School kangaroo competition. International Mathematical Competition-Game "Kangaroo"

Competition "Kangaroo" is an Olympiad for all schoolchildren from grades 3 to 11. The purpose of the competition is to captivate children by solving mathematical problems. The tasks of the competition are very interesting, all participants (both strong and weak in mathematics) find exciting tasks for themselves.

The competition was invented by Australian scientist Peter Halloran in the late 80s of the last century. "Kangaroo" quickly gained popularity among schoolchildren in different parts of the Earth. In 2010, more than 6 million schoolchildren from about fifty countries of the world participated in the competition. The geography of participants is very extensive: European countries, USA, countries Latin America, Canada, Asian countries. The competition has been held in Russia since 1994.

Competition "Kangaroo"

The Kangaroo Competition is an annual competition, it is always held on the third Thursday of March.

Students are asked to solve 30 tasks of three levels of difficulty. Points are awarded for each correctly completed task.

The Kangaroo competition is paid, but its price is not high, in 2012 it was necessary to pay only 43 rubles.

The Russian organizing committee of the competition is located in St. Petersburg. Participants of the competition send all forms with answers to this city. Answers are checked automatically - on the computer.

The results of the "Kangaroo" contest are delivered to schools at the end of April. The winners of the competition receive diplomas, and the rest of the participants receive certificates.

Personal results of the competition can be found out faster - in early April. To do this, you need to use a personal code. The code can be obtained at

How to Prepare for the Kangaroo Contest

Peterson's textbooks contain problems that were in previous years at the Kangaroo competition.

On the Kangaroo website, you can see problems with answers that were in previous years.

And also for better preparation you can use the books from the series "Library of the Mathematical Club "Kangaroo". These books tell entertaining stories in mathematics in a fascinating way, provide interesting math games. The problems that were in the past years at the mathematical competition are analyzed, extraordinary ways their decisions.

Mathematical club "Kangaroo", issue No. 12 (grades 3-8), St. Petersburg, 2011

I really liked the book, which is called "The Book of Inches, Vershoks and Centimeters." It tells about how units of measurement arose and developed: pie, inches, cables, miles, etc.

Mathematical club "Kangaroo"

Here are some interesting stories from this book.

V.I. Dal, a connoisseur of the Russian people, has such a record “what a city, then faith, what a village, then a measure.”

For a long time, in different countries different measures were used. Yes, in ancient China for men and women's clothing various measures have been taken. For men, they used "duan", which was 13.82 meters, and for women they used "pi" - 11.06 meters.

AT Everyday life Measures varied not only across countries, but also across towns and villages. For example, in some Russian villages the measure of duration was the time "until the cauldron of water boils."

Now solve problem #1.

Old clocks lose 20 seconds every hour. The hands are set to 12 o'clock, what time will the clock show in a day?

Task number 2.

In the pirate market, a barrel of rum costs 100 piastres or 800 doubloons. A pistol costs 250 ducats or 100 doubloons. For a parrot, the seller asks for 100 ducats, but how many piastres will that be?

Mathematical club "Kangaroo", children's mathematical calendar, St. Petersburg, 2011

In the Kangaroo Library series, a mathematical calendar is released, in which there is one task for each day. By solving these problems, you will be able to give excellent food to your brain, and at the same time prepare for the next Kangaroo competition.

Mathematical club "Kangaroo"

Ben chose a number, divided it by 7, then added 7 and multiplied the result by 7. It turned out to be 77. What number did he choose?

An experienced trainer washes an elephant in 40 minutes, and his son 2 hours. If they wash the elephants together, how long will it take them to wash three elephants?

Mathematical club "Kangaroo", issue No. 18 (grades 6-8), St. Petersburg, 2010

This edition features combinatorial problems from a branch of mathematics that studies various relationships in finite sets of objects. Combinatorial problems occupy a large part in mathematical entertainment: games and puzzles.

Kangaroo Club

Problem number 5.

Count how many ways there are to install chessboard white and black boats on the condition that they do not kill each other?

This is the most difficult task, so I will give here its solution.

Each rook keeps under attack all the cells of that vertical and that horizontal on which it stands. And she occupies one more cell herself. Therefore, 64-15=49 free cells remain on the board, each of which can be safely placed with a second rook.

Now it remains to note that for the first (for example, white) rook, we can choose any of the 64 squares of the board, and for the second (black) - any of the 49 squares, which after that will remain free and will not be under attack. This means that we can apply the multiplication rule: the total number of options for the required arrangement is 64*49=3136.

When solving this problem, it helps that the very condition of the problem (everything happens on a chessboard) helps to visualize possible options relative position figures. If the conditions of conception are not so clear, you should try to make them clear.

I hope you enjoyed getting to know mathematical competition "Kangaroo" .

March 16, 2017 Grades 3-4 The time allotted for solving problems is 75 minutes!

Tasks worth 3 points

№1. Kenga made up five addition examples. What is the largest amount?

(A) 2+0+1+7 (B) 2+0+17 (C) 20+17 (D) 20+1+7 (E) 201+7

№2. Yarik marked with arrows on the diagram the path from the house to the lake. How many arrows did he draw wrong?

(A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 7 (E) 10

№3. The number 100 is multiplied by 1.5 times, and the result is halved. What happened?

(A) 150 (B) 100 (C) 75 (D) 50 (E) 25

№4. The picture on the left shows beads. Which picture shows the same beads?

№5. Zhenya made six three-digit numbers from the numbers 2.5 and 7 (the numbers in each number are different). She then arranged the numbers in ascending order. What is the third number?

(A) 257 (B) 527 (C) 572 (D) 752 (D) 725

№6. The figure shows three squares divided into cells. On the extreme squares, some of the cells are shaded, and the rest are transparent. Both of these squares were superimposed on the middle square so that their upper left corners coincided. Which of the figurines is visible?

№7. What is the most small number white cells in the figure should be painted over so that there are more shaded cells than white ones?

(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 (E)5

№8. Masha drew 30 geometric shapes in this order: triangle, circle, square, rhombus, then again triangle, circle, square, rhombus and so on. How many triangles did Masha draw?

(A) 5 (B) 6 (C) 7 (D) 8 (E)9

№9. From the front, the house looks like the picture on the left. Behind this house there is a door and two windows. What does he look like from behind?

№10. It's 2017 now. In how many years will the next year be without the digit 0?

(A) 100 (B) 95 (C) 94 (D) 84 (E)83

Tasks, evaluating 4 points

№11. Balls are sold in packs of 5, 10 or 25 pieces each. Anya wants to buy exactly 70 balloons. What is the smallest number of packages she will have to buy?

(A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 6 (E) 7

№12. Misha folded a square sheet of paper and poked a hole in it. Then he unfolded the sheet and saw what is shown in the figure on the left. What might the fold lines look like?

№13. Three turtles are sitting on a path in dots A, AT and With(see picture). They decided to gather at one point and find the sum of their distances. What is the smallest amount they could get?

(A) 8 m (B) 10 m (C) 12 m (D) 13 m (E) 18 m

№14. Between numbers 1 6 3 1 7 two characters must be inserted + and two characters × so that you get the best results. What is it equal to?

(A) 16 (B) 18 (C) 26 (D) 28 (E) 126

№15. The strip in the figure is made up of 10 squares with a side of 1. How many of the same squares must be attached to it on the right so that the perimeter of the strip becomes twice as large?

(A) 9 (B) 10 (C) 11 (D) 12 (E) 20

№16. Sasha marked a cell in the checkered square. It turned out that in its column this cell is fourth from the bottom and fifth from the top. In addition, in its line, this cell is the sixth from the left. Which one is right?

(A) second (B) third (C) fourth (D) fifth (E) sixth

№17. Fedya cut out two identical figures from a 4 × 3 rectangle. What kind of figurine could he not get?

№18. Each of the three boys guessed two numbers from 1 to 10. All six numbers turned out to be different. Andrey's sum of numbers is 4, Borya's is 7, Vitya's is 10. Then one of Vitya's numbers is

(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 5 (E)6

№19. Numbers are placed in the cells of a 4 × 4 square. Sonya found a 2 × 2 square in which the sum of the numbers is the largest. What is this amount?

(A) 11 (B) 12 (C) 13 (D) 14 (E) 15

№20. Dima rode a bicycle along the paths of the park. He entered the park at the gate BUT. During the walk, he turned right three times, left four times and turned around once. Through which gate did he leave?

(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D (E) the answer depends on the order of rotations

Tasks worth 5 points

№21. Several children took part in the run. The number of Misha who came running before three times more number those who ran after him. And the number of those who came running before Sasha is two times less than the number of those who came running after her. How many children could participate in the race?

(A) 21 (B) 5 (C) 6 (D) 7 (E) 11

№22. In some of the filled cells, one flower is hidden. Each white cell contains the number of cells with flowers that have a common side or vertex with it. How many flowers are hidden?

(A) 4 (B) 5 (C) 6 (D) 7 (E) 11

№23. A three-digit number is called surprising if among the six digits that it and the number following it are written, there are exactly three ones and exactly one nine. How many amazing numbers are there?

(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 3 (E) 4

№24. Each face of the cube is divided into nine squares (see figure). What is the most big number squares can be colored so that no two colored squares have a common side?

(A) 16 (B) 18 (C) 20 (D) 22 (E) 30

№25. A stack of cards with holes is strung on a thread (see picture on the left). Each card is white on one side and shaded on the other. Vasya laid out the cards on the table. What could have happened to him?

№26. From the airport to the bus station every three minutes there is a bus that travels 1 hour. 2 minutes after the departure of the bus, a car left the airport and drove to the bus station for 35 minutes. How many buses did he overtake?

(A) 12 (B) 11 (C) 10 (D) 8 (E) 7

The idea of ​​the competition belongs to the Australian mathematician and teacher Peter Halloran (1931-1994). He came up with the idea of ​​dividing tasks into categories of difficulty and offering them in the form of a multiple-choice test. Competitions of this type have been held in Australia since the mid-1980s; in 1991, the competition was held in France (where it was named after the country of origin), and soon became international. Since 1991, a small participation fee has been introduced, which allowed the competition to no longer depend on sponsors and provide symbolic gifts to the winners. An important advantage of the Kangaroo game is computer processing of the results, which allows you to quickly check a large number of works, and the presence of simple but entertaining questions. This led to the popularity of the competition: in 2008, more than 5 million schoolchildren from 42 countries participated in Kangaroo. In particular, the competition has been held in Russia since 1994; in 2008, about 1.6 million students participated.

Conducting a competition and assignments

The competition is held annually (in Russia - usually in March). Competitions are held directly in schools, which ensures mass character.

Tasks are compiled for five age categories: Écolier (in Russia - grades 3 and 4), Benjamin (grades 5 and 6), Cadet - (grades 7 and 8), Junior (grades 9 and 10) and Student (not carried out in Russia) . Each variant contains 30 tasks divided into three categories of difficulty: 10 tasks worth 3 points each, 10 - 4 points each, and 10 - 5 points each. Thus, the maximum possible number of points is 120. (In the junior category - Écolier - the most challenging tasks only 6, so the maximum possible score is 100.)

For the competition, the so-called [Olympiad problems] are selected. The simplest of them are usually accessible to many participants, the most difficult - to a few. Thus, the competition is interesting for students with different levels preparation.


Participants who scored 120 points in different years

5th grade

  • 2004 Igritsky Sasha (Moscow), Alekseeva Daria (Izhevsk)
  • 2005 Agaidarova Gulmira (Sterlitamak), Kruchinin Vladimir (Novocherkassk), Rotanov Nikita (Moscow), Shayzhanov Nuriman (Sterlitamak)
  • 2006 Vladislav Meshcheryakov (Moscow), Denis Sidorov (Sterlitamak)
6th grade
  • 2004 Brusnitsyn Sergey (Moscow), Safonov Sergey (Moscow), Tokman Vladimir (Bryansk), Yukina Natalia (Moscow)
  • 2005 Alexander Igritsky (Moscow), Ilya Kapitonov (Kazan), Evgeny Lipatov (St. Petersburg), Mikhail Makarov (Novouralsk), Serge Malchenko (Priozersky district), Irina Shemakhyan (Kanavinsky district)
  • 2006 Alexey Akinshchikov (Veliky Novgorod), Denis Asanov (Omsk)
7th grade
  • 2005 Yaroslav Krul (Ufa)
  • 2006 Tizik Alexander (Railway)
8th grade
  • 2004 Tatiana Statsenko (St. Petersburg), Olga Arutyunyan (Moscow), Pavel Fedotov (Moscow)
  • 2005 Evgeniy Gorinov (Kirov), Vladimir Krivopalov (Samara), Lyudmila Mitrofanova (St. Petersburg), Daria Privalova (Moscow)
  • 2006 Gushchin Anton (Yakutsk), Ogarkova Maria (Perm)
  • 2008 Maria Korobova (Kirov)
Grade 9
  • 2005 Harutyunyan Olga (Moscow), Nasyrov Renat (Nalchik)
  • 2006 Ekimov Alexander (Izhevsk)
Grade 10
  • 2004 Alexander Mikhalev (Izhevsk), Egor Krylov (Kurgan)
  • 2005 Dublennykh Denis (Pervouralsk), Zhdanov Sergey (Krasnooktyabrsky district), Tokarev Igor (Ufa), Chernyshev Bogdan (Krasnooktyabrsky district)

Also held in Russia:

  • Testing "Kangaroo - graduates" for 11th grade students. Designed primarily for self-testing the readiness of graduates for exams. The test consists of 12 "plots", for each of which 5 questions are asked.
  • Competition for teachers "Kangaroo forecast": teachers try to guess how difficult certain test questions will be for students.
  • Russian language competition "Russian Bear"
  • Competition for English language"British Bulldog"


  • international page (in French).
  • See also links to pages for other countries in the English article.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what "Kangaroo (Olympiad)" is in other dictionaries:

    Type of cartoon drawn Genre Musical Director Inessa Kovalevskaya Scriptwriter ... Wikipedia

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    Founded: 1989 Director: Kuzmin Alexey Mikhailovich Type: Lyceum Address: Tambov, st. Michurinskaya, 112 V Phone: Work ... Wikipedia

The Kangaroo competition has been held since 1994. It originated in Australia at the initiative of the famous Australian mathematician and teacher Peter Halloran. The competition is designed for the most ordinary schoolchildren and therefore quickly won the sympathy of both children and teachers. The tasks of the competition are designed so that each student finds interesting and accessible questions for himself. After all, the main goal of this competition is to interest the children, instill in them confidence in their abilities, and the motto is “Mathematics for everyone”.

Now about 5 million schoolchildren around the world participate in it. In Russia, the number of participants exceeded 1.6 million people. In the Udmurt Republic, 15-25 thousand schoolchildren participate in Kangaroo every year.

In Udmurtia, the competition is held by the Center educational technologies"Another School"

If you are in another region of the Russian Federation, please contact the central organizing committee of the competition -

Competition procedure

The competition is held in a test form in one stage without any preliminary selection. The competition is held at the school. Participants are given tasks containing 30 tasks, where each task is accompanied by five possible answers.

All work is given 1 hour 15 minutes of pure time. Then the answer forms are submitted and sent to the Organizing Committee for centralized verification and processing.

After verification, each school that took part in the competition receives a final report indicating the points received and the place of each student in general list. All participants are given certificates, and the winners in parallel receive diplomas and prizes, the best ones are invited to math camps.

Documents for organizers

Technical documentation:

Instructions for conducting a competition for teachers.

The form of the list of participants in the competition "KANGAROO" for school organizers.

Form of Notification of the informed consent of the participants of the competition (their legal representatives) to the processing of personal data (to be filled in by the school). Their filling is necessary due to the fact that the personal data of the contest participants are automatically processed using computer technology.

For organizers who want to additionally secure themselves for the validity of collecting the fee from the participants, we offer the form of the Minutes of the meeting of the parent community, by the decision of which the powers of the school organizer will also be confirmed by the parents. This is especially true for those who plan to act as an individual.

Sometimes life brings pleasant surprises.

My younger son became the winner International Mathematical Olympiad "Kangaroo-2016" by earning 100 points. Absolute result.

It is believed that for men, numbers are more important than feelings or emotions.

Therefore, as a man, I should immediately go to the statistics of the Olympiad, analysis of problems, analysis of solutions ...

A little bit later.

And now I will not dissemble and, like a man, with a restrained dryness, I will say:

I'm very pleased.

Who creates myths about "masculinity"?

"Majority", "gray mass", which, in the words of Franklin Roosevelt, 32 President of the United States,

"He can neither enjoy from the heart, nor suffer
because he lives in gray darkness,
where there is neither victory nor defeat.

Emotions are the essence human life. Contact with reality, with Life generates emotions. Those who do not feel do not experience emotions.

Such a person is either not alive, or an official.

Both my grandfather and my father, who went through the Second World War, happened to not hide their emotions when talking about it.

The athlete who won the hardest fight, standing on the pedestal, does not hide tears of joy.

Why should I be hypocritical? I am very pleased and I feel proud of my son.

School education has completely discredited itself.

The impact of school grades on the fate of the child is minimal or negative. Any school evaluation is no more important to me than the opinion of any of the representatives of the "majority".

But the Olympics are a different reality. Here the child can really show his abilities, will, ability to overcome himself and the desire to win...

Therefore, for the development of the child, the formation of his self-esteem, the Olympiads have a completely different meaning ...

100 points is good and pleasant.

But even just participate in the Olympics, where there is nowhere to write off and no one to ask and ... to score these very points more than the "Average" - for a child this is already a victory. An important milestone in its development. The first experience of victories. The seeds of success that will inevitably sprout in his adult life.

To give the child the experience of such independence is closer to the concept of "Education" than the whole program. modern school, which stereotypes the child's thinking, kills his abilities in the bud and minimizes the chances of becoming a truly successful and happy person.

Therefore, when, a week after the announcement of the results of the Kangaroo Mathematical Olympiad, my son took second place in the boxing tournament, I was no less happy, and maybe even more.

Yes, he could not outplay on points an opponent who was older and more experienced. But the judging panel of the competition, among whose members were two world champions, awarded the son special prize: "For the will to win".

Self-confidence, and not fear of "bad evaluation" - this is what true education should be directed to. Because it is this quality that will allow a child to become successful in adult life, and not slide into a "gray mass that knows neither victories nor defeats" ...

And it doesn't matter where this quality is formed: in math or boxing classes...

Or even chess...

Therefore, when it turned out that my son reached the final of the Grand Prix Cup of the Russian Chess School, I was also happy. This time in the final, he failed to take a prize. “But still,” I said to myself, “To reach the final after a six-month series of qualifying rounds is not so bad, what do you think? ..”

...Too early and too narrow specialization is the enemy of natural and effective human development.

Even in agriculture for. to avoid soil depletion and maintain its productivity at long years carry out the so-called. "Crop rotation", sowing different crops in one field...

Even if Vitali Klitschko, the world heavyweight champion, has a chess rank and is able to hold out with ex-world chess champion Garry Kasparov for 31 moves ... why can't an ordinary boy develop legs, arms and head at the same time - for the benefit of "everything yourself"?

What ordinary peasants have understood for thousands of years, unfortunately, is not understood by most teachers and parents ... Otherwise, we would live in a different society, more reasonable and happy.

And with fewer officials on one human soul.

Sometimes I hear: "Oh, what a capable child! .."

What are you all about?!

Remembering and paraphrasing Professor Preobrazhensky from The Heart of a Dog, I will say:

What are your "Abilities"? teacher-educator kindergarten? School teacher with a diploma from a pedagogical university that has eroded the remnants of rationality and humanism? Yes, they do not exist at all! What do you mean by this word? This is what: if I, instead of raising and educating my own child every day, let the aforementioned "specialists" do it, then after a while I will find out that he has a "lack of abilities." Therefore, "ability" is in your desire to raise your own child and in understanding how to do it correctly.

This is what I will talk about in a series of open summer webinars on school education.
