I really realized that this is so, and literally. Our digestive system is essentially a second brain. And for some - the first, for the uselessness of the head. What we eat affects what we think and do. Not directly, of course. And through a bunch of chemical reactions occurring in our carcass. It's actually an awesome system. Already only one understanding of how a person works will make you believe in the existence, if not of God, then of the Higher Mind for sure.

This is not the kind of nonsense that we were told about at school in anatomy lessons. I remember that we were waiting for this anatomy, as something forbidden, for adults, naively believing that throughout the course we would be told about the structure of the reproductive system and shown how to make children. The reality was extremely disappointing))))) It is difficult for modern youngsters to understand this. They have everything that was a secret for us - everyday reality. Naked women with men and sex in all forms - everywhere you don't spit.

But now it's not about sex))) But about the second brain. Even if you eat the most healthy food, it is not certain that it will benefit you. For so that in your body it may well be lacking in all sorts of different things, that from this healthy food it will make what your body feeds on, and not your belly. And all the usefulness will go down the drain.

So. One of the components of this all sorts of different things is B vitamins. They take part in all, without exception, metabolic processes in the body. They are responsible for producing energy from dietary carbohydrates, proteins and fats. That is, B vitamins are your energy.

Our valiant opponents of dietary supplements claim that you can get all these vitamins from food. Somehow yes. But... It's always a but. The amount that our official medicine considers the norm, you can still get by chewing a bunch of parsley. But if you take into account the body's need for these vitamins, then you have to turn into a ruminant, grinding parsley all day long.

Because the main suppliers of B vitamins are various types of meat. We do not eat them raw, and at a temperature of 65 Celsius, vitamin B is destroyed.

We conclude that a complex of B vitamins will save the father of Russian democracy much faster than a couple of parsley beds.

In nature, the B vitamins are closely related to each other, and an attempt to separate them reduces the activity of the entire complex.
Hence, the idea of ​​dividing these vitamins into three doses in some IUDs is incomprehensible. Although I looked at the quantitative composition of these complexes. They do no harm or good. Is that a loss to the wallet.

And about quantity. Almost everywhere you will find RDA vitamin and mineral intakes based on the 1941 recommendations of the US Department of Nutrition.
Dr. Linus Pauling, a two-time Nobel laureate and a tireless promoter of the benefits of taking large amounts of vitamin C, said that “RDAs refer to the amounts required to maintain simply good health in the average person. I think they just support poor health.”

This opinion is shared by many doctors who practically use vitamin therapy. At the same time, if we are not talking about maintaining good health, but about restoring already impaired health, that is, about treatment, then the required doses of vitamins will be much higher.

When choosing a complex of vitamins of group B, you should pay attention to the following:

  1. In the complex, the presence of all 11 vitamins is desirable. Not 4-5.
  2. The amount should be close to normal.
  3. Forms preferably easily digestible by the body.
  4. You should not take drugs in which, in addition to B vitamins, there are other ingredients such as herbs, minerals and fat-soluble vitamins. The first are water soluble and will not bring harm. But the need for everything else may be in question, although decide according to the situation.

Forms of B vitamins that are easily absorbed by the body:

  • B1 Thiamine-50mg (1-1.4mg) as thiamine cocarboxylase / thiamine pyrophosphate / Tetrahydrofurfuryl Disulfide, and even better allithiamin - the most easily digestible form of vitamin B1
  • B2 Riboflavin-50mg (1-1.8mg) per form Riboflavin 5′-Phosphate
  • IN 3- 100mg (14-20mg) - a nicotinic acid has a very simple structure, which is easily obtained by chemical synthesis, and there is no big difference between natural and synthetic. Often found in 2 forms - Niacin And Niacinamide, both are well absorbed, but it’s good when they go together in the composition, because each performs different functions: niacin - lowers cholesterol, anxiety; niacinomide - useful in diabetes and for the pancreas.
  • B5 Pantethine or pantothenic acid- 100-200 mg (5 mg)
  • IN 6 Pyridoxine-50 mg (1-1.8 mg) - it is desirable to be in shape pyridoxal 5′-Phosphate .Moreover, this form is much more expensive and its presence in the composition usually indicates the seriousness of the approach to the complex from the manufacturer.
  • B9 or folic acid a - up to 3000 mcg (180-400 mcg)
    Bioavailable forms are –L forms (for example - L-MTHF, L-Methylfolate), 6 (S) shapes ( 6(S)-L-MTHF, 6(S)-L-Methyltetrahydrofolate), L-5 forms( L-5-MTHF, L-5-Methyltetrahydrofolate), as well as Metafolin, Levomefolic Acid And Quatrefolic.
    Forms that may or may not be biologically active include forms that are not specified as L, L-5 or 6(S) forms, trade marks, and 5-MTHF, 5-methylfolate , 5-methyltetrahydrofolate.
  • In the shape of Folate better absorbed than the folic acid form if your folate cycle is broken. Mine is. I need more of this vitamin than the average person.
  • B12 Cobalamin- 100-500 mcg (1 mcg) - occurs quite often in the form Methylcobalamin, better Adenosylcobalamin, 5-Deoxyadenosylcobalamin .
    form of cyanocolobamine ( cyanocobalamin) it is better not to take it, because it is very quickly excreted from the body and sometimes does not have time to turn into an absorbable form of methylcobalamin.
  • Choline- 500-1000 mg
  • Inositol- 500-1000 mg
  • Biotin- 200 mcg
  • PABA - para-aminobenzoic acid(not a B vitamin, but necessary for the synthesis of folic acid).

Basically I use the drug Country Life, Coenzyme B Complex but I will keep searching.


Even if your city is not a huge metropolis, the urban lifestyle cannot be canceled. The abundance of technology, long hours at work, stress adversely affect health. The complex of vitamins of group B is a storehouse that will make up for the lack of nutrients in the body. Health, beauty, proper metabolism and energy exchange are based on these elements. Learn about the need for specific foods in the diet and a complex of preparations containing B vitamins in the body, as well as problems with their deficiency.

The benefits of B vitamins

You have definitely already heard about the colossal benefits of the complex of this group of vitamins. Each element performs its own function, which is responsible for vital processes. They cannot replace each other in the complex, so the lack of one type of vitamin leads to the destruction of the whole system. The group has 6 components included in many metabolic mechanisms. Let's get acquainted in more detail with each element of the complex and the daily norm.

B1 known under the name "thiamine" or "thiamine pyrophosphate". Vitamin takes part in the metabolism of fats, salts, carbohydrates, proteins in the body. The main element of the system - the brain - fully works only when it is provided with thiamine. Vitamin B1 is responsible for the normalization of the digestive system, stimulation of appetite, which leads to increased working capacity. The daily norm of a substance for an adult is 1.3 mg, for pregnant women - 1.6 mg, for children under 3 years old - 0.8 mg. Lack of thiamine leads to impaired coordination, sleep, calmness, endurance of your nervous system.

Riboflavin (B2) responsible for the normalization of energy reactions. The main processes that take place with the help of this vitamin are the development, creation, regeneration of body tissues, the unification of antibodies and blood cells. The norm of riboflavin B2 in the body contributes to the coordinated work of the skeleton, muscles, immunity, digestive system and hematopoiesis. It is necessary for hair, skin, nails, therefore, with a lack of vitamin they deteriorate (brittleness, lethargy are characteristic). The daily norm for adults is 1.2 mg, for a child of 4 years old - 0.6 mg, for pregnant women - 1.6 mg.

Nicotinic acid, vitamin PP or B3- on guard of the epidermis. His job is to stimulate skin respiration. Nicotinic acid regulates blood circulation, normalizes the processes of blood vessels, lowers cholesterol and protects against atherosclerosis. In group B, the "nicotine" vitamin prevents the development of pellagra. The daily rate of nicotinic acid for an adult is 15 mg, for a 5-year-old baby - 8 mg, for a pregnant woman - 18 mg.

Pantothenic acid, or B5, is responsible for the normal tone of muscle tissues, thermoregulation of the body, and heart function. Vitamin participates in the synthesis of adrenal hormones and blood antibodies, protecting the body from infectious diseases, toxic substances and cancer. With a lack of B5, dizziness, nausea, headaches, and insomnia occur. The daily norm of a vitamin for an adult body per day is 6 mg, for a child of 5 years old - 4 mg, for a pregnant woman - 8 mg.

Pyridoxine, or B6, is involved in the coupling reactions of amino acids in the body. Vitamin helps to produce enzymes and hormones, break down fats, lowering cholesterol levels. Lack of pyridoxine can lead to anemia, regression of the processes of the cardiovascular system. If there is a lack of vitamin B6 in your body, it will easily lead to dermatitis, depression, nausea, vomiting, deterioration in skin tissues. The daily norm for an adult is 2.1 mg, for a child of 5 years old - 1.2 mg, for a pregnant woman - 2.5 mg.

Folic acid, or B9, is essential during pregnancy. Vitamin is responsible for the creation of a normal nervous system, blood circulation, timely growth of the fetus. If the body has enough folic acid, then menstruation in adolescents is painless, menopause in women is without complications, and in pregnant women the risk of premature birth is minimized. Hypovitaminosis B9 leads to anemia, leukemia of the body, irritability, apathy, and insomnia. The daily norm of folic acid for adults and children is 0.2 mg, for pregnant and lactating girls - 0.3 mg.

Cyanocobalamin, or B12, is important in the processes of creating red blood cells and synthesizing hemoglobin. Vitamin contributes to the production of antibodies in the body that resist viruses and infections. The course of processes in the male reproductive system requires B12 elements. The daily norm of a vitamin for an adult is from 3 mcg, for children 5 years old - 1.6 mcg, for pregnant women - 4 mcg.

How to take B vitamins in tablets

If you notice the slightest signs of hypovitaminosis, you need to include an additional source of B vitamins. In pharmacies, you will often find B1, B2, B6 and B12 in preparations, because other components are quite enough in food. Why do I need a complex of vitamins of this group in tablets? Have you ever heard of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? The main reason for this state of health is the lack of a complex of vitamins of group B.

The instructions for each drug will explain in detail how to take, when it is better to take the pills. The main action of this group is the release of body energy for the processing of carbohydrates into glucose. Before starting a vitamin course, talk to your therapist about it, find out the rules for taking and how often to use B-complexes. Study the contraindications and only then compare the symptoms of your body with the prescribed drug. If there is the slightest uncertainty, donate blood for analysis to determine a possible allergy to the vitamin.


This is a multivitamin (B1, B2, B6, B12), which is used for diseases of the nervous system, various neuralgia, liver, paresthesia, nausea in the 1st and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy, lumbago, lack of these elements during lactation. An unbalanced diet, frequent alcohol and nicotine, exhaustion of the body are other reasons to take B-complex vitamins. The course is 2-4 weeks, the daily rate is determined according to the instructions. Side effects with allergies to B vitamins - in the form of dermatitis. Do not take with increased sensitivity of the body, combine with alcohol.


Pharmacology offers a complex of water-soluble vitamins of groups B1, B6, B12. For maximum effect, it is recommended to consume vitamin B tablets after a meal with water or tea. The course and daily norms are up to your doctor. Among the rare side effects of the body on the drug of this group: skin itching, nausea, the development of tachycardia. Neuromultivit is contraindicated in pregnant women, children under 12 years of age, people who cannot tolerate the components of the vitamin complex. Neuromultivit is used for:

  • lumbago;
  • neuritis;
  • neuralgia;
  • epilepsy;
  • sciatica;
  • plexite;
  • paresis of the facial nerve.

Doppelherz active magnesium plus: B vitamins

Pharmacological classification - dietary supplement for food. The combination of magnesium, folic acid, B1, B6, B12. Possible compatibility with other drugs. Before taking, consult with your doctor, where to find out how often you can drink and at what time to take the pills. Overdoses were not observed, contraindications - individual intolerance to vitamins. Indications for the use of a group of vitamins:

  • increased fatigue;
  • physical exercise;
  • the body's need for additional energy;
  • constant stress;
  • fatigue after severe illness.

Vitamin b complex - B Complex

This complex contains B1, B2, B3, B4, B6, B8, B9, B12 and auxiliary components. Vitamins of this group increase immunity, improve and strengthen hair and nails. The complex is used for impaired metabolism, disorders of the central nervous system, skin rashes. Vitamins in food do not always satisfy the needs of the body, so this complex is taken with meals. The complex preparation of group B is limited to individuals with individual intolerance, children under 12 years old, women during pregnancy and lactation.

Superum Vitamins

If you are looking for a cheap vitamin B complex of the group, then Superum dietary supplement is just right for your body. It contains B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, B9. The body needs the Superum complex if an additional source of vitamins is needed, with alcoholism and diabetes, for the stability of the nervous system, for gaining mass with maximum efficiency. Contraindications - individual intolerance. For data on the daily rate of the complex and the period of use, contact the therapist.

Table of products containing vitamin B in the table

List of vitamins

What products contain

Thiamine (B1)

Getting energy from proteins, fats, carbohydrates.

Buckwheat, oatmeal, peas, wholemeal flour products.

Riboflavin (B2)

Stimulates metabolic processes in the body, maintains the normal state of the epidermis, vision, mucous membranes.

Buckwheat, pasta, milk and all derivatives, yeast, all cabbage.

Nicotinic acid (B3)

Connects proteins and fats in the body, stimulates skin oxygenation.

Nuts, liver, fish, green vegetables, buckwheat, egg yolk, milk, yeast, beans.

Choline (B4)

Dairy products, beans, spinach, yolk, liver, kidneys.

Pantothenic acid (B5)

Reduces the level of cholesterol in the body, stimulates the production of energy from food.

Peas, buckwheat and oatmeal, green vegetables, fish caviar, liver, hazelnuts, poultry meat.

Pyridoxine (B6)

Stimulates the formation of antibodies in the body against infections, reactions of carbohydrate metabolism, hemoglobin compounds.

Potatoes, various cereals, citrus fruits, dairy products, fish, meat, liver, cabbage, walnuts, hazelnuts.

Biotin (B7)

Promotes the health of the dermis, hair, strengthens nerve tissue and brain cells.

Liver, kidney, egg yolk, spinach, yeast, tomatoes, mushrooms.

Inositol (B8)

Lowers cholesterol levels, stimulates reactions in the brain, reduces the risk of atherosclerosis.

Wheat germ and bran, beef heart, brains, oranges, flour products.

Folic acid (B9)

Cell division, formation of nucleic acid and new red blood cells, healthy development of the fetus in the womb.

Honey, citruses, beans, yeast, liver, wholemeal flour.

Cobalamin (B12)

For the nervous system, for the growth of the body.

Products of animal origin.

Vitamins in ampoules

Has your hair faded, lost its strength and color, is it constantly falling out? It is not necessary to go to expensive medical procedures or buy luxury shampoos to restore their condition. Use vitamin ampoules with components B1, B6, B9. They play an important role for hair - they resist excessive hair loss, are used in complex treatment against baldness, for skin - they prevent rapid aging, relieve itching. How to use vitamins in hair ampoules? A few important rules of complex preparations:

  • Cut off the head of the ampoule with a special nail file to avoid cuts and loss of fragments. Break off vessels with a mark by hand.
  • The ampoule is designed for single use. If the recipe says to take a smaller amount of vitamins, then after a while the liquid in the open vessel will no longer be useful.
  • The concentration of the agent in the ampoule is so significant that you need to avoid excess. The dosage must be clear and precise.
  • Apply the contents of the ampoule to the scalp. In this way, the most beneficial effect is achieved, the vitamins of this group are absorbed into the vessels, and metabolic processes pass faster in the layers of the epidermis.

How to inject B vitamins

Doctors prescribe injections intravenously or intramuscularly to patients who have limited nutrition or have diseases (osteochondrosis, diabetes). Can B vitamins be mixed? No. If you are prescribed several components, you inject injections alternately - today B1, tomorrow B6 and beyond. You can do intramuscular injections yourself in the buttock, after washing your hands, rubbing the injection site with alcohol. Intravenous - only to the nurse if you or family members do not have the appropriate medical education.

From the video you will learn about the first signs of a lack of vitamins in this group. Don't expect overt symptoms that will obviously require you to see a doctor. A small lack of nutrients is easy to make up for with a quick course of tablets, capsules, if you know that you definitely won’t get the necessary daily intake of vitamins of this group in food. The information and tips in the video below will be helpful to you, even if you only suspect why your hair is constantly falling out or your skin tone is fading.

B vitamins are essential for the human body. They support the functioning of the nervous system and the brain, improve mental abilities, participate in hematopoiesis, and regulate metabolism. Deficiency of these substances in the body causes the development of various serious diseases. Fortunately, hypovitaminosis today is easy to defeat with the help of pharmaceuticals. People of all ages are advised to periodically take B vitamins in tablets.

What are the benefits of B vitamins to the body?

Group B includes the following useful compounds:

  • B 1 or thiamine;
  • B 2 or riboflavin;
  • B 3 or nicotinic acid;
  • B 4 or choline;
  • B 5 or pantothenic acid;
  • B 6 or pyridoxine;
  • B 7 or biotin;
  • B 8 or inositol;
  • B 9 or folic acid;
  • B 10 or para-aminobenzoic acid;
  • B 12 or cyanocobalamin.

Of the above vitamins, the most necessary for the body are B 1, B 2, B 6 and B 12. It is they who should be taken periodically in tablets. The remaining substances are needed by a person in a small amount, so they enter the body in abundance with food. The main symptom of vitamin B deficiency is chronic fatigue syndrome. In this regard, multivitamins based on group B are recommended for use in the following cases:

  • with high intellectual and mental stress;
  • with constant stress;
  • with diseases of the nervous system;
  • with violations of the functioning of the heart and circulatory system;
  • with any chronic pathologies;
  • with skin diseases;
  • with disorders of the digestive tract.

The main function of B vitamins is to provide the body with energy. It is these substances that play a major role in the formation of glucose from carbohydrates, the metabolism of proteins and lipids. Group B is rather unstable, compounds are not able to accumulate in tissues, quickly leave the body, and it is not always possible to eat fully and varied in the current realities. Therefore, both adults and children are periodically recommended to drink vitamin complexes.

Doctors usually prescribe B vitamins to patients either in injections or tablets. Tablets are more convenient to use than injections. In addition, many people do not like to take vitamin injections because of the rather strong pain.

List of the best vitamin preparations with B vitamins in the composition

Pharmacies today sell a huge number of good and effective vitamin complexes for adults and children. Below are the names and characteristics of the best B vitamins tablets.

  1. . A complex preparation based on vitamins of group B. Also in the composition of the tablets are retinol, tocopherol, ascorbic acid, mineral elements, ginseng extract. The drug is recommended for the prevention and treatment of nervous disorders, improving physical and intellectual performance, and eliminating the effects of stress. One tablet is taken at breakfast with water. Reception is carried out from 30 to 40 days. Contraindications: hypertension, epilepsy, hypercalcemia, increased nervous excitability, iron deficiency anemia. Do not take the drug to children under 16 years of age. Price: from 489 to 700 rubles.
  2. . The preparation contains vitamins B 6 , B 9 and B 12 . The complex is intended for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, ischemia, angiopathy, deterioration of blood circulation in the brain. One tablet should be taken per day. Reception lasts from 20 to 30 days. If the dosage is exceeded, side effects may occur: an allergic reaction, dizziness, headaches, sleep disturbance, nausea, excessive gas formation. Price: around 218 rubles.
  3. Neurobex. Dragees containing vitamins B 1 , B 6 , B 12 . Indications for use: disorders of the nervous system and digestive tract, impaired blood circulation, dermatitis and acne caused by a deficiency of B vitamins. Adults take 1-2 tablets three times a day, children - one tablet once or twice a day. You can not use the drug for children under 2 years old, as well as for people suffering from erythrocytosis, polycythemia, thromboembolism. The medication can cause side effects: nausea and an allergic reaction, accompanied by redness and irritation of the skin. The cost of the drug varies from 300 to 350 rubles.
  4. Neurovitan. A complex of vitamins, including thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine and cyanocobalamin. It is prescribed for pathologies of the nervous system, liver, heart, blood vessels. You can also use the drug to treat anemia, dermatitis, baldness, alcoholism, addiction to cigarettes. Daily dose for adults - 1 - 4 tablets, for children - up to 3 tablets, based on age. The course of admission is from 2 to 4 weeks. It is forbidden to combine the drug with alcoholic beverages. Price: 400-900 r.
  5. Blagomax Complex of vitamins of group B. Dietary supplement, contains riboflavin, pyridoxine, cyanocobalamin, inositol, nicotinic, folic and pantothenic acids. Indications for use: constant stress, intellectual and physical overload. One capsule should be taken daily with meals. Reception is carried out for a long time, at least 6 weeks. The drug is contraindicated in people prone to allergies, pregnant and breastfeeding women. Price: about 160 rubles.
  6. B-complex 50. A vitamin complex that includes all the vitamins of group B, as well as medicinal plant components: parsley, rice bran, watercress, alfalfa. It is recommended when disorders of the nervous system and digestive organs occur, vision weakens, the condition of hair, skin, and nail plates worsens. One tablet should be taken daily after meals. The drug is contraindicated in pregnancy, lactation, allergies. Cost: about 1500 rubles.
  7. Doppelherz active Magnesium + vitamins of group B. The composition of the drug includes thiamine, pyridoxine, cyanocobalamin, folic acid, magnesium. The complex is recommended for violations of the functioning of the heart, physical and mental overwork. One tablet should be taken per day. The appointment lasts a month. The drug is contraindicated in children, people prone to allergies, pregnant and breastfeeding women. Price: 244-282 rubles.

What vitamin complexes for children contain B vitamins?

For a child, B vitamins can be purchased not only in tablets, but also in syrup. The best children's vitamin preparations: Pikovit, Multi-tabs Kid, Adivit.

B vitamins must be taken properly so that they are absorbed well in the digestive tract. The drugs should be taken at the same time of day. You need to drink the tablets with water, you can not use too hot or cold drink. Vitamins can cause an allergic reaction, so the instructions should carefully look at how many tablets make up the daily dose, how long the intake should last.


The B-Complex provides good nutritional support to the nervous system. If all the B vitamins are present in your body at the same time, they interact with each other and contribute to energy production. They are important for your nerves, skin, hair, eyes and liver, are essential for the normal metabolism of fats and proteins and maintain the tone of the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract.

Vitamin complexBin tablets it is more appropriate to take than to try to organize a diet that includes a variety of vegetables, fruits, and meat. It is impossible to eat so much food to normalize and replenish the right amount of vitamins of this group. Group B includes the correct proportions of para-aminobenzoic acid, riboflavin, nicotinic acid, thiamine, choline, inositol, pyridoxine, biotin, folic acid, cyanocobalamin and pantothenic acid. This corresponds to designations B1 to B12.


  • Diseases of the nervous system, frequent or chronic emotional stress
  • Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract

The action of the B-Complex:

  • Replenishes the deficiency of B vitamins in the body
  • Helps strengthen the nervous system
  • Increases resistance to stress, depression, fatigue
  • Provides cardiovascular support
  • Beneficial effect on the liver, intestines, organs of vision, the condition of the skin and hair

Dosage and administration:

  • As a dietary supplement, take 1-2 tablets daily with meals.


  • Individual intolerance to any component that is part of the product.


  • In a cool (at a temperature not exceeding + 25 ° C.) and dry place.

Release form:

  • Tablets (60 tablets in a jar).

Composition (1 tablet):

  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 4.5 mg
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 6 mg
  • Vitamin B3 (niacinamide) 60 mg
  • Vitamin B5 (calcium pantothenate) 20 mg
  • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine HCl) 6 mg
  • Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) 9 mcg
  • Folic acid 400 mcg
  • Biotin 50 mcg
  • Choline 150 mg
  • Para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) 50 mg
  • Inositol 150 mg

Description of components:

The B vitamins are one of the most important nutrient groups. These vitamins are closely related, which gave rise to grouping them into a group often referred to as the B-Complex.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine)- one of the irreplaceable factors in the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. It normalizes the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, regulates the acidity of gastric juice, the motor function of the stomach and intestines.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) participates in the utilization of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, it is indispensable in the processes of body growth. Vitamin B2 regulates the state of the central and peripheral nervous system, has a positive effect on vision.

Vitamin B3 (niacin) participates in the processes of energy production, in the formation of a number of enzymes, normalizes carbohydrate and protein metabolism, has a positive effect on the digestive, nervous systems, heart, improves immunity. Vitamin B3 helps lower cholesterol levels, affects the synthesis of sex hormones, cortisone, thyroxine, insulin. It contributes to the saturation of brain cells with oxygen, increasing the efficiency of its work.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) participates in the synthesis of nucleic acids, regulates phosphorus-calcium metabolism, improves liver function, participates in hematopoiesis, lowers blood sugar, strengthens immunity. It plays an important role in the production of neurochemicals responsible for good mood. With a deficiency of this vitamin, there are disorders of the nervous system, depression.

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) normalizes the processes of hematopoiesis, the functioning of the liver and nervous system, regulates the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Folic acid participates in the synthesis of nucleic acids, hematopoiesis, prevents malformations of the neural tube in the fetus.

Biotype necessary for the synthesis of ascorbic acid, digestive enzymes. It is involved in the work of enzyme systems, contributes to the maintenance of healthy skin and hair.

Pantothenic acid(calcium pantothenate, vitamin B5) is necessary for the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, regulates the state of the central and peripheral nervous system, the work of the adrenal glands, takes part in the synthesis of hemoglobin, antibodies.

Choline and Inositol- two important lipotropic factors - contribute to the removal of cholesterol, are involved in the transmission of nerve impulses.

PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid) participates in the formation of folic acid.

B vitamins play an extremely important role in converting food into energy, in the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, and help improve energy production in the body.

B vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system and are one of the most important factors affecting the state of the nervous tissue. They normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system, as well as the liver, stomach and colon, and are necessary to maintain the tone of the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract.

B vitamins are water-soluble, the body cannot store them for a long time, so their amount must be replenished daily with the right diet or in the form of a dietary supplement.

B-Complex provides the body with all B vitamins at the same time. This dietary supplement is recommended for diseases of the nervous system, with frequent or chronic emotional stress, and with pathology of the gastrointestinal tract.

Additional Information

B vitamins traditionally used to treat various neurological diseases. Clinicians know that deficiencies in vitamins B1 (thiamine), B6 ​​(pyridoxine), and B12 (cobalamin) lead to peripheral nerve damage.

Thus, the lack of any of these vitamins will affect the state of the nervous system in one way or another. Given the fact that B vitamins are often found in a complex in foods, signs of vitamin deficiency are usually observed simultaneously. Since in our time there is practically no absolute deficiency of vitamins, the severity of symptoms may be different. For example, fatigue can go unnoticed for a long time until it interferes with the usual life routine.

In addition to fatigue, irritability, emotional instability, headache, sexual dysfunction, sensory disturbances, and trembling of the extremities can be common signs. And this is not a complete list of disorders caused by a deficiency of B vitamins.

Most vitamins do not circulate in the blood, but are located in the places of their activity or in the depot, so a blood test will not give accurate results. The main method for diagnosing hypovitaminosis remains clinical, that is, according to complaints and individual symptoms. Therefore, to determine the deficiency of B vitamins, you should first of all pay attention to the state of the nervous system.

Despite the fact that B vitamins take part in almost all metabolic processes, for some reason it is the nervous system that suffers first. This is most likely due to the extremely high intensity of this system.

Manifestations of hypovitaminosis can be different. As a rule, the first symptoms are rather vague and can go unnoticed by the person for a long time. Among them:

  • fatigue
  • weakness
  • chronic fatigue and exhaustion
  • decreased memory and performance
  • violations in cardiac activity (tingling, fading, discomfort).

Naturally, at this stage, few people pay attention to such manifestations. You can explain these symptoms by anything, including helminthiases and pregnancy. Following these symptoms, various neurological disorders occur, the main ones are:

  • tingling and numbness of the fingers and toes
  • crawling sensation on the skin
  • nervousness, irritability
  • obsessive fears
  • depression
  • sleep disturbance
  • sexual dysfunction

Often there are skin lesions in the form of furunculosis or acne. When it comes to severe neurological symptoms, this is usually followed by a visit to a neurologist.

Particular attention should be paid to this group of vitamins for people with pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, especially with malabsorption syndrome, when the absorption of not only essential nutrients, but also vitamins is impaired. It is also known that any disease of the digestive system adversely affects the intestinal microflora, which plays a significant role in the synthesis and absorption of B vitamins.

  • Increase the content of foods containing B vitamins in your diet. These are cereals, wholemeal bread, nuts, and lactic acid products.
  • Reduce or eliminate refined sugar from your diet. This product robs our body of B vitamins.
  • Do not use synthetic products and preservatives.
  • Stop abusing alcohol, coffee and smoking.
  • Increase your resilience to stress through regular exercise and proper rest.
  • Eliminate all possible foci of infection. It can be caries, tonsillitis and any infection, both manifesting itself and hidden. Any infectious process in the body consumes vitamins.
  • Start taking a vitamin B complex.

Vitamins and useful elements are vital for a person. Their balance keeps the body healthy and beautiful. Hypovitaminosis of B vitamins is often observed. Therefore, it is required to take complexes in tablets and other forms.

Vitamin B is not one vitamin, but a whole composition of substances that are combined into one group. They are numbered from B1 to B12, some of them have their own name.

The main vitamins of group B:

Vitamin Function
IN 1It is called thiamine. It converts BJU into energy.
IN 2It is called riboflavin. Vitamin is involved in metabolism and plays an important role for the skin, for the functioning of the visual organs.
IN 3Its name is nicotinic acid or vitamin PP. It combines proteins and fats. Vitamin extracts energy from all substances that contain calories.
AT 5Its name is pantothenic acid. It has a wound healing effect.
AT 6Includes pyridoxine and pyridoxamine. Vitamin ensures the normal functioning of the nervous system, ensures the synthesis of hemoglobin, is involved in the work of carbohydrate metabolism.
AT 7In another way, H or biotin. It helps release energy from substances that contain calories.
AT 9Vitamin M, folic acid. Acid is essential for growth and development. It promotes cell division. Taking B9 is mandatory during the period of bearing a child, as it helps the fetus to develop.
AT 12It is called cyanocobalamin. It affects the functioning of the nervous system.

B4, B8 and B10 are not vitamins, but are also important for the life of the human body. Vitamin-like substance B4 helps memory work and regulates the amount of insulin in the body. B8 is an antioxidant and antidepressant. It helps keep the skin healthy, and it also removes fat from the liver. B10 - activates the intestinal flora, helps the body absorb protein.

The benefits of B vitamins

B vitamins (in tablets, syrups and other forms) have a positive effect on the body.

What does it consist of:

Indications for taking vitamins

You can not take vitamin complexes constantly, there are indications for taking them. Without them, excess vitamins in the body can lead to health problems.

Vitamins of group B in tablets have indications for taking:


In some cases, it is forbidden to take vitamin complexes.

Contraindications for admission:

  • Tendency to allergic reaction. Many of the B vitamins have allergic side effects.
  • AT 12 it is forbidden to use during pregnancy and lactation, with erythrocytosis and thromboembolism.
  • AT 6 should not be taken in conditions of severe stress and depression (loss of a loved one, deep depression, recent surgery, state of shock). It is forbidden to take B6 for diseases of the liver and thyroid gland, as well as intestinal pathologies, diagnosed anemia.
  • AT 5 it is forbidden to take in the presence of ulcers and during the period of use of the drug levodopa. Vitamin B2 should not be taken during the use of hormonal contraceptives and during the treatment of psychiatric diseases.
  • IN 3 not allowed to use with stomach ulcers, liver pathologies.
  • IN 1 not prescribed for allergy sufferers. Pharmacies sell vitamin complexes in which various vitamins of this group can be combined. Therefore, before buying and taking it, it is best to consult with your doctor (for example, a therapist, or a narrow specialist), or at least read the instructions for using the drug.

The best vitamin complexes. Instructions for use

Vitamins of group B in tablets are produced by various manufacturers.

List of the best of them:

  • Blagomax.
  • "Nutrilight".
  • "Beauty Complex".
  • BioMax.
  • Solgar.
  • "Lutein" for the eyes.
  • Vitrum.
  • "Complex Mega B".
  • "Pentovit".
  • Amway.
  • Gerimaks.
  • "Complivit".


Producer - Russia, NABISS company. Price - about 200 rubles. The vitamin complex is available in the form of capsules packed in a jar of 90 pcs.

What vitamins are included in the complex:

  • IN 2- good for the thyroid gland.
  • IN 3- helps to get rid of bad cholesterol.
  • AT 5- stimulates the production of glucocosteroids - hormones produced by the adrenal cortex.
  • AT 6- helps the growth of blood cells and the formation of antibodies.
  • AT 8- will protect the walls of blood vessels from fragility, help to normalize the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Folic acid- affects the growth and development of all tissues. It is indispensable when carrying a child.
  • AT 12- will not allow cells to experience oxygen starvation, maintains hemoglobin levels.

How to take Blacomax:

  • You need to take a vitamin complex in a course that lasts from 1 to 1.5 months.
  • Daily dose - 1 capsule.
  • You need to take the capsule with food.


  • Acceptable price.
  • The drug is limited to 1 time per day.
  • Big package.

Cons - the capsule is difficult to swallow.


Manufacturer - USA, Amway company. Price - 1100 - 1200 rubles. Nutrilight is available in the form of tablets, which are packaged in 100 pcs. in plastic jars. The complex contains 8 vitamins from group B.

Among them:

How to take a vitamin complex:

  • You need to take vitamins daily.
  • You need to take the tablets with meals.


  • A large number of pcs. packaged.
  • 1 dose for the whole day.


  • There are contraindications.
  • High price.

The Nutrilight brand of vitamins is based on 100% herbal ingredients. All of them are grown in the company's own production.

"Beauty complex"

Producer - Russia, VitaLine company. Price - 300-400 rubles. The complex is produced for women.

The drug is produced in the form of oblong tablets packed in blisters. A total of 30 pcs in a pack. In addition to B vitamins, dietary supplements contain other useful elements.

What is included in the "Beauty-Complex":

  • Zinc.
  • Iron.
  • Rutin.
  • Calcium.
  • Magnesium.
  • Beta carotene.
  • Vitamin E.
  • Vitamin D3.
  • Vitamin C.
  • Proanthocyanidins.


  • The complex was created specifically taking into account the needs of the female body.
  • Packing is enough for 1 course.
  • Acceptable price.


  • There are contraindications.
  • An allergic reaction is possible.
  • The large size of the tablets makes it difficult to swallow.


Producer - Russia, the company Valenta Pharmaceuticals. The price for a pack of 60 tablets is 300-350 rubles.

B vitamins in BioMax tablets are not the only useful elements in the composition of the product. The multivitamin complex includes 12 vitamins and 8 macronutrients to restore the balance of nutrients in the body. BAA is produced in packs of 30 and 60 pcs. Type - coated tablets with a specific odor.

Vitamins and macronutrients in the composition of the product:

  • Lipoic acid.
  • Vitamin C.
  • Vitamin A.
  • Vitamin B1.
  • Vitamin B2.
  • Folic acid.
  • Vitamin E.
  • Vitamin B12.
  • Vitamin B6.
  • Vitamin B5.
  • Vitamin RR.
  • Vitamin R.
  • Iron.
  • Zinc.
  • Calcium.
  • Copper.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Kolbat.
  • Magnesium.
  • Manganese.

How to take BioMax:

  • For children over 12 years of age and adults, the daily dosage is 1 tablet.
  • It must be taken after eating.
  • It is necessary to take dietary supplements in a course of 3 months.
  • It is necessary to take the tablet with a large amount of liquid - preferably clean water.
  • On the advice of a doctor, with severe beriberi and depletion of the body, it is allowed to increase the dosage to 2 tablets per day.


  • Daily dose - 1 tablet.
  • Acceptable price.


  • Long course of admission -3 months.
  • There are contraindications.


Manufacturer - USA, Solgar company. Price - about 1,200 rubles.

The drug is available in the form of round yellow tablets with a smell. They are packaged in a glass jar that holds 250 pcs. Solgar vitamin B complex, anti-stress formula - a complex of plant origin. Recommended by the manufacturer as a dietary supplement that supports immunity, provides energy to the body and the absence of stress.

What Solgar contains:

  • Vitamin C.
  • Vitamin B2.
  • Vitamin B3.
  • Vitamin B6.
  • Vitamin B9.
  • Vitamin B12.
  • Vitamin B7.
  • Vitamin B5.
  • Vitamin B4.
  • Vitamin B8.
  • A mixture of powdered kelp.
  • Leaves and stems of alfalfa.
  • Rose hip.

How to take Solgar:

  • You need to take dietary supplements courses. The duration of 1 course is 1-1.5 months.
  • You need to take Solgar daily.
  • Vitamins are taken with meals.
  • The number of doses per day - 2 times 1 tablet.


  • plant composition.
  • Big package.


  • Not found in regular pharmacies.
  • High price.

"Lutein Intensive" for the eyes

Producer - Russia, the company Evalar. Price - 300 rubles.

This is a specially selected composition to improve the functioning of the visual organ. It allows you to accumulate lutein to the norm required by human vision. It is prescribed by ophthalmologists in case of deterioration of vision or for prevention in case of an observed tendency to worsen (frequent exposure to a computer screen, genetic predisposition).

What is collected in the dietary supplement:

  • lutein.
  • Zeaxanthin.
  • Vitamin A.
  • Vitamin B1.
  • Vitamin B6.
  • Vitamin B2.
  • Vitamin C.
  • A nicotinic acid.
  • Zinc.

How to take Lutein Intensive:

  • It is allowed to take Lutein for children over 14 years old and adults.
  • The daily dose of the drug is 2 tablets.
  • The number of receptions per day - 1.
  • You need to take Lutein in a course.


  • Allowed to take teenagers from 14 years.
  • Acceptable price.


  • Take more than 1 time per day.
  • Small package.
  • There are contraindications.


Manufacturer - USA, Unipharm company. Price - 500 rubles. Universal dietary supplement containing 13 vitamins and 15 mineral components. "Vitrum" is produced in the form of dragees, packaged in jars of 60 pcs.

What vitamins are included in dietary supplements:

  • Vitamin E.
  • Vitamin A.
  • Vitamin D3.
  • Vitamin K1.
  • Vitamin B1.
  • Vitamin B5.
  • Vitamin B6.
  • Folic acid.
  • Vitamin B12.
  • Vitamin RR.
  • Vitamin H.
  • Vitamin B2.
  • Vitamin C.

How to take the universal complex "Vitrum":


  • The price is acceptable.
  • One dose for the whole day.


  • There are contraindications.
  • An allergic reaction to the components of the dietary supplement is possible.

"Complex Mega-B"

Manufacturer - USA, Irwin Naturals Price - 1,800 rubles. These vitamins differ in the form of release. Standard vitamin complexes are sold in the form of tablets, and the Mega B Complex is sold in the form of gel capsules, they are filled with liquid. The dietary supplement includes medium chain triglycerides. They are rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream and become a source of energy.

Also, Irwin Naturals has patented the BioPerine complex, which is also found in dietary supplements. It increases the bioavailability of the drug and its absorption.

The entire list of vitamins and nutrients of the Mega B Complex:

  • Vitamin B5.
  • Vitamin B7.
  • Vitamin B3.
  • Thiamine.
  • Vitamin B2.
  • Niacin.
  • Vitamin B6.
  • Vitamin B12.
  • Medium chain triglycerides.
  • Dimethiglycine.
  • BioPerine Complex (it includes black pepper and ginger).

How to take Mega Complex B:

  • Addiction to food intake - consume dietary supplements while eating.
  • The number of receptions per day - 1.
  • The number of capsules consumed per day - 1 pc.


  • The herbal composition of the product.
  • 1 dose for the whole day.
  • A large number of useful substances collected in the composition.


  • High price.
  • There are contraindications.
  • An allergy may occur.
  • Difficult to find in pharmacies.


Manufacturer - Russia. Price - 150 rubles. The complex is recommended as an assistant to improve skin health.

What Pentovit includes:

  • Vitamin B1.
  • Vitamin B12.
  • Vitamin B6.
  • Folic acid.

How to take Pentovit:

  • Must be taken after eating.
  • The number of receptions per day - 3.
  • The number of tablets used for 1 dose is from 2 to 4. The dosage depends on the doctor's prescription.
  • You need to take the drug in a course that is up to 4 weeks.

Pentovit - popular B vitamins in tablets.


  • Low price.
  • Helps maintain healthy skin, hair and nails.


  • Multiplicity of reception - 3 times.
  • A side effect, expressed in the form of an allergy, is possible.


Manufacturer - USA, Amway company. Price - 1,000 rubles. Dietary supplement has established itself as a source of additional energy during the period of active physical exertion, after stress, or hypovitaminosis.

What is included in the dietary supplement:

How to take vitamins:

  • Every day you need to drink 1 tablet.
  • The tablet must be taken with food.
  • Take the course, which is better to check with the observing doctor.


  • 1 dose for the whole day.
  • A large number of B vitamins in the composition.


  • High price.
  • There are contraindications.


Manufacturer - Denmark. Price - 700-800 rubles. A vitamin complex that is recommended by manufacturers as an assistant during the rehabilitation period, after severe stress, or during high fatigue.

What is included in the dietary supplement:

  • Ginseng extract (root).
  • Thiamine.
  • Vitamin B2.
  • Vitamin B12.
  • Vitamin B9.
  • Vitamin C.
  • Vitamin E.
  • Vitamin A.
  • Magnesium.
  • Zinc.
  • Copper.
  • Molybdenum.
  • Chromium.
  • Manganese.
  • Nicotinamide.
  • Iron.
  • calcium pantothenate.

How to take Gerimaks:

  • The required amount of the drug per day for prophylactic use is 1 tablet.
  • The manufacturer recommends taking Gerimaks in the morning.
  • Addiction to food intake - take after or during a meal.


  • A large number of vitamins and useful elements in the composition.
  • Daily dose - 1 tablet.


  • High price.
  • You can not take the drug for epilepsy, irritability, with impaired absorption of iron.


Producer - Russia, the company PharmStandard UfaVita. Price - for 60 tablets is approximately 300 rubles. Complivit involves the collection of beneficial substances that interact with each other. Vitamins are available in the form of tablets, convex on 2 sides, with a smell. Contains 8 minerals and 11 vitamins. Among them are vitamins of group B. The complex is packaged in jars of 30 or 60 tablets.

What is included:

  • Thiamine.
  • Riboflavin.
  • Pyridoxine.
  • Folic acid.
  • Cyanocobalamin.
  • Nicotinamide.
  • Vitamin C.
  • Rutoside.
  • Calcium.
  • Lipoic acid.
  • Iron.
  • Copper.
  • Calcium.
  • Zinc.
  • Cobalt.
  • Manganese.
  • Magnesium.
  • Phosphorus.
  • tocopherol acetate.

How to take Complivit:

  • You need to take a vitamin complex after a meal.
  • The number of doses per day is 1. Twice a day, it is allowed to take as directed by a doctor during acute beriberi.
  • The number of tablets consumed per day - 1 pc.


  • A large number of vitamins in the composition of the complex.
  • Acceptable price.


  • There is a risk of an allergy to the components of the drug.
  • There are contraindications.

B vitamins are vital for the human body to maintain the health and normal functioning of all systems. With their shortage, complexes are prescribed, which are available in tablets or other forms.

Article formatting: Lozinsky Oleg

Video about B vitamins in tablets

Vitamins of group B, complex preparations:
