Comic horoscope: how the signs of the zodiac get up in the morning. What different zodiac signs don't like

What could be brighter and more wonderful than love? When this wonderful feeling lives in the heart, and there is a person who will always be there, support in difficult times, share the joy. That is why the search for true love is an important and responsible task, since the partner must be suitable, and relations with him must develop in the best possible way. It is for such purposes that there are special horoscopes that describe how they love various signs Zodiac. In this article, we will look at what love means and how the zodiac signs love their halves.

AT love relationships Fire element zodiac signs, in particular Aries, love to get what they want. But when he is disappointed, he leaves without hesitation. If someone won the heart of such a person, then Aries will be devoted and faithful.

Many zodiac signs cannot imagine themselves without love. And Taurus is a prime example of this. For him, to love means to live. Taurus does not like to rush from the arms of one person into the arms of another, choosing strong and stable relationship. Like Aries, Taurus is very passionate.

However, passion is far from impulsive. He falls in love gradually, slowly, when he begins to recognize loved one. Such people love sincerely and for life, doing everything for the sake of their beloved.

As for family relationships, Taurus will try to smooth out any sharp corners, solve problems peacefully. In addition, he is jealous and expects from a partner that he will devote himself only to him, forgetting about others. His feelings last for a long time and will not go out just like that.

How Gemini Zodiac Signs Love

If a Gemini fell in love with you, then be careful and do not believe all his confessions. Due to some frivolity and changeability, they can promise a lot, sincerely believing in it. But in a few days, everything can change. Pay attention, the Gemini do not lie, they themselves believe in their words. And often such a sign of the Zodiac itself cannot predict its emotions and actions.

To be sure that the Gemini has feelings for you, you need to be constantly with him. If you find common interests and hobbies, then the best partner you can't find. However, try to avoid scandals, quarrels and showdown. They are more afraid of this than fire.

If you want to please Gemini, then demonstrate your intelligence, sense of humor and ease in making decisions. He will appreciate it very highly and will want to get to know you better.

How Cancer Zodiac Signs Love

Sensitive and emotional Cancer does not see his life without love. He is a dreamer, a romantic, a seeker who is in search of real feelings. When Cancer meets the one with whom he wants to spend the rest of his life, he becomes gentle and devoted. However, if something goes wrong in his life, and the partner does not appreciate him, then he can turn into a real tyrant.

Among his core values ​​are children and family. Without this, he will not be able to feel happy. Cancer is ready to sacrifice almost everything for the happiness of his partner, and if he is loved, he will fulfill any desire. Even when relationships become obsolete, Cancer tries to find options for reviving feelings so as not to destroy the union and not experience the pain of loneliness. He will do everything possible so that his loved one does not leave. If this happens, then Cancer will be deeply unhappy.

In any area of ​​life, Leo is used to playing first violin. This also applies to love affairs. He expects worship, compliments, adoration from his partner. By the way, he himself is capable of all these manifestations of feelings. For the sake of love, such a person can go to great lengths, even though public opinion plays a very important role for him.

His requirements for a partner are very high, as befits royalty. They choose attractive people who can achieve something in life or who can support Leo in his endeavors. AT family life faithful and generous, doing everything to ensure that life is not boring.

How Virgo Zodiac Signs Love

Representatives of this zodiac sign are considered very controversial, because they combine coldness and detachment with emotionality. They are ambivalent about love, considering it a weakness that is better not to show. To cope with passion, they begin to look for flaws in their beloved, vices and something in order to stop experiencing strong feelings.

AT family relationships Virgo will show their feelings more with actions than with words. From a partner will expect honesty, sincerity, affection. And if he does not find all this, he may be left alone.

How Libra Zodiac Signs Love

Libra is a rather indecisive zodiac sign that often hesitates when making decisions. The same applies to relationships. They fall in love, as a rule, not at first sight, but only when they realize that the partner suits them. In search of a loved one, they often see their main goal, because only in a couple can they feel perfect and happy.

Libras prefer someone to conquer and conquer them, but they themselves rarely decide on such steps, letting everything go by chance. If the person they like does not do anything, then for them it will be a sign that it’s simply not destiny.

How do scorpio zodiac signs love

The strong and unbridled energy of Scorpio makes him a lover of excesses, extremes and dangers. The same is true in love relationships. He does not like defeat and always goes to the end. If he liked someone, then this zodiac sign will do everything to get the location. In love, he is passionate, sensual and jealous. It is jealousy that can become the main problem, since such a person will always find a reason for suspicion.

If you are ready to prove your location to him every time and not be afraid of jealousy, then everything can turn out in the best way. Also keep in mind that Scorpios do not like to show feelings in public.

There are a lot of bachelors among Sagittarians, because it is very difficult to withstand the windiness and love of freedom of this zodiac sign. Men are often real womanizers who switch from one skirt to another, and making each representative of the fair half happy, albeit not for long.

Girls also have a frivolous nature and love adventure, competition, travel and new acquaintances.

But when a Sagittarius falls in love, everything can change. If his partner does not restrict freedom and treats his hobbies with understanding, then you will get a good couple. With Sagittarius it will always be fun, interesting and unusual. The main thing is not to make scandals and not to sort things out, because this scares them more than fire.

How do Capricorns love the zodiac signs?

In love, Capricorns are very ambiguous, because they can resist this feeling strongly and for a long time, confusing both themselves and their partner, trying not to show their emotions. Very difficult for appearance a given zodiac sign to determine what he is in love with. Under the mask of seriousness and serenity, a sensual nature can be hidden, which dreams of reciprocal confessions. But that's just inside. Such a feature of it, if a loved one does not take the initiative, then this can lead to depression. That's probably why there are so many lonely people among them.

In a partner, Capricorn appreciates devotion, stability, poise. If he chooses someone to build a long-term relationship, then most likely it will be for life.

How Aquarius Zodiac Signs Love

Active and sensitive Aquarians like to idealize the object of their feelings. Often Aquarius begins to endow a loved one with qualities that are not characteristic of him, which can subsequently lead to disappointment.

His love is light, pleasant and tender. He is not subject to passions, choosing more melancholic feelings. In a relationship, Aquarius strives for independence, which can alienate him a little from his lover. If his soulmate appreciates and understands this craving for freedom, then Aquarius will be happy and will never leave his partner.

Almost all problems in relations with Aquarius are based on his desire to give himself to many: not just one loved one, but also friends, colleagues, relatives, and so on. It just needs to be understood and shared with him.

How Pisces Love Zodiac Signs

In love, Pisces can be very different. Some of the representatives of this sign are considered a real womanizer, others choose the role of romantic sufferers, some - sacrificial saviors. Depending on what type of Pisces is caught, one can judge how it will be in a relationship.

Very often it is Pisces who fall in love at a distance, silently observing the object of affection and sending him silent glances. In the heart, Pisces will always find a place for feelings, emotions and impressions. However, they may lack decisiveness, so they are often incapable of action. If they need to fight with an opponent or defend their case, they can step aside, waiting for the situation to be resolved by others.

Zodiac signs in love - video

The energy of the zodiac sign under which we were born always accompanies us - even in a dream. And it leaves its mark on how we sleep and what we dream about. Of course, this question has not been studied reliably, but why not assume that it looks like this ...


Life is too short to spend a significant part of it in a dream - everyone born under the sign of Aries believes, so sleep for him is just a physiological necessity that allows him to restore the forces wasted during the day. Usually Aries does not go to bed until he is completely exhausted, and since he has a lot of energy, this happens well after midnight.

Such a person sleeps soundly. And he absolutely does not care about comfort. He is accustomed to Spartan conditions, is quite capable of doing without a soft bed, and when tired, he can take a nap on the first surface that matches his dimensions, or even right on the floor. He doesn't need to rest his head on a pillow—hands are enough, and he doesn't need to cover himself if the room is relatively warm.

Dreams of this sign are always colorful, rich and dynamic. Often in them he completes what he did not have time during the day, but it happens that he fights. So if Aries suddenly sleeping next to you starts waving his arms and kicking his legs, it’s better to move away from him.

For such a person, a little time is enough to rest. No matter how late he goes to bed, there is no problem waking up for him. Early morning Aries will jump up like a windup and again into battle ...


Considers sleep as one of the bodily pleasures and often allows himself to sleep for an hour after dinner. Perhaps only Taurus and Virgo have a clear sleep schedule. They are used to going to bed in certain time, and in the morning - also at a certain time - to wake up. During the night, Taurus sleeps soundly. In the morning, thanks to the work done for long years habit, quickly goes from sleep to wakefulness without the help of an alarm clock. True, this is only in case of compliance with the regime. If Taurus has to get up at an unusual time for him, he is unlikely to feel sleepy.

For a good rest, Taurus needs comfort. A soft bed, clean linen, silence and lack of light are a must. Being a slave of habit, this sign can hardly endure the need to sleep in a new place for him. And it is a complete nightmare for him to sleep in transport, for example, in a sleeping car of a train.

Soothing images and tactile sensations predominate in the dreams of Taurus. Often dream Beautiful places, delicious food, attractive people. Often in a dream, Taurus is busy counting money.


Most of all, Gemini enjoys sleeping in unusual place- in the attic, in a hammock, in an armchair, in a tent or in vehicle. They fall asleep and wake up easily, intuitively determining required amount sleep. Before falling asleep, meditate for a while. They sleep lightly, constantly changing position. Sometimes they talk in their sleep or laugh. They are also big fans of sleeping naked.

The dreams of the Gemini are a real phantasmagoria, a pun of familiar images in the most unthinkable combinations: events follow each other quickly, scenes of action merge organically, characters actively communicate. Often Gemini see themselves in a dream, as if from the outside. They also come in their dreams original ideas, they often read in their sleep, invent new words and easily find rhymes. They just remember all this for a very short time after waking up and, if they don’t write it down right away, they forget. Knowing this feature behind him, A.S. Pushkin, born just under this sign, often put a piece of paper, a pen and an inkwell at the head of the bed in order to have time to record the brilliant lines that visited him in a dream.


He finds sleep a very pleasant experience, so in the morning he is in no hurry to leave a cozy bed. Yes, and during the day he likes to climb under the covers on a soft mattress. Comfort, security, safety - these are the epithets that Cancer associates with a night's rest. All this comes from childhood, and Cancer is very attached to childhood, always remembers this wonderful time and, at the slightest opportunity, seeks to plunge into it with sensations. Sleep is one of them. In addition, sleep well treats Cancer's mental anguish, depression, psychological crisis, etc.

It is said about Cancer - sleeps like a baby. Indeed, the sleeping Cancer looks extremely defenseless. He mostly sleeps in the fetal position, curls up, or sleeps on his stomach. Unlike other representatives of the Zodiac, he prefers to sleep in pajamas.

In his dreams, images of the past prevail - serene childhood and pink youth. The main participants in sleep are parents, family members, close relatives, especially those loved by Cancer. It can also be a person to whom at one time Cancer was not indifferent, experienced romantic feelings. What else Cancer dreams about is cozy and solid houses.


As befits the representatives of the cats, the real life of their zodiac counterparts begins at night. Leo rarely goes to bed before midnight, and it happens that in general his going to bed is accompanied by the first rays dawn. Accordingly, he rests, at least until lunch. And just try to wake up earlier! After all, the morning dream is so sweet. A person born under this sign returns to the waking state slowly and heavily. Only a cup of coffee helps to cheer him up. If you need to get up, for example, to work, then you can’t do without a forced wake-up call. At the same time, Leo furiously curses the man who invented the alarm clock.

The royal manners of this sign are also expressed in the way he would like to see his bedchamber: a wide bed, downy feather bed, expensive linen, lamps with the ability to adjust the flow of light, making it either bright or muffled. The Lion even sleeps, expressing greatness with all his appearance - face up, spreading his arms and legs wide.

According to representatives of this sign, the dreams of Leo are saturated with light. There is practically no absurdity in them, everything is extremely clear, natural and logical.


Health and order are the idols worshiped by Virgo. And about the benefits of sleep for healing the body, Virgo has heard a lot. She is also well aware of the phases of sleep, biorhythms and everything else, so she approaches the night rest fully armed - both from esoteric and scientific positions. Based on this, choose optimal time and the amount of sleep acquired orthopedic mattress, starches the sheets to a crisp, and puts a bag of aromatic herbs under the pillow. However, despite the established regulations, Virgo is not a slave to habit and, if necessary, will easily wake up much earlier than usual. However, much earlier, representatives of this sign are already big fans of getting up before dawn. True, they also go to bed early, they are not averse to taking a nap for half an hour during the day.

The dreams of these people are mostly disturbing. Rather, they only remember the disturbing ones. The reason for this is the high sensitivity.

Despite the analytical mindset and practicality, Virgo often keeps a dream book somewhere in a secluded place and, after another unpleasant dream, wondering “what would that mean?”, She turns to him.


They love not so much to sleep as to soak up in bed. If some other, more interesting and pleasant occupation falls out for the night, they sacrifice sleep without hesitation. Thus, no specific regime is followed: they lie down when they want, fall asleep relatively easily, and wake up just as easily at any time of the day. Sometimes they allow themselves to lie around until dinner, and sometimes neither light nor dawn rises to admire the sunrise. Since Libras usually do not lead a physically active lifestyle, a little sleep is enough for them.

Along with such representatives of the Zodiac as Taurus and Leo, Libra pays great attention to the comfort and decor of the bed. But unlike Taurus, they are able to easily fall asleep in new, unfamiliar conditions. The main thing is to be warm, clean, soft and beautiful. And with the Twins of Libra, the desire to sleep without clothes is related. That is completely naked.

It is Libra, and by no means Scorpios, who most often have dreams with an explicit sexual meaning, or at least with a hidden one. erotic overtones. Dr. Freud would have found in them the ideal test material.


Night sleep for Scorpio - good opportunity to restore the physical and mental strength spent during the day, because during the day he has no time to do this. This zodiac sign is woven from a mass of contradictions. On the one hand, he is unpretentious, and he absolutely does not care where and how to sleep. He is able to rest his soul and body even in extreme conditions: without taking off your clothes, on the floor, on chairs, in an abandoned house, in a tent, in a cave, in the snow, under a bush, on a tree, in a moving vehicle ... On the other hand, Scorpio strives for a prosperous life and agrees to endure inconvenience only on the way to wealth. Having provided for himself “at the very least I don’t want to,” a person born under this sign will arrange sleeping place in terms of luxury and convenience, it is not inferior to Teltsovsky or Lvov.

Sleeps Scorpio sensitively. Returns to the waking state quickly and easily. If necessary, this hardy person can go without sleep for several days. Unlike other representatives of the Zodiac, he is not too impressed with nightmares, he even finds a certain charm in them. Often sees dead people in a dream and talks to them.


The amount of sleep in a person born under this sign depends on the degree of his enthusiasm for something. Having caught fire with some idea, Sagittarius can give himself to her for only 24 hours a day. And so on until the forces finally leave him. Then, completely exhausted, he will fall on the first couch that comes across, will be forgotten by the heroic sleep of the day for two that way, after which he will return to the interrupted lesson with the same enthusiasm.

Concepts such as regime and discipline are not characteristic of Sagittarius. And he does not need special comfort. Being a born traveler, he easily adapts to new conditions, does not see a problem if he has to sleep in transport, in a tent or in sleeping bag. From sleep to outdoors even gets an incomparable pleasure.

As mentioned above, Sagittarius has a heroic dream. He loves to sleep on his back, while snoring so that he deprives those around him of any hope of rest.

In his dreams, Sagittarius is carried away to distant unknown countries, conducts philosophical conversations with great people, or simply experiences the feeling of flying.


A typical Capricorn paints his life plan from a young age and strictly adheres to it in the future. In his daily routine, sleep is always given at the same time. But if necessary, Capricorn is able to break his own stereotypes and, in order to achieve an important goal, spend a sleepless night, and if you really need it, then not one. It also seamlessly changes your bedtime and wake up times to suit your pre-planned schedule. Being a hardy person, able to long time sleep for only a few hours a day. Spartan conditions do not frighten him either. Even having made a considerable fortune, Capricorn will still continue to sleep on a narrow and hard couch. Firstly, he got used to it, it is so convenient for him, otherwise he would not have slept; secondly, it is useful to lie on a hard bed; thirdly, he is the enemy of all luxury.

The dream of Capricorn, although short, is deep and strong.

But in relation to dreams, a person born under this sign is a real mystery. Capricorn, mean on emotions, is not used to sharing impressions. However, there are rumors that most of his dreams are black and white.


Perhaps the only thing that noticeably distinguishes Aquarius from other representatives of the Zodiac is the desire for original designs his bed. Such a person is happy to equip a sleeping place in the attic, on the second tier of an apartment or bed (he generally likes to climb higher), he will definitely experience how he sleeps on a water mattress, or install a transforming bed in the room, which is removed for the night in a wall niche or folded into armchair, table and some other piece of furniture.

An obvious arrhythmic, Aquarius does not belong to either "owls" or "larks". He easily falls asleep and wakes up at any time of the day. True, he sleeps lightly and can wake up at the slightest rustle. Unfortunately, he does not always manage to escape from the factors that interfere with rest. Because of such a sensitive nervous system Aquarius sleep must last at least eight hours.

In his dreams, the true representative of this sign usually flies, decides logical tasks and makes phenomenal discoveries. For example, the famous Aquarius Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev, the idea of ​​the periodic table chemical elements came in a dream.


We can confidently say that typical Pisces do not leave the arms of Morpheus even when they wake up. They can open their eyes, quite clearly and consciously answer your questions, but as soon as they are left for at least a minute, the trance state will return to them again - it seems that the Pisces are no longer sleeping, but for sure that they are not yet awake. They fall asleep easily, especially with the TV turned on, the sound of rain or other monotonous sounds. They can fall asleep during the day, despite the fact that they were not deprived of a night's sleep. Sleeping Pisces are easy to talk to, while they may show psychic abilities and they will tell you about the near future or about events happening to people close to them or to you, who are far from the place where you are in this moment are.

For a good rest, Pisces needs relative comfort. Its basis is a soft, quiet, cozy and, most importantly, a secluded place. They are indifferent to the decor of the bedroom. But they will not give up scented candles, feng shui attributes or a large aquarium.

The dreams of Pisces are a real boom of bright fantasy and fairy tales. And it is a pity that they do not have the patience to turn them into literary works or to realize them in cinema.

According to astrologers and psychologists, it is the stars under which we are born that determine certain preferences that shape our character and attitude to the world around us.

Each of us can treat some shortcomings of other people quite tolerantly, putting up with them, but at the same time he cannot forgive seemingly some little things that mean a lot to him.

Let's talk about what they can't stand different signs Zodiac in other people and why? This will help you understand other people better, just by recognizing their sign in the horoscope.

For example, if your horoscope boss is Leo, you can be sure that he despises stingy people and hates mistrust in his address. Don't even try to doubt what he says!

The same applies to relationships with loved ones - find out what your behavior may not like this or that sign of the zodiac.

They prefer to live according to the laws of conscience.

They do not like it when people do not justify the hopes placed on them or do not keep promises.

Also, representatives of this sign are annoying:

  • the smallest lie that is almost impossible to hide from Pisces;
  • disbelief in their correctness - representatives of the sign will stubbornly prove their own, even if they themselves doubt it;
  • unrequited feelings;
  • unwillingness to cooperate with them;
  • people who go to bed late and wake up late are the exact opposite of Pisces;
  • ungrateful individuals;
  • alcohol - Pisces do not tolerate participants in drunken gatherings and drunken adventures;
  • unwashed dishes - cleanliness of this sign always comes first.

An independent initiative person does not like being told what to do and how to do it.

He lives according to his own script and can lay down a plan of action for others. He also dislikes:

  • excessive anxiety and obsession;
  • disorganization, inconsistent, chaotic actions, especially when it comes to work;
  • pressure from another person - after all, this is the prerogative of Aries himself;
  • unnaturalness in all its manifestations - both in character and appearance;
  • non-standard, avant-garde solutions - Aries trusts only positions that have been proven over the years;
  • boredom and monotony - you need to constantly surprise him, otherwise he will find a replacement for you;
  • nostalgic memories - Aries does not care what you had in the past, he only goes forward and does not tolerate stops;
  • people who often ask for services - Aries can be distracted by someone a couple of times, but no more;
  • injustice towards other people.

The owner of a stable life position. And no one dares to violate it by demonstrating views on life and expressing their opinions.

On the basis of this and not only Taurus are annoying:

  • fussiness and impatience - Taurus likes to decide everything deliberately and calmly;
  • disputes - in resolving any issues, he does not welcome heated debates, especially if people seek to talk him over;
  • uninteresting interlocutors - Taurus likes to communicate with people who can support any topic;
  • excess mobility around when people stagger around idle;
  • lack of style - clothes should create a harmonious image;
  • excessive manifestation of feelings, tenderness;
  • people who often take "sick leave" - ​​after all, the lazy Taurus will be thrown extra work.

A constellation that strives to sparkle brighter than all. They don't like it when someone tries to outshine them.

In addition, Gemini does not approve of:

  • honesty and truthfulness - they cannot bear to hear fair conclusions about themselves and their shortcomings;
  • conditions and restrictions - neither in work nor in communication do they like to be in a dead end;
  • secrecy - they should know everything and nothing should be hidden;
  • slowness of others;
  • people who talk a lot - it can only be them;
  • stupid and weak personalities - it's boring with them;
  • any manifestations of disrespect to his person.


Cancers are sedate, thoughtful people.

They do not like everything that violates their peaceful aura and is contrary to moral principles:

  • situations requiring hasty decisions and actions;
  • excessive frankness and requests from outsiders - Cancers do not want to load themselves with listening to unnecessary information and solving other people's problems;
  • irresponsibility and empty promises;
  • unkempt housing - Cancers are very neat people and do not tolerate the opposite from others;
  • feigned luxury - it is better to have modest comfort than tinsel chaos;
  • maneuvers on the roads - Crayfish prefer a quiet, intelligent ride;
  • unrestrained expression of emotions, such as loud laughter, squeals, screams;
  • hugs in plain sight, whether Cancer is a member or not.

The personality is proud and regal. He does not like it when they try to lead him by the nose.

If Leo sees this, you will not be in trouble. He still can't take it:

  • greed - he is very generous and expects the same from others;
  • people without a sense of humor, especially if they do not understand the jokes of Leo himself;
  • sharpness in communication, although representatives of the sign themselves often resort to this;
  • complaints about life - either do something or don't complain;
  • jealousy and distrust on the part of loved ones;
  • touches of strangers, even if it is a friendly kiss-greeting;
  • to be in any dependence on someone;
  • gossip and their vectors.

People born under the sign of Virgo have an increased need for order and neatness.

They are incredibly annoyed by unkempt shoes, scattered hair, and even people with bad teeth. In addition, Virgos can not stand:

  • intrusive questions related to their lives;
  • inhospitable people;
  • people who love to teach life;
  • the smell of cheap perfumes from others;
  • cheap treats;
  • forcing intimate relationships.

The main feature of Libra is friendliness and kindness. Therefore, they do not like cruelty and rude attitude.

Concerning life situations and values, then Libra does not like:

  • indifferent attitude towards oneself;
  • everything ugly - everything around should be beautiful;
  • disputes and their participants;
  • situations that force you to make a choice;
  • uninteresting people;
  • unreputable catering establishments;
  • gifts without a twist.

They do not like discipline, and especially when others demand it.

They also can't stand

  • discussing their personality and actions;
  • superficial consideration of issues;
  • manifestations of hypocrisy;
  • compassionate people;
  • unbelief - lack of faith in God, oneself, the future;
  • people living in utopias - Scorpios believe that you need to fight for a real goal, and not dream about something unrealizable.

The soul of the company, the main generator of ideas, the best adviser and expert in business - this is how I used to see myself. If someone tries to pull the rope to his side in these and a number of other issues, then he becomes his enemy.

Both women and Sagittarius men do not welcome:

  • someone else's superiority in beauty and intelligence, although they also want to see quite nice people in their environment;
  • people with an individual style - such people immediately fall out of favor with Sagittarius;
  • unshakable people whom the representatives of the sign are unable to influence;
  • failure to fulfill the promise;
  • boring and useless people;
  • indifferent attitude towards animals - with people who do not have pets, friendship will not last long.

Business man, active person. He respects people who set clear goals, achieve them, demonstrate their success and status. Those people who have not achieved anything and are not trying to do this, Capricorn neglects.

When dealing with this zodiac sign, know what he doesn't like:

  • interference of outsiders in his affairs;
  • all kinds of unpredictable situations - Capricorn has everything ten years ahead;
  • attempts to encroach on his personal freedom;
  • too wordy people - only he can talk a lot.

Aquarians cannot stand people who force them to do something, force them to perform tasks that are not interesting to them.

In general, representatives of this sign have a rich inner world, therefore they do not like to be limited, put before a choice, forced to a monotonous life.

In addition, Aquarians do not tolerate:

  • attempts to seduce them;
  • betrayal and deceit by relatives and friends;
  • open allusions to his vices;
  • people who live by conservative standards and who do not believe in things incomprehensible to science;
  • debts - Aquarius will sit on bread and water, but will not borrow;
  • encroachments on his peaceful sleep (screams, the hum of transport under the window);
  • wool, dust and other allergens.

Each of us is a unique individual with individual preferences. And if you're looking to build trust in different areas of your life, be sure to consider what different signs of the zodiac cannot tolerate. After all, be that as it may, the stars do not lie.

Capricorns get drunk secretly. So that no one can see. But, since drinking alone is boring and pointless, Capricorns just try to stay in the shadows: they sit in the far corner with a glass and make a sober look. It's not clear why, though. That is, it is clear only in one case: if you drink with a scorpion, then this is the best tactic. Everyone else, right, absolutely does not care if Capricorn is still sitting or has already fallen under the table.


Aquarius doesn't drink at all. Aquarius translates a precious product, according to his drinking companions. Because a drunken Aquarius is absolutely no different from a sober Aquarius, and an Aquarius drunk to death simply collects his belongings and leaves home, under the side of his beloved cat. The best minds of mankind are still struggling with this riddle: why do Aquarians drink at all? Well, what's the point?



If you are going to get drunk with Fish, get ready to be an extra in three dramatic plays: “Drank wine and laughed”, “Drank wine and sobbed”, “Drank wine, everyone sobbed”. The fish gets drunk, anticipating pleasure, and what kind of pleasure can there be if all eyes are not on you? Drunken Fish is the very case when even Lionesses unquestioningly crawl into a dark corner and choke there with impotent tears of envy. Because they won’t get a crumb of attention, everything is Rybka.


Aries gets drunk uncontrollably. It pours into its bottomless womb everything that can burn (and what does not burn, it dilutes with flammable liquids and also pours). It is not clear, however, why to overstrain like that, because after the first glass Aries begins to joke silly, confess his love to strangers and flirt with the object of his passion on the verge of rape literally. But in the morning, Aries never regrets anything. Because he doesn't remember a damn thing. Lucky!


Taurus gets drunk quickly. And it doesn’t matter at all for what reason: in grief, and in joy, and in loneliness, and in good company - the picture is always the same: just now the Taurus young lady sincerely thought that she would limit herself to one glass, when she suddenly discovers that she was lined up around a battery of empty glass containers, for some reason there are no more people around, but a long and heartfelt post on Facebook about how no one loves her came from somewhere. Oops.


The twins get drunk restlessly. In the sense that only an alcoholic coma can stop the Gemini, and that is not a fact. Who manages to get around 8 bars in a night? Twins. Who jumps from the roof of the Mausoleum at night? Twins. Who is inciting everyone to immediately go on a hiking trip to the places of military glory of the legendary urban gopniks (and he himself does not go anywhere, by the way)? Of course, Gemini. What for? Yes, no reason. For fun, if you know what we mean. If not, you are simply not a Gemini.


There are two types of Cancers. The former get drunk and open their tender, vulnerable soul and sometimes even their body to the world, especially if there is a sultry brunette with a big mustache nearby. The second ones also did this before, so now they don’t drink. At all. Never.

a lion

The lioness gets drunk neatly, and when drunk, she turns into a cute cat. In a cat that is terribly afraid to open its mouth and brecze stupidity, thereby in an instant breaking a reputation that took years to create. The main thing is not to poke her with a wand, otherwise you will have to listen to an endless story about how incredibly smart, pretty and successful she is, not like all of you miserable losers.


Virgo gets drunk thoroughly, as, indeed, does everything else. That is, the Virgin gets drunk, with her whole appearance, as if saying: “Look, this is how it is done.” And it plays a cruel joke on her. Because as soon as the Virgin gets completely drunk, the intellect turns off completely, and her true emotional essence comes out. And this entity looks, frankly, not very. Kind of like the Grand Inquisitor.


Libra gets drunk with inspiration. No reason is needed, all you need is the right mood and the right entourage: beautiful glasses, candles, melancholy music, and that's it. Yes, Libra knows a lot about libations. And that in the morning they find a terrible mess around them and suspicious personalities sleeping under the table - so in the morning. It's all the insidious green serpent, and Libra has nothing to do with it, so you know.


Scorpio drinks with love. No, really: alcohol solutionsbest friends Scorpio, because with their help you can turn others into even more obedient puppets. Alcohol does not work at all on the Scorpios themselves, and this law of nature needs to be cut down on their noses by anyone who risks inviting a scorpion as a drinking buddy. Then it will be too late to grieve, too late! You will not go anywhere, fall in love and you will dream all your life about repeating the experience. Dreaming in vain, most likely.


Sagittarius gets drunk with pleasure. Without fear and reproach, without a shadow of doubt. Because Sagittarius, in fact, does not need additional stimulation and knows how to play weird on a sober head in a way that all the other signs of the zodiac, taken together and drunk together, will not be able to do. So Sagittarius gets drunk simply because it's fun and tasty. Effects? What are these consequences? Sagittarius does not remember anyone, which means there was none. Very convenient, yes.

How the signs of the zodiac wake up in the morning

Life hack: if you broke a mirror in the morning, and stabbed household members, neighbors and the janitor Stepanych with fragments, then tell the judge: "It's not me, it's the stars." And you will be acquitted... Well, it is possible.


Decisive Capricorn is in no hurry to formulate his attitude to each particular morning, until he sorts out in his memory all the things that are coming that day. If things are nice, Capricorn gets up resolutely and resolutely brushes his teeth. And if things are not going well, Capricorn resolutely turns over to the other side, resolutely muttering into the corner of the blanket: “let them all go.”


Aquarius wakes up exclusively with the help of auto-training. There is no Aquarius in this world who would love to wake up in the dark. But in this world there is also no Aquarius who would not be able to do auto-training. Therefore, Aquarians feel great if they have at least a couple of hours of sleep, hot coffee and some weapons of mass destruction. The latter is exclusively for inner peace and harmony with the world.


Awakened Fish is such a Schrödinger Fish. You never know for sure whether she is already awake or not. Does she have good mood, whether it is a particularly sweet dream. Either she is in a bad mood, or she is fighting a monster in a dream. Yes, your tureen fights. And since Pisces love their dreams, they can oversleep for the rest of their lives. And you won't even guess.


Everything is complicated here. The fact is that Aries is already at seven in the morning usually cheerful, businesslike, focused and even, damn it, made up. Therefore, our editorial magic ball is not able to decipher exactly how Aries wakes up. But Occam's razor is quite capable of explaining this phenomenon: it's just that Aries never sleep at all.


Taurus selflessly hates seven in the morning, the alarm clock, Monday night and everything else associated with early rises. Even very calm Taurus (although “calm Taurus” is an oxymoron in itself) no, no, and they will throw an alarm clock at the wall. Yes, so much so that they are able to break through 50 cm of concrete with a plastic Samsung. From the awakening Taurus, you need to stay away for at least the first half hour. And who did not hide - do not say that you were not warned.


The twins sleep in turn of each of the subpersonalities. Therefore, the body of Gemini, in general, never gets enough sleep. His biorhythms change at the speed of a strobe - either he gets up at six in the morning, then he sleeps until six in the evening, and the Gemini himself is not able to predict how difficult it will be for him to get up, for example, at ten in the morning in a week. Well, the concept of “getting up on schedule” can break Gemini and everyone who inadvertently ended up in the radius of the shot, life.


For Cancers, the word “must” has magical properties. If others are able to turn off the alarm clock by squeezing the word “nafig” before the word “necessary”, then for Cancers it is necessary - it means it is necessary. Therefore, they simply do not think that they have any alternative to getting out of bed. They just doomedly get up, courageously stick their feet into slippers and purposefully go to the bathroom without sobbing. And over their heads a golden halo is poured with morning strength.


Lions jump out of bed quite cheerful, ready to jump and tear the throats of the victims scheduled for the day. The secret is that Leos have a unique ability to fill their lives with the maximum number of pleasant things for themselves. And the fact that for other people everything goes wrong, the Lions are either unaware, or do not care about saliva. Lions are always wildly surprised - why are you all so sleepy, losers? And the losers, of course, quietly hate Lviv.


Virgo, with a probability tending to one hundred percent, read this horoscope, sincerely perplexed: what's the problem getting up in the morning on an alarm clock? The alarm clock rings, the man gets up, the Volga flows into the Caspian Sea. To the problems of people suffering from the inability to tear their heads off the pillow in the morning, Virgos treat with squeamish sympathy. As to patients with some exotic, incurable and rather shameful disease.


For Libra, getting up in the morning without much enthusiasm, but much easier than for most signs. The bottom line is that there is no alternative to this very morning rise. Now, if you could choose: to get up or not, then there would be Libra and krants. Either conscience would devour debt, or debt would devour conscience, but whoever won, he would not have left living witnesses to this epic battle.


For Scorpios, getting up in the morning also does not cause any particular problems, but for a completely different reason than for Libra. Scorpio is a genius of excuses. So if Scorpio does not want to get up, then he will not get up. And no problem. And in front of the authorities, relatives or himself, Scorpio will smear himself without any negative consequences don't go to a fortune teller.


For Sagittarians, lack of sleep is a terrible torment. They suffer from it, they think badly and want to be handled. And no matter how old Sagittarius is, he still cannot get used to it, nor put up with it, and every morning he looks at the ringing phone as if he were a traitor. And many Sagittarians generally go to bed with the hope that the morning will never come. Apocalypse - well worthy alternative alarm call.

Text: Alexandra Smilyanskaya
Photo: Shutterstock

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