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Stepanida Wax

sensual torture

© S. Vosk, 2017

© Design. AST Publishing House LLC, 2017

- Bend over! came the order, sharp as a blow from a whip. Nerves are stretched to the limit.

Not! Everything inside me protested against such treatment. I hated orders with every fiber of my being. Not requests, no, just orders in an ultimatum form.

Failure to comply means disobedience, and disobedience will be punished. Although who said that the execution of the order itself is not a punishment? Also how.

Should I repeat it again?

A beautiful eyebrow shot up in surprise, showing that he would not tolerate this.

“Don’t,” I said, desperately trying to swallow thick saliva.

I stood in front of the table, placing a vase of flowers on it. It is he who will have to be used as a support.

I walked close to the table and put my hands on the polished lid, which immediately fogged up where my hot hands touched the cold surface.

- Below, - the next command was not long in coming.

- Unbutton your blouse.

Well, your mother, but before it was impossible to say? And how should I do it now in a similar position? I'm uncomfortable.

Excitation in a small lump began to emerge inside. The bright light falling from open window, reflected from the polished surface of the table, dazzled the eyes, turned the tabletop into one large mirror.

Leaning with one hand on the table, since there was no order to straighten up, with the other hand, she slowly began to unbutton the small pearl buttons on her blouse. One after another, one after another. Slowly, measuredly, watching my own reflection, knowing that he, too, is following me at that moment, catches changes in facial expression, every movement, absorbs and passes everything through himself. From this feeling became only sharper and brighter, and the expectation more painful.

- Good. Very good, - I heard praise when all the buttons were finished, and the skirts of the blouse parted in different directions.

I feel that my cheeks are burning, the color of excitement flooded my face. I want to press my hands to it, chilled by the surface of the table, to make it a little easier. Breathing quickened, palms sweaty.

Now take your breasts out of your bra.

I reached under my blouse with my free hand to the clasp at the back.

- Not. Not like that, they told me. “Just take out the breasts one at a time. Slowly, releasing each.

Yes, so yes. Stepping from foot to foot, involuntarily rubbed against each other internal surfaces hips and what is located above and securely hidden from prying eyes. A hot wave of excitement seemed to spread throughout the body, scorching from the inside.

Gently, trying not to touch the nipples, which became extremely sensitive, she first released one full breast from the lacy captivity, then the second. The bra, although it was quite open and supported the breasts only from below, nevertheless made the breasts somewhat closer to each other.

I licked my dry lips. My mouth was as dry as a desert. His own reflection irritated him no less than his actions.

“You know…” I began to resent.

“Don’t argue, do as you say,” he ordered in a cracked tone.

Cautiously, delaying the torture to the last, she circled with her fingertips first one breast, then the other, without touching the nipple halos.

- You know how to do it.

To get you up and not down. Torturer. Although I don't think so. Nowadays he was more of a martyr. He had to watch from the side, caressing only with a glance. I felt his gaze on my skin, it seemed to burn through.

I touched the forbidden zone and felt a shiver of pleasure pierce me. “Your mother,” she cursed to herself, cursing everything in the world. Both himself and this man, who literally devoured the picture unfolding before him with burning eyes.

I did not notice anything around, as if I was looking at myself from the side. As if it was not me in the reflection, but a completely different woman. Alien. Excited to the limit. But this is only the beginning.

There was a sound of footsteps behind him. I put my other hand on the table, it is very difficult to stand with only one hand. From the movement of the air I guessed that the man froze behind. At the same moment, I felt my skirt, gathering in folds, crawling up, exposing my legs in stockings. And now the lace elastic bands appeared, and then the skin above them was also exposed. A little more, and the buttocks felt cool air. The skirt, like a lifebuoy, gathered around the waist.

© S. Vosk, 2017

© Design. AST Publishing House LLC, 2017

- Bend over! came the order, sharp as a blow from a whip. Nerves are stretched to the limit.

Not! Everything inside me protested against such treatment. I hated orders with every fiber of my being. Not requests, no, just orders in an ultimatum form.

Failure to comply means disobedience, and disobedience will be punished. Although who said that the execution of the order itself is not a punishment? Also how.

Should I repeat it again?

A beautiful eyebrow shot up in surprise, showing that he would not tolerate this.

“Don’t,” I said, desperately trying to swallow thick saliva.

I stood in front of the table, placing a vase of flowers on it. It is he who will have to be used as a support.

I walked close to the table and put my hands on the polished lid, which immediately fogged up where my hot hands touched the cold surface.

- Below, - the next command was not long in coming.

- Unbutton your blouse.

Well, your mother, but before it was impossible to say? And how should I do it now in a similar position? I'm uncomfortable.

Excitation in a small lump began to emerge inside. The bright light falling from the open window reflected off the polished surface of the table, dazzling the eyes, turning the tabletop into one large mirror.

Leaning with one hand on the table, since there was no order to straighten up, with the other hand, she slowly began to unbutton the small pearl buttons on her blouse. One after another, one after another. Slowly, measuredly, watching my own reflection, knowing that he, too, is following me at that moment, catches changes in facial expression, every movement, absorbs and passes everything through himself. From this feeling became only sharper and brighter, and the expectation more painful.

- Good. Very good, - I heard praise when all the buttons were finished, and the skirts of the blouse parted in different directions.

I feel that my cheeks are burning, the color of excitement flooded my face. I want to press my hands to it, chilled by the surface of the table, to make it a little easier. Breathing quickened, palms sweaty.

Now take your breasts out of your bra.

I reached under my blouse with my free hand to the clasp at the back.

- Not. Not like that, they told me. “Just take out the breasts one at a time. Slowly, releasing each.

Yes, so yes. Stepping from foot to foot, she involuntarily rubbed against each other the inner surfaces of her thighs and those that are located above and securely hidden from prying eyes. A hot wave of excitement seemed to spread throughout the body, scorching from the inside.

Gently, trying not to touch the nipples, which became extremely sensitive, she first released one full breast from the lacy captivity, then the second. The bra, although it was quite open and supported the breasts only from below, nevertheless made the breasts somewhat closer to each other.

I licked my dry lips. My mouth was as dry as a desert. His own reflection irritated him no less than his actions.

“You know…” I began to resent.

“Don’t argue, do as you say,” he ordered in a cracked tone.

Cautiously, delaying the torture to the last, she circled with her fingertips first one breast, then the other, without touching the nipple halos.

- You know how to do it.

To get you up and not down. Torturer. Although I don't think so. Nowadays he was more of a martyr. He had to watch from the side, caressing only with a glance. I felt his gaze on my skin, it seemed to burn through.

I touched the forbidden zone and felt a shiver of pleasure pierce me. “Your mother,” she cursed to herself, cursing everything in the world. Both himself and this man, who literally devoured the picture unfolding before him with burning eyes.

I did not notice anything around, as if I was looking at myself from the side. As if it was not me in the reflection, but a completely different woman. Alien. Excited to the limit. But this is only the beginning.

There was a sound of footsteps behind him. I put my other hand on the table, it is very difficult to stand with only one hand. From the movement of the air I guessed that the man froze behind. At the same moment, I felt my skirt, gathering in folds, crawling up, exposing my legs in stockings. And now the lace elastic bands appeared, and then the skin above them was also exposed. A little more, and the buttocks felt cool air. The skirt, like a lifebuoy, gathered around the waist.

“Please, touch it,” I mentally pleaded. “Touch any part of your body!”

My prayers were heard.

Two large male palms lay on the hips and began to perform an intricate dance. They stroked the buttocks in a circular motion, giving pleasure, running to one point and twisting in a knot in the lower abdomen.

- Well, - I could not stand it and began to urge the man.

“Be patient,” it was said to me in response with a hoarse laugh.

Suddenly, both hands slipped under the elastic of the thong and pulled down, but did not remove it completely, but stopped halfway.

- A little wider.

The man gestured for what he wanted. I had to move one foot away from the other. The focus of femininity, I felt a touch of cool air, goosebumps ran along my spine. With a quick and sure movement, he pulled the silk patch down to his knees. I dropped my panties completely, so as not to hobble.

Along the sacrum, along the coccyx, his hand crawled. And now she is already in the hollow between the buttocks and does not stop.

Desire drove me crazy, made me reach out, demand affection. But you can't.

Dry mouth. And where did all the liquid go? She simply migrated to where it is needed now. The focus of femininity languished from emptiness.

His thumb dived into the holy of holies and gave the desire for something more, unknown. Dive and dive, dive and dive. I couldn't help it, and a voluptuous moan escaped my lips.

I will kill him. I will kill for all these restrictions, prohibitions, conditions that must be observed. I know that at this moment he is suffering no less than me, but he has the leading party, and he is leading the parade.

I felt his hand leave my buttocks and the burning depths between them.

Moments devoid of caress seemed like an eternity. It's not fair. I wanted to whimper and beg, beg and whimper.

All senses were heightened to the limit. Any sound seemed very loud.

A belt buckle rattled, there was the sound of a zipper opening, the rustle of clothes. I froze in silent anticipation. A little more, and I will not stand it, I will give up this venture. I'll turn around and saddle him myself. But I endured. What did it cost me?

The first push, no matter how I expected it, turned out to be sudden and painfully sweet. Hot flesh freely found a passage to where they were waiting for it and were ready to receive it.

My groan of the end of waiting mixed with a male growl. These moments were hard for him: forcing me to suffer from voluptuousness, perhaps he himself suffered even more.

Strong hands lifted the pink hemispheres of the breasts, caressed, painted intricate figures on the skin, gave unearthly pleasure. The contact of bodies, rhythmic friction, sometimes fast, almost painful, sometimes slow and measured, lifted me to the peak of bliss.

A little more, a little more, a little more... a little more... a little more...

And now there was one small step left to the top, and there it was ... the sky in placers of diamonds ...

* * *

- Get down below.

- Where below? I don’t see anything,” the second one protested indignantly.

- I'm telling you that she rolled deep under the closet, that's why you can't see it.

The light blinded my eyes, reflected from the polished surface of the table, on which I had just placed a vase of cut flowers ...

* * *

I shook my head, trying to get rid of the surging obsession. It is necessary to see this in reality. Completely mad with abstinence. Svetka said: “Find yourself a normal man for health. And even better is a married one, to use it only for sex, since you don’t want a normal relationship with all the bouquets, sweets, festivities, seeing off, scandals and obligations. The ringed ones have less time and more experience, and they are afraid of publicity like fire. A friend knows how to isolate the most important thing and put bold Exclamation point.

I wiped my sweaty hands on my skirt, straightened my chest in a fashionable but so uncomfortable bra. And who made me buy this bracer and then wear it under my office blouse? If my girlfriend saw him, she would certainly say that I am finally embarking on the true path, and the woman who has slept so far wakes up in me. And I just love the color. So pleasant beige color rarely seen on sale, so I was seduced. And only at home I considered that the bra is practically absent top part cups, and he barely covers his nipples. And the devil pulled me to wear it today. The day we were supposed to be introduced to the new bosses.

It was I who was going to put a huge vase of flowers in the middle of the table in the meeting room, where the acquaintance with the leadership will take place.

My manipulation of the chest attracted the attention of two men present in the hall. How did I not notice them when I walked in? Apparently, she was so absorbed in her thoughts that she did not look around at all.

I realized that they had stopped what they were doing and were staring at me with all their eyes. How could I forget that the wiring is to be fixed here today? Recently they did repairs and somewhere they interrupted the wire, but they could not immediately find the break. And it so happened that the wiring was being repaired right now.

So the repairmen were staring at me with might and main. And I, already pink from the vision, blushed even more from the realization of what kind of performance they had just witnessed. The excitement still wandered through the body and caused conflicting feelings, and then four eyes stared at me. There was a wild desire to run away, to hide away from the piercing brown eyes one that drilled right through me.

If the first man looked at me with black eyes, then the second looked with saturated blue. Wow, it's so rare to see eyes the color of azure sky.

- Well, what are you staring at? You might think that you are not correcting your economy - I think that everyone guessed what kind of "economy" in question. - All you can see is that you are pulling your hands to your fly, as if it was smeared with honey.

What am I carrying? Just to hide his embarrassment, flooding from head to toe and trying to overflow.

The men were silent, deciding that it was not worth reacting to such statements of an unfamiliar girl. Decided not to get involved or numb with indignation at my behavior?

Imagine how I looked at that moment. Cheeks are burning, eyes are burning, movements are convulsive. In a word, the patient is a ward with soft walls and a floor.

The brunet with currant eyes was about to say something, but I stopped him.

- And shut up. Not a word.

I put my hand forward, calling for the execution of my order.

Do your work silently. And then mess around for it is not clear how long, but there is no sense.

Brown haired blue eyes turned around so that it was more convenient for him to see me, and began to look at me like a strange little animal. The second one frowned displeasedly, as if he was not used to being interrupted in mid-sentence.

“And there’s nothing for all the hard workers to stare here,” I flared up, trying to justify my rudeness towards men.

I caught myself, realized that I was becoming an even greater laughingstock for these hard workers, and decided to retire, but for this I had to go past the workers to the door. Trying to get around them as far as possible, I nearly ran my face into doorjamb. The open door let a draft into the room. The door slammed with a bang, and I no longer heard how the brunette sucked in the air, in which, it seemed, my excitement was felt, and the brown-haired woman, laughing, said:

- Lily she laid siege to you.

– Really?

- This has never happened before in my memory. You're getting old, buddy.

* * *

She only took a breath outside the door. “What is happening to me? – she asked herself again. “First, sexual fantasies, and then the most terrible behavior towards completely strangers". I was drowning in belated regret. We need to go back and apologize for our behavior. “Yeah,” I immediately said to myself, “and get in the face a bucket of icy contempt, which I already saw in the eyes of the color of blackcurrant.” It was this eye color that I liked to the point of madness, and it was from the eyes of this color that I ran all my conscious life. They seemed to burn through, burn out the stigma, forever leaving a mark on the soul.

I'm not like that, I won't step on the same rake again. It won't happen for anything. One time is enough when they wiped their feet on me and threw them away, as if unnecessary thing.

Naive. How naive I was. I believed in a bright feeling called love. Brought some sorrows later.

Only one thing consoles a little: the first love, for almost everyone, with rare exceptions, ends in disappointment.

– Juno, we must urgently take the correspondence to the post office. Our deadlines are burning, and the courier, as luck would have it, fell ill. Can you? came the voice of the chief accountant.

Irina Vasilievna, running past along the corridor, stopped beside me.

“Okay,” I replied.

I'll just calm down a bit. Although it was not in my official duties, but it was with her help that I managed to get a job as an office manager in a large construction concern. And although he was now going through a change of leadership, but, nevertheless, remained the flagship in his business niche.

- Thank you dear. I knew that you would help out, - said Irina Vasilievna. “You can pick up the letters on my desk in my office. All ordered.

- Understood.

I shook out my flowing blond hair and headed to my workplace to check for urgent tasks so that I could go to the post office with a clear conscience.

My notebook was full of checkboxes indicating completed tasks, only one item was not marked.

"Flowers for the meeting room."

Here is the thing done. Feel free to email. I went to the office of the chief accountant and took a pack of envelopes from the table, once again noting the comfort in the holy of holies of Irina Vasilyevna on the way. Still, a very nice woman, with a kind soul. This was evident even in her workplace. On the table is a photo of her daughter, who died untimely. After her death, Irina Vasilievna did not become embittered, did not fall into despondency, did not become a vixen, but still remained a bright and pure soul.

I went to a small room where the office staff left their outerwear.

Men's jackets hung on a hanger intended for visitors. Strange, no one informed me about the visitors. There was no time to think, because this information flew out of my head immediately.

The elevator was waiting for me on the floor. There was no one in the corridor except me. The entire office was frozen in anxious anticipation. The tension was felt even here, although there was no one around. The elevator doors parted softly, letting me in, and I made my way down to the lobby. At the checkpoint, a sleepy guard nodded languidly in my direction.

The fresh air cooled her still glowing cheeks, and the light frost tingled pleasantly. I, finely semenya, moved towards the post office. Luckily she was close to administrative building where the head office of the group was located. In the street people were hurrying about their business, and no one cared about others. Loneliness is the fate of the inhabitants big cities. Here, no one knows anything about a person who is coming towards you: he works with no one, lives with no one. Not like people living in the outback. There, the neighbor knows everything about the neighbor. When he was born, he was baptized, what he ate for breakfast, lunch and dinner - everything, everything, everything, right down to how many kittens the cat Muska brought yesterday, and with almost 100% certainty he can say where he is going, going out of the outskirts.

On the one hand, anonymity big city seduces: you can not think about what they will think about you, but on the other hand, it makes you look for communication, opportunities for communication different ways. The means of telecommunications that burst into life are a great blessing and the greatest misfortune for many millions of people.

With similar thoughts, I hurried to the post office, where, in the old fashioned way, I had to send registered letters. A real archaism in our time of electronic gadgets, instant shipments and lightning-fast responses. Some things still have not lost their relevance, and business correspondence still in paper form.

At the window, as always, the queue. This seems to be an eternal, unchanging attribute of mail. And although operators began to use computers to facilitate their work, they, as before, reminded sleepy flies.

The queue grumbled, resented, but it did not help. Someone tried to pump the rights, urging a lethargic girl of pre-retirement age, but it was all in vain. Nothing took her. As a result, I ended up in front of the window almost before closing. Barely made it.

She glanced at her watch. The working day at the office is already over. There is no point in going back. Therefore, with a sense of accomplishment, I trudged home. Or rather, stop. The transport was waiting for a long time. Got home late.

Stomach cramped from hunger. And, unfortunately, I forgot to go to the grocery store. And after all was going to yesterday. This is where it gets weird. I remember everything that is required of me at work, but I forget such elementary things as buying bread and milk. I didn’t want to get dressed again and go to a 24-hour supermarket located not far from my skyscraper. So I had to be content with what God sent. And he sent a piece of cheese, expired yogurt and tea without sugar, although there was just sugar.

Let Svetlana drink tea with sugar, she still cannot do without it. Although every time she screams that this is the last spoonful that she destroys for the benefit of me, so that I get fewer calories. And who is she fooling?

* * *

I love morning. Probably, someone sees the morning as enemy number one, but not for me. I am a lark, getting up early, even at dusk, has always been easy and without problems for me. Having completed the daily ritual "bathroom-kitchen-bathroom-bedroom", I woke up completely and irrevocably. The kettle whistled for tea time.

I thought, did the meeting with the new management of the concern take place yesterday or was it postponed? Somehow none of my girlfriends called to wash the bones of the new bosses. Didn't even Lariska from HR have anything to say? Weird.

I reached into my purse, and ... did not find the phone in place. And only then I realized that I left it in the drawer of the table, where I usually put it in work time. It seems to be at hand, but not in front of our eyes. In the neighboring office, small electronics sometimes disappeared, so out of harm's way, I removed personal items.

How could I forget to pick up my phone? Now without him it's like without hands. I didn’t remember yet, I didn’t feel a strong need, but as soon as I thought, it was immediately needed. I have no other means of communication.

I hope nothing bad happened in my absence. And what can happen in the well-oiled mechanism of an established team that was able to function normally even without CEO. I do not understand why it was necessary to change the previous one? Things were going well in the concern, in my opinion, although the founders know better who will best cope with this position.

Rumors swirled around the office that the former was caught embezzling a certain amount of money, but there was no official confirmation. Who doesn't steal these days? If you figure it out, then absolutely everything. Everyone pulls what lies badly. Perhaps I could also bring home tea bags, bottles of mineral water and blank paper. Yes, but it's not necessary. I drink tea of ​​a certain variety, I don’t respect mineral water, but office paper it is unlikely to come in handy on the farm, even if it is very, very wrinkled. Therefore, as an alternative, I buy a toilet, albeit for my hard-earned money, but there will be no harm to my own ass.

This is how I went to work.

* * *

The office greeted me with silence. And where does the noise come from if I come here at least an hour before everyone else? A lark, he is also a lark in Africa. I can't help myself. I get up early, and at home in the morning there is nothing to do. Do not stick to the TV early in the morning. Maybe get a hamster? To feel the fullness of life. You need to feed him, water him, clean the cage, listen to nightly wake-up calls in the form of screams when they have mating season. I don’t remember who is screaming: a female or a male? One of my girl friends had a hamster as a child, so he yelled with a good obscenity when he was impatient. And it stank even worse. Now, if I get myself such a creature, then my mouth will be full of trouble. It will be early to come to work.

If Svetka were nearby, she would definitely say that I don’t have enough man, and again she would climb with her advice. Call her or something, chat about this and that? And then my friends are good, for a week it’s definitely neither I to her, nor she to me. So not for long and in different directions to disperse.

I was checking the to-do list for today on the diary, when I heard that someone was cursing in the corridor and, not embarrassed in expressions, was burning a coffee machine.

This unit was installed to us quite recently, but there were many problems with it. First of all, to me, because only I managed to get a portion of a hot drink from this iron monster the first time. From everyone else, the machine either took money and did not give out goods, or could pour coffee without a cup, or come up with something else that would creep into its fancy microcircuits. The most important thing is that the automaton worked as it should for the adjusters, but as soon as they turned the corner, it began to rage and show character. And only to me he had warm feelings. For this reason, everyone who wanted coffee turned to me. I was already so accustomed to helping employees that I did not wait for the next time I was called.

Whom did it bring early in the morning? It seems that before that, no one but me had a desire to appear at the office so early.

I put my papers aside and got up from the table. Today I was again in a suit with a skirt. The jacket is narrow and fastens high enough, so I didn’t wear anything under it, except for underwear. Uncomfortable to move if there is another layer of clothing.

To keep my hair out of the way, I twisted it into a knot and stuck two pencils into it, fixing the hairstyle in the manner of Japanese geishas. Passing by a mirror hanging on the wall of my office, I noticed that I had horns made of erasers attached to the ends of pencils. She smiled to herself. The mood was rosy.

She looked out into the corridor. The reason for the dissatisfaction of many employees of the office - a coffee machine - was visible at the far end. Beside him, like a bee, a man curled up. Judging by the swear words coming to me, the man was angry and was just not going to challenge the mechanical monster to a duel.

Heels thumped loudly floor tiles. The man turned towards the sound. The light was on only at the far end of the corridor, and where I was, it was quite dark. The economy should be economical, and therefore did not turn on the light at the entrance.

- Ba. Yes, there are also aborigines here, - a pleasant baritone heard.

– What this time? Swallowed money, but did not give out coffee? Or poured everything by? – asked the man.

“This bastard not only didn’t give coffee, but also squeezed the change,” the man complained to me. - Under the press it is necessary or in the furnace.

As if hearing the words of the man, there was some noise inside the machine, rattling, but neither a cup of coffee nor change appeared.

“He also swears,” the man continued to complain.

My eyes got used to the semi-darkness, and I began to recognize my interlocutor. It turned out to be one of the repairmen I saw yesterday. The same eyes the color of the sky and good looks. It was uncomfortable to look at him for a long time, and the memories of yesterday's embarrassment gnawed at the soul a little.

What, you didn't finish yesterday? - I asked the blue-eyed one.

- Yes, as if the work in bulk. Not for one day,” he answered cautiously.

I went close to the machine and started pressing the buttons on the control panel. There was another grinding sound in the machine, and the change fell into the money tray.

- So. I gave up, I said. - Take it.

“Yes, you are a magician,” she heard in response.

The man, in obedience to my order, performed the specified action.

- How long can you wait? Send only for death. Gone for a minute. The wiring is on fire there, and he’s being nice here,” a hoarse voice thundered from behind, from which goosebumps ran down my arms and the hair on the back of my neck stood on end.

There was so much discontent in this icy tone, as if an avalanche came down and rumbled in the gorge.

My interlocutor was blown away by the wind.

I didn't like it at all. For some reason, I wanted to protect the man, although he did not need it at all.

Turning from the machine gun to the fire alarm, I didn’t think at all that I would bury my face in something hard and warm.

Surprised, I only managed to turn my head back. The smell of shower gel with menthol, mixed with the famous perfume aroma with notes of nutmeg, literally hit my nostrils. From this smell, goosebumps ran through the body again.

Visions began to spin in my head, as I stumble into the hollow between my collarbones and draw in the smell of a man. It intoxicates worse than laughing gas. Head goes around. There are no thoughts. Only emotions. Feelings. Feel. I did not have enough endurance, and I stuck out my tongue, touching the skin with it, exuding an intoxicating smell. She had her own incomparable taste. We are all animals. Some more, some less. But it is the animal instinct that pushes us to rash acts, forcing us to do what we would never do in our right mind and memory.

This bare skin was not enough for me, I needed more. I wanted to see everything that is hidden under the clothes. I wanted to know what they are hiding from me. Is the skin velvety to the touch? Do you feel muscles under it or not? Is it covered in hairs? If yes, what color are they? How much vegetation covers the body? Or maybe he has no hair on his body at all, with the exception of the “mother-in-law path”, which snakes down, pointing the way to the center of masculinity? And lower…

What is happening to me? I looked up in horror to find out in whose eyes I had just fallen below the baseboard, and met with blackcurrants instead of irises. There were devils in the eyes. Mommy. Again. It happened again.

As soon as I was about to throw myself into the abyss of shame for what I had done and sprinkle ashes on my head, condemning myself for incomprehensible visions and actions, the machine clanged, and I had to urgently take measures so that we were not doused with a hot stream of sweet or not very drink. I already memorized how the automaton usually behaves, and I could determine the intentions of this monster by the sound.

He was currently in the mood to do something nasty. Therefore, I put all my anguish aside and paid attention to the miracle of technology. The main thing was to catch the spit out glass in time and hold it with your hand, since the safety shield removed itself at the most inopportune moment.

I deftly picked up the glass and handed it to the taken aback man.

- Want to? Still hot.

“I want,” and it sounded so ambiguous, breathy.

As if he didn’t ask for coffee, but pulled into bed. There was such an aura of desire coming from him that I could not help but notice. The voice made me fall into erotic visions and doing strange things for which I was angry at myself, and even more so at the owner of this sexy voice. I was afraid to look into the eyes, and it’s easier to say nasty things when you don’t look at a person.

“Then drink and go finish the wiring, otherwise your colleague has already been waiting for you,” and added vindictively. Actually, it's his coffee.

Was his, will be mine.

And why so growl? You can say okay. Or is there no other way for him?

However, he did not take a cup of coffee, and like a fool I continued to hand it to him. Well, how to understand it? Another awkward position? I started to hate this guy.

Not to say that he was handsome. Facial features are rough, sharp, as if consisting of only angles, without soft lines and roundness. Her hair is blue-black, cut short, but not short enough to look like a camp prisoner's hairstyle. Growth. Hm. Growth is large, even with my heels, he was almost a head taller than me. The width of the shoulders could have been smaller, for my taste, the figure was painfully suppressing its power. But the hips seemed surprisingly narrow. Was it really sculpted in a sculpture workshop on special order? "Evil Ken" came to mind as a nickname. This is what the antipode of the sugary mutant doll would look like if it were revived and enlarged to normal size.

Looks like he's not going to take my coffee away, bastard. I have already set foot on a path from which there is no turning back. And so I decided to finish what I started. Since he does not want to stretch out his paw, then the glass will end up in it on its own. With my help. All you have to do is transport it there.

With my free hand, I grabbed the man’s hand and slammed coffee into it, but since I did it very quickly, the liquid continued its movement safely by inertia.

Eyes wide with fear, I watched the hot coffee splash onto the man's hand. Holy shit, I just scalded the repairman. In my imagination, blisters were already drawn, Ambulance and treatment for burns. And all at my expense, from the treatment of blisters and ending with compensation for non-pecuniary damage.

- You decided to let me check the temperature of the drink? Isn't it too cold? - the brunette said in an even voice with a slight hoarseness.

Not a single muscle moved in his face. The coffee dripped onto the floor, where it spread into dirty drops. Now I looked at the man in surprise, not believing my eyes. And she diagnosed the drink herself, sticking her finger into the glass.

And then she pulled her hand away with a cry.

- Oh, he's hot!

The coffee burned my finger.

"Don't believe your eyes," the man said.

What did he mean? What hurts him and he doesn't show it? Or is the coffee not hot enough to scald? Or maybe something else?

While I was guessing, the man grabbed my hand, which I had just put into a glass. I kept sticking my finger out to the side. The black-eyed bowed his head and drew in mine forefinger into the mouth. To say that I was burned is to say nothing. It seemed to me that the temperature in the man's mouth is much higher than the temperature of the ill-fated drink. A hot tongue ran along my finger.

“Coffee is meant to be drunk, not poured on the floor,” he explained.

I froze.

My body flared up like a sparkler in new year's eve, a simple gesture made all the nerve endings heat up to the limit. The nipples were swollen and were ready to ram through several layers of material in order to break out. The clothes immediately became tight, and I wanted to throw them to hell. I no longer controlled my own body, it lived its own life, separate from the brain, which was in a stupor. I was brought out of the trance by the loud sound of a perforator suddenly working. I breathed a sigh of relief: just a little more and I would have fallen into the visions again, which began to disturb me greatly.

The firm on the floor below had recently gone bankrupt, all the equipment had been sold under the hammer, and the premises were empty. Apparently, the owner of the building has found new tenants, and they are now bringing the gutted office into proper shape.

“You have to take when they give you,” I retorted the man’s remark.

“And you haven’t proposed yet,” the blackcurrant look seemed to pierce through, as if he wanted to know what I think. Even though I don't need it.

What is it about? My thoughts raced like autumn leaves caught in a gust of wind. I almost forgot that I had just spilled hot coffee on a man, and it was only by chance that he didn't scald himself. Or did he suffer, but he won't admit it? Ask or not?

- Aren't you hot? - I could not stand it.

– Very, – and again some ambiguous answer. - I'm on fire.

“Well, you can’t tell from you, you didn’t even scream,” I continued, calming my conscience. - Since you're all right, I went to work. Say hello to your comrade, - I burst out in the end.

Why I said this, I myself did not understand, but the word is not a sparrow, it will fly out - you will not catch it. The man's face instantly changed. It even seemed to me that his jaws were coming in, as if I had said something offensive. His eyes narrowed and flashed with a strange determination.

Lovers do not lie on the road, they do not fall in piles under their feet. And as soon as others manage to pick them up?

Here, take the same Svetka; to say that she is Marilyn Monroe, it means to darken the bright memory of an outstanding woman. She is the complete antipode. Large, “wide in the bone”, no matter how thin she is (and she loves to eat, and how), it is unlikely to become less than the fiftieth size, well, in last resort, forty-eight. Such is the constitution. And nothing can be done. Svetlana tried this way and that, but it was all to no avail. And her men changed with the frequency of automatic bursts. I don't think she even remembers their names. And she doesn’t have to do anything, they themselves stick like flies to honey. Probably, they are attracted by huge eyes with a veil or long curly black hair, since the girlfriend did not come out with a figure. Or maybe she knows some secret? Which to me, stupid, is still inaccessible. Don't know. And it's kind of embarrassing to ask. Ashamed.

- And what? I have the right. You are my only friend.

Still would. After all, the rest of her friends. Or rather, lovers. Either past, present or future. Svetlana could not stand women. I considered them competitors, however, like men who fall for men. That's what she says about gays - "my competitors." Like, there are so few men, and if they are also taken away by men, then decent women will not have anyone to choose from at all. Either they are busy, or they are fools (drug addicts, drunkards, and so on - the list goes on), or good-for-nothing slackers. Although what the armless ones didn’t please her, I don’t know, because she was interested in men only in one plane - the horizontal. The rest of the time was spent working. And in bed, in her own words, a man should have a central organ. However, like fingers with the tongue.

“So you don’t have a particular desire to have others.

At work, she was cold and distant with the entire women's team.

And the conversation ended.

© S. Vosk, 2017

© Design. AST Publishing House LLC, 2017

- Bend over! came the order, sharp as a blow from a whip. Nerves are stretched to the limit.

Not! Everything inside me protested against such treatment. I hated orders with every fiber of my being. Not requests, no, just orders in an ultimatum form.

Failure to comply means disobedience, and disobedience will be punished. Although who said that the execution of the order itself is not a punishment? Also how.

Should I repeat it again?

A beautiful eyebrow shot up in surprise, showing that he would not tolerate this.

“Don’t,” I said, desperately trying to swallow thick saliva.

I stood in front of the table, placing a vase of flowers on it. It is he who will have to be used as a support.

I walked close to the table and put my hands on the polished lid, which immediately fogged up where my hot hands touched the cold surface.

- Below, - the next command was not long in coming.

- Unbutton your blouse.

Well, your mother, but before it was impossible to say? And how should I do it now in a similar position? I'm uncomfortable.

Excitation in a small lump began to emerge inside. The bright light falling from the open window reflected off the polished surface of the table, dazzling the eyes, turning the tabletop into one large mirror.

Leaning with one hand on the table, since there was no order to straighten up, with the other hand, she slowly began to unbutton the small pearl buttons on her blouse. One after another, one after another. Slowly, measuredly, watching my own reflection, knowing that he, too, is following me at that moment, catches changes in facial expression, every movement, absorbs and passes everything through himself. From this feeling became only sharper and brighter, and the expectation more painful.

- Good. Very good, - I heard praise when all the buttons were finished, and the skirts of the blouse parted in different directions.

I feel that my cheeks are burning, the color of excitement flooded my face. I want to press my hands to it, chilled by the surface of the table, to make it a little easier. Breathing quickened, palms sweaty.

Now take your breasts out of your bra.

I reached under my blouse with my free hand to the clasp at the back.

- Not. Not like that, they told me. “Just take out the breasts one at a time. Slowly, releasing each.

Yes, so yes. Stepping from foot to foot, she involuntarily rubbed against each other the inner surfaces of her thighs and those that are located above and securely hidden from prying eyes. A hot wave of excitement seemed to spread throughout the body, scorching from the inside.

Gently, trying not to touch the nipples, which became extremely sensitive, she first released one full breast from the lacy captivity, then the second. The bra, although it was quite open and supported the breasts only from below, nevertheless made the breasts somewhat closer to each other.

I licked my dry lips. My mouth was as dry as a desert. His own reflection irritated him no less than his actions.

“You know…” I began to resent.

“Don’t argue, do as you say,” he ordered in a cracked tone.

Cautiously, delaying the torture to the last, she circled with her fingertips first one breast, then the other, without touching the nipple halos.

- You know how to do it.

To get you up and not down. Torturer. Although I don't think so. Nowadays he was more of a martyr. He had to watch from the side, caressing only with a glance. I felt his gaze on my skin, it seemed to burn through.

I touched the forbidden zone and felt a shiver of pleasure pierce me. “Your mother,” she cursed to herself, cursing everything in the world. Both himself and this man, who literally devoured the picture unfolding before him with burning eyes.

I did not notice anything around, as if I was looking at myself from the side. As if it was not me in the reflection, but a completely different woman. Alien. Excited to the limit. But this is only the beginning.

There was a sound of footsteps behind him. I put my other hand on the table, it is very difficult to stand with only one hand. From the movement of the air I guessed that the man froze behind. At the same moment, I felt my skirt, gathering in folds, crawling up, exposing my legs in stockings. And now the lace elastic bands appeared, and then the skin above them was also exposed. A little more, and the buttocks felt cool air. The skirt, like a lifebuoy, gathered around the waist.

“Please, touch it,” I mentally pleaded. “Touch any part of your body!”

My prayers were heard.

Two large male palms lay on the hips and began to perform an intricate dance. They stroked the buttocks in a circular motion, giving pleasure, running to one point and twisting in a knot in the lower abdomen.

- Well, - I could not stand it and began to urge the man.

“Be patient,” it was said to me in response with a hoarse laugh.

Suddenly, both hands slipped under the elastic of the thong and pulled down, but did not remove it completely, but stopped halfway.

- A little wider.

The man gestured for what he wanted. I had to move one foot away from the other. The focus of femininity, I felt a touch of cool air, goosebumps ran along my spine. With a quick and sure movement, he pulled the silk patch down to his knees. I dropped my panties completely, so as not to hobble.

Along the sacrum, along the coccyx, his hand crawled. And now she is already in the hollow between the buttocks and does not stop.

Desire drove me crazy, made me reach out, demand affection. But you can't.

Dry mouth. And where did all the liquid go? She simply migrated to where it is needed now. The focus of femininity languished from emptiness.

His thumb dived into the holy of holies and gave the desire for something more, unknown. Dive and dive, dive and dive. I couldn't help it, and a voluptuous moan escaped my lips.

I will kill him. I will kill for all these restrictions, prohibitions, conditions that must be observed. I know that at this moment he is suffering no less than me, but he has the leading party, and he is leading the parade.

I felt his hand leave my buttocks and the burning depths between them.

Moments devoid of caress seemed like an eternity. It's not fair. I wanted to whimper and beg, beg and whimper.

All senses were heightened to the limit. Any sound seemed very loud.

A belt buckle rattled, there was the sound of a zipper opening, the rustle of clothes. I froze in silent anticipation. A little more, and I will not stand it, I will give up this venture. I'll turn around and saddle him myself. But I endured. What did it cost me?

The first push, no matter how I expected it, turned out to be sudden and painfully sweet. Hot flesh freely found a passage to where they were waiting for it and were ready to receive it.

My groan of the end of waiting mixed with a male growl. These moments were hard for him: forcing me to suffer from voluptuousness, perhaps he himself suffered even more.

Strong hands lifted the pink hemispheres of the breasts, caressed, painted intricate figures on the skin, gave unearthly pleasure. The contact of bodies, rhythmic friction, sometimes fast, almost painful, sometimes slow and measured, lifted me to the peak of bliss.

A little more, a little more, a little more... a little more... a little more...

And now there was one small step left to the top, and there it was ... the sky in placers of diamonds ...

* * *

- Get down below.

- Where below? I don’t see anything,” the second one protested indignantly.

- I'm telling you that she rolled deep under the closet, that's why you can't see it.

The light blinded my eyes, reflected from the polished surface of the table, on which I had just placed a vase of cut flowers ...

* * *

I shook my head, trying to get rid of the surging obsession. It is necessary to see this in reality. Completely mad with abstinence. Svetka said: “Find yourself a normal man for health. And even better is a married one, to use it only for sex, since you don’t want a normal relationship with all the bouquets, sweets, festivities, seeing off, scandals and obligations. The ringed ones have less time and more experience, and they are afraid of publicity like fire. The girlfriend knows how to isolate the most important thing and put a bold exclamation mark.

I wiped my sweaty hands on my skirt, straightened my chest in a fashionable but so uncomfortable bra. And who made me buy this bracer and then wear it under my office blouse? If my girlfriend saw him, she would certainly say that I am finally embarking on the true path, and the woman who has slept so far wakes up in me. And I just love the color. Such a pleasant beige color is rarely seen on sale, so I was seduced. And only at home I saw that the bra has practically no upper part of the cup, and he barely covers the nipples. And the devil pulled me to wear it today. The day we were supposed to be introduced to the new bosses.

It was I who was going to put a huge vase of flowers in the middle of the table in the meeting room, where the acquaintance with the leadership will take place.

My manipulation of the chest attracted the attention of two men present in the hall. How did I not notice them when I walked in? Apparently, she was so absorbed in her thoughts that she did not look around at all.

I realized that they had stopped what they were doing and were staring at me with all their eyes. How could I forget that the wiring is to be fixed here today? Recently they did repairs and somewhere they interrupted the wire, but they could not immediately find the break. And it so happened that the wiring was being repaired right now.

So the repairmen were staring at me with might and main. And I, already pink from the vision, blushed even more from the realization of what kind of performance they had just witnessed. The excitement still wandered through the body and caused conflicting feelings, and then four eyes stared at me. There was a wild desire to run away, to hide away from the piercing brown eyes of one that drilled right through me.

If the first man looked at me with black eyes, then the second looked with saturated blue. Wow, it's so rare to see eyes the color of azure sky.

- Well, what are you staring at? You might think that you are not correcting your economy - I think that everyone has guessed what kind of "economy" they are talking about. - All you can see is that you are pulling your hands to your fly, as if it was smeared with honey.

What am I carrying? Just to hide his embarrassment, flooding from head to toe and trying to overflow.

The men were silent, deciding that it was not worth reacting to such statements of an unfamiliar girl. Decided not to get involved or numb with indignation at my behavior?

Imagine how I looked at that moment. Cheeks are burning, eyes are burning, movements are convulsive. In a word, the patient is a ward with soft walls and a floor.

The brunet with currant eyes was about to say something, but I stopped him.

- And shut up. Not a word.

I put my hand forward, calling for the execution of my order.

Do your work silently. And then mess around for it is not clear how long, but there is no sense.

The brown-haired man with blue eyes turned so that it was more convenient for him to see me, and began to look at me like a strange little animal. The second one frowned displeasedly, as if he was not used to being interrupted in mid-sentence.

“And there’s nothing for all the hard workers to stare here,” I flared up, trying to justify my rudeness towards men.

I caught myself, realized that I was becoming an even greater laughingstock for these hard workers, and decided to retire, but for this I had to go past the workers to the door. Trying to get around them as far as possible, I almost ran my face into the door frame. The open door let a draft into the room. The door slammed with a bang, and I no longer heard how the brunette sucked in the air, in which, it seemed, my excitement was felt, and the brown-haired woman, laughing, said:

- Lily she laid siege to you.

– Really?

- This has never happened before in my memory. You're getting old, buddy.

* * *

She only took a breath outside the door. “What is happening to me? – she asked herself again. “First sexual fantasies, and then the most horrible behavior towards complete strangers.” I was drowning in belated regret. We need to go back and apologize for our behavior. “Yeah,” I immediately said to myself, “and get in the face a bucket of icy contempt, which I already saw in the eyes of the color of blackcurrant.” It was this eye color that I liked to the point of madness, and it was from the eyes of this color that I ran all my conscious life. They seemed to burn through, burn out the stigma, forever leaving a mark on the soul.

I'm not like that, I won't step on the same rake again. It won't happen for anything. One time is enough, when they wiped their feet on me and threw them away, like an unnecessary thing.

Naive. How naive I was. I believed in a bright feeling called love. Brought some sorrows later.

Only one thing consoles a little: the first love, for almost everyone, with rare exceptions, ends in disappointment.

– Juno, we must urgently take the correspondence to the post office. Our deadlines are burning, and the courier, as luck would have it, fell ill. Can you? came the voice of the chief accountant.

Irina Vasilievna, running past along the corridor, stopped beside me.

“Okay,” I replied.

I'll just calm down a bit. Although this was not part of my job responsibilities, it was with her help that I managed to get a job as an office manager in a large construction concern. And although he was now going through a change of leadership, but, nevertheless, remained the flagship in his business niche.

- Thank you dear. I knew that you would help out, - said Irina Vasilievna. “You can pick up the letters on my desk in my office. All ordered.

- Understood.

I shook out my flowing blond hair and headed to my workplace to check for urgent tasks so that I could go to the post office with a clear conscience.

My notebook was full of checkboxes indicating completed tasks, only one item was not marked.

"Flowers for the meeting room."

Here is the thing done. Feel free to email. I went to the office of the chief accountant and took a pack of envelopes from the table, once again noting the comfort in the holy of holies of Irina Vasilyevna on the way. Still, a very nice woman, with a kind soul. This was evident even in her workplace. On the table is a photo of her daughter, who died untimely. After her death, Irina Vasilievna did not become embittered, did not fall into despondency, did not become a vixen, but still remained a bright and pure soul.

I went to a small room where the office staff left their outerwear.

Men's jackets hung on a hanger intended for visitors. Strange, no one informed me about the visitors. There was no time to think, because this information flew out of my head immediately.

The elevator was waiting for me on the floor. There was no one in the corridor except me. The entire office was frozen in anxious anticipation. The tension was felt even here, although there was no one around. The elevator doors parted softly, letting me in, and I made my way down to the lobby. At the checkpoint, a sleepy guard nodded languidly in my direction.

The fresh air cooled her still glowing cheeks, and the light frost tingled pleasantly. I, finely semenya, moved towards the post office. Fortunately, it was located not far from the administrative building, which housed the head office of the concern. In the street people were hurrying about their business, and no one cared about others. Loneliness is the fate of residents of large cities. Here, no one knows anything about a person who is coming towards you: he works with no one, lives with no one. Not like people living in the outback. There, the neighbor knows everything about the neighbor. When he was born, he was baptized, what he ate for breakfast, lunch and dinner - everything, everything, everything, right down to how many kittens the cat Muska brought yesterday, and with almost 100% certainty he can say where he is going, going out of the outskirts.

On the one hand, anonymity in a big city is attractive: you don’t have to think about what they will think about you, but on the other hand, it makes you look for communication, opportunities for communication in various ways. The means of telecommunications that burst into life are a great blessing and the greatest misfortune for many millions of people.

With similar thoughts, I hurried to the post office, where, in the old fashioned way, I had to send registered letters. A real archaism in our time of electronic gadgets, instant shipments and lightning-fast responses. Some things still have not lost their relevance, and business correspondence is still conducted in paper form.

At the window, as always, the queue. This seems to be an eternal, unchanging attribute of mail. And although the operators began to use computers to facilitate their work, they, as before, resembled sleepy flies.

The queue grumbled, resented, but it did not help. Someone tried to pump the rights, urging a lethargic girl of pre-retirement age, but it was all in vain. Nothing took her. As a result, I ended up in front of the window almost before closing. Barely made it.

She glanced at her watch. The working day at the office is already over. There is no point in going back. Therefore, with a sense of accomplishment, I trudged home. Or rather, stop. The transport was waiting for a long time. Got home late.

Stomach cramped from hunger. And, unfortunately, I forgot to go to the grocery store. And after all was going to yesterday. This is where it gets weird. I remember everything that is required of me at work, but I forget such elementary things as buying bread and milk. I didn’t want to get dressed again and go to a 24-hour supermarket located not far from my skyscraper. So I had to be content with what God sent. And he sent a piece of cheese, expired yogurt and tea without sugar, although there was just sugar.

Let Svetlana drink tea with sugar, she still cannot do without it. Although every time she screams that this is the last spoonful that she destroys for the benefit of me, so that I get fewer calories. And who is she fooling?

* * *

I love morning. Probably, someone sees the morning as enemy number one, but not for me. I am a lark, getting up early, even at dusk, has always been easy and without problems for me. Having completed the daily ritual "bathroom-kitchen-bathroom-bedroom", I woke up completely and irrevocably. The kettle whistled for tea time.

I thought, did the meeting with the new management of the concern take place yesterday or was it postponed? Somehow none of my girlfriends called to wash the bones of the new bosses. Didn't even Lariska from HR have anything to say? Weird.

I reached into my purse, and ... did not find the phone in place. And only then I realized that I had left it in the drawer where I usually put it during working hours. It seems to be at hand, but not in front of our eyes. In the neighboring office, small electronics sometimes disappeared, so out of harm's way, I removed personal items.

How could I forget to pick up my phone? Now without him it's like without hands. I didn’t remember yet, I didn’t feel a strong need, but as soon as I thought, it was immediately needed. I have no other means of communication.

I hope nothing bad happened in my absence. And what can happen in the well-established mechanism of an established team that was able to function normally even without a CEO. I do not understand why it was necessary to change the previous one? Things were going well in the concern, in my opinion, although the founders know better who will best cope with this position.

Rumors swirled around the office that the former was caught embezzling a certain amount of money, but there was no official confirmation. Who doesn't steal these days? If you figure it out, then absolutely everything. Everyone pulls what lies badly. Perhaps I could also bring home tea bags, bottles of mineral water and clean paper. Yes, but it's not necessary. I drink tea of ​​a certain variety, I don’t respect mineral water, and office paper is hardly useful on the farm, even if it is very, very wrinkled. Therefore, as an alternative, I buy a toilet, albeit for my hard-earned money, but there will be no harm to my own ass.

This is how I went to work.

* * *

The office greeted me with silence. And where does the noise come from if I come here at least an hour before everyone else? A lark, he is also a lark in Africa. I can't help myself. I get up early, and at home in the morning there is nothing to do. Do not stick to the TV early in the morning. Maybe get a hamster? To feel the fullness of life. You need to feed him, water him, clean the cage, listen to nightly wake-up calls in the form of screams when they have mating season. I don’t remember who is screaming: a female or a male? One of my girl friends had a hamster as a child, so he yelled with a good obscenity when he was impatient. And it stank even worse. Now, if I get myself such a creature, then my mouth will be full of trouble. It will be early to come to work.

If Svetka were nearby, she would definitely say that I don’t have enough man, and again she would climb with her advice. Call her or something, chat about this and that? And then my friends are good, for a week it’s definitely neither I to her, nor she to me. So not for long and in different directions to disperse.

I was checking the to-do list for today on the diary, when I heard that someone was cursing in the corridor and, not embarrassed in expressions, was burning a coffee machine.

This unit was installed to us quite recently, but there were many problems with it. First of all, to me, because only I managed to get a portion of a hot drink from this iron monster the first time. From everyone else, the machine either took money and did not give out goods, or could pour coffee without a cup, or come up with something else that would creep into its fancy microcircuits. The most important thing is that the automaton worked as it should for the adjusters, but as soon as they turned the corner, it began to rage and show character. And only to me he had warm feelings. For this reason, everyone who wanted coffee turned to me. I was already so accustomed to helping employees that I did not wait for the next time I was called.

Whom did it bring early in the morning? It seems that before that, no one but me had a desire to appear at the office so early.

I put my papers aside and got up from the table. Today I was again in a suit with a skirt. The jacket is narrow and fastens high enough, so I didn’t wear anything under it, except for underwear. Uncomfortable to move if there is another layer of clothing.

To keep my hair out of the way, I twisted it into a knot and stuck two pencils into it, fixing the hairstyle in the manner of Japanese geishas. Passing by a mirror hanging on the wall of my office, I noticed that I had horns made of erasers attached to the ends of pencils. She smiled to herself. The mood was rosy.

She looked out into the corridor. The reason for the dissatisfaction of many employees of the office - a coffee machine - was visible at the far end. Beside him, like a bee, a man curled up. Judging by the swear words coming to me, the man was angry and was just not going to challenge the mechanical monster to a duel.

Heels thumped loudly on the floor tiles. The man turned towards the sound. The light was on only at the far end of the corridor, and where I was, it was quite dark. The economy should be economical, and therefore did not turn on the light at the entrance.

- Ba. Yes, there are also aborigines here, - a pleasant baritone heard.

– What this time? Swallowed money, but did not give out coffee? Or poured everything by? – asked the man.

“This bastard not only didn’t give coffee, but also squeezed the change,” the man complained to me. - Under the press it is necessary or in the furnace.

As if hearing the words of the man, there was some noise inside the machine, rattling, but neither a cup of coffee nor change appeared.

“He also swears,” the man continued to complain.

My eyes got used to the semi-darkness, and I began to recognize my interlocutor. It turned out to be one of the repairmen I saw yesterday. The same eyes the color of the sky and good looks. It was uncomfortable to look at him for a long time, and the memories of yesterday's embarrassment gnawed at the soul a little.

What, you didn't finish yesterday? - I asked the blue-eyed one.

- Yes, as if the work in bulk. Not for one day,” he answered cautiously.

I went close to the machine and started pressing the buttons on the control panel. There was another grinding sound in the machine, and the change fell into the money tray.

- So. I gave up, I said. - Take it.

“Yes, you are a magician,” she heard in response.

The man, in obedience to my order, performed the specified action.

- How long can you wait? Send only for death. Gone for a minute. The wiring is on fire there, and he’s being nice here,” a hoarse voice thundered from behind, from which goosebumps ran down my arms and the hair on the back of my neck stood on end.

There was so much discontent in this icy tone, as if an avalanche came down and rumbled in the gorge.

My interlocutor was blown away by the wind.

I didn't like it at all. For some reason, I wanted to protect the man, although he did not need it at all.

- If it burns, then why are you sticking around here, and not extinguishing it? It is necessary to call the firefighters, and not shift the responsibility to others.

Turning from the machine gun to the fire alarm, I didn’t think at all that I would bury my face in something hard and warm.

Surprised, I only managed to turn my head back. The smell of shower gel with menthol, mixed with the famous perfume aroma with notes of nutmeg, literally hit my nostrils. From this smell, goosebumps ran through the body again.

Visions began to spin in my head, as I stumble into the hollow between my collarbones and draw in the smell of a man. It intoxicates worse than laughing gas. Head is spinning. There are no thoughts. Only emotions. Feelings. Feel. I did not have enough endurance, and I stuck out my tongue, touching the skin with it, exuding an intoxicating smell. She had her own incomparable taste. We are all animals. Some more, some less. But it is the animal instinct that pushes us to rash acts, forcing us to do what we would never do in our right mind and memory.

This bare skin was not enough for me, I needed more. I wanted to see everything that is hidden under the clothes. I wanted to know what they are hiding from me. Is the skin velvety to the touch? Do you feel muscles under it or not? Is it covered in hairs? If yes, what color are they? How much vegetation covers the body? Or maybe he has no hair on his body at all, with the exception of the “mother-in-law path”, which snakes down, pointing the way to the center of masculinity? And lower…

Then it dawned on me that I had just licked a stranger. A person I don't know.

What is happening to me? I looked up in horror to find out in whose eyes I had just fallen below the baseboard, and met with blackcurrants instead of irises. There were devils in the eyes. Mommy. Again. It happened again.

As soon as I was about to throw myself into the abyss of shame for what I had done and sprinkle ashes on my head, condemning myself for incomprehensible visions and actions, the machine clanged, and I had to urgently take measures so that we were not doused with a hot stream of sweet or not very drink. I already memorized how the automaton usually behaves, and I could determine the intentions of this monster by the sound.

He was currently in the mood to do something nasty. Therefore, I put all my anguish aside and paid attention to the miracle of technology. The main thing was to catch the spit out glass in time and hold it with your hand, since the safety shield removed itself at the most inopportune moment.

I deftly picked up the glass and handed it to the taken aback man.

- Want to? Still hot.

“I want,” and it sounded so ambiguous, breathy.

As if he didn’t ask for coffee, but pulled into bed. There was such an aura of desire coming from him that I could not help but notice. The voice made me fall into erotic visions and do strange things for which I was angry at myself, and even more so at the owner of this sexy voice. I was afraid to look into the eyes, and it’s easier to say nasty things when you don’t look at a person.

“Then drink and go finish the wiring, otherwise your colleague has already been waiting for you,” and added vindictively. Actually, it's his coffee.

Was his, will be mine.

And why so growl? You can say okay. Or is there no other way for him?

However, he did not take a cup of coffee, and like a fool I continued to hand it to him. Well, how to understand it? Another awkward position? I started to hate this guy.

Not to say that he was handsome. Facial features are rough, sharp, as if consisting of only angles, without soft lines and roundness. Her hair is blue-black, cut short, but not short enough to look like a camp prisoner's hairstyle. Growth. Hm. Growth is large, even with my heels, he was almost a head taller than me. The width of the shoulders could have been smaller, for my taste, the figure was painfully suppressing its power. But the hips seemed surprisingly narrow. Was it really sculpted in a sculpture workshop on special order? "Evil Ken" came to mind as a nickname. This is what the antipode of the sugary mutant doll would look like if it were revived and enlarged to normal size.

Looks like he's not going to take my coffee away, bastard. I have already set foot on a path from which there is no turning back. And so I decided to finish what I started. Since he does not want to stretch out his paw, then the glass will end up in it on its own. With my help. All you have to do is transport it there.

With my free hand, I grabbed the man’s hand and slammed coffee into it, but since I did it very quickly, the liquid continued its movement safely by inertia.

Eyes wide with fear, I watched the hot coffee splash onto the man's hand. Holy shit, I just scalded the repairman. In my imagination, blisters, an ambulance and a course of treatment for burns were already drawn. And all at my expense, from the treatment of blisters and ending with compensation for non-pecuniary damage.

- You decided to let me check the temperature of the drink? Isn't it too cold? - the brunette said in an even voice with a slight hoarseness.

Not a single muscle moved in his face. The coffee dripped onto the floor, where it spread into dirty drops. Now I looked at the man in surprise, not believing my eyes. And she diagnosed the drink herself, sticking her finger into the glass.

And then she pulled her hand away with a cry.

- Oh, he's hot!

The coffee burned my finger.

"Don't believe your eyes," the man said.

What did he mean? What hurts him and he doesn't show it? Or is the coffee not hot enough to scald? Or maybe something else?

Current page: 1 (total book has 19 pages) [accessible reading excerpt: 13 pages]

Stepanida Wax
sensual torture

© S. Vosk, 2017

© Design. AST Publishing House LLC, 2017

- Bend over! came the order, sharp as a blow from a whip. Nerves are stretched to the limit.

Not! Everything inside me protested against such treatment. I hated orders with every fiber of my being. Not requests, no, just orders in an ultimatum form.

Failure to comply means disobedience, and disobedience will be punished. Although who said that the execution of the order itself is not a punishment? Also how.

Should I repeat it again?

A beautiful eyebrow shot up in surprise, showing that he would not tolerate this.

“Don’t,” I said, desperately trying to swallow thick saliva.

I stood in front of the table, placing a vase of flowers on it. It is he who will have to be used as a support.

I walked close to the table and put my hands on the polished lid, which immediately fogged up where my hot hands touched the cold surface.

- Below, - the next command was not long in coming.

- Unbutton your blouse.

Well, your mother, but before it was impossible to say? And how should I do it now in a similar position? I'm uncomfortable.

Excitation in a small lump began to emerge inside. The bright light falling from the open window reflected off the polished surface of the table, dazzling the eyes, turning the tabletop into one large mirror.

Leaning with one hand on the table, since there was no order to straighten up, with the other hand, she slowly began to unbutton the small pearl buttons on her blouse. One after another, one after another. Slowly, measuredly, watching my own reflection, knowing that he, too, is following me at that moment, catches changes in facial expression, every movement, absorbs and passes everything through himself. From this feeling became only sharper and brighter, and the expectation more painful.

- Good. Very good, - I heard praise when all the buttons were finished, and the skirts of the blouse parted in different directions.

I feel that my cheeks are burning, the color of excitement flooded my face. I want to press my hands to it, chilled by the surface of the table, to make it a little easier. Breathing quickened, palms sweaty.

Now take your breasts out of your bra.

I reached under my blouse with my free hand to the clasp at the back.

- Not. Not like that, they told me. “Just take out the breasts one at a time. Slowly, releasing each.

Yes, so yes. Stepping from foot to foot, she involuntarily rubbed against each other the inner surfaces of her thighs and those that are located above and securely hidden from prying eyes. A hot wave of excitement seemed to spread throughout the body, scorching from the inside.

Gently, trying not to touch the nipples, which became extremely sensitive, she first released one full breast from the lacy captivity, then the second. The bra, although it was quite open and supported the breasts only from below, nevertheless made the breasts somewhat closer to each other.

I licked my dry lips. My mouth was as dry as a desert. His own reflection irritated him no less than his actions.

“You know…” I began to resent.

“Don’t argue, do as you say,” he ordered in a cracked tone.

Cautiously, delaying the torture to the last, she circled with her fingertips first one breast, then the other, without touching the nipple halos.

- You know how to do it.

To get you up and not down. Torturer. Although I don't think so. Nowadays he was more of a martyr. He had to watch from the side, caressing only with a glance. I felt his gaze on my skin, it seemed to burn through.

I touched the forbidden zone and felt a shiver of pleasure pierce me. “Your mother,” she cursed to herself, cursing everything in the world. Both himself and this man, who literally devoured the picture unfolding before him with burning eyes.

I did not notice anything around, as if I was looking at myself from the side. As if it was not me in the reflection, but a completely different woman. Alien. Excited to the limit. But this is only the beginning.

There was a sound of footsteps behind him. I put my other hand on the table, it is very difficult to stand with only one hand. From the movement of the air I guessed that the man froze behind. At the same moment, I felt my skirt, gathering in folds, crawling up, exposing my legs in stockings. And now the lace elastic bands appeared, and then the skin above them was also exposed. A little more, and the buttocks felt cool air. The skirt, like a lifebuoy, gathered around the waist.

“Please, touch it,” I mentally pleaded. “Touch any part of your body!”

My prayers were heard.

Two large male palms lay on the hips and began to perform an intricate dance. They stroked the buttocks in a circular motion, giving pleasure, running to one point and twisting in a knot in the lower abdomen.

- Well, - I could not stand it and began to urge the man.

“Be patient,” it was said to me in response with a hoarse laugh.

Suddenly, both hands slipped under the elastic of the thong and pulled down, but did not remove it completely, but stopped halfway.

- A little wider.

The man gestured for what he wanted. I had to move one foot away from the other. The focus of femininity, I felt a touch of cool air, goosebumps ran along my spine. With a quick and sure movement, he pulled the silk patch down to his knees. I dropped my panties completely, so as not to hobble.

Along the sacrum, along the coccyx, his hand crawled. And now she is already in the hollow between the buttocks and does not stop.

Desire drove me crazy, made me reach out, demand affection. But you can't.

Dry mouth. And where did all the liquid go? She simply migrated to where it is needed now. The focus of femininity languished from emptiness.

His thumb dived into the holy of holies and gave the desire for something more, unknown. Dive and dive, dive and dive. I couldn't help it, and a voluptuous moan escaped my lips.

I will kill him. I will kill for all these restrictions, prohibitions, conditions that must be observed. I know that at this moment he is suffering no less than me, but he has the leading party, and he is leading the parade.

I felt his hand leave my buttocks and the burning depths between them.

Moments devoid of caress seemed like an eternity. It's not fair. I wanted to whimper and beg, beg and whimper.

All senses were heightened to the limit. Any sound seemed very loud.

A belt buckle rattled, there was the sound of a zipper opening, the rustle of clothes. I froze in silent anticipation. A little more, and I will not stand it, I will give up this venture. I'll turn around and saddle him myself. But I endured. What did it cost me?

The first push, no matter how I expected it, turned out to be sudden and painfully sweet. Hot flesh freely found a passage to where they were waiting for it and were ready to receive it.

My groan of the end of waiting mixed with a male growl. These moments were hard for him: forcing me to suffer from voluptuousness, perhaps he himself suffered even more.

Strong hands lifted the pink hemispheres of the breasts, caressed, painted intricate figures on the skin, gave unearthly pleasure. The contact of bodies, rhythmic friction, sometimes fast, almost painful, sometimes slow and measured, lifted me to the peak of bliss.

A little more, a little more, a little more... a little more... a little more...

And now there was one small step left to the top, and there it was ... the sky in placers of diamonds ...

* * *

- Get down below.

- Where below? I don’t see anything,” the second one protested indignantly.

- I'm telling you that she rolled deep under the closet, that's why you can't see it.

The light blinded my eyes, reflected from the polished surface of the table, on which I had just placed a vase of cut flowers ...

* * *

I shook my head, trying to get rid of the surging obsession. It is necessary to see this in reality. Completely mad with abstinence. Svetka said: “Find yourself a normal man for health. And even better is a married one, to use it only for sex, since you don’t want a normal relationship with all the bouquets, sweets, festivities, seeing off, scandals and obligations. The ringed ones have less time and more experience, and they are afraid of publicity like fire. The girlfriend knows how to isolate the most important thing and put a bold exclamation mark.

I wiped my sweaty hands on my skirt, straightened my chest in a fashionable but so uncomfortable bra. And who made me buy this bracer and then wear it under my office blouse? If my girlfriend saw him, she would certainly say that I am finally embarking on the true path, and the woman who has slept so far wakes up in me. And I just love the color. Such a pleasant beige color is rarely seen on sale, so I was seduced. And only at home I saw that the bra has practically no upper part of the cup, and he barely covers the nipples. And the devil pulled me to wear it today. The day we were supposed to be introduced to the new bosses.

It was I who was going to put a huge vase of flowers in the middle of the table in the meeting room, where the acquaintance with the leadership will take place.

My manipulation of the chest attracted the attention of two men present in the hall. How did I not notice them when I walked in? Apparently, she was so absorbed in her thoughts that she did not look around at all.

I realized that they had stopped what they were doing and were staring at me with all their eyes. How could I forget that the wiring is to be fixed here today? Recently they did repairs and somewhere they interrupted the wire, but they could not immediately find the break. And it so happened that the wiring was being repaired right now.

So the repairmen were staring at me with might and main. And I, already pink from the vision, blushed even more from the realization of what kind of performance they had just witnessed. The excitement still wandered through the body and caused conflicting feelings, and then four eyes stared at me. There was a wild desire to run away, to hide away from the piercing brown eyes of one that drilled right through me.

If the first man looked at me with black eyes, then the second looked with saturated blue. Wow, it's so rare to see eyes the color of azure sky.

- Well, what are you staring at? You might think that you are not correcting your economy - I think that everyone has guessed what kind of "economy" they are talking about. - All you can see is that you are pulling your hands to your fly, as if it was smeared with honey.

What am I carrying? Just to hide his embarrassment, flooding from head to toe and trying to overflow.

The men were silent, deciding that it was not worth reacting to such statements of an unfamiliar girl. Decided not to get involved or numb with indignation at my behavior?

Imagine how I looked at that moment. Cheeks are burning, eyes are burning, movements are convulsive. In a word, the patient is a ward with soft walls and a floor.

The brunet with currant eyes was about to say something, but I stopped him.

- And shut up. Not a word.

I put my hand forward, calling for the execution of my order.

Do your work silently. And then mess around for it is not clear how long, but there is no sense.

The brown-haired man with blue eyes turned so that it was more convenient for him to see me, and began to look at me like a strange little animal. The second one frowned displeasedly, as if he was not used to being interrupted in mid-sentence.

“And there’s nothing for all the hard workers to stare here,” I flared up, trying to justify my rudeness towards men.

I caught myself, realized that I was becoming an even greater laughingstock for these hard workers, and decided to retire, but for this I had to go past the workers to the door. Trying to get around them as far as possible, I almost ran my face into the door frame. The open door let a draft into the room. The door slammed with a bang, and I no longer heard how the brunette sucked in the air, in which, it seemed, my excitement was felt, and the brown-haired woman, laughing, said:

- Lily she laid siege to you.

– Really?

- This has never happened before in my memory. You're getting old, buddy.

* * *

She only took a breath outside the door. “What is happening to me? – she asked herself again. “First sexual fantasies, and then the most horrible behavior towards complete strangers.” I was drowning in belated regret. We need to go back and apologize for our behavior. “Yeah,” I immediately said to myself, “and get in the face a bucket of icy contempt, which I already saw in the eyes of the color of blackcurrant.” It was this eye color that I liked to the point of madness, and it was from the eyes of this color that I ran all my conscious life. They seemed to burn through, burn out the stigma, forever leaving a mark on the soul.

I'm not like that, I won't step on the same rake again. It won't happen for anything. One time is enough, when they wiped their feet on me and threw them away, like an unnecessary thing.

Naive. How naive I was. I believed in a bright feeling called love. Brought some sorrows later.

Only one thing consoles a little: the first love, for almost everyone, with rare exceptions, ends in disappointment.

– Juno, we must urgently take the correspondence to the post office. Our deadlines are burning, and the courier, as luck would have it, fell ill. Can you? came the voice of the chief accountant.

Irina Vasilievna, running past along the corridor, stopped beside me.

“Okay,” I replied.

I'll just calm down a bit. Although this was not part of my job responsibilities, it was with her help that I managed to get a job as an office manager in a large construction concern. And although he was now going through a change of leadership, but, nevertheless, remained the flagship in his business niche.

- Thank you dear. I knew that you would help out, - said Irina Vasilievna. “You can pick up the letters on my desk in my office. All ordered.

- Understood.

I shook out my flowing blond hair and headed to my workplace to check for urgent tasks so that I could go to the post office with a clear conscience.

My notebook was full of checkboxes indicating completed tasks, only one item was not marked.

"Flowers for the meeting room."

Here is the thing done. Feel free to email. I went to the office of the chief accountant and took a pack of envelopes from the table, once again noting the comfort in the holy of holies of Irina Vasilyevna on the way. Still, a very nice woman, with a kind soul. This was evident even in her workplace. On the table is a photo of her daughter, who died untimely. After her death, Irina Vasilievna did not become embittered, did not fall into despondency, did not become a vixen, but still remained a bright and pure soul.

I went to a small room where the office staff left their outerwear.

Men's jackets hung on a hanger intended for visitors. Strange, no one informed me about the visitors. There was no time to think, because this information flew out of my head immediately.

The elevator was waiting for me on the floor. There was no one in the corridor except me. The entire office was frozen in anxious anticipation. The tension was felt even here, although there was no one around. The elevator doors parted softly, letting me in, and I made my way down to the lobby. At the checkpoint, a sleepy guard nodded languidly in my direction.

The fresh air cooled her still glowing cheeks, and the light frost tingled pleasantly. I, finely semenya, moved towards the post office. Fortunately, it was located not far from the administrative building, which housed the head office of the concern. In the street people were hurrying about their business, and no one cared about others. Loneliness is the fate of residents of large cities. Here, no one knows anything about a person who is coming towards you: he works with no one, lives with no one. Not like people living in the outback. There, the neighbor knows everything about the neighbor. When he was born, he was baptized, what he ate for breakfast, lunch and dinner - everything, everything, everything, right down to how many kittens the cat Muska brought yesterday, and with almost 100% certainty he can say where he is going, going out of the outskirts.

On the one hand, anonymity in a big city is attractive: you don’t have to think about what they will think about you, but on the other hand, it makes you look for communication, opportunities for communication in various ways. The means of telecommunications that burst into life are a great blessing and the greatest misfortune for many millions of people.

With similar thoughts, I hurried to the post office, where, in the old fashioned way, I had to send registered letters. A real archaism in our time of electronic gadgets, instant shipments and lightning-fast responses. Some things still have not lost their relevance, and business correspondence is still conducted in paper form.

At the window, as always, the queue. This seems to be an eternal, unchanging attribute of mail. And although the operators began to use computers to facilitate their work, they, as before, resembled sleepy flies.

The queue grumbled, resented, but it did not help. Someone tried to pump the rights, urging a lethargic girl of pre-retirement age, but it was all in vain. Nothing took her. As a result, I ended up in front of the window almost before closing. Barely made it.

She glanced at her watch. The working day at the office is already over. There is no point in going back. Therefore, with a sense of accomplishment, I trudged home. Or rather, stop. The transport was waiting for a long time. Got home late.

Stomach cramped from hunger. And, unfortunately, I forgot to go to the grocery store. And after all was going to yesterday. This is where it gets weird. I remember everything that is required of me at work, but I forget such elementary things as buying bread and milk. I didn’t want to get dressed again and go to a 24-hour supermarket located not far from my skyscraper. So I had to be content with what God sent. And he sent a piece of cheese, expired yogurt and tea without sugar, although there was just sugar.

Let Svetlana drink tea with sugar, she still cannot do without it. Although every time she screams that this is the last spoonful that she destroys for the benefit of me, so that I get fewer calories. And who is she fooling?

* * *

I love morning. Probably, someone sees the morning as enemy number one, but not for me. I am a lark, getting up early, even at dusk, has always been easy and without problems for me. Having completed the daily ritual "bathroom-kitchen-bathroom-bedroom", I woke up completely and irrevocably. The kettle whistled for tea time.

I thought, did the meeting with the new management of the concern take place yesterday or was it postponed? Somehow none of my girlfriends called to wash the bones of the new bosses. Didn't even Lariska from HR have anything to say? Weird.

I reached into my purse, and ... did not find the phone in place. And only then I realized that I had left it in the drawer where I usually put it during working hours. It seems to be at hand, but not in front of our eyes. In the neighboring office, small electronics sometimes disappeared, so out of harm's way, I removed personal items.

How could I forget to pick up my phone? Now without him it's like without hands. I didn’t remember yet, I didn’t feel a strong need, but as soon as I thought, it was immediately needed. I have no other means of communication.

I hope nothing bad happened in my absence. And what can happen in the well-established mechanism of an established team that was able to function normally even without a CEO. I do not understand why it was necessary to change the previous one? Things were going well in the concern, in my opinion, although the founders know better who will best cope with this position.

Rumors swirled around the office that the former was caught embezzling a certain amount of money, but there was no official confirmation. Who doesn't steal these days? If you figure it out, then absolutely everything. Everyone pulls what lies badly. Perhaps I could also bring home tea bags, bottles of mineral water and clean paper. Yes, but it's not necessary. I drink tea of ​​a certain variety, I don’t respect mineral water, and office paper is hardly useful on the farm, even if it is very, very wrinkled. Therefore, as an alternative, I buy a toilet, albeit for my hard-earned money, but there will be no harm to my own ass.

This is how I went to work.

* * *

The office greeted me with silence. And where does the noise come from if I come here at least an hour before everyone else? A lark, he is also a lark in Africa. I can't help myself. I get up early, and at home in the morning there is nothing to do. Do not stick to the TV early in the morning. Maybe get a hamster? To feel the fullness of life. You need to feed him, water him, clean the cage, listen to nightly wake-up calls in the form of screams when they have mating season. I don’t remember who is screaming: a female or a male? One of my girl friends had a hamster as a child, so he yelled with a good obscenity when he was impatient. And it stank even worse. Now, if I get myself such a creature, then my mouth will be full of trouble. It will be early to come to work.

If Svetka were nearby, she would definitely say that I don’t have enough man, and again she would climb with her advice. Call her or something, chat about this and that? And then my friends are good, for a week it’s definitely neither I to her, nor she to me. So not for long and in different directions to disperse.

I was checking the to-do list for today on the diary, when I heard that someone was cursing in the corridor and, not embarrassed in expressions, was burning a coffee machine.

This unit was installed to us quite recently, but there were many problems with it. First of all, to me, because only I managed to get a portion of a hot drink from this iron monster the first time. From everyone else, the machine either took money and did not give out goods, or could pour coffee without a cup, or come up with something else that would creep into its fancy microcircuits. The most important thing is that the automaton worked as it should for the adjusters, but as soon as they turned the corner, it began to rage and show character. And only to me he had warm feelings. For this reason, everyone who wanted coffee turned to me. I was already so accustomed to helping employees that I did not wait for the next time I was called.

Whom did it bring early in the morning? It seems that before that, no one but me had a desire to appear at the office so early.

I put my papers aside and got up from the table. Today I was again in a suit with a skirt. The jacket is narrow and fastens high enough, so I didn’t wear anything under it, except for underwear. Uncomfortable to move if there is another layer of clothing.

To keep my hair out of the way, I twisted it into a knot and stuck two pencils into it, fixing the hairstyle in the manner of Japanese geishas. Passing by a mirror hanging on the wall of my office, I noticed that I had horns made of erasers attached to the ends of pencils. She smiled to herself. The mood was rosy.

She looked out into the corridor. The reason for the dissatisfaction of many employees of the office - a coffee machine - was visible at the far end. Beside him, like a bee, a man curled up. Judging by the swear words coming to me, the man was angry and was just not going to challenge the mechanical monster to a duel.

Heels thumped loudly on the floor tiles. The man turned towards the sound. The light was on only at the far end of the corridor, and where I was, it was quite dark. The economy should be economical, and therefore did not turn on the light at the entrance.

- Ba. Yes, there are also aborigines here, - a pleasant baritone heard.

– What this time? Swallowed money, but did not give out coffee? Or poured everything by? – asked the man.

“This bastard not only didn’t give coffee, but also squeezed the change,” the man complained to me. - Under the press it is necessary or in the furnace.

As if hearing the words of the man, there was some noise inside the machine, rattling, but neither a cup of coffee nor change appeared.

“He also swears,” the man continued to complain.

My eyes got used to the semi-darkness, and I began to recognize my interlocutor. It turned out to be one of the repairmen I saw yesterday. The same eyes the color of the sky and good looks. It was uncomfortable to look at him for a long time, and the memories of yesterday's embarrassment gnawed at the soul a little.

What, you didn't finish yesterday? - I asked the blue-eyed one.

- Yes, as if the work in bulk. Not for one day,” he answered cautiously.

I went close to the machine and started pressing the buttons on the control panel. There was another grinding sound in the machine, and the change fell into the money tray.

- So. I gave up, I said. - Take it.

“Yes, you are a magician,” she heard in response.

The man, in obedience to my order, performed the specified action.

- How long can you wait? Send only for death. Gone for a minute. The wiring is on fire there, and he’s being nice here,” a hoarse voice thundered from behind, from which goosebumps ran down my arms and the hair on the back of my neck stood on end.

There was so much discontent in this icy tone, as if an avalanche came down and rumbled in the gorge.

My interlocutor was blown away by the wind.

I didn't like it at all. For some reason, I wanted to protect the man, although he did not need it at all.

- If it burns, then why are you sticking around here, and not extinguishing it? It is necessary to call the firefighters, and not shift the responsibility to others.

Turning from the machine gun to the fire alarm, I didn’t think at all that I would bury my face in something hard and warm.

Surprised, I only managed to turn my head back. The smell of shower gel with menthol, mixed with the famous perfume aroma with notes of nutmeg, literally hit my nostrils. From this smell, goosebumps ran through the body again.

Visions began to spin in my head, as I stumble into the hollow between my collarbones and draw in the smell of a man. It intoxicates worse than laughing gas. Head is spinning. There are no thoughts. Only emotions. Feelings. Feel. I did not have enough endurance, and I stuck out my tongue, touching the skin with it, exuding an intoxicating smell. She had her own incomparable taste. We are all animals. Some more, some less. But it is the animal instinct that pushes us to rash acts, forcing us to do what we would never do in our right mind and memory.

This bare skin was not enough for me, I needed more. I wanted to see everything that is hidden under the clothes. I wanted to know what they are hiding from me. Is the skin velvety to the touch? Do you feel muscles under it or not? Is it covered in hairs? If yes, what color are they? How much vegetation covers the body? Or maybe he has no hair on his body at all, with the exception of the “mother-in-law path”, which snakes down, pointing the way to the center of masculinity? And lower…

Then it dawned on me that I had just licked a stranger. A person I don't know.

What is happening to me? I looked up in horror to find out in whose eyes I had just fallen below the baseboard, and met with blackcurrants instead of irises. There were devils in the eyes. Mommy. Again. It happened again.

As soon as I was about to throw myself into the abyss of shame for what I had done and sprinkle ashes on my head, condemning myself for incomprehensible visions and actions, the machine clanged, and I had to urgently take measures so that we were not doused with a hot stream of sweet or not very drink. I already memorized how the automaton usually behaves, and I could determine the intentions of this monster by the sound.

He was currently in the mood to do something nasty. Therefore, I put all my anguish aside and paid attention to the miracle of technology. The main thing was to catch the spit out glass in time and hold it with your hand, since the safety shield removed itself at the most inopportune moment.

I deftly picked up the glass and handed it to the taken aback man.

- Want to? Still hot.

“I want,” and it sounded so ambiguous, breathy.

As if he didn’t ask for coffee, but pulled into bed. There was such an aura of desire coming from him that I could not help but notice. The voice made me fall into erotic visions and do strange things for which I was angry at myself, and even more so at the owner of this sexy voice. I was afraid to look into the eyes, and it’s easier to say nasty things when you don’t look at a person.

“Then drink and go finish the wiring, otherwise your colleague has already been waiting for you,” and added vindictively. Actually, it's his coffee.

Was his, will be mine.

And why so growl? You can say okay. Or is there no other way for him?

However, he did not take a cup of coffee, and like a fool I continued to hand it to him. Well, how to understand it? Another awkward position? I started to hate this guy.

Not to say that he was handsome. Facial features are rough, sharp, as if consisting of only angles, without soft lines and roundness. Her hair is blue-black, cut short, but not short enough to look like a camp prisoner's hairstyle. Growth. Hm. Growth is large, even with my heels, he was almost a head taller than me. The width of the shoulders could have been smaller, for my taste, the figure was painfully suppressing its power. But the hips seemed surprisingly narrow. Was it really sculpted in a sculpture workshop on special order? "Evil Ken" came to mind as a nickname. This is what the antipode of the sugary mutant doll would look like if it were revived and enlarged to normal size.

Looks like he's not going to take my coffee away, bastard. I have already set foot on a path from which there is no turning back. And so I decided to finish what I started. Since he does not want to stretch out his paw, then the glass will end up in it on its own. With my help. All you have to do is transport it there.

With my free hand, I grabbed the man’s hand and slammed coffee into it, but since I did it very quickly, the liquid continued its movement safely by inertia.

Eyes wide with fear, I watched the hot coffee splash onto the man's hand. Holy shit, I just scalded the repairman. In my imagination, blisters, an ambulance and a course of treatment for burns were already drawn. And all at my expense, from the treatment of blisters and ending with compensation for non-pecuniary damage.

- You decided to let me check the temperature of the drink? Isn't it too cold? - the brunette said in an even voice with a slight hoarseness.

Not a single muscle moved in his face. The coffee dripped onto the floor, where it spread into dirty drops. Now I looked at the man in surprise, not believing my eyes. And she diagnosed the drink herself, sticking her finger into the glass.

And then she pulled her hand away with a cry.

- Oh, he's hot!

The coffee burned my finger.

"Don't believe your eyes," the man said.

What did he mean? What hurts him and he doesn't show it? Or is the coffee not hot enough to scald? Or maybe something else?

Current page: 1 (total book has 14 pages) [accessible reading excerpt: 8 pages]

Sin is your name, woman
Stepanida Wax

Cautiously, I entered the dimly lit room, which from the threshold breathed on me with heat. It was as if I had fallen into a red-hot blast furnace, it seemed so hot to me in it.

- Irish, what's taking so long? You'll get rid of all the heat. Come in already, - I heard demanding.

- Yes, it's scary somehow, Marin, - I answered one of my friends, who was already located on a wide shelf in the sauna.

I have never been to Finnish bath. There was a real Russian bath in the steam room. Even loved. I especially liked the smell of birch leaves steamed in hot water with added hops for aroma. I could sit there for hours. I didn't care about anything, no heat, no stuffiness. I tolerated well wet steam feeling reborn after visiting a Russian bath.

But today the girls, Marinka and Olga, persuaded me to go to the sauna with them. In our city, not so long ago, a particularly elite one was opened, as the people called it “for the rich”. Everything in it struck with luxury and prosperity. It was visible from the driveway, and for us from the approach path. After all, I walked with the girls on foot, along expensive paving stones, laid out with special care. There was a huge pool inside the sauna, where you could not only swim, but also compete. Three smaller pools. One for women, one for men, one for children. So they were nicknamed because of their size and depth. There were also several couples. I heard about them, but I don't remember. One of the steam rooms was for especially rich, VIP people. That's what the people said. There was nothing of the sort about her. A couple, like a couple.

I looked around the place where Holguin's boyfriend had invited us on pain of death. He worked as a security guard for the owner of the establishment. It was rumored that the man used to wear a uniform, but only there was a conflict with the law, as a result of which he took off his uniform and went into big business. The inheritance from his grandfather fell into his hands very successfully. Grandpa was also not an easy guy. After all, only the difficult could enrich themselves in Soviet years and go unpunished. He could. As a result of the combination of the mind and grandfather's money, as well as several turns in profitable business, this sauna for the rich turned out.

Don’t be Olgin’s guy here as a security guard, don’t lie on the elite shelf and don’t warm our asses with VIP steam.

And here one guy worked as a massage therapist in the sauna, they said that he had golden hands. After the massage, as if reborn. Vitalik, Holguin's cavalier, promised to arrange a meeting with him.

- Well, Irish, do you like an elite sauna? Marinka asked, fanning her face. You might think that this will make it easier for her to breathe. On the contrary, only hotter.

“It’s fine,” I lay down on the topmost shelf to warm up my bones better.

“The owner himself is here, floating his relics,” the girl said with some reverence.

- And how does his power differ from ours? - I never suffered from special servility, and therefore I was not imbued with reverence for an unfamiliar man.

- So this is "his" sauna, - Marinka explained with emphasis.

- Should we leave? – just in case.

“So what are you up to then?” - I felt good. The pleasure was almost complete.

- Let's go to the pool. I'm hot, - Olga complained and went to the exit first.

I had to follow the girl. Herd habit did not allow to enjoy to the end. Swimming in the pool, every moment I regretted more and more that I did not stay in the sauna. Finally, my state of disappointment reached its maximum and, spitting on the herd, I declared that I wanted to take a steam bath a little more. To which they twisted me at the temple and called me sick in the head. So what to do? I love heat.

As a result, I ended up in a steam room alone. Since there was no one but me, I decided not to be too modest. And so she took off her bathing suit, spread out a towel and lay down on a shelf, to get more pleasure. I decided that the girls had already seen me naked, and strangers are unlikely to go here. She was so relaxed that she fell asleep for a few seconds. And when I woke up, I felt that there was someone else in the steam room besides me. The male silhouette could not be confused with the female.

I was so exhausted by the heat that I did not think to take a back seat. Apparently, the brains melted under the influence of high temperature and did not perform their function well.

The man was silent.

I had a hard time thinking about who it could be. The man was clearly not like Olga's boyfriend. He is too frail and thin compared to the one I saw. And then a thought came to my mind. This is, for sure, the promised massage therapist. The people said that the man lost his sight either in a hot spot, blown up by a mine, or in a shootout, but in the end he remained blind. And in order to somehow earn a living, he went to massage courses. Yes, he began to turn out so well that a queue for an appointment lined up for a man. And here he is in front of me. I just got incredibly lucky. It seems that Vitalik fulfilled the promise.

- The oil is here. I have,” I said, rummaging through the shelf. I, don't be a fool, grabbed mine and spent the whole evening dragging around with a bottle, like a fool with a mortar.

“I was told that for a massage you need to bring your own oil, to which there is no allergy,” I explained, basking from the sound of the man’s voice.

“Ah,” he said in monosyllables, and took a vial of oil from my outstretched hand. I also thought that for a blind person, he is very well oriented in space. But then I remembered something else. Anyone who is blind can hear very well. Here's how they manage the bats"see" objects with the ears.

- I had a prick on my sacrum. As a child, I fell not quite successfully. If possible, then knead it better there,” she asked the man.

- Good. I'll stretch. Better, they promised me before starting the massage.

I lay down on the shelf, as it was much more convenient for me, that is, facing the wall. And immediately I felt hands on my back, smearing oil. It warmed up in the sauna and was even a little hot. The man slowly moved his hands along his back, starting to make progressive movements along the ribs. The hands were not to say that gentle, rather a little rough, but because of that it was much more pleasant to feel them on your skin. Smooth movements alternated with circular rotational, fast jerky ones. My muscles sang with pleasure under skillful hands. However, the man increasingly paid attention to the upper back, not affecting the lower back, and even more so the sacrum.

"Don't forget about the sacrum," I reminded him in an exasperated voice.

I heard some kind of sound, as if a man tsuk, but I attributed it to a deception of hearing, as I listened more and more to the song of the body. I myself did not notice how I began to feel the excitement from the touches of the massage therapist. It was unusual, but it was. Usually, in order for me to enjoy sex, my boyfriend had to work very hard. He even sometimes called me frigid, as if in jest, but I took these words seriously. And sometimes I thought about this topic. Maybe I'm really frigid. After all, I was less and less able to get an orgasm, and to be honest, I forgot when I last received it. Imitated regularly, but only in order to please the partner and not upset him. Moreover, after each such demonstration performance, she experienced a lot of mental pain. In fact, she didn't tell anyone about it.

And then, without much effort on my part, I began to enjoy touching. And each subsequent brought me a bit of joy. I waited for each subsequent one, fearing that it would be the last one and the massage therapist would say that everything, this session is over.

The man's hands moved to the waist and slowly crawled lower, washed the coccyx, pressed on the sacrum, and then dispersed in different directions along the buttocks. That simple movement made me almost groan out loud. It was so erotic, so exciting, that I wanted to experience it again. The man did not keep himself waiting long, starting to develop my buttocks. I was secretly glad that I had something to feel there. And let the man do his job, but he also wanted to contemplate beauty from time to time. And I could boast of my booty. Men often looked at her, smacking their lips, looking after me.

The masseur took my request very responsibly, starting to develop with special care trouble spot. The man still squeezed oil out of the bottle, now on the sacrum, but he overdid it a little, and part of the oil flowed down the perineum. Surprised, I couldn't hold back a moan of pleasure that broke through the tightly closed lips that I had bitten during the massage. Before that, I had already been excited more than nowhere, and then such an oversight, which almost led me to an orgasm. And the man did not seem to notice my groan, continuing to massage the sacrum and buttocks, making circular motions, as a result of which not a single piece of the massaged area was left without attention. From time to time, the slippery fingers of the man slipped off the coccyx and touched the delicate skin near the anus.

At first I felt a little unusual, but then I realized that I like it. My boyfriend never caressed me like that, although he repeatedly offered to have “other” sex. Every time I refused, afraid to experience another disappointment that I could not hide.

And then it seemed to me that too often the massage therapist began to miss, and more and more often touch the delicate skin between the buttocks. However, instead of being indignant, scolding the man with all sorts of bad words, getting up and leaving, as any other decent girl would have done, I did the opposite. I slightly spread my legs to the sides, as if forcing the man to further action. I was too close to orgasm. He was too covetous. I haven't experienced that sweet feeling of satisfaction in so long. And in the current situation, I felt that I was almost on the threshold of unearthly pleasure and I had only a little left before it.

The man chuckled knowingly, but said nothing, and I did not blush a little more than I could from the heat of the steam room. This time, the oil from the bottle flowed purposefully over the delicate skin of the anus, and after it, male fingers walked along the tight ring, so that in the next moment one of them penetrated inside. The sensations were damn unusual, but that made it even more delightful. I myself terribly wanted to continue, and gradually, not understanding what I was doing, I leaned my buttocks towards the man. Just a little bit, but it was enough for the man to understand me.

“Wait, don’t rush,” he said hoarsely, causing a flock of wild goosebumps to run through his body. I was ready to do everything he asked, if only he would let me finally enjoy. I felt that I should experience an unprecedented orgasm. All conventions are gone. I wanted.

I felt that I was bleeding, but I did not dare to move again, fearing to frighten off the man. Yes. That's what I was afraid of losing something that unknown man can give me. And with bated breath I waited for the continuation of his actions. And he did not keep himself waiting. Greedy male fingers, having received indulgence, began to explore my crotch, wet with excitement. I, clutching my lower lip with my teeth, restrained myself in order to stay in place and not do something that I would later regret. The man explored my outer folds, touched the clitoris, which made me almost come. But he somehow managed to feel my state and not let the game end. His fingers again returned to the tight ring and slid inside without much effort, giving me an unprecedented sharp pleasure, but again not an orgasm. And I patiently began to wait for what would happen next, realizing that it was not in my position to dictate terms. My ring became more and more pliable. And now two fingers painlessly penetrated inside. The massage oil knew its stuff.

And me, I wanted more. I don’t know where this idea came from, but I clearly understood that I wanted not just pleasure, but pleasure that only a man can give. And as if my thoughts were heard by a stranger. Because I felt that he climbed onto the bench behind me, spreading my knees with his. And I, I was only glad of this, having made room with pleasure.

“Raise your buttocks a little,” I heard a hoarse voice that made me shudder.

I not only lifted, as the man asked, but also slightly parted them with my hands, making it clear exactly what I want. male hand walked along my crotch, causing a storm of pleasure, but again not allowing to cross The Last Frontier. The man's fingers penetrated both the womb and the anus at the same time, starting to make forward movements. I don’t know how I just didn’t finish from the pleasure given by a man. But again he stopped a moment before. She groaned in displeasure, but immediately felt something hard and tender at the same time touching her tight little ring. Male flesh barely trembled in time with the beating heart from excessive stress. If it was hard for me to bear the heat in a lying position, then I imagined how a man felt, whose head was much higher.

The man stretched forward, covering my body with his, continuing to hold his weight on one arm. The second one directed his member. I did my best to help the man complete the connection, but my virginity was not very conducive to this. And all because the stranger's male organ was somewhat larger than the average size, that's why we didn't succeed.

“Relax and push on me, then it won’t hurt so much the first time,” the man said. I obeyed him, doing exactly what he ordered. Hot sweat poured down my back, dripping from the man's face, which he occasionally blew from his nose. This is what distracted me and allowed me to relax even more. And the miracle happened. I felt how the wet head slid deep into my body, passing the second muscle ring. Of course, it was a little painful at first, and very unusual. However, we must pay tribute to the man, he did not gallop, but began to slowly, millimeter by millimeter, conquer new territory. I helped as best I could. Finally, the man penetrated me and began to make slow thrusts. On the fifth, a sharp wave of pleasure literally covered me. I screamed out loud, the light dimmed before my eyes, the orgasm was so strong. I have never experienced this in my life. One wave of pleasure replaced another, gradually fading. And my lover, as if he sensed that it was necessary to freeze and let me enjoy the pleasure experienced. And only after a while, when I at least a little came to my senses, I continued my movements. His pleasure was no less spicy. At the very least, the guttural sounds escaping from the throat of a man testified to the strength of the experienced orgasm. The man literally collapsed on me, and I experienced another orgasm with him. It was unforgettable. It was great. It was sharp.

Steamed flesh languidly resented and trembled slightly, returning to its usual state. The man was gentle in this case too.

“Thank you.” They kissed me on the shoulder. As I guessed goodbye. “You need to get out or you’ll lose consciousness.” Let's help.

- Not. I myself, - was indignant. Out of the corner of my mind, I remembered that my girlfriends were there somewhere. And if they find out, they can tell my boyfriend. And the last thing I wanted was something like that.

- See for yourself. If you don’t come out in a minute, then I will call for help, - and the man left through another door. It turned out that in addition to the main door in the sauna, there was another one that was not visible at first glance.

I could barely crawl off the shelf and wrap myself in the towel I was lying on. I didn't have the strength to put on a bathing suit.

While crawling to the shower, I almost fainted, yet I overheated in the sauna and very strongly. Nearly got a heatstroke. The only thing that saved me was that I was trained enough and lay low, and not where the main heat is. My ass slowly began to declare itself. Yet the first time is the first time.

- Irka, where have you been? Olga lashed out at me.

- Yes. Where? Marina joined.

The last thing I wanted to do was talk to the girls about my adventure.

- In sauna.

- What sauna?

- In what, what? In the one we were, the sides were heated.

So that's where the owner went. We were all dispersed. They said that he would come now and sent him to another, smaller and not so cool one. My Vitalik flew into the first number. I don’t know if he will stay at work,” Olga complained.

Then it began to dawn on me who exactly was the massage therapist with whom I knew my first shameful time. I didn't even get a good look at the man's face. It wasn't before. The silhouette of a stranger, illuminated from behind by a lantern in a protective case, was well engraved in my memory.

Or was it not the owner?

Here is your adventure.

I must have been so upset.

One thing pleased me that I was unlikely to meet my stranger again.

Thank you so much for letting me know how it really is.

A sweet trembling pierced my body as soon as I remembered the pleasure I had experienced.

However, I had no desire to find out who is who. If I had not been sure that the man did not see me, then I would hardly have loosened the reins. And so...

- Where were you? - Igor appeared in front of me like a devil from a snuffbox.

I flinched in surprise.

Heck. Heck. Heck. If I knew that he would return from his family event so early, I would never have gone with the girls to the sauna.

- I went with the girls. With Olya and Marina. You know them, - I tried to say it as convincingly as possible, hoping that Igor would remember my girlfriends.

The fact is that the man was not at all interested in my affairs. He was not particularly interested in me either, but that is what it is.

- What the hell are Olya and Marina? Completely crazy? Her man is waiting at home, and she is hanging around somewhere with sluts. Where were you? - It seems that I did not manage to speak Igor's teeth. And I was so hoping that I wouldn't have to tell you everything. Well, at least part of the truth.

I was silent.

“Give me the phone,” the man rumbled.

- What for? - I cringed.

“I'll call one of your gossips and find out where you've been since you can't tell yourself.

- No need to call - the last thing I would like to do is involve someone from the outside in a showdown with my boyfriend.

However, I could hardly call Igor my boyfriend. I had sex with him. And I also lived with him. If you do not go into the moral aspects of life, then we can say that I paid with my body for housing.

And it all turned out to be outrageously stupid and banal. I came to the regional center to enter the university and right at the station, in the crowd, I was robbed. I tried to find the thief, but can you find him? From worries and the realization that I parted with money forever, sat down on a bench that turned up, and began to shed tears about my miserable fate. Just a few minutes later, an ordinary-looking guy sat down next to me. He spoke. I started asking why? What happened to me and why am I crying. I told everything to my heart's content. He sympathized with the poor thing and offered to live with him. Or rather, to live in his bachelor's lair, as he himself called it. This was the place where he took women, and he himself lived with his parents in a huge mansion. True, I found out about this much later. And at first, I thought that just a guy bought a house for himself and was going to move there soon. Since I had nowhere to go, and I could not return in shame, I was forced to accept the outstretched helping hand.

Naturally, the help was not entirely disinterested. This was soon announced to me, maybe not quite on the forehead, but quite intelligibly.

Pride is good only when there is room to retreat. I had nowhere to go. So I agreed. Besides, I liked the guy, at least in the first minute. Probably, at that moment, grief clouded my eyes. But history can no longer be rewritten, what is, is.

- Are you afraid, slut? Igor smiled evilly. “Tell me where you were, otherwise it will be bad,” the man threatened.

Now he least of all reminded me of that good-natured man whom I met once upon a time.

- I'm saying that I was with the girls - for some reason, the last thing I wanted to do was share the moments of the evening with Igor. Knowing his quarrelsome nature, I imagined what would happen when he found out where I had been all evening.

In fact, I thought he wouldn't remember me today. After all, he was supposed to be at the presentation of something there, either a salon, or a small factory. His illustrious family was to gather in full force, and the presence of Igor was mandatory. However, as in all such events. That's why I agreed to go with the girls to relax, so as not to feel needed by anyone. And that's what happened.

“Your girls, the prostitutes of which the world has never seen, and you are the same,” Igor began to yell at me. He was clearly out of sorts. And when a man was in such a state, it’s better not to touch him, or even better to bypass him, because I could have flown in from the side from which I didn’t really want to get.

In a fit of anger, Igor could strike. True, every time after that he apologized, promised not to do it again, but time passed, and everything repeated. The last thing I wanted was to be beaten, especially after such a wonderful evening, which I remembered with increasing warmth.

“Igoryusha, what can you say,” I began conciliatoryly. - Let's go to the bedroom. I’ll do a massage for you, ”she said about the massage, and her lower abdomen ached, and extremely pleasant memories rolled up. I really wanted to go back in time and once again experience bliss in the hands of a mysterious man.

"Did you decide to distract me?" - Igor began to attack. “I can see right through you.

“Of course, honey.” I tried my best to keep a smile on my face. - You are the most - the most.

And I wanted to add "goat". During the time spent next to Igor, I became more and more convinced of his scum.

It was he who helped me only in order to have a free heating pad in bed when he suddenly decides to take his little brother out for a walk, as he called his penis. After all, except for the apartment, we practically never happened anywhere. It was out of status for Igor to meet a girl from the provinces, but it was possible to sleep.

- Which? Igor fell for my trick.

- The best, most beautiful, kindest, most affectionate, - from the last epithet I was completely jarred, I remembered how once Igor stuck it in my ear with all his might. Almost went deaf.

“Here you are, Lisa Patrikeevna,” the man softened a little. It seems that I was able to penetrate him with my sweet speeches. - Let's go to the room, and there you will show me how sweet I am.

The man's eyes sparkled with anticipation.

And I could hardly restrain myself to show my attitude to what was to happen in the near future. But like an obedient lamb, it trudged along after Igor, who, with the gait of a gentleman, went to the living room, where he flopped down on an armchair, spreading his knees to the sides.

“Well, show me, beauty, how you love me,” his whole posture testified to only one thing. The man was waiting for me to kneel down.

least in this second I wanted to do a blowjob, but the circumstances required it.

- Igor, I am now. I run to the toilet and I'll come, - at the last second I found something to say.

And the arrow darted into the bathroom. The bathroom in the apartment was combined.

I locked the bathroom, as if that could save me.

Dear mother, how much I do not want to touch Igor.

I looked at myself in the mirror and saw a black-haired girl with blue eyes wide open from rejection of what was about to happen, and tried to find the strength to cope with the disgust that rolled over me with great force.

“Risha, you can do it. You always did it and you can do it now,” I persuaded myself, looking in the mirror.

- Irka, are you coming soon? came from inside the apartment. “I'm waiting for you,” the last thing in the world I wanted to hear Igor's voice.

But there is nothing to do. I sighed resignedly. Once. Another. I counted to ten. I rinsed my mouth with a liquid that smelled of pine needles and oak leaves, hoping that it would not be so disgusting for me to do what they wanted me to do.

“Irka,” she heard Igor’s call again.

“Fuck you,” she cursed angrily before leaving the bathroom.

Two deaths cannot happen, but one cannot be avoided.

I've survived this and I'll survive this.

"I'm coming, honey," she yelled. - I'm going. One minute.

I looked at myself again, winked as if encouraging me, and, sighing, trudged into the living room. Trying to adjust myself on the go.

Can I imagine that I am giving a blowjob not to Igor, but to a stranger from the sauna? It would be nice.

One had only to think about a man, as immediately the lower abdomen began to fill with a pleasant heaviness. This did not happen even after Igor's long caresses. Still, he's an asshole. He lived to his age and still does not know how to please a woman.

But the thought that I am imagining one man instead of another pleasantly settled in my head.

- Irka, why is it taking so long? I'm already exhausted. Even without you, I started, - and, indeed, Igor has already unbuttoned his pants and released his friend. True, my friend was somewhat sluggish and apathetic.

“It's okay, we'll fix the situation now,” I turned to Igor's member rather than to himself.

- You really try, Irochka, - a satisfied smile spread on the man's face.

With what great pleasure I would erase it, slamming my fist into the center of the face, which every day became more and more hateful and hateful.

Kneeling down between Igor's legs spread apart in different directions, I struggled to recall the image of a stranger in my memory.

I remembered his strong torso, long legs, powerful chest, gorgeous biceps rolling under sweaty skin, his velvety voice, his thrusts inside my body, at first slow and viscous, then sharp and abrupt.

- Oh, Irka, I'll finish now. Irka, you are a magician. Ah, Irka, - only Igor's exclamation brought me out of a blissful state. Having plunged headlong into memories, I did not notice how I coped with an unpleasant task.

And, apparently, even managed to give great pleasure to Igor.

I almost shuddered when I realized who was in front of me and whom I had just brought to orgasm. I immediately wanted to shower. Or at least spit something out.

- Irka, where are you? I heard as I rushed headlong into the bathroom. I really wanted to rinse my mouth to get rid of Igor's sperm.

I brushed my teeth vigorously, trying to wash off the smell of a man from me. It seemed to me that he soaked me from head to toe.

But the stranger smelled of smoke. But not the smoke of cigarettes, but the smoke of a living fire, which stretches from birch logs burning in a fire.

I sighed regretfully. Never again will I meet him.

- Why did you run away, as if a live hedgehog was thrown into your bosom? I shuddered when I saw Igor's satisfied face in the mirror.

- It's too late. Time to sleep. I have to go to work tomorrow,” I tried to keep my voice as neutral as possible.

- Oh yes. I forgot that you are a hard-working bird, - said the man. You couldn't say the same about him.

No. Formally, he was listed as a director in one firm, but only on paper. In fact, a completely different person conducted business in the company of Father Igor, and Igoryusha only handed out business cards, but made a smart face.

Are you sleeping with me tonight? she asked the man.

- By you? Igor asked mockingly.

“In this apartment,” I corrected myself, trying not to wince at the words I heard. Or are you going to visit your parents?

Igor rarely spent the night away from home. Because he had to constantly be near the domineering mother, who did not let her brood go far. Igor also had an older sister, a divorced lady with two children. The woman's husband could not stand the oppression of his wife's relatives and fled, believing that even money could not replace spiritual well-being. I saw my sister a couple of times in the gossip column, however, like the rest of the man's family.

Igor did not take me to his house, or rather, to the house of his parents. At first I thought that because of modesty, and then I realized that for completely different reasons. Igor was not a couple.

Who am I? Provincial girl. And they? White bone, blue blood. I am a dowry, without a clan, without a tribe.

I don’t know what Igor found in me?

Maybe the desire to have power over someone played a role? More likely. After all, he could push me around as he wanted, and I allowed it, realizing that I had no special choice. While I am studying, I will not be able to provide myself with a decent housing. The waitress's earnings were barely enough to eat and support herself. Igor showed no particular generosity. At first, after we met, he pretended to be a not particularly wealthy guy, and when I found out the truth, it was too late to change anything.

The girls told me more than once that I should leave Igor and find a more wealthy man. So that you can get something from him. But I always denied it, saying that I don’t trade in the body. Although, if you look at it, it turned out that she was just trading, earning her own housing.

- Not. I won't go today. I will stay with you. You are so awesome today. Affectionate. I think that you and I are still somersaulting in bed. Isn't that right, Irochka? I almost felt sick at the sound of Igor's voice.

- I'm tired. And I have to go to work tomorrow, - take it and tell me.

- Ah. So, tired. And wandering around anywhere - not tired. You never told me where you were, bitch - that's who pulled my tongue to start arguing with Igor?

Unfortunately, nothing came to mind.

The phone call saved me.

- Yes. I, - Igor answered immediately. From the expression on my face, I realized that one of the relatives was calling. - Where? Where? In Karaganda, - the man barked.

Clearly not a mother. He doesn't talk to her like that. Most likely a sister.

“I am a grown man,” Igor said, “I can afford to walk until twelve. At my age, they have dozens of children, and you teach me. How long to?

I quietly stepped aside, praying to God that the man would be called home, and he would leave me alone at least for today.

- Good. I'll be there soon, - Igor finally threw.

I breathed a sigh of relief. Has my dream come true? However, I was not happy for long.
