Scenario of the business game "the path to success" for preschool teachers. Business game with teachers of the preschool educational institution “I can do everything and I can do everything

Business game for kindergarten teachers on the topic "Features of games at preschool age"

Business game for educators "Features of games at preschool age"

Target: to improve the professional level of teachers, to intensify the use of new games in working with children; develop the communicative qualities of teachers, the ability to work in a team; unleash the creative potential of each teacher
The course of the business game:
I would like to start today's business game with the words of the famous teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky, who said: "A game is a huge bright window through which a stream of ideas, concepts about the world around us flows into the spiritual world of a child." For a child, this is a way of self-realization, in the game he can become what he dreams of being in real life: a doctor, a driver, a pilot. The game is used to acquire new skills, ideas, the formation of useful skills, etc. The game is a form of life for a preschooler.
And now let's break it down a bit:
1. How to jump from a ten-meter ladder and not hurt yourself? (you have to jump off the bottom step)
2. Which month is the shortest? (May - three letters)
3. Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (no, he can't speak)
4. How many months in a year have 28 days? (all)
5. What blooms in spring: trees, population, parties and unions?
6. Who saves the hares from the spring flood: Grandfather Mazai, Santa Claus, EMERCOM of Russia?
7. What did Little Red Riding Hood bring to her grandmother: Gazprom shares, pies, laxative?
8. What did Cinderella lose at the ball: shame and conscience, orientation, shoe?
Exercise 1
And let's start our business game with the task "Troubles from the barrel." (Educators are invited to pull out a barrel with a number from the bag, according to which the question will be asked)
Questions for discussion:
What role-playing games are added at the senior preschool age? (at the senior preschool age, such games as "Pharmacy", "Polyclinic", "Beauty Salon", "McDonald's", "Cosmonauts", "We are builders", "Library", "School", paramilitary games are added, it all depends on children's play preferences)
Name the conditions necessary for the development of the game. (corresponding subject-play environment, certain knowledge on the topic of the game and the ability to implement it in practice, a joint game between an adult and children, where an adult demonstrates examples of role-playing interaction in the form of a role-playing dialogue, creating a game situation)
Is regulation (setting rules) acceptable in the game and why? (regulation is unacceptable in the game, since it is children's amateur performance. It is characterized by freedom of action, self-regulation of the actions and actions of the participants based on the rules they created)
Task 2
The game is the main activity of a preschool child and contributes to the comprehensive development of the child's personality. But we will try to understand the meaning and role of the game in the course of our dispute. I propose to choose one of the cards and answer the question, how do you think about it.
1. What, in your opinion, is the role of play in the development of a child?
2. Do you think the child learns while playing?
3. What do you think is the educational value of games?
In the game, the child acquires new and clarifies the knowledge he already has, activates the dictionary, develops curiosity, inquisitiveness, as well as moral qualities: will, courage, endurance, the ability to yield. He formed the beginning of collectivism. The game brings up an attitude towards people, towards life, a positive attitude of games helps to maintain a cheerful mood. The game develops the imagination.
Children need time and play space. If he; attends a kindergarten, then at best he will play in the evening, if there are no other temptations of TV, a computer. The play space is a corner, a table with favorite toys, a chair, properly selected play material.
Task 3
Now we invite you to show your creativity. You are offered various items, and you must come up with options for using these items in the game.
Exercise "Funny assault"
Instruction: teachers are offered some improvised material, each team must come up with options for using it in the game.
Task 4
When organizing, directing and running games, many of you have encountered certain problems that you needed to solve. We think it will not be difficult for you to complete our next task "pedagogical situations"
Situation 1: The children were given old, worn blocks for games, and the teacher built a high-altitude task from the new building material. “This is for decorating a new room with a game, the children are still small, they build poorly - let them learn!” - explains the teacher. ... There is a magnificent service for dolls on the shelf, but the children do not take it. “You can’t take these toys! They're for practice!" - children explain. And so they take out old dishes and set a table for the dolls.
Questions: Do you need material in the group that "teasing children"? What are the requirements for the selection of toys in
group? Did you have any favorite toys as a child, and why did you love them?
Situation 2: The teacher saw in a neighboring kindergarten that the children played fishermen in an interesting way. In order to transfer this game to her group, she made fishing tackle herself and suggested the theme of the game to the children.
The game did not work out, the teacher all the time had to tell the children what to do next.
Questions: Explain why the game didn't work? How to make sure that all children are active in the game, they can play both main and secondary roles?
Situation 3: While washing, the children got naughty, began to play "fountains", blow bubbles, and it was already time for breakfast.
Questions: What should the educator do? What would you do?
Task 5
And now I offer you a “charging” for the mind - solving the crossword “And yet the game”
Crossword questions:
1. How does the game play differently? (content)
2. Favorite independent activity of children? (a game)
3. Type of sports game using the ball? (football)
4. Old printed board game? (lotto)
5. A necessary component of the game - without which you can’t start the game? (intention)
6. Baby's first toy? (beanbag)
7. Place of shopping in everyday life and in the game? (score)
1. Games enriched with life experience? (plot)
4. Modern lightweight children's designer? (lego)
8. Attributes for both mobile and theatrical play? (masks)
9. A conversation between two people? (dialog)
10. What do the participants of the game distribute among themselves? (roles)
11. Benefits for organizing a role-playing game? (attributes)
12. Children's life partner? (a toy)
13. A set of requirements for someone, for something? (regulations)

Task 6- homework
Our business game has come to an end, but we have not exhausted the topic. After all, the game is the whole world.

Purpose of the game: increasing the level of analytical and reflective culture of preschool teachers.

Material and equipment: cards with the names of role-playing games, with images of attributes for them, indicating the components of a healthy lifestyle, a gong, a timer, 3 boxes with a set of materials, badges with team emblems, diplomas of winners, prizes, didactic manual "Lulli's Rings", interactive whiteboard , interactive survey system, 3 laptops, according to the number of participants: paper, felt-tip pens.

The course of the interactive game

Leader (V.). Good afternoon, dear colleagues! Our meeting is devoted to the organization of the play activities of pupils, so we will hold it in the form of an interactive game.

The moderator introduces the members of the jury.

AT. Teams take part in the game: “Develop”, “Smarter”, “Start”. I ask the captains to introduce the teams.

The captains come out in turn to the center of the hall.

The motto of the team is "Develop".

Our children are all playing

And the game develops them.

We will win today

We want to know all the games!

The motto of the team is "Smarter".

Our kids are smart.

They play - the highest class!

To make us smarter

You also need to play!

The motto of the team is "Get Started".

To organize the game

And we will teach everything in the game!

AT. Before you on the interactive screen are the types of games: role-playing, didactic, construction and mobile. These are the directions of our game. Team captains will take turns choosing a direction, each of which contains several different tasks. For a correctly completed task, the team receives 1 point. At the end, we will sum up the game and determine the winning team.

Direction "Role-playing games"

Target: improving the knowledge and skills of preschool teachers in organizing role-playing games.

1st task. "Rings of Lull"

Tasks: to deepen knowledge on the organization and conduct of role-playing games; develop out-of-the-box thinking.

On the first circle - cards with the name of role-playing games ("Pharmacy", "Grocery Store", "Cafe", etc.), on the second - with the image of attributes for games (cash register, scissors, scales, etc. .), on the third - with an indication of the components of a healthy lifestyle (rational nutrition, physical activity, adherence to the daily routine, etc.).

Team captains approach the manual, spin the rings one by one and, having received a random result, after 3 minutes of discussion in the team, explain how children can form ideas about a healthy lifestyle (for example, about rational nutrition - using a car toy in a role-playing game "Hospital").

2nd task. "Scheduler"

Task: improve the knowledge of preschool teachers in planning and conducting role-playing games.

Team captains take cards with the names of role-playing games (“Medical Center”, “Beauty Salon”, “Cafe”) from the hands of the presenter. Teams are invited to plan a preliminary work for them within 3 minutes.

The jury sums up.

Direction "Didactic games"

Target: improving the skills of preschool teachers in organizing and conducting didactic games.

1st task. "Poster"

Tasks: improve the competence of preschool educators in the field of ICT; develop creative imagination.

Team captains choose a laptop, each of which contains an electronic folder on the "Desktop" with one of the topics ("Healthy lifestyle", "Rules of the road", "Protect nature") and a selection of images for it. Teams are invited to design a poster in electronic form using ICT tools within 5 minutes and list options for using it as a didactic aid. After completing the task, the poster is displayed on an interactive screen, and the team defends their project.

2nd task. "The Fourth Extra"

Tasks: improve the knowledge of preschool teachers about the variety of didactic games; develop logical thinking.

An image of four sports appears on the screen of the interactive whiteboard. After 3 minutes, it is necessary to name an extra one, explain why and come up with a version of the didactic game “The Fourth Extra”, aimed at mastering by pupils any area of ​​the preschool education curriculum.

3rd task. "Classifier"

Task: deepen the knowledge of preschool teachers about the classification of didactic games.

On the interactive board, it is proposed to distribute didactic games in accordance with the existing classification (with toys and objects, desktop-printed, verbal). Each team is given various didactic games and 3 minutes to complete, after which it is necessary to explain how to use this or that type of game in the educational process.

The jury sums up.

Direction "Construction games"

Target: consolidating the knowledge of preschool educators about the organization of the constructive activities of their pupils.

1st task. "Foreman"

Task: deepen the knowledge of preschool educators about the stages of work on organizing construction games.

Using an interactive survey system using remote controls, preschool educators are invited to build a sequence of design complication within 3 minutes. After completing the task, diagrams of the results of each of the teams are displayed on the screen, and the winner is determined.

The correct sequence: 1 - the construction of structures by adults, showing the children all the design techniques and explaining the actions; 2 - showing a sample of the structure, made by a teacher of preschool education, with a subsequent analysis of its components; 3 - showing the design techniques that children master for the construction of buildings; 4 - offer a sample of an unfinished building, which children need to finish on their own; 5 - designing on a topic or given conditions; 6 - the construction of structures by children according to their own design.

2nd task. "Problem Situation"

Teams are presented with a problem situation. It is necessary to find as many solutions as possible in 3 minutes.

Two boys came up with a game. Everyone took a car. Sasha made a large garage and a road from the constructor, and Vanya only made a garage. To make the game more interesting, Vanya started driving his car along the road that his friend built. Sasha with the words: “We had to build our own road” pushed Vanya away. And Vanya burst into tears from resentment and broke the road. Then Sasha, in revenge, broke Vanya's garage ...

The jury sums up.

Direction "Mobile games"

Target: improving the knowledge of preschool educators on the development of motor activity and physical qualities of pupils through outdoor games.

1st task. "Blitz"

Tasks: to increase the level of analytical culture of preschool educators; improve knowledge of the curriculum of preschool education.

A question appears on the electronic screen. It will be answered by the team that first gives a signal. In case of an incorrect answer, the right to answer the question passes to others. Then the correct answer appears on the screen.


  • Name the leading activity of preschool children. (A game.)
  • How often are outdoor folk games planned? (Once a week.)
  • What is the optimal number of repetitions of one game? (3-5 times.)
  • What is the main purpose of low mobility games? (Restoration of pulse and respiration in children.)
  • What is the name of the game for the development of fine motor skills in children? (Finger games.)
  • At what age are relay games widely used? (In senior preschool age.)

2nd task. "Everything is in business!"

Task: stimulate the initiative and creativity of preschool educators.

Teams are invited to develop non-standard sports equipment in 5 minutes from the set with material offered to each team and demonstrate how it can be used.

3rd task. "Trainer"

Task: improve the ability to classify outdoor games.

It is proposed to distribute outdoor games on the interactive board according to the degree of physical activity (high, medium and low mobility) in 3 minutes. Each team has its own set of games and the task is to think over which of the proposed games can be used on a walk (in specially organized activities, hardening).

The jury sums up.

Reflection "Football field"

An image of players on the football field appears on the interactive screen (scores a goal, stands on the goal, sits on the bench, thinks in a thoughtful pose).

Depending on the individual analysis and assessment of their progress during the interactive game, each participant is invited to designate a figure on the football field, which most accurately conveys his condition at this event.

L. Yankovskaya, A. Khamrayeva

N. Pletenchuk, MBDOU No. 506 of the combined type "Sun", Novosibirsk

The game, as you know, is an activity that allows a person to express himself and improve himself. This also applies to the business game. At the teachers' council, where only reports, reports, lectures are heard, or at a theoretical seminar, as practice shows, the audience, most likely, will not perceive even 50% of the necessary information. It’s a different matter if you include a business game in them. Work experience shows that adults enthusiastically play children's games and take part in business games with great pleasure.

Business games allow:

  • more effectively teach teachers new forms, methods and techniques of working with children;
  • determine the psychological attitude of teachers, their attitude towards work and children, the potential of their knowledge and skills;
  • correct certain shortcomings in the work of teachers;
  • create conditions for the exchange of pedagogical experience;
  • to assist novice educators in organizing the educational process.
  • bring teachers together, uniting them in a single rhythm and direction of work.

So, a business game brings teachers together, but at the same time causes them a sense of rivalry, a desire to show their individual qualities, non-standard statements and problem solving. Therefore, the task of the senior educator is to use such business games that will direct the efforts of teachers in the right direction, unite them in an effort to gain new knowledge and skills, improve professional qualities, use in practice the knowledge and skills gained in the process of a business game.

Teachers, improving their professional level, turn to the study of theoretical foundations, and modern methodological literature is sufficient for this. But during the business game, educators receive twice as much information, which aims them at a deeper study of it. The activities of educators during business games can be attributed to creative search, which can give rise to a situation of success that stimulates a creative attitude to work. I want to offer options for new games that I came up with on the basis of familiar games.


Conducted with a group of teachers working with children aged 2-7 years

Purpose and objectives of the game. To interest in new forms and methods of work with children in physical education; promote creative growth; to teach educators, narrow specialists, teachers of additional education to interact in the process of mastering new forms and methods of working with children, as well as the ability to select literature and material; to acquaint educators with how you can diversify work with parents in the physical education of children.

Equipment. Skittles and balls of red, green, blue (12 pieces each), task cards, a box with waste material, colored cardboard.

Game progress

The facilitator introduces the rules of the game to teachers. Those are divided into three teams at will, each chooses the color of balls and pins. Team members take turns knocking down pins with balls from a distance of 4-5 m. If they knock down pins of their own color, they get 1 point, if they knock down pins of another color - 0 points. The number of knocked down pins of their color determines the number of the card with theoretical and practical tasks.

Tasks and questions of the first card

  • List outdoor ball games.
  • Define mobile play.
  • Prepare a consultation for parents on the topic "Hardening at home."
  • Use scrap material to make an unconventional stepping machine.
  • Draw a diagram "Increasing the power load on the muscles of children in different age groups."
  • How long is a physical education class in the middle group?
  • What new forms of work on physical education do you know?
  • Make a rough plan for a physical education lesson in a mixed group (senior and preparatory to school age).

Tasks and questions of the second card

  • Name the types of walking used in kindergarten.
  • From the presented methodological literature, select the one that will help to draw up a long-term plan for physical culture.
  • Develop a complex of morning exercises for older preschool children using dance movements.
  • From waste material (caps from plastic bottles), make a simulator for the foot and palms.
  • What relaxation exercises can be used at the end of a physical education session?
  • Come up with a new outdoor game using the morphological box.
  • Do I need insurance when doing exercises on a trek track?

Tasks and questions of the third card

  • On the topics “We are future athletes”, “I want to grow up healthy!” make a plan of excursions for the quarter.
  • List outdoor games with running.
  • Solve the crossword "Physical education of preschoolers."
  • Define the word "Hypodynamia".
  • Show how to properly perform the Lion, Lotus, Cat Hatha yoga exercises (pay attention to breathing).

Note. Hatha yoga is an ancient Indian system of keeping the body in optimal physical condition. Literal translation of the word hatha - power, fury, violence, necessity, effort. The goal of Hatha Yoga is to bring the body into a state of complete health so that the body is not a burden for spiritual development. The practice of Hatha Yoga consists mainly in performing asanas, static postures. Particular attention is paid to the flexibility and tone of the spine. A unique feature of Hatha yoga are exercises that stimulate the hormonal glands and massage the internal organs. Stimulation of the hormonal system helps maintain balanced emotions and promotes a more optimistic attitude towards life. In addition to physical exercises, Hatka Yoga includes methods for cleansing the internal organs and establishes the principles of proper nutrition. Hatha yoga is working with the mind through the body. Hatha yoga classes prevent many diseases and help get rid of existing ones. Hatha yoga sharpens the mind and helps concentration, allows you to control your actions and manifestations, from bodily to mind control. Hatha yoga is mind oriented. It consists of three components: special physical exercises (asanas), breathing exercises (prana), work with consciousness in the form of concentration (meditative techniques). From the point of view of modern medicine, Hatha yoga can be called "psychophysical gymnastics." Hatha yoga considers the physical body of a person as a tool for working with the mind in order to achieve harmony in the internal state and external health. Therefore, during classes, a person must definitely relax, discard all extraneous thoughts and focus only on his own body and the processes occurring inside it. In the Hatha yoga system, great attention is paid to health, and therefore to the beauty of the body. A lot of exercises are aimed at cleansing and strengthening, increasing its flexibility with the help of specially selected asanas. When performing asanas, attention is focused inside the body. The main recommendation for practicing Hatha Yoga is the regularity and systematic practice. It is necessary to observe moderation, especially at the initial stage, when it is difficult to adequately assess one's strengths and capabilities. Most people are accustomed to consumer relations like buying things in a supermarket: if they wanted, they immediately bought it. This does not go away with Hatha yoga, so many, having started, quickly “cool down”. It is necessary from the very beginning, when learning Hatha Yoga, to listen to your body, to show interest in what is really happening in your life dimension, what changes and how and under the influence of what, i.e. You need to be sensitive to yourself and to everything that surrounds you. This is very important in connection with the peculiarities of Hatha yoga in our climate, since the body sometimes reacts very violently to seasonal changes (changes in daylight hours, etc.), and if you do not feel it at the moment, this does not mean that this is not. For example, it has been established that muscle stretching occurs best in spring - early summer, while power asanas are better mastered and worked out in winter, etc. The question comes down, in the end, to the awakening of a genuine interest in oneself and the world, the desire to know one's own essence during classes, in order to later come to the conclusion about the need for change and change, and urgent ones, because life, as you know, is short. On the other hand, you must clearly understand that the sincerity of your intentions in the practice of Hatha yoga plays an important role. Indeed, on the path of yoga one must be prepared for both difficult trials and disappointments. It is not for nothing that yoga, like love, is compared with fire; indeed, it helps us to rise, to become stronger, to feel the joy of life.

  • Name the hardening methods.
  • How much weight should a distance throw sandbag have for older children?
  • Make a plan for morning exercises in the older group using symbols (a sketchy little man).

Tasks and questions of the fourth card

  • List the items with which you can perform strength gymnastics in kindergarten.
  • Build a chain of words in the right order (sleep, outdoor game, physical education, individual work in physical education, sports holiday, hardening, morning exercises, competition, walk, etc.).
  • Make attributes for the outdoor game "Colored Lanterns".
  • Think of ways to complicate the outdoor game "Sun and Rain".
  • Choose exercises that can be used to develop flexibility ("Frog", "Airplanes", "Soldier", "Watch", "Bridge", "Kitty", etc.).
  • List gym minutes using jumps and demonstrate one of them.
  • List game methods and techniques for developing strength and endurance.
  • Make a card with a sequence diagram of the analysis of physical education classes with children in the preparatory group for school.

The number of questions can be increased or decreased, it depends on how much time is allotted for the business game.

At the end of the game, the results of the theoretical preparedness of the teams are summed up and teachers who have clearly shown their creative abilities are encouraged with prizes.


Purpose and objectives of the game. Expand and generalize knowledge on the topic "Game as the main activity of preschoolers"; clarify knowledge about the types of games, forms, methods and techniques of working with children; through game simulation to create conditions for the manifestation of creative initiative; cause awareness of the need to get acquainted with the experience of colleagues in order to improve the quality of their professional work; introduce new methodological literature on the game.

Equipment. A wall alphabet with pockets for tasks, where instead of the letters b, b, s, e, y, emotion faces are placed, all other letters have a decoding (for example, A - gambling, B - fast, C - harmful, D - grandiose game and etc., and during the game, educators will give definitions of what kind of games they are, as they understand it.)

Red, blue, green cards (at least 10 pieces of each color) - they indicate letters and tasks for each team and guests. Strips with tasks laid out in pockets (33 pieces). Wall tablet, where the statements of prominent personalities about the game will be attached. Easel, pointer, two bells, two boxes of junk. Poster information that will serve as a hint during the game. Thematic newspapers "It's good when the game starts in the morning", which were created by children, educators and parents (poems, drawings, stories, fairy tales, collages, etc.). Projects of role-playing games on paper (cobwebs).

Game progress


It's good when in the morning

The game starts!

Laughter, fun, running around,

When the kids are playing.

Envy the kids:

Both girls and boys.

Adults want to play

Yes, you need to measure.

But today is a special day

We gathered for a reason.

Both adults and adults

The game starts!

Hanging in front of you

Game Alphabet!

Understand the rules of the game

What do you remember!

Don't be bored, don't be lazy

And join our game.

Well, friends, it's time to meet

Teams "Primer" and "ABC"!

Music sounds, teams enter the hall and sit down at the tables.


To evaluate teams

The jury must be invited.

So as not to lose count

The counting commission must be chosen.

Well, let's start!

Rules of the game. The jury evaluates teams on a three-point scale for all tasks performed. Teams take turns answering questions and presenting completed tasks. The time for completing tasks (depending on complexity) is from 1 to 5 minutes. Guests have the right to participate in the game. The choice of tasks for guests is made by the leader. Each team can include from 6 to 12 teachers.

Game progress

Brainstorming (warm-up). Teams need to carefully look at the game alphabet and combine letters in pairs according to associations that are opposite or similar. Name at least three pairs. The facilitator arranges color cards with tasks according to the pairs of letters determined by the teams. The Bukvar team - red cards, the Azbuka team - green cards, guests and fans - blue cards. The team that is ready to answer first notifies the leader with a bell, which gives the right to choose a game task, i.e. next letter.

  1. First exercise: to the "Primer" command - to find the opposite value, to the "ABC" command - to find a similar value. Teams call pairs, the assistant arranges cards.
  2. Second task done on the basis of homework. Each participant must find what definitions of the game were given by famous people. The teams read the definitions in turn, listening carefully to each other and not repeating themselves. The assistant facilitator attaches statements to the tablet. Each team must come up with their own definition of the game and read it out. 1 minute is given for this. While the team is preparing, the guests pick up definition words: what games can be with the letter U (for example, scrupulous, sparing, generous) - and explain what kind of games they are.
  3. To reveal the stages of the formation of a role-playing game, which prepare the child for a collective game: the ABC team according to E. Kravtsova, the Primer team according to D. Elkonin.
  4. Production of figurative and noise toys. Representation of a figurative toy

poem, song, dance, facial expressions, pantomime, image, etc. Sounding a poem with the help of home-made noise toys from waste material. Time to make toys - 5 minutes.

The "Primer" team is offered the poem "Frogs".

On the green edge -

qua-qua-qua! -

Gathered, sitting frogs -


“Catching flies - yum-yum-yum! -

Very tasty for us, for us, for us!

And then jump through the puddles -


Oh, funny, frogs,

frog people you are!

The “ABC” team is offered the poem “Rain”.

The trees swayed, the grass rustled -

Sha-sha-sha, sha-sha-sha!

The trees sang, the foliage began to play -

La-la-la, la-la-la!

And the playful loud thunder swept through the sky -


And dripped drops, quietly sang a song -


Here on the roof, on the glass -


On my porch -


More and more, more and more frogs have more fun!

Hee hee hee! Yes ha ha ha! What a beauty!

Game "Chamomile" with the audience "What does a child learn in the game?"(distribute chamomile petals and markers to all guests, after completing the task, lay daisies on the carpet and read out what knowledge, skills and abilities the child receives during the game).

Team presentation of toys.

5. A fragment of the lesson using the conceptual position "The right of the child to play."

The basis is homework. 8-10 minutes are allotted for showing fragments of classes. A task for guests and fans. “On the game alphabet, you see faces-emotions. What do you like the most? (Cheerful.) To make your mood as cheerful, listen to the anthem of the educators.

Do not twist the motley globe,

You will not find on it

That country, a huge country,

about which we sing.

Every day is filled with laughter

surprise, beauty,

Understanding and attention

Amazing game.

And everything is in a hurry to this country

And the kids are in a hurry.

Their moms and dads

They bring you here by the hand.

In this most cheerful country,

Meet them with a new fairy tale.

This country is always in my heart

It's called Kindergarten!

6. Playing with pencils.

Leading. Attention! Here are the symbols for which you need to pick up as many games as possible (table-printed, mobile, intellectual, role-playing, etc.) suitable for the selected symbols, for example, games for the “circle” symbol - “Catch from the circle”, round dance games, board-printed game "Fractions", etc. You have 3 minutes to prepare.

Teams make choices. While the teams are busy, the guests answer the question: how do role-playing games differ from theatrical ones?

7. Presentation of projects of role-playing games "Steamboat", "Hospital" (cobwebs, photo albums, children's drawings, etc.).

8. Blitz poll.

Blitz survey for the Bukvar team

  • Actions of the child with the toy. (A game.)
  • What are the names of games in which children make the most of their stock of knowledge, mental abilities? (Mind games.)
  • Name any environmental game. (From which tree which leaf?)
  • What role-playing game involves a sailor, a captain, a cook? (Steamboat.)
  • Who is the author of this statement "The game is childhood, and childhood is a game"? (V.A.Nedospasov.)
  • What two worlds did J. Piaget speak about in his discovery? (World children and the adult world.
  • What are the names of games in which the child makes the doll speak, perform various actions, while acting on two planes, that is, for himself and for the doll? (Director's games.)
  • What is the name of the items that replace the child's toy? (Substitute items.)
  • Does the older preschooler need more space or toys in play? (In space.)

Blitz survey for the Azbuka team

  • What is the name of children's favorite pastime with toys? (A game.)
  • Who is the author of the statement “We do not play because we are children. But childhood itself is given to us so that we can play”? (Karl Grosse is a German psychologist.)
  • Name any outdoor ball game. (Trap around the circle.)
  • What role-playing game involves a make-up artist, hairstylist, client, cashier. (Salon.)
  • What are the names of games during which children can invent game plots, distribute roles, change the playing environment without adult intervention? (Independent.)
  • Who believed that “play is the sphere of suffering for children, which is on the other side of pleasure”? (Sigmund Freud.)
  • How many stages in the development of a role-playing game, according to Kravtsova, should a child go through in order to be ready for a collective game? (Five stages.)
  • What is the "heart of the game"? (Role.)
  • In what games do children go to a world where all children's dreams come true? (Creative.)

Task for both teams

Compose words from the letters marked on the "Game Alphabet" with color cards, the letters can be repeated. Try to make words related to the topic "Game".


Purpose and objectives of the game. Interest in new forms, methods of working with children in the development of emotions and aesthetic taste; include novice educators in the creative work; arouse awareness of the need to get acquainted with the experience of other kindergartens in order to improve the quality of their professional work; learn how to build your speech using the "Performance Guide"; to activate on the decision of pedagogical situations.

Equipment. Lotto cards for each team, one piece with numbers from 1 to 12. A bag with kegs (you can use plastic packaging from chocolate eggs, and put a task or question inside each one), chips. Two flat magpie layouts with inserted tail feathers.

Game progress

The facilitator (senior educator) introduces the rules of the game. Educators are divided into two teams (optional) or four (according to the age characteristics of the children). Teams are given lotto cards. Game centers are selected:

  • game center(teams "Veselushka" and "Smeshinka" that participate in the game).
  • Center "Handicraft"(design of material invented by team members).
  • Center "Jury"(gives an assessment of the work of the teams, sums up the results).
  • Center for musical accompaniment(music director).

The host takes out the kegs, calls the task numbers. Teams designate them with chips on their lotto cards. The team that closes all the numbers on their card faster and gets more points wins.

6 1 4 9
2 3 5 7
4 12 10
1 12 3 8
5 7 11
4 2 6 9

Mom came for Katya early. The girl ran up to her mother with admiring eyes: “Mommy! Come get me later! We make gifts for kids! Such beautiful gifts are obtained! I have not finished yet". “What nonsense! Which presents! Aunt Tanya is waiting for us. Pack up immediately!" Mom snapped. The young teacher Anna Sergeevna cautiously suggested: “Maybe you should wait a bit for Katyusha, because she tried so hard. She is the best at it, neat and beautiful.” To which my mother sharply replied: “I don’t have time, but you would be better off persuading her to get home faster.” Exercise. Evaluate the position of the mother and offer your own solution to the situation. Evaluate the position of the educator and offer your own solution to the situation.

Tasks for the game


Purpose and objectives of the game. Learn to be free in judgments and arguments and concretize your answers; to teach novice educators to express their opinion, defend their point of view, be able to listen to colleagues and treat their opinion correctly; call for a business discussion of the topic; provide conditions for the manifestation of creative initiative.

Equipment. White and black masks on sticks. A ball of white and black threads.

Game progress

The host invites everyone to stand in a circle, he himself remains in the center. He passes the balls to the teachers, they decide which one to take. Passing a black or white ball of thread to each other, teachers determine their mood and feelings and leave either a white or black thread. When the last players have the balls, a cobweb is obtained. It is laid flat on the floor. At the end of the business game, this procedure is done again and the cobwebs are compared, determining which threads have become more. As a rule, there are always more white threads at the end of the game. A topic for discussion is given.

First option. It is better for educators to sit in a semicircle, since the mask is passed from one to another, and it is easier for the facilitator to follow the discussion. At first, only a white mask is transmitted, and the positive aspects of the stated topic are revealed. Then a black mask is transmitted and each participant finds something negative in it. At the end of the discussion, the facilitator summarizes the statements and draws a conclusion.

Second option. All participants are divided into two teams and play only for a white or black mask. At the end of the discussion, the facilitator summarizes the statements and draws a conclusion.


Purpose and tasks of games. These games are best used at the Council of Teachers, when they report on what work they did during the summer period or how they prepared for the start of the school year.


Educators are invited to choose one color circle with a diameter of 8-10 cm (primary colors are used, as well as contrasting ones - black and white). Thus, you can determine the mood of teachers and see what colors they like (this is also necessary in order to take into account color shades when designing halls, etc.). On each bead circle, invite everyone to write briefly about their achievements. Then all the “beads” are strung on a braid and decorated with this garland on the wall in the pedagogical office, where everyone can get acquainted with the achievements of their colleagues in their free time. This form of mini-reports allows you to save time on the advice of teachers and disseminate best practices.


Similar to the game "Beads", only at the end you get a huge bouquet. On each flower, educators write down the methods, techniques, techniques, techniques and technologies that they successfully use.


It is carried out in the form of an oral journal, when educators, one by one, share interesting techniques, methods or forms of working with children. You can also conduct mini-reports that begin with one phrase: “And in our group ...” or “We do this ...”.


Held at the Council of Teachers "Ecological education of preschoolers"

Purpose and objectives of the game. To help novice educators in organizing an educational process aimed at familiarizing themselves with new methods, forms and techniques of working with children in environmental education; maintain a business environment throughout the game; clarify and consolidate the knowledge of educators on this topic; to teach how to use tests, questionnaires, test conversations, block sections in diagnosing children's knowledge of ecology.

Equipment. Phones cut out of colored cardboard with questions written on them. Five toy phones. A musical toy with various children's melodies. Sample tests, test conversations, block sections with children on environmental education. Questionnaires to determine skills and knowledge on this topic for educators.

Game progress

The host announces the start of the game and invites the head of the preschool educational institution to the phone number 1; to telephone number 2 of the senior educator; to phone No. 3 of the ecologist; to telephone number 4 senior nurse; to telephone number 5 of the teacher-psychologist. To save time and direct the game in the right direction, phones are distributed with ready-made questions. You can offer to ask questions on behalf of parents, grandparents, elementary school teachers, children, educators, etc.

Phone Questions #1

  • Are children introduced to the environment in kindergarten? From what age? What environmental programs are being implemented in your preschool? (Elementary school teacher.)
  • Is there a "Young Ecologist" circle in kindergarten? And how do you sign up? (Child.)
  • Now in kindergartens the design method is widely used. Do you use this method in environmental education of children? (A colleague from a neighboring kindergarten.)

Phone Questions #2

  • Is there a special lesson in kindergarten that teaches you to love nature? Who conducts it? From what age? (Parent.)
  • What diagnostic cards will help determine children's knowledge of ecology? (Educator.)
  • Do you think that experimenting with plants brings up callousness in children? Won't this lead to the fact that children will break trees, pick off leaves, etc.? (Grandpa.)
  • What methods and techniques are used in kindergarten to educate the principles of ecological culture ? (Teacher.)
  • What new methodological literature would you recommend to use in the environmental education of young and middle-aged children? (Educator.)

Phone Questions #3

  • What is ecology and ecological education of children? (Dad.)
  • On the territory of the kindergarten there is a "Bird Pillar". What does it serve? (Beginner teacher.)
  • What new forms of work with parents can be used in environmental education? What experiments with sand, magnet, air can be done with older children? (Educator.)

Questions for phone number 4

  • Will my grandson get poisoned by poisonous plants or mushrooms while walking in the kindergarten? (Grandmother.)
  • I heard about such a method as phytotherapy. Tell us more about it. Is it used in kindergarten ? (Colleague from another kindergarten.)
  • My son is allergic to some indoor plants. Will the plants in the group harm my baby? (Mum.)

Phone Questions #5

  • My daughter is afraid of bugs, spiders, frogs and worms. Any advice on how to overcome fear? (Mum.)
  • Which animal is better to acquire in order to instill feelings of empathy, love and care in a child? (Grandmother.)
  • I want to have a kitten, but my mother won't let me. How can you persuade her? (Child.)

A similar business game can be played at the final council of teachers for the release of children to school. In this case, the questions will be answered by educators of graduation groups, narrow specialists.


Held at the Council of Teachers "Development of speech in preschool children through the game"

Purpose and objectives of the game. Provide creative and business spirit throughout the business game; support the initiative of advanced teachers; clarify and consolidate knowledge on this topic; increase the level by introducing and learning a new method of speech development; introduce educators to a new game that can be played with children using other parameters.

Equipment. Circle with a diameter of 60-80 cm, divided by seven axes. On each axis, a chip of its own color (the color of the rainbow). Each axis is divided into four levels. Chips (you can use large, colored buttons) move freely on the axes, determining the level of play.

--- location

--- season

--- number of participants

--- children's age

——— material

——— kind of game

——— the basis of the plot

substitute items, homemade toys, shop toys, intellectual and educational games.

theatrical, role-playing, didactic, mobile.

fairy tale, story, song, poem.

Game progress

The facilitator introduces the topic and rules of the game to the teachers. He suggests splitting into three or four teams. An additional player from narrow specialists (speech therapists, educational psychologist, music director, etc.) is introduced into each team. Each team chooses a player who blindfolds moves the chips around the playing field, thereby choosing the levels of the axes for the upcoming game.

Tasks can be

  • Make a sample outline of a lesson on the development of speech.
  • Come up with a new speech game.
  • Plan a rough plan of entertainment.

Teams, having chosen a task within 5-8 minutes, come up with their own version and present it in turn. For example, the option to create a new speech game:

street (sports field)

winter (first walk)

number of participants (7-11 children)

  • Practicing a clear pronunciation of the sound "Z".
  • Learn to invent simple quatrains according to the rhymes "bunny is a know-it-all, bunny is a know-it-all."
  • Teach children to improvise by changing the plot of the game (hares are hiding from the wolf, hare competitions, hare school, etc.).
  • Involve inactive children with low speech activity in the speech game.
  • Activate children's vocabulary.

Approximate course of the game

Invite the children to make a hare out of snow, lay out the eyes, nose and mouth with ice. Come up with a name for him and an impromptu costume (pieces of fabric, old glasses, any junk material). Ask the children how you can play with the snow hare, where he lives, what his favorite dish is, what his character is, what can happen to him, etc. (try to interview each player, and especially children with low speech activity). After listening to all the options, choose a plot for the game (for example, the hare is conceited). Together with the children, come up with a teaser about a hare, based on the rhyme “bunny is a know-it-all, bunny is a know-it-all”.

Bunny thought he was a know-it-all

And the stupid bunny was arrogant.

Bunny, bunny, you're a smartass!

You are not a know-it-all!

Pick up adjectives (what was the hare), verbs (what did he do, where did he go, who was he friends with, etc.). Let the children participate in the distribution of the roles of the hare's friends (Katya has an orange coat, which means she will be a fox or a squirrel; Alyosha is very kind, which means she will be a kind bear, etc.). Encourage children to explain their choices. Try to put on an impromptu performance with a snow hare. And then offer to call the kids and show them an impromptu theatrical performance "Once upon a time there was a hare."

Interesting options are drawn up and placed in the pedagogical piggy bank of the kindergarten, which can be used by both young professionals and experienced teachers.

Another version of the game "Seven"

The same playing field with rainbow chips. Each color of the chip indicates a question or task. Each axis has four different questions or tasks. The game will need to start from the "Start" sector.


It is held at the medical and pedagogical meeting "The influence of playing techniques and the developing environment on the adaptation of children 2-3 years old."

Purpose and objectives of the game. Introduce new games, game techniques; clarify what time of the day is best to use them; to teach to diversify the developing environment of the group for better adaptation of kids.

Equipment. Five squares (5x5 cm) in blue and red (in order to involve more teachers in the game, it is most effective to use two to four of these sets). On each square there is a game corresponding to the regime segment. On the reverse side of each blue square are recommendations for organizing a developing environment in a group, and each red square contains recommendations for working with parents during the adaptation period. Samples of developing environment options (sketches on paper, photographs).

Game progress

Lay out the squares on the table and offer to lay out the games and game techniques in the following order:

  • games, game techniques used in the reception children(“Vertical strings”, “Tepa came”, “Let's go to the house”, “Funny swing”, “Tumblers Bim and Bom were going to build a house”, “Clap and slap”, “Fingers play”, “Become a friend to us in circle”, “We will go for mushrooms”, etc.);
  • games, game techniques used when washing(“Fish in the water”, “Let’s blow soap bubbles”, “Flow, pour, stream!”, “Hands clap-clap, flip flops for water”, “Catch some water in your palm!”, “Come on, nose, wash yourself! ”, “Hello, droplet!”, “Vodichka-sister”, “Visiting a blue droplet”, etc. .:
  • games, play techniques used while feeding children(“Kashka, porridge, you are delicious with us”, “Yum-yum, it’s very tasty for us”, “Come on, take a spoon!”, “ Drink compote, but do not pour over your shirt, etc.);
  • games, game techniques used while laying down for daytime sleep

(“Listen to the song”, “Bai-bye, sleep, I’ll shake”, “Katya is sleeping”, “Vanka-stand up, you need to sleep”, “The nose is sleeping, and the eyes are sleeping, the hands also want to sleep”, “There will be music , and our baby will sleep ", etc.);

  • games, game techniques used during dressing and walking

(“Our legs ran”, “Stop and look!”, “The cat wants to play”, “Lelya was going to”, “Bear, let's go for a walk!”, “Hat and fur coat”, “Masha-confused”, “Let's go, let's go to horse”, “Let's release the ball”, “Ribbons on a branch”, etc.).

It is very valuable for novice educators that, by turning the blue squares, they can read the recommendations for creating a developing environment in the group, and the red ones - recommendations for working with parents.

Purpose: to improve professional skills and competencies of teachers in early childhood development, establishing a connection between the theoretical knowledge of teachers and practical experience in the upbringing, education and development of young children, creating conditions for professional self-improvement and self-reflection of teachers, creating a comfortable, friendly atmosphere during the game, appropriate conditions for stimulating cognitive interest and creativity of teachers.

Material: demonstration material - a model of children's footprints, a country of childhood, a silhouette of a child; handouts - stickers, pedagogical situations, A4 paper, drawing paper, felt-tip pens.

The course of the psychologist's event for kindergarten teachers

Hello dear guests! I am glad to welcome all of you in the walls of our kindergarten. Today we have gathered with you in order to think about the role of the educator, to find out the importance of his activity in the most important period of human life, in the most beautiful and unforgettable time - the time of hope for the fulfillment of cherished desires - in the country of childhood. It's no secret that we all come from the country of Childhood. And therefore, we often want, at least in our thoughts, to be carried away into those cloudless, happy moments. After all, at that time, every day is a fairy tale. And it is on who will lead the baby by the hand in this country, what he will receive from the world around him, which largely depends on what kind of person he will become in the future ...

Exercise "Introduction" (5 min).

Dear colleagues! Let's get to know you! Please, on the stickers that are in front of you, first write your name, and then on the first letter of your name, the action or object that you associate with childhood and stick it written on an imaginary baby - on the symbol of childhood.

Psychologist. Early age is a conditional corridor that a child passes from birth to 3 years. Early age is an extremely important and responsible period of a child's mental development. This is the age when everything is for the first time, everything is just beginning - speech, play, communication with peers, the first ideas about oneself, about others, about the world. In the first three years of life, the most important and fundamental human abilities, cognitive activity, curiosity, self-confidence and trust in other people, purposefulness and perseverance, imagination, creative position, and so on, are laid. All these abilities do not arise by themselves, as a result of the small age of the child, they require the indispensable participation of an adult and forms of activity appropriate for the age. During this period, everything that is connected not only with physiology, but also with emotions, intellect, and behavior is actively developing. Therefore, it is important how the child will develop and be brought up during this period. Therefore, dear colleagues, let's take a closer look at the children's steps of early childhood, consider the periods of development of a young child; consider what exactly a teacher should be next to a child who is actively developing.

First step. I was born! What is this happening to me?

(Crisis of the 1st year).

(The psychologist places an inscription at the first print of children's feet).

Early age- a period not only of the rapid development of all body systems, but also the stage of accumulation of experience, strength and opportunities for the beginning of personality formation.

The mental and physiological development of the child is striking in its intensity. As L. Tolstoy noted, up to 3 years a person masters the same amount of experience, which then during the rest of his life. Therefore, it is quite important who is next to the child in this, on the one hand, difficult period, and on the other hand, a happy period of his life. Therefore, dear colleagues! It is necessary not just to master the categorical-conceptual apparatus and terminology on this issue. Let's check with you your knowledge of the developmental features of the child from the moment of birth - up to 1 year.

Test knowledge test "Early age - what is it like?"

Download at the end of the lesson

Second step. My first steps. My first words...

(The psychologist places an inscription at the second print of children's feet).

Dear colleagues! The next important step in the life of a small child is the appearance of the first steps and the first words. That is, the main events of this age interval are:

1. Walking. The main thing in the act of walking is not only that the space of the child expands, but also that the child separates himself from the adult.

2. The appearance of autonomous speech, situational, emotional, understandable only to those close in structure - fragments of words.

There are also behavioral changes:

1. Stubbornness, disobedience, demanding increased attention.

2. Increase in new forms of behavior.

3. Hypersensitivity to the remarks of adults - touchiness, discontent, aggression.

4. Increased moodiness of the child.

5. Contradictory behavior in complicated situations.

Thus, during this period, the primary connection with the adult develops and the autonomy of the child from the adult arises, which increases his own activity. But this autonomy is relative. The kid can't do anything by himself. That is, the baby requires a fair amount of attention from others, because it absorbs information like a sponge.

Exercise "Associative Series"

Psychologist. Colleagues! Let's remember the associative chains on the topic "Speech of a young child" and "Physical development of a baby", which you actively use in your work with children.

"Speech development of the child". Listening and understanding of small folklore genres.

Nursery rhymes. "Magpie-crow", "Finger, finger, where have you been", "Okay, okay"


Songs….. .


Stories. ……

"Physical development of the child".

Mobile games and game exercises…….

Games with walking, running, balancing. “To visit the dolls”, “Catch up with me”, “Catch up with the ball”, “Walk along the path”, “Across the stream”, “We lived with granny”…….

Crawling and climbing games. “Crawl to the rattle”, “Crawl through the gate”, “Don't touch”, “Climb over the log”, “Monkeys”, “Kittens”, “Collect toys”……..

Ball throwing and catching games. “Roll the ball”, “Roll down the hill”, “Throw over the rope”, “Aim in the circle”……..

Jump games. “Springs”, “Get out your palm”, “Ring the bell”, “White Bunny is sitting”, “Birds are flying”, “Catch a butterfly”……..

Orientation games in space……..

Third step. I'm getting ready to go to kindergarten.

And again some changes! (Crisis of 3 years). (The psychologist places an inscription at the third imprint of children's feet).

The third year of life is a crisis. Having acquired a certain "baggage" of knowledge and skills, the child begins to feel the need for more independence than he is given. The baby begins to realize that he is a separate being with his own desires and needs, which do not always coincide with what mom and dad offer. The child tries to compare himself with other people.

Awareness of one's "I" in the third year of life is a neoplasm. And, as with any achievement, the actions that secure it are the most important. Therefore, a three-year-old baby perceives lack of independence in some types of self-service (allows him to feed himself), in movement (asking for his arms) more calmly than dependence in the right to choose.

Each child has his own terms of development, therefore, the formation of personality also occurs at an individual pace. Most often, the age of 2-2.5 years is a transitional stage from active knowledge of the surrounding world to knowledge of oneself. This is a stable period during which the child is especially successful in mastering speech, which is the main means of communication in human society. So, our baby already has some success: he has mastered the basic macro movements (walking, running, etc.), acquired elementary self-service skills, mastered objective actions, speech. And now he strives for independence in everything, requires the recognition of adults, is preparing to enter kindergarten. How will these adults meet him there - his inner circle for the next few years?

Exercise "Pedagogical scales"


What features were the most difficult to describe?

How did you feel about it?

How do you think children feel next to such a teacher?

Is describing positive traits the most pleasant thing?

How do you think the adaptation process will go for children next to such a teacher?

Fourth step. Good afternoon, I'm here! Help me adapt!

(The psychologist places an inscription at the fourth print of children's feet).

Kindergarten - the first experience of "immersion" of the child in public life. If he is simply "thrown" into a new social circle, he can get a lot of stress. The social factor is the main and most important argument in favor of kindergarten. The complex work of all specialists, and first of all, the educator, contributes to an easier adaptation of the child to the conditions of the kindergarten, strengthens the reserve capabilities of his body.

Exercise "Psychological knots"

Psychologist. I suggest you, dear colleagues, to solve psychological knots, that is, to determine the state of the child during the period of adaptation to kindergarten by providing recommendations and ways to solve typical situations that arise during this period of the child’s life (the psychologist distributes cards to the teachers on which the situations are written):

The child is afraid of a new room, unfamiliar adults and children;

The child, crying, cuddles up to the mother and does not leave her a single step;

The child is not interested in anything, does not approach toys;

The child avoids contact with other children;

The child refuses to contact the teacher;

The child does not let go of the educator, strives to constantly sit in his arms;

The child refuses to eat;

The child stops talking, although he knows how well;

The child is constantly crying;

The child begins to get sick often;

The child plays with only one toy;

The child refuses to sleep

Child refuses to attend kindergarten

Fifth step. And finally I am here - in the country of childhood ...

Exercise "Treasure Cache" (parable)

“Wise people say that since ancient times, people and gods lived side by side, like neighbors (it was only later that the gods chose their life on Olympus). Here, as usual then and now between unfriendly neighbors, they somehow quarreled in earnest - and let each other arrange various dirty tricks, and every time it gets worse and worse ... But no one wants to give in!

Discord came up, they say, already to the fact that the gods decided to punish mortals worse than ever, so that they would not be so impudent.

They thought - and decided to steal from people the most expensive, most valuable, most important thing that they had.

Love will be stolen from one, mind from another, a dream from someone, happiness from others ... And so it is all over the world ...

They inflicted a bunch of human treasures. They began to consult again: “What to do with them? Where to hide it now? It was difficult for them to come to an agreement in choosing a reliable hiding place for the collected treasures.

And suddenly someone said: “What if we hide their treasures under their very noses?! They will never be found!" And offered a hiding place... a human heart.

"Yes Yes!" Everyone around was talking approvingly. “People will never guess to look there...”, “They only occasionally and mostly carelessly look in there...” “Oh, the heart is really the most secret place for them...”

Therefore, since then it has become the custom among people: we are ready to give up our whole life for the sake of obtaining the once lost treasure, which is so close by.

And everything is much simpler: dear colleagues! Each of us has it - our own, our own, dear - you just need to be able to find it in your heart. And if this treasure is real, it will surely multiply ... "

Psychologist. We all come from childhood, a child still lives in each of us. Moreover, we work in the country of Childhood! Every time you look into your heart, give your children all yours, such​​ important for them love, sincerity, warmth. After all, the motto of a teacher in life is: “I give my heart to children.” Good luck to all of you!

Thank you for attention!

Games for educators are not just a way to occupy the time spent by a child in kindergarten. Game technology is leading in the educational process for preschool children. French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau believed that "nature wants children to be children before they become adults."

Attitude to the game - that's what distinguishes, first of all, a child from an adult. Playing for a child is as natural as breathing.

Games for a kindergarten teacher are a holistic education that covers a certain part of the educational process.

When preparing a lesson using game technologies, it is necessary to carefully select game material, to know the specifics of the educational program and the preschool institution in order to comply with the necessary proportions of the material proposed for study, which will allow the child not to stand still, but to move forward, relying on what he already has. an effective-practical layer of skills and abilities and formed competencies.

Games for educators should correspond to the directions of development of the child. Educators choose games not only in the areas of development: sensory, development of speech, hand movements, thinking, social and emotional development, development of ideas about the world around them, but, above all, by age.

Thus, educators form a whole cycle of games in a certain direction, moreover, with various game forms of presenting material:

  • lotto, picture halves, cubes - for younger children, from three years old;
  • to games with cards, demonstration material, puzzles, puzzles, riddles, handouts, playing field, dice and chips, diagnostic materials - for older children.

Games for the teacher for the development of children's speech

The problem of the development of speech, mastery of the Russian language is very relevant today. Although the problem concerns, first of all, the school, its roots go back to preschool education. It is here, in kindergarten, that educators in games with children can lay the foundation for correct speech, a responsible attitude to the Russian language in a child.

In 2014, the average USE score in the Russian language decreased by 2.3% compared to the previous year. And the minimum threshold has been reduced from 36 to 24 points. 100 points in this most important subject were scored by 0.3% of graduates. And less than 36 - 20% are children entering the first grade, even in the most prestigious educational institutions of the city, who do not know how to coherently express their thoughts, preferring to express themselves in monosyllabic sentences.

An integrated approach to the development of speech in kindergarten and school can help solve this problem. Kindergarten teachers can use speech development games in the implementation of their programs. With the help of an adult, a child gradually masters words and sentences, learns to speak beautifully, deployed and correctly, using various nuances of the Russian language. The vocabulary of the child is enriched, his logic and imagination develop.

"Unscramble the words"

The game for the educator for the development of speech "Decipher the words" turns children six years old(the game goes better in the senior and preparatory groups of the kindergarten) in real scouts.

Children are invited to read the inscriptions encrypted on the cards with drawings. Each letter in the word is replaced by a number corresponding to its serial number in the alphabet. The educator needs to push the children to understand this key if they cannot guess on their own. The pictures can be drawn those objects or phenomena that are currently being studied in the classroom around the world or scenes from favorite fairy tales.

A more complicated option is solving whole sentences - captions under the pictures.

"Magic bag"

The teacher forms a “Magic Bag”, putting in it a lot of small items that are interesting for the child: toys from kinder surprises, keys, something from stationery, small cars, animal figurines, buttons, a skein of thread, some souvenir items - a nested doll, wooden spoons and so on. The main thing is that the objects are diverse in functionality and material and are familiar to children.

Then the teacher begins the fairy tale, invites the children to continue this fairy tale, pulling out one item each in turn from the bag and developing the plot.

In the course of the whole game, the teacher needs to help the children develop the action, since sometimes the story of the children who take out an object from the magic bag is limited to one phrase: "They met him and went on."

This game uses the principle of animating objects, you can also tell the children about this, having previously remembered with them in which fairy tales they met a similar technique.

"Rhymes and non-rhymes"

This game teaches children to perceive rhyming and non-rhyming words and leads to writing poetry.

The teacher invites the children to recall some verses they know and determine how they differ from ordinary speech. Then he explains that the coincidence of the last three or four letters in words is called rhyme. Offering children excerpts from poems and prose works known to them, he asks them to determine whether there is a rhyme or not.

Second option - children find some object around them and determine rhymes to it.

Another version of this game - the teacher offers the beginning of a poetic stanza, inviting the children to finish the second line of the poem with a rhyme, and then reads how it really was. Children all evaluate their creativity together.

For this part of the game, it is best to take poems known to children. You can play starting at the age of five.

Fourth version of the game: the teacher gives the children rhymed words and asks them to determine whether there is a rhyme here or not. In order to make the game more interesting and effective, an adult gives children erroneous phrases where there is no rhyme, helping them, if they find it difficult, to determine this.

The game "Rhymes and non-rhymes" enriches children's vocabulary, teaches them to coordinate nouns with verbs, and develops phonemic hearing. During the game, children learn to feel the word and compose simple poems.

"One and Many"

You can play starting from three years. For this game for the development of speech and attention, sets of small items are needed:

  • buttons,
  • pens,
  • the pencils,
  • Christmas unbreakable toys,
  • sets of animals (it is possible from different materials, but depicting the same animals: bunnies, cats, dogs, horses, sheep; toys 5-12 cm in size made of PVC - plastisol, a soft, rubber-like material produced by the Spring toy factory, are well suited for this purpose. ").

The player's task is to say how many objects - one or many - are in front of him.

Second option. The teacher asks the child to leave one or put a lot of items.

The game can have a lot of options to continue. Each option develops in the process of studying a new topic:

  • numbers - count how many objects are in front of you;
  • animals: choose from all animals only cats, only dogs;
  • size, size: gather all the largest animals together; and now - the smallest; determine which animal is the smallest and largest in size;
  • actions: name which of the animals can do what (the cat meows, scratches; the dog barks, guards, and so on);
  • domestic and wild animals: name which animals live at home and which ones live in the forest;
  • color: find objects that are the same color;
  • shape: find all round objects; all square;
  • length, width: find the longest, widest, shortest, narrowest object; determine an object that is longer, shorter, wider, already given by the teacher, and so on.

The game develops the child's vocabulary, helps kids learn how to use singular and plural nouns and verbs, make small sentences, compare objects. This set of items with various additions can also be used for the Magic Bag game.

"Over and Under"

This game is from the category of outdoor games. It simultaneously develops in children the ability to correctly use prepositions in speech, and motor activity and coordination of movements. The game is best played on the site during a walk.

To play, you will need gymnastic benches or small hills on the ground, a hill or a veranda available on the site. If the game takes place in the hall - then hoops and jump ropes.

Children stand in one line, the teacher gives tasks to be placed in a certain relation to any subject, the children perform. The teacher gives the children instructions: do not rush, do everything carefully, and monitors the safety of completing tasks

Task examples:

  • Get on the bench.
  • Stand behind the bench.
  • Stand in front of the bench.
  • Climb to the top.
  • Hide behind a hill.
  • Hide in the gazebo.
  • Get on the rope.
  • Get behind the rope.
  • Get in front of the jump rope.
  • Get into hoops.
  • Get in pairs with each other.
  • Settle down next to each other.
  • Stand in front of each other and so on.

After completing the last task, which can cause confusion and laughter in children, the teacher talks about the relativity of the location of objects: “If we are on a bench, then where is the bench? That's right, under us!", and so on.

Games for educators to develop the thinking of children

In cognitive activity, which is one of the main ones for a student, the leading role is played by cognitive processes: attention, memory, thinking, imagination. All of them are interconnected, and it is difficult to single out one more important than the rest. For the development of thinking, it is especially useful to study mathematics.

Lomonosov also said that mathematics should be taught later, that it puts the mind in order. And one of the largest humanist educators, Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi, believed that counting and calculations are the basis of order in the head.

"I won't get lost!"

This game not only introduces numbers, but also teaches attentiveness, concentration, which is very necessary for a child in the process of learning.

For example: we do not pronounce the number 3 and the numbers where there is the number 3, that is, 3 and 13. The numbers in which there is the number 1, and these are 1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19. And so on.

"Mathematical Race"

A game for the preparatory group of kindergarten. It is important that children already know how to perform elementary mathematical operations of addition and subtraction within ten.

Children are divided into teams of 10 people. Each is assigned a number from 1 to 10. The task of the players is to listen carefully to the teacher, who says which number should run, or reads a simple example, which will result in a number, with which the participant will run to the finish line.

The winner is the team whose members will listen to the teacher more attentively and be the first to finish each stage of the relay.

"Magic Line"

The game develops not only creative imagination, but also hand movements.

To play, the children are divided into pairs. In each pair, one of the children draws some kind of winding line on a piece of paper with a felt-tip pen, the task of the second is to complete the line in such a way that any image of an object, animal or phenomenon is obtained. Then the pairs change tasks. After completing the task, the children explain what they did.

"Logic Train"

You can play from three years. For the game, a set of items from the games "Magic Bag" and "One and Many" can be used. Items can be added:

  • identical in shape: round, square;
  • by purpose: doll clothes, doll utensils, toy vegetables, fruits and so on.

The teacher invites the children to choose several items from the available ones, lay out a chain of them and explain why they chose such a sequence.

For example, children chose a ball, a ball, a tangerine and an apple, because they are all round, or a cat, a ball, a sheep, socks and a teddy bear, because the cat and the bear are covered with wool, socks and a ball are woolen threads that are spun from sheep's wool. .

If the players six or seven years, then two teams of children can also participate in the "Logic train". In this case, in addition to logical thinking, the game will also develop the ability to negotiate, act together, listen to each other and leadership qualities: the ability to correctly formulate and convey one's point of view, organize a team to complete the task.

Theatrical games for educators

Theatrical games for educators are one of the most effective means of developing a child's personality in the process of theatrical activity. Artistry, creative imagination, coordination of movements, communication skills, correct speech, empathy - all these qualities can be developed in children using theater tools.

"Let's play a fairy tale!"

All kids love fairy tales. Playing a fairy tale - what could be better for development! Kids first (this game is better suited for the preparatory group) offer heroes - participants in the tale. Then the teacher and the children all compose a fairy tale together.

In order for the children to be able to correctly build the plot, the teacher introduces them to the algorithm for composing a fairy tale according to Propp. A lightweight and slightly modified algorithm, in which there are only 7 points, can easily be taken into action by six-seven-year-olds.

Algorithm for writing a fairy tale

1. Someone was not invited to an important event for him. Children come up with a hero and where he was not invited: to visit, to a ball, to a holiday, to the cinema, to his grandmother, on a hike, on an excursion, on a trip, for a walk, to the zoo, museum, and so on.

2. He was or became bad.

3. Stole something and ran away. In these two points, it is necessary to rely on the moral and ethical basis of behavior.

4. Goodies rush after him in pursuit. We are based on the experience of children, on previously read literary works, watched cartoons and fairy tale films.

5. Find a villain.

6. Positive characters explain to the negative character what he was wrong about. He realizes what happened and corrects himself.

7. Final with morality.

A fairy tale composed with children can be staged as a fairy tale performance, having previously made theatrical costumes from improvised means, or it can be played as a puppet show. So an ordinary game of a fairy tale can turn into the beginning of a great theatrical activity.

"What first, what next?"

Children are divided into two teams. Each team is invited to come up with or recall an event and show how it began, what was the culmination of the event (that is, what actually happened) and how the event ended. After that, each team shows the other all three stages of the development of the event, but in a confused sequence. The other team must guess how it all started (that is, what caused the event), what actually happened, and how it all ended.

This game develops children's causal thinking, artistry, creativity and the ability to correctly convey, perceive and understand information.

"Meow meow!"

This is a very fun and dynamic game that develops acting skills, attention, and creative imagination.

To play, you need a set of toy animals - soft stuffed, plastic or PVC - plastisol. The teacher shows some animal, and the players must depict it with sound or movements. Whoever is first gets one point. The one who scores the most points wins.

For ages six to seven you can offer a more complex version of the game with the proposed and showing the actions performed with them.

"A Whole Year"

The teacher names any time of the year, and the task of the players is to show the actions associated with this season.

For example,

  • Spring - everyone slaps through the puddles, launches boats in the stream.
  • Summer - everyone swims, plays football.
  • Autumn - they dig potatoes, pick mushrooms.
  • Winter - skiing and skating.

After completing the task, the children talk about what they did and discuss what else can be done at this time of the year.

Harder version of the game - to show not only what people do, but living and inanimate nature.

"Etiquette Lessons"

The game "Lessons of etiquette" introduces children to the rules of cultural behavior in the theater, away, in transport, in the yard, at the stadium and at home. The teacher distributes the roles necessary for the performance of small theatrical sketches with the appropriate names to the children. Children, together with the teacher, equip the scene - the stage and the theater hall, the bus interior, the house, the yard, the stadium, and then play small scenes about the rules of conduct. The game can be participants and spectators. After the next skit, the children discuss what is shown and all together determine how to behave correctly in a given situation.

The second version of this game - the study of speech rules of behavior when communicating: greeting, request, apology, gratitude, talking on the phone with relatives and friends and with strangers. Children take on different roles and communicate in a playful way, observing the rules of etiquette.

The third version of the game - learning the rules of conduct at the table.

"World of Emotions"

The teacher shows the children portraits of people with different emotions. Children must portray that other emotion. After the game, a discussion is obligatory: what emotions were easier and more pleasant to depict, what emotions are closer to them, whether it is always possible to reflect one's emotions, whether it is possible to hide emotions and in what cases.

The use of gaming technologies in preschool educational institutions results not only in the development of the cognitive qualities of the child. The most important qualities for a person - responsibility, endurance, the ability to work in a team, establish communication, adequately treat both victories and defeats - all this is formed, manifested and consolidated during the game and is very useful to the child in ordinary, non-gaming life. .
