What kind of guy suits a Libra girl. Who suits a woman Libra

A man born under the sign of Libra likes women who can make decisions, take responsibility for two. He often doubts his own abilities, which is why others fail to discern his natural wisdom and ability to give good advice. If a girl does not have the courage to start a relationship, they may never start. Due to external attractiveness, a man has many familiar women, so he usually has no shortage of fans.

Analyzing the characteristics of the Libra guys, one can notice the duality inherent in them in everything. A young man from an early age shows wisdom, calmness and prudence, but he can suddenly do stupid things in a temper.

Undoubted advantages

Among the advantages of the sign are noted:

  • purposefulness - a man achieves his goals;
  • the ability to analyze - representatives of the zodiac sign think before making a decision how rational it is;
  • justice - thanks to a penchant for analysis, Libra determines who is to blame and who is right;
  • restraint - young people do not speak out categorically, do not use harsh or abusive expressions;
  • responsibility, punctuality - the guy understands the value of resources, so there will be no waste of time or effort of others.

Outwardly, a woman born under the sign of Libra looks elegant, but inaccessible, which further fuels interest from the opposite sex. In this regard, many are concerned about the question of what kind of men women like Libra and how they can be conquered. Astrologers and psychologists who understand the character and tastes of such a person can tell.

Only a brave, decisive, self-confident and patient man who can endure the inconstancy of mood and the unpredictability of a lady can conquer a Libra woman. Such a girl pays not the last role in choosing a life partner to the external attractiveness of young people, and there are clear requirements regarding character.

To understand how to conquer a Libra woman, a man needs to remember that such girls are very extraordinary personalities who are interesting to everyone around. This means that such an interest will always create competition in the struggle for her heart. And only the best in all criteria and indicators will win.

Personal traits

First of all, the Libra girl will look for a promising man of high social status so that he can provide for his family. This girl needs stability, which means that a man must be rational, practical, economic. It is also important for Libra that others envy her choice, which means that a man must be strong, strong, attractive, self-confident.

The character of a man

As for the nature of a potential companion, a Libra girl can like a man with a strong disposition, high ambitions and morals, a well-mannered, gallant and educated person. Well, only the owner of a subtle and sharp sense of humor will be able to fall in love with a Libra girl, as they love to have fun from the bottom of their hearts. You can conquer it with romance, but only such as in the best movies and novels.


In order to fall in love with a Libra woman, it is extremely important for a man to take care of his appearance, to be neat and clean. Libra is attentive to their attractiveness, girls spend a lot of time and money to care for their beauty, respectively, they are waiting for a worthy partner nearby. Outwardly, the ideal companion of the scales should be respectable, aristocratic and even elegant. In her taste, aesthetics in tandem with balance both in the appearance of a man and in his character.

Other personality traits

If a man is outwardly handsome, this is a good investment in the prospect of a relationship, but this will not be enough. A man must be educated, have a good and well-paid job, present himself to society as a representative and multifaceted person. In the spirit of an ideal companion for Libra, an energetic, cheerful, charismatic man, thanks to whom girlfriends would envy.

What zodiac signs are suitable for a Libra girl?

You can narrow down the search for the ideal partner if you find out from astrology who suits the Libra girl according to the zodiac sign. Astrologers name several successful signs with good compatibility indicators, namely:

  • Aries- opposites attract, which means that this man will definitely see signs of a Libra woman in love;
  • a lion- for this man, the Libra girl will be a trophy to show off to others;
  • Scales- will give a woman with the same sign harmony and that notorious balance in relationships;
  • Sagittarius- conquer her with looseness, purposefulness and openness of feelings;
  • Aquarius- will surprise with its eccentricity, giving Libra a tender and long relationship.

Expert opinion

Elena Druzhnikova

Sexologist. Family Relations Expert. Family psychologist.

Libra is a rather demanding sign, which the Taurus man, Gemini, Cancer and Scorpio will definitely not fit, and the union with the Pisces will also be very short-lived.

How to win a Libra girl?

Initially, a man will need to attract the attention of a woman with the Libra sign in every possible way, since they are demanding and do not spray on everyone. She should see a man with an elegant appearance, the character of an aristocrat and a laid-back conversationalist. In communicating with her, a man should touch on a variety of topics, so that there is everything, but in moderation from the point of view of balance.

To like a girl on a scale, so that in the end a man gets a woman in love, you can in the following ways:

  • a man outwardly should be better than others, showing impeccability in clothes, shoes, accessories, haircut, etc .;
  • by his behavior and character, he must show leadership abilities;
  • Libra needs a protector and support, if a man gave her stability and calmness, she will be on his hook;
  • he must solve both his own problems and hers, performing any tasks set by her;
  • you can earn her favor by introducing her to relatives and friends;
  • scales need attention, so a man can periodically pamper her with flowers and gifts;
  • in building relationships, it is extremely forbidden to rush, as these girls need time to evaluate a potential partner.

You can express feelings towards her not only with words and actions, but also with gestures, giving preference to non-verbal signs. If you ignore her requests, you can quickly lose her preference and even feelings.

Signs of a Libra girl in love?

Men pay special attention to the issue when he took all the advice and recommendations of specialists. In fact, a Libra woman in love turns into a predator, but does not conquer a man, but simply joins him. All the behavior of a woman in love will be aimed at pleasing a man, as well as non-verbally demonstrating her feelings. She will advise him, fix his clothes, pamper him with culinary masterpieces, etc.

Is a Libra woman right for you?



Libra is a fickle girl who, because of this, is difficult as a relationship partner, but at the same time attracts and intrigues the strong half of society. It is important for them to see such a man next to them, because of which others would have a feeling of envy. So, he must be handsome, smart, successful and a leader by nature.

Gallant and polite by nature, men born in autumn are able to win the heart of the most impregnable beauty. These are real knights, ready to rush to the defense of a girl in trouble. Libra men have a natural magnetism that draws the eyes of almost all women to them. It is easy to attract the attention of the representative of Air, but in order to keep him close, you need to work hard. It is sometimes impossible to repeat the ideal image created by Libra's imagination.

Features of the character of the representative of the Air

Men born under the constellation Libra have a soft and kind disposition, which attracts women to them. A charming and attractive representative of the Air is constantly surrounded by friends and ladies. His house is rarely empty, so he is looking for a companion responsibly and seriously.

This is a faithful and reliable friend who will always come to the rescue in difficult times. Devotion to friendship and love is inherent in Libra from birth - they know how hard it is to remain without support in trouble. They do not waste words, but simply help friends and relatives. This is a devoted friend, whose shoulder will always be there in difficult times.

The Libra man does not make long-term plans. His credo is to live here and now. Building a plan for the future is a waste of time for them. During this time, a lot can happen, so you should not engage in an empty pastime. But Libra's nose is kept to the wind, so as not to miss an opportune moment for change.

Representatives of this zodiac sign do not like to take the initiative in love affairs, but. The ideal image has long been created and occupies a secluded place in the heart, which makes it possible to make the only choice in the round dance of admirers.

Libras are hardened romantics and dreamers, but at the same time they are idealists. To their chosen one, they are quite demanding, but not serious. They share all their experiences and doubts, and will never hide their true feelings. A girl will always know what is happening inside her beloved man and what he is thinking about. This greatly facilitates communication.

The famous Russian theater and film actor S. Bezrukov does not get tired of telling everyone that: “A woman can feel like a woman only when she loves. And loved."

He himself will never take the first step towards marriage, but will not interfere with such desires of his companion. The main thing for him is the happiness and well-being of his beloved girl. Here it is important for him that their thoughts about the family and the presence of ideal qualities in a woman are consonant.

What interests Libra men in women?

Finding a way to his heart is easy enough, but it's also easy to lose favor. Do not relax at the first successful steps. He falls in love quickly, but one careless word and action can push him away forever. Everything is important for Libra - appearance, housekeeping skills, culinary skills, character and many other virtues. Here you need to carefully and critically evaluate your advantages over rivals and present them favorably to your chosen one.

External attractiveness should be in harmony with the inner world, which creates a unique and in his eyes. Men under the influence of Air are dependent on friends and family. Their assessment is very important for them, so the companion should be liked not only by him, but also by his close circle. He must each be convinced of the correctness of his choice, which he will demonstrate to friends and family every day.

You can interest a Libra man with the following qualities:

  • A woman should be able to make decisions on her own, without waiting for her chosen one. Representatives of this zodiac sign are quite slow in such matters, so they are waiting for the first step from their companion. But this must be done gently and unobtrusively, so as not to offend his manhood. This can be presented as advice or as an encouragement, which will only prove his right choice, made a long time ago.
  • When deciding on a life together with Libra, it is worth abandoning verbal squabbles and scandals. It is better to agree with them than to argue. This is a sign that categorically does not accept rudeness and shouting. Everything should be decided calmly and peacefully - for this he will give his love and gratitude.
  • He needs a restrained and calm companion who is able to adequately and balancedly perceive all life's vicissitudes. Libra men are characterized by increased emotionality, which makes it difficult to make the necessary decisions at a crucial moment for them. The ability of a woman to control her own emotions will be a clear advantage in the fight for his heart.
  • It must be accepted and loved for who it is. Do not focus on his shortcomings and weaknesses, especially in moments of quarrels. This will push him away from you and cause a breakup. Libra reacts sharply to accusations against them, which hurts them to the core.
  • The opinion of the inner circle for Libra means a lot, so it is worth making a positive impression on friends and relatives. A loved one is the soul of the company, which he wants to see in his companion. Here you need to show imagination and all your charm in order to enlist the support of loved ones of the chosen one.

What can not be done when winning the heart of an air zodiac sign?

But pushing him into a serious relationship will have to work hard. Pushing him away is quite simple, so you need to be careful and careful. There are several moments that mean a lot to him and will have some weight in making an important decision.

Representatives of the Air cannot be controlled and try to lead them - this will lead to a break. It will not work to remake it according to your preferences and desires, but it will help to push it away from you. Personal freedom and own values ​​​​mean a lot to him, so you should not encroach on this area. You can not tell him what to do at the moment and with whom to communicate. This is absolutely unacceptable.

“Movies and friends come first for me, and family comes second. Tatyana accepted this cross because, apparently, there is something more behind it. I cannot allow someone to control me, as soon as I feel a tight leash, I tear it, ”says N. Mikhalkov about relations with women.

Libra is the second sign of the element of Air, which gives people a developed intellect and the need for communication, and the patron planet gives them love for the beautiful and sublime. That is why the Libra woman, with all her femininity, tenderness and charm, is endowed with a sharp mind and logic that is in no way inferior to the male.

Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, whose zodiac is Libra - beautiful, delicate, sophisticated creatures who dislike everything ugly and ugly.

If there is a person who can admire beauty in all its manifestations, then this is the Libra woman. Music, literature, fashion, even people - representatives of this sign know a lot about everything that relates to beauty.

Delicate taste and sophistication in everything allow such a lady to always look elegant, emphasizing her presence with a delicate aroma of memorable perfumes, a sensual look. She always wears suitable and reflective clothes, complemented by spectacular jewelry and accessories.

From the outside, it may seem that the Libra girl treats herself very scrupulously, one might say, like an image on the screen. And this is to some extent true, because she really likes how she will look in public, what they will think of her. The Libra woman does not pass by mirrors, she always lingers in front of them. Such exactingness to herself makes the lady self-critical. And it is about her that the expression will be

"Your own strictest judge is yourself!"

If something is wrong, then she will improve herself and do everything in order to get closer to her ideal. People around often call such ladies the embodiment of charm and femininity.

Woman - Libra is constantly torn between career and family, she wants to achieve success in both fields at the same time. If she is delayed at work, she feels guilty before her family. If she is forced to spend some time at home, she will definitely worry about how the office copes without her.

Woman - Libra is efficient, but her performance varies during the week. She does not know how to work according to a plan and do “from now to now”, evenly distributing the load: on one day she gushes with ideas, on the other she dreams of a vacation in the morning, on the third she is able to make a weekly plan.

In work, the Libra woman is very inconsistent, although she is efficient. One day it can work for wear, the next - be in the stage of rest. Evenly planning the load is not for her, and Libra is unlikely to succeed.

And given that she always wants to combine career and home, and having achieved success in two areas, it becomes clear how much she will worry about failures and the fact that she pays less attention to something. So, lingering at work, she will blame herself for inattention to the children, and being at home, she will make work plans.

With money, the girls of this sign have a very specific relationship and compatibility.

On the one hand, they believe that money exists in order to spend it, on the other hand, it is very difficult to admit this to yourself and others. The bills themselves do not give them pleasure, which cannot be said about the opportunity to buy something.

She always has a very difficult relationship with money - deep down, this woman is sure that money was created in order to spend it, although she is not always ready to admit it out loud.

By themselves, crispy banknotes are unlikely to bring a woman - Libra into a state of stormy delight, they mean for her the opportunity to acquire something beautiful.

Beautiful and charming representatives of the fair half, whose zodiac is Libra, are very popular with men. Seductive, skillful in the science of love, they can leave a strong mark on a man's heart.

Among all the fans, such a lady will choose the one who will envelop her with care and attention, will respect her desires and preferences. In addition, she will not be able to without a sincere interest in a partner, therefore, in order to win her, you need to do something that would arouse her interest.

Relationships that do not give pleasure, even if the compatibility is quite high, she will break off without regret.

After the break, he will not worry much and reproach himself. However, everything is not so simple here either: before putting an end to an unsuitable lover, she will think for a long time, think, weigh all the pros and cons. And only after being convinced of the futility or after listening to the advice of a loved one, she will take a responsible step.

The Libra woman is one of those ladies who are not particularly in a hurry to tie the knot. This is due to the fact that many of their attachments are superficial, especially at the age of 25 years. And this means that the relationship is short-lived. Another factor will be their desire to win over men, luring into their networks and seducing, often for sporting interest.

For a serious relationship, Libra girl will choose a reliable man who will become a support in everything. In addition, such a person should be able to solve everyday problems, guide his beloved and help her make the right and informed decisions. She will listen to the opinion of such a man and respect his decisions.

After marriage, the husband becomes the main figure in the life of such a woman. Parents and even children fade into the background. Naturally, a man should appreciate such behavior. Then he will become a happy spouse of a patient, delicate and benevolent woman who will be both a wife, a lover, and a friend.

The husband, in turn, will have to earn well and be the main breadwinner of the family. No, the wife will not completely shift all material responsibilities onto his shoulders, but the main income should come from the man so that the wife can feel weak and feminine.

Compatibility in sex for the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, whose zodiac is Libra, plays a very important role. They love to have fun and cannot deny themselves this.

The peculiarity of Libra will be that they get more physical pleasure from making love than spiritual. And this state of affairs suits them 100%.

If we compare the lovers of the Libra sign with women of other signs of the Zodiac, then after intimacy they often pretend that nothing happened. They tend to be dispassionate and very calm. However, at the moment of intercourse, they are very fond of both having fun and delivering, taking care of their partner.

In the sexual game for such ladies, scenery occupies an important place. It can be silk sheets, muffled candlelight, a glass of delicious wine - all this will excite them and set them in the right mood. No, they are not at all averse to trying something unusual, but again, an important place is occupied by the aesthetic component.

She makes very high demands on men, since her companion should not only be suitable for her in character, but also attractive, worthy and someone who would raise the girl's self-esteem. Agree, being such a man is quite difficult, but if a woman has chosen a man, it means that he suits her in everything.

We all know that opposites attract! And the confirmation of this rule will be the union of Libra and Aries, which perfectly complement each other and motivate self-improvement.

With Leo, Libra will also have high compatibility. The lion will be proud and adore the partner, and the partner, in turn, will be crazy about her lover. And harmony will be not only external, but also internal.

The union of two Libras is the harmony and balance that they lack alone.

With Sagittarius, Libra will have a swift and vivid romance, which may end in a wedding in a few months.

A long and tender relationship will be with Aquarius. Moreover, the meaning of such a relationship will be known only to two lovers.

Average compatibility will be with Taurus. In bed, they will be able to understand each other perfectly, but life outside the home for a Taurus man can be a real torture due to the activity of his beloved.

The Gemini man is not the best partner for the Libra woman. Compatibility in this pair will be quite low, since the characters of these two zodiac signs are too different.

The relationship between a Libra woman and a Cancer man is likely to be like a long and difficult job. It can take a very long time to find common ground and learn to hear and understand each other. Sometimes too much, so that the patience of both runs out faster.

Not the most successful compatibility will be with Scorpio and Pisces, although there is always a chance for a successful life together.
The lowest compatibility is with the Virgo man and the Capricorn man, with whom Libra women will have constant disagreements, leading to serious gaps.

What do Libra women love?

Women born in the constellation Libra love various jewelry, so they are not able to calmly walk past a jewelry store. In their arsenal there will always be different little things for any occasion, be it a trip to the store or a social event. Libra women are the only representatives of the zodiac circle who wear jewelry with a special, unique charm.

In addition, Libras are famous fashionistas, in their wardrobe there are a variety of beautiful outfits that always emphasize their elegance. Women of this sign are not indifferent to perfumery, they buy it in large quantities and use it depending on the chosen image. They always carefully monitor their body, regularly visit a beauty parlor, and can correct their figure with the help of surgical intervention.

For women of this sign, the home environment is important. Furniture, clothes, things - everything should please the eye and be pleasant to the touch. Fresh and light aromas should soar in the air. They like delicious and refined food, they love art, classical music, luxurious and expensive things.

For such a life, a lot of money is needed, which they are able to earn on their own, without relying on the stronger sex. After all, if something surrounded by Libra is plain and ugly, then they will suffer greatly from this.

The zodiac endowed Libra with indecision. Making any decision (be it another purchase of shoes or a proposal from a man), the Libra woman will weigh all the pros and cons for a long time, think and hesitate for a long time.

It can often happen that in order to make a final decision, she will need help. And such doubts and thoughts are not at all a sign of a lack of intelligence, this is a distinctive feature that everyone around should come to terms with.

Libra is endowed with too developed logic and an analytical mindset. Perhaps if they were less logical, then life would be easier, and all decisions were made with ease. As for the opinions and advice of others, the Libra woman always takes into account those around her and, of course, what her loved one says.

By nature, the fair sex, whose zodiac Libra is a talker who will always find a suitable topic for conversation. It is among people born in this constellation that there are a lot of extroverts who do not like loneliness and do their best not to be alone with themselves.

Among the women of Libra, there are a lot of those who are well aware of their strengths and weaknesses. And one of the obvious drawbacks will be their constant lateness. Such a lady can start getting ready very early, spend a lot of time at the mirror and, accordingly, be late. You will have to come to terms with this feature.

Libra men are gallant gentlemen who love and know how to compliment. They know the heart of any woman, but they do not like all the fair sex. To please Libra, you need to be bold and confident, behave correctly in society, dress with taste and understand the inner world of your man.

What qualities should a girl have to please a Libra man?

Men of this sign like women with a rich inner world and impeccable appearance. They pay attention to clothes, figure and shoes, they will never approach a girl who is vulgarly dressed. To please a Libra man, you need to remove low-cut clothes and mini-skirts from your wardrobe. Makeup should emphasize natural beauty, not be striking.

Libra attaches great importance to the behavior of the girl. Men are gallant, sociable and will be able to find a common language with any person, they want to see these qualities in their own. They will never choose a girl who uses obscene words in her speech, behaves cheekily and scandalously as a life partner.

The Libra man is not always decisive and confident, he may not confess his feelings to his beloved for a long time, hesitate with a marriage proposal. That is why he is subconsciously looking for a strong woman who will be a reliable wife, partner and friend. Libra likes self-confident, but not scandalous girls.

Lovers of Libra should be able to do everything: take care of themselves, constantly improve, be a good housewife, lover and support. But the most important thing that a man of this sign appreciates in his life partner is the ability to understand his inner world.

How not to behave next to a Libra man?

If you decide to win the heart of a Libra man, then in no case do not command him and do not persuade him to make decisions. You can not scandal and swear in front of strangers, you need to be restrained and calm. In order not to scare away the man of this sign, do not ignore his feelings, do not laugh at him or make fun of him. He certainly will not appreciate such humor.

If a Libra man has found his ideal woman, he will shower her with gifts and compliments, surround her with attention and care. But the chosen one should know that in relations with Libra, she will have to take the first steps. If she does not take any action, then the proposal to marry is unlikely to wait. All initiatives must be competent and tolerant.
