Hieroglyph prosperity meaning reviews. How to choose the right character

150 rituals to attract money Romanova Olga Nikolaevna

Hieroglyph "Money"

Hieroglyph "Money"

This is the most commonly used hieroglyph to attract money (Fig. 87). It attracts monetary energy to the home or office, depending on the location. Mentally referring to the hieroglyph or contemplating it helps to increase income and get rich.

A hieroglyph can be drawn and put in a place where money is stored - a wallet, a safe, a box. This hieroglyph, together with money, brings a certain freedom.

With enough money, you can do what you love.

Figure 87. Hieroglyph "Money"

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Eastern culture has become very popular all over the world. In our country, its 2 branches are especially widespread: Chinese and Japanese. In particular, it has become very fashionable to apply Chinese and Japanese characters to furniture, dishes, paintings and clothes.

Most often this is done simply as a style element. However, not everyone knows that with their help you can change your life for the better, or at least just improve your financial condition.

Hieroglyphs in Feng Shui Philosophy

Oriental hieroglyphs appear in Feng Shui for attracting happiness and wealth. This ancient Eastern philosophy of success and prosperity is at the same time a science, which, with the help of the positive energy of various symbols, should attract happiness and well-being to a person. One of these ways to create an appropriate aura around yourself is to write hieroglyphs.

For Europeans, as well as for any other people unfamiliar with this writing, hieroglyphs are an incomprehensible set of squiggles and dashes. But everything is not so simple. Each of these symbols represents a kind of prototype of the surrounding world.

They can represent water, mountains, people, trees, and the like. This gives the hieroglyphs the power that rightfully makes them one of the most effective talismans for attracting money into a person’s life, as well as happiness, love and good luck.

Varieties of hieroglyphs

The Japanese and Chinese alphabets are very rich in various characters, but this is precisely what makes it difficult to choose the most suitable one, because not all of them have positive energy. In addition, some of them are very similar when translated into Russian, but have a different meaning for native speakers. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a hieroglyph with the utmost care if you want to attract good luck, fame or success.

The first of these characters is the Chinese character for Wealth. Most people with this phrase represent something material. But the Chinese language denotes the character "Wealth" as a great creative potential and spiritual benefits. It all depends on the location of this symbol. If you are directly interested financial well-being, then it should be placed in the zone responsible for the monetary side of life. It is recommended to give to relatives and friends. And the more positive energy is given, the more it comes to the giver.

The hieroglyph "Money", in contrast to the above, is ideal for financial well-being. It attracts finance to the place where it is located. It can contribute to the formation of several sources of income. A person, having received such a symbol, begins to make a profit literally from everything that he undertakes.

The hieroglyph "Prosperity" is able to awaken all aspects of life. It can be placed anywhere, but it is advisable to use it in a sector where there is a certain stagnation in a given period, which needs to be moved. This sign will bring health, love, financial success and good luck to the house.

Wish Fulfillment awakens the energy associated with dreams and desires. It is very good if he is in the house. So he will help to realize all plans and ideas, both business and personal. He will serve great gift for friends and relatives. And what more give it to people, having previously bought it for yourself, the stronger the effect of the amulet will be.

The Abundance symbol attracts not only wealth, but also fame. It attracts exactly what the person most wants to achieve. It attracts abundance in all areas of life. Well suited for use in combination with other characters that are important in a certain period of life.

Sign " business success» is equally well suited for both business and creative people. He is able to attract customers and partners to business, ensure the successful completion of any undertakings and help a person gain new opportunities and ideas. The most successful place for its placement are offices and desktops. With it, the energy of creativity and activity will be concentrated in the workplace.

Symbol "Happiness" - a sign good wishes. It's meant to wake up internal energy and mental strength. Each person understands the meaning of happiness in his own way. For some, this is newfound love, for others - creative success, for others - achieving heights in a career. This symbol will contribute precisely to the area that is the criterion of happiness for a particular person.

There is also the sign "Double Happiness", which in China is considered to be a symbol that brings harmony in marriage and the fulfillment of all dreams. This amulet helps not only its owner, but also his second half. Accordingly, happiness and good luck in the family becomes twice as much. Presenting such a sign close person as a gift means sincere wishes all the best to him and serves as a manifestation of deep friendship.

How to use hieroglyphs correctly

If you want to achieve luck, wealth, etc. from hieroglyphs, you need to remember the following recommendations:

  1. Use only those characters whose meaning you are sure.
  2. Choose signs according to the effect you want to achieve.
  3. Use hieroglyphs of protection separately from activating amulets.
  4. Symbols that contribute to the improvement of personality and self-knowledge, it is desirable to place in your best sector and use separately from activating amulets.

The following tips will also help increase the effectiveness of hieroglyphs:

  1. The drawing acquires the greatest effect if it is applied to a material of natural origin, for example, stone, wood or fabric.
  2. To attract wealth, the amulet is best placed in a place where money is most often found. It would be optimal if the money is always there, for example, in a safe or wallet.
  3. Also, according to the philosophy of Feng Shui, the southeastern part is responsible for financial well-being in the house. Therefore, it is best to place the talisman there.
  4. There is a rule according to which you can turn on the energy of the influx of money. To do this, you need to give a banknote to another person. At the same time, the gift should come from the heart, as well as wishes of happiness and prosperity. Under these conditions, the giver will receive much more than he gives.
  5. The hieroglyphs that bring financial well-being receive the greatest energy if you draw them with your own hands. If a person who wants to attract money doubts his calligraphic abilities or the correct spelling of a particular symbol, then you can print it out and make a stencil with which everything will turn out very well.
  6. It is also of great importance correct sequence character writing. It should be depicted only from top to bottom and from left to right. However, this should not be done mechanically. Slowly drawing a hieroglyph, you need to fully concentrate on the desire to attract wealth, think only about how to increase your capital and improve financial well-being.
  7. Before installing a hieroglyph in any place, you should make sure that there are no protective talismans nearby. Their presence can partially or completely block the energy of hieroglyphs to attract money. This will reduce all efforts to zero.

If everything is done correctly, then the effect of these talismans will not keep you waiting. It will happen imperceptibly, but also adamantly. Money will gradually come even from those sources that, it would seem, should not bring them.

Each Chinese character has an amazing pattern with its own unique origin, meaning and history.

First mention in history

Opinions concerning exact date origin of hieroglyphs, diverge. Some sources mention a connection with the Yin dynasty, others mention a period of existence that fits into four thousand years. Whatever the truth, and whatever the dispute leads to, scientists agree on one thing - the antiquity of hieroglyphs in Chinese undeniable.

The Chinese are very proud of their writing and often describe the hieroglyphs as a reflection of a single whole between heaven and man. In ancient times, turtle shells and bones of dead animals were used for writing. Over time, hieroglyphs migrated to bronze and steel utensils, weapons and paper books. The art of writing developed along with civilization, calligraphy appeared. The writing of hieroglyphs is not just an image of the necessary information, but also the transmission of inspiration, a bright range of feelings and emotional upsurges.

Today we will talk about Chinese and its meaning, but first, let's understand where these unique meanings come from.

What is hidden in the letter

Hieroglyphs have long been part of decorative ornaments and tattoos. Knowing their meaning is useful, if only in order not to write something funny or bad where it is not required. in our understanding can be compared with runes. It is believed that with the help of certain hieroglyphs, you can attract happiness, love, health, wealth and much, much more into your life.

Is it true? Let's check together. In the next part of the article, we will analyze the Chinese character, a very popular sign among Feng Shui lovers and connoisseurs of Asian culture.

What does the Chinese character for "Luck" look like?

Many believe that this sign can really make fate more favorable. It consists of two parts: at the top is "shi", at the bottom - "kou". The meaning of "shi" is a wise man and a person with deep spiritual development. As for "kou", it contains the image of speech, words and instructions. According to the Chinese, the combination of these two particles not only reveals a deep meaning, but also gives a great boost of energy that has been inspiring people for several thousand years.

You will find a photo of the Chinese character "Luck" in our article.

attracting fortune

The wording can be interpreted as "a word spoken by a sage". So how can this meaning be associated with luck? What impact can it have on the modern world?

In fact, the answer to these questions is quite simple and fully consistent with Chinese philosophy. In their opinion, any person, regardless of his national origin, gender and age, can be happy. The secret lies in the fulfillment of all spiritual rules. If someone feels they have lost their life path, then he needs to ask the advice of a sage, and then fortune will not leave the seeker.

In order for the power of the Chinese character "Luck" to be activated, it is necessary to correctly unleash its potential. The main thing to remember and follow is to constantly carry the symbol with you. Its location should be chosen wisely: it can be in a wallet, be in the form of a pendant or show off on a car glass in the form of a sign - the closer to the body, the better. The hieroglyph placed in the apartment will help strengthen the energy. If luck is required in work matters, then you should make sure that the sign is in the workplace.

You can understand these issues with the help of the art of Feng Shui. It will reveal even more information about hieroglyphs and talk about how to use them in everyday life.

Everyone knows the expression "Chinese letter". It denotes something complex, incomprehensible to those who are deprived of knowledge in a certain area. Indeed, in the grammar of many Eastern peoples hieroglyphic writing is accepted, and the symbols themselves are simply countless.

Chinese literacy in practice

Each hieroglyphic sign consists of the so-called radicals, which have an independent meaning. Do those who have taken up the study of Chinese or memorize them all? Their number is estimated at a five-digit figure, but in everyday life "very few" are used - five thousand. To read periodicals and popular literature, knowledge and two thousand is enough. But the main thing is not cramming, but understanding the system by which the meaning of a word (and sometimes the whole sentence) can be guessed. For example, consider the hieroglyph "love", meaning the most important concept in the life of every person, regardless of language, race and nationality. How do the Japanese and Chinese write (or rather, draw) it?

What's with the claws and paws?

It does not seem simple, and in order to understand it, one should plunge into the world of complex associative rules. Only those who comprehend to some extent the way of thinking of the great and ancient people can learn to calligraphically correctly reproduce symbols.

The hieroglyph "love" consists of four parts-radicals, located from top to bottom. The upper design, reminiscent of an inverted Russian letter "Ш", written in bold strokes, with a wide base and an inclined last stick symbolizes a claw or paw. Apparently, this is how the ancient Chinese understood the ruthlessness of feeling and its tenacity. After all, we also say that love is not like a potato, and if you throw it out the window, then it will enter the door. And Cupid's arrow is a rather sharp object. In general, it is easy to hurt the heart, and it is good if the feeling is mutual, otherwise it will hurt.


Then comes the roof. What does it have to do with love attraction, a European may not be clear. But the housing issue, which, according to one of Bulgakov's characters, greatly spoiled the Muscovites, apparently damaged the Chinese people back in those ancient times when their writing was being formed. It is possible, of course, to understand this radical not so literally, but in a figurative sense. The second in order, and perhaps in meaning, the line that makes up the Chinese character for “love” most likely indicates a connection with the place where the feeling settled. Namely, in the heart.

A heart

This organ in all nations is the home and receptacle of tender and, on the contrary, cruel emotions. Both love and hate live in it, grow and die. Why do people all over the world feel this way? Probably because a rapid heartbeat is the most pronounced sign of excitement. And the symbol of this blood pump is indicated by two lines intersecting at an angle.

Another similar slanted cross, but with a short segment added to the top of the stick, going from right to left and up, means something completely incomprehensible to a person who thinks in a European way. This radical symbolizes a certain slowly moving creature with many legs. But you can find logic in this figure, it’s enough to remember the love yearning that deprives you of strength. Head spinning, legs tangled...

In general, if we combine all four components, it turns out that the hieroglyph “love” contains the following information: “a feeling settled under the roof of the heart that stuck its claws, disturbed the peace so that you want to go somewhere, but you have no strength.”

How about the Japanese?

The scripts are borrowed from China. This happened in the fifth century AD, and this explains the common ideographic features of the two neighboring peoples. If you carefully consider the Japanese hieroglyph "love", then in its radicals you can distinguish all the elements of its Chinese prototype: the roof, and the claws, and the heart, and even a slow gait, though not immediately. Writing calligraphers from the Country rising sun more soft and smooth lines. It also sounds different. If the letter “R” is completely absent in Chinese, then in Japanese the same applies to the sound “L”. The interpretation of radicals differs in the same way as phonetics.

In the national character of the Japanese, an important place is occupied by the voluntary imposition of obligations and their careful observance. They will never say, like us: "I don't owe anything to anyone." If the homeland, family, parents or enterprise consider that a person needs to do this and not otherwise, then he will give up his emotions or desires and fulfill their will. And if a Japanese loves, then this eternal love. The hieroglyph consists of many dashes and lines, deciphered by a whole set of feelings. Here and energy, and spiritual intimacy, and peace, and union. In general, almost ideal with some national specifics. The spelling of a character may vary depending on what meaning is attached to it (koi or kanji).

Hieroglyphic tattoos

Once upon a time, sailors adorned their bodies with many blue images, reminiscent of distant lands, storms and storms. In places of detention, there was also a tradition of making “tattoos”, and not just like that, but with a certain meaning that was understandable to the “prisoners” (well, law enforcement officers too - even reference books labeled “for official use” were printed). Ordinary men, not weighed down by prison experience and not plowing the seas, also sometimes had underwear inscriptions, but simpler (“Sonya”, “Masha”, “I will not forget my mother”, etc.).

In our time, which is characterized by a passion for Eastern philosophical concepts, everything has become much more sophisticated. Not immediately and not everyone will be able to understand what this or that hieroglyphic tattoo means. "Love" is now pricked in Japanese or Chinese, in different parts bodies and not always, unfortunately, in the correct spelling. But it should be remembered that oriental calligraphy is an art that masters have been studying for years, and any inaccuracy can lead to the sign either acquiring a completely opposite meaning, or becoming a meaningless set of squiggles. In addition, the adherents of Buddhism, Shintoism and other overseas religious and philosophical teachings themselves believe that a wearable image can affect fate. So being careful never hurts.

Is it possible without hieroglyphs?

By means of the Russian language it is very difficult to convey the phonetics of a Japanese, Chinese or, for example, Vietnamese word. The meaning of the expression, from direct to opposite, depends on how the speaker "sings" a set of sounds. During the time of great friendship between the USSR and the PRC, the idea arose to translate the spelling of words in the Celestial Empire into Cyrillic, abolishing a huge number of characters, just as they had previously simplified Russian grammar, removing “yati”, “era” and other supposedly unnecessary letters from it. But this project, despite the obvious logic, did not take place. This explains what adorns the hieroglyph "love" in the photo of the chosen ones of Chinese and Japanese young people to this day.

About names

It seems to write Chinese or Japanese word Russian is very simple. This is done by everyone who maintains or sells radio equipment, cars or other equipment from the Land of the Rising Sun or the Middle Kingdom. There are many brands: Mitsubishi (or Mitsubishi?), Subaru, Matsushita (again, maybe Matsushita?). And there are names (for example, Emperor Hirohito).

The extent to which our pronunciation corresponds to the original can be judged by the inimitable Japanese accent. If the girl's name is Any, the Japanese will say "Ryuba" when addressing her. And if he is afraid to forget, and he needs to write down the name? Is there a suitable hieroglyph? Lyubov Petrovna, for example, may not understand that they are addressing her. However, resourceful residents find the necessary radicals, trying to convey with them all the richness of the Russian language. It turns out, however, with difficulty.

For several decades, tattoos with Japanese and Chinese characters have been popular. They attract people with their hidden meaning, secret antiquity and magical meanings. Hieroglyphs belong to inscription tattoos, however, due to the peculiarities of the language, they look more like a drawing.

Traditional Chinese script

Hanzi - traditional Chinese script, officially used in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau and even outside the country. There are about 47 thousand hieroglyphs in this language, but not all of them are used. For a competent letter, you need to know about four thousand characters.

Many Chinese words are composed of several characters, where one sign means one syllable. In addition to traditional Chinese writing, there is also a simplified one, which was invented to improve literacy in the country. Simplified characters have fewer strokes than traditional ones, and are used in China, Singapore, and Malaysia.

Chinese characters are considered the most ancient compared to the rest, they are used in Chinese, as well as in Korean and Japanese. Until 1945, this script was used even in Vietnam.

No one knows how many hieroglyphs exist (it is assumed that about 50 thousand), since their number and appearance are constantly changing.

Around the world, about a thousand different characters are used every day. This amount is enough for about 93% of the printed material.

Writing hieroglyphs

The Chinese consider it normal to know two thousand characters. The spelling of the character depends on its designation, for example, 一 is read as and, its meaning is one. The hieroglyph containing the most dashes is composed of three characters - 龍, translated as "dragon" and pronounced "moon".

Chinese writing retains its form throughout the country and is independent of dialect. If you need to report something, and you write a message on paper, then a Chinese from any province will understand you.

Keys in Chinese characters are called graphical components. Separately, they are simple signs and help to attribute the hieroglyph to a separate topic. For example, the key 人 can have different meanings in different characters:

  • By itself, it translates as "man";
  • In the character 亾 means death;
  • In the 亿 sign, it takes on the meaning "many", "one hundred million";
  • In the hieroglyph 仂, it is translated as "remainder";
  • The character 仔 with this sign means "child".

Tattoos are also complex, telling a story. So the client can imprint on his body a little story that has for him great importance. Most often, inscriptions are in Chinese and Japanese, but there are also Korean and Vietnamese hieroglyphs.

Many stuff tattoos as a talisman, considering them part of ancient culture China and Japan. Such tattoos do not present any difficulty for masters, as they have small size(most often no more than a palm).

Often people choose simple characters that mean one word. Also, masters make tattoos denoting some phrase. You can prick both a proverb and your own phrase.

Most tattoos are filled with black ink, sometimes red or white is used. It happens that hieroglyphs serve as an addition to a large tattoo - for example, a dragon.

Examples of hieroglyphs with translation

Tattoo parlors offer each client a standard set of hieroglyphs. Most often, these symbols are used as talisman tattoos.


According to the Chinese, happiness depends on the patronage of Heaven and the Gods. The tattoo is aimed at good luck, happiness and luck in any field.

Great happiness

Such a tattoo is considered very strong talisman. Many believe that she grants wishes. It is best to use it to attract happiness in a relationship with a soulmate.


Helps to attract happy love. It helps to make love mutual, attract a life partner and gives happiness and peace.

Eternal love

Also used as a talisman, personifies "love to the grave", mutual understanding, support, sincere and happy love. Keeps fiery love forever and supports the feelings of two people.


Great idea for a talisman tattoo. Saves luck and increases it, gives luck.


It helps to create the right atmosphere to attract wealth, prosperity in the right area. Provides both material and spiritual wealth. Brings both money and good luck, luck. It is a good amulet.


The most common type of tattoo. Helps in attracting wealth and money. If this sign is placed indoors, it also attracts wealth. It looks like a hieroglyph of wealth, but it attracts only money, prosperity and good luck in such matters.


Helps with promotion career ladder, regulates failures in life. It is used to attract good luck in the desired field of activity. It is considered not only a talisman, but also a talisman.


Brings prosperity to the house of the tattoo wearer, both monetary and moral. Similar to the hieroglyph of prosperity, it attracts good luck in the desired field of activity.

Strengthens health and increases life expectancy. It is considered a talisman and protects from death at a young age.


Increases physical and spiritual strength, tempers the moral foundation, helps the owner to cope with problems more efficiently and quickly. Suitable for exemplary families.


It is used to achieve inner harmony, attract and maintain a good mood.


Helps in solving health problems, restores physical and mental strength. Extends life and its quality.


It means great responsibility, power. Can be used for tattoos for some personal beliefs.

the beauty

It is considered a talisman to attract beauty, retains external and internal attractiveness.

Makes the owner of the tattoo more bold and courageous, helps to cope with difficulties.


It represents freedom of action and the desire to do things your way. Helps get rid of bad habits or occupations.


It characterizes the owner of the tattoo as a strong and strong-willed person and helps to maintain this quality.


It personifies sublimity, inspiration, contributes to the fulfillment of desires.

Fulfillment of desires

Like the previous hieroglyph, it helps in the fulfillment of cherished desires; it is a more powerful amulet in comparison with it.

Proverbs in Chinese

Often, fans of Chinese or Japanese culture, who trust the horoscope, stuff their zodiac sign in the horoscope of China or Japan on their skin. The most common place for a tattoo is the neck (sometimes the stomach or back). You can also get a tattoo on the arm, shoulder, behind the ear or on the ankle.

The Chinese and Japanese prefer English-translated hieroglyphs as tattoos, often with a bunch of mistakes. Europeans often get by with tattoos with a primitive meaning.

You can also choose a tattoo that means some proverb or word that has for you special meaning. Such a tattoo will become your personal talisman. The photo below shows hieroglyphs denoting simple objects:

If you want a tattoo with several hieroglyphs at once, select a proverb or the desired phrase. It can express your life credo, character and life goals. In addition, Chinese proverbs are very instructive and interesting. You can choose any proverb in the photo below:

Many celebrities get tattoos in the form of hieroglyphs, believing in their magical power or putting a special meaning. For instance, Janet Jacon has several tattoos of hieroglyphs on his neck.

Britney Spears filled with a hieroglyph, which in translation means "strange." The singer claims that she wanted to get a tattoo with the translation "mystical", but did not get the desired result.

With another singer Melanie C, also has a tattoo on his shoulder, denoting "Girl Power" (girl power). This phrase was the motto musical group Spice girls. Singer Pink got a tattoo with the translation "happiness".

Keys in hieroglyphs

Some hieroglyphs seem intuitive. Many images are similar to those objects and things that are depicted. This is explained by the fact that hieroglyphs originated from pictograms, which most accurately depict their meaning with a drawing.

For example, the hieroglyph 日 means the sun, it is used in all languages ​​of the peoples East Asia. Initially, its image was round, but over time it has changed a bit. The hieroglyphs of the round form were no longer used in the letter due to its inconvenience.

In addition, the common hieroglyph in different scripts brought peoples together. This symbol is considered a key, it is used in hieroglyphs such as:

  • The underline character 旦 means dawn;
  • The left-slash character 旧 means "ancient".

Another key 厂, resembling the letter "g", also has different meanings in different words:

  • The curl character 厄 translates to "difficulty";
  • The multi-stick character 历 means "calendar, history";
  • The character with a cross 厈 means "cliff".

Where to get a tattoo

Many, making a tattoo of hieroglyphs, believe in them miraculous power. If you believe that a tattoo can protect you from evil spirits or trouble, get it in a prominent place. A tattoo on the open part of the body drives away misfortunes and problems.

Often the neck is chosen as a place for a tattoo, but it is not necessary to stuff it there. An excellent place would also be the arm or collarbone area.

You can also get a tattoo on a closed area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body - the back, side, lower abdomen, leg or ankle. Combinations of inscriptions with drawings of Chinese women, dragons, etc. look very nice.

Tattoos can be done in 2D and 3D. The latter look quite impressive, especially on the back or on the stomach.

Such tattoos are more popular among Europeans than among the Chinese or Japanese.

Hieroglyph tattoos have always been popular and are unlikely to ever go out of style. Lovers of Eastern culture often see mystical meaning in tattoos.

Before going to the salon, you need to carefully consider the future tattoo so as not to stuff some kind of absurdity on the body. There are cases when a person trusts the master, expressing his preferences and not understanding the hieroglyphs at all. The master, on the other hand, fills in a completely different phrase or word that the client asks for, often insulting or humiliating.
